Wall Street Helps Bolsheviks


INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE ORDER AT 120 Broadway: George Webster Adams (The Order '04) Allen Wallace Ames (The Order '18) Philip Lyndon Dodge (The Order '07) Here are the main sections from the Thacher memorandum: "First of all ... the Allies should discourage Japanese intervention in Siberia.
In the second place, the fullest assistance should be given to the Soviet Government in its efforts to organize a volunteer revolutionary army.
Thirdly, the Allied Governments should give their moral support to the Russian people in their efforts to work out their own political systems free from the domination of any foreign power ...
Fourthly, until the time when open conflict shall result between the German Government and the Soviet Government of Russia there will be opportunity for peaceful commercial penetration by German agencies in Russia. So long as there is no open break, it will probably be impossible to entirely prevent such commerce. Steps should therefore be taken to impede, so far as possible, the transport of grain and raw materials to Germany from Russia."
1 The reader should note in particular paragraph two: "In the second place, the fullest assistance should be given to the Soviet Government in its efforts to organize a volunteer revolutionary army." This assistance has been recorded in my National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union. It was in fact the hidden policy adopted at the highest levels, in absolute secrecy, by the United States and to some extent by The Group (especially Milner) in Great Britain. Thacher apparently did not have too much success with the French Government. When President Woodrow Wilson sent U.S. troops to hold the Trans-Siberian railroad, secret instructions were given by Woodrow Wilson in person to General William S. Graves. We have not yet located these instructions (although we know they exist), but a close reading of the available files shows that American intervention had little to do with anti-Bolshevik activity, as the Soviets, George Kennan and other writers maintain. So grateful were the Soviets for American assistance in the Revolution that in 1920 - when the last American troops left Vladivostok - the Bolsheviks gave them a friendly farewell

Reported the New York Times (February 15, 1920 7:4): 1 The full document is in U.S. State Department Decimal File Microcopy 316, Roll 13, Frame 698. Note in particular the sentence: . . . calling the Americans real friends, who at a critical time saves this present movement." Normally reports inconsistent with the Establishment line are choked, either by the wire services or by the rewrite desks at larger newspapers (small papers unfortunately follow New York Times). This is one report that got through intact. In fact, the United States took over and held the Siberian Railroad until the Soviets gained sufficient power to take it over. Both British and French military missions in Siberia recorded the extraordinary actions of the United States Army, but neither mission made much headway with its own government. So far as aiding the Soviet Army is concerned, there are State Department records that show guns and ammunition were shipped to the Bolsheviks. And in 1919, while Trotsky was making anti-American speeches in public, he was also asking Ambassador Francis for American military inspection teams to train the new Soviet Army. l 1 See Antony C Sutton, Notional Suicide (Arlington House, New York, 1974) and Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution (Arlington House, New York. 1974) "

II. THE ORDER PUSHES FOR THE SOVIETS IN THE UNITED STATES However, it was in Washington and London that The Order really aided the Soviets. The Order succeeded not only in preventing military actions against the Bolsheviks, but to so-muddy the policy waters that much needed vital raw materials and goods, ultimately even loans, were able to flow from the United States to the Soviets, in spite of a legal ban. The following documents illustrate how members of The Order were able to encourage Soviet ambitions in the United States. While the Department of Justice was deporting so-called "Reds" to Russia, a much more potent force was at work WITHIN the U.S. Government to keep the fledgling Soviet Union intact. Publisher's Note: To assist readers with the very poor reproductions of the following two letters we print our reading from the copies that we have. 211