Hungarian Soviet Republic

The Hungarian Soviet Republic was inflicted on the world in 1919. It did not last but it did much evil. It was run by a Jew, an ugly vicious Jew called Béla Kun.

See for yourself. 

Hungarian Soviet Republic ex Wiki
The Hungarian Soviet Republic.....  was a short-lived Socialist state established in Hungary in the aftermath of World War I. Literal precise meaning: "Republic of Councils in Hungary".

Lasting only from 21 March until 1 August 1919, the republic led by Béla Kun was not recognized by France, the U.K. or the U.S.[4] and collapsed when Romanian forces occupied Budapest during the Hungarian-Romanian War. It was the first Communist government to be formed in Europe after the October Revolution in Russia brought the Bolsheviks to power.

The successor to the state was the Hungarian People's Republic, the Kingdom of Hungary was formed after the Romanian Army pulled out of Hungary.
Deeply sincere evil was the basic approach.