
The Metapedia gives us a List of Old Norse Proverbs, which starts with:-

 A cleaved head no longer plots.

It is a truth, a grim truth, one that serves as a reminder on how to deal with corrupt politicians. It follows on with

A head stuck on a pike no longer conspires. &
A lying tongue had bereft him of life, and all without reason of right.

You might feel that this is never going to be very popular with politicians, salesmen & other rogues of that ilk

Cattle die, kinsmen die; the self must also die. I know one thing which never dies: the reputation of each dead man.
This was a favourite of Bill Pierce, the leader of the National Alliance, a White nationalist. He wrote The Turner Diaries.

Praise day at even, a wife when dead, a weapon when tried, a maid when married, ice when 'tis crossed, and ale when 'tis drunk.
Sensible? Yes

Put to the sword those that disagree.
A sound view of politicians.