Peter Beinart


Peter Beinart is one of what seem to be an increasing number of Jews who publicly criticize Israel. Professor MacDonald explains why he is not favourably impressed in Peter Beinart on American Jews and Israel. Like so many other Jews, Beinart can see our faults real or imaginary. He cannot or will not see evil done by his own, the criminal state of Israel; that Zionism is the Root Problem. Some Jews tell some of  the truth, some of the time.

He is also an Associate Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation, and Senior Political Writer for The Daily Beast. His new book, The Icarus Syndrome: A History of American Hubris, will be published in June 2012. He has written:-

The Crisis of Zionism 
Since even before its release last month, Peter Beinart’s The Crisis of Zionism has been extravagantly denounced and praised. To his everlasting credit, Beinart has described in vivid and uncompromising terms the corrupting and corrosive impact of the American Jewish establishment he so courageously exposed in The New York Review of Books:


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Updated  on Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:29:27