Kath Viner, the editor of The Guardian upped her pay from £340,000 to a very adequate £509,850. See PE1600/10 "BEG TO DIFFER". She chooses not to mention this fact when the Grauniad publishes its daily plea to readers for money, no matter how little. It is owned by the Scott Trust, the ultimate overseer to ensure The Guardian survives "in perpetuity". The real point is evading tax. Only little people pay it.
They are also colluding with Bill Gates via the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation. Operating as a charity has significant tax advantages. Interested? Contact them via media@gatesfoundation.org
The Guardian Of Lies Versus The Truth
The first headline is at
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine - Fri 6 Feb 2015 08.43 GMTThe second is at
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/ukraine-liberal-ideals-boris-johnson-tories-russian-money - Sun 27 Feb 2022 14.29 GMTUkraine's neo-Nazi problem - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUSKBN1GV2TY - March 20, 201812:27 AM Updated 5 years ago
for foreign fighter, Ukraine offers purpose, camaraderie and a cause - https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/foreign-fighters-ukraine-offers-purpose-camaraderie-cause-2022-03-07/ - March 8, 20229:02 AM GMT+2Last Updated a year agohttps://www.vox.com/world/2019/9/24/20882359/trump-impeachment-ukraine-president-zelensky
a Ukrainian comedian-turned-president is embroiled in trump's impeachment mess - https://www.vox.com/world/2019/9/24/20882359/trump-impeachment-ukraine-president-zelensky - Sep 24, 2019, 5:10pm EDT
a Ukrainian president's rule becomes increasingly corrupt authoritarian - https://www.neweurope.eu/article/ukrainian-presidents-rule-becomes-increasingly-corrupt-authoritarian/ -
Published 15:00 April 15, 2021
Ukrainians are giving two lessons in democracy that Americans have forgotten - https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/06/politics/ukraine-democracy-lesson-us-blake-cec/index.html - Sun March 6, 2022
Washington Post
Zelenskyyy: the TV president turned war hero - https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/post-reports/zelensky-the-tv-president-turned-war-hero/ - Saturday, March 5, 2022
Pretentious Drivel
The leading exponent of tendentious waffle is The Guardian. They employ people with degrees in mediaeval Latin or similar areas who worm their way into the media and write turgid nonsense. Private Eye has been publishing their rubbish in Pseuds Corner for decades now. The supply shows no signs of drying up.
Martyr with a Machine-Gun - How Liberal Piety Facilitates Muslim Pathology
Tobias Langdon tells us that these quasi-intellectuals can not tell consistent stories or push a world view that makes sense. "Liberal" in this context means Left Wing.
Adam Levick
Is a Jew & propagandist specializing in allegations that The Grauniad is anti-Jew & pro-Palestinian. Believe him if you want; I do not.
The Guardian Alleges That Corporate Welfare Costs Tax Payer £93 Billion - It Lies
Perhaps their tame sociologist explaining Taxation is a fool, ignoramus or both rather than a liar but The Grauniad wants their Useful Idiots to believe it. But check out the Guardian's track record.
The Gulag In Pictures
Read what the Graun has to say about pictures of the slave camps run by the NKVD. Notice how they snivel to evil. Then decide whether they are just as evil or not.
The Dangerous Cult of the Guardian, A Thought Police for the Internet Age [ 29 September 2011 ]
There could be no better proof of the revolution – care of the internet – occurring in the accessibility of information and informed commentary than the reaction of our mainstream, corporate media.For the first time, Western publics – or at least those who can afford a computer – have a way to bypass the gatekeepers of our democracies. Data our leaders once kept tightly under wraps can now be easily searched for, as can the analyses of those not paid to turn a blind eye to the constant and compelling evidence of Western hypocrisy. Wikileaks, in particular, has rapidly eroded the traditional hierarchical systems of information dissemination.
The media – at least the supposedly leftwing component of it – should be cheering on this revolution, if not directly enabling it. And yet, mostly they are trying to co-opt, tame or subvert it. Indeed, progressive broadcasters and writers increasingly use their platforms in the mainstream to discredit and ridicule the harbingers of the new age. A good case study is the Guardian, considered the most leftwing newspaper in Britain and rapidly acquiring cult status in the United States, where many readers tend to assume they are getting access through its pages to unvarnished truth and the full range of critical thinking on the left.............
Rather than relish this competition, or resign itself to the emergence of real media pluralism, however, the Guardian reverted to type. It again became the left’s thought police. This time, however, it could not ensure that the “challenging left” would simply go unheard. The internet rules out the option of silencing by exclusion. So instead, it appears, it is using its pages to smear those writers who, through their own provocative ideas and analyses, suggest the Guardian’s tameness.
Jonathan Cook wrote for the Guardian so he understands them. It is not a pretty picture that he paints. The mob that run it are capitalist swine paying themselves very handsomely.
Shouts in the trough forever.
Triad Of Evil
The triad are Andrew Marr, Jackie Ashley and Alice Miles. All three are big in the main stream media, a nexus of perversion. All three are Subversives. They might be thought of as Lenin's Useful Idiots. They are too intelligent for that but they are followers of Antonio Gramsci, at the forefront of the Long March Through The Institutions, attacking Christendom. They are Cultural imperialists whose objective is Cultural Genocide.
Marr is a BBC front man. Marr is evil. Ditto for Ashley.
The Black, The Guardian, The Lies, The Agenda
During the 50th anniversary celebrations of the arrival of the Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks on June 22 1948, Vince Reid, who has died aged 66, featured prominently in radio and television interviews. For Vincent was, at 13, the youngest West Indian to make the Atlantic crossing on the Windrush. [ NB He was far from being the youngest but then he was a keen liar - Editor. ] In Britain, he was to become a pioneering teacher of Caribbean and African history, a fighter in the struggle against racism and injustice, and one of the two advisory lecturers who helped the former Inner London Education Authority inspectorate establish its multi-ethnic division............Then in 1967, working as a market researcher, he met Elizabeth Evans, an Englishwoman who shared his hatred of injustice. Despite family opposition, they married...........
With Elizabeth's encouragement and support, he was accepted, at 35 years of age and without formal qualifications, to read history, and, in particular, the history of Africa, at Sussex University. Committed to the cause of Africa and people of African descent, he had been one of the few members of the UK branch of a new Jamaican party that followed the ideas of Marcus Garvey, the early 20th-century Pan-Africanist. Graduating in 1973, he went on to do a master's degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.
In 1974, he joined Brixton College of Further Education (now part of Lambeth College) in south London. There he found his vocation. At Brixton he was a pioneering teacher of Caribbean and African history, a mentor to both black staff and students, and a founder of the black staff group. He also taught students with special needs and those on access courses for social work, and helped counsel students with problems........
He now had more time to listen to grand opera and jazz, to read and to follow racing, boxing, but especially Queen's Park Rangers and the West Indies cricket team. Even so, after 20 years he was deprived of what he had once told his son was his real hobby, teaching.
Reid was stupid, dirty and idle. It may be that he washed every year. I would not hazard a guess. He was also a racist full of hate for Englishmen. It was why he bullied his wife. Telling students - they had to be an all black class that Homosexuality is a disease imported to the West Indies by white men was an attempt to incite racial hatred, a criminal offence under the Race Relations Act 1976. Of course he was allowed to get away with it because the Act was passed by racists who also hate England. Some newspapers tell some of the truth some of the time. When the agenda cuts in they lie in their teeth when they do not suppress the facts totally.
ex http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/arrival_01.shtml - He looks uglier in the mug shot.
Guardian Lies Too - Nomadic life of a confused killer with short fuse
The Grauniad lies because it has an agenda. The killers in question were blacks who decided to kill six white Americans every day for 30 days. The story was big in the media until the perpetrators were captured. Then the news black out started. The Graun is a propaganda machine which totally suppressed the fact that Obama was using a Forged Birth Certificate - background is at Hate Crimes
The Manchester Guardian ex Wiki [ 1821 - AD ]
Is otherwise know as the Grauniad or Graun. It is a left wing organ but has a few good articles. It is was altogether too friendly with Zionists in their early days but sometimes sound on systematic murder and torture in Israel.Private Eye rarely sneers at the Graun. It has to be their paper of choice but the halo slipped recently. The eXile, a little paper in Moscow got robbed by Luke Harding of the Graun. They were not amused. See Hack Watch - Did Guardian Journalist Hack Again?
PS The eXile's style owes something to the Eye.
The Guardian And Perverting The Truth
This website proves that the British political controversy of the 1990s, the so-called 'cash for questions' affair, was an invention. The evidence within these pages shows that the most influential newspaper in British society, the liberal Guardian, had dreamt up the story in a bid to oust from power the Conservative Government of Prime Minister John Major.
Two provincial journalists write, telling us that Mohamed Fayed is deeply corrupt, the Metropolitan Police ditto and the media have morals to match. It sounds right to me and makes Private Eye's coverage look timid. Backed up in c:/data 2/people
The Guardian, The Arrogance And The Agenda
In the late 1970s, when I was living in England, The Guardian was the most Soviet friendly of all British broadsheet newspapers, constantly trying to find excuses for Soviet behaviour by implying that the West was morally at least as evil as its adversaries. Apparently The Guardian has learned no lessons from the fall of Communism in 1989. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who is to guard the guards themselves?)...... This is a question one may ask now that Albert Scardino, a senior editor of British left-wing newspaper The Guardian, resigned after weblogger Scott Burgess revealed on The Daily Ablution that The Guardian had engaged Dilpazier Aslam, a member of Hizb ut Tahrir, an al-Qaeda related organization, as a trainee journalist and political commentator. On 13 July, Aslam wrote an op-ed piece in The Guardian, stating that the British could not pretend “that the [ 7/7 London ] bombings happened through no responsibility of [their] own.” Burgess’s revelation of Aslam’s membership of HuT that same 13 July was picked up by other bloggers and the mainstream media, which finally led to Aslam being sacked and the resignation of Scardino, who had known about the HuT membership of his trainee.What possessed these people to think they could turn their paper into a platform for al-Qaeda and get away with it? The answer is arrogance. The same arrogance that characterized so many editors and journalists during the Cold War, when much of the Western press acted as a vehicle for Soviet policy. Journalists could be openly communist and that was accepted, while those who stood for freedom and democracy against the Soviets were regarded as intolerant or extreme. It was not done for the press in Western Europe to side with its own side. On the contrary, anyone who was anti-American was regarded as morally and intellectually superior. In the couple of decades since the Cold War the attitudes of the press have not changed. Their basic instinct is to side with whoever happens to be fighting against America. From worshippers of communism they have now become condoners of terrorism. To even dream of doing so in a country which has experienced terrorism first-hand throughout the war in Northern Ireland only indicates the extent of their arrogance.
Antonio Gramsci, the chief theoretician of the communist party is still the dominant force in the main stream media, politics, law, you name it. Do they ever apologize for the evil they do? Not a chance.
Chris McGreal
The Graun pushes its line but it does turn up trumps occasionally. Chris McGreal, is one of theirs that tells it like it is when they see fit.
How Does The Party Line Go Down In The Market Place?
Not that well. Other papers are also going down hill.
Guido Fawkes has a happy view of their failure.
Mandela Praises Anti-Apartheid Comrades
Nelson Mandela received rapturous applause in London yesterday as he unveiled a blue plaque at the former home of two eminent anti-apartheid activists, Joe Slovo and Ruth First. Hundreds gathered outside 13 Lyme Street, Camden, north London, as the former South African president paid a tribute to "great comrades" who had helped to achieve a democratic society in South Africa. He said: "It is a great honour to appear on this occasion, because we are honouring two eminent South Africans who, as young people, decided to join forces against those who suppressed millions of people in our country."......... Also present was the MP for Camden, Frank Dobson, who said Slovo and First were "two people who dedicated their lives to a free and democratic South Africa".
There is no mention of the fact that Slovo was a Jew and communist subversive. Mandela was a tool he used to break the South African government while keeping Jews like Oppenheimer in control of the diamonds & gold.
Winter in Moscow by Malcolm Muggeridge
Malcolm Muggeridge was better known in his latter days as a commentator and television personality. As a much younger man he was a reporter in Moscow when Russia was ruled by Joseph Stalin. Mr. Muggeridge went out into the countryside and saw peasants being rounded up by the Red Army to be deported or murdered. When the Manchester Guardian got his report they were so pleased that they suppressed it. This book was never reprinted but your library will have it in its reserve collection. A close up view of practical tyranny and the people who use it for their own advantage. The Wiki is surprisingly honest about this book but it is rather buried in other matters.
EXPOSED The Guardian newspaper's lies and anti-democratic power
Heroines of the Hive-Mind How Two Slush-Brained White Women Unconsciously Expose the Idiocies and Evils of Leftism, by Tobias Langdon
ex Unz Review [
Guardian In Propaganda Mode [
3 February 2011 ] It certainly sounds like the controversial Fox
News star. After all, he lambasts Barack
Obama as a dangerous Marxist; his
pronouncements on Nazis have caused
a coalition of 400 rabbis to advertise against him in the Wall Street Journal;
and his penchant for anti-America conspiracy theories on everything from
Fema to George Soros knows no bounds. But it is not Beck. It is, in fact, a
description of
Father Charles Coughlin, the infamous rightwing "radio priest", whose
broadcasts in the 1930s disturbingly echo those of Beck today. Indeed, some
experts see Coughlin as a father figure to the extremist broadcasting Beck has
honed so well. Many commentators on the left, including in
Harper's Magazine
and the Columbia
Journalism Review, have drawn a parallel between our own troubled times with
Beck and the tumultuous 1930s that saw the rise of fascism and Coughlin.
Guardian Gloats About Murdoch's Phone Hacking Crime Investigation [ 7 July 2011
] One positive step yesterday was the
announcement that there would be at least one public inquiry into what on
earth was going on within the Metropolitan police.
Guardian Used Same Hackers As The News of the World [
9 August 2011 ] Currently The Guardian’s David
Leigh is on his high horse with Guido, claiming we’re spreading “malicious
lies“ about him............ Instead he warns Guido by email
“you’ll be sorry”, something we hear all the time. The Guardian
has issued a statement, ‘The Guardian does not and has not
authorised phone hacking.’ Are they claiming then that David Leigh is
the lone rogue reporter, like news International said of Clive
Goodman?......... Data from the Information Commissioner’s
“Operation Motorman” shows that the Guardian Media Group paid tens of
thousands of pounds to private detectives to illegally procure private
information. The very
same private detectives employed by News International…
Guardian Are Self Righteous Canting, Hacking Criminals [
22 August 2011 ] This recent exchange between the Times’
Sean O’Neill and the BBC’s Gaetan Portal, who both cover crime, reveals their
@GaetanPortal @TimesCrime
when The Guardian ran the story on yesterday's arrest the press bureau
knew nothing of it.
and behold today a 51 year old police officer, working on the phone-hacking
inquiry named Operation Weeting, was arrested and suspended for
leaking to the Guardian. Given that David Leigh has already
confessed to phone-hacking, the Guardian’s squeaky clean reputation
is collapsing at a rapid speed. Was
this blatant corruption of police integrity sanctioned?....... Guido looks
forward to Rusbridger’s imminent statement on what he knew and when…
Quarter Of FTSE 100 Use Tax Havens Says Tax Abuser [
12 October 2011 ]
Guardian Employs Tory Jail Bird [
26 November 2013 ]
Guardian Advertises For Unpaid Interns [
17 December 2013 ]
Guardian Lies About Mass Murdering Criminal Jew [
5 January 2014
The working-class Manchester and Salford Advertiser called the
Manchester Guardian "the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners". Some things do not change.
They were Capitalist Swine then. They still
Guardian Sells Autotrader Via Offshore Tax Evasion Vehicle For 1 Billion [
22 January 2014 ]
Facts Are Sacred But Some Are More Sacred Than Others [ 14 March 2014 ]
The Guardian Does A Smear Job On Martin Heidegger [ 13 March 2014 ]
The Guardian Is An American Propaganda Machine
[ 1 April 2014 ]
The Guardian Alleges That Islamic Terrorists Are British - It Lies [ 6 April 2014
Guardian Fails In America [
2 June 2014 ]
Guardian Perverts The Truth Again [
11 August
2013 ]
The Guardian Is Big On Tax Evasion [
15 October 2014
The Guardian Notices Third World Crime [ 12 March 2015] Or so I said. I was wrong. Mr. Otak turned up in the Guardian in
February this year. Even more surprisingly, he was accompanied by another
vibrant offender, a Bangladeshi called Adbul Kadir. These two enrichers were
the first of three “case studies” of male violence against women:
BBC Is Right Wing Propaganda Machine Alleges The Guardian [
18 March 2015
Guardian Complains About Nigel Farage Again
17 March 2015 ]
BBC Is Right Wing Propaganda Machine Alleges The Guardian
[ 18 March 2015 ]
The Guardian Is Still Marketing Immigrants [
24 March 2015 ]
Labour Party Did Not Incite Third World Immigration As An Act Of Malice Alleges
[ 25 March 2015 ] Nigel Farage, the
UKIP leader, has made capital out of his claim that
the Labour government embarked on a deliberate policy to encourage
immigration by stealth. UKIP often cites an article by
Andrew Neather, a former No 10 and Home Office adviser, who wrote
that the Labour government embarked on a deliberate policy from late
2000 to “open up the UK to mass migration”.
Guardian Thugs Abuse Nigel Farage
[ 28 March 2015 ] If early reports are to be believed, the mob was organised by a guy
called Dan Glass, a former leader of the Student Union at the University
of Sussex, but who was also
involved with
the green group Plane Stupid. They too had a dubious relationship with
the concept of law and order. He is also a
"Guardian Youth Climate Leader" and an
Guardian columnist. One can't help but wonder why so many writers at
the Graun seem to be mixed up with violence and thuggery these days..... Eva Jasiewicz, who has written for the Graun
here, was
there too....... Jeez, and another one! Pennie Quinton's Guardian corpus is
her involvement in the mob
The Guardian Ignored & Lied About Islamic Trojan Horse In Schools
27 April 2015 ] It’s a very good paper in some ways – but it has a
complete blind spot about any story involving Islamists.
Its coverage of Tower
Hamlets has been
spectacularly misleading. And the reporting on
Trojan Horse by its education editor, Richard Adams, has
been execrable. Mr Adams now
pronounces the entire saga a “crude witch-hunt”
based on “not much evidence of anything,” claiming that
“most” of the allegations of “segregated classes,
compulsory prayers and incendiary preachers at school
assemblies … have crumbled under examination.”............ Now I have no problem with taking a position on a
story. I’ve taken a clear position on this one....... But whatever you say has to be true to the best of
your knowledge and belief. It has to be backed up by
evidence. And it has to take proper account of any
evidence against what you are reporting. You have to be
sure that it does not outweigh the evidence in favour.
Champagne Socialist Has £135 Thousand Ferrari [ 30 June 2015 ]
The Guardian Markets Illegal Immigrationism
[ 9 August 2015 ]
Illegal Immigrants On Kos Are Victims Says The Guardian [ 16 August 2015
] Up to 2,500 refugees in Kos were locked in a stadium for
nearly 24 hours, after riot police struggled to contain
crowds of recent migrant arrivals rounded up from makeshift
camps around the Greek island. On Wednesday afternoon, after being locked inside for
about 18 hours, the mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees were
fainting at a rate of four each hour, aid workers said. About 1,000 of the refugees were trapped inside a
playground within the stadium complex, with no access to
water or shade. A further 1,500 were housed in a separate
section of the stadium, with some protection from the sun............ Tensions were also rising fast on several other eastern
Greek islands, where more than 120,000 refugees have arrived
since the start of the year – up from about 30,000 during
the whole of 2014......... Despite the situation on the islands, many of the 1.6
million Syrian refugees currently in limbo in Turkey are
still planning to make the journey to Greece.
Racism Is Awful When Englishmen Are Accused Says Marxist Propaganda Machine
16 August 2015 ] For good reason much of the activism around racism and schooling has
focused on levelling the attainment gap for certain ethnic minority
groups [ Code for blacks - Editor ]. There have been some successes in this approach, for example
Bangladeshi students now achieve above- average rates at GCSE level (5
A*-C, including English and maths), but there remains systemic
disadvantage for certain groups.
Third World Murderer's Motives Not Known Alleges Marxist Mouthpiece [
24 August 2015
Exporting Illegal Immigrants Is Very Bad Says Marxist Mouthpiece [
24 August 2015
Third World Murderer's Motives Not Known Alleges Marxist Mouthpiece [
24 August 2015
Hungarian PM Says Europe's Response To Illegal Immigration Is Madness [ 6 September 2015
] Orbán’s incendiary remarks came as he arrived in Brussels for a
confrontation with EU leaders over his hardline policies in Europe’s
biggest migration emergency since the second world war. “Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to
have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe,” Orbán wrote in
Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Europe’s response is madness.
We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration
policy is responsible for this situation.
The Guardian Tells Truth About Third World Violence Against Women [
17 November 2015 ] Or so I said. I was wrong. Mr Otak turned up in the Guardian in
February this year. Even more surprisingly, he was accompanied by another
vibrant offender, a Bangladeshi called Adbul Kadir. These two enrichers were
the first of three “case studies” of male violence against women:......... The article was about feminists who are campaigning to make the
government “take action to stem the rise of violence against women by
keeping a database of every woman who is killed by a man.” The same
feminists will, of course, be firmly in favour of mass immigration by
Muslims and other non-Whites. But are even liberals at the Guardian
starting to glimpse the truth about ethnic enrichment?......... I don’t think the Guardian is turning into a White nationalist
newspaper, but something interesting has happened to its reality filter. The
truth about ethnic enrichment is occasionally slipping through. And when
liberals start admitting the truth about race, who knows where it will end?
The Guardian Alleges That Republican House Speaker Is A Paedophile Pervert [
10 April 2016 ] And so far we have not
heard a word about Hastert only being the tip of the iceberg, and the
failure of law enforcement to stop the widespread child abuse that is well
known in high political, business and even military circles…
Jim W. Dean
Dennis Hastert, the former US house speaker, molested four boys while
working as a high school wrestling coach, prosecutors have said. Hastert
agreed to pay one of his victims, who was aged 14 at the time of the abuse,
$3.5m, court filings show. He was not charged with abuse because statutes of
limitation had expired.
The Guardian Loses £52 Million [
14 May 2016 ]
Donald Trump, Peter Thiel And The Death Of Democracy - The Guardian Suffers From
Sour Grapes [ 23 July 2016 ]
Blacks Want Guns To Fight Us With Claims The Guardian [ 30 July 2016 ]
The Guardian Lost £173 Million This Year
[ 8 August 2016 ]
Donald Trump Hated By The Guardian [ 13
August 2016 ]
Guardian Obit Proves Its Marxist Bias Born in London, Jay started his career at the BBC’s
current affairs and documentary department, where he was a
founder member of Tonight, the groundbreaking current
affairs programme, becoming its editor in 1962............ Sir Antony became an outspoken detractor of his former
employer the BBC in his later years........... He has also
criticised it for being “biased” on climate change, and
accused staff of being “anti-industry” and “anti-monarchy”.
The Guardian Alleges That A British Woman Got Five Years In Iran
[ 10 September 2016 ]
Gun Nation
- The Guardian Feeds Us More Propaganda
[ 20 September 2016 ]
The Guardian Explains How To Destroy Brexit [ 2 December 2016 ]
Major Cut In EU Migrants Risks Long-Term Damage To UK Economy Alleges The Guardian
[ 8 December 2016 ]
Defending ‘White Interests’ Can Never Be Right Says Fat, Ugly Jew
[ 16 March 2017 ] Broadly speaking, Kaufmann takes the view that liberals have got it
all wrong. Wanting your neighbourhood to reflect your ethnic character,
he says, is not racist. Feeling “discomfort” when your group “no longer
sets the tone in a neighbourhood” may be inward-looking, Goodhart adds,
but “labelling that feeling racist risks becoming a self-fulfilling
prophecy, driving white resentment”. Both men cite the work of an
American Muslim academic, Shadi Hamid, who has also written about
supposedly non-racist “racial self-interest”........ And it is also true that fear of being labelled
racist has inhibited weak-minded public officials from doing their jobs,
from the Victoria Climbié case to the British-Asian grooming gangs.
Furthermore, as over The Satanic Verses, I support a robust
defence of democratic values and rights — rights that have been hard
won....... I’m not racist. I have nothing against them.
I’m just acknowledging my racial self-interest. Which is that I’m white
[ The Jew lies - Editor ].
So give me the job.
Islamic Was Born In England So He Was Not A Terrorist Until He Was
Radicalised - Allegedly
[ 10 April 2017 ]
Guardian Suppresses Truth About African Policeman Murdering White Woman
[ 22 July 2017 ] Janeé Harteau has faced criticism for her handling of the
shooting of unarmed Australian woman Justine Damond, as well as previous
killings going back to 2013.
Sweden Exporting Illegal Immigrants To A Safe Country - The Guardian Lying
About It [ 26 December 2017 ] “We left
Afghanistan because we were in danger,” said Mostafa, 17, several
friends nodding in agreement. “Things would be even worse if we
returned.......... This nightmare scenario is edging closer for the Afghan boys. The
country that welcomed them along with 35,000 other unaccompanied minors
from across the globe during the extraordinary year of 2015, has had a
change of heart.
The Guardian Protects Paedophile Perverts In The Charity Industry [
11 March 2018 ] “Why didn’t the complainants go to somewhere
like the Guardian? They did............. “Almost all of the complainants went to the
Guardian first. Different Guardian journalists were contacted, but all
went quiet. One told me: “I just wanted to say I haven’t forgotten about
this. Unfortunately the decision to work on the story or not is above my
station, so I’m just waiting for a decision either way…”............. The writer then claims the whistleblowers turned to the right-leaning
press: “When the Guardian sat on the story a subsection of the
whistleblowers went to the Mail and the Telegraph, who ran it with many
fewer sources.” The importance of a plural
media… UPDATE:
Priti Patel tells the
Sun: “The Guardian and Save the Children should be apologising to the
victims of these horrendous acts who have been let down by their
appalling conduct and the subsequent cover-up. They have shown a callous
lack of responsibility and a complete betrayal of the victims.”
It is another case of Mob Psychology in
PS The Grauniad, as Private Eye calls due to
its track record of bad spelling is funded inter alia by
Bill Gates & George Soros. See the
Khmer Times on the point. They keep ugly company.
His radio show
drew millions of listeners. His global conspiracy theories outraged some, but
drew many others to his paranoid rantings. He dubbed the American president a
communist sympathiser and supported a grassroots conservative political movement
aimed at overthrowing two-party politics. He made statements that horrified
Jewish groups...........
The Grauniad is the leader of the quasi-intellectual left. Their comments on
Father Coughlin
are grossly biased. He would at least have been aware of Distributism,
a decent approach to politics opposed to the evils of
Capitalism and the greater evil that is Socialism.
He was very much on the right lines regarding
Roosevelt's track record of pandering to Jews.
Roosevelt demonstrated his commitment to democracy and the rule of law and
the United
States Constitution, in particular the
First Amendment, which guarantees the
right to free speech by shutting down the good Father's radio broadcasts and his
first story on the full extent of the phone-hacking scandal was published
almost exactly two years ago – on 8 July 2009. It was – or should have been –
explosive. It reported that a major global media company –
News International – had paid out £1m secretly to settle legal cases which
revealed criminality within their business.............. The Metropolitan police – led by
Commissioner John Yates – announced an inquiry. And then, within the space
of a few hours,
he announced the inquiry was over and there was nothing to inquire into.......
Yates has got a story that will keep him out of prison. If not he will have
very soon.
A Guido co-conspirator, Jon Dell, spotted this line in an old copy of Campaign!:
Selling of the Prime Minister by Rodney Tyler published back in 1987.
Bugging Thatcher of course wouldn’t have bothered the Guardian, it
would have been “in the public interest”.
As they define it…
The Guardian
is morally superior to the rest of us. It loathes English plebian swine who
read The Sun
while welcoming all those nice darkies from Jamaica/Sri Lanka/wherever as
cheap servants - so good with the children/ doing the gardening my dear.
The net spreads. The Grauniad gloats.
Regular readers will recall how Guido often wonders how it is the Guardian
gets their hacking scoops. Well
it turns out their rivals and the Met itself have been wondering the very same
Gaetan Portal
Guardian was
being very nasty about
Murdoch and the
News Of The World. Now it is getting coy about its own track record. People
who live in glass houses should not throw stones. More at
Phone hacking investigation detective arrested 'for leaking information to the
The extent to which FTSE 100 companies use
tax havens for their operations is revealed
in a database of their subsidiaries compiled for the first time by the
development charity ActionAid. The 100 largest groups registered on the London
Stock Exchange have more than 34,000 subsidiaries and joint ventures between
them. A quarter of these, over 8,000, are located in jurisdictions that offer
low tax rates or require limited disclosure to other tax authorities.
Guardian is a run by a bunch of lying, hypocritical left
wing propagandists on the make. They are parasites fattening themselves off
the tax payers with those adverts for worthless government jobs. Then
there is the tax evasion, the offshore bank accounts, overseas
subsidiaries. See
Autonomous Mind which gives us pungent quotes from
Guido Fawkes who actually does
Chris Huhne
got out of a very soft nick & very early too. He is too important to pay for
his crimes. Ditto for his old woman. The
Media have gone very quiet about the judge that put
Her Indoors up to it but then her face fits because she is black.
The Grauniad complains long and
loud about firms hiring people to work for nothing in the hope of getting work
experience. The Manchester and Salford Advertiser once called the
Manchester Guardian "the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners". Some things don't change.
PS They moan
about offshore tax havens then do it as well.
Lying is what the
Guardian does
when it wants, which is all too often. Making excuses for the
Butcher of Sabra and Shatila is
just another example. They suppressed the truth about Stalin's
massacres although their reporter was there. He wrote
Winter in Moscow to get the truth out.
PS The writer, one
Freedland is also a Jew.
Guardian, the
leading voice of Marxism in England, the one that
tells the BBC what the party line is today is big on
tax evasion. Naturally it is run by Capitalist
Snouts in the trough forever.
The Guardian claims that the evil of 'zero hours'
contract is on the rise. The Office of National Statistics says they are
PS The Guardian uses these contracts
because it run by Capitalist
The Guardian, that foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners is at it again, doing a knocking job on
Martin Heidegger,
a German philosopher.
Doctor Heidegger was a member of the
Nazi party so he is hated by
Left Wingers. Of course if you ask lefties for
the differences between naughty Adolf and
dear old
Uncle Joe Stalin
they will not be quite so full of themselves.
But surely
The Guardian is a 'Left
Wing' propaganda machine? Well yes, up to a point but
Jonathan Cook, who was one
of theirs says that the Grauniad is anti-Russian, anti-Vladimir
Putin & lying. The Graun does not usually go in for blatant lying. It
prefers the subtle approach, suppressing the truth, throwing in the
misdirection. How? Barry Krusch explains
How To Frame A Patriot.
Islamic crazies who admit financing terrorism want
access to American classified papers. An American court is unlikely to be
The Guardian is a Marxist
propaganda machine colluding in a
Trojan Horse deception to fill
England with millions of enemy aliens. Giving them
British passports is part of their
has ambitions on America, a much bigger market than England.
It sees itself as morally superior to mere humans. It failed.
Wolff, one of their own explains rather well.
This time they concealed the truth rather than telling the lie
direct. A pig didn't investigate rapes. Aforesaid pig was ethnic so all
becomes clear; agenda first, truth nowhere.
The Guardian
is run by
Swine who are just as light fingered as Amazon. But they do like telling
their Useful Idiots that tax evasion is immoral.
The Grauniad was
"the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners". It still is.
I got it wrong — the
Guardian hadn’t forgotten after all. In “The
Joys of Jihad,” I discussed a double murder in 2012 by an
Afghan “asylum-seeker” called Ahmad Otak, who killed two young White women
in an exceptionally violent and sadistic way. It was a textbook case of
toxic “male entitlement,” but it was “now long forgotten by the BBC and the
The perpetrators all happen to be Third World aliens. Coincidence or
statistically valid? Try the latter.
For too long, the right has got away with weaving a fairytale of
BBC leftwing bias. Until the left starts complaining – and loudly too – the
BBC's agenda will be shaped by supporters of government, big business, the
free market and western foreign policy. That does not just subvert honest
journalism: it undermines our democracy.
Read for yourself.
Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. The smarmy little twat who wrote
this looks as though he still has nappy rash. For a more robust view look at
Gems of the Day courtesy of the
Army Rumour Service [
ARRSE for short. ].
Cohen is an insolent Jew & an
ugly one to boot. He doesn't have to approve of politicians. No doubt he has
much friendlier view of Blair,
Brown, Obama,
Stalin & other
War Criminals.
For too long, the right has got away with weaving a fairytale of
BBC leftwing bias. Until the left starts complaining – and loudly too – the
BBC's agenda will be shaped by supporters of government, big business, the
free market and western foreign policy. That does not just subvert honest
journalism: it undermines our democracy.
Read for yourself.
Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. The smarmy little twat who wrote
this looks as though he still has nappy rash. For a more robust view look at
Gems of the Day courtesy of the
Army Rumour Service [
ARRSE for short. ].
What pushed them away from their first homes, what pulled them to these
shores, what new lives are they making in Britain? The Guardian
asked immigrants living in the UK to tell us about their experiences. These
are their stories
The Guardian tells us that
Immigration is wonderful. They have carefully
chosen stories to make it look good but of course The Guardian's directors don't live near them.
Nor do their journalists. Their remuneration packages are not being driven
down, while Third World aliens undercut the wages of honest working men. The Guardian is a
propaganda machine, just like the
BBC. They want
Ethnic Fouling In England, which is
the early stage of Genocide as defined by the
United Nations.
PS They ignore the reasons why blacks want out of Africa.
The main one is that Marxists incited them to believe they would be better off
without us. Decolonisation produced all of
those Failed States
As today’s generation of political leaders prepares to fight an
election that is in part a contest about the mistakes, judgments and
assumptions Labour made in government on immigration, it is easy to
forget just how much immigration and asylum haunted Downing Street
throughout New Labour’s time in office. Between 1997 and 2010, net
annual immigration quadrupled, and the UK population was boosted by more
than 2.2 million immigrants, more than twice the population of
Birmingham. In Labour’s last term in government, 2005-2010, net
migration reached on average 247,000 a year.
The Guardian alleges that
Immigration was an accident, not mainline
Labour policy - it lies.
Guardian alleges that
Immigration is good for England - it lies.
Guardian alleges that we are
too stupid
to know that
Immigration is
good for us - it lies.
The Guardian ignores the
Pakistani contribution to the
Rape industry in
Rotherham - it lies by omission.
Guardian wants us to vote Labour because it
is a Marxist propaganda machine.
The news that UKIP leader Nigel Farage and his family were
attacked in a pub this afternoon
would be interesting enough at the best of times, but for BH readers
there are many other angles that attract attention besides the thuggery.
The Guardian is run by supercilious rogues who
despise the honest working man, if he is English.
Rent A Mob is their kind of oaf.
There’s a lot of bad journalism about Muslims in this
country, but not all of it is at the tabloid
“Islamic-only toilets” end of the market. On the subject
of the hardline takeover of Birmingham schools, I think
The Guardian may be Britain’s most dishonest newspaper.
The Guardian is a
Marxist propaganda machine, one that chose to conceal
the truth about the Ukraine famine because it was set
up by dear old uncle Joe Stalin. See
Winter in Moscow on the point. Agenda first,
truth later - maybe.
Polly Toynbee is a hypocrite but then she is at
The Guardian where intellectual pretensions are a
way of life.
The Guardian is run by public school men who
want cheap servants as well as Jews who hate England.
Up to 2,500 mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees held in
stadium on Greek island as police use sonic explosion to
maintain order
The Guardian is a
Marxist propaganda machine
inciting Illegal Immigration
by using Western Guilt, the
idea that the White Man
victimized blacks. It fosters
Pathological Altruism,
an abuse of our better feelings.
PS Notice the pictures
showing the intruders. Almost all are young, fit men,
vigorous and vicious.
14-year-old boy was sentenced to 11 years in prison for stabbing his
teacher in an apparently racially motivated attack in which be called
his victim the N-word [ Would this be Nigger?
- Editor ]. Laura Pidcock, of the charity
Show Racism the
Red Card, condemned members of the government for creating a climate of
hatred by their use of language during the migrant “crisis”. This tragic
incident demonstrates the work that needs to be done for schools to
challenge a climate that allows racist language and behaviour. However,
given the government’s attitude and policy agenda for schools, the
prospects for change are slim.
The Guardian
is in propaganda mode as usual. The Guardian
wants England flooded with cheap servants who
don't live near them. The Guardian swallowed the
Western Guilt story then
markets it to Lenin's Useful Idiots.
Show Racism the
Red Card is registered as a Charity so it is not
allowed to have political objectives. It is a criminal organisation with tax
breaks - just like the Mafia.
The Guardian claims that the Islam thug who
tried to murder people on a train is unknown.
The Guardian lies.
The Guardian wants more Third World thugs inflicted on us.
The Guardian
is run by enemies of England. They are not
Lenin's Useful Idiots; they are too cunning
for that albeit the attacker has a story that hangs together. His weapon
handling is third rate.
PS The Americans did well.
one is blatant Propaganda against American
interests and Donald Trump.
The Guardian claims that the Islam thug who
tried to murder people on a train is unknown.
The Guardian lies.
The Guardian wants more Third World thugs inflicted on us.
The Guardian
is run by enemies of England. They are not
Lenin's Useful Idiots; they are too cunning
for that albeit the attacker has a story that hangs together. His weapon
handling is third rate.
PS The Americans did well.
Hungary’s nationalist prime minister,
Viktor Orbán has claimed
Europe is in the grip of madness over immigration and refugees, and
argued that he was defending European Christianity against a Muslim
The Guardian claims that Mr
Orbán has
claimed........ Do you see a bias there? The
Guardian knows that Words
are Propaganda Tools. I claim that The
Guardian is a Propaganda machine, a
Marxist propaganda machine; an enemy of
Western Civilization to boot. Its
claims, its allegations should be treated with suspicion if not contempt.
It is part of a major Main Stream Media
onslaught being used to inflict Third World
aliens on us; one designed by Jews to abuse our better feelings, our compassion. It is
Pathological Altruism at work.
I got it wrong — the Guardian hadn’t forgotten after all. In “The
Joys of Jihad,” I discussed a double murder in 2012 by an
Afghan “asylum-seeker” called Ahmad Otak, who killed two young White women
in an exceptionally violent and sadistic way. It was a textbook case of
toxic “male entitlement,” but it was “now long forgotten by the
BBC and the Guardian.”
Now why would The Guardian tell the truth? Have
they noticed that the streets are getting darker, more dangerous.? Is it
because taxes are going up to pay Third World
parasites to laze around and buy Narcotics? Or could
it be that they are growing up, learning about responsibility? It's highly
unlikely but just worth a mention.
PS The Graun even shows us the colour of
the perpetrators. Now that is [ an occasional ] commitment to truth.
Do they look vicious, worthless, evil, prime candidates for the gallows? Or is
it just me?
Editor’s Note: The elephant in the
room that no one is asking about is with Hastert having to shell out all
this cash to his abuse victims what other compromises did he make to get
this money where the American people were added to his list of abuse
The Guardian tells us about Dennis Hastert
because he is a White Man but
The Guardian eagerly ignores
Paedophile perversion when Jews are the
perpetrators because The Guardian is a corrupt
Propaganda machine run by
Marxists and Zionist crazies. Which Jews are
perverts? Have a look at the hundreds of known kiddie fiddlers supplied by
the Failed Messiah, a Jew who
realized just how vicious they are behind the sales talk.
It only
has £743 million left. Never buying it is my contribution as
well as commenting on their lies.
The problem with traditional conservatives is that
they’re too anti-government to fulfill Thiel’s vision.
Fortunately for him, Trump is no traditional
Trump gives Thiel a way to fulfill his long-held ambition of
saving capitalism from democracy.
The Guardian at its occasional best tells the
truth well. This time it is lying in its teeth, hoping that anyone fool
enough to pay money for it will swallow the Party
Line & does not know what Democracy is.
Vox Populi, Vox
Dei [ The voice of the people is the voice of God ] was a
phrase used
Alcuin in 739 AD telling
Charlemagne to resist dangerous democratic ideas.
It lies in its teeth.
This is an improvement on last
year's loss, a mere £17.6 million. Their cash and endowment fund is also down, to £765
million from £838.3 million. They are burning through their assets quite
The working-class Manchester and Salford Advertiser called the
Manchester Guardian "the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst
portion of the mill-owners". The Guardian is run by
Lenin's Useful Idiots.
They ran two pieces knocking Don. All
lefties hates him thus proving that he is getting something right. Don isn't
going to war with Russia. That thieving slut
Clinton is threatening them, a very bad idea.
Fred explains -
Hillary, Trump, and War with Russia - The Goddamdest Stupid Idea I Have Ever Heard, and I Have Lived in Washington.
Fred understands tank war.
Sir Antony Jay, the co-writer of the political satires
Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister, has died at the age of
86. He was surrounded by his wife and family when he died
peacefully on Sunday evening after a long illness.
The "Guardian" complains about ""bias"" as
distinct from "bias" or just bias. Does it know better? Hint: NO! Was Anthony Jay wrong? No. The message is that there is something
wrong with people who do not think that the
BBC is a mirror
of integrity, that it does not regurgitate the
Line fed to it by Guardian
The Guardian, that
"foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst portion of the mill-owners" is playing fast and loose with the truth about
an Iranian woman. It eagerly suppressed the truth when
Joe Stalin was murdering millions, or was it
only thousands(?) in the Ukraine by starvation even though their reporter
was there. More on an ugly reality at Winter in Moscow by Malcolm Muggeridge.
The Guardian says guns are nasty, dangerous
The Guardian ignores the fact that most armed
criminals are Blacks or
Hispanics. The Guardian hates the idea that
the Armed Citizen can protect himself
against criminals and corrupt governments.
The Guardian is a
Propaganda machine run by Marxists and
supercilious rogues who think they know how to run our lives better than we
do; Traitors to boot of course. They do admit that
nobody will be fool enough to believe Blair.
PS It claims that Donald Trump will hurt the
people who voted for him. See
Many of us in rural, poor America supported Trump. But he will hurt us.
Believe them? Not me!
Do they even know any of Don's voters?
The Guardian, that foul prostitute pandering
to the worst of the mill owners is lying again but then it is run by
Capitalist Swine manipulating
Socialists. It keeps very quiet about the
Criminal Charities actively smuggling
in hundreds of thousands of Illegal
Let’s talk about whites. Readers of other colours are welcome to
listen in, but this is really about us and our legitimate white
self-interests, which are not at all the same thing as racism.............
This Propaganda piece comes from the front page
of The Times. It was written, not just by a fat,
ugly Marxist
Jew but a liar to boot.
Aaronovitch's grandparents got to England on the run from vengeance after
they wore out their welcome in the Russian empire along with many other
places. Now they have infiltrated the Main Stream Media
to market hate & Racism, anti-English racism but
racism none the less. It is crime when Englishmen do it but Jews get a pass,
just like most Third World aliens.
As we now know, the attacker, Khalid Masood, was British [ sic ], born in
Kent and brought up as Adrian Russell Elms. His story is one of
radicalisation, the question being when and how he embraced extremist
Islamist ideology: the path that led him to an act of murderous violence has
nothing to do with immigration.
The Guardian does not usually lie that bluntly,
that plainly. This time it did. It is where the BBC,
another bunch of Marxist traitors finds the
Party Line.
The chief of police in Minneapolis has resigned at the request of the city’s
mayor, Betsy Hodges, after Hodges said she had “lost the confidence of the
Guardian is a Propaganda machine of
Left Wingers, a bunch of anti-white
Racists, suppressing the fact that the perpetrator
is a trigger happy African being paid as a police man. See e.g.
Somali Policeman In Minneapolis Murders White Woman - Media Blacks It Out.
There is no mention of the fact that the police chief is a woman and a
Lesbian at that.
.............In a neighbouring
room, a dozen or so boys sit on the floor around dishes and several
steaming teapots. The chatter is jovial enough, a mix of Dari, Swedish
and English. The teenagers are all Afghans living in a camp for minors in Floda,
25 miles east of Gothenburg. But for how much longer?
The Guardian [ of lies ] tells that they are boys. At
17 they are men, young, fit, active, plenty old enough to rape and murder. They do just that; it is
how they turned Malmö into the
Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. The point of importing millions of
Third World parasites is to destroy
Western Civilization. The Guardian is
marketing Western Guilt as part of their
current Legitimising Ideology, as
inciters of
the Lunatic Fringe.
PS The
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees exports thousands to Afghanistan
because it is a safe country. For more and better detail see
Deporting Illegal Immigrants; a
reality the Grauniad duly skates over.
The Guardian sat on stories from charity sex abuse victims,
according to claims made by an industry insider. An ‘overseas aid expert’
writing under a pseudonym told the
Open Democracy website:
Be aware that Patel has some apologising of
her own to do. Being a Third World alien means
knowing a lot about bribery and corruption.