American Wars

Join the army and see the world. Meet interesting people and kill them.

Death beckons.  
I joined the British Army to serve Queen and Country. Fighting for Israel was not part of my plan. It is what they are doing now.


American War Crimes
They happen in the best run outfits from time to time. Others have them a lot more often.


Americans In Afghanistan
Why are they there? Oil is the answer.


 Invasion of Grenada - perhaps the last American victory
Was sold to us as an American over-reaction to a non-issue. The reality was rather different. The people of Grenada were pleased about the whole affair but would have preferred the British Army. The peace loving Cubans were there with Russian armoured personnel carriers [ BTR 60 ] and Russian anti-aircraft guns [ ZSU 23 ]


Operation Urgent Fury = Grenada
Is about the Nightstalkers, an American outfit and sounds honest too. The cock ups were part of the fun.


US As An Exporter Of Terrorism
They worry about being seen as trouble makers. One answer would be to stop but that does not seem to be an option. This paper is classified SECRET.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated on 10/11/2018 11:55