The Labour Research Department

The Labour Research Department is not part of the Labour Party. In fact it is a Marxist operation set up by the Fabian Society. Their Socialism, Fabian socialism has the same objectives as Lenin & his Useful Idiots but uses different means; a gradual approach, infiltration rather than Revolution. The Wiki's article does not admit this fact, which might be thought evidence of Fabian guilt. 

Labour Research Department ex Wiki
The Labour Research Department (LRD) is an [ allegedly ] independent trade union based research organisation, based in London, that provides information to support trade union activity and campaigns. About 2,000 trade union organisations, including 51 national unions in the UK, representing more than 99% of total Trades Union Congress (TUC) membership, are affiliated.

LRD had its beginnings as the Committee of Inquiry into the Control of Industry, set up by the Fabian Society in 1912. The following year the committee was consolidated as the Fabian Research Department. Its first monthly bulletin was established in 1917, as the Monthly Circular. In 1918 the organisation broadened its membership and changed its name to the Labour Research Department.


LRD Was Controlled by the Communist Party Of Great Britain
In 1942, the Labour Research Department (which had originally been founded in 1912 as the Fabian Research Department, an offshoot of the Fabian Society) was accused of being controlled by the CPGB; it too was proscribed and remained so until 1971, though many branches of Labour-affiliated trade unions in struggle continued to find enormous value in its publication of companies’ accounts and directorships in the intervening decades. While some LRD staff members were CPGB members, it was financed and controlled by its 592 affiliated bodies, only 11 of which could be described as largely communist-influenced organisations.
Labour Party Marxists are not keen on admitting communist control of anything but they do admit the accusation.