The Expulsion of Jews in 1290 AD

Jews came to England shortly after the invasion of 1066 AD. They were brought over from Rouen by William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy and William I of England. He used them to rob us. They did it on their own account too and enthusiastically. The technical term for his operations is one that is not used in public by socialists, communists or the BBC. It is Tax farming.

One advantage of using Jews was that it directed hatred at them rather than him. Later Kings were prone to feel themselves more English than Norman so they were more sympathetic to us. The Jews owed their very favourable position to the Royal favour and when they fell out of favour it was going to be time to move on yet again. They have had the practice of being kicked out of countries and the practice at making themselves hated; the hatred being the cause of the expulsions. They have been ejected from over 100 countries. See 109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

One major indication of Jewish malpractice is in Magna Carta, the Great Charter of 1215 AD. It limited the power of King John and had provisions to reduce the power of Jews extorting money by usury. A second indication of their power was that subsequent variants had no reference to them at all.

Finally Edward I of England expelled them in 1290 AD. The Wikipedia's line  [ 1 ] is that  he was vicious and they were victims but the Wiki is not to be trusted when its agenda cuts in. It has a bias. Kevin MacDonald tells us [ 2 ] that the people of England paid King Edward the amazing sum of £116,346 in return for expelling two thousand Jews. Facts of Israel   [ 3 ]  which is a Jewish source says there were 4,000 or 16,000 of them  and makes no mention of people paying the King to get rid of them. Geoffrey Smith does  [ 4 ]. King Edward demanded the money of Parliament. He gives many sources for his view of events. He is not an admirer of the Jew. The records of period were minimal but Mr Smith seems to have found them. Quotes and sources are below. The fact that the Crusades finished in 1291 AD does not seem to be related.

That was the end of our problems with them until they were brought back by Oliver Cromwell, the proto-Communist who took over from the Stuarts.

King  Edward I of England ex Wiki
To help finance his war to conquer Wales, Edward I taxed the Jewish moneylenders. However, the cost of Edward's ambitions soon drained the money-lenders dry. When the Jews could [ or was it would not? - Editor ] no longer pay, the state accused them of disloyalty. Already restricted to a limited number of occupations, Edward furthermore abolished their right to lend money at interest with the Statute of Jewry, [1] and eventually restricted their extra-curricular movements and activities. Edward decreed that all Jews wear a yellow patch in the shape of a star attached to their outer clothing to identify them in public (compare Star of David, Yellow badge).

In the course of King Edward's persecution of the Jews, he arrested all the heads of Jewish households. The authorities took over 300 of them to the Tower of London and executed them, while killing others in their homes. Finally, in 1290, the King banished all Jews from the country.
ex the Wikipedia on King  Edward I of England


The Jewish Century Reviewed By Kevin McDonald
Kevin McDonald's review of The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine tells us en passant that Englishmen paid King Edward I the huge sum of £116,346 in return for expelling two thousand Jews in 1290 AD. His quoted source is  Mundill 1998, 249ff. - presumably from England's Jewish Solution : Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series) (Paperback) by Robin R. Mundill. Kevin MacDonald On Slezkine Professor MacDonald is an honest man. Zionists do not like him. The early version is in the Robin Mundill PhD Thesis

On July 18, 1290 AD, Edward I expelled the Jews from England, making England the first European country to do so. Some Jews managed to remain in England by hiding their identity and religion, but thousands of Jews sources disagree over the number � either 4,000 or 16,000) were forced to leave England. Many settled in France and Germany. This was the start of 350 years of Jewish exile from England.
UNQUOTE ex Facts of Israel which is a Jewish source.


The final step was taken on 18 July 1290 AD by an Act of the King in his Council. It happened to be (long since remembered with awe) the fast of the ninth of Ab, the anniversary of manifold disasters for Jews, from the destruction of Jerusalem onwards. On the same day writs were issued to the sheriffs of many English counties, informing them that by Royal Decree all Jews were ordered to leave England before 1 November; any who remained were declared liable to be executed. The news of the expulsion was greeted by the population with great joy. Parliament promptly agreed to royal demand for a fifteenth of moveables and a tenth of the spiritual revenue, in taxation against Jews.


Note on sources- the major source used is the Wikipedia which is not dependable when its agenda comes into play. It is far from being neutral regarding Jews. It can be depended on not to tell lies against Jewish interests.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 20/06/2019 10:37