The killing of
John F. Kennedy gets investigation after
investigation. The
Warren Commission was the official inquiry, run by
the Lord Chief Justice of America and a load of tosh. Warren didn't
ask the right questions, far less answer them. Conspiracy theorists
start with a disadvantage. They are assumed to be wrong. A lot are
but they can't any worse than the American government.
Something on the Teddy
Kennedy The Chappaquiddick Perpetrator is below. Ditto for the comeuppance
of Robert Kennedy. Just why did the
Mainstream Media go easy on Jack Ruby? Was it just
because he was a Jew? Look at
Jack Ruby Israel's Smoking Gun, by Laurent Guyénot
ex The Unz Review then think for yourself & decide for yourself.
PPS Mark H Gaffney
accuses Lyndon Baines
Johnson [ Hey, hey LBJ/How many kids did you kill today? ] @
Zionist Coup Against Kennedy.
Final Judgment - The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
Ron Unz publishes Michael Piper's book Final Judgement. It tells us that Mossad killed Kennedy; a reasonable point of view. Oswald was a third rate shot with very third rate rifle. He was set up to take the fall. An introduction by a black American tells us that his people were being manipulated by Jews but that they were being cut out of the loop by JFK and RFK.
The JFK Assassination, Part I - What Happened?
American Pravda: the JFK Assassination, Part II – Who Did It?
Ron Unz, an intelligent Jew spent years ignoring the Conspiracy Theories about Dallas. Now, having been over the ground he is far more receptive. He names LBJ as deeply corrupt.
Impossible - The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald
Dennis R. Wilkins, a defence lawyer reviews Mr. Krusch's book very favourably. There is no bias, just a calm dissection of the evidence. Barry Krusch proves rather adequately that we are being lied to big time, all the time.
The Larger Imagination of a 'Despoiler of Women' [ 29 May 2017 ]
Mark Steyn puts the boot in and does it well. A fun read about evil.
Camelot - Steyn's Song of the Week Extra
Jackie Kennedy invented the Camelot story and the public swallowed it, big time.
Kennedy And Gonorrhoea
Kennedy's contribution to spreading the pox was huge. He was at it with some very well known women. One was the wife.
Who Set Up The Dallas Job Or Who Had An Interest?
Such an approach would require Obama to say in public what President Kennedy said to Golda Meir in a private conversation with her in Florida two days before his last Christmas. Kennedy defined what he called the “limitations” of America’s relationship with Israel, a relationship, he said, that was “a two-way street.” (The story of JFK’s secret conversation with Golda, much of what was said is still classified, is contained in Turning Point – The Assassination of President Kennedy, Chapter 11 of Volume Two of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, which is sub-titled David Becomes Goliath. If Kennedy had been allowed to live, he was intending in a second term to require Israel to be serious about peace. After his assassination America’s relationship with Israel became what it still is – a one-way street).
Oswald was set up to take the fall. The real issue is who set it up; who had means and motive. Jews come high on the list.
Kennedy Killing
Has a look at the practicalities of shooting him and the evidence. Mr Warren tells us that the evidence presented to the Warren Commission was fraudulent. In fact the FBI stole the evidence from the local police by robbery, using threats of murder. They carried out the Ruby Ridge Massacre, the investigation and the cover up. Ditto for The Waco Massacre. Government evidence should be treated with the contempt it deserves.
Kennedy Beat The Divorce By Being Shot In Dallas [ 5 June 2014 ]
Jackie Kennedy was bunged $1 million bribe to stay married. The article implies that she didn't catch venereal disease from Kennedy. Believe it if you want. When the Main Stream Media decide to suppress the truth they are effective. But America's Queen - The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis does mention the gonorrhea. It spoilt the media fairy story about a wonderful couple, whence the news blackout.
The Kennedy Killing Was An Inside Job - Allegedly [ 30 August 2016 ]
The assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 was an inside job, according to a deathbed confession given to the veteran film director Oliver Stone.After making his acclaimed film JFK - which was sympathetic to conspiracy theories about the murder - Stone was contacted by a man claiming to have been a former member of the presidential security team.
Dying of cancer, the man wanted to share a secret that he had until then only told his son – that 'somebody from his own team… had fired on the President'.
Deathbed confessions to people who make money out of conspiracy theories are third rate evidence. The JFK Assassination was carried out by experts. Which ones? Ask:- Cui bono? Who benefits? Mossad is my favourite.
FACING AMERICANS TODAY! Issue 38/November 22, 2003/Editor: Darryl Eberhart “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!” – William Tyndale THE JFK ASSASSINATION (40 Years Later – The Cover-up Continues!) ((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. ((NOTE: This issue of TTT may severely disturb some folks’ comfort zones! The following abbreviations appear frequently in this newsletter: JFK = President John F. Kennedy; RFK = Robert F. Kennedy; MLK = Martin Luther King; and CIA = Central Intelligence Agency.))
HERE ARE SOME RELEVANT QUOTES: “Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of SOMEBODY, are afraid of SOMETHING. They know that there is a POWER somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better NOT speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924; 28th president of the United States; statement made in 1913.) “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. We must GUARD AGAINST the acquisition of unwarranted INFLUENCE, whether sought or unsought, by THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. The POTENTIAL for the DISASTROUS RISE of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969; 34th president of the United States; from his farewell address in 1961) “The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a ‘Black Ops’ team that specializes in assassinations.” – Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (author of the book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK) “I never had any thought...when I set up the CIA, that it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment that I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role.” – President Harry S. Truman “I toiled wholeheartedly in the ‘vineyards’ because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the blessings of all the highest?” – Colonel George White (former OSS officer from World War II; a founder of the Central Intelligence Agency) “Don’t you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza, and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed [John] Kennedy wanted the message clear: ‘We are in control and NO ONE – not even the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official – NO ONE can do anything about it.’ ...No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy.” – Vincent Salandria (Statement made in 1975; Quote taken from the book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.) “Jim Marrs provides in his book, Crossfire, a list of 103 people who died ‘strange’, ‘convenient’, or ‘mysterious’ deaths around the time of the Warren Commission in connection to the JFK murder.” – Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. “I wasn’t being used to kill people that were against our government – I was used to kill people that were against the evil in our government.” Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, U.S. Army (Retired; Special Forces); ((Attended “assassination & terrorism” training at the Guerrilla Warfare School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Quote taken from an interview with Texe Marrs of “Power of Prophecy” – the audio tape of this interview, entitled “I Was Asked to Kill for the CIA”, can be obtained by calling toll-free “The U.S. government agencies, along with local and state law enforcement agencies, have concealed, destroyed, and ignored so much evidence in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK that we can not trust them to do their assigned jobs.” – Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.
I. INTRODUCTION We Americans live in the “land of many cover-ups”. Editor of TTT finds it particularly disturbing that our federal government and the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media have collaborated on so many cover-ups of key events in the 20th Century and in this beginning of the 21st Century. These cover-ups have often been done in the name of “national security”, such as in the case of the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. ((By the way, “national security” is OFTEN used as a COVER for the crimes of certain individuals in the federal government!)) There have been so MANY cover-ups of truth surrounding key events: the Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action (POW/MIA) issue in World War II, in the Korean War, and in the Vietnam War; the biological, chemical, and nuclear testing on our veterans (often without their knowledge or their consent!); the John F. Kennedy assassination in 1963; the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967; the Robert F. Kennedy assassination in 1968; the Martin Luther King assassination in 1968; Agent Orange; Gulf War Illness; TWA Flight 800; the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993; the Waco Holocaust in 1993; the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995; etc., etc., etc. And now we have a massive cover-up going on right now concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks. When, if ever, will our federal government and the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media quit lying to us? When, if ever, will our federal government and the CONTROLLED media stop the cover-ups? When, if ever, will we, the American people, say “Enough is enough!” When, if ever, will we, the American people, hold the CONTROLLED media and our “leaders” in the federal government accountable? This issue of TTT will briefly summarize the massive cover-up that continues to this very day concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was “inspired” to write this issue of TTT when I read a brief article in the newspaper about a week ago that said one of the major TV networks was running a show that would prove Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Wow, how stupid do they think that we the American people are? (They must think that we are pretty darn stupid.) Some elements within the federal government have put out a whole bunch of DISINFORMATION to make Americans get bogged down on ONE particular “rabbit hole” or another – e.g., the Mafia killed JFK; rogue elements in the military-industrial complex killed JFK; the Cubans killed JFK; etc. The power elite hope that you’ll believe that a lone nut (Oswald) killed JFK, or that you’ll think that the Mafia or the Cubans or anybody other than the rich power elite were responsible for JFK’s assassination. The facts show that the rich power elite used elements within the Mafia, the CIA, the FBI, etc., to participate in the assassination of JFK, or the cover-up that followed the assassination, or both. WHY should we be interested in an event that occurred 40 years ago? I’m glad you asked! It is because we the American people cannot allow this cover-up to continue any longer, nor can we allow the criminals (the murderers) to go unpunished. It is because we can no longer remain in denial that a coup against the real Constitutional government of our U.S. Republic took place when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
II. WHO WAS INVOLVED IN PLANNING THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK? The assassination of President John Kennedy had been in the works for some time. The “final touches” of the planning took place at Clint Murchison’s mansion in North Dallas on the evening of November 21, 1963 (the day before the actual assassination). Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. – the author of the excellent book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK – was a 1st Lt. in the Army Security Agency, and also a Company Commander with an Intelligence Unit on the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. In the above-mentioned book, Robert G. Ross Sr. tells us who was present at Clint Murchison’s mansion on that fateful evening of November 21, 1963: Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Clint Murchison, Sr. (tied to the CIA, FBI, & Mafia), oil magnate H.L. Hunt, George Brown (of Brown & Root Company), John J. McCloy (Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank; a leader of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); co-founder of the CIA; later appointed to the Warren Commission), Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover (then head of the FBI whom JFK and RFK were planning to force to retire), Clyde Tolson (Assistant Director to the FBI), Earle Cabell (then mayor of Dallas; brother of General Charles Cabell whom JFK had fired from the CIA for the Bay of Pigs fiasco), Amon G. Carter, Jr., B.R. Sheffield, John Currington, R.L. Thornton, John Connally, Joe C. Yarbrough, W.O. Bankston, “Mac” Wallace (LBJ’s “hatchet man” – responsible for at least 12 murders), Cliff Carter, Carlos Marcello (boss of the New Orleans Mafia), Joe Civello (then head of Dallas Mafia), Jack Ruby (member of Dallas Mafia and the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald), Larry Campbell, Bill Decker (Dallas Sheriff), Clint Peoples (U.S. Marshall), and Don Smith. Why did Editor of TTT list these attendees of the above meeting? It is because one can easily see from examining the above list of 25 names the following: 1.) The CIA and the FBI had important representatives at the meeting; 2.) Organized crime members were present at the meeting; 3.) Top political leaders were present at the meeting; and, 4.) Members of “big oil” (such as H.L. Hunt) and the international “banksters” were present. Another important thing we should note about the attendees: Many of them HATED President John Kennedy with a passion – such as Lyndon Johnson and Earle Cabell. Why did these men want to kill a U.S. President? Hopefully, some important reasons will be listed in Section IV. III. THE ASSASSINATION OF A U.S. PRESIDENT IN 1963 If you have not seen Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK”, the “Special Edition Director’s Cut”, I most highly recommend that you rent or buy a copy and view it. ((NOTE: I watched it again this evening – it is OUTSTANDING!)) This movie clearly shows that no lone assassin could have made the rifle shots that the Warren Commission “claimed” that Lee Harvey Oswald did. It also shows many of the key players involved in planning the assassination of JFK. ((Interestingly, Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA who had been fired by JFK for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, was named to the Warren Commission to investigate the JFK assassination!)) The movie also shows that New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison proved Clay Shaw’s connections to the CIA (something that a later Director of the CIA, Richard Helms, admitted). President John Kennedy was shot at 12:30 P.M. on November 22, 1963 while travelling in a motorcade on Elm Street at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. The “Zapruder Film” (clips of which are shown in the movie “JFK” by Oliver Stone, clearly shows that bullets are flying at JFK from at least TWO different locations – possibly three. There were probably at least THREE shooters – and possibly up to six or more. When the Zapruder Film is slowed down, one can see JFK being hit from the front (the bullet that entered his neck and exited his back) – then a few frames later one can see Connally being hit by yet another bullet – then a few frames later JFK is hit in the side of his head (this “kill” shot spins JFK’s head violently to the side). Clearly, this was a “professional hit” carried out by a minimum of three shooters using “triangulation”. ((Remember, the Book Depository was behind JFK when he was hit!))
IV. WHY JFK WAS ASSASSINATED One of the most important items investigated in any major crime is “Cui bono?” – i.e., “Who benefits?”. One thing we Americans must ask ourselves: “Who really benefited from the JFK assassination?” President John Kennedy had already made some very powerful enemies during his presidency. He had fired Allen Dulles (then head of the CIA) and General Charles Cabell (a top CIA chief). ((Interestingly, General Cabell’s brother Earle Cabell was mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated, and he had overseen all the motorcade’s activities and the route the motorcade took through Dallas.)) Here are some of the most important reasons, in the opinion of Editor of TTT, why JFK was assassinated: 1.) JFK had decided to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces” (JFK’s own words). It appears that both JFK and RFK had decided to “remove the claws and fangs” from the CIA – and possibly to eliminate it completely (at least the “black ops” part of the CIA). JFK had already fired two top CIA officials (Allen Dulles, then Director of the CIA, and General Charles Cabell). 2.) JFK had the Treasury Department print “interest-free” money OUTSIDE OF the Federal Reserve (which is NOT “federal”, but rather a privately-owned large “central bank”). Cutting into the profits of the “big banksters” was one of the primary reasons for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. It was also the reason for the attempted assassination of President Andrew Jackson, who miraculously survived the assassination attempt when both pistols of the assassin misfired! ((Andrew Jackson had refused to renew the privately-owned banking monopoly of the “Central Bank”.)) 3.) JFK was already starting to wind down the war in Vietnam. Lots and lots of money was being made on the war by big U.S. corporations and banks. 4.) JFK’s foreign policy views on such major issues as the Vietnam War and the “Cold War” did NOT square with the rich power elite who rule behind the scenes. JFK appeared to want to end the Cold War during his administration – the rich power elite were evidently not anxious to do so at that time. 5.) JFK was viewed by some key power brokers in the military-industrial complex as being “soft” on Communism. 6.) Both JFK and RFK had gone after some folks in organized crime. Some key personalities in organized crime felt that JFK “owed” them for their help in securing several states for him in the close presidential election. 7.) It was no secret that the Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, hated both JFK and RFK. I’m sure others can think of even more reasons, but the above should suffice to show that JFK was skating on the proverbially “thin ice”. Any one of the first three reasons might have caused an assassination attempt on a top national leader. The first three reasons listed above, in my opinion, guaranteed an assassination attempt would be forthcoming.
V. SUMMARY The President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was brutally assassinated by a professional TEAM of snipers/shooters in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. A massive cover-up immediately began with the assistance of the CONTROLLED media. Dozens of individuals whose testimony would have been critical to proving who was behind the assassination began dropping like flies (i.e., many “strange, convenient, and mysterious” deaths). The cover-up hit a peak of sorts with the Warren Commission, whose membership included enemies of JFK such as Allen Dulles (who had been fired from his position of CIA Director by JFK). There was a ton of evidence PROVING a massive conspiracy (which was finally admitted by Congress years later). Yet any individual who spoke out or wrote about the many FACTS showing a conspiracy was immediately “marginalized” and labelled a “conspiracy kook”. Some investigative writers and reporters, such as Dorothy Kilgallen, paid a “higher price” – they died under “strange, convenient, and mysterious” circumstances. ((Dorothy Kilgallen, formerly of “What’s My Line?”, had interviewed Jack Ruby and had told numerous individuals that she was going to “blow the JFK assassination wide open”. She conveniently turned up dead from an ingestion of alcohol and barbiturates. All her notes on the JFK assassination had conveniently disappeared. Two days later her confidant Mrs. Earl T. Smith also conveniently turned up dead. And there are many such stories of convenient deaths of those trying to get the truth out concerning the JFK assassination – convenient deaths for those involved in the cover-up.)) JFK had his faults – as we all do. He had been handpicked by the globalist rich elite for the U.S. presidency. However, after being in office for a time, JFK apparently decided to truly be a man of the people, and to do what was really in the best interests of all the American people. The globalist rich elite could NOT allow this to happen. And so, on November 22, 1963, a United States President was BRUTALLY assassinated. And, sadly, much of the cover-up continues to this very day!
VI. WHAT CAN WE DO? 1. We can get informed and then inform others. For the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and our Republic, we must do so. Here are some great informational tools on the JFK assassination: a.) Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK”, the “Special Edition Director’s Cut”, starring Kevin Costner (who plays New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison): Available on two-VHS tapes; 206 minutes; colour; by Warner Bros.; visit your local video store to rent a copy, or purchase a copy at larger retail stores;
b.) The following two excellent
books: The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK &
MLK by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. ($30 postpaid; hardback,
330+ pages with a large index) and Battling Wall Street
by Donald Gibson ($14 postpaid; paperback; deals with JFK’s
battle with the power elite). Both books can be obtained
from “Power of Prophecy” by sending check or money
order payable to “Power of Prophecy”, and mailing it
to: Power of Prophecy // 1708 Patterson Road // Austin, TX 78733;
or order with credit card by calling toll-free
c.) “The Kennedy Special”
(information package): $39.95 postpaid; includes the book Oswald
and the CIA by John Newman, “The JFK
Assassination” four-audio-tape set, and the book Kill
Zone: A Sniper Looks At Dealey Plaza by Lieutenant
Colonel Craig Roberts. To order call “Radio Liberty”
at their toll-free number
2. We all need to get better informed on the globalist rich elite’s plans to end America’s national sovereignty, and about other government/CONTROLLED media cover-ups. We then need to inform others. Here are some good informational tools:
a.) 421-page book The
Medusa File by Lieutenant Colonel Craig Roberts (deals
with a lot of government cover-ups such as American
prisoners-of-war): Call “Radio Liberty” at their
toll-free number:
b.) Operation Vampire
Killer 2000 (often abbreviated OVK2000) by” Police
Against the New World Order” (Jack McLamb’s
organization). OVK2000 can be ordered by sending $11 PPD in
cash or postal money order made out to “Aid & Abet”,
and mailing it to “Aid & Abet Police & Military
Newsletter” // HC 11, Box 357 // Kamiah, Idaho 83536.
((This book is an absolute MUST read for all Americans, and
especially for military and law enforcement personnel. It
deals with the globalist rich elite’s plans to end
America’s national sovereignty, and to bring in a New World
Order. The book is in 8 ½” X 11” format;
and is profusely illustrated with drawings. It uses a lot
of great quotes, including some from the mouths of the
globalists, to show us what the globalists are up to.))
Bulk prices are available on OVK2000 – for more information
c.) Documentary films: “The
Masters of Terror”, “9-11: The Road to Tyranny”,
“Police State 2000”, “Police State II –
The Takeover”, and “Police State 3 – Total
Enslavement”; all by Alex Jones. To order: call
3. If you think Congress should open a truly honest and independent investigation of the JFK assassination, then please let your Congressmen and Senators know so. 4. If you think this issue of the TTT newsletter has important information for Americans, please make many copies of it and give them to others!
About Darryl EberhartLiberty To The Captives links disclaimer |
'Bobby Kennedy died believing his brother's killers had not been found'
Just to be clear, Robert Kennedy never attended an annual gathering of assassination buffs or speculated about “Umbrella Man” or “Badge Man” or the “Three Tramps.” He did unleash his own investigative hounds, including the capable Walter Sheridan, who within 48 hours reported that Jack Ruby had received “a bundle of money” from Chicago mobsters with links to Jimmy Hoffa, the Teamsters union boss whom Bobby had tried for years to throw behind bars. Talbot writes: “Later, Kennedy would remark when he saw Ruby’s phone records, ‘The list was almost a duplicate of the people I called before the Rackets Committee.’” Talbot also concludes that both Jacqueline and Bobby believed JFK had been killed by “a large political conspiracy ... Perhaps there was only one assassin, but he did not act alone.” They never suspected Castro or the Russians.
Bobby Kennedy was right. This source fancies American government agencies. Jack Ruby is short for Jacob Rubinstein, a career criminal and Jew. Mossad meddling is distinctly possible.
The CIA murdered RFK - Maybe
A new BBC documentary supports the conclusion that the CIA planned and executed the assassination of Robert Kennedy. The new video and photographic evidence -- the result of a three year long investigation --"puts three senior CIA operatives" at the scene of the murder. Three of these men have been positively identified as senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA's Miami base for its Secret War on Castro.
Killing Kennedies started to look like a hobby thing. It strikes me as an idea with things to recommend it. The perpetrator has to be heavy. Mossad is on my list of probables. The CIA comes second.
Kennedy And Israel
The Mossad sorted him out because he was not going to let them get away with having nukes. It sounds plausible to me.
Teddy Kennedy The Chappaquiddick Perpetrator
Some people want to forget. People in Massachusetts keep voting for the swine. Perhaps they deserve what they get.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my PGP Key. Home