Al Nakba

Al Nakba is Arabic for the disaster. It is what happened to them when they were driven from Palestine by the Jews in 1948. It is Ethnic Cleansing until the Jews start telling their version. An exception; there are honest Jews tells us the truth in The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - The  Wikipedia's version of the truth is at Nakba Day.

In fact there are still some Palestinians left. They are being harassed systematically, with malice aforethought. That is policy too. Nakba Day is generally 15 May, the day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israel's Independence. The Jews have made it illegal to commemorate this day. See Bethlehem Marks al Nakba - on the point. They also made it illegal to say that the Holocaust® story -  is a pack of lies. It is their approach to history and propaganda. There is a film at 15 May 1948 is Nakba Day is generally commemorated on 15  May - see Al Nakba or

Israel Is Born
On the 14 May. Disaster starts on 15 May. Jews with power are not a pretty sight.


Palestinian Eviction 1948 ex Wiki
The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"), occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War that preceded it The exact number of refugees is a matter of dispute. The causes remain the subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis.

Nur-eldeen Masalha writes that over 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants left their towns and villages in 1948, while Rashid Khalidi puts the percentage at 50. Factors involved in the flight include the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, an unwillingness to live under Jewish control, Jewish military advances, and fears of massacre after Deir Yassin, which caused many to leave out of panic. Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented them from returning to their homes, or claiming their property. They and many of their descendants remain refugees. Later in the war, Palestinians were expelled as part of Plan Dalet. The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing, while others dispute this charge.

During the 1949 Lausanne conference, Israel proposed allowing the return of 100,000 of the refugees as a goodwill gesture prior to negotiation for the whole refugee population, though not necessarily to their homes, and including 25,000 who had returned surreptitiously and 10,000 family-reunion cases. The proposal was conditional on a peace treaty that would allow Israel to retain the territory it had taken, and on the Arab states absorbing the remaining 550,000–650,000 refugees. "The Arab states rejected the proposal on both moral and political grounds."

The status of the refugees, and in particular whether Israel will grant them their claimed right to return to their homes or be compensated, are key issues in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The events of 1948 are commemorated by Palestinians on May 15, now known as Nakba Day.

The history of the Palestinian exodus is closely tied to the events of the war in Palestine, which lasted from 1947 to 1949, and to the political events preceding it. In September 1949, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees existed outside Israel,[21] with about one-quarter of the estimated 160,000 Palestinian Arabs remaining in Israel as "internal refugees".

Israel maintains that the Palestinians left because they were ordered to and were deliberately incited into panic by their own leaders who wanted the field cleared for the 1948 war. The Palestinians say they were evicted at bayonet-point and by panic deliberately incited by the Zionists.

Efraim Karsh [ a Jew chooses to claim that he ]  believes that the Israeli government never took such a "simplistic, single-cause viewpoint". Walid Khalidi and Ilan Pappé [ an honest Jew ] say that the expulsion was based on a deliberate policy. Based on the protocols of Israel's cabinet meetings, the Haganah Archive in Tel Aviv, and the IDF and Israel Defense Ministry Archive in Givatayim, a number of historians have concluded that around half the Palestinians who became refugees were evicted by the Israeli army but this was not an organized policy [ but they are Jews with access to the system. Is anyone stupid enough to believe them? Editor ].
History is written by the victors? No, history is written by Jews. History is propaganda; the truth is secondary.


Plan Dalet
Plan Dalet, or Plan D, was a plan worked out by the Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary group and the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces, in Palestine in autumn 1947 to spring 1948. Its purpose is much debated. The plan was a set of guidelines[1] the stated purpose of which was to take control of the territory of the Jewish State and to defend its borders and people, including the Jewish population outside of the borders, in expectation of an invasion by regular Arab armies. "Plan Dalet" called for the conquest and securing of Arab towns and villages inside the area allotted to the Jewish state and along its borders. In case of resistance, the population of conquered villages was to be expelled outside the borders of the Jewish state. If no resistance was met, the residents could stay put, under military rule. According to the academic Ilan Pappé, its purpose was to conquer as much of Palestine and to expel as many Palestinians as possible. though according to middle eastern historian [ the Jew, ] Benny Morris there was no such intent.
Believe a Jew? Think carefully first.


As Palestinians commemorate al Nakba, Avigdor Lieberman threatens to outlaw it
Today Palestinians across the Middle East, including inside Israel, commemorated al Nakba. Arabic for “the catastrophe”, al Nakba refers to the ongoing displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people that began in 1948 with the founding of the state of Israel. Nakba Day is a time to remember Palestinian history and mark the ongoing struggle of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands. Because this is such an important time of national unity and resistance, it should come as no surprise that Israel wants to make it illegal.

From Reuters:

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s party wants to ban Israeli Arabs from marking the anniversary of what they term “the Catastrophe” or Nakba, when in 1948 some 700,000 Arabs lost their homes in the war that led to the establishment of the state of Israel.

The ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu party said it would propose legislation next week for a ban on the practice and a jail term of up to three years for violators.

This is reminiscent of the pre-Oslo Israeli policy of banning Palestinian flags.  That was an effort to quash Palestinian national resolve. It failed, and this will too. Lieberman, and the Israeli leadership, need to understand that criminalizing al Nakba will not make it go away. They have no choice but to confront Israeli history; there won’t be peace until they do.
Comparing al Nakba with the Holocaust® story will really bring the pains on.


Bethlehem Marks al Nakba
Bethlehem today marked al Nakba with a march through the town centre and speeches by local organisers and youth.

The march which was well attended by local school students, who shut early to mark the occasion, attracted well over 1,000 participants. Student marching bands played drums and chanted as they walked through the town. Banners reading “no peace without return to our homes” were also paraded by local youth. Young girls wore black t-shirts with the names of Palestinian towns destroyed during the Israeli war of independence.

Al Nakba, or “The Disaster”, is held the same time of year as Israeli Independence Day. It is the Palestinian day to mark the mass expulsion of Palestinians from what is now Israel, during Israel’s war of independence in 1948 and the 1967 Arab-Israeli “Six Day War”.

The Israeli army has stepped up its presence in the West Bank for the commemoration which will be marked over three days. For the first time ever it will be illegal to commemorate al Nakba in Israel this year with the passing of the controversial “Nakba Law” by the Israeli Knesset in March of this year.
It is illegal to commemorate al Nakba in Israel. It is also illegal to say that the Holocaust® story is a pack of lies. Some lies are much more profitable than others.


A Jewish Fighter Recalls 'Nakba' Horrors
Amnon Neumann recalls some of what he saw and experienced of the “Nakba” (the Palestinian “Catastrophe’) as a fighter of the Zionist “Palmach” forces. He describes some of “the horrible things we did” in 1948 because of “Zionist ideology,” including forcible expulsions of Arabs from Palestinian villages where they and their ancestor had lived for centuries, as well as killings and destruction of homes. This testimony was given in June 2010. Neumann speaks in Hebrew, with English subtitles. Runtime: 14:52 mins.
Neumann is a Jew and a war criminal who knows he can talk, knows he will get away with the murders he committed. But even so he is not telling it all.


Nakba Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The term was first used to reference the events of 1948 in the summer of that same year by the Syrian writer Constantine Zureiq in his work Ma'na al-Nakba ..."

7. 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

8. al-Nakba: the Palestinian "Catastrophe"



Al Nakba - Before &  After
The Nakba: Before and After
May 15 marks Israel’s 64th independence day. This year’s Jewish calendar commemorated it on April 25.

For Palestinians, May 15 represents 64 years of Nakba suffering. Survivor testimonies bare [ sic ] witness. No words adequately explain their catastrophe. An unnamed Jew said:

“I am writing through tears. I wept when I saw the photo of the ruined village of al-Sanbariyya because it was my former brother-in-law who helped destroy the village and the lives of those who lived there.” “My now deceased brother-in-law was born in Los Angeles and after World War II decided he wanted to live in Palestine. He met his wife-to-be at a training camp somewhere in the midwest.”........

“As a Jew who was raised to believe in justice for all peoples, I believe that it is my obligation to speak out about Israel and to try in whatever way possible to bring about a better life in Palestine for the people who belong there… The people who were so cruelly evicted from their lands.”.........

The Nakba’s untold story reflects a cultural catastrophe. More on it below.

On May 15, Haaretz called Nakba “part of Israel’s history,” saying:

Netanyahu doesn’t understand that Israel’s national anthem “addresses only one people, the Jewish one.”

Few Israelis know or remember the Nakba catastrophe. For Palestinians, it reflects “the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of refugees and their millions of relatives, for whom May 15 – the day the establishment of the State of Israel was announced – symbolizes the day they lost their land, property and status.”..........

Palestinians once lived in peace with neighbors. Britain and Zionist extremists changed what’s so far not restored. A collective dream never died. It won’t until fulfilled.
A Jew writes, a Jew tells the truth. It happens from time to time. Stephen Lendman is the author. He is so important that the Wikipedia pretends he does not exist. He is being airbrushed out of history.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:28