Oktoberfest 2015

Oktoberfest 2014 follows on from  Oktoberfest 2012, Oktoberfest 2013, Oktoberfest 2014 et cetera all the way back to 1810. It is about beer and girls or Bier und Mädchen. That is why people like it albeit the Daily Mail isn't entering into the spirit of it so much this year - see http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3242334/Prost-Oompah-bands-lederhosen-enormous-foaming-steins-lager-Millions-partygoers-arrive-Munich-Oktoberfest.html. Try other years:-
Oktoberfest 2012
Oktoberfest 2013
Oktoberfest 2014
Oktoberfest 2015
Oktoberfest 2016

Oktoberfest 2017
and see for yourself.

Later years are at:-
Oktoberfest 2016
Oktoberfest 2017
and see for yourself.

and ever more, one hopes.


A rifleman is there but not being serious about it, one assumes


The man with a moustache looks rather sound.