Race Traitor 2018

American Renaissance brought us the concept of Race Traitors in 2013; the inaugural winner is Rand Paul, optician and politician. He could have done so much for Western Civilization or, at least done far less harm. Now Amren has changed; calling them White Renegades makes the point. This time the winner is Emmanuel Macron, a tool of the political class. The left and right, nominal opponents colluded against Marine le Pen. They are the real Enemy Within, actively betraying Western Civilization egged on by Zionist crazies.


White Renegade Of The Year 2018

Emmanuel Macron


White Renegade of the Year 2018 ex American Renaissance
“To see and not to speak would be the great betrayal,” said Enoch Powell. Worse is to see, to know, to speak, and then act destructively anyway. Angela Merkel, White Renegade of the Year 2015, did this when she welcomed a massive migrant flow into Europe years after declaring multiculturalism was a failure. Yet this year’s renegade has less excuse. He clearly warned of the consequences of mass immigration, but still pushes catastrophic policies on his people—even in the face of failure and furious opposition. This year’s White Renegade of the Year is the president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

President Macron won election in 2017 thanks to a quirk of the electoral system. In a runoff against the nationalist Marine Le Pen and her National Front, he won a commanding 66 percent of the vote, compared to about 34 percent for Mrs. Le-Pen. Many voters were motivated not by Mr. Macron’s positive vision, but by a desire to stop the National Front. A relatively large number of voters abstained in the second round and almost ten percent turned in blank ballots in protest. Mr. Macron acknowledged many had not voted for him out of agreement, but “simply to defend the Republic”—thus implicitly banishing Marine Le Pen and her supporters from republican legitimacy.
This is an American perspective. I would still prefer Theresa May for her Treason in the matter of Brexit.



My nomination was a Brit, one betraying us regarding Brexit:-

Theresa May


She is still Her Majesty's Prime Minister late in this foul year of Our Lord 2018. What has she done for England? More to the point, what has she done to us? Was it with malice aforethought? Possibly, even probably. She is a Judas Goat leading us to Enslavement by the New World Order.

Previous winners are at Race Traitors.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted.

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Updated on Sunday, 29 December 2019 12:10:08 +0200