White phosphorus is a chemical which burns on contact with air and makes white smoke; whence the name. It also keeps on burning when it lands on people. This is not funny. It needs to be covered with sand to stop it. Its alleged purpose is to make smoke and hide troop movements during attacks. In practice it is an anti-personnel weapon whether it is intentional or not. It comes as a hand grenade and as a 155mm [ 6 inch ] artillery round. The American number for it is M825A1; it uses a timer to give air bursts and cover an area.
The Jews used it during Gaza Massacre I when there was no need for concealment. They attacked a UN school with it, then denied it. Lying comes easy to them. Using people in Gaza as experimental animals to test the machineries of war is an act of deeply sincere evil.
There is a report by Human Rights Watch, an outfit set up by Jews to help their own. It deals with Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza. It says they are criminals acting maliciously against civilians.
055 Phosphorus
On November 8th, 2005 the film "Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre", documented the use of White Phosphorus against civilians and children by military forces of the USA. Days later, U.S. army spokesmen, facing incontrovertible evidence, were forced to confirm WP had been used during the major assaults on Fallujah. So we burned them to a crisp? Whoops! Luckily CNN didn't talk about it, right? That's why the following reader was completely outraged, because he simply didn't have the slightest idea what his army had done in his name...
Satanic State
See Willy Pete in action, being used on Palestinian Untermenschen [ the Nazi term for subhumans ]
Jews Attack UN compound With White Phosphorus [ 16 January 2009 ]
Israeli forces shelled the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency with phosphorus bombs and artillery rounds yesterday, setting fire to the compound and destroying food and humanitarian supplies, officials said. Thick smoke was still billowing from the building in Gaza City last night as UNRWA workers and fire fighters struggled to salvage the food worth millions of pounds. The compound had been used to shelter hundreds of people fleeing Israel’s 20-day offensive in Gaza. Israeli officials said that an end to the fighting was in sight despite the recent escalation of the ground offensive.
Jews are vicious war criminals but they control Bush, Obama, Blair, Brown Sarkozy et al so they do not need to worry. White phosphorus is nasty stuff.
Jew with M825A1, American 155mm white phosphorus rounds. They are alleged to be pale blue by someone colour blind. The D544 rounds are conventional high explosive
Another Jew with WP - source(?) http://australiansforpalestine.com/esposito-the-israeli-arsenal-deployed-against-gaza-during-operation-cast-lead
Jews Used M825A1 White Phosphorus Rounds Against Gaza
Is killing Palestinians fun? That's how it looks.
The American Army Wants Another 43 Thousand In 2009
They want them. They intend to use them.
Smoke Rounds
The available types.
They are quite complicated devices. They burst quietly which is an indicator of smoke or poison gas.
Israel Treated Gaza Like Its Own Private Death Laboratory
"... as well as 200 U.S.-made M825A1 phosphorus mortar shells on "Hamas .... 2008 refused to criticize illegal Israeli settlement construction at Har Homa ..."
Someone is not amused.
This one lived.
Jews use high tech area weapons against civilians, against humanity, against the laws of war.
White Phosphorus Can Spoil Your Day
This unlucky lad was in Gaza when he was attacked by Jews.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
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