The Mirror has not been in the news like the News Of The World otherwise known as the News Of The Screws or just The Screws to those who read Private Eye, a vastly superior journal, one which does not pander to the basest instincts of man and beast. The fact that Murdoch's mob is getting the abuse is a function of political corruption among its opponents. The Mirror is far more guilty. See below:-
They Are On the Verge of Killing Popular Journalism [ 17 July 2011 ]
Back in September 2010 Guido produced, with the help of the Information Commissioner’s Office, this “blagging” chart. The idea that this crisis is only about News International is fanciful. Look who had the most recorded offences:
From the Information Commissioner’s report one can infer that at least 140 Mirror Group journalists could be looking at criminal charges. The Operation Motorman investigation was based on a group of blaggers used frequently by Mirror and Mail journalists to obtain information. Missing from this chart is The Telegraph, who according to a Guido source paid a private detective to hold a seminar at their Canary Wharf offices on how to hack phones back in 2000. The bribing of staff at HMRC, the DVLA, BT, the Land Registry, banks and in the police has been endemic for decades. That is where the news you read is sourced.
In short every major newsroom in the land has used illegal techniques to obtain information. We are on the verge of criminalising hundreds of journalists.
We mocked George Monbiot this week for saying “this is our Berlin Wall moment“. On reflection there is a similarity, the Stasi HQ spied on the ordinary citizenry with all the paraphernalia of a police state. In Britain newspaper HQs spied on celebrities and the famous to entertain ordinary citizens. As readers we rewarded them by buying their papers.
Most of the hacking hacks will get suspended sentences and conditional discharges. Will they still be fit and proper journalists? Without the infotainment aspect of newspapers how will popular investigative journalism be financed? We are in danger of either killing off popular journalism or heading towards a French style subsidised newspaper sector, emasculated and servile to the rich and powerful… [ such as the
Rutting ChimpanzeeJew Who Ran The IMF - Editor ]
Guido is right about something very important. Murdoch is a shit pandering to vicious criminals. So are hundreds of politicians. They are using this one for their own advantage.
PS Trinity was owned by the Jew, Maxwell - War Criminal, Traitor, Oaf And Thief
Mirror Group Paid Blagger £442,878 for Illegally Obtained Info
65 Invoices Paid by Piers Morgan’s Daily Mirror
Guido has - completely legally - obtained the raw data from the British Information Commissioner’s ‘Operation Motorman’ investigation. A number crunching analysis of the data shows that between 1997 and 2003 Mirror Group Newspapers were invoiced 948 times by “JJ Services”, run by Steve Whittamore, a notorious blagger who specialized in illegally obtaining personal information. For that six year period the total value of the invoices amounted to £442,878.73.Many of these invoices are addressed to MGN Ltd, publishers of the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror. Nevertheless Guido has identified at least 65 invoices, totalling £20,333.31 which are directly to the Daily Mirror. These invoices are dated between 2001 and 2002. #Piers Morgan was the Editor of the Mirror throughout this period.
On Desert Island Discs Morgan told Kirsty Young that, “Not a lot of that went on. A lot of it was done by third parties, rather than the staff themselves,” adding, “That’s not to defend it, because obviously you were running the results of their work.” Almost half-a-million quid suggests that quite a lot of that went on.
The “blagging” invoices are for phone records, vehicle registration records, ex-directory numbers, to monitor mobile calls, obtain phone bills and get numbers called as well as paying off bent police officers to provide information. It could be medical records, criminal records or tax records. Blagging is a criminal offence punishable with up to two years jail time. Kate Winslet was blagged and the information was used by Piers Morgan, as he admits in his 10 April 2000 diary entry in The Insider:
“I got back to the office to learn that Kate Winslet, having indicated she would come to our Pride of Britain awards tomorrow, is now saying she can’t. Someone had got hold of her mobile number — I never like to ask how — so I rang her …. ‘Hello,’ she said, sounding a bit taken aback. ‘How did you get my number? I’ve only just changed it. You’ve got to tell me, please, I am so worried now’ ”
“Never liking to ask” is what is known legally as “willful blindness” which is when an individual seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally putting himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts which would render him liable. Or contrives to pretend such. It doesn’t work in Court because the law takes the view that it is criminally reckless to fail to find out. That in a nutshell is what Piers is, criminally reckless…
This is equivalent to procuring stolen goods knowing that they have been stolen. Paying over £100 thousand a year means it was not done through the petty cash; someone knew. In fact everyone knew, or the Eye is very wrong.
Piers Morgan aka Piers Moron is a shit on the make - and on the run(?) He was the editor of the Daily Mirror when it did a bit of share fraud. Ditto for phone hacking.
& omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or
imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike
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Updated on Thursday, 25 October 2018 21:02:08