Permanent Revolution

Permarev was advocated by Trotsky and others of that ilk. It sounds suspiciously like what is happening throughout Christendom this very day. Culture War is being waged against us by an Invisible Enemy. Their objectives are Cultural Genocide, Ethnic Fouling followed by Genocide. They are succeeding.

Permanent Revolution ex Wiki
Permanent revolution is a term within Marxist theory, established in usage by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels by at least 1850 but which has since become most closely associated with Leon Trotsky. The use of the term by different theorists is not identical. Marx used it to describe the strategy of a revolutionary class to continue to pursue its class interests independently and without compromise, despite overtures for political alliances, and despite the political dominance of opposing sections of society.

Trotsky put forward his conception of 'permanent revolution' as an explanation of how socialist revolutions could occur in societies that had not achieved advanced capitalism. Part of his theory is the impossibility of 'socialism in one country' - a view also held by Marx, but not integrated into his conception of permanent revolution. Trotsky's theory also argues, first, that the bourgeoisie in late-developing capitalist countries are incapable of developing the productive forces in such a manner as to achieve the sort of advanced capitalism which will fully develop an industrial proletariat. Second, that the proletariat can and must, therefore, seize social, economic and political power, leading an alliance with the peasantry.

The term has also been used to describe Thomas Jefferson's endorsement of periodic rebellion as "medicine necessary for the sound health of government".
Could this be what Her Majesty's Government is inflicting on us with malice aforethought? It certainly could. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition can be depended on for the malice and the cunning too. Jefferson's endorsement is an acceptance that corrupt abuse of power is normal. He was right.


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Updated  on Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:29:27