“Jews had a prominent role in Communist parties elsewhere..” (Chaim Bermant, The Jews (1977)).
Louis Marschalko [ Louis Marschalko - Metapedia ], of 3000 total personnel at the trial, 2400 were Jews. The man in charge of procuring all personnel for the trial, Colonel David "Mickey" Marcus , was a Zionist Jew.
The world conquerors: The real war criminals Louis Marshalko " Louis Marschalko - a Hungarian nationalist - published this book in 1958. " The World Conquerors," surveys the worldwide advance of communism from a ..."Himmler’s iniative alone, one of Hitler’s ministers, Franz Schegelgruber, recorded a conversation he had with Hans Lammerer, the Minister of the Interior,
The Significance of Revisionism Refined "Hitler's Minister of the Interior, Hans Lammerer, recorded in a note of a phone conversation with the Fuehrer that "Hitler wanted the solution of the Jewish ..."He relies on the standard “explanation”, first promulgated by Mr. Philip Graves, that they are a plagiarism of an earlier book by Maurice Joly, “The Dialogues Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu”.
New light on The Jewish Protocols - What the Jewish Talmud teaches ...
In any event, the Jews were at great pains to disprove the “Protocols” when they first appeared in the west. First, a Princess Radziwill claimed to know their true origin. She was exposed as an embezzler and a liar.
The “Protocols” speak of wearing down national rights by endless wars with no clearly defined victories. Endless examples come to mind, from the inconclusive splitting of Europe at the end of WW2 to Korea, Vietnam and the present bogus “War on Terror”.
Mr. Fred Leuchter, another by Walter Luftl, still another by Germar Rudolf. All the technical reports conclude that: (1) the buildings lack any of the necessary design qualifications of a real “gas chamber”
nazigassings.com by Friedrich Paul Berg.
From the earliest beginnings, the Gestapo (part of the SS) was controlled by its architect OberGruppenFuhrer Heinrich Mueller, who — according to CIA Counterintelligence, was recruited by General Abakumov of SMERSH, Soviet Military CounterIntelligence.
Why did the Germans have a special SS court under Judge Konrasd Morgen for investigating camp abuses if it were German policy to kill Jews?
Did not Chaim Weizmann himself, in “Trial and Error”, state that “It is a fundamental law of history that whenever the number of Jews in a country exceeds the saturation point, that that country reacts against them”? Did he not classify this as a “fundamental law of history which cannot be confused with anti-Semitism in the ordinary and vulgar sense”?
Does Mr. Hollick know of the King-Crane Commission Report of 1919 prepared at the request of President Woodrow Wilson?
Mr. Hollick probably also knows that the Nazis themselves collaborated with the Zionists in moving 10-15% of Germany’s Jews to Palestine before the war through the Transfer Agreement. The names of Mark Blumenfeld, George Kareski, George Landauer and Siegfried Moses come to mind. Did not the infamous Stern gang offer to ally the Jewish underground with the Germans to fight the British in Palestine in 1940-1942?
I could even point out that many of the left-wing Labour Zionists in Palestine, such as David Ben-Gurion, Nachman Syrkin, Dov Ber Borochov and others, were ideologically very closely related to the Marxist Jews who later made the Russian revolution. This does not enhance the status of Zionism either.
“SS: Himmler’s Black Order” is an erudite book written by a senior British Police Officer. I suggest you read it. You just might learn something.
As to the argument that Judaism forms a strong part of western civilization that is true in the sense that Christianity is an offshoot of the parent religion. In any other sense, it is flatly false. Judaism has been at war with western civilization for a long time. It was at war (literally as well as figuratively) with the mighty Roman Empire. The barbarities inflicted upon the Greek and Roman populations of Alexandria are only too shockingly described by the ancient historians, such as Dio Cassius.
The whitewash and varnish has been penetrated and exposed many times by Johannes Buxdorf, Johannes Eisenmenger, the converted Jews Pfferkorn and Donin and others. No competent student of the subject believes the pretenses for a second.
I certainly do claim that communism/Marxism, 1880 through 1950, was a Jewish movement. Any number of Jewish reference works make this clear. Whether one reads Nora Levin, Jonathan Frankel , Tony Michels, or Gerald Sorin on the subject, they all quite candidly admit that socialism/communism were the movement of the impoverished masses of Russian Jews. You can get the books and read them; I won’t bother to quote them. Or, you can get the latest contribution, the highly praised “Jewish Century” by Yuri Slezkine in which the documentation of the Jewish control behind Stalinist communism is so overwhelming that no further dispute on the subject is possible
you may review the overwhelming intelligence reports of the British Foreign Office and Scotland Yard, post WW1 where the evidence for Jewish overrepresentation in the Bolshevik commissariats is in the 50%-90% range. Or, if you simply prefer juicy pictures, you might look up Cecille Tormay’s old classic, “An Outlaw’s Diary” [ Down load it from http://www.archive.org/details/outlawsdiary02tormuoft ], in which the faces of the “Hungarian” commissars of Bela Kun are pictured. A few actually were Hungarian but most of them weren’t.
But if that were true, there hardly would have existed a vast worldwide communist press published in Yiddish. Remember the “Morning Freiheit”, “'Der Hammer”, “Der Emes” and all those other red journals published in a language which only ghettoized Jew boys understand?
like Phil Piratin and Emmanual Shinwell, just as “English” as Moses. Not everyone from the USA is stupid, Mr. Hallick. We just do not get as much TV time as the paid liars of Zionism.
In 1911, Cdr. Menzies, the first chief of MI5, British Security, was tasked with ascertaining the chief causes of revolutionary sentiment. His masters expected the answer “Fenianism.”
The Jew Bill of 1753, giving Jews citizenship, had been passed by parliament and actually signed by the king. But then it was repealed under pressure that included the claim that there were too many poor, criminal Jews in the country.
The communist revolutionaries in Russia (mainly Jewish) were largely subsidized by wealthy Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff, Olaf Achsberg [ Olof Aschberg ] and Dimitri Rubenstein [ Dmitri Rubenstein ]. So much for the idea that Jews cannot work together because they are diametrically opposed on everything.
Rumania was targeted by the banker Bleichroeder [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerson_von_Bleichröder ]
[ See Gold and Iron on Bismark's banker ] for its attempts to protect its population from Jewish excesses in the 1870’s. After the First World War the Jews got the British Empire to issue the Balfour Declaration in exchange for that famous “contract with Jewry” testified to by David Lloyd George and Mr. Samuel Landmann. The Jews sent delegations to the Paris Peace Conference from the USA, Great Britain and Eastern and Western Europe where they succeeded in getting “minorities treaties” imposed on the nations of Central and Eastern Europe. Does this not suggest a co-ordinated, transatlantic Jewish power at work, Mr. Hollick?
Let us take one example from both the British Empire and present day America. It was Jews like Barney Barnato, Ernest Oppenheimer, Werner and Beit, Lionel Phillips, Samuel Montague, etc. who got the British to attack the Dutch in South Africa so that Jewish financiers could get their hands on the mineral wealth of South Africa.
Theodore Herzl write in ”Der Judenstaat” that “the Jews are a people, one people”?
Hitler always liked to attend performances of Shakespeare by Max Reinhardt when he was living in Vienna. He was also partial to the part-Jewish soprano Margarete Slezak whose career at the Berlin State Opera
Hitler even said of Edward Bloch, who treated Hitler’s mother, Klara, for cancer that Dr. Bloch was a good Jew and that if all Jews were like Dr. Bloch, there would be no “Jewish problem”. Hitler had his paintings marketed by Viennese Jews like Morgenstern, who he frankly confessed was his “financial angel” in his starving artist days.
I regard Zionism, which so many English Jews like Lucien Wolf so vehemently opposed, as a regression to the ghetto. English Jews once looked upon Zionism with infinite alarm.
Majdanek Victims Enumerated
“Changes in the history textbooks? Lublin scholar Tomasz Kranz has established that the Nazis murdered
78,000 people
at the Majdanek concentration camp-several times
fewer than previous estimates”
“The Balfour Declaration” by Leonard Stein and “Palestine: The Reality” by J.M.N. Jeffries.
The British government issued this declaration as a “payoff” to the Zionists for alleged influence over President Woodrow Wilson for getting the US into WW1 on Britain’s side. Numerous Zionists in both England and America worked on this declaration. These included Chaim Weizmann, Nahum Sokolow, Moses Gaster, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Felix Frankfurter, Richard Gottheil, Benjamin Cohen and others. They collaborated with Lords Alfred Milner, Robert Cecil, Jan Christian Smuts, Leo Amery, William Ormsby-Gore and others to produce the declaration. The declaration served Zionist objectives, toned down somewhat to meet British objections of too strong a declaration of in intent.
Balfour Declaration would jeopardize the rights of the Jews living in any other country.) Edwin Montagu, Lucien Wolfe, Moses Montefiore, David Alexander and Leonard Cohen moved heaven and earth to try to defeat the declaration.
An honest Jew like Alfred Lilienthal who opposes the state of Israel is to be preferred to a gentile “I am a Zionist” like Joseph Biden.
Statement by Richard Lynn,
Professor Emeritus
University of Ulster, December 5, 2005:
“I’ve checked out Churchill’s Second World War and
the statement is quite correct - not a single
mention of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the
Jews, or of ’six million’ Jewish victims of the war.
Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559
pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World
War total 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle’s three-volume
Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals
7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts),
published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no
mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’
of the Jews, or of ’six million’ Jewish victims of
the war.”
Perhaps it is because he decries terrorism, yet never apologizes for the terrorism perpetrated by the Irgun at Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948. He refuses even to comment on it. He dismisses this act of terrorism in eight short words in his memoirs, All Rivers Run to the Sea. He remembers the Jewish victims at Kielce, Poland (July 1946) with great anguish, but ignores twice as many Palestinian victims of his own employer at Deir Yassin. The irony is breathtaking.
(Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to
the West (197
p 16)
“(The Jews) Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev had always argued that the peasant would never surrender enough food voluntarily, and must be coerced and, if need be, crushed” (*Paul Johnson A History of the Modern World (1983) p 268).
(*Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p 398).
Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow (1986) p243).
Eugene Lyons was sent to Russia in 1928 as chief correspondent for the United Press agency. Arriving as an enthusiastic communist, he was able to experience the Soviet experiment at first hand. He became extremely disillusioned. He described the famine in his book Assignment in Utopia (published in 1937) in the following terms:
Churchill, The Second World War, vol. IV p448). However Churchill – thank God for Winston Churchill - had no further comment to make on the matter. Controlling the agenda is always so important!
Lyons, himself Jewish, credits the Jewish commissar Lazar Kaganovich with the major portion of responsibility for this major crime against humanity:
“Lazar Kaganovich… it was his mind that invented the Political Departments to lead collectivized agriculture, his iron hand that applied Bolshevik mercilessness.” (*Lyons, p 578). The Encyclopaedia Britannica says tersely, “(Kaganovich) was one of the small group of Stalin’s top advisors pushing for very high rates of collectivization after 1929.. Within the Politburo, Kaganovich and Molotov led the opposition to Kirov’s proposed concessions to the peasantry and to his attempts to relax the harshness of Stalin’s control.. (Kaganovich) opposed Krushchev’s de-Stalinization..”. Kaganovich died at the ripe old age of 98 in 1991 (Encl. Brit.), ethnically safe from pursuit by the Israeli secret service, the Simon Wiesenthal organization, the New York media-intelligentsia or other hunters of real or imagined war criminals or human rights violators.
Arthur Koestler, Soviet Myth and Reality in The Yogi and the Commissar (1945) Muggeridge, Lyons, Chamberlin… Yet this episode has been completely, entirely, totally ignored by our guardians of history, morality and political correctness…
Millions of persons were executed or sent to labour camps. In his magnum opus The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn credits Naftaly Frenkel, a ‘Turkish-born Jew’, with being works chief / chief overseer of the one-hundred-and-forty-mile-long Belomor (Baltic-White Sea) canal, built entirely with slave labour (paperback edition, vol 2 p 72).
Yakov Rappoport was deputy chief of
construction (p 7
and Matvei Berman was the Chief of Gulag (p 79).
Frenkel, Berman and Rappoport are amongst six men
described by Solzhenitsyn as ‘hired murderers’,
‘each of whom accounted for thirty thousand lives’
(p 91). Is Solzhenitsyn alone in his accusations?
Why are these names generally unknown to ordinary
citizens in the West?
(Sarah Gordon Hitler, Germans and the ‘Jewish Question’ Princeton University Press (1984) p 23).
Bernal, Black Athena vol. 1 pp. 367, 387).
The leadership of the Bolshevik Party had a preponderance of Jews and included Litvinov (real name Wallach), Liadov (Mandelshtam), Shklovsky, Saltz, Gusev (Drabkin), Zemliachka (Salkind), Helena Rozmirovich, Serafima Gopner, Yaroslavsky (Gubelman), Yaklovlev (Epstein), Riaznov (Goldendach), Uritsky and Larin. Of the seven members of the Politburo, the inner cabinet of the country, four, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Radomsky), Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Sverdlov, were Jews.”
“Jews had a prominent role in Communist parties elsewhere..” (Chaim Bermant, The Jews (1977)).
Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys: a woman survivor’s true story of Auschwitz (Granada/ Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972).
Martin Gilbert, indefatigable
Jewish campaigner on behalf of the ‘Holocaust’ and
biographer of Winston Churchill, adds to the rich
flavour and makes his own numerical claims,
certainly not without chutzpah:
In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he
The basic Talmudic principle is that only Jews are human; non-Jews are merely animals in human form fit to be enslaved or exterminated by the “Chosen People”. This is a precise description of what happened under Jewish bolshevism. It is therefore obvious that Communism was merely a secular form of Judaism. Mr. Hallick should consult an arcane reference work, “From Moses To Marx”
There used to be a little pamphlet entitled; “Why Don’t You Believe What We Tell You?” with documented quotations by Jews themselves on the relation between their religion and communism. I pose the same question to you, Mr. Hollick: Why don’t you believe what the Jews tell you?
“Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle For The Soul Of The Jewish People”. It was published in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of February 8, 1920. Jews today continue to be of a strongly leftist persuasion. I believe the British Labour Party and the odious Mr. Brown are largely subsidized by wealthy capitalist Jews like Mendolsohn, Abrams and Sugar. Am I not correct?
And was not Julius Rosenwald, the owner of Sears, one of the financiers of the Jewish communist agricultural colonies in the Crimea during the 1920’s? Consult “Farming The Red Land”
Let me quote you from a very interesting article in the November-December 2008 edition of the “Nationalist Times”. It is entitled “A Hate With No Name” by Edmund Connelly. A few paragraphs read:
Petras’s recognition that the source of the problem is ‘Jewish distrust of the non-Jewish world (and) their unwillingness to compromise’ is consistent with the views of John Murray Cuddihy, author of the seminal work on modern Jews, ‘The Ordeal of Civility’. Cuddihy pointed to the tendency for Jewish intellectuals to examine the white Christian world ‘in dismay, with wonder, anger, and punitive objectivity.’
E. Michael Jones’ Culture Wars. A letter to the editor read as follows:
Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique’ or David Duke’s “My Awakening” and read them. If you cannot stand Duke, read MacDonald instead. They both deal with the same data and reach the same conclusions.
“The Jewish Revolutionary Tradition” by E. Michael Jones. Although extremely lengthy (over 1100 pages) it is very well written and covers the history of the Jews from Roman times into 20th century America. It has some particularly interesting chapters on English Protestantism and its connections with the Jews in the time of Queen Elizabeth. You can get it off Amazon for$30.
Examples are Martin Luther 9 [ The Jews And Their Lies ]. Johannes Eisenmenger, Johannes Buxdorf, etc. Numerous converted Jews, such as Nicholas Donin, Rabbi Pfferkorn and, in our own day, the late Professor Israel Shahak, have all documented the true nature of the Talmud.
It is true that in courtroom trials of the Talmud in the 19th century, such as in the case of August Rohling and the priest Father Pranaitis in Czarist Russia, the anti-Semites have sometimes embarrassed themselves
If you consult the Pranaitis translation, “The Talmud Exposed” or Benjamin Freedman’s little pamphlet, “Facts Are Facts: The Truth About Khazars”
In the 1930’s the Jews translated the Talmud into English for the first time. This was the Soncino press edition of the Talmud, presided over and edited by the chief rabbi of England, J.H. Hertz.
I read an article that you published in “Free Life” in 1993 regarding a Mr. Baron which raised certain issues I believe should be addressed. Some of the comments made there seem to be affecting your thinking now.
(And please do not tell me that the Germans started the bombing of civilians. They did not. The British government itself admitted it in a little book called “Science and Government” published back in 1960
“The Vampire of the Continent” by Count Ernst Vom Rezentlow [ The Vampire of the Continent by Ernst Graf zu Reventlow ] for a purely factual description of the crimes of the British Empire cleansed of the usual limey apologetic polish and varnish.
Both the English and the Americans were deeply implicated in Operation Keelhaul, under which over a million Russian and Cossack refugees were repatriated back to Joseph Stalin to be murdered. Dwight Eisenhower personally murdered over a million German soldiers after they had surrendered by deliberately starving them in his camps for “Disarmed Enemy Forces”. Under the circumstances playing ball with the Yids by going along with a hoax of a murdered “six million” might look attractive.
That the colonization of Palestine was carefully planned and executed is well established and evidenced in the Zionist diaries and documents that have been discovered by the new historians Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé, Avi Shlaim, Tom Segev, Hillel Cohen.
The aspect of the conquest/colonization process that has received scant attention is simply this.
A relatively small, well organized military force is perfectly capable of capturing territory and terrorizing its rightful owners out of possession but it is not capable of holding that territory as the numerically superior dispossessed become organized into a viable force. To hold territory, it is necessary to recruit a population to settle the land.
My curiosity regards this matter was first aroused when I became aware of the collaboration between certain Zionists, the Irgun (or Lehi as it was then known) and the Nazi regime. This is well documented- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)
Lenni Brenner also deals with this comprehensively in his “Zionism in the Age of the Dictators” http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/
I do not subscribe to a conspiracy of Jews as such but I can see very clearly how Zionists might have had a very strong interest in fostering the Holocaust narrative both during and after the War and in encouraging Jews to abandon their domiciles in Europe and the Middle East in order to buttress the conquest of Palestine subsequently.
The Lavon affair
..bolsters this theory as does the account given by
Naim Giladi:
There is evidence that the testimony of Rudolf Höß was obtained through torture and threats to his family. His confession to the murder of 2,5000,000 is now known to be more than twice the most generous estimate of the deaths at Auschwitz during its entire existence, let alone during his tenure. He subsequently recanted his confession.
But the entire subject of statistical manipulation is extremely complicated because of the doctored data. I recommend to you Walter Sanning’s book “The Dissolution of European Jewry” for a highly competent study of the question.
Given these political realities, an anti-Jewish reaction was inevitable. These views were very common in the United Kingdom after WW1, Tony. You can read the old articles in “The Morning Post” edited by Mr. Gwynne, for just one example.
Since this is a libertarian blog, I think it only fair to point out that the late Murray Rothbard was a convinced Holocaust Denier. He also freely admitted that Jews were, in fact, responsible for communism.
As an older New Zealand citizen
(I am 60) I became involved in on-line debate via a
purely local matter just over two years ago, shortly
before Israel attacked Lebanon. A fellow History
buff and I who take coffee together most days were
discussing the subject and I turned to the internet
to clear up a few matters. By chance I happened upon
this essay:
…and my World got turned around.
I was so astonished by this essay that I had to establish for myself the facts of the matter.
Since that time I have spent most of my leisure tracing the facts of Israel’s re-birth in 1948, sourcing first-hand accounts and documents where possible and discussing it on-line.
It was in a quest for information primarily to defeat some of the revisionist claims that I became aware that many respected historians - Liddell-Hart, Trevor-Roper, even Jewish historians like Raoul Hilberg to name a few, had published material at variance with the established narrative. I also became acquainted with the work of Ilan Pappé and the “new historians of Israel.
“The Fraud of Zionism” to be found on the Radio Islam website. I welcome any comments on it.
I took a look at the Bistrup essay. It is quite good. The piece is well researched and historically accurate. As to the proposed solution, I do not think it has a chance. Unfortunately, after the world can no longer tolerate Israel’s wars and provocations any longer, I think it will come down to the Roman General Titus approach. That is unfortunate but I suspect that Professor Tony Judd would agree with me.
Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.
– David Ben Gurion, quoted in The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.
– David Ben Gurion, quoted in The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.
– David Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).
“There is no such thing as a
Palestinian people… It is not as if we came and
threw them out and took their country. They didn’t
– Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15
June, 1969.
“We walked outside, Ben-Gurion
accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What
is to be done with the Palestinian population?’
Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said
‘Drive them out!”
– Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin
memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October
“If we thought that instead of
200 Palestinian fatalities, 2,000 dead would put an
end to the fighting at a stroke, we would use much
more force….”
– Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, quoted in
Associated Press, November 16, 2000.
Richard Crossman’s old book, “Palestine Mission”
I refer you to the United Nations
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees:
…..which contains no such provision. It does contain this however:
Article 2. General obligations
Every refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order.
John Bagot Glubb
Commander of the Zionist Legion of Arabia
In case neither of you have noticed, the lie of racial equality has been sponsored by the same Jews who have been promoting the Holocaust Hoax. Does this not suggest something to you? Racial equality, the idea that all the races and breeds are equally capable, was devised in the 1930’s by a Jewish communist pseudo-anthropologist named Franz Boas. It has been faithfully carried on by a long line of similarly red “scholars”, most of them Jewish, like the late Ashley Montague (Israel Ehrenburg).
“Hidalgo” means precisely “son of the Goth”.
In fifteenth century China, when Xeng Hue sailed a fleet of 400 ships around the World leaving traces of DNA and artifacts in the Americas and Oceania, traders and merchants were regarded so poorly that they were not permitted to sleep within the city walls. (Given the pass that merchants and bankers have recently brought us to, perhaps that was not such a bad idea!)
Why don’t you simply consult “The Utter Normality of Ethnocentrism-For Everyone But Whites” by Professor Kevin MacDonald and perhaps then we can drop the nonsensical pretense that race does not count.
Let us begin with the Maori Battalion during WWII.
Said by Rommel to be the greatest fighting force he
had ever encountered.( Knight’s Cross: A Life of
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel New York: Harper Collins)
General Bernard Freyberg commented “No infantry had
a more distinguished record, or saw more fighting,
or, alas, had such heavy casualties, as the Maori
2 VCs, 7DSOs, 21 Military Crosses (3 with bar), 13
DCMs were awarded this unit.
Not simply warriors however.
Te Rangi Hīroa, also known as Sir Peter Henry Buck,
KCMG, DSO (Gallipoli), MBChB, MD (ca. October 1877 –
December 1, 1951)
The Maoris were tough warriors. So what? So were the Zulus and a lot of primitive tribes. I’ve heard Kiri Te Kanawa. Vastly overrated. I would rather listen to Jussi Bjoerling.
Bill Cosby made himself very unpopular with blacks by suggesting it wasn’t whites who were responsible for black failure. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have said the same thing. Even Eldridge Cleaver, the sixties radical, recanted and stated quite openly that if he were white observing blacks in their natural state in Africa, that he, too, would believe in black genetic inferiority. And oh yes, now that we are on the subject of unpopular points of view, did not the hallowed and revered Mahatmas Gandhi, the darling of every Hollywood pinko, state that Zionism was wrong because it aimed to dispossess the rightful Arab owners of Palestine? Did he not also propose, in his South African days, that the British and Hindus should jointly share power and lord it over those worthless kaffir-niggers? (I believe he did. You “learned gentlemen” can look it up on the internet in between debating me.)
Now on to Professor MacDonald. I believe I can speak with some confidence on his views as I know him personally as well as having read his books. I recall that he was highly amused at my definitions of Nazism as: (1)Zionism for gentiles and (2)a copyright infringement of the “Chosen People” concept. I can assure you that the only difference between Professor MacDonald and me is that I am even more forthright.
From: “What do you say after you say Hello?” by Eric Berne M.D.)
Since you lecture me on the need to control barbaric impulses, I will quote you Adolf Hitler regarding English propaganda. “Remember, gentlemen, if this empire (the British) actually believed in the principles for which it now professes to be fighting, it would never have been created in the first place.”
William Hastings, who said that : “Sirs, when I think of how much more I could have stolen, I am astonished by my own modesty?” You should read the excellent speech by Senator Gerald Nye entitled “Aggression Builds the British Empire”. “The Way of the Aggressor” is also quite cogent on the way the English kept continental Europe in turmoil 1550-1814 by playing off one continental rival after another. I won’t bother to go into Oliver Cromwell’s Navigation laws by which the ships of other nations were declared the prey of English privateers. Which history of which British Empire have you been reading?
As Der Fuehrer put it in a Sportspalast speech: “The poor Arabs of Palestine are defenseless and forgotten; the Germans of Czechoslovakia are neither defenseless nor forgotten.” You are, of course, quite correct that the majority of American colonials wanted to remain loyal to England. They are lucky they lived before Lord Balfour’s time; had they read his mewling assurances of fair treatment to the Arabs the American Revolution could have killed more Redcoats a lot more easily. (”Forewarned is forearmed.”)
“The Authoritarian Personality” by Theodore Adorno, have you? Actually, I grew up in the least authoritarian family you could imagine. You are off the mark again.
Where did you get this nonsense that human civilization started in Africa? You might as well tell me that human civilization started in Haiti. There used to be a book entitled “Great Accomplishments Of The Black Race” with numbered blank pages. I suggest you read it.
I do have two Hattori Hanzo katanas,
Hattori Hanzo, “The Man from Okinawa” is the world’s finest swordsmith. You can meet him in his Okinawa Sushi Bar in Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Kill Bill.”
He it is who forged the finest samurai blades for members of the Deadly Vipers Assassination Squad. Beatrix Kiddoo (Uma Thurman) persuades him to break his vow never to make a killing blade again.
Here is his entry from Wikipedia:
I’m a Member of Swordmasters International, BTW.
From John Thames
Dr. Robert John’s “The Palestine Diary”
Arnold J. Toynbee, Dr. John was unable to find an academic publisher for the “Palestine Diary”. Eventually the “Palestine Diary” was published in Beirut by the Institute For Palestine Studies and in New York by New World Press. New World Press had its presses burned by unknown assailants and its entire run of copies destroyed.
the Joan Peters “From Time Immemorial” nonsense
The Origins of
Political Correctness
So the Marxists’ had a problem. And two Marxist
theorists went to work on it: Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg
Lukács in
Hungary. Gramsci said the workers will never see their true class interests,
as defined by Marxism, until they are freed from Western culture, and
particularly from the Christian religion – that they are blinded by culture
and religion to their true class interests. Lukács, who was considered the
most brilliant Marxist theorist since Marx himself, said in 1919, "Who will
save us from Western Civilization?" He also theorized that the great
obstacle to the creation of a Marxist paradise was the culture: Western
civilization itself.
Felix Weil has become a Marxist and has lots of money to spend. He is disturbed by the divisions among the Marxists, so he sponsors something called the First Marxist Work Week, where he brings Lukács and many of the key German thinkers together for a week, working on the differences of Marxism.
He endows an institute, associated with Frankfurt University, established in 1923, that was originally supposed to be known as the Institute for Marxism. But the people behind it decided at the beginning that it was not to their advantage to be openly identified as Marxist. The last thing Political Correctness wants is for people to figure out it’s a form of Marxism. So instead they decide to name it the Institute for Social Research = Frankfurt School,
Max Horkheimer
One of Marcuse’s books was the key book. It virtually became the bible of the SDS and the student rebels of the 60s. That book was Eros and Civilization. Marcuse argues that under a capitalistic order (he downplays the Marxism very strongly here, it is subtitled, A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, but the framework is Marxist)