The Holocaust® - A View

This offering came from Buck Turgidson writing for alt.conspiracy Whether he is right or wrong he is making sensible points. Jews involved in selling The Holocaust Industry are not likely to say that he is right. They make too much money from it for that.


"Buck Turgidson" <> wrote in message


    * Hitler did indeed dislike the Jews, and strongly desired to rid
Germany of them.  This desire was shared by most of the top Nazi
leadership.  It was rooted in Jewish domination of certain sectors of
German finance and industry,8 and, more important, the prominent Jewish
role in Soviet Bolshevism, which was seen by most Germans as a mortal

    * To achieve this end, the Nazis implemented various means including
evacuations, deportations, and forced resettlement.  Their main
objective was to remove the Jews, not kill them.  Hence their primary
goal was one of ethnic cleansing, not genocide.  This is why no one has
ever found a "Hitler order" to exterminate the Jews.

    * Of course, many Jews would likely die in the process, but this was
an unavoidable consequence.

    * The initial plan was to forcibly acquire the island of Madagascar
from France, and to ship the Jews there (for a good account of this
episode, see Mattogno and Graf 2005: 179-193). 

    * By mid-1941, due to speedy victories in the Soviet Union, large
areas of territory came under German control, and hence the plan
changed-the Jews would be shipped to the east.

    * By mid-1943, things were turning bad for the Germans.  Soon
shipments to the east were no longer viable (due to the Soviets
regaining their land), and furthermore all available manpower was needed
to support the war effort.  Thus deportations became subordinated to
forced labor-and hence the heavy reliance on Auschwitz, which was first
and foremost a labor camp.

    * A major problem with deporting and interning large numbers of Jews
was disease, especially typhus.  Therefore a major effort was needed to
kill the disease-bearing lice that clung to bodies and clothing.  All
Nazi camps were thus equipped to delouse and disinfest thousands of

    * The primary means for killing lice was in "gas chambers," in which
clothing, bedding, and personal items were exposed to hot air, steam, or
cyanide gas ("Zyklon-B").  The gas chambers described by witnesses
really did exist-but every one was built and operated as a disinfesting
chamber, not as a homicidal gas chamber.

     * The larger part of witness testimonies-both from former (Jewish)
inmates and from captured Germans-consists of rumor, hearsay,
exaggeration, or outright falsehood.  This does not mean that entire
testimonies are invalid, only that specific claims must be verified by
scientific methods before we should accept them.  In particular, claims
about casualty figures, mass burials and burnings, and murder with
diesel exhaust are largely discredited.
      The total number of Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis-the
"six million" number-has been highly exaggerated.  The actual death toll
was perhaps 10 percent of this figure:  on the order of 500,000.