The Highlands of Scotland were the last stronghold of tribal society in the British Isles and the oldest form of society. The clans went to war against an England that was no longer tribal but a nation under one king. The clans were for the Stuarts in 1715 AD and 1745 AD. They were broken on Culloden Moor [ [ 1 ] page 1 ] and never recovered. Then General Wade built his military roads which gave the Army access to tribal areas and they were never able to break out after. The MacGregors held out for a time though.
The land became a place of farms, manufacture and commerce rather than one of picturesque savages and bandits while clan chiefs became landowners rather than masters of men and men were dispensable. Some were kept on as shepherds or crofters that is as smallholders. The rest were cleared. A lot went to Canada which is why Canada has Princess Patricia's Own and other regiments which wear the kilt.
The men who controlled the Highlands had a loyalty to the tribesmen. Those that came after had a loyalty to their own interests. This made them like the merchants and industrialists of England. It is fair to say that English law moderated the excesses of capitalism while inventiveness and commercial enterprise made England great. The common people had their problems but they could rise if they had brains, drive and initiative. These things created Western civilization, the greatest civilization in the world. It is now being destroyed by alien control and alien subversion but that is a subject for other places.
This little essay owes all to Common People, 1746-1946 by G.D.H. Cole and Raymond Postgate.
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Updated on Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:29:11