Gaza History

Jews invaded Gaza during the 1967 War, then held it until 2005, leaving it as the world's biggest Concentration Camp. Starving prisoners was high level policy. It still is. Now, ten years on Haaretz comments. Haaretz was prone to tell the truth until it was gripped by the Zionist crazies who run Palestine, the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel. After the Jews attacked Egypt they carried out the USS Liberty Massacre, killing 37 Americans because they were intercepting radio traffic as the Jews were murdering Egyptians prisoners of war. Some things do not change.
PS Notice that the Wikipedia refers to the USS Liberty incident as distinct from mass murder. The truth is being bent.


Sharon’s Gaza Disengagement Was a Necessary Act of Self-preservation Says Haaretz
The revisionist version of history has expunged from Israeli memories the untenable moral, material and human costs of occupation. [ Yes they are Moral Cretins - Editor ]

On May 11, 2004, six Israeli soldiers were killed when their M-113 armored personnel carrier (APC) exploded in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza city. Islamic Jihad fighters were photographed celebrating around the bodies of the dead soldiers and mutilating them. The next day another five soldiers were killed when their identical APC was hit by RPG fire, near the Philadelphi route.
A few Jews come unstuck, then they whine about their problems while ignoring the thousands they have murdered.


Israel's Gaza Disengagement in 12 Powerful Images ex Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Disengagement, 10 years later: how little things change
Gaza disengagement recalled in a tearful exhibit that is divorced from reality

It has been ten years since one of the most dramatic events in recent Israeli history nearly tore the nation apart: Between August and September 2005, Israel unilaterally pulled out of the Gaza Strip and four northern West Bank settlements. Thousands of citizens [ Jews in fact - Editor ] were relocated within the Green Line in a plan masterminded by former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon better known as the Disengagement.

After seizing the Gaza Strip during the 1967 Six-Day War and occupying it for 38 years, Israel evacuated 21 settlements in the coastal territory that was home to some 1.3 million Palestinians at the time of the disengagement, along with the four West Bank settlements. The plan aimed to bolster security for Israelis and lessen the tensions between them and the Palestinians. All in all, some 9,000 Israeli citizens were relocated.

The Disengagement produced images that shocked the nation and reverberate to this day. On the tenth anniversary of the historic event, Haaretz takes a look back at some of them.
Jews like whining about their problems real or imaginary, even they have caused them. Pictures follow.


They are enjoying themselves.