Operation Quisling

Operation Quisling is named after Vidkun Quisling, the Fascist traitor of Norway. He was given a fair trial and shot for his pains. He refused the chance to escape; preferring to face a trial by his own. He had some sense of honour unlike the treacherous swine that run England.

It succeeded on 29 March 2019 at 23:00 GMT when Brexit did not happen, when we did not leave the European Union as scheduled, as required by law. We were betrayed by Theresa May, Her Majesty's prime minister and by Parliament.  One view is put by Robert Henderson; he wrote of #May’s manner.

Today, 29th March 2019  is B Day, Brexit Day. We are due to leave at 23.00 GMT but we have been betrayed by Her Majesty's prime minister, Theresa May and by Parliament. As Robert Henderson told us:-
May’s demeanour has been much commented upon because despite engaging in persistent  and obvious lying she has remained surreally calm. This is easily explained, she is achieving precisely what she set out to do, namely, sabotage Brexit.

May   will  probably see herself variously as St Theresa the  Martyr  and Agent May in enemy territory (the UK) carrying out OPERATION  QUISLING on behalf of the EU.
Hendo  is right. The Establishment hates Democracy and us. That is why they are using the Great Replacement to destroy England.