
Is run by a thief. He is a black thief so that is all right unless you happen to live there but the BBC and other subversives love it. They hate white men and whatever else Mugabe may be, it isn't white.

Until Mugabe took over Zimbabwe was fertile and produced plenty of food but not now. The land is still good but with no farmers food just doesn't grow. Rob them and murder them and they stop farming even if they want to.

How Mugabe punished 1.5 million Black people in 1 month...
It is easy really. Just get bulldozers and destroy people's houses for them. If they are shanties it is that much easier. They will think twice before voting against him next time - if there is a next time. Even the Jews in Israel aren't quite so blatant when they do it.


Sir Ian Smith Still Believes in Zimbabwe's Future
Ian Smith, former prime minister of Rhodesia, has worked his entire life for freedom and democracy in his native land, which has been renamed Zimbabwe.....

Insight: The charge, often is made that the white settlers came in and took all the best land and left the indigenous tribes with very poor, worn-out lands.

IS: There's no substance to that, but that is a common story by people who just wish to malign the white people. The British [government] simply said, "You leave all the black people where they are presently living." And it was divided pretty well equally. About one-third was tribal-trust land for the black people, about one-third was allocated for commercial farms and one-third was state land in between that could be used for different purposes: forest lands and game parks and future expansion of lands for the black people.......

Insight: But today Robert Mugabe says that 4,500 white farmers own 70 percent of the country's best farmland. He has encouraged squatters just to take over farms.

IS: It really has nothing to do with land. Mugabe today controls 4 million acres of vacant government land that already has been paid for. Why doesn't he give it to these chaps? The government originally had 9 million acres, bought and paid for, but they gave a lot out to the comrades and Cabinet ministers who just took the best land -- they stole it, just walked onto it. They still haven't paid for it.
Mugabe has gone from being a thieving Marxist to being an incompetent, thieving murderous Marxist with the enthusiastic connivance of the BBC.


Zimbabwe for Real
It is not a fun place to be. A lot of people have forgiven Sir Ian Smith. The BBC and communists haven't but then they don't live there.


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Updated  on Wednesday, 09 August 2023 23:09:06