
Progress sounds like a good idea. In fact it is, but in practice the people calling themselves progressives are prone to be Socialists or part of the Lunatic Fringe. The Progressivism of the Wikipedia has a difficulty. It tells us that social organization is needed to get the benefits of scientific progress; an excuse for inflicting Socialism on us. Given a track record of monstrous economic failure and mass murder [ See The Black Book of Communism ] you might think this lunacy. Lenin's Useful Idiots would not agree. But they bring Rentamob out to make a fuss when they want.

It contrasts with Populism, which propagandists tell us means pandering to base desires of Hoi polloi, muddied oafs, the peasant masses. It is used as a word to denigrate Democracy, the will of the people. You should treat the Wikipedia's explanation as turgid waffle, only worthy of your contempt.

Progressivism ex Wiki
is a broad philosophy based on the Idea of Progress, which asserts that advancement in science, technology, economic development, and social organization are vital to improve the human condition. Progressivism became highly significant during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, out of the belief that Europe was demonstrating that societies could progress in civility from barbaric conditions to civilization through strengthening the basis of empirical knowledge as the foundation of society.[1] Figures of the Enlightenment believed that progress had universal application to all societies and that these ideas would spread across the world from Europe.[1] Sociologist Robert Nisbet defines five "crucial premises" of the Idea of Progress as being: value of the past, nobility of Western civilization, worth of economic/technological growth, faith in reason and scientific/scholarly knowledge obtained through reason, intrinsic importance and worth of life on earth.[2] Beyond this, the meanings of progressivism have varied over time and from different perspectives.

The contemporary common political conception of progressivism in the culture of the Western world emerged from the vast social changes brought about by industrialization in the Western world in the late 19th century, particularly out of the view that progress was being stifled by vast economic inequality between the rich and the poor, minimally regulated laissez-faire capitalism with out-of-control monopolistic corporations, intense and often violent conflict between workers and capitalists; and thus claimed that measures were needed to address these problems.[3]

The term is also now often used as shorthand for a more or less left-wing way of looking at the world.[4]


Robert Nisbet's five "crucial premises" are:-
The value of the past
Nobility of Western civilization
Worth of economic/technological growth
Faith in reason and scientific/scholarly knowledge obtained through reason
Intrinsic importance and worth of life on earth.
Marxists would never believe the second premise. They are too busy inciting Western Guilt & Black Hate. Greenies argue that the life on earth is destroying it but then the greens, like the Marxists have nothing worthwhile to offer us. They are being used by the Puppet Masters to destroy Western Civilization.

Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.




Progressives Find New Pets - Former Pets - Black Americans Are Annoyed  [ 29 November 2022 ]
New York City Progressives have got new pets. Progressives derive their spiritual nourishment from there being some population of poor people on whose behalf they can pose as humanitarians.

Back in the days when Marxism was taken seriously, the domestic working class filled that role. The working class, however, turned out to be a disappointment. They didn’t want revolution and they didn’t much mind capitalists getting super-wealthy so long as they, the working class, could live in a stable society under rule of law, with the opportunity to attain modest prosperity doing useful work, with decent provision of education and healthcare.

The disappointed Progressives turned to blacks as a group they could patronize. That didn’t work too well, either. Instead of being grateful to the patronizing Lefties, blacks felt, well, patronized and resentful.

And it turned out a lot of them didn’t like whites very much, or the nation they found themselves living in. As one of them told his followers: ”God damn America!”
What race or group can now serve as a backdrop for their humanitarian posturing? What should Progressives do to be saved? Illegal Immigrants will do just fine. It's Ethnic Fouling In America. Who cares? Not them. Is it any better in England? No! See the next one.