Chemical Warfare

An over view of the whole subject from the Wiki is at Chemical War

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons    
Chemicals are outlawed by international treaty. OPCW is there to enforce the ban. It is accused, credibly of fraud after an attack in Syria. There was another earlier attack. Gwynne Dyer explains the players, the pressures, the motives. See Syria Gas Attack Carried Out By America. Today's OPCW report reads as an action replay. See also France's part in rigging OPCW report. It restates the fraud story.


Japanese Chemical Warfare Experiments
Their cruelty was gross. Their indifference to human suffering was total and the their victims were mainly Chinese. Do they get bad press? Not really. In fact the British Army kept men in ignorance when they were holding Japs after the war. Otherwise there would have been some very justified killings. 

Jews Used Chemical & Biological Weapons Against Palestinians  [ 1 December 2022 ]
Academics  Benny Morris of Ben-Gurion University and  Benjamin Z. Kedar of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem have produced an extraordinary paper [ ‘Cast thy bread’ Israeli biological warfare during the 1948 War.htm2448 ] based on a welter of archival material, exposing in disturbing detail the hitherto obfuscated dimensions of an operation by Zionist forces to use chemical and biological weapons against both invading Arab armies and local civilians during the 1948 war.

That brutal conflict created the state of Israel, and led to permanent displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, known as the “Nakba" – Arabic for disaster, catastrophe, or cataclysm..........

With Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Transjordan all having expressed an intention to invade Palestine when Britain left – and having been actively encouraged in this regard by British intelligence – Zionist guerrillas began mounting an offensive, not merely to neutralize Arab fighters, but capture territory, destroying houses and civilian infrastructure along the way, to prevent displaced residents from returning.

In order to augment the latter component of this effort, ensure Zionist seizure of Arab villages and towns was permanent, facilitate easier conquest of further areas, and hinder the progress of advancing Arab armies, these militias began poisoning wells with bacteria to create local epidemics of typhoid, dysentery, malaria and other diseases, in direct violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol, which strictly prohibits “the use of bacteriological methods of warfare.”.............

The code name of the biological warfare operation, “Cast Thy Bread” was a reference to Ecclesiastes 11:1, which directs Jews to “cast thy bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.”

The prospect of using biological weapons against the “enemy” had been percolating among the Zionist movement for some time, come the 1948 war. Three years earlier, immediately after the end of the war in Europe, Crimea-born Jewish partisan leader and poet Abba Kovner had, after reaching Palestine, hatched a plot to mass-poison Nazis, to avenge the Holocaust.
Zionist crazies full of hate are destroyers, very effective manipulators, cunning liars too. In fact  Benny Morris and Benjamin Z. Kedar are Jews with some decent instincts. 

Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Monday, 09 January 2023 13:10:34