Fred's Links

Fred Reed is a man who has done things and writes what he wants about whatever he wants. Here is a link - At least some of his articles are among my favourites.
PS Now, in 2020 or a bit earlier Fred moved his more recent output to - go there and search for fred; you don't need to use capital letters. Lots of his older articles are lost to us, making the world  a poorer place. Ron Unz publishes some first rate writers and writing. Their political views are not those marketed by the press prostitutes of the Mainstream Media.

But Fred has a shortcoming; he will not tell the truth about Jews, about Zionist crazies. Now we have an answer. The Irish Savant explains all. See I Solve A Mystery For Fred Reed. The Savant is a talented writer too; one who can afford to tell the truth. He does just that, which is is why WordPress banned him. He is back now at His older articles are at
PS Now in 2022 Fred is published  at or Ilana Mercer and, a site in Iceland.
PPS Some of his articles are now, in 2023 at

Newer pieces are below at



From Courtship to Courtroom: What Divorce Law Is Doing To Marriage
by Jed Abraham
If you are male, and thinking about getting married, this book is the wisest fifteen bucks you will ever spend. The divorce courts rape men consistently and deliberately. You may think you know about this. I'll wager that you don't. Find out just what they can do to you. The most you can lose is fifteen bucks. You may save several hundred thousand and your children. (Jed, whom I know slightly, is a divorce lawyer of enormous experience.)


Race, Sex, Things Incorrect

La Griffe du Leon
Has fascinating statistical analyses of things you aren't supposed to analyze, such as measured intelligence in relation to sex and race. La Griffe du Leon is a pseudonym, probably because he is an academic in fear of being lynched. This presupposes that a mob of professors can tie a knot. Griffe is unmistakably a first-rate statistician. He also writes graceful English, and so can't be a statistician, first-rate or otherwise. Maybe he's a pair of fraternal twins. Anyway, well worth reading.
PS A heavyweight mathematician disagrees with La Griffe's maths big time - see
Griffe du Lion on the point.


The Myths That Divide Us
by John Perazzo
A book about race relations, crime, and racial hucksters. It isn't pretty. My friends usually come away from it in a state of mild shock. The title is deceptively touch-feely, probably because his publisher forced the issue. I spent six years as a police reporter, and can testify that whenever Perazzo writes about things I know about, which is usually, he is deadly accurate. No ranting, just cold reporting. Take with Valium.


Steve Sailer
Odd but intelligent site with thoughtful and incorrect analysis of, well, lots of things. It takes a little poking around, but repays the effort.

My mail often assumes that all American blacks are thoughtless followers of Jesse Jackson. Lashawn Barber might suggest rather more intellectual, hmmm, diversity. Will Powell, with whom I occasionally attach ribs when in Washington, also doesn't fit the Jacksonian mold.


Really Important Stuff

Great Comic Book Covers More Comic Book Covers Even More
(Hey, I'm an American. Gimme break.)

Honky Tonk Confidential
Is my favorite country bar band as well as proof that at least somebody in Washington can do something worthwhile. I prefer the album Honky Tonk Confidential, though Your Trailer or Mine? is good. They write their own songs, and they are good at it. Very good at it, actually.

Expatriation and MexConnect are useful for people who think they might like to check out the expat community around Lake Chapala, Mexico, an hour south of Guadalajara. Bear in mind that these sites often have commercial aims, such as selling overpriced real estate, and that they chiefly involve moneyed expats who have little real contact with Mexico. They can still be of use. The US Consulate in Guadalajara is useful, but remember that the State Department is highly politicized and frightened of everything. Mexico isn't dangerous. For any who would like a competent guide to the area of Lake Chapala, to see what they think of it, I recommend Ron Langley's Mexican Central Expats. For legal info on a variety of topics pertaining to immigration to Mexico, try Adriana Perez Flores, my attorney here.


If you aren't enthusiastic about the war in Iraq, or just want to balance your sources, is a good read.

For those interested in Asia, which we are all going to be interested in before too many years pass, Asia Times is one I like.

For kind of techy daily coverage of the world of computers, The Register is fun. Characterized by a sense of humor and occasional lapses into English grammar.

Simply nuts is J. Orlin Grabbe . Make of it what you will. I refuse responsibility. I read it daily.

Lew Rockwell is a good site for libertarians.


Despite my reputation for misogyny, based entirely on North American feminists (the other several billion women are fine with me), I dislike porn sites because they make women look like such slatterns and doxies. DOMAI, which I think stands for Dirty Old Men's Association International, isn't that at all. The girls, though naked as jaybirds, are pretty and likeable. Works for me.


Fred Explains Diversity, Hate, Crime, You Name It   [ 6 November 2021 ]
Fred is a man who found out about life the hard way. It started with an all expenses paid trip to Viet Nam. They even gave him a rifle to fight off nasty rough foreigners. Then there was a year in hospital, a better option than the free funeral, which was also part of the deal.



Fred on Everything


Fred Reed


Scenes Unseen from the Racial Landscape


 Scenes Unseen from the Racial Landscape

“A country deserves what it tolerates, and will assuredly get more of it,” said my favorite political commentator (me).

He has also asked, “This is supposed to help blacks?”

Across the country the rabble rampage, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and mobs sacking stores. They are by no means all black. Whites participate in the vandalism, blacks do the looting and beatings of whites. Both are out of control. Anger over this quietly grows. A spring is being wound, methinks, a hammer cocked, the scene set for a grisly outbreak of racial bloodshed.

The backdrop will be the hatred between Elites and Deplorables, exacerbated by a declining economy, financial anxiety for the future, anger over immigration, the epidemic, and so on. Yet it is race that will provide the spark.

Does this sound like unbalanced raving? If I had told you the day before the Floyd incident that in a few days cities across the country would be if flames with looting and vandalism, would you have thought me unbalanced?

For whatever reason, catastrophic racial realities exist, disguised and hidden by the White House and the media. Maybe these think they are preventing, or postponing, and explosion that might occur if people knew what was happening. Maybe they are stroking their voters. This video, of actual events, catches the straits in which America finds itself. The degree to which it shocks you is a measure of the effectiveness of the journalistic suppression.

The political landscape is of course complex. In a curious twist the white Elites use blacks against their Deplorable enemies, claiming and perhaps sometimes believing that they are opposing racism. To this end they eliminate bail, defund the police, hide crime by blacks, order the police not to use tear gas and rubber bullets.  Police resign in droves, not wanting to be the next Chauvin. Homicide rises sharply. Looting flourishes.

Crime by blacks is now barely restricted, and reported as little as the big media can manage.    For example, Thirty-two Black on White Homicides, for October. These typically appear for a couple of days in local papers but are never picked up by the majors     

The results of the unpolicy?

Seattle has become so dangerous that police have to walk the city’s employees to transportation after work.

The great majority of blacks do not do these things, but the great majority of those who do these things are black. The white and Asian victims will notice this. People remember who did, not who didn’t. Anger will grow, grows. This is a very bad thing.

We now see stores selling expensive goods attacked by organized flash packs, windows smashed and wares stolen, in minutes. The looters are not Japanese school girls. In San Francisco, where shoplifting is virtually legal, store after store leaves for friendlier climes, unable to withstand the losses. Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, a region of stores selling prestige goods, now has many empty stores because of looting. Goodbye tax base. Shortly, goodbye middle class. There is no reason for these robberies to end since they are profitable and almost free of risk.

How can the spreading lawlessness be stopped? Easily, but not nicely. Throwing a brick at a policeman is at least ADW, assault with a deadly weapon, and arguably attempted murder, twenty to life. Apply it. Lighting buildings or cars is arson. So charge it and throw the book. Allow store owners to shoot looters. But this we will not do, or at least not yet, and nothing else will work.

The brighter among the woke worry that if ever whites develop a racial consciousness like that of blacks, things will get very, very ugly. Thus the hysteria over White Supremacy. Unfortunately, the best way to promote white consciousness is exactly what the woke are doing--to encourage crime by blacks, allow the beatings, and endlessly pummel whites for racism. The woke are working hard at getting exactly what they don’t want. They are not doing blacks a favor. If an explosion comes, it will be bad for whites but worse by far for blacks who, whether they like to admit it or not, depend on whites for much. The country would never recover.

Journalists, perhaps lacking the wit to understand what they are doing, labor to intensify racial hostility. In particular, they relentlessly tell blacks that they are victims of whites, that they are being killed in large numbers by white police, while suppressing the fact that far more whites are killed by blacks. This understandably enrages blacks who, emotional, less educated than whites, reading little, believe it.

Having worked in the scrivener’s trade, I partly blame the joy of shared indignation and a diminishment of the former belief in fact-checking. (It used to be said, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.” No more.) Wild partisanship adds to the problem. The journalists of Washington read each other, write for each other, talk to each other and, finding that they all think the same things, assume that they must be right, because they all think the same things.

Further, networks run by people of a particular view hire people who agree with them. Reporters too seem gripped by the free-floating anger that afflicts America as a whole. Bingo.

Remember that the strongest human proclivity, stronger than the sex drive, is to avoid information working against ardently held beliefs. Liberals do not, will not, read Fox News or American Renaissance, and conservatives avoid Salon and NPR. It is curious that reporters, whose job is to know what goes on in America, largely don’t.

Remember also that that the networks have limited news-gathering ability compared to freelance websites. During the Floyd riots, hundreds, maybe thousands, of people with smartphones recorded video of looting, vandalism, and beatings. These were posted, and circulated, freely on the net, but not on CNN. They showed the looters to be almost entirely black.  The vandals no, but the looters, yes. In my (now limited) acquaintance with the media in Washington, they really don’t know what is happening.

The upshot? It would be a very good idea to stop the lawlessness, the racial attacks, and the mob robberies before those targeted decide to take things into their own hands.


For the literarily inclined, perhaps worth contemplation:


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.






Killer Kink

Hardboiled is back! (The exclamation point is to arouse wild enthusiasm in the reader, a boiling literary lust.) Gritty crime fiction by longtime police reporter for the Washington Times, who knows the police from nine years of riding with them. Guaranteed free of white wine and cheese, sensitivity, or social justice.


Write Fred at

Put the letters pdq anywhere in the subject to avoid autodeletion. Reply not guaranteed because of volume. This embarrasses me but is unavoidable.


Reposting policy: Anyone may repost this column provided that it not be edited, preferably with sub button    


 Write Fred at

Put the letters pdq anywhere in the subject line to avoid heartless autodeletion

All read, response not guaranteed due to volume, not bad manners.


Fred Reed

Fred Is Explained by Conservative He is perhaps my favourite author. He was being published by Ron Unz but now, in November 2021 is publishing to his own email list. You can be on it too - just go to Subscribe!  My earlier appreciation of the great man is at Fred.

Here is his most recent piece and, hopefully many more:-


Fred on Everything


Fred Reed


The Possible Virtues of a Salutary Distance

Most of the profound anger and apparent actual insanity afflicting the United States stem from racial antagonism: The Floyd riots, the tearing down of statues, affirmative action, the renaming of buildings, hostility to everything Confederate, racial attacks on whites by blacks, critical race theory, the fury over trials. Racial policy isn’t working and isn’t going to. America had better find another approach before, one day, they guns come out.

Sez I, a massive step toward racial reconciliation could be achieved simply by deregulating the schools. The races have very, very disparate cultures and want different things. In the integrated schools, either blacks must be forced to learn things of interest only to whites, or whites must be prevented from learning these things. It is hard to see why black students or their parents would have any interest in Jane Austin, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, or Beowulf. Nor is it clear why whites, of either generation, would care more than passingly about Africa. Why, unworkably, force each to do something both alien and of no interest to it?

Many object that the study of mathematics constitutes racism, or is a means of oppressing blacks. Why force math on blacks or, more importantly, prevent white kids from learning them? Similarly, English grammar is now said to be racist. Why should black young of a background having no interest in such things have to be burdened with it?

These difficulties could within an administrative district be remedied by allowing different groups to establish such schools as they chose, for such students as they chose, teaching such material as they chose. Charges of discrimination could be avoided by requiring by law that all students be subsidized at the same per-pupil rate. Further, allow schools to select such students as they choose. If some schools wanted only white students, or black, or racially mixed, so be it. As long as they were given equal resource’s, it would be their business. If some parents preferred schools of mixed race, it would be their business.   Evangelical schools? Fine. Jewish? Equally so. Chinese? Equally.

The right of schools to choose teachers without governmental bureaucracy—most importantly, certification—would be crucial. Certified teachers are often of low quality and always carriers of industrial-strength political correctness. The teachers unions are just that—unions, interested chiefly in the good of the membership, not the students. I would not be allowed to teach either writing or journalism whereas a half-literate political hire would be.

This would also allow parents of very bright kids to use such tests as they chose to find the extraordinarily smart and then to teach them at their level.  Those opposed to testing could avail themselves of schools not engaging in testing. Forcing kids of IQ 140 or better to agonize in classes at the level of Mommy Beaver had two sticks and Daddy Beaver had two, how many di that have in all is child abuse. A child in that range in the second grade is reading at the ninth-grade level and school is nothing but an obstacle. Why do this?

In aggregate these measures—we could call them “freedom”—might go far to reduce hostility.

Smaller and seemingly less important matters count in racial relations. Blacks often deprecate other blacks for “acting white.” This is not unreasonable. People naturally want to be aroundothers who share their culture, manners, and ideas of consideration and propriety. I don’t want my children, or people around me, “acting black I don’t know what “acting white” means and I don’t care. I don’t want my children wearing their pants below their knees and saying “muggafugga” every second word. These practices do no actual harm, but are extremely disagreeable to most whites. While I do not want to dictate the culture of blacks—it isn’t my business—neither do I want them transgressing mine. Would not separation be the comfortable solution?

Housing is another matter in which less government would be of use. Here again, policy is disastrous. The races obviously do not want to live together. When blacks move into white neighborhoods, the whites leave. When whites move back into the city, “gentrifying,” blacks are enraged. Upon reaching university, blacks often demand dormitories only for blacks, courses only for blacks, student centers only for blacks, and graduations only for blacks. If whites had the same privileges, friction would diminish. By (again) providing these things on a rigid and transparent basis of equal money per student, discrimination could be avoided.

Since the races usually want to live apart, why not simply let them? Those who wanted to live in mixed neighborhoods could, but if a black neighborhood wanted to avoid gentrification, it could vote to do so.

The voluntary separation of races would greatly reduce the very high rates of crime against whites by blacks, and the fear and intensifying hostility caused by this crime. I don’t know how to end crime, but reducing the fear of blacks would go far to encourage racial reconciliation.

Blacks say that white police discriminate against them.  Whether this is true would make no difference if blacks policed black neighborhoods and whites, white. Cities typically burn because white policemen have beaten or shot a black. The blindingly obvious solution is, in racially homogeneous regions, to have the local race do the policing. Friction might in some degree continue between police and policed, but at least it would not be racial.

Further, though it will at first sound strange, I suggest that black and white neighborhoods be permitted to decide what laws to enforce, at least in those matters affecting only the neighborhood. If blacks chose to ignore use of marijuana, drinking in public, selling crack, or driving without a license, why should they not? Do they not know their neighborhood, its needs and problems, better that I? Why are these things my business either way? The result would be vastly fewer arrests of blacks by whites and fewer blacks in prison, both of these contributing greatly to hostility between the races.

I am not recommending the abandonment of black neighborhoods to crime, but rather letting those affected decide. For example, blacks often hate stop-and-frisk policing. Why not let those affected make the decision? This would reduce the impression of the police as an occupying army, often white.

Nor am I suggesting the subjection of blacks to a punitive regime. I believe that all citizens should have access to good medical care, that providing schools with textbooks of their choice is a proper function of government, as is maintenance of streets, water supply, and electric supply. If a black university wants

microscopes or a computer, it should get them. And universities should be free to hire any staff they choose, depending only on the willingness of the staff to be hired. The various forms of welfare should be continued as there is no choice other than causing great hardship even hunger. Since the races are in America, and none is going to leave, finding a workable approach to amity would seem a good idea. What we have hasn’t worked, is not working, shows no sign that it ever will, and indeed things are getting worse. A little distance might go a long way. If there is ever an explosion of the very real, very deep anger in the country that the media are hiding from themselves, it might make Floyd’s uprising seem trivial. In the Floyd riots, the guns didn’t come out.



Fred on Everything


Fred Reed

Veterans Day (Reposted) [ 2021-11-11 ]


He grew up in the woods and rivers of the county, fishing and swimming and hunting under sprawling blue skies and driving his rattletrap car insanely and lying on the moss with his girl and watching the branches above groping the sky and marveling as the young do at the strangeness of life, and the war came in a far country. It doesn’t matter which. It was just a country.

His father, an angry man emitting the foul stench of patriotism, said his duty was to become a soldier and kill whoever it was in the far country, wherever it was. His father didn’t know or much care. It didn’t matter. Somebody would know. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. It would be a grand adventure, an uncle said.

He enlisted. In the aching humid heat of a hot state he drew toothpaste and seven-eighty-two gear and green clothes from supply and learned to march in squares while a sergeant said Lef-rye-lef-rye-lef. He felt the sense of power and invincibility that comes of rhythmic camaraderie with thudding boots. He learned to use grenades and flamethrowers and the proper placement of a bayonet in a kidney. He learned obedience and various forms of likely suicide, but it was for his country, dulce et decorum est, and he sang fierce cadences on the march. If I die on the Russian front, bury me with a Russian cunt, lef-rye-lef-rye-lef-rye-lef. It was a grand adventure, calling to a young male’s desperation to defy existence, to cross the mountains, to see the dragon, to overcome. The colonels at Training Command had calculated this nicely.

He felt the romance and variety and absurdity that men love in the military in time of peace, and collected the stories that soldiers tell in bars. See, we was in TJ at the Blue Fox, and Murphy was getting a lap dance from this senorita with frigging water-melon tits, I mean those hangers just wouldn’t quit, and this owl flies in, some kind of freaking bird anyway, and she screams and falls on Murphy and… He felt the freedom of being away from the county, in wild bars nobody back home had ever heard of. It was the life.

Then he was on the late-night tarmac of the airfield, staging out for the remote country of which he knew nothing. Wind swirled and jet wash smelled of aviation kerosene and he was fit and hardly noticed the weight of his pack. Heavies roared in and out, taking troops. He savored a new phrase, FMF WesPac. Fleet Marine Force Western Pacific, alive with hormonal appeals of armies on the march, of foreign legions and Marcus Aurelius on the Rhine-Danube line, though he had never heard of the man, and he was part of huge events happening in the night.

On the first day in-country he went to his posting in the remote land, in a convoy of open six-bys. The heat and strange people along the road exhilarated him and he was really, truly out of the county and he took it all in with wide eyes and the mine went off under the lead truck and the driver landed screaming by the road, his legs gone. Mines do that. Marines ran to him and said Jesus, oh Jesus. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Get a corpsman. Oh shit. Oh Jesus. The screaming stopped, that being the nature of femoral arteries.

Three months passed. He now hated the people of the remote country, though he still knew nothing of it. Soldiers hate. He killed some enemy soldiers and some who may have been enemy soldiers and then some he knew weren’t but who were in the wrong place after his platoon took casualties from a sniper. It didn’t affect him, not that he knew. Dead people were just dead people, so what. He hated the scuttling cockroaches anyway. Light’em up. Light’em all up. Let God sort’em out. He had never heard of the Albigensians, but soldiers vary little.

One day the platoon approached a town and a sniper fired at them. “Light’em up” said the lieutenant, who hated the locals. Ten minutes later thirty-seven villagers were dead and the reporter who had been there got pictures of it all. They appeared around the world. The platoon didn’t know why they were being picked on. If villagers didn’t want to get shot, they shouldn’t let heavily armed insurgents come into their village. At a thousand legion halls, members said war is war, people get hurt. You gotta expect it. The press are wimps, comsymps, unrealistic idealists. We need to unleash the troops, let them win.

Officers, knowing that reporters were the most dangerous of their enemies, said that it hadn’t happened, that the enemy had really done it, that it was an isolated incident, and that there would be an investigation. The commanding general in what interestingly was called “the theater” had presidential aspirations, and so sacrificed the lieutenant, who eventually received three months house arrest.

The soldier from the county almost made it. He was approaching PCOD, Pussy Cut-off Date, determined by the germination time of gonorrhea, when his truck hit the mine. Nothing new here. Men in agony, exposed bone, crushed lungs, and the dying crying out for the trinity of the badly wounded, mother wife, and water. This time the soldier from the county was half gutted.

It was a grand adventure, though..

On the ward where they removed a length of his intestines, he saw many things. He saw the soldier with his jaw shot away who fed through a tube in his nose. He watched a high-school girl of seventeen from Tennessee as she saw her betrothed, stone blind, his face a hideous porridge that would gag a maggot.

Johnny…Johnny..oh Johnny.

He left the hospital with a colostomy bag and instructions never to eat anything he liked. Women do not like colostomy bags, so he had time on his hands. He read. He thought. He came to hate, to hate with a shuddering intensity that unnerved his friends, who learned not to talk about the war. Like soldiers since before time existed, he learned that the war was not about the noble things it was supposed to be about, God and country and democracy, but about money, power, contracts, and the egos of the men who, on the principle that shit floats, always rise to the top. For the rest of his life, he would really, truly, want to kill.

He had come a long way from the county. It had been a grand adventure.


Write Fred at

Put the letters pdq anywhere in the subject line to avoid heartless autodeletion

All read, response not guaranteed due to volume, not bad manners.



Fred on Everything


Fred Reed 

She’s Gonna blow: It’s Weimar, but Where Is Our Adolf?

The Possible Virtues of a Salutary Distance [ 2021-11-06 ]

Most of the profound anger and apparent actual insanity afflicting the United States stem from racial antagonism: The Floyd riots, the tearing down of statues, affirmative action, the renaming of buildings, hostility to everything Confederate, racial attacks on whites by blacks, critical race theory, the fury over trials. Racial policy isn’t working and isn’t going to. America had better find another approach before, one day, the guns come out.

Sez I, a massive step toward racial reconciliation could be achieved simply by deregulating the schools. The races have very, very disparate cultures and want different things. In the integrated schools, either blacks must be forced to learn things of interest only to whites, or whites must be prevented from learning these things. It is hard to see why black students or their parents would have any interest in Jane Austin, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, or Beowulf. Nor is it clear why whites, of either generation, would care more than passingly about Africa. Why, unworkably, force each to do something both alien and of no interest to it?

Many object that the study of mathematics constitutes racism, or is a means of oppressing blacks. Why force math on blacks or, more importantly, prevent white kids from learning them? Similarly, English grammar is now said to be racist. Why should black young of a background having no interest in such things have to be burdened with it?

These difficulties could within an administrative district be remedied by allowing different groups to establish such schools as they chose, for such students as they chose, teaching such material as they chose. Charges of discrimination could be avoided by requiring by law that all students be subsidized at the same per-pupil rate. Further, allow schools to select such students as they choose. If some schools wanted only white students, or black, or racially mixed, so be it. As long as they were given equal resources, it would be their business. If some parents preferred schools of mixed race, it would be their business.   Evangelical schools? Fine. Jewish? Equally so. Chinese? Equally.

The right of schools to choose teachers without governmental bureaucracy—most importantly, certification—would be crucial. Certified teachers are often of low quality and always carriers of industrial-strength political correctness. The teachers unions are just that—unions, interested chiefly in the good of the membership, not the students. I would not be allowed to teach either writing or journalism whereas a half-literate political hire would be.

This would also allow parents of very bright kids to use such tests as they chose to find the extraordinarily smart and then to teach them at their level.  Those opposed to testing could avail themselves of schools not engaging in testing. Forcing kids of IQ 140 or better to agonize in classes at the level of Mommy Beaver had two sticks and Daddy Beaver had two, how many did that have in all is child abuse. A child in that range in the second grade is reading at the ninth-grade level and school is nothing but an obstacle. Why do this?

In aggregate these measures—we could call them “freedom”—might go far to reduce hostility.

Smaller and seemingly less important matters count in racial relations. Blacks often deprecate other blacks for “acting white.” This is not unreasonable. People naturally want to be around others who share their culture, manners, and ideas of consideration and propriety. I don’t want my children, or people around me, “acting black I don’t know what “acting white” means and I don’t care. I don’t want my children wearing their pants below their knees and saying “muggafugga” every second word. These practices do no actual harm, but are extremely disagreeable to most whites. While I do not want to dictate the culture of blacks—it isn’t my business—neither do I want them transgressing mine. Would not separation be the comfortable solution?

Housing is another matter in which less government would be of use. Here again, policy is disastrous. The races obviously do not want to live together. When blacks move into white neighborhoods, the whites leave. When whites move back into the city, “gentrifying,” blacks are enraged. Upon reaching university, blacks often demand dormitories only for blacks, courses only for blacks, student centers only for blacks, and graduations only for blacks. If whites had the same privileges, friction would diminish. By (again) providing these things on a rigid and transparent basis of equal money per student, discrimination could be avoided.

Since the races usually want to live apart, why not simply let them? Those who wanted to live in mixed neighborhoods could, but if a black neighborhood wanted to avoid gentrification, it could vote to do so.

The voluntary separation of races would greatly reduce the very high rates of crime against whites by blacks, and the fear and intensifying hostility caused by this crime. I don’t know how to end crime, but reducing the fear of blacks would go far to encourage racial reconciliation.

Blacks say that white police discriminate against them.  Whether this is true would make no difference if blacks policed black neighborhoods and whites, white. Cities typically burn because white policemen have beaten or shot a black. The blindingly obvious solution is, in racially homogeneous regions, to have the local race do the policing. Friction might in some degree continue between police and policed, but at least it would not be racial.

Further, though it will at first sound strange, I suggest that black and white neighborhoods be permitted to decide what laws to enforce, at least in those matters affecting only the neighborhood. If blacks chose to ignore use of marijuana, drinking in public, selling crack, or driving without a license, why should they not? Do they not know their neighborhood, its needs and problems, better that I? Why are these things my business either way? The result would be vastly fewer arrests of blacks by whites and fewer blacks in prison, both of these contributing greatly to hostility between the races.

I am not recommending the abandonment of black neighborhoods to crime, but rather letting those affected decide. For example, blacks often hate stop-and-frisk policing. Why not let those affected make the decision? This would reduce the impression of the police as an occupying army, often white.

Nor am I suggesting the subjection of blacks to a punitive regime. I believe that all citizens should have access to good medical care, that providing schools with textbooks of their choice is a proper function of government, as is maintenance of streets, water supply, and electric supply. If a black university wants

microscopes or a computer, it should get them. And universities should be free to hire any staff they choose, depending only on the willingness of the staff to be hired. The various forms of welfare should be continued as there is no choice other than causing great hardship even hunger. Since the races are in America, and none is going to leave, finding a workable approach to amity would seem a good idea. What we have hasn’t worked, is not working, shows no sign that it ever will, and indeed things are getting worse. A little distance might go a long way. If there is ever an explosion of the very real, very deep anger in the country that the media are hiding from themselves, it might make Floyd’s uprising seem trivial. In the Floyd riots, the guns didn’t come out.


Killer Kink


Fred Explained by Conservative
a keyboard mercenary with a disorganized past, has worked on staff for Army Times, The Washingtonian, Soldier of Fortune, Federal Computer Week, and The Washington Times.

He has been published in Playboy, Soldier of Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Harper's, National Review, Signal, Air & Space, and suchlike. He has worked as a police writer, technology editor, military specialist, and authority on mercenary soldiers. He is by all accounts as looney as a tune.

I was born in 1945 in Crumpler, West Virginia, a coal camp near Bluefield. My father was a mathematician then serving in the Pacific aboard the destroyer USS Franks, which he described as a wallowing and bovine antique with absolutely no women aboard, but the best the Navy had at the time.

My paternal grandfather was dean and professor of mathematics at Hampden-Sydney College, a small and (then, and perhaps now) quite good liberal arts school in southwest Virginia. My maternal grandfather was a doctor in Crumpler. (When someone got sick on the other side of the mountain, the miners would put my grandfather in a coal car and take him under the mountain. He had a fairly robust conception of a house call.) In general my family for many generations were among the most literate, the most productive, and the dullest people in the South. Presbyterians.

After the war I lived as a navy brat here and there--San Diego, Mississippi, the Virginia suburbs of Washington, Alabama, what have you, and briefly in Farmville, Virginia, while my father went on active duty for the Korean War as an artillery spotter. I was an absorptive and voracious reader, a terrible student, and had by age eleven an eye for elevation and windage with a BB gun that would have awed a missile engineer. I was also was a bit of a mad scientist. For example, I think I was ten when I discovered the formula for thermite in the Britannica at Athens College in Athens, Alabama, stole the ingredients from the college chemistry laboratory, and ignited a mound of perfectly adequate thermite in the prize frying pan of the mother of my friend Perry, whose father was the college president. The resulting six-inch hole in the frying pan was hard to explain.

I went to high school in King George County, Virginia, while living on Dahlgren Naval Weapons Laboratory (my father was always a weapons-development sort of mathematician, although civilian by this time), where I was the kid other kids weren't supposed to play with. My time was spent canoeing, shooting, drinking unwise but memorable amounts of beer with the local country boys, attempting to be a French rake with only indifferent success, and driving in a manner that, if you are a country boy, I don't have to describe, and if you aren't, you wouldn't believe anyway. I remember trying to explain to my father why his station wagon was upside down at three in the morning after flipping it at seventy on a hairpin turn that would have intimidated an Alpine goat.

As usual I was a woeful student--if my friend Butch and I hadn't found the mimeograph stencil for the senior Government exam in the school's Dempster Dumpster, I wouldn't have graduated--but was a National Merit Finalist, and in the 99th percentile on the SATs.

After two years at Hampden-Sydney, where I worked on a split major in chemistry and biology with an eye to oceanography, I decided I was bored. After spending the summer thumbing across the continent and down into Mexico, hopping freight trains up and down the eastern seaboard, and generally confusing myself with Jack Kerouac, I enlisted in the Marines, in the belief that it would be more interesting than stirring unpleasant glops in laboratories and pulling apart innocent frogs. It certainly was. On returning from Vietnam with a lot of stories, as well as a Purple Heart and more shrapnel in my eyes than I really wanted, I graduated from Hampden-Sydney with lousy grades and a bachelor-of-science degree with a major in history and a minor in computers. Really. My GREs were in the 99th percentile.

The years from 1970 to 1973 I spent in largely disreputable pursuits, a variety that has always come naturally to me. I wandered around Europe, Asia, and Mexico, and acquired the usual stock of implausible but true stories about odd back alleys and odder people.

When the 1973 war broke out in the Mid-East, I decided I ought to do something respectable, thought that journalism was, and told the editor of my home-town paper, "Hi! I want to be a war correspondent." This was a sufficiently damn-fool thing to do that he let me go, probably to see what would happen. Writing, it turned out, was the only thing I was good for. My clips from Israel were good enough that when I argued to the editors of Army Times that they needed my services to cover the war in Vietnam, they too let me do it.

I spent the last year of the war between Phnom Penh and Saigon, leaving each with the evacuation. Those were heady days in which I lived in slums that would have horrified a New York alley cat, but they appealed to the Steinbeck in me, of which there is a lot. After the fall of Saigon I returned to Asia, resumed residence for six months in my old haunts in Taipei, and studied Chinese while waiting for the next war, which didn't come. Returning overland, I took up a career of magazine free-lancing, a colorful route to starvation, with stints on various staffs interspersed. For a year I worked in Boulder, Colorado, on the staff of Soldier of Fortune magazine, half zoo and half asylum, with the intention of writing a book about it. Publishing houses said, yes, Fred, this is great stuff, but you are obviously making it up. I wasn't. Playboy eventually published it, making me extremely persona non grata at Soldier of Fortune.

Having gotten married somewhere along the way for reasons that escape me at the moment, though my wife was an extraordinary woman who deserved better, I am now the happily divorced father of the World's Finest Daughters. Until recently I worked as, among other things, a law-enforcement columnist for the Washington Times. It allowed me to take trips to big cities and to ride around in police cars with the siren going woowoowoo and kick in doors of drug dealers. Recently I changed the column from law enforcement to technology, and now live in Mexico near Guadalajara, having found burros preferable to bureaucrats. My hobbies are wind surfing, scuba, listening to blues, swing-dancing in dirt bars, associating with colorful maniacs, weight-lifting, and people of the other sex. (Update: I married Violeta, my Spanish teacher, and, as so often happens with men, married up.) My principal accomplishment in life, aside from my children, is the discovery that it is possible to jitterbug to the Brandenburgs.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated  on  Saturday, 29 April 2023 13:45:34

Hardboiled is back! (The exclamation point is to arouse wild enthusiasm in the reader, a boiling literary lust.) Gritty crime fiction by longtime police reporter for the Washington Times, who knows the police from nine years of riding with them. Guaranteed free of white wine and cheese, sensitivity, or social justice.

Fred on Everything


Fred Reed

She’s Gonna blow: It’s Weimar, but Where Is Our Adolf?


As the sentient have presumably noticed, the United States is in crisis, the country’s problems are profound, intrinsic, without solution, and worsening. When a population reaches the point of despair, even desperation, when it sees a darkening future for itself and its children, people yearn for a strong man who will forcibly put things right. Yet it is unlikely that helicopters of Marines from Quantico will descend on the White House and announce the dictatorship of some general. Military officers are too well paid and comfortable to worry about the country. It is hard to imagine an American Mussolini. Trump is a caricature and no one else comes to mind. Yet “unrest” --less euphemistically, “chaos” on the order of Mr. Floyd’s massive riots, is possible. We have seen it. We can see it again.

Consider America today. By comparison with Japan, China, Korea, it is a barbarity, a dumpster, an asylum, an abattoir, an astonishment. San Francisco loses conventions because of needles and excrement on the sidewalks. Almost weekly we see multiple shootings in stores, high schools and, now, grade schools. Murders of whites by blacks run at thirty a month, the news being suppressed. In cities across the country crime is out of control, the tax bases moving out, bail abolished so criminals are freed in hours. stores leave to escape undiscouraged shoplifting and robbery. Seven hundred homicides a year in Chicago, 300 in Baltimore, and at least twice as many shot but survive, similar numbers in a dozen cities. For practical purposes law does not exists in these ungovernable enclaves. Sexual curiosities, once called perversions, flourish with American embassies hoisting flags in support of transsexualism Mobs topple historical statues. Many tens of thousands live on sidewalks and a hundred thousand a year die of opioid overdoses. The country drops math requirements and English grammar in schools, AP courses, and SATs as racist. The economy declines, jobs have left for other climes, medical care in beyond most people’s means, government is corrupt and incompetent, and wars are unending. There is actual hatred between racial, political, and regional groups. Ominously, gun sales are up.

How is this going to end well? How did we get here?

America has never been a nation in the correct sense of the word, a people sharing values, language, a culture. Rather it has been, and is, a collection of peoples having little and common and, often disliking each other. West Virginia has nothing in common with Massachusetts which has nothing in common with the Deep South which has nothing in common with coastal California which has nothing in common with Cavalier Virginia which has nothing in common with Latinos who have nothing in common with blacks.

Until perhaps the early Sixties, the regions got along with each other reasonably well because there was little communication between them. Roads were poor, the internet was not even on the horizon. Radio stations and newspapers were local, reflecting the surrounding culture and taste. The central government was remote and had little influence locally. Each region lived as it wished.

Providing a degree of commonalty was that the country was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone and, at least nominally, Christian. It was socially conservative, largely consisting of small towns.

The resulting culture was unsophisticated but civilized. In the suburbs of Washington (I was there) you really could leave your bike anywhere and it would be there when you came back. In summer children really could play great sprawling multi-block games of hide-and-seek after dark and no one worried. In high school in rural Virginia (I was there too) the boys had guns for hunting deer and shooting varmints in the bean fields and you could leave your .410 in the back seat of your jalopy in the school’s parking lot. Nobody thought of shooting anyone. It wasn’t in the culture. If a thing isn’t in the culture, it doesn’t happen. You don’t need policemen. The boys didn’t use bad language around the girls or vice versa and nobody even thought of disrespect to teachers. There were class clowns (I may know somewhat of this), but no real misbehavior. It wasn’t in white, technically Christian, semi-rural culture.

Then many things happened. In no particular order:

The reach of the federal government grew and grew. Washington, which had been a distant city concerning itself with foreign policy and the economy, could now impose its values on remote society. It did.

Washington discovered the “separation of church and state,” which had lain unnoticed in the Constitution since 1789. In regions of deep religiousness, it became illegal to recite the Lord’s prayer, to have crèches on the town square at Christmas, or two sing carols on the public streets. It had nothing to do with meticulous adherence to the Constitution, but everything to do with the discovery by angry minorities that they could impose on majorities. In short, like many movements to come, it was a revenge operation. It has become a de facto program of de-Christianization, weakening a source of social cohesion and leading to anger.

The federal government began to dictate what could be taught in local schools. Teachers were forbidden to mention Creationism because a judge in Philadelphia, who appeared to have the scientific grasp of a potato chip, said this transgressed the doctrine of separation. The decision had little practical relevance as there was no likelihood that hearing of Genesis would turn students away from the study of biochemistry. It was, however, an early manifestation of class snobbery against what was seen as primitive Christianity that would later coalesce into hostility toward the Deplorables.

Remote anonymous committees in New York wrote highly ideological textbooks imposed on distant states which did not share those ideologies. The effectiveness of this relied on the principle that outraged parents in Arkansas would have no idea how to oppose distant bureaucracies of whose existence they were unaware and whose phone numbers they could not find. American government is democratic while not allowing the people to exercise power. It is a brilliant system, until it explodes.

Compulsory racial integration, as distinct from desegregation, was an untarnished disaster. Few wanted it, and few want it. The people who imposed it did not, and do not, send their children to black schools. The races transparently do not want to live together. If blacks move into white neighborhoods, “white flight” occurs and if whites move into black neighborhoods, blacks furiously complain of gentrification.

When two cultures have utterly different views of acceptable language, dress, behavior, study, and curricula, mixing them does not work. In the schools, academic standards fell. Discipline became a problem. Across America, cities burned because of conflict between black populations and white police. Euro-white culture, it turned out, was incompatible with Negro culture. The potential for yet greater disaster seems great, and no one has a solution. There probably isn’t a solution.

The Constitution, which once political stability, withered, being ignored or interpreted into unrecognizability by judges or made irrelevant by changes in technology and society. Freedom of speech, which meant that I could say that the President was a fool and should be removed from office, became freedom of expression, meaning that porn sites, accessible to children of nine years, could upload videos of a German Shepherd copulating with a beautiful blonde tied down to a bed. Some doubted that the writers of the Constitution had this in mind when providing the Bill of Rights, but none could gainsay the Supreme Court or the federal power.

The behemoths of the electronic media imposed political censorship. Being private enterprises, they could not be disciplined. They became more and more an arm of the central government, which became more and more the property of the Northeastern coastal elites. Entities with names like Google, Twitter, and Facebook cleansed themselves of content thought inappropriate, websites delisted, credit card accounts closed. People disappeared by the electronic media were almost as disappeared as those disappeared in Latin America, though less bloodily. The intention and effect are the same.

An unexpected effect of censorship was that those doing the censoring also censored themselves. The media, talking to each other, reading each other, having no contact with or interest in the silenced and deplorable, had no idea of the anger out there. This brought us Floyd and Trump as deep wells of undetected anger exploded. The media are doing it again.

The current regime in Washington appears deliberately and intensely divisive. Biden has attacked the South, supporting renaming of military bases in deliberate affront. A thorough racist, he frequently denounces whites. He denounces Trump and his supporters, nearly half of America. He has ostentatiously chosen black women as justice of the Supreme Court, member of Federal Reserve, Vice President, and White House spokeswoman. While these may or may not be competent, he announced them as diversity hires. He is poised to assault owners of guns, sure to provoke fury, has involved America in another war, and wants a federal Ministry of Truth to prohibit ideas he doesn’t like. Profoundly partisan, he makes no attempt to calm things or promote tranquility.

The universality of the internet made difficult or impossible the maintenance of distinct values or mores. It became impossible for the cultivated to inculcate in their children manners, good English, and appreciation of learning when the electronics bathed them in not only the traditionally low culture of America but also the anti-civilization of the ghetto. America undergoes both enforced peasantrification and homogenization. Anger grows.

Congress and the Constitution largely ceased to function, leaving Presidents to rule by executive order, this not being entirely distinguishable from dictatorship. This included the making of war, which became both common and beyond public influence. The legislature no longer governed but was the storefront for special interests of immense power. There remained no body interested in the wellbeing of the country. This led to offshoring of jobs, poverty in Appalachia, the Rust Belt and rural Deep South, the impoverishing influx of cheap Mexican labor, Donald Trump, and intense regional hatred. Here we are.

This can’t last. The hatreds are intense, the guns everywhere, anger growing at crime, something akin to economic desperation appearing. Washington will leave nowhere alone, will not address national problems, will always give priority to its military, its wars and its empire over domestic needs. The hostility that fueled the Floyd riots, the burning cities, the looting and vengeful vandalism, are still there. She’s going to blow. Watch.

America is fragile. The country can handle normal and regional catastrophes. But nuclear war is neither normal nor regional.  Very few warheads would serve to wreck the United States beyond recovery for decades.

By Fred Reed

Pleasurable excitement ripples through the usual boredom of Washington, and the resident curiosities enjoy exquisite frissons, over the possibility of nuclear war over the Ukraine. Some official of the EU, or maybe it was the mediocrity in the White House with the truculence problem, but anyway one of the geniuses ruling the planet’s fate has said that if Russia used nukes, the Russian army would be destroyed, grrr, bowwow, woof. Exactly how it would be destroyed, the sayer didn’t say. Anyway, the threats and counterthreats swirl around the idea that a nuke war between Russia and the West might occur. Maybe, with tactical nukes in the Ukraine, about which nobody gives a rat’s nether region. The world is full of damned fools.


The general staffs of both Russia and China are, whatever else you may think of them, sane. They know of America’s massive nuclear forces. They are not going to launch an atomic war. Sane behavior cannot be relied on with Washington’s second-rate lawyers, but the generals in the Pentagon are not crazy. They like hobbyist wars and big budgets, but if Biden ordered a nuclear strike, they would be likely to suddenly remember that Congress has to declare war and, seeing that their radar screens were empty of incoming missiles, and say, “Mr. President, we are not authorized to do that.” And recommend a committee.

What would such a war be like? Let’s guess.

America is fragile. We don’t notice because it works smoothly and because when a local catastrophe occurs—earthquake, hurricane, tornado—the rest of the country steps in to remedy things. The country can handle normal and regional catastrophes. But nuclear war is neither normal nor regional.  Very few warheads would serve to wreck the United States beyond recovery for decades. This should be clear to anyone who actually thinks about it.

Defense is impossible. Missile defenses are meaningless except as money funnels to the arms industry. This is not the place to go into decoys, hypersonics, Poseidon, maneuvering glide vehicles, bastion stationing, MIRV, just plain boring old cruise missiles, and so on. Coastal cities are particularly easy targets, being vulnerable to submarine-launched sea-skimming missiles. Washington, New York, Boston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle for starters, all gone.

A modern country is a system of systems of systems, interdependent and interconnected—water, electricity, manufacturing, energy, telecommunications, transportation, pipelines, and complex supply chains.  These are interconnected, interdependent, and rely on large numbers of trained people showing up for work. Modern warheads are not the popgun squibs of Hiroshima. Talking of repair any time soon after the nuclear bombing of a conurbation is foolish because the city would have many hundreds of thousand of dead, housing destroyed, massive fires, horrendously burned people with no hope of medical care, and, in general, populations too focused on staying alive to worry about abstractions like supply chains.

The elimination of transportation might cause more death than the bombs. Cities, suburbs, and towns cannot feed themselves. They rely on a constant, heavy influx of food grown in remote regions. This food is shipped by rail or truck to distribution centers, as for example Chicago, whence it is transshipped to cities like New York. Heavy megatonnage on Chicago would disrupt rail lines and trucking firms. Trains and trucks need gasoline and diesel which come from somewhere, presumably in pipelines. These, broken by the blast, burning furiously, would take time to repair. Time is what cities would not have.

What would happen in, say, New York City even if, improbably, it were not bombed? Here we will ignore the likelihood of sheer, boiling panic and resultant chaos on learning that much of the country had been flattened. In the first few days there would be panic buying with shelves at supermarkets being emptied. Hunger would soon become serious. By day four, people would be hunting each other with knives to get their food. By the end of the second week, people would be eating each other. Literally. This happens in famines.

Most things in America rely on electricity. This comes from generating plants which burn stuff, usually natural gas or coal. These arrive on trains, which would not be running, or in trucks, not likely to be running. They depend on oil fields, refineries, and pipelines unlikely to function. All of the foregoing depend on employees continuing to go to work instead of trying to save their families. So—no electricity in New York, which goes dark.

This means no telephones, no internet, no lighting, and no elevators. How would this work out in a city of high rises? Most people would be nearly incommunicado in a lightless city. Huge traffic jams would form as people with cars tried to leave—to go where?—as long as gasoline in the tank lasted.

Where does water come from in New York? I don’t know, but it doesn’t flow spontaneously to the thirtieth floor. It needs to be pumped, which involves electricity, from wherever it comes from to wherever it has to go. No electricity, no pump. No pump, no water. And no flushing of toilets. River water could be drunk, of course. Think of the crowds.

In all likelihood, civil society would collapse by the end of the fourth day. The more virile ethnics would surge from the ghettos with guns and clubs to feed. Police would have disappeared or be either looking after their families or themselves looting. Civilization is a thin veneer. The streets and subways are not safe even without a nuclear war. The majority would be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. People who had never touched a gun would suddenly understand the appeal. If you think this would not happen, give my best to Tinker Belle.

Thus it would not be necessary to bomb a city to destroy it, only to cut it off from transport hubs for a couple of weeks. An attacker would of course destroy many cities in addition to necessary infrastructure. Those who plan nuclear wars may be psychopaths, or just insular geeks fiddling with bloodless abstractions, but they are not fools. They have carefully calculated how to most seriously damage a target country. In no more than a couple of months, perhaps two hundred million people would starve to death. Do you think this fantastic? Tell me why it is fantastic.

Parenthetically, in my days of walking the E-ring in the Pentagon, I read manuals on how to keep soldiers fighting after they had received lethal doses of radiation. They don’t die immediately and, depending on dosage, might be administered stimulants to keep them on their feet, or so the manuals said. These manuals also discussed whether these walking dead should be told that they were about to die. The authors used the evocative phrase “terrain alteration” to describe landscapes with all the trees lying on their sides, and we have all heard of “overkill.” After a nuclear war, millions would slowly die of radiation—read up on Nagasaki and Hiroshima—and burned corpses would rot in the streets, too numerous for burial by survivors with other things on their minds.

How would the next season’s crops be planted? Answer: they wouldn’t be. Where would fertilizer come from? Parts for tractors, trucks, harvesters? Making these requires functioning factories which require electricity, raw materials, and workers. If the attacker chose to hit agricultural lands with radiation-dirty cobalt bombs, these regions would be lethal for years. Nuclear planners think about these things.

Among “defense intellectuals,” there is, or was when I covered such things, insane talk of how America could “absorb” a Russian first strike and have enough missiles in reserve to destroy Russia. These people should be locked in sealed boxes and kept in abandoned coal mines.

Note also that Biden, Blinken, and Bolton, bibbety bobbety boo, and their families, live in DC, the priority target. While the rats are aboard the ship, they won’t sink it. If they are discovered boarding a Greyhound out of Washington at three a.m., dressed as washerwomen, it will be time to worry.



Buy Fred’s Books! Solidly Built. You can squash bugs with them.


FRED REED describes himself as [previously] a “Washington police reporter, former Washington editor for Harper’s and staff writer for Soldier of Fortune magazine, Marine combat vet from Viet Nam, and former long-haul hitchhiker, part-time sociopath, who once lived in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River from the Yankee Capital.”
His essays “on the collapse of America” Mr. Reed calls “wildly funny, sometimes wacky, always provocative.”
“Fred is the Hunter Thompson of the right,” seconds Thomas E. Ricks in Foreign Policy magazine. His  commentary is “well-written, pungent political incorrectness mixed with smart military commentary and libertarian impulses, topped off with a splash of Third World sunshine and tequila.”



Killer Kink

Hardboiled is back! (The exclamation point is to arouse wild enthusiasm in the reader, a boiling literary lust.) Gritty crime fiction by longtime police reporter for the Washington Times, who knows the police from nine years of riding with them. Guaranteed free of white wine and cheese, sensitivity, or social justice.


20 thoughts on “FRED REED: America’s Unable To ‘Absorb’ A Russian First Nuclear Strike



    NYC water comes mostly from a series of reservoirs in upstate New York. The water flows to NYC mostly from gravity however of course electricity is needed for pumping.

    As you said it would be a disaster.

    You did not mention the effects of a US counterstrike against Russia or China who would face the same disaster.

    On Long Island we use ground water that needs to be pumped out.

  2. Peasants at end of Empire

    Won’t the serfs get a vote on Doomsday as part of muh democracy?
    Ohh, it isn’t on the ballot. (sad trombone)

  3. Ian

    Hi Fred.
    While I think the probability of the Generals’ and their families’ own deaths is a powerful deterrent (unlike sending off some stupid hayseed to die, good riddance, they think), the path to nuclear war is not only via intentional executive/legislative decision. There are more than one step between non-nuclear and strategic nuclear conflicts, and these steps can happen gradually. Witness the alleged intention by Kyiv to use dirty bombs.
    Let’s say Zelenskyy goes ahead. With the fog of war and the deliberate twisting of facts for propaganda reasons, how hard would it be for that to be turned into a purported false-flag attack by Moscow? Piece of cake. CIA does it all the effing time, so they presume everything is a false-flag op until proven otherwise (and not even then, if it suits the narrative, see Washington’s destruction of NS1&2).
    So there has to be some retaliation, right? Otherwise precedents and all that.
    Ok, so non-nuclear attack by NATO on Russian materiel, troops or even soil.
    Moscow cannot hope to beat NATO in a symmetrical war. Russia would prefer not to be dismembered and handed out in pieces to Epstein’s client list.
    So Moscow goes tactical nuke on NATO base/s that launched the attack.
    The escalation from that point needs to inference.

  4. Tom O'Neill

    An effective cyber attack on the grid would accomplish the same chaos. We are a fragile society today. In past wars tens of millions were killed and the world recovered quickly and the balance of power changed. Let’s try hundreds of millions this time. What could go wrong? God’s on our side.

  5. Gordon K. Shumway

    Voting for any Democrat or RINO is voting for what this essay describes.

  6. 'Frenchy'

    Fred, Both you and I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis. As a 14 year old boy with 6 younger siblings we all knew that the sun we were so use to may not rise, in an orbital arc, a mushroom cloud a very real maybe.

    To let Putin threaten the world with strategic nuclear weapons, then say, ‘welp, maybe only use tac-nuke’s on Ukraine’, is a logical absurdity.

    Still I appreciated your view however skewed it seems

  7. John Gilmer

    Well, if you want to talk about nukes, address your concerns to Russia using “tactical nukes” in Ukraine. Until the US built up the military under RR, it was policy that were the Warsaw Pact to attack, NATO & and the US would use “tactical nukes” again Russia & company. The hope was that it wouldn’t start WWIII.

    If Putin does the same thing in 2022 that the US threated to do in 1985, would the US start WWIII?

    I don’t know but the question should be addressed.

    youre, John Gilmer

  8. james

    Just a note: lady-cops are more likely to resort to guns and these girly-men have overseen the great feminization of the US Military As they poison their troops with a jab that they must know is toxic, maybe the generals used to be rational

  9. Ilana Mercer

    Yes, “brzo,” all hyperlinks originating in, including, are banned by Facef-ck. Readers can always try to petition these scum bags.

  10. Richard J. Purdes

    Hey Fred-

    Politicians need a strong dose of reality…at least those pondering the use of nukes. Your summary is likely the scenario we’d see. I read articles by some survivors of the Balkan war. They were generally what you have written here. A wealthy couple barricaded in their home meant nothing in those apocalyptic times. An extended family banded together for mutual security often survived. The couple in their barricaded home did not last a week. As Biden continues to arm the various departments in the bureaucracy, he likely believes this “augmentation of force” has meaning. What a laugh, because placing a firearm in the hands of an accountant will only mean they are more of a threat to themselves and their peers than to Biden’s foes. From what I remember from the Balkans, arms/ammunition, food, hard currency (silver and gold), and alcohol were of the most value in the now-barter economy.

    Too bad the mainstream news liars do not have scribes like you as well as a realistic view of the times rather than their foolish dreams of molding America through their socialist throne.

  11. dearieme

    “In a vast part of the globe, stretching from the Canadian Arctic to Tierra del Fuego and from Greenland to Guam, the U.S. will not tolerate another great power’s interference. Certainly America’s security wouldn’t be jeopardized if other great powers enjoy their own (and for that matter, smaller) spheres of influence.

    This esoteric strategizing — this misplaced obsession with credibility, this dangerously expansive concept of what constitutes security — … is the antithesis of statecraft, which requires discernment based on power, interest, and circumstance. It is a stance toward the world that can easily doom the United States to military commitments and interventions in strategically insignificant places over intrinsically trivial issues. It is a stance that can engender a foreign policy approximating paranoia in an obdurately chaotic world abounding in states, personalities, and ideologies that are unsavory and uncongenial—but not necessarily mortally hazardous.”

    That was published in 2013 by Benjamin Schwarz: pretty prescient, I’d say.

  12. David Parry

    My guess is that Putin is bluffing, and if he actually decides to use the nuclear football, it is highly likely that a fellow in a uniform with lottsa lottsa braid will say to him, “Uh, Vlad, NATO have always said that one nuke will bring a response, of the mushroom cloud variety, so I really, really advise you to think again.” NATO knows that one nuke as a trial balloon could mean mushroom clouds over Europe. And the UK and France have nukes of their own. Nobody here wants a nuclear war, but giving in to Putin’s bluster is not the way to handle the situation.

    There is also the little question as to whether Putin’s nuclear arsenal actually works. The rockets and the warheads need constant and very expensive maintenance, Russia’s budget could not possibly have covered that, and we know for a fact that things just came to a stop for about a decade. Ergo, the nukes are probably a bigger danger to Russia than the erstwhile targets, but we really don’t want to find out, nor do we want another large area contaminated with radiation.

  13. Jokem

    That is the problem with nuclear threats, it is a high stakes game where no one wins.
    I think Putin is on very thin ice with the power brokers in Russia, I would not be surprised if Russia had its own version of Operation Valkyrie.

  14. Garland Remington III

    Believe it or not this is what I do to make sure anything I want to go on that piece of shit rag call Fascist—book,
    I will format everything in pictures using my iPad Pro 12.9 and screen shot a picture of any and all. And then I will post the pictures on that rag of a website so everybody can read it. And they do. Believe you me, they do. Many of them let me know and this is how they first discover anything, about ILANA MERCER.

  15. Terry Hulsey

    Entirely misplaced is all of this talk of nuclear bombs (“nucler,” as Jimmy Carter would say).

    As Fred points out, the dense interconnectivity of modern life makes it extremely fragile – so you DON’T NEED a nuke to inflict civilization-crippling damage. As Tom O’Neill mentioned, cyber warfare is one beggar’s option.

    But, upping the game a bit, there’s smorgasbord of non-nuclear civ-snuffers. For example, electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMPs) do not need nuclear apparatus. And how ’bout flux compression generator bombs (FCGs), which date back to the 1950s, or other non-nuclear e-bombs?

    Fred, you’re already drooling over the techs of this, so here ya go:

  16. tresho

    A nuclear ending for this world came within one man’s decision on 27 Oct 1962. Google “Vasily Arkhipov” for the details. There was another near miss in 1983.
    There are so many ways things could go wrong. An all out nuclear exchange is just one of them. Here’s a scenario for you all to ponder. A low yield nuclear explosion takes place underwater in the North Atlantic. A US and a Russian submarine operating in the area are never heard from again. Now what?