The most famous part of Russian history involves the events surrounding the Bolshevik Revolution. It is mainly tragedy, which is a pity. Peace is not so interesting but it makes for happiness. There were observers there at the time so they are primary sources. This does not mean they are always reliable but their stories have some connection with what really happened. Here are some of them. Another interesting source is Re-Thinking The Russian Revolution. It is about what might have been.
R. H. Bruce-Lockhart
A good man.
George Buchanan
The British ambassador to the Tsar. A decent man.
Morgan Philips Price -
A mouthy little Trotskyist who wrote for The Guardian.
Robert Wilton
A good reporter who worked for The Times until he fell foul of the Jews.
Arthur Ransome -
Wrote good children's' books. His political output seems to be forgotten.
Paul Dukes
Was there. Did well.
Malcolm Muggeridge -
John Beaty Jew evasive good
David Francis, American Ambassador To Russia
March 16, 1918 - American Ambassador Francis when asked if he would leave Russia since peace with Germany has been ratified by the Moscow conference and what attitude his Government would assume towards Russia made the following statement:
UNQUOTE ex Telegram from David R. Francis, the Ambassador in Russia
The Cause of World Unrest
H.A. Gwynne
When the American publisher George Haven Putnam originally published "The Cause of World Unrest" in 1920, he soon after sent "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" to press as a companion book. But.... pressure was brought to bear on Putnam from the Anti-Defamation League to abandon the book.......The message contained in "The Cause of World Unrest", coupled with "The Protocols" may give us some understanding of why the ADL (a Zionist propaganda arm of the NWO) was so adamant about keeping this information from both honorable Jews and Gentiles alike.
"The Cause of World Unrest" is a stark comparison between the Bolshevik Revolution and the plans documented in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Written by the Editor of The London Morning Post, H.A. Gwynne connects the dots between Freemasonry, International "Jewry" (Zionism), and the Bolshevik Revolution.
The truth has its uses. One worth following up I fancy. - the full text is at The Cause of World Unrest.
General Ironside in Siberia and the PRO
General Ironside would have been reporting from Murmansk or Archangel in the Arctic. They got a cool reception. See Allied intervention in Russia, 1918-19........ Some 30,000 men, almost half of them British, were stationed at the Arctic ports of Murmansk and Archangel under General Edmund Ironside. A similar number of men were under arms in the Caucasus and southern Russia, where General Denikin was recognized as the leading 'White' general.
Dutch Ambassador To Russia Oudendyke
The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later: "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."
He wasn't beating about the bush. Ex The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution
Arthur Ransome
Arthur Michell Ransome (18 January 1884 – 3 June 1967) was an English author and journalist, best known for writing the Swallows and Amazons series of children's books. These tell of school-holiday adventures of children, mostly in the Lake District and the Norfolk Broads. Many of the books involve sailing; other common subjects include fishing and camping. The books remain so popular that they provide a basis of a tourist industry around Windermere and Coniston Water – the two lakes that Ransome used as the basis for his fictional North Country lake.He also wrote about the literary life of London, and about Russia before, during, and after the revolutions of 1917
Mr Ransome was a man of the left. He played chess with Lenin, beat him and got away with it. He also married Trotsky's secretary. His children's books are very good. His writing about the revolution seem to have been forgotten.
Robert Wilton
Robert Archibald Wilton (31 July 1868 – 18 or 19 January 1925) was a British journalist. Wilton, who was born in Cringleford, Norfolk, was the son of a British mining engineer employed in Russia. In 1889 he joined the European staff of the New York Herald, remaining with that newspaper for fourteen years, and corresponding on both Russian and German affairs. He then took up an appointment as The Times correspondent in St Petersburg, and became known as a keen observer of events in Russia during the last years of the Tsarist regime. After the Revolution, he moved to Siberia. Following the collapse of the Kolchak government, Wilton managed to escape from Russia and eventually arrived in Paris where, in 1920, he rejoined the New York Herald. In 1924 he joined the staff of a newly-founded newspaper, the Paris Times (which published in English). He died from cancer at the Hertford British Hospital in Paris early in 1925. Wilton served with the Russian army during the First World War, and was awarded the Cross of St George. Wilton was accused of being a right-wing antisemite. He allegedly was a proponent of blood libel and claimed that execution of the Romanovs was a ritual murder by the Jews. [ I think that is what is usually called a lie. Editor ] He was criticized by several liberal [ Read that as left wing - Editor ] British journalists for supporting the attempted military coup by Lavr Kornilov.
Mr Wilton told us that most of the important players in the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were Jews. He was hated for telling the truth.
Morgan Philips Price
Morgan Philips Price was born in Grove Taynton, on 29th January, 1885. The son of William Price, MP for Tewkesbury, he was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge........... Price spoke Russian and he was recruited by C.P. Scott to report the war on the Eastern Front for the Manchester Guardian. He also covered the Russian Revolution and was sympathetic to the government established by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks. On his return to England, Price published My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution (1921).Price worked for the Daily Herald in Germany (1919-23) and after joining the Labour Party, was its unsuccessful candidate for Gloucester in three successive elections (1922, 1923 and 1924). He was elected to represent Whitehaven in the 1929 General Election and was appointed by Ramsay MacDonald as Private Secretary to Charles Trevelyan, president of the Board of Education.
Defeated in the 1931 General Election, Price also represented the Forest of Dean (1935-50) and Gloucestershire West (1950-59). His memoirs, My Three Revolutions, was published in 1969. Morgan Philips Price died on 23rd September, 1973.
He strikes me as a nasty bit of work who hated Robert Wilton for telling the truth.
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution
by Mark Weber
Is exactly what the name implies and it names the guilty, lots of them.
Lord Of The Rings And The Judenfrage - &
Readers of "The Lord of the Reich", "The Lord of the Six Million" and "Volkisch Hobbits" may feel that the author of these odious comparisons is libeling the memory of a literary genius. Not at all. J.R.R. Tolkien held precisely the views outlined in these comparison pieces. Tolkien was a man of his times, as are all men. Anyone who doubts Tolkien's true intellectual position need look, not merely at the indisputable evidence of Tolkien's own political and philosophical comments, but also the intellectual milieu of the between the wars English upper classes. At the end of the "Great War" with Germany the English world empire faced a new menace-the ominous Bolshevik regime of communist Russia. Everyone in England knew who was behind it-the Jews. It was the fright mania of the English press for two years-1919-1921. No subject, not even the dictated peace treaty with Germany, was of greater concern. The editor of the Morning Post, Mr. H. A. Gwynne, published a book The Cause of World Unrest, arguing explicitly the Jewish responsibility for the world revolution erupting from Moscow-and warning English Jews to dissociate themselves from it. The renowned Winston Churchill in his famous Illustrated Sunday Herald essay of February 8,1920 entitled Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle For The Soul Of The Jewish People issued much the same warning. The English Foreign Office resonated with warnings from its agents and newspaper correspondents in the field about the Jewish agitation behind communism in Russia and elsewhere. Good examples would be the reports of Robert Wilton, the London Times correspondent in Moscow, the reports of General Ironside in Siberia and the dispatches of agent Paul Dukes, author of Red Dusk and The Morrow. Foreign diplomats, such as the American David Francis and the Dutch ambassador, Oudendyke, provided the same information. J.R.R. Tolkien grew up and matured in the midst of all this.
Like many Englishmen of the day he knew the menace of communism-and knew who was behind it. The Jewish financing of communism was also well known. The participation of Mr. Jacob Schiff in New York, of Mr. Olaf Achsberg in Sweden and Mr. Israel Lazarevitch Helphand in Russia in financing communism was common knowledge. The English empire at that very time, 1919-1921, was being manipulated into supporting a Jewish "national homeland" in Palestine with emigrants pouring into the Holy Land from the revolutionary areas in Russia. All this was known to Tolkien-and he feared the very real threat to his beloved England which these Jews represented. Tolkien was certainly not alone in these fears, as we have noted. The Mitford sisters, Unity and Diana, showed the same fears-and joined the extremely prevalent faction in English society which viewed the new leader of the late German enemy, Adolf Hitler, as the salvation of Europe from the common Jewish peril. The press lords, Viscount Rothermere and Lord Northcliffe of the London Times also shared these views, although Northcliffe was probably assassinated by the Zionists while vacationing in France to silence a series of articles he had planned to run in the Times opposing Zionism in Palestine. Numerous English lords and members of Parliament, such as M.P. Ramsey and Lord Islington, opposed Jewish and Zionist intrigue.
J.R.R. Tolkien conceived his "Lord of the Rings" and began writing it in the time of Adolf Hitler and the build up to the Second World War. It is absolutely inconceivable that Tolkien did not write his allegory without taking note of the events of his day and their breath taking geopolitical implications-not to mention the ominous political events of his youth. Tolkien also must have known full well, as an Oxford professor and man of letters, what other English authors of like mind were writing at the same time. Thus, he must have known of the very Catholic-and very anti-Semitic Hillaire Belloc-and of his famous book The Jews. He would have been aware of Belloc's distaste for both communism and capitalism-and of the influence of the Jews in both. He must have known of it-since he shared it-Belloc's fondness for the simple, agrarian life. Tolkien must also have known of John Buchan's novel The Thirty Nine Steps, with its plot of a world wide Jewish conspiracy to destroy the English empire, (The latter aspect of the novel was deleted, one suspects in deference to the usual sensibilities, when Alfred Hitchcock translated the story to the screen.) And, surely, Tolkien would have noticed the wrings of Henry Ford in his Dearborn Independent, the anti-Semitic passages in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and the numerous anti-Semitic passages and characters in the early novels of his fellow countryman, Graham Greene. When one considers this intellectual ferment of the 1920's and 1930's with the known facts of J.R.R. Tolkien's political activities and then evaluates his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy with this background, there can be absolutely no doubt of Tolkien's true colors.
The "Lord of The Rings" is, indisputably, a tale of heroic white warfare against the forces of evil. That is what made the movies so wildly popular when they came out. It is also what caused certain critics to denounce them as "racist" and offensive to the sensibilities of minorities nowhere represented. The "orks", in particular, were resented as possibly representing the blacks and other races locked in eternal warfare with the white race. There can be no doubt that these critics were right. J.R.R. Tolkien knew exactly what he was writing with "The Lord of The Rings". It is time that matinee goers realize explicitly what they may have guessed implicitly while watching the movies.
Morgan Philips Price
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMorgan Philips Price (29 January 1885 – 23 September 1973)[1] was a British politician and a Labour Party Member of Parliament (MP).
He was born in The Grove, Taynton, near Gloucester. His father, William Edwin Price, was also a British MP, serving for the seat of Tewkesbury. M. Philips Price was schooled at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. When his father died in 1906, Price inherited an estate of some 2,000 acres (8.1 km2).
Journalistic career
His political life began as a member of the Liberal Party, and he was selected as a prospective party candidate for Gloucester (1911–14). However, he took an anti-war stance at the outbreak of the Great War joining the anti-war Union of Democratic Control at its inception. In 1914, he also published "The Diplomatic History of the War".
He was then recruited by C.P. Scott of the Manchester Guardian, and became a war correspondent for the Eastern Front. As a Russian speaker, he was subsequently able to observe and report on the Russian Revolution. In 1921, he returned to Britain and published "My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution" which showed sympathy to the government of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
Price was later employed by the Daily Herald as a correspondent in German from 1919–23.
After the First World War, Price joined the Labour Party, and became its candidate for the Gloucester seat. He fought the seat at the general elections in 1922, 1923 and 1924 but was never successful.[2] At the 1929 general election, he was finally elected to parliament for the Whitehaven constituency.[2] He joined Ramsay MacDonald's government when appointed as Private Secretary to Charles Trevelyan, president of the Board of Education.
At the 1931 general election Price lost his seat.[2] However, he returned to Parliament in 1935, as member for the Forest of Dean which he served until the constituency was abolished in boundary changes for the 1950 general election.[2] He was elected instead for the new West Gloucestershire constituency, and held that seat until he retired from the House of Commons at the 1959 general election.[3]
He published his memoirs, My Three Revolutions, in 1969, and died on 23 September 1973.