Donald Trump is a rich American business man who decided to run for President. Republicans like him, politicians apart. Democrats do not. The Main Stream Media are hostile. Various businesses are withdrawing their custom. But if a man is down to his last few billion this does not have to be a real worry.
This is not just business as usual. Don has promised to get a grip of Illegal Immigration, that to say act against crime & criminals. Why do politicians et cetera object? Do they want criminals? Yes, they most certainly do. He also benefits from another hostile Wiki write up - see Donald Trump ex Wiki.
Immigration policy causes Jews To Condemn Donald Trump. Of course Jews don't want Blacks in Israel; they know they are parasites. In fact their real policy is total Genocide, especially getting rid of Palestinians. We are supposed to ignore Jews real behaviour, ignoring similarities with Adolf's alleged performance.
Donald made promises to the American voter. Don published them in plain
English up front, straightforward pledges about what he was going to do FOR
them, as well as TO others. The Establishment
hated him for it. Real people liked it; the voted for him. Here are his words:-
Immigration Reform Trump
Donald Trump’s Contract
with the American Voter
They were both given news blackouts by the
Main Stream Media; they hate the truth. NB Recent
elections, in 2018 gave very large majorities to
Viktor Orbán and Vladimir Putin,
nationalists both. Around 70% of the voters liked what they heard. Don's
majority was slender but then America has millions of free loading parasites and
illegal immigrants voting too.
Sadly Don is ignoring his words, now that the election is over - see #Donald Trump Has Reneged On His Promises To His Voters or #Donald Trump Post White House Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. Hold him to his word when the next election comes.
Is Don playing straight? Does he say everything he means and mean everything
he says? A lot of Americans hope so. Many of them thought that
Ron Paul was the man to vote for.
He let us all down. Perhaps Don will talk the talk and walk the walk. Read what
he has to say in his book,
Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again. But there is
Fred; he is different.
Fred is prone to tell the truth. Whoops. Read Fred Explains Donald Trump
to know.
PS Who is working with Don? See The Trump
Team. More and better [ or
worse ] details are at
Hit ‘Em Up Donald Trump and the 9/11 Jew Money Mafia. It looks like we are
being taken for fools again.
The ZOG asks:
Who Controls Donald Trump.
The answers are not reassuring. Hopefully he is wrong. Time will tell.
Don is under attack by the Establishment. The
level of hate, the level of treason is extraordinary. In fact it is
unprecedented. Even Richard Nixon was hated less. See what
Mark Steyn has
to say about a
Coup d'état Profond to know.
UPDATES: Now in January 2022
#Donald Trump Is Played Out
Among His Own.
But seventy million Americans voted
for him. That constituency is still there and crying out for an inspiring
and effective leader.
Pardoning Edward Snowden and
Julian Assange would have been worthy acts, a rebuke of the criminals
running the Deep State. He chose friends,
Jews, associates and black scum instead.
A Quick Post-Mortem For Don
It's been a tough few months for conservatives, but I figure it's time we
try to get clarity on where we are, why we're here, and where we might go in
the future. Yes, it will sting, but what's the alternative? Somehow or
other, we must find a way at least to cope with, and at most to replace at
some point, what is shaping up to become
the most destructive presidential regime in American history.
That it seems to essentially be a foreign sort of thing is even more devastating. As nightmarish as it is to contemplate it, the Biden presidency appears to be the proxy regime of a high-speed Asian superpower right now transforming the United States into its vassal state. It's running the same play in other countries, too.
Now, don't get me wrong: If Planet Earth's rising Asian overlords knew how to govern with decency, deftness, respect for individuals, moderation, etc., maybe that would lessen the horror of all this.
But as it happens, the governing philosophy of these people amounts to a noxious stew of plutocracy, technocracy, totalitarianism, Orwellian pig-snobbery, oligarchy, racism, amorality, corruption, crony capitalism, feudalism/serfdom, "social credit", repression, imperialist dictatorship, fascism, communism, and probably three or four other lousy things I can't think of right now.
Trump was the bulwark against this. He ran against it in 2016. As president, he imposed new tariffs. He scuttled the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, which he viewed as a sham that wouldn't do anything except weaken the United States economically while accelerating the growth of its aspiring controller.
But whatever his virtues, I suggest it is time for conservatives to fully accept the fact that Trump failed at the Power Game.
Yes, he faced extraordinary opposition. Intelligence agencies tried to frame him. Media concocted fabrications about him. His own administration officials regularly planted damaging leaks about him, or even undermined him publicly. Military leaders joined in insubordination against his legal orders to quash riots. The House of Representatives impeached him on blatantly specious grounds. Establishment Republicans—overtly and covertly—thwarted him whenever possible. Beltway goon George Conway decided it was more important to trash Trump than save his own marriage and provide a healthy environment for his children. Public figures pretended to decapitate him, and mocked his wife and son. Mob pressure targeted members of his administration for career ruin, intimidation and harassment, and social media "disappearance" in perpetuity.
And yet, as the soccer players say, Trump scored a lot of "own-goals". There's no way around that. And if conservatives ever hope to get back into the Power Game again, they need to know exactly what mistakes Trump made, and then, never repeat them.................
In the two years prior to election day, Trump repeatedly announced that Democrats were going to try to rig the 2020 election against him. He said it at rallies. He said it in interviews and tweets. If we take him at his word, he knew perfectly well an attempt was coming.
And so I ask: What was Team Trump's fraud prevention plan? What did he actually do to reduce the chances of ballot-stuffing, voting machine manipulation, fraudulent mail-in ballots, Chinese election-tampering, etc.?
From what anyone can tell, the answer is: nothing. There was no
fraud prevention plan.
Tal Bachman is worth reading in full.
Don Is Not Perfect But He Is The Only One We Have - Our Only Friend In
Donald Trump As A Tragic Hero
Don won on 8 November 2016
Vote Fraud
Worked FOR Clinton Not Don
Trump's Refugee Ban
The Daily Trump
Don Is Not Perfect But He Is The Only
One We Have - Our Only Friend In
Let’s go to some bright spots.
If true, that’s a good thing. And that
change riffs off Trump’s effort to block immigrants who scrounge
off welfare.
the Kushner immigration plan announced in May does not lower
the number of green cards awarded every year. On the upside,
though, it mandates that wannabe immigrants be
fluent in English, pass a civics test, and prove they can
financially support themselves. That’s not as good as the RAISE
Act, which would halve immigration, but it might well reduce the
And the White House
recently announced it would lower the annual intake to
18,000 for 2020, the lowest number ever and a 79 percent cut to
Barack Obama’s high of 85,000 and well below his planned 115,000
for fiscal 2017. So there’s a campaign promise Trump kept, much
to the chagrin not only of the Open Borders Lobby, but also the
Establishment Republicans we call
the Lankford Nine.
Trump has also tried to improve border
control and toughen asylum rules without the help of Congress.
One example: Scrapping
the Flores Settlement, that prohibits holding illegal-alien
kids for more than 20 days, which means their “families” must be
released with them to disappear into the heartland. And again,
after a long government shutdown over funding for the border
wall that Congress refused,
Trump declared a national emergency to seize military money
anyway. The
Supreme Court permitted that go ahead on that, as well as
Trump’s order blocking asylees who cross the border from third
countries [Supreme
Court hands Trump a victory on asylum restriction, by
Josh Gerstein and Ted Hesson, Politico, September 11,
In other words, Trump hasn’t folded his
cards on the issue that elected him..............
But Trump has done historic work
highlighting the immivasion. And, substantively, Trump has
appointed about a quarter of federal appeals judges and
one-seventh of the district judges. He has also appointed two
Supreme Court justices [Trump’s
Impact On Federal Courts: Judicial Nominees By The Numbers,
by Carrie Johnson, NPR, August 5, 2019].
A caveat: Most of Trump’s candidates come
from the Federalist Society, which doesn’t review candidates’
records on immigration. Some cucks may slip through—see
Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch’s ominous rulings on immigration
and some
candidates on Trump’s SCOTUS shortlist [U.S.
Justice Gorsuch sees value of immigration through wife’s eyes,
by Lawrence Hurley, Reuters, September 13, 2019].
And the Trump administration is fighting
to get control of the immigration “courts,” increasing their
workload and adding more personnel, all while trying to break
their Leftist bias. The administration is trying to decertify
the Leftist immigration “judges” union (they’re
actually federal bureaucrats) and transfer more authority to
the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration
Review, something
long advocated on [DOJ
making changes to agency that runs immigration courts,
by Colleen Long and Amy Taxin, Associated Press, August
23, 2019]. .
Still, Trump has one ultimate weapon:
beating the Treason Lobby in the 2020 election. He must
emphasize that he America’s only hope against the Open-Borders
Left, its lapdog kritarchs, and the Two-Party Axis of Evil that
is pushing for The Great Replacement.
Trump isn’t perfect. But he’s the only
Trump we have. It’s him—and us—against Them.
Washington Watcher II [Email
him] is an anonymous DC insider.
Donald Trump Is Leading The Race For President Of America [
20 July 2015 ]
The Telegraph Attacks Donald Trump Because He Opposes Illegal Immigration
[ 21 July 2015 ]
The Guardian Attacks Donald Trump Because He Opposes Illegal Immigration
[ 21 July 2015 ]
Donald Trump Sneered At By The Times
[ 8 August 2015 ]
Donald Trump Abused By The Guardian
[ 8 August 2015 ]
Donald Trump Abused By The Mail
[ 8 August 2015 ]
Candidates Preferences
Donald Trump Going Bad?
[ 10 September 2015
Donald Trump Warns About The Trojan Horse Of Illegal Immigrants [ 15 October
2015 ] Mr Trump was
talking about the decision to throw open Germany’s doors to Syrian migrants
taken by Frau Merkel in August, which Breitbart London previously
reported. The ‘open doors’ policy is an idea for which she has come
under attack, even from those within
her own political ranks. “What they should do is get all the countries together, including the
Gulf States, which have nothing but money. They should all get together and
they should take a big swath of land in Syria........ Mr Trump was asked how many migrants he would take into the U.S. were he
in charge. He replied: “10,000, I’m not thrilled, but maybe. 200,000
people? This could be the greatest Trojan Horse.
This could make the Trojan horse look like peanuts if these people turned
out to be a lot of ISIS.”............. “…I have been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean,
they’re men. They’re mostly men, and they’re strong men. These are
physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers...........
But for the most part, I’m looking at these strong men. So, you ask two
things. Number one, why aren’t they fighting for their country? And, number
two, I don’t want these people coming over here.
Donald Is Still Out There, Still Making Waves [ 6 November 20015 ]
Eisenhower Sorted Out Illegal Immigration - Jews Did Too - Donald Trump Approves [
15 November 2015 ] “We are a country of laws,” the real estate mogul declared. “We need
borders. We will have a wall. The wall will be built. The wall will be
successful. And if you think walls don’t work, all you have to do is ask
Israel. The wall works, believe me, properly done. Believe me.”............ “I understand that when the mainstream media covers immigration it
doesn’t often see it as an economic issue. But I can tell you that for
millions of Americans at home watching this, it is a very personal economic
issue.” Cruz also took a shot at the donor class which often favors mass
immigration as well as the generally pro-immigration mainstream media. “And I will say the politics of it would be very different if a number of
lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande,” said Cruz. “Or if a bunch
of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the
wages in the press. Then we would see stories about the economic calamity
that has befallen our nation.”
Donald Trump Says Paris Massacre Would Have Different If People Had Been Armed In the immediate
aftermath of the coordinated assaults in Paris, which killed at least 129
and injured 352 more and for which Islamic State has claimed responsibility,
Trump called on the Obama administration to reconsider plans to allow
thousands of Syrian refugees to be resettled in the United States. 'With the problems our country has, to take in 250,000 people, some of
whom are going to have problems, big problems, is just insane,' Trump said
at a rally on Saturday in Beaumont, Texas.......... Louisiana Gov
Bobby Jindal said the terrorist attacks in Paris serve as an example of why
American borders need to be secured...... Trump's claims [ sic ] came just a day after coordinated assaults in Paris,
which killed at least 129 and injured 352 more and for which Islamic State has
claimed responsibility.
7-11 Shop Keeper Shoots Robber
Oklahoma Woman Shoots One Thief - She Kills
15 Year Old Lad Shoots - Lad Kills One Using .22 Rifle 12
Year Old Lad Shoots Thief Stopping Burglary
Mother With Child Shoots Thief Then Chases Him Off The Main Stream Media in America tell the truth
sometimes; in England it is never. See lots more like these at
Guns Save
Donald Trump ex Wiki
A Real Libertarian Tells Us How Donald Could Make Things Better
Blacks Demand More - Marxists Demand More - Don Ignores Them
Fred Explains Donald Trump It’s wonderful. The Beltway bastards just don’t know what to do about
it. They try all the political-correctness sure-fires—“You are racist!
Sexist! Insensitive! Islamophobic!”–and he doesn’t respond
correctly. No. He says, “Up yours, Potato Chip. I made ten billion
dollars. What have you ever done?” It’s love at first sight. So many people are sick of
disintegrating bottle-blonde wreckage and proliferating vegetation—we
have enough Bushes for a goddam arboretum—and all the inbred scum of a
dying country. But. How much of what he says is true, and what could he as President
actually deliver? He chiefly wants to deport illegal aliens. Fine–but
can he? Does he really plan to? I note that he is carefully, and dishonestly, putting the
immigrational blame on those who came instead of on the Americans who
bade them come, wanted them to come, and want them to keep coming. Trump says that the Chinese and Mexicans are our enemies because they
are “taking American jobs.” I wonder exactly how the
Chinese take American jobs. Do they land in division strength in North
Carolina and occupy factories? Or do American businessmen (Trump is an
American businessman) send American factories to China, knowing that it
will devastate the American economy? Does a Mexican take an American’s
job by putting a pistol to his head and saying, “Geeve me the shoffel or
I weel blow your brines out”? Or do American businessmen (Trump is an
American businessman) hire illegals, and encourage them to come, knowing
perfectly well that they are illegal? I will believe that Trump is serious about deporting illegals when he
proposes to slap on employers a fine of $500 per day, per
illegal, half to go anonymously to the informant if any, this to go into
effect after a month’s grace period. It presumably could be packaged as
enforcement of existing law, and therefore not require congressional
approval. It would place the burden of verification squarely where it
belongs, on the American businessmen who know well that they are hiring
illegals. The trouble with this approach is that it would work. Immediately.
Slaughterhouses, farms, orchards, and construction firms would go
tits-up. American businessmen (have I mentioned that Trump is an
American businessman?) would suffer the consequences of doing what they
knew they were doing. But of course American consumers would also suffer
the consequences. So it won’t happen. An explicit question that needs an explicit answer: Who is going to
replace the illegals? Answer: No one. A guest-worker program would do
the trick but the workers would still be Hispanics. No? Blacks are not going to do the scut-work. They could have had the
jobs long ago if they had wanted them. But welfare and leisure in
Detroit appeal more than backbreaking labor under a hot sun in a tobacco
field. Few whites will even consider standing ankle-deep in blood in an
abattoir. Which leaves…. I think we will see Donald duck the question. Trump is also says that “Mexico” is “sending” its criminals north,
and that Hispanics are raping and robbing and killing great swaths
across America. In this he is supported by much dreary howling from Ann
Coulter, the Manhattan Wind Tunnel. But is it so? How exactly does “Mexico” “send” its criminals to the
US? Offer free bus tickets to the border to anyone who can prove he is a
criminal? Package them for shipment by UPS? Mexico isn’t sending them.
They are going where the pickings are good. America’s insatiable
appetite for drugs provides very good pickings. The claim that Hispanics in general are causing a wave of crime is
shaky though politically saleable. Mexicans are certainly neck-deep in
the drug trade, satisfying American demand extending from cocaine on
Capitol Hill to a little of everything for high-school and university
students to marijuhweenie for middle-class folk who like to toke-up to scag
for derelicts nodding off on street corners. But otherwise? On Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance site I find
figures from DOJ showing that Hispanics are all of 26% more
likely than whites to commit violent crime. Hardly a crime wave. Since
Jared is strongly against massive immigration (as am I) he is unlikely
to be cooking the figures in favor of Hispanics. (For the intellectually
Ron Unz, long but well worth reading.) Oddly, Trump does not mention crime by blacks, which genuinely is a
disaster. Why? You don’t suppose this is electioneering…? Nah. Odd, though, since (I will bet that) his partisans are also sick of
black crime, burning cities, trashed malls, the
Knockout Game, as well
as political correctness, compulsory concern for sexual freaks, federal
meddling, the drugging of little boys, and so on. I am one of them. It is also amusing that those against immigration growl about
Hispanics’ being on welfare. This, like the whole problem of
immigration, is self-inflicted. If you don’t want people to go on
welfare, don’t offer them welfare. How hard is this? We would all
freeload if we could. If the government offered you a grand a month,
legally, for free, would you take it? I would. It seems a bit
wrong-headed to offer Hispanics free stuff and then growl when they
accept. Ah, but here we come to the matter of hidden agendas. American
businessmen oppose amnesty because they want the illegals to remain
illegal so they can’t organize and demand better pay. But the same
businessmen do not want them deported. And of course welfare for
immigrants is a subsidy to American businessmen: If the government pays
Pedro half of a living wage, then Wal-Mart has to pay him only the other
half. Many, methinks, of Trumps proposals make more electoral than
practical sense. A fence along the frontier? It would require
congressional approval, many years, and probably would not work. A
twelve-foot fence requires a thirteen-foot ladder. It is rousing good
fun to talk about the Israelis and they have a fence and it
works. But they have a short fence and they are willing to shoot to
kill anyone crossing it. Cutting off federal funds to “sanctuary” cities, proposed by Trump,
presumably would require approval from Congress, where it would be
blocked by Democrats, American businessmen, mayors of “sanctuary”
cities, the talking heads, and related trash. California, with more
Hispanics than whites, a state in which police are currently forbidden
to check immigration status, would be unlikely to cooperate. Then what?
Send federal troops to occupy California? It is so very simple: If you hire them, they will come. If you don’t,
they won’t. The problem in seven words, the solution in five. So maybe Trump ain’t perfect. Presidency-wise, though, the choices
are two: Trump, or more of the same. The same nauseating, corrupt
inside-the-beltway pols, bought and paid for by corporate interests,
mendacious, contemptuous of the rest of America, politically correct,
guaranteed to preside over the continuing deterioration. Maybe I have overestimated the number of choices.
Donald Trump On Course For White House In Spite Of Main Stream Media
Propaganda [ 2 March 2016 ]
The billionaire
real estate tycoon has been declared the GOP primary winner in Alabama,
Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. He's
leading in one undecided race and two more will end later.
Donald Trump Praised By Louis Farrakhan For Rejecting Jews' Money
2 March 2016 ]
"[Trump] is
the only member who has stood in front of the Jewish community, and said I
don't want your money. Any time a man can say to those who control the
politics of America, 'I don't want your money,' that means you can't control
me. And they cannot afford to give up control of the presidents of the
United States."
But despite Farrakhan's comments that show his support for Trump, the
religious leader has declined to fully endorse Trump as the presidential
The Washington Examiner notes that in addition to his pro-Trump comments
during his sermon, Farrakhan added that Jews are the reason for the
Iraq War
and the 9/11 attacks.
Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
2 March 2016 ]
American Regime Plotting To Dump Trump [
15 March 2016 ] Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean
Parker, Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk, and other members of the super-rich were
jetting in to the exclusive Georgia resort, ostensibly to participate in the
annual World Forum of the American Enterprise Institute. Among the advertised topics of discussion: “Millennials: How Much Do They
Matter and What Do They Want?” That was the cover story.
As revealed by the Huffington Post, Sea Island last weekend was host to
a secret conclave at the Cloisters where oligarchs colluded with Beltway
elites to reverse the democratic decisions of millions of voters and abort
the candidacy of Donald Trump. Among the journalists at Sea Island were Rich Lowry of National Review,
which just devoted an entire issue to the topic: “Against Trump,” and
Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the Trumphobic New York Times. Bush guru Karl Rove of FOX News was on hand, as were Speaker Paul Ryan,
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, dispatched by Trump
in New Hampshire and a berserker on the subject of the Donald. So, too, was William Kristol, editor of the rabidly anti-Trump Weekly
Standard, who reported back to comrades: “The key task now, to … paraphrase
Karl Marx, is less to understand Trump than to stop him.” Kristol earlier tweeted that the Sea Island conclave is “off the record,
so please do consider my tweets from there off the record.” Redeeming itself for relegating Trump to its entertainment pages, the
Huffington Post did the nation a service in lifting the rug on “something
rotten in the state.” What we see at Sea Island is that, despite all their babble about
bringing the blessings of “democracy” to the world’s benighted, AEI, Neocon
Central, believes less in democracy than in perpetual control of the
American nation by the ruling Beltway elites. If an outsider like Trump imperils that control, democracy be damned. The
elites will come together to bring him down, because, behind party ties,
they are soul brothers in the pursuit of power. Something else was revealed by the Huffington Post — a deeply embedded
corruption that permeates this capital city. The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research is a
501(c)(3) under IRS rules, an organization exempt from U.S. taxation. Million-dollar corporate contributions to AEI are tax-deductible. This special privilege, this freedom from taxation, is accorded to
organizations established for purposes such as “religious, educational,
charitable, scientific, literary … or the prevention of cruelty to children
or animals.” What the co-conspirators of Sea Island were up at the Cloisters was about
as religious as what the Bolsheviks at that girls school known as the
Smolny Institute were up to in Petrograd in 1917. From what has been reported, it would not be extreme to say this was a
conspiracy of oligarchs, War Party neocons, and face-card Republicans to
reverse the results of the primaries and impose upon the party, against its
expressed will, a nominee responsive to the elites’ agenda. And this taxpayer-subsidized “Dump Trump” camarilla raises even larger
issues. Now America is not Russia or Egypt or China. But all those countries are now moving purposefully to expose U.S. ties
to nongovernmental organizations set up and operating in their capital
cities. Many of those NGOs have had funds funneled to them from U.S. agencies
such as the National Endowment for Democracy, which has backed “color-coded
revolutions” credited with dumping over regimes in Serbia, Ukraine and
Georgia. In the early 1950s, in Iran and Guatemala, the CIA of the Dulles brothers
did this work. Whatever ones thinks of Vladimir Putin, can anyone blame him for not
wanting U.S. agencies backing NGOs in Moscow, whose unstated goal is to see
him and his regime overthrown? And whatever one thinks of NED and its subsidiaries, it is time Americans
took a hard look at the tax-exempt foundations, think tanks and public
policy institutes operating in our capital city. How many are like AEI, scheming to predetermine the outcome of
presidential elections while enjoying tax exemptions and posturing as benign
assemblages of disinterested scholars and seekers of truth? How many of these tax-exempt think tanks are fronts and propaganda organs
of transnational corporations that are sustained with tax-deductible
dollars, until their “resident scholars” can move into government offices
and do the work for which they have been paid handsomely in advance? How many of these think tanks take foreign money to advance the interests
of foreign regimes in America’s capital? We talk about the “Deep State” in Turkey and Egypt, the unseen regimes
that exist beneath the public regime and rule the nation no matter the
president or prime minister. What about the “deep state” that rules us, of which we caught a glimpse
at Sea Island? A diligent legislature of a democratic republic would have long since
dragged America’s deep state out into the sunlight.
Jews Hate Donald Trump - Jews Defect From Breitbart
17 March 2016 ]
Homer Simpson Explains Donald Trump
[ 17 March 2016 ]
Donald Trump
Says NATO Is Past Its Sell By Date [
29 March 2016 ] Donald Trump Is
The Clear Leader Among Newsmax Readers [ 18 April 2016 ] Overall, do you approve or
disapprove of President Obama's job performance?
Preserving traditional values
Republican Party Swindling Donald Trump [
12 April 2016
] After all, these poor folks might get it wrong....... In state after
state, when Trump wins, and moves on, the apparatchiks arrive — to thieve
delegates for Cruz. ““This is a crooked system, folks,” says Trump, “the system is rigged. … I
go to Louisiana. I win Louisiana. … Then I find out I get less delegates
than Cruz because of some nonsense. … I say this to the RNC. I say it to the
Republican Party: You’re going to have a big problem, folks, because the
people don’t like what’s going on.” Something rotten is also going on in the Democratic race. Bernie Sanders is
on a roll, having won seven straight primaries and caucuses. Yet, he keeps
falling further behind.
Donald Trump Is Dangerous Says Twerp With Silly Hat
13 April 2016
] This isn’t just foul manners. It really matters because the
way to liberate the greatest quantity of untapped talent in the
21st century is to achieve the full social, political and
economic empowerment of women. Having a leader of the world’s
most powerful country who shows no recognition of that cannot be
a good idea. His insulting response to
rivals is another disastrous weakness in a potential global
leader. The belittling of political opponents –
“Lying Ted”, “Little Marco” and so on – shows no grasp of
the fact that any president must work with them in Congress the
minute he or she is elected. Even worse, Trump’s bullying
attitude to other countries – telling Mexico it will have to pay
for a wall along its border – would be utterly counterproductive
and diminish the power of the USA by destroying its moral
authority and crucial ability to persuade others to act.
American Political Corruption Exposed - It Makes Mexico Look Good
Fred Explains All [
29 April 2016
Donald Trump
Scores More Votes - Victory Looks Nearer [ 26 April 2016 ]
Republican Elite Choice Is Back Donald Trump Or Betray America
8 April 2016
] Donald Trump Will Lose -
Dilbert Explains How [ 15 May 2016
Donald Trump's Fund Raiser Is A Corrupt Jew Using his ties with
Alan Hevesi, the Jew
who worked as New York state comptroller at the time, Broidy raised $250
million for the fund from the New York State pension fund, which had
$100 billion under its management in the time.
Stolen DNC files on Trump leaked [
16 June 2016
Donald Trump Tells Twerps That America Must Strengthen Ties With Israel
[ 16 June 2016 ]
Donald Trump Will Ban Islamic Terrorist Immigration - Shock Revelation [
28 June 2016
Donald Trump Accepts Presidential Nomination [
22 July 2016
Trump's lengthy address — clocking in at one hour and 15 minutes —
was the most crucial moment yet in his transformation from a brash
tycoon and reality star with a sometimes vulgar tongue to a
politician on the cusp of the presidency with an expansive vision of
disruptive change.....
"Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The
attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our
very way of life," he said. "Any politician who does not grasp this
danger is not fit to lead our country."
Donald Trump’s nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid
[ 22 July 2016
Clinton Leading Donald Trump By 10% Says Poll [ 4 August 2016 ]
Donald Trump Is More Psychopathic Than Naughty Adolf Says Oxford 'Study'
[ 24 August 2016 ] US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has more psychopathic
traits than Adolf Hitler, a researcher at Oxford University has found [
said/stated/claimed/alleged - delete to taste - Editor ]. Psychologist Dr. Kevin
Dutton has ranked the psychopathic traits of
the Republican candidate and various historical figures using a standard
psychometric tool – the Psychopathic Personality Inventory – Revised
Donald Trump's Wife Suing Daily Mail For Libel & $150 Million
[ 2 September 2016 ] Mrs Trump, who now has her own jewellery line, was born
in Slovenia and moved to the United States in the 1990s. She
married Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee
for the November 8 election, in 2005.
Donald Trump Will Deport Illegal Immigrants - Mexican President Moans
[ 2 September 2016 ]
Don Takes The War
To The Enemy [ 11 October 2016 ]
Abusing Donald Trump Matters More Than Potential War With Russia [
12 October 2016
] “I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I
start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to
beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I
don’t even wait.”............ So now we have a media frenzy, the theme of which is that Trump has shown
himself to be a horrible sexist and abuser of women. “Rape
culture in a nutshell” as a writer in the Huffington Post would
have it. As usual, it’s a moral indictment.............. The implicit assumption
here is that the women involved are passive, helpless creatures who are
being assaulted by the big bad hairy ape. Heaven forfend! Fainting
couch feminism at its finest......... What Trump is saying is that, because he is a star, women are entirely
open to his advances, and as an evolutionary psychologist, I would have to
say I am utterly unsurprised at this. Evolutionary psychology 1.0........... So we have the
spectacle of ultra-liberal, Trump-hating Hollywood
— the absolute center of the American culture of sex, celebrity, money and
power — somehow
failing to notice the hypocrisy. This is not about rape. Women are willing participants in this culture of
sex and power, and they often have
much to gain by indulging males, or at least they may
think they do. As Trump said, “when you’re a star, they let you do it.”On
the other hand, rape is Bill
Clinton’s thing — with
Hillary’s collusion; it goes without saying that rape
is evil.
Illegal Aliens Sexually Assault 70 Thousand American Women But Abusing
Donald Trump Matters More [ 16 October 2016 ] The illegal alien accused of assaulting Pharis had been arrested six
times in just the 15 months leading up to her rape and murder, but he was
never removed from the country. There is no public record that House Speaker Paul Ryan has ever spoken
out about Pharis’ sexual assault. Yet late last year, when Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions tried to put
forward a proposal that would have included language in the year-end omnibus
spending bill to end Sanctuary Cities, Ryan
failed to include the language in the bill. As a result, Ryan’s omnibus
allowed the lawless sanctuary cities policies and the victimization of
innocent American women to continue.................. Ryan has remained passive and quiet as criminal aliens have assaulted
tens of thousands of American women, but when an 11-year-old audio tape
emerged of Donald Trump caught on a hot mic
discussing women in crass terms, Ryan declared himself “sickened” and spoke
out............ The day after Paul Ryan was “sickened” by Trump’s decade-old comments,
police say a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador
broke into the home of a Texas family in the middle of the night,
kidnapped the family’s six-year-old daughter while her parents were asleep,
took the girl to a park, and raped her.
Donald Trump Will Act Against Corruption And For Workers [ 23 October 2016 ] "One thing we all know is that we will never solve our problems by
relying on the same politicians who created these problems in the first
place," Trump said to a supportive, cheering audience in historic
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Hillary
Clinton is not running against me, she's
running against change. And she's running against all of the American people
and all of the American voters."...... The first six measures, Trump said, will be "immediately" pursued on his
first day of his first term in office to "clean up the corruption and
special interests collusion in Washington."........................ Also on the same day, Trump said he will begin taking "and really taking
strongly" seven actions to protect American workers. "Our American workers have been treated so badly by politicians that
don't have their interests at heart. And we're going to change that. We're
going to change that very, very fast," said Trump. Those steps are: In addition, Trump said he plans to take the following actions to restore
security and Constitutional rule of law: The last point is particularly important because "thousands and
thousands" of people are coming into the country, and "Hillary Clinton wants
to increase the number of those thousands and thousands currently pouring in
by 550 percent. Radical Islamic terror is right around the corner. We have
to be so tough, so smart, so vigilant. We can't allow that to happen. We
have enough problems."
Donald Trump Can Still Win In Spite Of Main Stream Media Hatred & Lies
[ 30 October 2016 ] The claims fly in the face of the numerous
“polls” conducted by the blatantly biased controlled media, which has waged
an unprecedented hate campaign against Trump.
According to a report in the International Business Times (IBT),
the artificial intelligence (AI) system that accurately predicted the
outcomes of the last three U.S. presidential elections has put Trump ahead
of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House. The AI system called MogIA was created in
2004 by Sanjiv Rai, founder of Indian IT company The New Observer has long predicted
that Trump can only win if at least 70 percent of whites turn out to vote,
and that he takes at least two-thirds of the white vote. Anything less than
that will see a liberal minority white vote team up with the block nonwhite
vote to grant Clinton victory—which was exactly how Obama was twice elected. Trump’s only hope therefore, lies in
previous non-voters turning out, a fact to which he alluded in a recent
speech, where he mentioned that reports coming in from the early voting
figures revealed a massive surge in people who had never voted before.
LA Times Says Donald
Trump Will Beat Clinton [ 7 November 2016 ] The LA Times poll is one of many
recent such opinion polls to contradict earlier assertions which claimed
that Clinton was far ahead.
The American Establishment Has Betrayed America So They Fear Donald Trump
[ 7 November 2016 ]
Don Wins, America Wins, The World Wins, Clinton Concedes
[ 9 November 2016 ]
Donald Trump's Win Was A Victory For White America [ 9
November 2016 ]
Donald Trump And America On Course To Win [ 9 November
2016 ]
What is Don going to do when he gets to the White House? You don't need to
guess; Don has already told us in his
Contract With The American Voter. He is going to muck out the Augean stables
big time.
Donald Trump Set To Defeat Clinton Says The Guardian [ 9 November 2016
Don Wins - Some Politicians Moan [ 9 November 2016 ]
OK, Now What The Party is Over, Cometh the Hangover
Civil Rights A Major Concern In Second Day Of Anti-Trump Protests [ 11
November 2016 ]
Don's Enemies Want To Prosecute Him
[ 11 November 2016 ]
Action This
Day - Pat Buchanan's Message To Donald
[ 11 November 2016 ]
American Patriot Says Donald Trump Is Like Naughty Adolf
[ 10 November 2016 ]
Don's 'Nasty' Co-Conspirators?
[ 10 November 2016 ]
Trump invites Netanyahu to the US at 'the first possible opportunity' just hours after the Israeli PM called the president-elect a 'true friend'
[ 13 November 2016 ]
After Two Days
Of Don
[ 13 November 2016 ]
[ 13 November 2016 ]
Black Boy Kicked Out Of Home By his Mother After Voting For Donald Trump
[ 13 November 2016 ]
200 Anti-Trump Rioters Captured In Los Angeles
[ 13 November 2016 ]
Does Donald Say What He Means And Mean What He Says? [ 14 November
2016 ]
Donald Trump Might Enforce The Right To Keep And Bear Arms - The Guardian Whines
[ 16 November 2016 ] These changes could come soon. If Congress passes a
federal right-to-carry law, it’s “certainly possible” that
within a year or two, New York tourists might be able to
carry a concealed weapon as they tour the city, said Robert
Spitzer, a gun politics expert at SUNY Cortland. Trump, who himself has a permit to carry a concealed
firearm, has already endorsed a new reciprocity law as part
of his
gun rights platform. Concealed-carry permits from one
state “should be valid in all 50 states”, his platform
reads, calling the proposal “common sense”.............. Advocates often compare the issue to driving: if a state driver’s license
is valid in all 50 states, a permit to carry a concealed weapon should be,
Jews Bribed Clinton &
Donald Trump To Protect Israel
[ 17 November 2016 ]
Entertainment mogul and billionaire
Haim Saban,
who has repeatedly stated "I'm a one-issue guy, and my issue is
put $10
million dollars into Hillary Clinton's Super PAC and hosted a
fundraiser for her that added another $5 million to her campaign.
The money in came shortly after Clinton wrote
a letter
to Saban [ stating/claiming/alleging ] professing her opposition to the Palestinian-led
Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS), which Saban then leaked
to media.
Saban and his wife Cheryl have also given up to
$25 million to the Clinton Foundation over the years..........
On the other side, casino magnate and mega
billionaire Sheldon
Adelson, who became a Republican in large part because
he believed Republicans are more sympathetic to Israel than
Democrats, gave $25
million dollars to a Donald Trump
Super PAC in the last few
months before the election. Adelson once said that
he regretted serving in the U.S. military rather than Israel's:
"I am not Israeli. The uniform that I wore
in the military, unfortunately, was not an Israeli uniform. It was
an American uniform, although my wife was in the IDF and one of my
daughters was in the IDF ... our two little boys, one of whom will be
bar mitzvahed tomorrow, hopefully he’ll come back–his hobby is shooting–and
he’ll come back and be a sniper for the IDF."
Adelson had privately pledged to pour as much
as $100 million into Trump's campaign if needed.
Dalai Lama Says Donald Trump Is All Right [ 24 November 2016
Dawn Of Deplorables - The Triumph Of Donald & Hate [ 23 November 2016
Donald Trump Gives Main Stream Media A Tongue Lashing [ 25 November 2016 ] "It was like a f−−−ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter. “Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your
network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source
said. “The meeting was a total disaster [ Read that as a great success -
Editor ]. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be
discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but
instead they got a Trump-style dressing-down,” the source added...........
The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a
Trump administration [ and failed ].
Donald Trump Says Clinton Benefitted From Millions Of Illegal Voters [
28 November 2016 ]
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder
The Republicans Are Now Officially the Party of White Paranoia
Unprecedented - President to Enter White House Facing Child Rape Trial
[ 3 January 2017 ]
Trump to Be Deposed This Week in José Andrés Lawsuit
[ 7 January 2017 ]
Trump filed a $10 million breach-of-contract
lawsuit after Andrés pulled out of a deal to open a Spanish-themed
restaurant at Trump International Hotel in D.C. shortly after Trump launched
his presidential bid. Andrés argued that Trump's comments on the campaign
trail about Hispanics were disparaging and made it difficult to operate a
successful high-end Spanish restaurant. Andrés, who immigrated to the United
States from Spain, is a naturalized U.S. citizen.
MI6 Man Claims He Didn't Have Fake News On Donald Trump
[ 12 January 2017 ]
Ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele has been named
as the author of the salacious Russian dossier containing outlandish claims
about Donald Trump's sex life and bizarre footage allegedly held by the
Kremlin's blackmail unit. The 35-page briefing, which is littered with
spelling mistakes, includes an unsubstantiated and far-fetched claim Trump
watched prostitutes perform a 'golden shower (urination) show' in the
Presidential Suite of a Moscow hotel.
Donald Trump Is Inaugurated Not Murdered And Acts On Day One
[ 21 January 2017 ]
He has already made changes to the Oval
Office decor, swapping its formerly crimson drapes for gold curtains and
putting back in its former place a bust of former British prime minister
Winston Churchill. Later, he attended three inaugural balls
with the first lady before spending his first night at 1600 Pennsylvania
Jew Blames Donald Trump For Obama's Torture
[ 24 January 2017 ]
What does torture have in common with Genocide, slavery and wars
of aggression? They are all "jus cogens." That's Latin for "higher
law" or "compelling law." This means that under international law,
no country can ever pass a law that allows torture. There can be no
immunity from criminal liability for violation of a "jus cogens"
prohibition. The United States has always prohibited torture -- in our
Constitution, laws, executive orders, judicial decisions and
treaties. When we ratify a treaty, it becomes part of US law under
the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.
Why Did Women Vote For Trump - A Marxist Doesn't Know
[ 21 January 2017 ]
The bitter truth for those women’s rights groups is that women
were pivotal to Trump’s success: exit polls revealed, among white women,
that Trump secured an outright majority of 53 per cent. How could this
happen? What sort of women made it possible? And what sort of role will
they play in the incoming administration, and indeed in Trump’s America?
Trump Broadside Stuns Europe [ 20 January 2017 ] Mrs Merkel has been unable to arrange an appointment with Mr Trump in New
York or Washington and has spoken to him only once. In an interview with
The Times published yesterday the president-elect praised Brexit and
predicted that other nations would follow suit. He criticised Mrs Merkel for
the “catastrophic mistake” of letting in more than a million “illegals” over
the past two years........ The Kremlin said yesterday that it agreed with Mr Trump’s assertion that
NATO was “obsolete”. Dmitri Peskov, President Putin’s spokesman, said: “NATO
is truly an anachronism, and we agree with this. We have long been
expressing our views on the organisation, whose systemic objective is
confrontation.” The military alliance was not “pursuing the ideas of
stability, sustainable development and security”, Mr Peskov claimed.
Big Agenda - President Trump's Plan to Save America
[ 20 January 2017 ] He also reveals that Barack Obama will try to create a
“government in exile” to stop Trump. Horowitz warns that the enraged
Democrats will never accept defeat. They will lie, cheat, and steal to
delegitimize Trump’s presidency. They have already started!
Is This How Democracy Ends?
[ 20 January 2017 ]
New President, New World Says Pat Buchanan
[ 20 January 2017 ]
Donald Trump Gets To Grips With Third World Immigration
[ 25 January 2017 ]
Don Sacked New York Attorney General
[ 12 March 2017 ]
His removal
leaves a void in the fight against corruption
and Wall Street crime [ or does it? ]............ He also won a record $1.8 billion
insider-trading settlement against billionaire
Steven A. Cohen's SAC Capital Advisors, and
handled major terrorism cases, including the
conviction of and life sentence for Times Square
bomber Faisal Shahzad..........After receiving the order from acting Deputy
Attorney General Dana Boente, Bharara told his
staff he had no intention of resigning and was
going to be at the office on Monday for work,
sources told NBC News.
Jared Kushner ex Wiki - looks all right but he is still a Jew, a very rich
one at
that - son of a thieving Jew, #Charles Kushner He is principal owner of the real estate
holding and
development company
Kushner Companies and of
Observer Media, publisher of the weekly, on-line
New York Observer. On January 9, 2017, Kushner was named to be a
Senior White House Adviser to his father-in-law, President
Donald Trump. As a result, Kushner will resign as CEO of his family's
real estate company and as publisher of the New York Observer. He
will also divest "substantial assets."[4] Kushner is the son of American real estate developer
Charles Kushner and is married to
Ivanka Trump, the daughter of
President of the United States
Donald Trump. He was among the senior advisors of
Trump's presidential campaign, and developed Trump's digital media
strategy.[5][6] In 2007, his father's company, Kushner Companies, made the most expensive
single-building property purchase in US history, acquiring
666 Fifth Avenue.[7]
In 2011, Kushner brought in
Vornado Realty Trust as a 50%
equity partner in the ownership of the building.[8]
Charles Kushner ex Wiki
Steve Bannon ex Wiki - looks scruffy, sounds OK Bannon took a leave of absence from Breitbart in order to work for the
In preparation for serving as chief strategist, he plans to resign from
Michael Glassner ex Jewish Journal
Donald Trump Presidential Campaign 2016 ex Wiki
Ugly Jew Threatens Donald Trump [ 27 January 2017 ]
US Judge Blocks Deportations Under Trump's Muslim Ban
[30 January 2017 ] US District Judge Ann Donnelly's
ruling late on Saturday concerns dozens of people who were detained at US
airports following Trump's actions............... The American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU), which had filed a class action lawsuit against the ban, hailed the
temporary stay of execution as a victory.
Netanyahu Approves
Of Donald Trump's Mexico Wall
[30 January 2017 ]
Don Sacks Attorney General And Immigration Boss
[31 January 2017 ] Senator Ted Cruz, once Trump's
presidential candidate rival, has defended his decision to fire the
'lawless' Yates saying the president was 'exactly right.' After eight long years of a lawless Obama
Department of Justice, it is fitting - and sad - that the very last act
of the Obama DOJ is for the Acting AG to defy the newly elected
President, refuse to enforce the law, and force the President to fire
her,' he wrote on Facebook. He added that Yates joined the
'ignominious succession' of Attorneys General, from Eric Holder to
Loretta Lynch, 'who put brazen partisan interests above fidelity to
law.' 'Yates' lawless partisanship highlights
why the Senate needs to act now - and Senate Democrats should end their
extreme political obstruction and delay - and confirm Jeff Sessions
McCain says Russia testing U.S. in Ukraine, urges Trump to hit back
[ 3 February 2017 ]
Fred Explains Donald Trump
[ 3 February 2017 ]
The Coming Clash With Iran [ 4 February 2017 ]
FBI Proves Major Vote Rigging Against Donald Trump
[ 6 February 2017 ] Four days ago, the FBI presented President Trump the preliminary
finding in relation to his accusations of millions of illegal votes
having been cast; the FBI’s finding includes the following: The FBI also pointed out that Congress was more suited to
investigating this matter than the FBI and they were prepared to meet
with the Joint House & Senate Judiciary Committees to answer questions
about these findings [ Believe that if you want - Editor ] ........... The Trump presidency would end that minute.
Donald Trump Must Break Judicial Abuse Of Power
[ 10 February 2017 ]
Salus Populi Suprema Lex
Donald Trump Says Merkel Made A Catastrophic Mistake By Importing Third
World Parasites [ 15
February 2017 ]
Michael Flynn Betrayed By Obama's Henchmen
[ 15 February 2017 ] "What Trump needs to do is he needs to drain the swamp . . .
[which is] going into the State Department, into the intelligence community,
and get rid of the Obama appointees," Hoekstra, R-Mich., told host Steve
Malzberg on Tuesday's "America
Talks Live."
Michael Flynn's Political Assassination By The Deep State Sets Terrifying
Precedent For Democracy
[ 16 February 2017 ] The "deep state" is a term used by some security analysts to refer to
the network of permanent officials who execute the orders of their elected,
but more temporary, bosses. In theory, they should serve politicians – and,
by extension, the people. But if they start to act for themselves, that is
very dangerous. And Flynn's orchestrated downfall by unaccountable, shadowy
agents entrusted with the country’s most sensitive secrets is not just bad
news for the Trump administration. It raises serious concerns over the
democratic nature of the US political system.
Don Isn't Going To Put Up With Civil Service Treachery
[ 16 February 2017 ]
FBI Does A Smear Job On Donald Trump
[ 16 February 2017 ]
Donald Trump Renews His Promise To American Workers [ 18 February 2017 ]
"I'm going to do everything I can to unleash the power of the
American spirit and to put our great people back to work," Trump
said with Air Force One and the new Boeing jet behind him. "This
is our mantra: buy American, and hire American."
White House Making Hit List To Cut Government Waste
[ 19 February 2017 ]
Donald Trump Picks New Security Advisor [ 22 February 2017 ] Keith Kellogg had been doing the job
since Mike Flynn resigned late last Monday. He will slide into the role of
McMaster's chief of staff, the president announced this afternoon. McMaster
is currently a director at the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. His
new job will entail being Trump's in-house national security expert. He will
stay on active duty, the White House confirmed.
Trump to order ban on African and Middle Eastern migrants [ 5 March 2017 ]
Donald Trump Was Wiretapped Admits New York Times
[ 15 March 2017 ] An online version of the same January article substituted the words
“Wiretapped Data” for “Intercepted Russian communications” in its
“Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump
Donald Trump's Big Test, His Healthcare Bill
[ 22 March 2017 ] To this point, the President has avoided blame for a healthcare bill that
is deeply unpopular with his base while at the same time promoting it. How
he accomplishes this from here on out without alienating his grassroots base
of conservative supporters will prove his moniker as the great
negotiator............. Meckler was quick to add that Trump has the solid support of his base
now. Citizens for Self Governance recent survey of 4,000 respondents showed
66% giving Trump an “A” for keeping his campaign promises but only 6% of GOP
leaders with the same grade............... “That’s not a critique of Trump,” he continued. “It’s just that he has
Congress and the Courts to deal with. The remedy for the hangover is for
Trump to fight for what he said he’d fight for. The grassroots will not
blame him for losing those fights, with Congress or the courts. They will
blame him if he doesn’t fight to keep his promises.” As suspected from day
one – the roadblock is all brands of the establishment.
'I have a responsibility to act' Donald Trump
squares up to Assad after 'heinous' Syria chemical attack
[ 5 April 2017 ]
Trump's Department Of State Will Admit Just As Many Third World Aliens
[ 5 April 2017 ] As of yesterday, that would mean that 62,482 could be the expected total.
The average since 9/11 has been around 64,000.
(See all admission numbers since 9/11
here.) So big deal! The Trump team would be admitting only a small
number below the average of George Bush and Barack Obama years.
The Dems, the Open Borders Left, the contractors with fat salaries, the
Chamber of Commerce and RINO big business lackeys are surely all jumping for
Salus Populi Suprema Lex
Donald Trump Removes Steve Bannon From The National Security Council
[ 7 April 2017 ] A senior administration official told [ the ]
Daily Mail on Wednesday shortly after the news broke that removing Bannon
from the principals committee was a long-expected development.
Donald Trump Attacks Syrian Air Force Base
[ 7 April 2017 ] President Trump, speaking from his Mar-a-Lago
estate where he is hosting the Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife
Peng as part of a two day summit, said the US had to act after the Syrian
dictator launched the 'horrible chemical weapons attack' on innocent
Donald Trump's Sabre Rattling Goes Over The Top [ 11 April 2017 ]
Donald Trump And Fat Boy Rattle Sabres Louder
[ 15 April 2017 ] The rhetoric comes after North Korea warned
that President Donald
Trump's 'troublemaking' and 'aggressive' tweets have pushed the world to
the brink of thermo-nuclear war.
Russia recalls ambassador at center of collusion allegations against Trump campaign report
[ 28 June 2017 ] The Kremlin is sending Sergey Kislyak back to Russia amid the growing US,
FBI and congressional investigations into Russia’s meddling in the US
presidential election........ Kislyak, who reportedly met Trump’s
son-in-law, Jared Kushner, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and ex-national
security adviser Michael Flynn,
will say his
goodbyes at a fete July 11 at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington.
Donald Trump Bans Terrorist Immigrants Again [ 30 June 2017 ]
CNN Retracts Lies Against Donald Trump After $100 Million Libel Threat [ 30 June 2017 ]
Donald Trump Said America First
[ 19 April 2017 ] Earlier, after discovering “great chemistry” with Chinese President Xi
Jinping over “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake” at Mar-a-Lago,
Trump had confided, “I explained … that a trade deal with the U.S. will be
far better for them if they solve the North Korean problem!” “America First” thus takes a back seat to big-power diplomacy with
Beijing. One wonders: How much will Xi end up bilking us for his squeezing
of Kim Jong Un?............. The promise of a Trump presidency — that we would start looking out for
our own country and own national interests first and let the rest of the
world solve, or fail to solve, its own problems — appears, not 100 days in,
to have been a mirage.
Donald Trump Beaten By The Establishment
[ 21 April 2017 ] He gets embarrassing. Regarding the
alleged gassing in Syria, quoth Donald: “When you kill innocent children,
innocent babies — babies, little babies — with a chemical gas … that crosses
many, many lines, beyond a red line. … And I will tell you, that attack on
children yesterday had a big impact on me … my attitude toward Syria and
Assad has changed very much.”............ Apparently he ordered his missile strike
without bothering to find out what happened. The usual suspects are driving
him like a sports car............... Does he
this stuff? Is he naive enough to think that there was something unusually
horrible about the attack? Horrible, yes, but not in the least unusual. Do
you know what everyday, boring artillery does to children?
Five-hundred-pound bombs? Hellfire rockets? Daily Mr. Trump’s military and
his allies daily drop shrapnel-producing explosives on people, cities,
towns, adults, children, weddings and goatherds in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria,
and Yemen. Good draft-dodger that he was, he probably has never seen any of
this. Good psychopath that he may be, he may not care........... Too much is being asked of him. One man
cannot overcome the combined hostility of the media, the political
establishment, the neocons, the myriad other special interests that he has
threatened. Mass immigration is a done deal. China develops and America,
already developed, cannot keep up. The country disintegrates socially.
Washington, always depending on war and its threat, faces a new world in
which trade is the weapon, and doesn’t know what to do. The culture courses.
The world changes.
Trump Has Reneged On His Promises To His Voters [ 8 May 2017 ]
President Trump has been a disappointment, but he has three more
years to go. A lot can happen
three years. If he continues to break campaign promises and
betray his supporters, the media will pat him on the head and tell
him he is a good boy. And he will lose the support he needs to be
elected for a second term and to become a president who makes a
difference rather than one who just makes noise. It’s up to his original supporters to set him straight. It’s up
to them to remind him how he got into office, what he promised, and
who supported him.
Jews Take Over The Trump Administration [
9 May 2017 ]
Despite Trump’s early stances on Israel he clearly made a pivot later in
the campaign. This pivot became obvious when Trump spoke to the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where, according to a
Time article of March 21st, 2016, Trump said, “I speak
to you today as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel. I am a
newcomer to politics, but not to backing the Jewish state.” ........... After securing the Republican nomination Trump continued on the path of
unflinching support for Israel. On September 25, 2016, Trump and Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
met for nearly an hour and a half at Trump Tower in New York City.
Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and advisor, Jared Kushner, attended that meeting. During the general election campaign Trump also began taking money from
big Jewish donors such as Sheldon Adelson. Adelson reportedly gave
Trump a $5 million donation, which — along with the $45 million donated to
other Republican candidates — made him the
largest donor of the 2016 election cycle (although his donations paled
to what he gave Romney in 2012). Adelson also
contributed $5 million to Trump’s inauguration.........
It’s difficult not to notice the centrality of Goldman Sachs in this
inner circle (Kushner’s well-known
ties to Goldman [and George Soros] are not mentioned), and Jewish
background for all but Powell.........
We should not lose our hope though. It is early yet, and we have
seen that this President has the courage to say the truth. We should
hold on to the hope that Donald Trump can return to the tenets of his early
campaign before the Jewish money started rolling in.
Donald Trump Sacks FBI Boss [ 10 May 2017 ] Trump told Comey that he was fired via a
letter late Tuesday afternoon that read: 'You are hereby terminated and
removed from office immediately.' He was dismissed after he provided false
testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee about classified emails from
Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer............ Comey, 56, was blindsided by being let go. He
learned about it on live television screens he could see as he addressed
agents in the Los Angeles field office, the New
York Times reported........... The firing happened in the late
afternoon. White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters shortly
after 5.30pm that 'the president has accepted the recommendation of the
deputy attorney general and the attorney general regarding the dismissal of
the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.'
Donald Trump's Immigration Ban Is Totally Legal
[ 20 May 2017 ] The case, brought by Washington and Minnesota, is just one of the
legal challenges facing the order, which
cites one particular law as the source of Trump's authority on the
matter: an
Immigration and Nationality Act
originally passed in 1952. In light of
those challenges, historians say that it's worth investigating the moment in
time that produced that 1952 law—when the world was, according to Rebecca J.
Scott, president of the American Society for Legal History, a "fearful,
phobic" place.
Jew Attacks
Donald Trump
[ 19 May 2017 ] Rod has reinvigorated a tired 10-month investigation that failed to find
any collusion between Trump and Russian hacking of the DNC. Not a single
indictment had come out of the FBI investigation. Yet, now a new special
counsel, Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI, will slow-walk his way
through this same terrain again, searching for clues leading to potentially
impeachable offenses. What seemed to be winding down for Trump is now only
just beginning to gear up............ Why did Rosenstein capitulate to a Democrat-media clamor for a special
counsel that could prove disastrous for the president who elevated and
honored him? Surely in part, as Milbank writes, to salvage his damaged
reputation. After being approved 94-6 by a Senate that hailed him as a principled and
independent U.S. attorney for both George Bush and Barack Obama, Rosenstein
found himself being pilloried for preparing the document White House aides
called crucial to Trump’s decision to fire Comey. Rosenstein had gone over to the dark side. He had, it was said, on
Trump’s orders, put the hit on Comey. Now, by siccing a special counsel on
the president himself, Rosenstein is restored to the good graces of this
city. Rosenstein just turned in his black hat for a white hat.............. While it’s absurd today to talk of impeachment, that will not deter
Democrats and the media from speculating, given what happened to Nixon and
Clinton when special prosecutors were put on their trail........... A
debilitating and potentially dangerous time for President Trump has now
begun, courtesy of his deputy attorney general.
Donald Trump's Immigration Ban Is Totally Legal
[ 20 May 2017 ] The case, brought by Washington and Minnesota, is just one of the
legal challenges facing the order, which
cites one particular law as the source of Trump's authority on the
matter: an
Immigration and Nationality Act
originally passed in 1952. In light of
those challenges, historians say that it's worth investigating the moment in
time that produced that 1952 law—when the world was, according to Rebecca J.
Scott, president of the American Society for Legal History, a "fearful,
phobic" place.
Russians Hacked American Elections - Allegedly
[ 21 May 2017 ]
Donald Trump
Explains The Will Of The West
[ 7 July 2017 ]
For his part, The Atlantic's Peter Beinart preferred
the way Trump's predecessor expressed it: To grasp how different that rhetoric was from Trump's, look at how
the last Republican President, George W. Bush, spoke when he visited
Poland. In his first presidential visit, in 2001, Bush never referred to
"the West." He did tell Poles that "We share a civilization." But in the
next sentence he insisted that "Its values are universal." I wish that were true. It would be easier if it were. But it's not. These
values are not "universal": They arise from a relatively narrow political
and cultural tradition, and insofar as they took root elsewhere across the
globe it was as part of (stand well back, Peter Beinart!) the west's - gulp
- "civilizing mission"............. In Sweden, the most "enlightened" and "progressive" social
democracy on earth, under a self-proclaimed "feminist government", cannot
muster the will to defend the right of its women to enjoy an evening of
music in the park unmolested. It's a small pleasure, but illustrative, as
Trump grasped, of an existential question:............ Hence those young men walking into Sweden and watching the government
respond by simply surrendering the country's summer social traditions. None
of this has anything to do with driving Isis out of Mosul or the Taliban out
of Helmand. America Alone page 156:............... Trump in Warsaw: ......................Our own fight for the West does not begin on
the battlefield — it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls.
Today, the ties that unite our civilization are no less vital, and
demand no less defense, than that bare shred of land on which the hope
of Poland once totally rested. Our freedom, our civilization, and our
survival depend on these bonds of history, culture, and memory. As I said, a remarkable speech. Of course, at the press conference
afterwards, the A-list hacks, like CNN's drama queen Jim Acosta, were all
obsessed with the "Russia investigation", but in fairness The New York
Times at least reported the story under the headline "Trump,
in Poland, Asks if West Has the 'Will to Survive'".
Sabre Rattling Could Go Very Badly Wrong
[ 4 August 2017 ]
Donald Trump
Under Attack By The Deep State
[ 8 August 2017 ]
The first is the palace-intrigue stuff: Spicer loathes Scaramucci,
Scaramucci hates Priebus, Priebus despises Bannon, etc. The second is the drip-drip-drip of the "Russia investigation":
Robert Mueller has empaneled a grand jury, he's looking into
eight-year-old Trump prop. The third is the full transcripts in American newspapers of Trump's
conversations with the Mexican president and the Australian prime
minister................. From November to January we had three months of blather about the
"peaceful transfer of power", but that is in fact precisely what the
losers have denied the winners: Instead, they weaponized the transfer.
Do you think, after last week, the Aussies think this is a normal
"transfer of power"? What we are witnessing is a slow-motion coup
against a duly elected government by people determined to use whatever
they have to hand - national-security leaks by the permanent
bureaucracy, money-no-object fishing expeditions by hopelessly
conflicted prosecutors, domestic surveillance of political opponents by
Obama officials, and indifference to most of the preceding by a GOP
congressional leadership that has no interest in seeing Trumpism
succeed. If they prevail, they will be teaching the electorate a very
dangerous lesson: you can vote for change all you want, but you ain't
gonna get any. And that leads nowhere good.
Trump Under Establishment Attack
[ 9 August 2017 ]
So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of
America rejoice? What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where
the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will
they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected,
and in whom they had placed so much hope? My guess: The reaction will be one of bitterness, cynicism, despair, a
sense that the fix is in, that no matter what we do, they will not let us
win. If Trump is brought down, American democracy will take a pasting. It
will be seen as a fraud. And the backlash will poison our politics to where
only an attack from abroad, like 9/11, will reunite us.
Donald Trump Says White Americans Should Not Kill Left Wing Criminals
[ 15 August 2017 ]
Donald Trump Pardons Sherriff Convicted Of Enforcing The Law [
27 August 2017 ]
Arpaio, who campaigned for Trump in
2016, was convicted by a judge who ruled he had willfully violated a
2011 injunction barring his officers from stopping and detaining
Latino motorists solely on suspicion that they were in the country
illegally. The former sheriff was facing up to
six months in prison after he admitted to inadvertently disobeying
the court order. But he said the prosecution was a
politically motivated attempt by the Obama administration to
undermine his re-election bid.
Trump Embraces Culture War
[ 11 October 2017 ] “A stunt! That plane trip cost taxpayers $250,000,” wailed a media that
was rarely critical of Michelle Obama’s million-dollar junkets with Sasha
and Malia. The president took credit for Pence’s walkout, tweeting, “I asked
@VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled [ knelt? ].” Pence’s statement: “I
left today’s Colts game because President Trump
and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or
our National Anthem.”.............. What does this episode tell us? In the culture wars, Trump has rejected
compromise or capitulation and decided to defend the ground on which his
most loyal folks stand. Example: While The Washington Post was reporting Monday that Austin,
Seattle, San Francisco and Denver had now joined Los Angeles in replacing
Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day, Trump issued a Columbus Day
proclamation of bristling defiance............ “You may have a First Amendment right to disrespect our flag, or even to
burn it, but you have no right to make us listen to you, or respect you, or
buy tickets to your games, or watch you on Sunday.” And with shrinking
audiences watching NFL games, declining attendance, and advertisers
beginning to bail, the NFL appears belatedly to be getting the
message........... People who stand by you in a fight are not all that common in politics.
When Trump exhibits this quality, he receives in reciprocity the kind of
loyalty even his enemies concede he has.
Trump Might Cause War Against Iran [ 20 October 2017 ]
Trump Does Not Obey Israel's Demand, Jews Whine About Him
[ 22 October 2017 ]
Donald Trump Betrayed By Flynn [ 2 December 2017 ]
He is prepared to say that Donald Trump "directed him to make
contact with the Russians”, according to a bombshell report by
ABC News.
Comrade Corbyn's Brother Backs Donald Trump [ 2
December 2017 ]
Piers Corbyn, who describes himself as a 'long
rage weather and climate forecaster', posted a
Twitter rant [ sic ] claiming the US President was only interested in
publicity.......... The older brother of the Labour leader also
reposted a Tweet from Mark Collett, a former BNP activist, that attacked
Theresa May as an 'Islamic appeaser'.
Israel is at the Centre of the Flynn-Kushner Affair! Says Gilad Atzmon
[ 4 December 2017 ]
Attack On Donald Trump Might Succeed
[ 5 December 2017 ] Why did he not tell the FBI the truth? As national security adviser to the president-elect, Flynn had called the
ambassador. Message: Tell President Putin not to overreact to President
Obama’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats. Trump will be president in three
weeks, and we are committed to a new relationship.
Don Is Not Doing That Badly But Another War Could Finish Him Off Donald Trump can make the same boast. No other political figure has so dominated our discourse. And none, not
Joe McCarthy in his heyday in the early ’50s, nor Richard Nixon in
Watergate, received such intensive and intemperate coverage and commentary
as has our 45th president. Whatever one may think of Trump, he is a leader and a fighter, not a
quitter. How many politicians could have sustained the beatings Trump has
taken, and remained as cocky and confident? And looking back on what may fairly be called The Year of Trump, his
achievements have surprised even some of his enemies. With the U.S. military given a freer hand by Trump, a U.S.-led coalition
helped expel ISIS from its twin capitals of Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in
Iraq, driving it back into a desert enclave on the Iraq-Syria border. The
caliphate is dead, and the caliph nowhere to be found. The economy, with the boot of Barack Obama off its neck, has been growing
at 3 percent. The stock market has soared to record highs. Unemployment is
down to 4 percent. And Trump and Congress just passed the largest tax cut
since Ronald Reagan. With deregulation, which conservative Republicans preached to deaf ears
in the Bush I and Bush II eras, Trump and those he has put into positions of
power have exceeded expectations. Pipelines Obama blocked have been approved. Alaska’s National Wildlife
Refuge has been opened to exploratory drilling. We have exited a Paris
climate accord that favored China over the U.S. Though Beijing’s trade surplus with us is returning to record highs, a
spirit of “America First” economic nationalism is pervasive among U.S. trade
negotiators, The one justice named to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, appears in the
Antonin Scalia tradition. And under Chairman Chuck Grassley, the Senate
judiciary committee is moving conservatives and strict constructionists onto
U.S. appellate and district courts. Politically, however, the year brought bad news, with portents of worse
to come. In November, the Republican Party was thrashed in Virginia, losing
all state offices, and then lost a Senate seat in Alabama. Given polls showing Trump under water and the GOP running 10 points
behind the Democratic Party in favorability, there is a possibility the GOP
could lose the House in 2018. And though Democrats have three times as many seats at risk in 2018, the
GOP losing the Senate is not beyond the realm of possibility. Should that happen, the conservative dream of a recapture of the U.S.
Supreme Court could swiftly vanish. Recall: Democratic Senates turned down two Nixon nominees and Reagan’s
nomination of Robert Bork, forcing both presidents to name justices who
evolved into moderates and liberals on the high court. But it is in the realm of foreign policy where the real perils seem to
lie. President Trump has been persuaded by his national security team to
send Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, for use against the tanks and
armor of pro-Russian rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk. Should Petro Poroshenko’s Kiev regime reignite the war in his breakaway
provinces bordering Russia, Vladimir Putin is less likely to let him crush
the rebels than to intervene with superior forces and rout the Ukrainian
army. Trump’s choice then? Accept defeat and humiliation for our “ally” — or
escalate and widen the conflict with Russia. Putin’s interest in the Donbass, a part of the Russian Empire and the
Soviet Union for centuries, is obvious. What, exactly, is ours — to justify a showdown with Moscow? In this city there is also a powerful propaganda push to have this
country tear up the nuclear deal John Kerry negotiated with Iran, and
confront the Iranians in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Persian Gulf. But how much backing would Trump have for another U.S. war in that
blood-soaked region, after Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria? Who would stand with us, and for how long? When Trump declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and pledged to
move our embassy there, we had to veto a unanimous U.N. Security Council
resolution condemning us. Then the General Assembly denounced the U.S. in a
resolution supported by all our key NATO allies, Russia and China, and every
Arab and Muslim nation. A day later, Trump complained on Twitter that we have “foolishly spent $7
trillion in the Middle East.” What then would justify a new $1 or $2 trillion war with the largest
nation on the Persian Gulf, which could send oil to $200 a barrel and sink
the global economy? Cui bono? For whose benefit all these wars? The Korean War finished Truman. Vietnam finished LBJ. Reagan said putting
Marines into Lebanon was his worst mistake. Iraq cost Bush II both houses of
Congress and his party the presidency in 2008. Should Trump become a war president, he’ll likely become a one-term
Donald Trump Sacks Entire HIV Council [ 1 January 2018 ] Scott Schoettes, a longtime HIV/AIDS activist who resigned from the
council in June over the president's inaction on the issue, announced that
the rest of the council had been terminated on Wednesday.
Lisa Bloom Bribed To Find Women Alleging Sexual Misconduct By Donald Trump
[ 6 January 2018 ]
Donald Is Doing Far Better Than The Main Stream Media Admit
[ 6 January 2018 ]
Stormy Daniels Accuses Donald Trump [ 13 January 2018 ]
Stormy Daniels Says Donald Trump Told Her To Spank Him
[ 20 January 2018 ]
Donald Trump's Fake News Award Winners
[ 23 January 2018 ] But no worries, we got the full list of Trump’s “winners” below: All of which seems more like a series of early morning Trump tweets than
an awards show, but tah-dah. [ What does that mean, except that
they don't like Don? ].
Republican Senators Send Donald Trump Amnesty For Illegals Or Shutdown
[ 22 January 2018 ] The hostage-taking is being fronted by a group of GOP [
Republican ] legislators, led by
Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Lindsey Graham, who
announced Wednesday they would not allow 2018 funding for the Pentagon
until Trump approves an amnesty,
saying: To the defense hawks, the only way you’re going to get your money is
to deal with immigration rationally. Graham urged defense-minded legislators to accept the amnesty in exchange
for a Pentagon boost, declaring, starting at 04:38:51: I am not going to go any longer in allowing sequestration to destroy
the military at a time we need it the most. Look through the eyes of a
soldier and you’ll find out what to do on the military. Look through the
eyes of a DACA recipient, and you’ll find out what to do
Democrats and their media allies are eager to let
Graham and his GOP allies take the leading role [ and the blame ] in
this shutdown-or-amnesty fight.
Pro-amnesty Democrats are minimizing their visibility by pretending they
will oppose a budget deal until the Congress funds various spending
programs—such as community health centers, and disaster aid—which the GOP
majority is largely willing to fund.
Donald Trump Caves In To Corrupt American Government - Allowing Millions Of
Illegal Immigrants To Stay
[ 1 February 2018 ]
“These four pillars will produce legislation that fulfills my ironclad
pledge to only sign a bill that puts America first,” Trump declared in his
2018 State of the Union speech as democratic legislators sat in cold
silence, some with their arms crossed. He added: We presented the Congress with a detailed proposal that should be
supported by both parties as a fair compromise — one where nobody gets
everything they want, but where our country gets the critical reforms it
needs. The framework plan is being firmly opposed by several pro-American
immigration reform groups, including NumbersUSA, partly because it does not
reduce immigration inflow until all 4 million foreigners on the immigration
waiting list have arrived after 2030. Also, the amnesty offer for 1.8 million ‘dreamer’ illegals is expected to
grow larger because of expected fraud by applicants and continued business
advocacy for more imported workers and consumers.
Donald Trump Causes Deep State To Panic
[ 2 February 2018 ]
Explain then this hysteria, this panic in the press over the release of a
four-page memo detailing one congressional committee’s rendering of how
Trump-hate spawned an FBI investigation of Republican candidate and
President Donald Trump. What is the press corps afraid of? For it has not ceased keening and
caterwauling that this memo must not see the light of day............ Really? Would the House Intelligence Committee majority vote to expose
secrets that merit protection? Would Speaker Paul Ryan and White House chief
of staff Gen. John Kelly, who have read and approved the release of the
memo, go along with that?............ This week, however, FBI Director Chris Wray and Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein slipped into the White House to plead with Kelly to keep the
Republican memo secret. Wednesday, both went public to warn the White House
against doing what Trump said he was going to do. This is defiant insubordination. And it is not unfair to ask if
Rosenstein and Wray are more alarmed about some threat to the national
security than they are about the exposure of misconduct in their own
agencies. The memo is to be released Friday. Leaks suggest what it
contends:.......... Trump-haters in the press may be terrified that the memo may credibly
demonstrate that the “Deplorables” were right, that the elite media have
been had, that they were exploited and used by the “deep state,” that they
let their detestation of Trump so blind them to reality that they made fools
of themselves, and that they credited with high nobility a major conspiracy
to overthrow an elected president of the United States.
Donald Trump Betrayed His Promises To Stop Illegal Immigration
[ 3 February 2018 ]
Donald Trump Betraying
His Supporters & The Constitution [
4 March 2018 ]
Porn Star Suing Donald Trump After Being Bribed To Keep Quiet
[ 7 March 2018 ]
Donald Trump Did NOT Collude With Russians - Don Is NOT Guilty Admits NY
Times [
14 March 2018 ]
Keeping Trump and Netanyahu Out of Jail - Israel Plans Sneak Attack on Syria with Trump, Russia Betrayed [
14 March 2018 ] In the run-up to the planned attack, two Russian planes were
downed, one in Syria, one in Russia, part of a plan to influence the
Russian elections. Trump has been told Russia won’t respond because of
the upcoming election. The plan is to take place in the next 36 hours, beginning with a massive
missile attack on Damascus and US and Israeli air strikes to
decapitate Syria and kill President Assad. The propaganda war against
Syria, hyped to the max over the last few days, is the “set up.”
NY Times Suppresses Truth About Donald Trump [ 31 March 2018 ]
State Attacking Donald Trump [
13 April 2018 ]
Donald Trump Book Banned By New York Best Seller List
[ 28 April 2018 ]
West Endorses Donald Trump
[ 28 April 2018 ]
Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize By Republicans
[ 6 May 2018 ] The endorsement letter was signed by another seventeen House
Republicans who could think of “no one more deserving” than
President Trump to receive the prestigious award for his “tireless
work to bring peace to our world.”
Trump Aborts Iran Deal - Just What Warmongering Zionist Crazies Want [
9 May 2018 ] The deal was seen as a crowning achievement of President Barack
Obama’s foreign policy. Trump, however, repeatedly called the agreement
“one the worst deals ever” and vowed to repeal it during his
2016 presidential campaign. So far, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly
certified Iran’s full compliance with the agreement, and
the European Union has deferred to its judgment.
Zionist Crazies Control Trump & American Foreign Policy
[ 11 May 2018 ] Prime Minister Theresa May of Great Britain, President Emmanuel Macron of
France and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were put on notice that their
ties to Iran are to be severed, or secondary sanctions will be imposed on
them........... Who is cheering Trump’s trashing of the treaty? [ See
Jews Ecstatic as Puppet Trump follows Israel’s Lies on Iran
- Editor ] The neocons who sought his political extinction in 2016, the royals of
the Gulf, Bibi Netanyahu, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The
IRGC had warned Iranians that the Americans were duplicitous.
Jews Ecstatic as Puppet Trump follows Israel’s Lies on Iran
[ 11 May 2018 ]
Jews Murder 52 Palestinians In One Day
[ 15 May 2018 ]
It comes after a 14-year-old was among 52 shot dead along the Gaza border on
what is already the deadliest single day in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict since a 2014 war between the Jewish state
and Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas. At least 2,400 more have been injured with hundreds of them by live
bullets, according to Gaza officials as the Palestinian government accused
Israel of committing a 'terrible massacre' and Amnesty International called
the bloodshed an 'abhorrent violation' of human rights.
Michael Cohen is also willing to give special
counsel Robert Mueller information about the DNC hack in the run up to the
election 'and whether or not Mr Trump knew ahead of time about that crime
and even cheered it on', his own lawyer said. Lanny Davis, who is representing Cohen, also
accused Trump of ordering his client to make hush-money payments to porn
stars Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal over alleged affairs before the
election, claiming the President is guilty of a felony. Davis spoke out as Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations relating to those hush money payments. Minutes before Davis spoke, former Trump
campaign chairman
Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight counts following
his trial on tax and fraud charges.................... 'Not just about the [ allegedly ] obvious possibility of a
conspiracy to collude and corrupt the American democracy system in the 2016
election, which the Trump Tower meeting was all about, but also knowledge about
the computer crime of hacking and whether or not Mr Trump knew ahead of time
about that crime and even cheered it on,' he added........... Davis said that Trump should be prepared to
see 'a liberated Michael Cohen speaking truth to power.' And that he was prepared to spill 'everything
about Donald Trump that he knows.'
Main Stream Media Howls For Donald Trump's Head On A Plate
They hated Richard Nixon but they loathe Don far more.
Washington Watcher II [Email
him] is an anonymous DC insider
argues contra, our only friend among the Den of Iniquity which rules
Victor Davis
Hanson, an American classics man writes well and sympathetically about
Don as the man who has what it takes to do what it takes, to be hated by
many, admired by a few. Recall e.g. Dirty Harry. Being liked by the
Washington Mafia is a great thing to avoid. If it means being like the
hero of the Chappaquiddick Massacre
or Bill Clinton I can do without.
The chorus of hate was deafening,
even worse than it was for Richard Nixon.
It is obvious that
Illegal Immigrants vote for the dole, for
free loading, for sanctuary cities, for Hillary
Is it just good news
or are there sinister goings on behind the scenes?
Alison Weir says it is the
latter; she is likely right.
Comes from the great man himself. Read it and know his thoughts - of the
moment that is.
Immigration patriots know that Donald
Trump hasn’t been the border cop they voted for in 2016.
Ann Coulter invited Trump’s ire when she
wrote as much in February: “Trump has spent 25 months
not building the wall.” But then Trump did divert military
appropriations to begin construction, and more recently, his
stricter new rules
seem finally to be reducing the inflow, which followed his
massive reduction in refugee admissions. Despite the best
efforts of the GOP and
Javanka, Trump has still not made a
Bush I-Read My Lips-type
U-turn. Trump’s real problem: the sheer power of the
entrenched Treason Lobby. But the fact remains: he’s the only
Trump we’ve got.
One of the best things Trump has done is
change immigration regulations. For example, all immigrants must
now purchase
health insurance within 30 days of arrival or prove they can
healthcare expenses. “Immigrants who enter this country
should not further saddle our healthcare system, and
subsequently American taxpayers, with higher costs,” the White
House said [Presidential
Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Will
Financially Burden the United States Healthcare System,, October 4, 2019]. The
Migration Policy Institute claims the new rule could block
65 percent of new arrivals; 4 percent of recent immigrants lack
health insurance and another 31 percent depend on
taxpayer-provided healthcare.
Because he
is going to deal with
the rapists, the murderers flooding in from Mexico. He is going to build a
wall to block Illegal Immigration.
Americans like the idea. It works for Jews in Israel;
it will work for America. Recall that the Jews have
Concentration Camps In Israel.
Could they help America? NB The Jews are not known to have gas chambers for
dealing with blacks but then did the Germans?
PS Various organisations
dislike Don's
position on illegals - see
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016. Why do they want illegals?
Cheap labour for Capitalist Swine is the
obvious answer.
PPS Hostiles include NBC, Macey, NASCAR, SBN(?), FAA, Jeb
Bush & NY City.
OK, so
Don didn't go to Vietnam. Why did anyone?
McCain did but then McCain is a trigger happy
War Monger, who, as President would have started
World War III.
Don knows that
Illegal Aliens Cost Billions.
The Grauniad
is using a lie fed to Don as an excuse.
The Graun is a Marxist
propaganda machine.
The US election campaign has kicked off with a public and surprisingly
penetrating inquisition of the Republican party’s ten frontrunners to be
presidential candidate. The television contest always ran the risk of
turning into a beauty contest since detailed debate about policies will be
unrolled only in the coming months of the primaries. Instead, it presented a
party that, after six years out of power, is bubbling with energy and ideas,
some sensible, some overblown and divisive.
The Times
is being supercilious. The Times knows what is
good for Americans better than they do. Americans will have the good sense
to ignore it.
hate him without stopping to think why; they don't need to. It is another
point in his favour. The
Marxist Takeover Of The Ruling Classes
has brought nothing but poverty, Massacres,
famine, plague, you name it.
Mail is a propaganda
machine aimed at the honest working man. Its views should be treated with the
contempt they deserve.
This comes from people as distinct from
politicians. Of course they have the last laugh while we get screwed, taxed
and flooded with
Third World aliens.
Ted Cruz
comes top. Herman Cain
is a strong last but the
Wikipedia likes him.
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will
have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.......
"But something has to be done," he said.
"It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."
His words likely sound in contrast to some of
the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a
large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants
should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally.
Don hasn't taken the point that this nausea
has been set up with malice aforethought. Cameron
murders people in Syria so they come to
England to live on the dole.
Cameron murdered people in
Libya with the same result.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s invitation to migrants to come to
her country has been described as “insane” by U.S. Presidential candidate
Donald Trump, who has predicted more violence
will follow in the country as a result...........
Donald Trump opens
his mouth and says what he thinks; he is not beholden to the
Zionist crazies who run America or to anyone else.
He is right; they are the foot soldiers of Islam or
whatever. Inciting them to hate will be easy. Getting rid of them will be
Christian gentlemen or Islamic
rogues on the make?
still says the right things about Illegal
Immigration, sometimes anyway. He can't be bought; this matters.
Donald Trump doubled down on his signature immigration control
plan–deporting illegals–during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate, even
invoking the nation of Israel and Dwight Eisenhower.
Capitalist Swine like
Illegal Immigrants, if they are cheap
labour stealing jobs from honest Working Men as
long as they don't live too near or take middle class jobs.
Don didn't go into detail about how Jews keep
Illegal Immigrants out of
Israel. They use
Concentration Camps, brutality &
Ethnic Cleansing. They are very sincere. So
was naughty Adolf.
presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Saturday that the
terror attacks in Paris would have been 'a much, much different
situation' had the victims been armed with guns.
Notice that "Trump's claims"; not "Mr Trump states the
obvious". The Daily Mail is a
Propaganda machine that wants to keep us
disarmed making it easy for a corrupt government to oppress us. The
Firearms Act 1920 was brought in to
prevent another Bolshevik Revolution;
one that was not going to happen anyway. In America the
Armed Citizen pays off, preventing crime
thousands of times a year. While
Donald Trump tells the truth the Jew,
Carlile uses this attack as an excuse to
Spy On Us while Cameron carries on
importing thousands more vicious terrorists.
Mark Steyn [ partly Jew BTW ] has some pungent comments on the
Moral Cretins who let "Peace
Lovers" into civilization - see
The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates. Proof? See evidence from the Armed Citizen:-
They breed them
tough in Texas.
Is one of their standard hostile write ups pretending to take it down the
makes lotsa sense. So does her follow up. See the next one.
claim that they are victims. They lie, they kill, they hate. Answers?
Prisons, flogging, gallows - for the propagandists marketing
Black Hate.
Don talks the talk. Will he walk the walk?
Fred thinks not. Politicians hate Don. That is good. Marxists
hate him; also good but can he, will he export millions of illegal aliens?
Too many things would fall apart too fast. Thumpathumpthump, Here Come Trump: Pols Have
Knickers in Knot
What is it that puzzles New York about Trump’s enormous appeal? . He
does what so many of us desperately want. He takes no guff from the
loathsome talking heads who have never baited a hook or worried about a
mortgage payment or been bankrupted by the confluence of Wall Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue. He doesn’t whimper and wriggle and apologize like a
puppy who has wet the rug after saying something that upsets the priss
spigots. He says, perhaps in different words, what so many want to say.
“Stick it where the sun don’t shine.”
Donald Trump romped through the second biggest day in American politics – only November
presidential elections are grander – etching his name on seven trophies in
the Republican party's Super Tuesday display case, and hoping for more. Two
prizes, Texas and Oklahoma, have eluded his grasp and went to Ted Cruz, a
senator from the Lone Star State. But the rest of the night so far belongs to
The Donald..........
The politicians running the Republican Party hate him just like the
Main Stream Media; both points in his favour. It is
just Americans who want him.
PS His wife will make a splendid
Chatelaine For The White House
She has to
be better than the current inmate.
In an Anti-Semitic tirade over the weekend,
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of
the religious group Nation of Islam, praised Republican front-runner Donald
Trump for signaling that when he is president, he won't be controlled by
The Washington Examiner reports.
Louis Farrakhan is not all
bad, far from it. Notice that the Washington Examiner does not like what he
says but does not say/state/claim/allege that Louis is wrong; he it was who
brought us the Secret
Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, telling us about Jews monopolizing the slave trade.
The Independent has chosen to allege that it
has been claimed that Donald Trump has been
nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Why are
they hedging their bets with this rumour/joke/story? Pass. To be fair
Don hasn't started as many wars as Obama, a War Monger who
did get one of these things. It proves rather adequately that the peace
prizes are granted by fools; even one might say
Lenin's Useful Idiots of the sort that turned Malmö into the
Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.
Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky
above Sea Island was black with corporate jets.
Real people, those that matter i.e. the rich & powerful hate
Donald Trump. They hate
Democracy too. They prefer the loaded dice, the
candidates who need rich backers, unlike Don. Corruption? You name it, they
got it.
A Jew reporting
claimed that she was manhandled by one of Don's
security men. The editor wanted to see the evidence before swallowing her
story so the
Jews on the staff deserted. Jews of
Right Wing inclination hate Don too; another
point in his favour.
PS The key to understanding
Political Science &
Politics generally is to know WHO is doing what
to whom.
Cherchez le juif. They are all over the media, business, finance,
politics. Religion too. Would you believe that the
Of Canterbury Is A Jew? They seem to think so.
I think
Don is man enough to see the funny side of
Donald Trump is right - again. We need
NATO like a horse needs roller skates.
In a Republican presidential
primary, who would you prefer as the GOP nominee?
Donald Trump
Sen. Ted Cruz
Gov. John Kasich
Of the below options, which
are you more focused on when choosing your candidate?
National security
Healthcare reforms
Jobs and the U.S. economy
The number approving of Obama is
surprisingly high at 10%
By Patrick J. Buchanan
In the race for the Republican nomination, Donald
Trump would seem to be in the catbird seat. He has won the most states, the
most delegates and the most votes — by nearly two million. He has brought out
the largest crowds and is poised for huge wins in the largest states of the
East, New York and Pennsylvania. Yet, there is a growing probability that the
backroom boys will steal the nomination from him at a brokered convention in
Cleveland........... The fix had been in since August, when party officials,
alarmed at Trump’s popularity, decided it would be best if Colorado Republicans
were not allowed to vote on the party’s nominee.
Republican Party politicians like 'Democracy'
when it gives the results they want. This time the ignorant peasant masses
are not doing what the Main Stream Media tell them.
Democratic Party politicians are even more corrupt. Their thick voters are
backing the Marxist
Jew instead of the foul mouthed War Mongering
rat bag. Social Engineering is not going
quite so well for the Puppet Masters as
normal. The same applies to England. The
Labour Party have saddled themselves with
Comrade Corbyn. He does not kowtow
to Tel Aviv.
Two characteristics make Trump [ Mr
Trump to you, oaf ] fundamentally unfit to be
president: his attitude to women and the way he treats rivals.
The first of these, including crude and offensive remarks about
female interviewers and candidates, shows deeply patronising instincts.
The Establishment decided that they could get
along just fine without Don. It
is right; it is Treasonous , an
Enemy Of The People. Hague should learn manners rather than
sneering at Don's.
Fred used to be a journalist. Fred used to get pay
packets. Fred walked away. Fred can tell the truth. Fred does.
Donald Trump is a class traitor.
Donald Trump is a billionaire who is betraying
the billionaires, their apparatchiks, politicians they bribe, the
Israel Lobby, every blood sucking leech
robbing Americans blind. Republican politicians want ANYBODY except
Donald Trump. Is it different in
England? No, not really; it is just the details.
PS See
Donald Trump could amass most primary votes in GOP history
PPS Pat Buchanan approves of
Don as well - see
At Last - America
Of course this assumes that Republican politicians won't steal the nomination.
Doing that might well keep them out of office for a decade. England's
Main Stream Media concealed their delight at a good win
rather well. They are like the BBC and other Marxist
Propaganda machines that did a major news blackout
on Obama's Forged Birth Certificate.
Pat Buchanan tells it like it is. Americans
want Donald Trump. Politicians want
Presumptive Republican Party
presidential nominee Donald Trump has appointed
Elliott Broidy—a
convicted Jew crook who bribed public officials to invest money in
Israel—as his chief fundraiser. Broidy only avoided jail after admitting
guilt and paying a $48 million fine for bribing several New York pension
fund managers in 2009.
Broidy, the new vice chairman of the
Trump Victory Fund—set up by Trump and the Republican National
Committee—has “extensive political ties in Israel,” and his appointment
“comes just weeks after Steven Mnuchin, a Jewish Hollywood film producer
and former Goldman Sachs executive, was named Trump’s national finance
the Israeli Haaretz newspaper reported..........
This is not good news. Donald Trump might
be a great president but if he panders to Zionist
crazies he will betray America, just like Obama,
Bill Clinton,
Hillary Clinton, most if not all of Congress et cetera. The thief
Broidy bribed
another Jew,
Hevesi. Keep
it in the family, keep it quiet, use Mesirah,
which is just like
Omerta, the Mafia's code of silence; it
conceals crime.
PS See the face, know the crime.
Yes, they hate him. Yes, they dig for dirt. Is there any? Is there much?
I doubt it.
Don said it to
Christian Zionists, American fools who
take The Bible seriously especially the lurid bits
like the Revelations; they want Armageddon.
They voted for
George Bush and war. Humouring them for their votes
makes sense. War brings us strange bedfellows.
PS He was reported in Israel but the
Main Stream Media [ controlled by Jews ]
concealed the truth in Western
Isn't it awful? No! Cameron alleges that
Islam Is A Religion of Peace but
then Cameron is a liar with an agenda, one of the
Enemy Within.
Cleveland (CNN) Donald Trump conjured a dire picture Thursday of
an America sliding deeper into poverty, violence and corruption [
Why shouldn't he? ] and
declared himself the only person who could avert disaster.
Accepting the Republican nomination in Cleveland, the billionaire twice
pledged to be a "voice" for working Americans, restore law and order and
to confound elites and doubters by winning the White House in November........
Good news for once. The Establishment hates
Donald Trump. This means he is on the right
lines. In fact he could be the best president since, maybe Washington.
You might get the feeling that
CNN hates
Don. In fact all of the
Main Stream Media hate him. So do the politicians.
Nobody wants
Don apart from real people, those of us fed
up by being betrayed by corrupt politicians. Recall that
Englishmen voted for Brexit & against the same
Establishment, that is robbing
England. Now the huddled peasant masses in America have the chance to do the
same. Of course the layabouts, free loaders, dole parasites et cetera will
vote for that foul mouthed, crooked ratbag that the other lot are running.
With luck though Hillary Clinton might be
in prison come the election.
That is verbatim. That was written by a Jew in America.
They know that Hillary Clinton is
corrupt but they say Donald Trump is less
qualified for high office [ 49% versus 39% ]. Polls can be wrong.
The result in the voting booths matter. Clinton is evil.
[Editor’s note: It really isn’t
fair to liken Trump to Hitler, after all, one was a massively popular
leader, a legitimate war hero who transformed a country in ruins into a
superpower in less than 5 years and the other is Donald Trump.]
This was all over the
Main Stream Media being
used as an attack on
Don but they skated
over Hillary Clinton's rating.
This one tells us more about
Don's enemies than about him. Dutton, the perpetrator of this propaganda offering didn't rate
Blair, the well known
War Criminal; his face fits
among Traitors.
A better source is
Melania Trump sued the Maryland-based publisher of the
Daily Mail Online and a blogger on Thursday over an article
which had been interpreted as suggesting that she had worked
as an "escort" or in the "sex business". The attorney for Mrs Trump said that the wife of
US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had found stories
about her past to be "tremendously damaging"................
Number 3 wife is not amused. It could cost the
big time.
Donald Trump can do it. So could
Cameron but he wouldn't.
is one of the Enemy Within, just like
Merkel &
The Feminists
used something that Don said as propaganda so Don produced women that Bill Clinton
abused and Raped. We were supposed to have forgotten
about that. The Main Stream Media concealed the
truth again.
What Trump
Hollywood markets lechery unless
Donald Trump is involved. The
Main Stream Media marketed
Pussy Riot because they were vicious lefties, blaspheming against
Christianity. That is a different part of their
In July of 2015, an illegal alien allegedly broke into the home a
64-year-old Air Force veteran Marilyn Pharis while she was asleep in her
bedroom. Using a claw hammer, the illegal alien and his accomplice began
savagely beating the elderly woman, according to police. Authorities say
they shattered her eye sockets, strangled her, broke her neck bone, raped
her, and left her for dead..............
Ryan is another politician colluding in major crime as an accessory before,
during & after the facts. Giving him a fair trial and a trip to the gallows
makes lots of sense.
GOP nominee Donald Trump Saturday outlined an ambitious plan for his first 100
days in office, saying on the first day alone he has several steps he plans to
take to end Washington's corruption.
This is excellent. Donald Trump has his head
screwed on. These policies are going please real people as well as
annoying lots of parasites. Banning foreign money for politicians is a good
start for Day One in the White House. The audience loved it. The
Main Stream Media hated it and him. That is why the
BBC went in
for fraudulent misrepresentation.
An Artificial Intelligence system that accurately predicted the winners of
the last three U.S. elections, and an electoral expert who has correctly
predicted election victories for the past 30 years, have both said that
Donald Trump will win the presidential election.
Englishmen who had never voted before turned out for
Brexit, to vote leave, to vote against The
Establishment. It could be thus with Don.
L.A. Times has predicted that Donald Trump
will beat Hillary Clinton by a margin of 48.2
percent to 42.6 percent—and that Trump voters are white, while black voters
overwhelmingly support Clinton.................
Given the torrent of hate from the Main Stream Media
you might wonder just how bad Don is. He isn't.
Don is going to get a grip of political corruption AND get the American
worker back off the dole. Exporting Illegal
Immigrants is another vote winner. See it all in his
Contract With The American Voter. Notice that blacks are for
Clinton because she panders to parasites,
dole bludgers & deadbeats.
It is not just the Democrats, it is the
Republicans too. Politicians hate him and
fear him. So do media moguls, power brokers, Jews on the make, everybody
except honest Working People. Professor
MacDonald explains. He gives sources. He
tells it like it is.
This leaves the
with options; murdering him is one. It worked that day in Dallas when
Kennedy was sorted out by the CIA/
FBI/Mafia/Mossad/Fidel Castro/whoever.
Don is making soothing noises, being diplomatic. That is a good start. Pulling
the American forces out of various pointless wars would be real progress.
PS You might see similarities with our Referendum
and the Establishment attack on Brexit, on
Democracy in action.
Don beat Clinton's appeal to the idle, free loaders, blacks, parasites
generally, Socialists &
Zionist crazies. He exposed the utter corruption of the
Main Stream Media. People realised that they are lying
Propaganda machines. Victory against the odds pays
off. Kevin MacDonald is right as usual, clear
as usual.
Donald Trump had the
Main Stream Media as enemy full of hate and lies.
Democrats were opposition anyway. The
Republicans were enemy. The whole
Establishment hates him and fears him
because they are corrupt See e.g. America
Betrayed. He has no friends apart from real people. You can't fool all
of the people all of the time. Lincoln was right about that.
PS Lest we forget the last president got there by fraud, by using a
Forged Birth Certificate. This kind
of balances things out. Obama is a traitor; Don is not.
So it must be true. It doesn't bother to hide the sour grapes though -
Canada's immigration website crashes as Trump's election lead grows. Losing
all of those Socialists will be an improvement.
Vladimir Putin congratulated Don. Sound sort
of chap, what?
French ambassador whines then hides his remarks. Don hasn't nuked France
- yet.
Theresa May is on message
Marine le Pen approves of course
Viktor Orbán is pleased
Merkel's mate moans. Merkel is enemy intent on
destroying Germany
Carl Bildt is not pleased,
which means he has gone the other way
Geert Wilders is happy too
Nicola Sturgeon, another
ghastly Trot is anti
Pauline Hanson is pro
Australian Prime Minister
Malcolm Turnbull [ Australia ] sounds pleased - or more tactful than the
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi [ Italy ] is polite to the winner, who ever,
Adolf, Satan, you name him
President Rodrigo Duterte [
Philippines ] is
polite & keen on shooting drug dealers.
Jews keep quiet - in public at all events.
Fred explains
all. He is hopeful but pessimistic. This isn't quite why he emigrated to
Mexico but it might just as well be.
Lots of people, well meaning White People have
been deceived by the Propaganda machines of the
Main Stream Media and the
Education industry. Their decent feelings, their
Altruism has been abused by cunning rogues, by the
Puppet Masters or, to put it more plainly
Jews, especially Zionist crazies.
But Donald Trump has decent feelings too. Look at
Contract With The American Voter and know the truth.
You have to hand it to lots of Socialists;
they are deeply, sincerely vindictive. It was Rent
A Mob in action again. They are also
Threatening To Murder Don.
Pat Buchanan is a sound chap; he didn't
quite make president way back when but his heart's in the right place.
Veterans Today is for Americans who served. Comparing Don's election to
Reichstag fire,
which got Adolf Hitler into power is an
exaggeration; also misguided. Has Don really surrounded himself with the
vicious, ignorant and hateful? At all events we will see what Don really
does. Then is the time to compare the horror stories with the truth; they
will be very different.
Possibly vicious, ignorant or hateful?
They have to be better than this light fingered, foul mouthed shrew.
You can see why Bill Clinton wandered.
PS The
Daily Mail's readers don't seem to like
Sarah Palin. One wonders about their judgment.
Netanyahu is a compulsive liar on the make again.
Clinton was setting us up for
Cold War II with
World War III as the aftermath.
This shows the depth of hatred among America's millions of parasites.
What did his father say? Pass. Does he know his father? For that matter,
does his mother?
The police probably could have had a lot more if they were really
I hope so; millions of others do too but one decision looks bad or even
awful. Appointing
James Woolsey, a War Mongering tool of
Zionist crazies does not inspire confidence.
New Jersey Jewish News Accuses Woolsey Of Pandering To Israel. There he is
at the Herzliya Conference telling Jews
what they want to hear.
Donald Trump in the White House, tourists from other
states may soon be able to bring their guns to shops of
Fifth Avenue, the plaza at Rockefeller Center and other New
York City sights...........
The Second
Amendment to the American
Constitution says that the Right To Keep And Bear
Arms shall not be infringed. It has been infringed, repeatedly in
defiance of the Supreme
Law Of America. The Guardian is not amused,
taking the position that guns are nasty dangerous things that should not be
allowed to the lower orders. It will not tell the truth; that the
Armed Citizen prevents crime. He is the man
on the spot. The police turn up after, eventually, when it is too late.
The fact that the Guardian classifies SECRET is
that the anti-gun law in New York was passed by
Sullivan to help his constituents rob
PS Another relevant fact that the Guardian eagerly ignores is
a large most of murders are carried out by blacks and browns. It's
White People that need them, that should be
Armed Citizens. NB that the first anti-gun law
inflicted on England, the
Firearms Act 1920 was due to the fear of
revolution. His Majesty's Government
alleged that the reason was crime.
HMG lied; see e.g.
Blackwell Report.
It’s now more important than ever to educate Americans about
Israel-Palestine and the powerful interests that are invested in protecting
the unjust status quo............
Both of the two main contenders took huge
amounts of money from pro-Israel partisans seeking to influence U.S. foreign
Bribery is a very effective political tool; doing it
openly is a method of evading the law. Why do you think that American
politicians use the American armed forces to fight wars against
Iraq, Syria etc.? Jews paid them.
QED. It is confirmed by
Jews Bribe Clinton & by
Clinton Says Destroy Syria For Jews.
Once Don is safely in office, which is by
no means a foregone conclusion he will deal with reality rather than
rhetoric. A fair view from a great man. The Dalai
Lama shows courage in the face of power.
Hating things that should be hated is entirely reasonable. Even better is
doing something about them; it is how
Western Civilization was created. Donald
Trump is a doer, an achiever. Obama is a third
rater put in place to do evil, by the Puppet
Masters. His old woman is another third rater, full of resentment
against us; someone perceptive but not discreet called her an
Ape In Heels. We were all duly
shocked/horrified/disgusted/appalled/ashamed/enlightened/amused [ delete
to taste ]]. We, the deplorables, the irredeemables can now get on with
making thing better, in spite of Clinton
while Zionist crazies carry on using
Rent A Mob, the
Lunatic Fringe, Socialists etc. as weapons
against us, to destroy.
Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an
off-the-record Trump Tower sit-down on Monday, sources told The Post.
Don isn't a softie. Getting a grip of lying scum is a good start.
Donald Trump is right of course.
Clinton is trying to upset the result by
doing recounts in carefully chosen constituencies. Her corruption is deep and
utterly sincere.
The disappointment is real so is the hate. How many of these rogues would
murder Don? Plenty.
Matt Taibbi puts a
position, telling us why Don won. His insights into the real driving forces
of elections [ e.g. money ] are very sound. But use your wits; decide which
bits you believe. Look too at
Griftopia where he
writes more about heavyweight corruption.
That's the story according to
Veterans Today. Perhaps it is unprecedented. It definitely was when the
previous inmate arrived. Obama used a
Forged Birth Certificate because
he was foreign born & therefore an illegal president. The
Puppet Masters wanted him; they got him.
Snopes alleges that charges have been brought and dismissed twice. It
goes lightly on the other alleged perpetrator,
Jeffrey Epstein,
a rich Jew and Paedophile pervert. So does VT.
Veterans Today is looking more like a corrupt
Propaganda machine by the day.
PPPS Don married a beauty queen; why bother
with rape?
President-elect Donald Trump is [
allegedly ] set to be deposed sometime this week in his ongoing legal
battle against celebrity chef José Andrés, a lawyer representing Trump Old
Post Office LLC, a development company that's part of the Trump
Organization, confirms to ABC News.............
The headline is verbatim and a nonsense. Don has a disagreement with some
foreigner. So what? So it gets sorted. It's just another attack by bad
losers, Marxists Feminists etc. A
Woman Alleged Paedophile Rape By Don a couple of times. That was about
money, a multimegabuck shakedown that didn't work.
A former British spy has vanished after being named as the author of a
'dirty' file smearing Donald Trump and fled his £1.5million mansion in fear telling his neighbour:
'Look after my cat.'
Recall that
Blair arranged fraudulent reports from
MI6 as an excuse to invade Iraq and murder thousands.
Believe this tosh? NO! It is just proof that Left Wing
rogues are liars as well as bad losers.
PS You might care to look at
“Their [ CIA ] ability to falsify is unlimited” Douglas Valentine provides background for understanding “USIC v Trump”
and decide which bits make sense. A fair amount is rubbish.
Donald Trump wasted no time getting to work on Friday night, heading
straight to the Oval Office where he signed his first
Executive Orders
since arriving at the White House.......
Don has started well. The haters are full of hate but they didn't succeed in
getting him killed, not yet. He could make the world a better place.
State-Sanctioned Torture in the Age of Trump
By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump declared he would
"immediately" resume waterboarding and would "bring back a hell of a
lot worse than waterboarding" because the United States is facing a
"barbaric" enemy. He labeled waterboarding a "minor form" of
The Jew,
[ a misspelling of Cohen ] is lawyer enough to understand law and to
ignore the truth when it doesn't fit her agenda. That is why she says nothing
about the murderous thugs who run Israel but see e.g.
How Jews Torture People,
Jews And Torture or even
Now You Are Paralyzed.
Despite his boorish chauvinism, Trump won with the backing of the majority
of white woman voters. An unthinkable outcome? Not if you've followed the
Tea Party.......
Angela Merkel is pressing for a meeting with
Donald Trump after he caused “astonishment
and agitation” among European leaders with broadsides at NATO, the
EU and the
German chancellor herself.
Annoying Merkel is a big point in Don's
Is a book by
David Horowitz, a Marxist Jew who changed
saddles. His publisher tells us that
The 2016 election battle is over. Donald Trump is to be sworn in as the 45th
president of the United States. And he will soon radically change America
forever! So claims David Horowitz in his just-released bestseller "
Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America."
Mr Horowitz is on the right lines.
This malicious drivel comes from a Marxist
patter merchant, one called
David Runciman;
he hates
Don.. Is Runciman stupid enough to believe this
rubbish or does he
think we are? The worrying aspect is that the twerp is teaching England's best
and brightest at Cambridge.
A better man than
Runciman approves
big time.
Banning imports from seven Islamic Hellholes is
a step in the right direction. Making it illegal to hire them would mean
that he is serious and cause major disruption. Employers use Hispanics as
cheap labour. They could go broke without them. Doing that one by stages is
the approach.
Top cop of Wall Street,
Preet Bharara, fired after refusing Trump's call to resign.
Preet Bharara
said Saturday he was fired
"moments ago" after refusing to agree to the
surprise Trump Justice Department demand that he
and 45 other U.S. attorneys submit their
resignations......... The afternoon announcement came less than a
day after the
Justice Department asked
46 holdover U.S. attorneys from the Obama
administration to submit their resignations.
The Justice Department said it was not
unusual for a new administration to request such
This is interesting. Sack one; it concentrates the 45 other minds
Bharara got some
good results. Will
the next one be competent or even honest? It is a test of
Don's intentions. Compare it with the
New York governor, Eliot Spitzer
& his sudden departure from office. It's not what you know, it's who you
The Trump Team
Who are Don's henchmen?
They tell us something about where he is going. His enemies tell us too but
their interest is driven by hate; believe them? Not me.
Jared Kushner - Jew
Steve Bannon
Michael Glassner
- Jew
Trump Presidential Campaign 2016 has more and better details.
Jared Corey Kushner (born January 10, 1981) is an American
real estate investor and developer, publisher, and senior advisor to
Donald Trump. Together with Chief of Staff
Reince Preibus and Chief Strategist
Steve Bannon, he forms Trump's leadership team. Kushner is said to be
Donald Trump's most trusted advisor, showing "unwavering loyalty" to his
Charles Kushner (born May 16, 1954) is
an American
real estate developer and
convicted felon. He founded
Kushner Companies in 1985. In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign
evasion, and
witness tampering, and served time in
federal prison. After his release he resumed his career in real estate.
He is the father of
Jared Kushner, husband of
Ivanka Trump, and thus son-in-law of and senior advisor to the incumbent
President of the United States
Donald Trump.
PS A lawyer, got two years after fitting up his brother
in law.
Stephen Kevin
"Steve" Bannon (born November 27, 1953) is an American
campaign manager, businessman, and media executive who is
chief strategist and
Senior Counselor for the
presidency of Donald Trump.[1]
Bannon became chief executive officer of the
2016 presidential campaign of
Donald Trump in August 2016,[2][3]
and previously served as executive chair of
Breitbart News, a
news, opinion, and commentary website[14][15]
that Bannon described as the platform of the Internet-based
How does one go from serving as
AIPAC’s Southwest Regional Political Director a year ago to running Donald
Trump’s national political operation today?
Don's campaign manager is a Jew - see
Michael Glassner Talks Up Don's Commitment To Israel. More and better [ or
worse ] details are at
Hit ‘Em Up Donald Trump and the 9/11 Jew Money Mafia. It looks like we are
being taken for fools again.
The ZOG asks:
Who Controls Donald Trump.
The answers are not reassuring. Hopefully he is wrong. Time will tell.
Donald Trump is making a “mistake” by
continuing to have an “adversarial relationship” with CNN because that
network “shapes [his] perception in capitals around the world,” the chief
Jew in charge of the media giant has warned.
Jews like power, especially behind the scenes - power
without responsibility. This oaf is another Zionist
crazy who could do with a good dentist.
Zucker runs
CNN Worldwide
A federal judge has blocked part of President Donald Trump's
executive order on immigration, ruling that travellers who
have already landed in the US with valid visas should not be sent back
to their home countries. Lawyers had filed a legal case in response to the order
that includes a 90-day entry ban on citizens of seven
Muslim-majority nations.
Al Jazeera isn't pleased about this one. It does show that
Don is serious.
If he were very serious he would stop Illegal
Immigrants getting the dole, legal jobs, driving licences etc.
Netanyahu did it to keep
Third World parasites out. It worked for him
so why not Don?
President Donald Trump has fired the
acting Attorney General after she refused to defend his controversial
immigration order. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Director Daniel Ragsdale was fired just two hours later without
explanation. Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a
Democratic appointee, was accused of 'betraying' America after she
directed Justice Department attorneys not to defend Trump's so called
'Muslim ban' on Monday. She said [ claimed/alleged/pretended -
delete to taste - Editor ] she was not convinced the order was
Yates understands the law, when she wants, if she wants. She knows about
Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline &
Mutinous assemblage while Ragsdale is learning. They should
be given fair trials for Treason and shot but Don is merciful.
is a dangerous fool; if he had got to be President he would
have started World War III within months. The
moral? Thank God for Donald Trump. Or possibly
not. See the next one.
Fred tells it like it is.
Don is aggressive; will he start
World War III instead of
McCain? He does
pay bribes but not if the Mexican gets greedy. $20 million was over the top. Interesting times are coming.
That does not mean they will be fun.
Uttering public threats against a foreign power is a bad idea - unless
you intend to follow through. That is what
Trump is doing to
Iran and, worse yet China. Is he going to start another pointless war
or World War III?
Pat Buchanan thinks it is a terrible idea. So does
Fred. They are right.
rigging may prove fatal
[ to whom? ]
The following story comes from sources in the Trump transition team.
There is only limited confirmation but as the story includes physical
threats against those who publish it, you will of course see it on VT.........
Proven major fraud is a problem for
Don -
allegedly. Why? Pass. Is this propaganda?
Veterans Today is a peculiar source.
The American Supreme Court is stupid,
malicious, playing games, whatever. They like unaccountable power and
misusing it. Don can sort them out; he has the firepower. Presidents have
done it before. Time to do it again? The
American Constitution includes
Article II Section III or perhaps more usefully
Article III Section1 which says judges must be of good behaviour. There
is a legal rule that the judges are treating with contempt. It is:-
Salus populi suprema lex is a Latin legal maxim that means welfare of
the people shall be the supreme law. The maxim tends to imply that law exists to
serve the common good. It means e.g. that encouraging mass
Immigration by Third
World parasites is a breach of good government and
Treason to boot.
Pat Buchanan hasn't forgotten even if everyone
else has.
Don says what he thinks. Good for him. I
would say that Merkel did it out of malice. At all
events she is an enemy of Germany.
PS Don has gone quiet; he hasn't done anything for a while. Is he slowing
down? One hopes not.
Gen. Michael Flynn was the victim of leaks by intelligence workers left over
from Obama administration — and their ranks must be weeded out before they
undercut President Donald Trump's leadership, Pete Hoekstra, former chair of
the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told
Newsmax TV.
Donald Trump
has already sacked one enemy infiltrated by
Obama, an attorney general who claimed that she
did not understand law. Now she knows rather more about the consequences of
Disobeying a lawful command,
Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline,
Mutinous assemblage & other criminal offences - see
Don Sacks Attorney General And Immigration Boss.
Michael Flynn was politically assassinated by the deep state. If you are concerned about
the threat President Donald Trump and his dysfunctional White House pose to
democracy, you should think very seriously before cheering that on.
Yes, Michael Flynn
was stitched up by the 'intelligence community'. Recall that the
Central Intelligence Agency is the bunch of criminals
who are the world's biggest Drug dealers. You doubt
it? See
Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade or
A Question
of Torture, CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror
by Alfred McCoy, a professor of history.
No, it is not a Conspiracy Theory.
Recall further that the National Security Agency
is another lot of criminals. Edward Snowden
let the cat out of that particular bag; they turned very nasty. Then there
is the FBI, which brought us the
Waco Massacre. They murdered some 82 people.
Trust governments? It can cost your life.
PS The headline is verbatim.
The crooks abusing power are liable to get aggravation.
Don has already sacked two for
Mutinous assemblage or whatever; he takes the war to the enemy.
The FBI is the murderous bunch of thugs that
perpetrated the Waco Massacre then carried
out the investigation. This made it easy for them to destroy evidence and
Pervert The Course Of Justice.
One FBI rogue murdered Randy Weaver's wife during the
Ruby Ridge Massacre then recommended
fine firearms from an all American maker- see
H-S Precision Puts Women And Children First.
President Donald Trump needed a veritable reset at times
during his tumultuous campaign this summer, and whenever he felt
his support might be sagging, he took his case to the American
people, tirelessly traveling the country and speaking to massive
crowds that ultimately won him the election...............
Believe Don or not, the choice is yours. He has made his promises; they are
on line -
Donald Trump's Contract with the American Voter or his
100 Day Action Plan To Make America Great Again. The
Main Stream Media are hiding his commitments but then they don't
like the truth. Breitbart is different, being
prone to tell it like it is. So are people of the
Don is starting small; $2.5 billion away from the
current $4 trillion i.e. $4,000 billion but it a move in the right
direction. The complaints will be out of all proportion.
Donald Trump has picked Army Lt. Gen.
H. R.
McMaster to be his new national security adviser.
So now we are back on course.
would have been an appalling choice, another
War Mongering rogue,
who did what it took to make sure that he never heard a shot fired in anger.
Don can do it.
Theresa May could too, if she wanted.
The New York Times already admitted wiretaps were used
against the Trump campaign, despite now claiming there’s “no evidence”
of the wiretapping accusations President Trump lodged against the former
Obama administration on Saturday.
The Main Stream Media are
Propaganda machines that hate
Donald Trump.
President Trump is facing his first and
probably most important test of his leadership within the
Republican Party as the House presents
its final healthcare bill. One of his major campaign promises was to do away
with the Affordable Care act, better known as Obamacare, and replace it with
something much better.
Donald Trump gave people his
with the American Voter. It won the election for him, which is why it was eagerly ignored by the
Main Stream Media; they hate him, they hate the truth.
Professor MacDonald m makes the same point
Trump can’t lose White working class voters with a bad AHCA. Voters need
Don & Don needs voters. This is symbiosis.
That's a point of view. Did it really happen? Do you know anyone
who was there? See
Why the Syrian Gas Attack Is Probably Fake
BTW What is Donald
Trump doing for his own people? See the next one. Americans just might
feel that Don is betraying them.
Leo Hohmann at
World Net Daily received word from a US State Department
spokesperson that YES, as the HuffPo
reported yesterday, the Administration
is going to admit 900 refugees a week for the remainder of the fiscal year
which ends September 30th.
Donald Trump talked the talk. Is he walking
the walk? Is he betraying us? The haters, the Marxists,
the Lunatic Fringe et cetera have gone
quiet so the answer looks like a YES. Perhaps it would have been better if
he had been shot on Inauguration Day. BTW see the next one.
Her Majesty's Government is just
as much an Enemy Of The People.
Salus populi suprema lex
is a Latin legal maxim that means welfare of the people shall be the supreme
law. The maxim means that the law exists to serve the common good
e.g. that encouraging mass Immigration by
Third World parasites is a breach of good
government and Treason to boot.
Pat Buchanan explains
President Donald Trump's chief strategist
Steve Bannon has been removed from the National Security Council's
principals committee, according to a security memo that the White House
confirmed. The change reverses a controversial internal policy decision made
at the start of the Trump administration.
This is not good news; it suggests that Don isn't keeping the White House in
order. He has plenty of enemies as it is. Far more importantly, is he
keeping his promises to the people, those he made in his
with the American Voter?
Donald Trump
launched a deadly US airstrike against a Syrian air base after a horrific
nerve gas attack which killed more than 80 of his own [ sic ] citizens. The US
military fired 59
Tomahawk m missiles at the Bashar al-Assad controlled al-Shayrat military
airfield near Homs at 8.45pm (EDT) on Thursday, killing at least four and
injuring many more.
So Don believed the atrocity story & presumably his military staff said they did too.
This is good news for
McDonnell Douglas with Tomahawks at US$1.59 million each.
Is Don just talking for the sake of it.
He met the Chinese boss last week without any histrionics so perhaps not but
does he want to start World War III over a
North Korea upped its warmongering with Donald
Trump today in a series of menacing boasts threatening to 'ravage' US
troops amid fears the two countries are heading for war. The secretive state
vowed to 'pulverize' US bases and South Korean capital Seoul if it was
threatened by the US military, which is carrying out drills on the Korean
peninsula. A US aircraft carrier group is steaming towards the
McCain is a War
Mongering maniac; it looks as though he might get his wish. The Chinese
foreign minister, Wang Yi said there will be no winners.
World War III will be a good one to miss.
WASHINGTON – Russia is recalling its ambassador who has been the source of
the collusion allegations against the Trump campaign,
according to BuzzFeed News.
This is a strange little story. Ambassador meets people. So what? It's what
ambassadors do. Did he betray Russia?
So Rent A Mob swings into action. The judge
who chose to allege that Don's first ban was
invalid is in clear breach of his obligation to enforce the law as it is,
not some private version. He broke his oath of office and should have found
himself on holiday in GITMO.
Fraudulent stories, lies, Disinformation,
Propaganda, business as usual.
Now he says Korea next.
“Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us
on the North Korean problem?” tweeted President Donald Trump on Easter
Pat Buchanan explains all again. Is
Donald Trump going to be good for America or
for the American working man? It is looking doubtful; sad but true.
Oh Lord, it’s happening–the remanufacture of
Trump by the
Establishment. During the campaign, Trump
and the Basilisk had nothing in common but their hair dye. Now, almost
daily, he looks more like her.
Donald Trump has been beaten. He talked the
talk; he hasn't walked the walk. Did he mean to? I thought so. A lot of
Americans did too but
Fred says not. Fred served for real. Don did not; now he is failing
America and the Main Stream Media have gone quiet
about him. It is a tragedy for America and
Western Civilization.
Donald Trump is president,
but it feels like his essence was magically replaced with that
of Mitt Romney or Jim DeMint. The man in the Oval Office is not even
funding the border wall, much less building it. Barack Obama’s
“dreamers” don’t look like they will have to pack their bags after
all. There is no Muslim ban in the works, and courts have blocked
both of his ill-crafted executive orders that would have banned some
of the worst Muslim immigration.................
He talked the talk; he isn't walking the walk - so far. We can hope.
We also have our own government of traitors, another
ZOG [ Zionist Occupied Government ], to worry about. Why?
See e.g. the next one.
From Jewish Fear and Loathing to Acceptance and Influence in the Trump
Based on the early campaign rhetoric and promises of
Donald J. Trump, one would not expect to find
the presence of Jewish power structures within the Trump
We can hope; that is about it. Notice that the Main
Stream Media have gone from utter hate to being very quiet about the
man; a very bad sign.
President Donald Trump has defended his sensational firing of FBI Director
James Comey by mocking Senate minority leader 'cryin' Chuck Schumer.
This shows that Don is not toothless, that he can act, which is encouraging but
one is left to wonder why he has not had the good sense, courage and
determination to act on his promises to his voters. He made his
Contract with the American Voter. They feel betrayed.
On Monday, the San Francisco-based
9th Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to rule on whether to reinstate
U.S. President Donald Trump's controversial
[sic ] Executive Order on immigration, which temporarily prohibits refugees
and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S.
(and blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely). In turn, the Department of
Justice is expected to put out a filing defending the Order.
is a Propaganda machine telling us that we should ignore the law because it is
bad law. TIME is deeply corrupt, just like the Judges who have presumed to
allege that Don's Executive Orders are invalid. The relevant legislation is at
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens,
which says:-
Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any
class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the
interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such
period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or
any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the
entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate............
Is that clear enough? Does it leave scope for "interpretation", for
misapplication? Only with judges that deeply corrupt.
“With the stroke of a pen, Rod Rosenstein redeemed his reputation,”
writes Dana Milbank of The Washington Post. What had Deputy Attorney General
Rosenstein done to be welcomed home by the Post like the prodigal son?
Without consulting the White House, he sandbagged President Trump, naming a
special counsel to take over the investigation of the Russia connection that
could prove ruinous to this presidency.
The Establishment has turned nastier.
On Monday, the San Francisco-based
9th Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to rule on whether to reinstate
U.S. President Donald Trump's controversial
[sic ] Executive Order on immigration, which temporarily prohibits refugees
and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S.
(and blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely). In turn, the Department of
Justice is expected to put out a filing defending the Order.
is a Propaganda machine telling us that we should ignore the law because it is
bad law. TIME is deeply corrupt, just like the Judges who have presumed to
allege that Don's Executive Orders are invalid. The relevant legislation is at
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens,
which says:-
Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any
class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the
interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such
period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or
any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the
entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate............
Is that clear enough? Does it leave scope for "interpretation", for
misapplication? Only with judges that are deeply corrupt.
The Democrats were very annoyed about Don's
victory. The Republicans were too, even
though they pretend to be Right Wing. So
blaming the Russians was all right, an excuse for the fact that decent
people voted against all of them. The media ran their stories and demonstrated their deep
ignorance. Bruce Schneier, a real security
expert has something
worthwhile to tell us about who is out there doing what. See
Who is Publishing NSA and CIA Secrets, and Why?
President Trump's speech in Warsaw was a remarkable statement from a western
leader in the 21st century - which is why the enforcers of our public
discourse have gone bananas over it and denounced it as "blood and soil"
"nativism" (The
New Republic), "racial and religious paranoia" (The
Atlantic), and "tin pot dictator sh*t" (some
comedian having a meltdown on Twitter). Much of the speech was just the
usual boosterish boilerplate that one foreign leader sloughs off while
visiting the capital of another. But that wasn't what caused the mass
Mark Steyn
explains so much better than me. He does not quite say that the political
class and the Main Stream Media are actively
destroying Western Civilization by
inciting White Guilt and
Black Hate but he is right. If you doubt
Trahison des Clercs look at the
previous one.
The American government is making threatening noises, sending carriers
to Korea and acting like the world's policeman in a bad temper. This is not
Fred tells us that Iran hasn't backed down, China hasn't backed down,
North Korea hasn't backed down. Just how many nuclear nations can America
afford to upset. Fred has been there; he played for real in Viet Nam and got
a year in hospital for his pains. Another corporal got it wrong. Naughty
little Adolf thought he could beat Russia,
just like Lieutenant Bonaparte. Recall that this day is the anniversary of
World War
I. The Third World War will be worse.
On this 200th day of the Trump Administration, the 45th presidency is
under assault as few legitimately elected governments in free stable
nations have ever been. The weapon of choice is, as Jeff Sessions'
Justice Department has very belatedly recognized, the leak. There are
three kinds of leak:
Donald Trump is hated by the
Establishment, by the Main
Stream Media, by the Education Industry, by the
Deep State. They are
Fanatics, arrogant rogues who loathe the honest
Working Man & Democracy. They are enraged by his
failure to vote as they demanded, for corruption, for
Clinton. The Forgotten
Man did what he wanted. Now they are attacking. Don should
start putting them where they belong, in prison.
PS Two major security breaches were published in full by the
Washington Post -
Transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia. Don & Malc read as
reasonable men dealing with nausea set by a Marxist
That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable. As President
Donald Trump flew off for August at his
Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had
impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and
campaign associates.................
This is a coup d'état in progress, an attack on Don, a freely elected
president & on Democracy. The attackers, the
Deep State are
Traitors, the Enemy
Mark Steyn made the same case & very well at
Donald Trump
Under Attack By The Deep State. It is time to recall not just
the Declaration of Independence
but the Consent Of The Governed & the
Right Of Revolution.
But the Hard Left howls for more. They see
it as a sign of weakness. The very same extremists happily ignore
Islamic atrocities.
See e.g. the next one.
President Donald Trump has granted a
pardon to controversial former Arizona sheriff and political ally
Joe Arpaio less than a month after he was convicted of criminal
contempt in a case involving racial profiling. Trump signed the pardon for the
85-year-old Arpaio on Friday night citing his long history of public
The injunction was a mala fide attempt to
Pervert The Course Of Justice
by making it easier for Illegal Immigrants
to succeed. The
Daily Mail alleges that Obama is not foreign born & therefore an illegal
president; it lies.
To attend the Indianapolis Colts game where the number of the legendary Peyton
Manning was to be retired, Vice President Mike Pence, a former governor of
Indiana, flew back from Las Vegas.............. The Pences stood, hands over
hearts. A dozen San Francisco 49ers took a knee. When the national anthem ended,
Pence walked out. His limousine took him back to the airport to fly to LA.
It may seem that what Donald Trump did is a
small thing but it is significant. He is starting, belatedly perhaps to
fight back against the enemies of America &
Western Civilization. The
Main Stream Media including the
BBC are waging Culture Wars against us
with the active assistance of the Education Industry.
Inciting Black Hate, using the
Charlottesville 'Massacre';
these things are all part of the Long March Through
The Institutions, the technique worked out by
Antonio Gramsci, the leading
Marxist intellectual
of the Italian communists.
Don talked the talk. Now he is starting
to look irresponsible. Iran is a lot bigger
than Iraq and not a soft touch. It could cut off all
Oil form the Arabian Gulf. This would be really bad
news. Zionist crazies were trying to leverage the
Americans into doing their dirty work for them but
the Pentagon knew it could not win short of nuking every big town there.
Jews are vicious Psychopaths. Now they might
get their wish.
feeds us convoluted drivel, telling us why the American army should be
fighting wars for Israel and American interests be
damned. The Puppet Masters, the
Zionist crazies aren't getting it all quite their
own way.
Trump was dragged into the FBI's investigation into Russian
meddling in the 2016 election for the first time on Friday
night. Michael Flynn,
who on Friday admitted lying to the FBI, has
agreed to work with investigators looking into Russian election
meddling as part of a plea bargain.
Trump is hated by Hillary Clinton, the
Democrats, Republicans,
the Deep State, the
Establishment generally, Marxists like the
BBC & the Main Stream Media, in
fact everybody - apart from the voters. That is why the FBI
leaned on Flynn and his son. Using the little fish to betray the big fish is SOP
[ Standard Operating Procedure ]. Recall that the FBI perpetrated the
Waco Massacre, murdered dozens, investigated
themselves and walked free. They are seriously bent.
PS The Deep State is still illegally refusing to obey Freedom of Information
demands regarding its part in the
Deep State Cover Up.
Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers endorsed
Donald Trump's right to re-tweet [ allegedly
] far-right
propaganda and himself re-posted a message from a former BNP activist.
Piers is not as stupid as he looks, the
Mail's sneers notwithstanding.
The Main Stream Media's howls of delight about
Flynn are about screwing Donald Trump and,
even more importantly keeping Hillary Clinton
out of prison in spite of her blatant guilt. You doubt it? See e.g.
Clinton Took $145 Million Bribe for Giving 20 Percent Of American Uranium To
Why did Gen. Mike Flynn lie to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations
with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak?
Did General Flynn lie? Why would he have said that he had? Yes,
Obama was a corrupt chancer trying it on. Yes, the
Main Stream Media are corrupt liars, ditto for the
Establishment. The FBI
is a criminal organisation, the perpetrators of the
Waco Massacre, its "investigation",
destruction of evidence and cover up. The whole thing amounts to
Treason by the Deep
Asked what he did during the French Revolution, Abbe Sieyes replied, “I
Pat Buchanan is sensible as ever.
President Donald Trump has dismissed all 16 members of the Presidential
Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS without giving an explanation.
I feel certain that some of us will be able to contain our disappointment at
Donald Trump's inconsiderate action. It could
save lotsa money.
Author and radio host Mark Steyn sounds off on revelation of liberal super
PAC paying attorney Lisa Bloom $200K to bring forward women accusing
then-candidate Trump of sexual misconduct in 2016.
Lisa Bloom is a Jew and
lawyer, one who worked for Harvey Weinstein;
she also had a book deal with him. a breach of ethics? The
New York Times
says that
Bloom took a $200K bung
Partisans, Wielding Money, Begin Seeking to Exploit Harassment Claims
]to find alleged victims of
Donald Trump; Ethical? Believe it if you
want. Her mother, Gloria Allred,
another Jew on the make is also facing ethics questions. The money came from
a hostile PAC,
American Bridge 21st Century.
He got an honest judge into the Supreme
Court as a replacement for Antonin Scalia.
Now it is Neil Gorsuch
Then there was a big tax cut, another good way of annoying
Left Wing parasites.
Stormy Daniels, the well known porn
star & proud winner of the 2007
Gold G-String Award
says that Donald Trump wanted her. It is
great publicity, that made it to the front page of the
Daily Mail. It's an excuse for more pictures of Stormy looking wanted.
Any publicity is good publicity and make sure you spell the name right.
That's what Hollywood said. Just look what it
did for Harvey Weinstein.
Don's victim.
Stormy Daniels, the well known porn
star and the winner of the 2007
Gold G-String Award
knows that any publicity is good publicity. Pictures help a girl too:-
You can see Don's point but it wasn't rape,
unlike Clinton's fun and games.
Donald Trump has revealed his frequently
touted Fake News Awards winners on Wednesday night — and the GOP’s
website with the list promptly crashed.
So the Main Stream Media are the liars feeding us
the Fake News with
CNN in the lead with 4 lies. The
New York Times achieved a more modest
2 out of the 11. But it is the big names in the racket. Are they denying
their corruption? Not here, they aren't.
Pro-amnesty GOP Senators are working hand-in-glove with Democrats to block a
government budget until President Donald Trump
agrees to break his campaign promise and his presidency by amnestying
millions of wage-lowering illegal immigrants.
Breitbart tells it like it is while the Main Stream
Media avoid the truth. They are corrupt Propaganda
machines. See e.g.
Trump's immigration demands threaten DACA deal. It is a lie, a reversal of
the truth. Democrats are using the money question to force
Illegal Immigration. Bent Republicans claim
that they are protecting the Military. They are liars all, traitors to boot. In fact
The Telegraph is perverting the truth as well. Why worry about
Fake News on the
Internet when the mainstream media supply so much?
PS Over 500 of these unfortunate victims of a cruel government are still in
America & on the run - see
500 Ex-DACA Criminals Still At Large Will They Get Amnesty Too?. There
aren't many brain surgeons among that lot.
President Donald Trump described his four-part offer for a huge amnesty of
at least 1.8 million illegals as part of his broader strategy to put
Americans first.
This is a tragedy. Corrupt politicians, Democrats
of course and Republicans too acted to allow
millions of Illegal Immigrants to
carry on lives of crime or as parasites. The Main Stream
Media did a cover up on this reality. They are just as much part of the
Culture Wars being waged against us, the
whole of Western Civilization by the
Enemy Within. So
Donald Trump has failed; the Puppet Masters,
the Zionist crazies won. NB
Netanyahu & other thugs running
Israel are deporting all
Third World aliens. You doubt it? See e.g.
Netanyahu Says It Is Time To Deport More Africans From Israel.
“All the News That’s Fit to Print” proclaims the masthead of The New York
Times. “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” echoes The Washington Post. “The people
have a right to know,” the professors at Columbia University Graduate School
of Journalism hammered into us in 1962. “Trust the people,” we were
The Deep State is the permanent bureaucracy,
the mob that run the country and pay themselves very handsomely to do it.
They regard the elected politicians as nuisances passing through. Notice the
number of senior officials who sign major contracts then get jobs with the
same firms. But this one is not just about corruption, The real issue is
Subversion & Treason.
The Establishment wanted
Hillary Clinton in the White House even
though she is corrupt, foul mouthed shrew that takes multimegabuck bribes.
Well, maybe that was why. Donald Trump
strikes back. Good for him.
Vox tells us more about “the Nunes memo”. Read it to see just how
blatant bias can be.
Tucker Carlson Asks What Was The Point Of Running For President. What,
indeed? That was last month, [ 2018-01-09 ].
Now he can talk very seriously about political criminals and
Probable Cause.
Putting Hillary Clinton in prison would
bring the pains on. It could even shut them up.
Increasing the age for buying a gun to 21
panders to the anti-gun crowd but does nothing to make anyone safer. It is
yet another breach of the Constitution
Don bunged
Stormy Daniels
$130,000 to keep her mouth shut. She betrayed him & now she is suing. Is
she being used as a weapon by Hillary Clinton,
Democrats & Deep
State criminals to attack Don? Possibly, even probably. But with the
Nunes Memo out there, in the wild they have
problems that are going to make Watergate look
like a trifle. NB It gives
The Telegraph an excuse to show pictures of her but I beat them to it.
See more of her at Stormy Daniels.
New York Time says, through gritted teeth, very reluctantly that
Republicans on the
House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence have chosen to allege
that there is no evidence against Donald Trump.
They hate him; they hate the truth. So do Democrat
politicians like
Schiff & criminals of the Deep State like
Robert Mueller.
PS The Main Stream Media enthusiastically ignore the
truth in the same way that they pretended that Obama
wasn't using a Forged Birth
Certificate. The BBC is a surprising exception.
Trump just fired Secretary of State Tillerson in order to push this
forward. Tillerson has been warned to stay silent or be murdered.
OK, Netanyahu wants to stay out of
prison. This can be a problem for the guilty. The
Deep State wants Donald Trump in prison
too but it found nothing after months of investigations, lies, corruption
and Perjury. Now Don's enemies are on
the run. This story has a virtue; it is making a definite claim. If this
alleged attack does not take place before Friday 16th we will know the whole
story is nonsense. You might think that
Veterans Today is written by patriots for men who served. My money would
go on them being wrong.
A book,
Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump makes the best
seller lists, except the NY Times' offering. All the news fit to print? NO!
All the news print to fit. Agenda first, truth last.
Nielsen BookScan
is rather less dishonest.
Mark Steyn explains the depth of corruption
of criminals like
Director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and others officials running the Deep State. Noteworthy is the silence of the
American Civil Liberties Union, a bunch of Marxist
rogues. If Mueller had done this to Clinton
they would have cried to the heavens. She is above the law in their eyes.
PS Corrupt context from the NY Times is at
Attorney-Client Privilege Is Not 'Dead' and Not Absolute &
Warrants and Privilege Legal Questions About the Raids on Trump’s Lawyer - The New York Times.
The truth behind how well-funded hard-left extremists, the mainstream
media, and Obama/Clinton holdovers in the government bureaucracy have
combined with clandestine forces within the US intelligence apparatus - the
"Deep State" -- to block and undermine Trump's
every move.......... By dawn on Nov. 9, 2016, the Deep State forces that
expected Hillary Clinton to continue the
leftist politics of Barack Obama were already
planning Donald Trump's demise.
What emerged from the hard left was a political strategy calculated to block
Donald Trump from being inaugurated, and if that failed, to make sure Donald
Trump would not long serve out his term as 45th President of the United
Corsi will also define a three-point strategy Trump -- as a political
independent, opposed both by Democratic Party enemies and GOP establishment
-- must employ to stay in office and have a chance of a successful first
term in office.
Democracy is admired in the abstract. The
reality, which is allegedly
Representative Democracy is much easier to subvert, using bribery,
blackmail, lies, hiding the truth or whatever. The
Deep State, the Permanent Bureaucracy hates
Donald Trump; it includes liars, rogues,
Subversives, Traitors &
Hillary Clinton. NB the
NY Times Best Sellers
List excludes this book but finds space for three books written
his enemies.
PS Perhaps you should ask yourself whether the NY Times or the rest of the
Main Stream Media are telling it like it is. Are
they Propaganda machines run by enemies of
Western Civilization?
Kanye West, who ever that might be approves of
Donald Trump. Isn't it awful? The showbiz
industry is outraged. They feed him fame and millions but he has dared to
think for himself. So did
Shania Twain but
she is a woman and a Canadian at that.
Splendid news, what? It will go down like a cup of cold sick with
Hillary Clinton,
Obama, the criminals running the Deep State
& other Enemies Of The People. Now all
Don needs to do is put Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, Clinton et al in prison,
get a grip of Illegal Immigration and
look forward to a peaceful second term.
Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize by House
Republicans, who believe his threats of sanctions and war is the “only
reason” why Pyongyang is reconciling with Seoul and moving towards
This fact will duly be ignored by Western Main Stream
Media because they are corrupt Propaganda
machines. They hate Don. This is a second
time though - see
Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize by South Korea.
US President Donald Trump is announcing his decision regarding the 2015
JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. Trump is expected to accuse Tehran of
violating the “spirit” of the agreement and reimpose US sanctions.................
Jews are vicious, dangerous
War Mongers and effective.
Donald Trump is a loose cannon, mad or
bad, pandering to the Puppet Masters
aka the Great Satan. Jews have hundreds of nukes. Having a few ready to
go amounts to suicide for Iran but they can cut off Gulf oil, upsetting
China which needs oil. That is their trump card.
Pat Buchanan, a decent politician and sensible to boot said
Don't Trash The Nuclear Deal.
Brushing aside the anguished pleas of our NATO allies, President
Trump Tuesday contemptuously trashed the
Iranian nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions.
Jews, especially Zionist crazies
are vicious & dangerous, when they are not robbing us blind. The
Puppet Masters are winning again. Why do
they want Iran destroyed? Pass but they are
willing to start World War III to do it. Was
naughty little Adolf wrong about them?
The headline is verbatim. The rest is detail.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has defended the use of force on the Gaza border as Israeli
snipers killed scores of Palestinians
and wounded thousands more while 35,000 protesters rallied against the
US Embassy opening in Jerusalem..............
Zionist crazies are vicious and dangerous.
Netanyahu is a
War Criminal & pathological
Donald Trump's former personal lawyer is prepared to tell investigators
'all he knows' about the President and the 'conspiracy to collude and
corrupt the 2016 election'.
It is just like the show trials run by Joe Stalin & the
Chinese communists. The criminals running the Deep
State have been trying this with other, less important men of Don's team. Now they
have got a "confession" from the Jew, Cohen. It is timed to damn
Don at the
mid-term elections in November. The crooks running this attack have eagerly
ignored the lifelong, in depth, wide ranging bribery and corruption of
Hillary Clinton. The Main
Stream Media are hostile Propaganda machines
committed to perverting the truth.
Don Shrugs Off The Allegations
So on Thursday's show Tucker and I discussed the President's uncanny ability to
get into the left's head and drive them crazy every morning. Click below to
Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn take the
Main Stream Media's claims apart. They are suddenly
for MS-13 because
Donald Trump is against. They are frenzied
liars. Don gets shaken down by Stormy Daniels
so suddenly Pornography is fine.
Donald Trump Is Planning To Arrest Deep State Traitors It Seems
[ 24 September 2018 ] The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to
getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left
is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against
Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the
U.S. Senate from confirming him. Once Kavanaugh is on the court, it will add the necessary support for
constitutional “emergency powers” that concentrate power in the executive
branch of government (currently headed by President Trump) during times of
war and national emergencies. [ Probably a non sequitur - Editor ] FACT: The United States has been operating under a state
of declared war since September, 2001, following the 9/11 attacks. [
Is this
true? I suspect not quite - Editor
].............. In this detailed video analysis, I lay out the evidence for President
Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for
treason under military tribunals................ ........ Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to
declare temporary martial law. He will need our support
during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the
arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all
expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for
Radicals,” [ written by a Marxist Jew - Editor ] a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow
attempts of governments.
See the documents for yourself… this is all posted on the U.S. Federal
Register government website
As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to
carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe,
Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with
accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and
video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America
and arrest the traitors.)
This one is interesting. I would like it to be true but............... The mid-term elections are on 6 November, the day
after Bonfire Night, an important occasion to
Englishmen. America does not have a permanent party in power. Instead it has
permanent bureaucracy, an arrogant bunch of rogues who have decided to
Subvert the will of the people who got it wrong,
who voted for Don. The
Deep State is utterly corrupt. Putting them in prison, preferably
GITMO makes lotsa sense. NB Document #1:
Executive Order 13818, signed December 20, 2017. “Blocking the Property
of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” names various
perpetrators but not members of the Deep State.
See the pictures and KNOW they are around 99% men of fighting age. There are
no refugees among them. Shooting some would work. Shooting more would be
better. The publicity would be worldwide, effective and free; hostile too of
course. A hostile press is a Treasonous press. It
is a public policy issue. It is a public relations issue. With the mid-term
elections looming it is a vote issue, a power issue. On 6 November Americans will make
their decisions known. So will millions of
Illegal Immigrants voting too. NB The
Mail is censoring comments because it is nervous about what real people
Illegal Immigrant Caravan Threatens America
[ 19 October 2018 ]
Yet far more critical to the future of our civilization is the ongoing
invasion of the West from the Third World. Consider the impact of the
decision by Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015 to throw open Germany’s doors
to 1 million refugees from Syria’s civil war........................ The U.S.-led NATO alliance may guard the Baltic and Black Sea regions
against a Russian invasion from the east. But in Central, Southern and
Western Europe, the more feared invaders are the peoples of Africa and the
Muslim world, whose numbers are expected to triple or quadruple by this
century’s end........... It also now appears that the U.S. elections, not three weeks away, may be
affected by another immigration crisis on the U.S. border. As of Thursday, a caravan of 4,000 refugees without visas had crossed
from Honduras into Guatemala and was heading toward Mexico. By Election Day,
it will either have been stopped, or it will be here. And this caravan is a
portent of things to come................ As these migrants are almost all poor, not highly skilled, and do not
speak English, most will join that segment of our population that pays no
income taxes but qualifies for social welfare benefits like food stamps,
medical care and free education in our public schools........... These migrants, however, are a present and future benefit to the
Democratic Party that built and
maintains our mammoth welfare state, and which, in presidential elections,
routinely wins 70 to 90 percent of the votes of people whose trace their
ancestry to Asia, Africa and Latin America. Not without reason, Democrats
believe that if they can change the composition of the American electorate,
they can control America forever.
Donald Trump Will End Anchor Baby Racket
[ 31 October 2018 ] Trump, who has long been critical of the practice, said: 'We're the only
country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is
essentially a citizen of the United States... with all of those benefits.
It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And it has to end.'..................... By then the draw of birthright citizenship had become so powerful that an
entire industry -- 'birth tourism' -- had spring up to take advantage.
The Washington Post reported that for between $40,000 and $80,000, some
Asian women were flying to New York or California to stay at specialized
'hotels' outfitted like labor & delivery wards. The cost is worth it, they
said, because their own application for legal residence would sail through
because their babies would have U.S. citizenship. Poorer women often just
sneak across the border, dropping what critics call familial 'anchors.'
Midterm Election Results In Real Time
7 November 2018 ]
Our mainstream media remain consumed with the grisly killing of
Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in
Istanbul, and how President Donald Trump will deal with Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman.............
Yes, Third World immigrants want in and with
good reason; all of those countries run by people just like them, blacks,
Islamics and suchlike. Yes they will vote Democrat,
for the dole etc. That is why Comrade Corbyn
wants them, Labour voters in the making. Of course
it is Ethnic Fouling causing
Genocide. It is Treason
too. Do politicians care? No! This is a real chance for
Don to get the votes, to win the election on
6 November, get a double after beating the Traitors
by putting
Brett Kavanaugh
on the Supreme Court. Call out the
National Guard or
whatever it takes.
Donald Trump plans to revoke the automatic
citizenship rights of children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants and other
non-citizens. In an interview with Axios,
the president said he wants to sign an executive order ending the practice of
giving citizenship to those who conservatives have long termed 'anchor
Daily Mail is hostile to Don and wants Anchor
Babies. You might think it is a Left Wing
propaganda machine trying to deceive people on the right. Don might well do more
good with the anchor baby thing than the caravan coming from the South.
PS The
Invasion Caravan Refused Asylum Offer By Mexico. Screwing Americans is the
name of the game.
Well, not very real. Counting the votes takes longer. It shouldn't because they
have computerised machines, which make fraud easier and undetectable. That is
another issue.
New Attorney General Has Criminal Associates Alleges Washington Post [
10 November 2018 ]
When federal investigators were digging into an invention-promotion company
accused of fraud by customers, they sought information in 2017 from a
prominent member of the company’s advisory board, according to two people
familiar with the probe: Matthew G. Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney in
It is unclear how Whitaker — who was appointed acting attorney general by President Trump on Wednesday — responded to a Federal Trade Commission subpoena to his law firm. In the end, the FTC filed a complaint against Miami-based World Patent Marketing, accusing it of misleading investors and falsely promising that it would help them patent and profit from their inventions, according to court filings.
In May of this year, a federal court in Florida
ordered the company to pay a settlement of more than $25 million and
close up shop, records show. The company did not admit or deny wrongdoing.
Donald Trump promoted him, therefore he is
guilty alleges the
Washington Post. This is called
guilt by association. The
Wiki prefers
to call it the
Association fallacy but this time it is deliberate, not accidental. The
WaPo is just like the rest of the Main Stream Media,
a powerful corrupt Propaganda machine. In fact
the Department of Justice is a
criminal organisation, part of the Deep State.
Mr Whitaker may help clean it up.
Secret FBI Emails May Prove Mueller Investigation Of Donald Trump Is
Fraudulent [ 9 December 2018 ]
House Republicans are seeking to have emails declassified that reportedly
offer “damning evidence” that former FBI Director James Comey and top
Department of Justice officials knew of intelligence community concerns
about the reliability of the infamous Trump dossier, but still used it to
help obtain a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign.
Investigative reporter John Solomon wrote in a Wednesday piece for The Hill that GOP lawmakers, led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of California, added a string of emails between the FBI and DOJ to a list of documents they want declassified. The list was submitted to President Donald Trump just before Thanksgiving.
“Sources tell me the targeted documents may provide the most damning
evidence to date of potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act, evidence that has been kept from the majority of members
of Congress for more than two years,” Solomon wrote.
The Mueller Job [ see the Nunes Memo
] is totally political, driven by hate. The
Deep State wants
Don sacked Any excuse, any lie will serve. The same bunch of criminals are
still doing a major cover up for Hillary
Clinton - see e.g.
Judicial Watch Sues for Documents on Obama DOJ Effort to Shut Down Clinton Foundation Investigation
American Forces Will Protect Jews In Middle East Says Donald Trump
[ 16 December 2018 ]
American troops will stay in the Middle East indefinitely to protect Israel,
despite the fact that other US concerns such as oil were no longer
sufficient reason to retain a military presence in the region, US President
Donald Trump has said.
Speaking in an interview with the Washington Post, Trump explained his reasoning as follows:
“Now, are we going to stay in that part of the world [the Middle East]?
“One reason to is Israel. Oil is becoming less and less of a reason because we’re producing more oil now than we’ve ever produced. So, you know, all of a sudden it gets to a point where you don’t have to stay there.”
This is the first time that a US president
has specifically admitted that the US maintains a military presence in the
Middle East solely because of Israel—a fact always covered up by the Jewish
lobby-controlled media but well-known to all objective observers. The
reference to “oil” in Trump’s comments is clearly aimed at Saudi Arabia—one
of the US’ main oil providers and a firm ally of Israel.
America is run by Jews, for Jews & American interests be damned.
Donald Trump Talked To National Enquirer About Suppressing A Sex Story
[ 15 December 2018 ]
President Donald Trump has been revealed to be the third man who attended a
2015 meeting with Michael Cohen and National Enquirer boss David Pecker
where they forged a plan to keep the president's alleged affairs out of the
The meeting, which was referenced in a letter federal prosecutors sent to National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc., included an offer by company CEO to 'help deal with negative stories about the presidential candidate's relationships with women.'
With Trump identified as having been there, it
means he was present when a plan was developed that would ultimately lead to
a felony crime that Cohen pleaded guilty to and in Pecker's case a
cooperation agreement by AMI with prosecutors not to be prosecuted 'for any
crimes' related to campaign finance law resulting from the meeting.
Donald Trump did what he did, so what? So
nothing. The Main Stream Media covered up various
Rapes perpetrated by Bill
Clinton for free. Keeping very quiet about Kennedy
and Gonorrhoea ditto. They are colluding with the permanent bureaucracy, the
Deep State and the political
Establishment to overthrow the
elected president; Democracy be damned. The
Mail is part of the problem while the BBC is worse.
Donald Trump Orders American Forces Out Of Syria
[ 20 December 2018 ]
Donald Trump declared victory over
ISIS in Syria on Wednesday, as the Pentagon prepares for an immediate
troop withdrawal. 'We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being
there during the Trump Presidency,' the president wrote on
His declaration came after the Wall Street Journal and other outlets quoted Pentagon officials saying the U.S. would soon begin pulling out remaining forces, which number about 2,000. 'The Pentagon has an order to get to move troops out of Syria as quickly as possible,' a U.S. official told the paper.
The announcement came under immediate
scrutiny, including from allies of the president such as Sen. Lindsey
Graham, who called it a 'huge Obama-like mistake,' and Rep. Adam Kinzinger,
who said he would 'sure hope the President and his advisers are smarter than
Donald Trump makes a good move but probably
for the wrong reasons.
Trump Comes Clean… From World’s Policeman To Thug Running A Global Protection Racket
[ 28 December 2018 ]
That is the headline verbatim.
Today goes for the testicles. It is Don's
reward for pulling out of Syria, for helping peace
break out. Can he do anything right? This piece was written by an Irishman;
they know how to hate. He sounds even more bigoted than the
Mainstream Media in America.
Donald Trump Should Declare An Emergency [ 12 January
2019 ]
In the long run, history will validate
Donald Trump's stand on a border wall
to defend the sovereignty and security of the United States.
Why? Because mass migration from the global South, not climate change, is the real existential crisis of the West.
The American people know this, and even the elites sense it. Think not? Well, check out the leading liberal newspapers Thursday..............
Now, the whole Western world is worried about its borders as issues of immigration and identity convulse almost every country. Looking ahead, does anyone think Americans in 2030 are going to be more concerned about the border between North Korea and South Korea, or Turkey and Syria, or Kuwait and Iraq, or Russia and Ukraine, than about the 2,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico?............
America’s southern border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist. And Americans will not go gentle into that good night...............
Whatever one may think of the face-off Tuesday with “Chuck and Nancy,” Trump’s portrait of an unsustainable border crisis is dead on: “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and 4,000 violent killings.”
What should Trump do now? Act. He cannot lose this battle with Pelosi without demoralizing his people and imperiling his presidency...............
The decisive issues on which Trump was elected were not the old
Republican litany of tax cuts, conservative judges and increased defense
spending. They were securing the borders, extricating America from
foolish wars, eliminating trade deficits with NAFTA nations, the EU and
China, making allies pay their fair share of the common defense,
resurrecting our manufacturing base, and getting along with Russia.
“America First!” is still a winning hand.
Pat Buchanan is right, as in correct
and right in his political insights. Pelosi and Schumer are just as much
Enemies Of The People as
Comrade Corbyn and
Comrade McDonnell.
If you doubt it try the next one.
Donald Trump's State
Of The Union Speech
[ 8 February 2019 ]
Was rather good. Political of course. Regal in style rather than democratic
but sound. Somewhat reminiscent of the
General Secretary of the Communist Party's May Day speeches. But
Pat Buchanan approves. So do three quarters of Americans.
Theresa May could learn a lot from Don.
PS The Democrat Party's response was distinctly
third rate.
Mueller Attack On Donald Trump Fails
[ 24 March 2019 ]
Guardian admits begrudgingly that
found nothing. He spent two years and megabucks looking for something, anything
and failed. He is in all probability part of the criminal conspiracy to protect
Hillary Clinton from justice. The
interrogators broke
Michael Cohen,
who was Don's personal lawyer, making him
incriminate Don or go to prison that much longer. They thought they had him by
the testicles; they were wrong. He didn't get any help from the Russians. He
didn't need them.
Deep State is utterly corrupt.
See e.g. the next
PS The Mainstream Media follow up with a news blackout.
Business as normal, corruption as normal.
Mueller's Attack On Donald Trump Will Bite Back
[ 7 April 2019 ]
irony of the entire Russian collusion hoax is that
accusers who cried the loudest about leaking,
collusion, lying, and obstruction are themselves
soon very likely to be accused of just those crimes.
Now that Robert Mueller’s 674-day, $30 million investigation is over and has failed to find the original goal of its mandate—evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government to sway the 2016 election—and now that thousands of once-sealed government documents will likely be released in unredacted form, those who eagerly assumed the role of the hunters may become the hunted, due to their own zealous violation of the nation’s trust and its laws.............
The motives of these bad actors are diverse, but they share a common denominator. As Washington politicos and administrative state careerists, all of them believed that Donald Trump was so abhorrent that he should be prevented from winning the 2016 election. After his stunning and shocking victory, they assumed further that either he should not be inaugurated or he should be removed from office as soon as they could arrange it.
They further reasoned that as high and esteemed
unelected officials their efforts were above and
beyond the law, and rightly so, given their assumed
superior wisdom and morality.
Donald Trump was not
going to win. The Mainstream
Media said it; they probably believed it. The
crooks running the Deep
State, the FBI and
Department of
Justice thought they could get away with lying &
Perjury in order to
Pervert The Course Of Justice. They have kept
Hillary Clinton
out of prison so far; they should be joining her
inside. One lives in hope.
Donald Trump Panders To War Mongering Zionist Crazies [ 12
April 2019 ]
The man is a fool for his pains. Thus saith Pat
Buchanan, a thoroughly sensible chap and right wing politician to boot.
He is not wrong.
Ex-Boss Of FBI Alleges That Donald Trump Is Guilty After Two Year
Investigation Clears Him
[ 10 May 2019 ]
The Deep State spent $30 million trying to
make a case against Donald Trump. It failed
because he isn't guilty but they let Hillary
Clinton get away with her crimes. NB the FBI
carried out the Waco Massacre, did the
investigation then claimed it was not guilty; thus
Perverting The Course Of
Justice again.
Fraudulent Deep State
Attack On Donald Trump Comes Under Fire
[ 21 May 2019 ]
Corrupt officials of the FBI,
Department of Justice etc. are liable
to get their days in court but trying to convince juries that they did not
commit Perjury,
Misconduct In Public Office or
Pervert The Course Of Justice.
Trying to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison
will be a secondary objective. The Deep State
tried it on. Now it could be pay back time.
Donald Trump Orders Deep State Mutineers To Cooperate With Russia Investigation
[ 26 April 2019 ]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered the
intelligence community to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr’s
review of the events that prompted an investigation into links between the
Trump campaign and Russia.
The Deep State is a bunch of major criminals
in Washington. They are guilty as Hell but they are government employees.
Disobeying a lawful order made by the Commander in Chief should be good
enough to put them in prison. This is pay back time for their
Mutiny. The investigator
is Bill Barr, the
Attorney General, one sufficiently partisan to achieve good results,
e.g. putting Hillary Clinton in prison, where
she belongs.
Election 2020
A lot
of people are looking forward to this, full of hate or hope. It will be
interesting. Will Don make it?
Donald Trump Almost Started Third World War [ 22 June May 2019 ]
Read this garbled tosh if you want. Donald Trump
did not serve but he is prepared to start wars. He takes notice of
John Bolton, a draft
dodging, War Mongering, thug who had other things
to do at the time of Viet
Nam. Other sources say that Don let slip the
Dogs of War then reined them
in. Zionist crazies want him to attack
Iran, cut off oil from the Arabian Gulf, annoy
China big time
and start World War III. Apparently
Tucker Carlson, a
sensible chap made the difference. The Mainstream Media
downplayed this one; concealing the truth is policy.
Mueller Investigation
Of Donald Trump Was Deeply Corrupt
[ 1 July 2019 ]
the allegedly independent investigator was appointed because he is not
independent, because he is a Washington insider who hates
Donald Trump. The people he used are all solidly
Deep State criminals. They have kept
Hillary Clinton out of prison so far but they
failed with Don. Mark Steyn explains so very well.
Donald Trump Needs To Sort Out Deep State Criminals Like Mueller
[ 21 July 2019 ]
This is the last chance for the US government to hold the security agencies
accountable and restrain them from pursuing their secret agendas unimpeded.
It is a known fact that the orchestration of Russiagate, a hoax perpetrated on the American people and the world by the military/security complex, Democratic Party, and US presstitutes, required high officials of the CIA, FBI, and Obama Department of Justice (sic) to commit felonies. We know what the felonies are and who committed them. The plot required the print and TV media to serve as the propaganda ministry for the treasonous officials..................
The felonies committed by the CIA, FBI, and Obama Justice (sic) Department constitute no less than a coup against the president of the United States, an act of sedition and treason. Yet, those responsible might never be held accountable.
Republicans are poor political infighters. They lack the stomach for it, and the media is against them. Trump is being advised to let the matter go. He is being told that as he was cleared he should move on rather than keep the issue alive by prosecuting those who intended his political assassination. Instead of shaking the American people’s confidence in their security agencies, he should get on with his agenda and achieve enough unity to win reelection.
This advice comes from weak and stupid people whose main interest is
to protect the Washington establishment even if it means ignoring an act
of high treason............ Former CIA officer Ray McGovern
gives an explanation of the current balance of power. Does Trump
dare to attempt to reestablish control?
Robert Mueller and
other criminals running the Deep State should be
dismissed forthwith and charged with Treason. They
could also be charged with Mutiny,
which is not just a naval matter but QUOTE a
criminal conspiracy among a group of people......... to openly oppose,
change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject.
UNQUOTE. Death is a suitable punishment.
Donald Trump Might Pull Out Of Iraq [ 4 August 2019 ]
Donald Trump on Friday confirmed his administration is gearing up to bring
U.S. troops home from Afghanistan in an effort to make a peace deal with the
Taliban. 'We've been moving it down,' he told reporters on the South Lawn of
the White House of the situation there.
The president bragged he could end the war in a few days if he wanted to but he wouldn't use nuclear weapons on innocent people in order to do so...........
In return for bringing home American troops,
the White House is
seeking a number of
concessions from the Islamic fundamentalists including a cease-fire and the
renunciation of al-Qaeda, U.S. officials revealed.
Why are Americans in Afghanistan? I don't
know. They used Osama bin Laden as an
excuse to invade. Now he is said to be dead it must be something else. It
gives the men live ammunition training, which is something. The
Merchants of Death prosper mightily
with overpriced toys. Bribing the right people pays off. What are these
concessions? Excuses for keeping on there.
Racist Politicians Incite Hatred Of Donald Trump [ 6 August 2019 ]
Never let a crisis go to waste is an old political adage. And this crowd of candidates was not going to let that happen.
It was two days of contrast that tell us about America 2019.
In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders of Saturday and Sunday morning, the local folks on camera — police, prosecutors, mayors, FBI and city officials — were nonpartisan, patient, polite and dignified in the unity and solemnity of their grief for their dead and wounded.
But for the Democratic presidential candidates, the El Paso atrocity was like a loose football in the Super Bowl..........
Ironically, The Washington Times reports that the Dayton shooter, who
killed his sister and eight others, “described himself on social media as a
pro-Satan ‘leftist,’ who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated
Trump, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.”
Politics in America has turned nasty. It was corrupt, it still is but the
depth of hatred is an extra. The Deep State has mutinied.
Donald Trump really should put the
perpetrators in prison.
Trump doubles down on baseless conspiracy theory linking Bill Clinton to Jeffrey Epstein's death
[ 14 August 2019 ]
The Yahoo headline does double duty, abusing Donald
Trump and alleging that Clinton is not a
murderer. However you can look at Bloody Bill
Clinton then make up your own mind.
Donald Trump Rattles Sabre - Vladimir Putin Responds
[ 27 August 2019 ]
Vladimir Putin
has ordered his Defence Ministry to analyse the threat posed by a new U.S.
missile test and to prepare a 'symmetric response'. The Russian President's
instructions come after Washington tested a formerly banned Tomahawk cruise
missile on Sunday.
The Pentagon said the missile, which was launched from San Nicolas Island in California, hit its target after more than 310 miles of flight.
This type of weapon was banned under the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear
Forces (INF) agreement, which limited the use of nuclear and conventional
medium-range weapons.
Why did Don abort a nuclear ban? Pass it
looks like a bad move to me. It could be that murderous draft dodging thug
Bolton. The Russian response is just tit for tat.
PS While America and Russia squabble China
Makes Progress. With sales of round $1 billion per day it can afford
aircraft carriers and other expensive toys.
Donald Trump Pardoned Conrad Black
[ 3 September 2019 ]
Conrad went to
prison for major fraud. The Media abused Don. NB The
Here’s Everyone Trump Has Pardoned. It is lying, leaving out the Jew, Rubashkin.
Donald Trump Pardoned Thieving Jew [ 3 September 2019 ]
In one of the most openly blatant displays of support for outright
criminality seen in many years, Lubavitch Chabad Jews all over North America
have publicly celebrated the release from jail of arch-swindler, illegal
alien importer, and document forger rabbi Sholom Rubashkin. Rubashkin has
his sentence commuted by President Donald Trump earlier this week.
Rubashkin is an
exceptionally nasty bit of work but then he is a Jew as well as thief. The
celebrations at his release are a major proof of his tribe's complicity in crime. The
Failed Messiah, also a Jew tells us more, a lot more at
Rubashkin Scandals.
Jews Are Spying On Donald Trump And The White House
September 2019 ]
An official US intelligence service investigation into several ISMI-cellphone
surveillance devices found near the Trump White House and other sensitive
locations around Washington has concluded that they were planted by the Israeli
secret service to spy on the American president and his confidantes.
According to a new report in Politico, the US government has “concluded within the past two years that Israel was most likely behind the placement of cellphone surveillance devices that were found near the White House and other sensitive locations around Washington.”
Quoting three former senior U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter, the Politico report said that “unlike most other occasions when flagrant incidents of foreign spying have been discovered on American soil, the Trump administration did not rebuke the Israeli government, and there were no consequences for Israel’s behavior.”
The miniature surveillance devices, colloquially known as “StingRays,” mimic regular cell towers to fool cellphones into giving them their locations and identity information.
Formally called international mobile subscriber identity-catchers or IMSI-catchers,
they also can capture the contents of calls and data use.
Why did the Jews get away with their Espionage?
Because they totally have infiltrated Washington.
Donald Trump's son in law is a Jew,
one of the enemy.
Donald Trump Ukraine Scandal Is Another Hoax - Democrats Lie, Media Lie Too [
September 2019 ]
II have read the transcription of Trump’s
telephone conversation with Zelensky. There is no “constitutional violation”
or any other issue. More false news from the presstitutes and the sordid
Read it for yourself.
Did all the Democratic politicians who called for the Russiagate investigation of Donald Trump violate the Constitution?
Adam Schiff Epitomizes the Total Collapse of Democratic Party Integrity
US Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat from California and
chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had no qualms about
lying through his
teeth in his opening statement prior to the testimony of Acting Director
of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. Everyone present had read the
transcript of the telephone conversation between President Trump and
Ukrainian President Zelensky, and everyone knew that what Schiff, who said
he was reading from the transcript of the telephone call, was saying was not
in the transcript. How can it be that the chairman of a House committee in a
room full of newspersons and TV cameras has no qualms about intentionally
misrepresenting the written record in order to make it conform to the lies
the Democrats and their stable of corrupt presstitutes have spread about a
telephone call revealed by an alleged whistleblower, a likely Democrat
operative, who claimed to have heard it second hand..............
In his opening statement Adam Schiff further showed his total lack of integrity in his assault on the integrity and character of Joseph Maguire and made wild and irresponsible charges probably never witnessed previously in the halls of Congress.
The transcript of the telephone call shows that what the alleged whistleblower said is false. Yet in the face of the evidence Adam Schiff speaks as if the evidence does not exist and that the alleged whistleblower’s secondhand statement is true. Once again we hear the Democratic Party say, “Evidence? We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence.” They don’t need evidence because the presstitutes support their lies and control the explanations given to Americans.
The Democrats are betting their future on their lies being shielded by
their media whores and that the insouciant American people will hear nothing
but false allegations against Trump repeated endlessly, as was the case with
Russiagate. If the people realize that the “impeachment investigation” is
another hoax like Russiagate, Schiff will have destroyed the Democrats’
chances in the next election.
Corruption gets blatant. The Democrats hate
Donald Trump and protect evil, that is
to say
Hillary Clinton and the criminal she
Another Whistleblower Accuses Donald Trump Regarding Ukraine Bribery
[ 7 October 2019 ]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A second whistleblower has come forward about
President Donald Trump’s attempts to get the Ukrainian president to
investigate a political rival, lawyers for the official said on Sunday.
Lawyer Mark Zaid said the person, also an intelligence official, has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations involving the initial whistleblower complaint, which triggered impeachment proceedings against the Republican president.............
It also alleged that Trump leveraged $400 million in aid to secure a
promise from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate a
Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden,
who served as a director on a Ukrainian energy company.
The story is being changed or we are being lied to again if not both. Did
Don say sack the prosecutor or was it Joe Biden?
Of course the Mainstream Media are eagerly ignoring the
Donald Trump Might Well Be Impeached [ 11 October 2019 ]
It means sacrificing Joe Biden, who was the
Democrats' front runner for President, as well
as Schiff and various other chancers. They would be collateral damage,
incidental to the visceral hatred motivating the left wing politicians and the
Deep State.
Joe Took $900 Thousand Bribe From Ukraine
John Durham Investigating Deep State Corruption In The DOJ
[ 25 October 2019 ]
Attorney John Durham opened a criminal inquiry in his investigation into
the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and into the conduct of
the Justice Department,
FBI, and Intelligence Community during their
scrutiny of possible connections between the Trump campaign and the
Earlier this week, it was revealed that the secretive DOJ inquiry included scrutiny of former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok, and British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Durham has also been seeking interviews with members of the CIA and FBI.
Durham, whose investigative portfolio recently expanded to include
events from the launch of the inquiry in 2015 or 2016 through the
appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller in 2017, has taken
fact-finding trips with
Attorney General William Barr, who was given
“full and complete authority to declassify information” related to
the origins of the Trump-Russia inquiry in May. Barr selected Durham to
his right-hand man soon after.
It should not be taking this long. Of course the
Deep State is utterly corrupt, full of
hate for Donald Trump &
Democracy. Putting crooks in prison before
the November 2010 election matters.
John Durham
is alleged to be straight.
PS The commenters are on side, all 10,000 of them.
Deep State Criminals Come Under Attack - Donald Trump Strikes Back
[ 21 October 2019 ]
Last night was historic. The news coming out on four fronts
indicates that the Deep State should be very worried. Those of us
uncovering the many corrupt actions taken by President Obama’s Deep State
have been looking forward to this day for some time!
1. The FISA Report
Of course this is nothing new to those of us who have been following the
Russia Hoax scandal. We knew this was eventually going to come out.
The news overnight is that the report “will be released publicly with few
redactions”. This means that negotiations over redactions were either
mute or they weren’t happening.............
2. AG Barr and John Durham’s Investigation into Deep State crimes
Last night we also received word that AG Barr’s Justice Department’s
review into the actions of Deep State players before and after the 2016
election by DA John Durham has turned into a criminal investigation.........
3. Sidney Powell’s filing Regarding General Flynn’s case
We also found out late last night that Sidney Powell is aware of numerous
documents and actions by Obama’s Deep State that have been withheld from
General Flynn that are damning to the government’s case. These are so
damning that she is asking the court to dismiss the case against General
What we learned is that among other things, former Deep State and FBI attorney Lisa Page altered the 302 document materially in a manner that implicated General Flynn for lying to the FBI. She then lied about making the edits. Page of course was the paramour of the most corrupt FBI Agent in history, Peter Strzok.................
4. Recent Reports regarding Obama VP Biden’s pay-for-play scandals
We also learned last night that Joe Biden during the time he was Obama’s
VP, partook in actions resulting in payments to him and his son Hunter.
These payments go beyond the Ukraine and China. Former New York City
Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed previously that Biden was suspect of a
pay-for-plan scandal in Romania...............
The biggest question left unanswered is why would the Democrats and their Deep State work so hard to prevent candidate Trump from becoming President and then try to end his Presidency prematurely? Why would they put in place a phony Russian sham Special Counsel and then morph into a fake Ukraine impeachment, both of which are bogus?
It may be that they didn’t want anyone to
know how corrupt they were. It may be that the amount of money the
Obama Administration made in pay-for-play schemes around the world will
shock the average American. Is this why we constantly hear – Follow
the money?
It has taken a long time to get here, far too long but that's lawyers for
you. The warrants used to spy on Donald Trump
were obtained by fraud. That is good enough to put various
Deep State criminals in prison, where they
belong. Fundamentally the whole thing is an
Establishment assault on Democracy. They hate us
because we voted for Donald. Of
course the bribes helped to grease the wheels.
Jews Trying To Impeach Donald Trump Named By Jewish Telegraph Agency
[ 16 November 2019 ]
The JTA fingers:-
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Adam Schiff, the
Californian Democrat who is running the hearings
And Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman
Daniel Goldman
Jerry Nadler, Eliot Engel, Gordon Sondland,
Alexander Vindman.
The starting point is Joe Biden's corruption
but that is ignored.
Democrat's Impeachment Attack On Donald Trump Being Undermined By Corruption
[ 24 November 2019 ]
The head of Burisma Holdings, the energy company on which Hunter
Biden served on the board, has been indicted by Ukraine’s Office of the
Prosecutor General for money laundering and corruption, according to
Ukrainian MP Alexander Dubinsky.
During a Wednesday press conference, Dubinsky claimed that an investigation into Nikolai Zlochevsky and Burisma found a “link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine],” notably through Hunter Biden, who received $16.5 million “through criminal means and money laundering.”
At the
same press conference, Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach claimed that the
family of ex-President Yanukovich funneled $7.4 billion through American
investment firm Franklin Templeton Investments, which they tied to the U.S.
Democratic Party.
Joe Biden is still out of prison but we are
getting nearer. It is helping derail the corrupt
Democrat impeachment fraud. What is the real issue?
The Deep State runs things; we do not.
Democracy is just a word they wave around from
time to time. The political elite is robbing us. That is what
May &
Johnson are doing over Brexit.
Whistleblower Used Against Donald Trump Is Eric- Ciaramella - Allegedly
[ 5 December 2019 ]
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff hired a
former National Security Council aide who worked with
alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella at the NSC
during the Obama and Trump administrations the day after the
phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky.........................
Ciaramella, 33, is a career CIA analyst and was the Ukraine director on the NSC from 2016 until the summer of 2017. In October 2016, he was Biden's guest at a State Department banquet...........
A career CIA analyst with Ukraine expertise, the alleged
whistleblower filed an Aug. 12 complaint with the
Intelligence Community inspector general about the July 25
phone conversation between Trump and Zelensky.
The Democrat front runners are
going to cost millions of votes. Putting
Don in prison would help
them; they hate him anyway. The
Deep State is deeply corrupt and in attack mode. The
truth is just a problem to be overcome.
Donald Trump Leaning On Iran To Start World War III
[ 12 December 2019 ]
While last week ended with a hopeful U.S.-Iranian prisoner exchange that
was hailed by President Donald Trump — “Thank you to Iran for a very fair
negotiation. See, we can make a deal together” — a few days earlier, the
week produced more ominous news..................
And what is that situation [ in Iran ]? Strategically, economically and politically, the Islamic Republic of Iran seems to be in almost desperate straits.
U.S. sanctions have slashed Iran’s oil sales from 2.5 million barrels per day to, by one estimate, 400,000 barrels. After the Nov. 15 announcement of a 50% hike in gas prices to close a budget gap, a week of riots exploded. Within days, protesters were calling for the overthrow of the regime.........
How long can Iran, its oil revenue a fraction of what it was, cope with this deepening crisis? How long before a desperate Iran lashes out?............
Before flying to Lisbon to meet Secretary Mike Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exulted: “We’re seeing the Iranian empire totter. We see demonstrations in Tehran, demonstrations in Baghdad, demonstrations in Beirut.” Bibi is not wrong..........
For all involved, jaw-jaw would seem a better option than war-war.
Pat Buchanan is a sensible chap but he is
not telling us why Donald Trump is harassing
Iran. It is because
Zionist crazies want America to make war for them; they have been trying
it on for years. E.g. Destroy Iran
Says Chief Rabbi. Iran can cut off all oil from the Arabian Gulf. China
will not be amused. There would be major repercussions. A few nukes on Tel
Aviv would be a good start.
Donald Trump Leaning On Iran To Start World War III
[ 12 December 2019 ]
While last week ended with a hopeful U.S.-Iranian prisoner exchange that
was hailed by President Donald Trump — “Thank you to Iran for a very fair
negotiation. See, we can make a deal together” — a few days earlier, the
week produced more ominous news..................
And what is that situation [ in Iran ]? Strategically, economically and politically, the Islamic Republic of Iran seems to be in almost desperate straits.
U.S. sanctions have slashed Iran’s oil sales from 2.5 million barrels per day to, by one estimate, 400,000 barrels. After the Nov. 15 announcement of a 50% hike in gas prices to close a budget gap, a week of riots exploded. Within days, protesters were calling for the overthrow of the regime.........
How long can Iran, its oil revenue a fraction of what it was, cope with this deepening crisis? How long before a desperate Iran lashes out?............
Before flying to Lisbon to meet Secretary Mike Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exulted: “We’re seeing the Iranian empire totter. We see demonstrations in Tehran, demonstrations in Baghdad, demonstrations in Beirut.” Bibi is not wrong..........
For all involved, jaw-jaw would seem a better option than war-war.
Pat Buchanan is a sensible chap but he is
not telling us why Donald Trump is harassing
Iran. It is because
Zionist crazies want America to make war for them; they have been trying
it on for years. E.g. Destroy Iran
Says Chief Rabbi. Iran can cut off all oil from the Arabian Gulf. China
will not be amused. There would be major repercussions. A few nukes on Tel
Aviv would be a good start.
Jew Set Up Fraudulent Impeachment Trial Of Donald Trump
[ 1 January 2020 ]
The truth behind House Intelligence Chairman
Adam Schiff's role in
engineering President Trump’s impeachment may soon come out.
Judicial Watch, [
from a hostile source ],
a nonprofit group promoting government transparency, is suing to get the
whistleblower’s e-mails.
That’s good news. Because no matter what comes of Trump’s Senate trial, Schiff should be held accountable for his devious methods.
The public also needs the truth about the so-called whistleblower. Real whistleblowers deserve to be treated like heroes. But Eric Ciaramella — the man Judicial Watch and many media accounts have identified as the whistleblower and who doesn’t deny it — is no hero.
To dignify Ciaramella with the term “whistleblower” misrepresents what he did. Sure, he filed what is technically called a whistleblower complaint. But he had no firsthand knowledge of Trump’s controversial July 25 phone call or motivations. Every allegation in the complaint begins with “I learned from multiple US officials,” or “multiple officials told me,” or “officials with direct knowledge informed me.” Just gossip. He never names any sources. Ciaramella acted as the anti-Trumpers’ front man. As for courage, not an ounce: He is cowering from public view.
During hearings, Schiff cracked his gavel repeatedly to silence questions from Republicans about the whistleblower. Truth is, Schiff was protecting himself. Even now, if the whistleblower talks, details of Schiff’s role in launching the complaint may come out..........
But the truth about Schiff’s intrigues will likely be uncovered in the
e-mails Judicial Watch is seeking. Sadly, too late to spare the nation from
The level of hatred is remarkable, even worse than it was for Nixon. But
Donald Trump should be able to beat the lies,
obstruction etc. before November, before Election
2020. The weapon he is using against the
Deep State & Moral Cretins is
John Durham, a
no nonsense prosecutor who can indict various criminals.
Hillary Clinton would be a good start. That
would really bring the pains on.
Donald Trump Is Being Used By The Puppet Masters [ 9 January
2020 ]
supreme leader wept openly over the flag-draped coffin of Qassim
Soleimani at a vast public funeral in central Tehran on Monday
as the Islamic Republic mourned the slain general and vowed to
avenge his death.
Zeinab Soleimani, the general’s daughter, told the huge crowd of up to a million people that US would face “a dark day” when Iran retaliated for her father’s death in an American drone strike in Baghdad.
"Crazy Trump, don't think that everything is over with my father's martyrdom," she said. “The families of US soldiers in the Middle East will spend their days waiting for the death of their children.”...............
Soleimani’s death continued to reverberate around the region
as Adil Abdul-Mahdi, Iraq’s prime minister, said he would push
ahead with plans to expel American troops from Iraq despite
warnings from Donald Trump that the US would retaliate with
Donald Trump murdered some
foreigner, an enemy alien in order to intimidate
Iran. It worked; well anyway it
annoyed them. Will this make the world a better place? NO. It just
proves that Don is pandering to Zionist
crazies, to the Puppet Masters
who control Palestine, the
Stolen Land and most of
Western Civilization.
They want to conquer Iran for some reason but they are not
stupid enough to do it themselves. Using American fools instead
makes sense. NB The prime minister of that shitty little
country, Benjamin Netanyahu,
is a thief as well as being a mass murderer. One pay off could
be a Chinese nuke landing on Tel Aviv.
Trump Supporters Will Be Re-Educated In Concentration Camps Says Bernie Sanders'
Staffer [ 16 January 2020 ]
BBREAKING: "Do you want to fight against the revolution? You're gonna die for
it motherf**ker." - Kyle Jurek,
Campaign Field Organizer
An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid
Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that "cities will burn" if
President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters
will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what
Germany did to 'Nazified' Germans after World War II.
This is an interesting idea. I feel sure that Mr Jurek is awfully sincere in
his beliefs. What was The GULAG like? See the
Gulag In Pictures and know. Here is one
drawing by Colonel Baldaev.
Fun? For the
perpetrators perhaps. BTW Bernie Sanders is a
Marxist Jew, just like the people that ran the GULAG.
Jurek Has Been Arrested Again For Drunk Driving And Drug Crimes.
Donald Trump Betrayed By Jew
[ 26 January 2020 ]
Don's phone call to the president of the Ukraine was betrayed by
Lieutenant Colonel
Vindman, a Jew born in the Ukraine. Recall that
Christ was also betrayed by
Judas Iscariot, who was also one of God's
Chosen People. That call is the excuse being used to impeach him.
Donald Trump Wanted Biden Corruption Exposed [ 28
January 2020 ]
Calls are growing for the Senate to call witnesses in President
Trump’s impeachment trial, after The New York Times published
details about former national security adviser John Bolton’s forthcoming
book. In the book, Bolton writes that President Trump personally told
him in August that he wanted to maintain a freeze on $391 million in
security assistance to Ukraine until Ukraine turned over materials
related to former Vice President Joe Biden and supporters of Hillary
Clinton in Ukraine. The New York Times broke the story on
Sunday, one day after President Trump’s legal team began its defense of
the president. During Saturday’s opening arguments, White House deputy
counsel Mike Purpura claimed the Democratic case for impeachment is
based on assumptions, and Trump’s attorney Pat Cipollone accused the
Democrats of attempting to overturn an election. Trump’s lawyers will
continue their opening arguments Monday, after the Democratic House
impeachment managers wrapped up their three days of opening arguments on
Friday. We speak with Dan Friedman, a reporter in the D.C. bureau of
Mother Jones who focuses on foreign influence and national
Shouldn't major bribery be dealt with as crime? Not if the perpetrator is
Joe Biden or any other
Democrat,, in
Truthout's world view. It is another ghastly little bunch of
Marxists running a
Propaganda machine driven by hate.
Donald Trump Beats Fraudulent Impeachment Raps
[ 6 February 2020 ]
Donald Trump was acquitted on the two articles of impeachment against him on
Wednesday, bringing a four-month fractious trial and inquiry to a close. The
final outcome was an almost certainty in the Republican-controlled Senate
where it would have taken a two-thirds majority to remove him from
And White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham put on a statement slamming the ‘sham impeachment attempt concocted by Democrats.’
‘This was yet another witch-hunt that deprived the president of his due process rights and was based on a series of lies,’ she said. ‘The president is pleased to put this latest chapter of shameful behavior by the Democrats in the past, and looks forward to continuing his work on behalf of the American people in 2020 and beyond.’
And Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the president remains a 'threat' that the House will continue to combat through its lawsuits against the administration and with the public.......................
On the first article, abuse of power, 48
senators voted guilty and 52 found the president not guilty. For the second
vote, on obstruction of Congress, 47 senators voted guilty and 53 voted not
The whole
impeachment nausea was partisan politics at its worst. The
quasi-judicial form was irrelevant. Senators must swear an
oath of truth and betrayed it without a second thought. One
Republican voted
against Donald Trump but the enemy needed two
thirds of the Senate. It demonstrates vividly that the
Deep State hates the voters &
Democracy. They have pretty much guaranteed that
Don will win the election in November. The
Mail's readers are very much on side. One comment was:-
PROUD_AND_LOUD, BRITANNIA, United Kingdom, 3 minutes ago
Ha-ha! The 'Woke' BBC will HATE this !! Looking forward to listening to,
their biased reporting later..........
People are realising that the
BBC is a corrupt Propaganda
machine, just like so many others.
PS The Mail and the Telegraph reported
this as just another story, not as a major triumph for
Donald Trump Offers To Dump Illegal Immigrants In Sanctuary Cities
[ 20 February 2020 ]
Just when you think Donald Trump can’t surprise you anymore
with his boorish behavior,
he takes things to a whole new level:
White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of “sanctuary cities” to retaliate against President Trump’s political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post….House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco was among those the White House wanted to target, according to DHS officials. The administration also considered releasing detainees in other Democratic strongholds.
….The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that “there are PR risks as well.” After the White House pressed again in February, ICE’s legal department rejected the idea as inappropriate and rebuffed the administration.
I don’t even know what to say about this stuff anymore.
Immigration hawks all voted for Trump because he kept chanting
“Build the wall,” seemingly unaware that he was doing it only
because it got loud cheers at his rallies and Trump loves it
when people cheer for him. Beyond that, he has no clue about
policy beyond a desire for revenge against anyone who’s ever
crossed him. Why the hawks ever thought he’d follow through with
something that might actually reduce illegal immigration remains
a mystery.
Left wing politicians create
Cities; they offer refuge to
Illegal Immigrants. It
buys them votes. Then Donald Trump
offered to supply thousands of them. Don called their bluff.
Whoops. That will never do. Corrupt politicians don't want
Third World parasites any more
than anyone else. Cheap labour? Yes. Votes? Yes. Illegals?
No! Pakistanis are very good at Vote
Rigging. See
Tucker Carlson explaining all. He writes about it in the
Boston Herald - see
Liberal pols love immigrants — someplace else. Or see what happens while Merkel is doing it to
Germany in the next article.
White House Press Secretary Tells Press The Questions They Should Have Asked
[ 25 May 2020 ]
These are questions they didn't want answered because the
Mainstream Media are corrupt
Propaganda machines that hate
Donald Trump.
Donald Trump Counterattacking Google And Facebook Censorship [
28 May 2020 ]
President Trump is expected to sign an sign executive order on social media
companies today that will expose them to government investigations into
allegations of bias and more lawsuits. It comes after Twitter slapped two of the
President's tweets with a 'fact check' on Tuesday and Trump hit back by
accusing tech giants of censoring conservative voices in the run up to the
November election.
Trump is expected to set up a mechanism allowing Americans to report alleged political censorship or bias by the social media giants which will be investigated by the Federal Trade Commission. His executive order is also expected to order a review of a law that has long protected Twitter, Facebook and Google from being responsible for the material posted by their users.
Trump's order would require the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) to propose and clarify regulations under
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a federal law largely
exempting online platforms from legal liability for users' posts.
We can depend on the Mainstream Media to lie in
their teeth about Don. Google and
Facebook are abusing their dominant
positions. Censoring
Ron Unz, even though he is a Jew is one gross example. The
Federal Communications Commission will drag its feet in order to collude
with evil.
The Telegraph Alleges That Donald Trump Will Not Go Quietly If He Loses The
[ 9 July 2020 ]
One Friday afternoon last month a group of politicos logged on
to Zoom, a video conference platform, to war-game what could happen
after the US election. Among them were senior figures who had previously
served in the White House, Pentagon, Homeland Security and Congress.
They were split into teams. Some acted as employees of US President Donald Trump or his Democratic rival Joe Biden, making arguments accordingly. Others would play the Republicans or Democrats in Congress, or represent the media or the courts.
The scenario given for the exercise - a technique commonly used in government and business to plan for crises - was a simple one: What if on the morning after the US election it was not clear who won?
Imagine postal votes in Wisconsin, North Carolina and Michigan are still being counted, participants were told. Without results from those three critical battleground states the outcome hangs in the balance. What happens next?.........
Within 48 hours, the president ordered the head of the postal
service, one of his appointees, to stop delivering postal ballots. [
This is after the election - Editor ].Within a week he used the
two-centuries old Insurrection Act to deploy troops to protect counting
The Telegraph pretends that it is a
Right Wing newspaper. Private Eye calls it
The Quislinggraph with good reason.
Understand that Republican Politicians hate
Donald Trump as much as the other lot. War
gaming makes sense if the players take their roles seriously. But notice
that the Quislinggraph has nothing to say about Obama
being born in Kenya and therefore ineligible for office. It is all right for
the Left Wing to cheat apparently. Obama
imported millions, or was it only hundreds of thousands of
Third World parasites to destroy America? Who
cares? Not politicians or the Mainstream Media.
Quote of the Day
Donald Trump Pulls Men Out Of Germany
[ 30 July 2020 ]
The U.S. will bring about 6,400 forces [ sic ] home from Germany and shift
about 5,600 to other countries in Europe, the Pentagon said Wednesday - as
Donald Trump said it was because the country is 'delinquent' on defence.
He attacked Germany's failure to spend more of its budget on its military as the Pentagon outlined a plan to slash the U.S. presence there by a third, a move which will cost 'single digit billions.' Trump bluntly said Wednesday morning at the White House: 'We're reducing the force because they're not paying their bills. It's very simple. They're delinquent.'...........
A number of forces [ and forcesses? ] will go to Italy, and a major move would shift U.S. European Command and Special Operations Command Europe from Stuttgart, Germany, to Belgium.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that some
moves will begin in months and will leave about 24,000 troops in Germany.
Donald Trump is making a good move albeit it
is a pity because. Germany is a nice posting. He could put the men on the
Mexican border to block Illegal
to do something useful. That would really bring the pains on among the
political class. Notice that the Mail is being evasive, pretending that "forces"
are women as well, that they are troops not men. It is a
Propaganda machine.
Black Mounting Yet Another Attack On Donald Trump [ 7 August 2020 ]
New York prosecutors were able to obtain Donald Trump's financial records from Deutsche Bank last year, it has been revealed, as the state's attorney general plans a mysterious major announcement on Thursday.The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, a Democrat, sent a subpoena last year to Deutsche Bank as part of its investigation into Trump´s business dealings, the New York Times reported Wednesday, citing four people familiar with the inquiry.
The bank complied with the subpoena, turning over records including financial statements Trump gave the bank when he was borrowing money, two of those people told the Times.
New York Attorney General Letitia James, also a Democrat, also subpoenaed the bank for records related to Trump last year following Michael Cohen's testimony............
On Wednesday night, James' office said she will deliver a 'major national announcement' on Thursday at 11.30am. [ She didn't - Editor ]
It is just another Malicious Prosecution driven by hate.
Donald Trump Being Attacked Openly Because He Cannot Be Blackmailed [ 10 August 2020 ]
Was Obama aka Bathhouse Barry bent as a nine bob note? Was he even American? Hint - No. McCain was vicious, incompetent, liked beating his wife up, collaborated with the enemy etc. Was GHW Bush a Paedophile? The media didn't say so. That pretty much proves his guilt or does it? They could all be Blackmailed; it's cheaper than Bribery. That is why Mossad used Epstein & Maxwell. The American Establishment is utterly corrupt; its HQ is in Tel Aviv. NB the prime minister of Israel is a Psychopathic liar on trial for thieving but not murder.
Mainstream Media Use Black Rioters To Win Votes For Donald Trump [ 26 August 2020 ]
According to Reuters " A white St. Louis couple who brandished guns [ They didn't but let's not get hung up on detail - Editor ] at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home in June were given a prominent speaking slot at the Republican National Convention on Monday, repeating unfounded claims by President Donald Trump that Democrats will destroy America's suburbs. Speaking amid new protests over the police shooting of a Black man in Wisconsin on Sunday, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who face felony weapons charges for threatening protesters with guns, said U.S. neighborhoods would be overrun by crime and lawlessness if Democrat Joe Biden wins in November. "No matter where you live, your family will not be safe in the radical Democrats' America," Patricia McCloskey said.Excellent.
. And if Trump persists with that message he will, in my opinion, win in November (short of massive mail-in ballot fraud). Because, no matter how gross and hypocritical their virtue-signaling, the Karens and soccer moms of suburbia will, in the privacy of the voting booth (actually do we even know if voting privacy applies any longer?) hold their noses and pull the lever for Trump. The thought of massive Section 8 projects down the road while their kids are forced to attend publicholding pensschools will sway even the most woke. They like diversity. Just not up close and personal. Like these New Yorkers. The thought of Belinda and Vance negotiating their way home past Shaniqua, Jamal and Tyrone is, well, unthinkable. Under Joe and the Ho' and their vibrant District Attorneys and Police Chiefs BLM rioters will head to the 'burbs under the benign gaze of the police while media applaud.Trump should do a campaign ad from the smouldering ruins of some Democrat-controlled city with the clear message: 'A Biden win will see this heading your way'.
Then arrest and execute Hellery.
The Irish Savant makes sense again, as ever. Disagree if you want but give a coherent reason - if you can think of one.
Don Has Done A Pretty Good Job In Spite Of Massive Obstruction [ 26 August 2020 ]
Says Pat Buchanan in the run up to the presidential election on 3 November 2020. Pat is right of course.
Donald Trump Will Showcase Kenosha Devastation By Rioters [ 1 September 2020 ]
Disturbing images show the wide swaths [ sic - try swathes - Editor ] of Kenosha, Wisconsin, that have been ripped apart and burned to the ground during riots over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.The city of 100,000 on the shore of Lake Michigan has been roiled by unrest in the week since 29-year-old Blake, a black man, was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot multiple times in the back by police officers in front of his children on August 23.
Protests devolving into violence have left countless buildings charred, businesses looted and destroyed, and streets littered with debris as Kenosha emerged as the latest flashpoint in a summer of US demonstrations against police brutality and racism.
The devastation will serve as a backdrop for President Donald Trump when he visits Kenosha on Tuesday to promote the law and order campaign crusade he's been peddling in the three months since nationwide unrest erupted following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Blake was a black criminal resisting arrest but the Mail skates over this trifle. It is also dismissive of Don. To be fair he should have put the National Guard or the Army in weeks ago. NB The Mail has some good pictures of the ruins achieved by the Lefties, the Blacks, the rioters, looters and arsonists. Take it that The Guardian will not notice; it is also an Enemy Of The People
Donald Trump Has Covid-19 - Democrat Assassination Attempt? [ 2 October 2020 ]
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus Thursday evening.The president tweeted to confirm the news shortly before 1am EST Friday, writing: 'Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!'
It comes following news that the president's top aide Hope Hicks contracted the virus after traveling with Trump on Air Force One multiple times over the last week.
Was Hope Hicks infected deliberately in order to murder Don? Possibly. It would have been Deep State criminals perverting politics. They have tried impeachment using fraudulent evidence. Using Antifa and Black Lives Matter to set up Civil War II is another major thrust. Now they are using postal voting because it makes Vote Rigging much easier. But killing him first would work. In that case Mike Pence as the Vice-President could and should put a lot of criminal Subversives in prison. Recall that JFK was murdered and we still don't really know it was Mossad.
Democrats Trying To Sack Donald Trump As A Lunatic [ 9 October 2020 ]
Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to form a commission to evaluate President Donald Trump's mental health and his ability to hold the office of the presidency, she announced on Thursday.The commission would be part of the process to invoke the 25th amendment and comes amid fears [ sic - make that allegations - Editor ] the medication Trump is taking for his COVID treatment is affecting his mental health.
Trump, meanwhile, claimed Pelosi is crazy, should be under observation and accused her of plotting a government coup............
On Sunday, the president - while wearing a face mask - got in his SUV with his Secret Service detail to drive in front of the hospital to thank his supporters. On Monday, the president left the hospital, climbed the steps of balcony on the South Portico and removed his face mask. He appeared to be struggling to breath. Tuesday started a presidential tweet storm, in which he crashed the stock market. Wednesday Trump returned to the Oval Office - all while still contagious from COVID.
The impeachment claim that Don won the election using Russians was blatantly fraudulent. This one is too. Pelosi knows, just like every other Democrat politician that Joe Biden is already unfit for office because of senile decay. After a few weeks in the White House he would carted off to a funny farm leaving Kamala Harris in power. She hates America. She will destroy it given the chance.
PS The Mail's commentators are not falling for her lies.
Donald Trump's Second Term Agenda [ 10 October 2020 ]
Building on the incredible achievements of President Donald J. Trump’s first term in office, the President’s re-election campaign today released a set of core priorities for a second term under the banner of “Fighting for You!” President Trump’s boundless optimism and certainty in America’s greatness is reflected in his second-term goals and stands in stark contrast to the gloomy vision of America projected by Joe Biden and Democrats................JOBS
- Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
- Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
- Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
- Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
- "Made in America" Tax Credits
- Expand Opportunity Zones
- Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence
- Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020
- Return to Normal in 2021
- Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States
- Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics
- Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
- Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
- Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States
- No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
- Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World
- Cut Prescription Drug Prices
- Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
- Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
- End Surprise Billing
- Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions
- Protect Social Security and Medicare
- Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services
- Provide School Choice to Every Child in America
- Teach American Exceptionalism
- Pass Congressional Term Limits
- End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses
- Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States
- Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens
- Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
- Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
- Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
- Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
- End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial
- Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition
- Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members
- Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks
- End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families
- Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers
- Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially
- Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars
- Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System
- Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network
- Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air
- Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans
- Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
- Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
- Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength
- Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
- Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System
- Continue nominating constitutionalist Supreme Court and lower court judges
- Protect unborn life through every means available
- Defend the freedoms of religious believers and organizations
- Support the exercise of Second Amendment rights
It sounds good to me. Translating some of these objectives into reality will be difficult. Getting a vaccine this year depends on research coming together. He still hasn't sorted that wall out. Did the American Mainstream Media tell you about this? Me neither. It is a news black out. They are totally committed Enemies Of The People, just like the Deep State. They are also keeping very quiet about Kamala Harris and her Green New Deal; it includes tearing down every house in America to be rebuilt at a cost of trillions, or is it only billions?
Robert Reich Wants Vengeance On Donald Trump [ 21 October 2020 ]
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.
Robert Reich is a left wing Jew full of hate. He does not quite mention Madame la Guillotine or gas chambers but the thought is not far below the surface. Who has Don harmed? Let's not get hung up on details; just get on with it; kill him and his. Who are these media moguls who "enabled this catastrophe"? He does not tell us but the Mainstream Media have spent the last four years attacking Don. So has the Deep State. The Jew is trying to set up an action replay of the Nuremberg War Trials. See e.g. Trump Polls What a ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ Would Look Like.
Paul Ryan Opposes Don
Paul Ryan, a RINO is on the Fox News board, which helps him oppose Don. See e.g. according to a new report in Vanity Fair
Trump Still Has Several Constitutional Paths to Victory, Dershowitz Says [ 24 November 2020 ]
Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said he thinks President Donald Trump has several legal paths to a 2020 election victory.Dershowitz said there are a few “constitutional paths to victory” for the president’s legal team, although he noted that Trump will face legal hurdles in all of them.
“For example, in Pennsylvania, they have two very strong legal arguments. One, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after the end of Election Day. That’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don’t necessarily support it, but it’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court,” Dershowitz told Fox Business on Nov. 22.
The team, meanwhile, has “a winning issue in the Supreme Court on equal protection, that some counties allowed flawed ballots to be cured while others didn’t. Bush v. Gore suggests that an Equal Protection argument can prevail.”
Dershowitz, who helped defend Trump during the Senate impeachment trial earlier this year, said that because of Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s lead over the president, Trump’s team may not be able to contest enough ballots in Pennsylvania.
“The other legal theory they have, which is a potentially strong one, is that the computers, either fraudulently or by glitches, changed hundreds of thousands of votes. There, there are enough votes to make a difference, but I haven’t seen the evidence to support that,” he said. “So, in one case, they don’t have the numbers. In another case, they don’t seem yet to have the evidence, maybe they do. I haven’t seen it. But the legal theory is there to support them if they have the numbers and they have the evidence.”
Dershowitz is a cunning Jew, one who will use the truth when he finds it useful; hopefully he is right about this one.
Don's Other Lawyer Is Out Of It Or Is She? [ 24 November 2020 ]
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell is not part of President Donald Trump’s legal team, according to a statement from Rudy Giuliani, the head of the president’s post-election legal effort.“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity,” Giuliani stated.
Trump personally announced Powell’s addition to his legal team a week ago. Powell appeared at a Nov. 19 press conference with Trump’s legal team, which also includes senior Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis.
Sidney sounded good then she was gone. Disappointing; it implies management problems, dissensions in the White House at a time when they have lots of proof. Don should get a grip.
UPDATE: Wrong. The Mainstream Media are lying to us again; perverting the truth, Brainwashing us with their stories to help their agenda of hate. See The Sidney Powell News Is Not What You Think It Is or Michael Flynn Jr. Releases More Information on Trump Team's Sidney Powell Statement.
Donald Trump Appointed Attorney General Puts The Boot Into Him [ 13 December 2020 ]
Well AG Barr came up good just when the Deep State needed him most. The tsunami of evidence indicating Zimbabwean levels of voting corruption must have had them worried. But the DS has people like Barr positioned for such eventualities. And boy did he come up, well, Trumps. “There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. The DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that." What speed and efficiency. Just a few days on the job and they have the evidence gathered, analysed and a verdict reached. And publicised on teevee. Could this be same DoJ/FBI that's been - cough - evaluating Hunter Biden's laptop for the last year to no visible effect? The very one. Pity Durham's "investigation" didn't demonstrate the same alacrity.
Can anyone be surprised that Barr has revealed himself to be a Deep State swamp creature par excellence? Well maybe I'm a unique genius but it was blatantly obvious to me from the beginning. A CIA careerist, confidant of Daddy Bush, a lifetime burying the Swamp's dirt, his wife a personal friend of Mueller's wife? His father the guy who gave Jeffery Epstein his first job. Yeah, he was sure to drain the Swamp all right,
Which in turn raises the obvious question as to why Trump appointed him and kept him on the job even when his treachery became clearer with every passing day.............There might be one possible positive outcome arising from this latest outrage, that a critical mass of Americans will realise they no longer live in a democracy or a Constitutional Republic. Remember the Soviet Block countries could vote as well. And they had 'opposition' parties and media. But all had to operate within a spectrum defined by The UniParty. Candidates or media that strayed beyond this spectrum couldn't get the message across or get their votes counted. How much different are things in the USA (and most of the West, in fact) today? Under such circumstances your choice is to live as serfs. Or take your opposition outside the corrupt political system.
The sales pitch told us that Bill Barr was all right, that we could trust him. Now, too late we know better. Didn't Don know the man is bent? Didn't he have anyone competent and honest near him? Barr Hid The Truth About Biden's Fraud and got away with it. The result is likely to be disastrous.
People Pardoned By Donald Trump ex Wiki
During his tenure as president of the United States (January 20, 2017–January 20, 2021), Donald Trump granted executive clemency to 237 individuals charged or convicted of federal criminal offenses, using his clemency power under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. Ordinarily, all requests for executive clemency for federal offenses are directed to the Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) in the U.S. Department of Justice for review; however, Trump frequently bypassed the OPA, and the majority of his executive clemency grants were made to well-connected convicts who did not file a petition with the OPA or meet the OPA's requirements.[1][2] Overall, Trump granted less clemency than any modern president.[3]Of the pardons and commutations that Trump did grant, a significant number had been convicted of fraud or public corruption.[4] The New York Times reported that during the closing days of the Trump presidency, individuals with access to the administration, such as former administration officials, were soliciting fees to lobby for presidential pardons.[5] NB The NY Times names pardoners but ignores Bill Clinton's monstrous corruption in re The Marc Rich Pardon. See the Prospect of Pardons in Final Days Fuels Market to Buy Access to Trump ex The New York Times.
PS The New York Times also admits that he has not pardoned many but complains anyway because they are largely friends, connected, whatever.
Fraud Allegations Against Donald Trump Are Lies Says Dershowitz [ 6 January 2021 ]
‘No Crime There, Period’: Alan Dershowitz Says Trump Phone Call Taken out of Context -
News outlets took President Donald Trump's comments to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger out of context during a phone call that was later leaked to the press, said Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz.“Well, every major media is taking it out of context,” Dershowitz told Just The News, adding that there was no apparent crime being committed on the phone call by the president.
Mainstream outlets initially interpreted Trump’s remarks to Raffensberger as an attempt at a shakedown to “find 11,780 votes” in Georgia for the Nov. 3 presidential contest.
But the full transcript of the call showed that Trump asserted that he won the state and asked the election official to probe election irregularities—something he has been saying publicly for weeks.
“He’s not saying I want you to create the vote,” said Dershowitz in the interview. “He’s not saying I want you to manufacture or concoct the votes. He’s saying, and he’s been saying this for months, on Twitter and his statements and his campaign’s, he thinks that people voted for him and those votes weren’t counted. He’s entitled as a citizen, as a candidate, to say, ‘I want you to find those votes, I want you to find the votes that will pass for me and what weren’t counted, I want you to find votes that were cast against me that shouldn’t have been counted—by people who are dead people, who are out of state.”
Dershowitz cheated - he looked at the evidence. The Mainstream Media are run by malicious liars who hate Don.
Jew Bans Donald Trump From Twitter [ 8 January 2021 ]
It would make sense for Donald Trump to put Zuckerberg in prison for his attacks on Free Speech. In fact Don should have gotten a grip of Big Tech as well as the Deep State back in 2016, right at the beginning.
Pelosi Wants Donald Trump Impeached Again [ 9 January 2021 ]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is demanding that President Donald Trump resign his office 'immediately' or face impeachment – after Trump egged on a group of his supporters who went on to storm the Capitol Wednesday.She issued the demand as her separate push to have Vice President Mike Pence seek to invoke the 25th Amendment to strip away power from Trump appears to be collapsing.
Pelosi made the demand in a letter to colleagues released just minutes before House Democrats joined on a conference call discuss whether to go ahead with a second impeachment of Trump, after the death toll in the Capitol riot rose to give, including [ sic ] a Capitol Police officer.
'If the President does not leave office imminently and willingly, the Congress will proceed with our action,' she said, referencing the impeachment power without naming it.
Pelosi is a ratbag driven by hate. She seems to be all too typical of Democrat politicians, which is not to say that Republican politicians are any better.
Rudy Guiliani Defending Donald Trump Says It Is All A Cover Up To Protect Biden And Clinton [ 13 January 2021 ]
This interview was in September 2019 but the Joe's crimes are still very much provable. Stealing $1.5 billion leaves lots of evidence behind. Will the FBI investigate? Not a chance; they are too corrupt.
Thirteenth Murderer Executed On Donald's Watch [ 17 January 2021 ]
The federal execution of convicted murderer Dustin John Higgs has been carried out, marking the final death sentence to be completed by the Department of Justice under President Donald Trump.Higgs, 48, was pronounced dead at 1.23am on Saturday after receiving a lethal injection of pentobarbital in the federal death chamber at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Higgs conspired with two other men to kidnap and murder three young women in Washington DC on one night in January 1996..............
It marked the third federal execution at Terre Haute in four days, and the 13th during Trump's term after he resumed executions in July despite the pandemic, making him the most prolific president in carrying out death sentences since Grover Cleveland in the 1800s.
The Mail ran this story to incite hatred of Donald Trump and failed miserably. The readers approve.
See the faces and know that Don is right, Notice that perhaps three of them are White; the rest are Third World aliens.
Donald Trump Considers Forming A Patriot Party [ 21 January 2021 ]
Donald Trump has reportedly discussed forming a new political party called the Patriot Party after telling supporters the 'movement we started is just beginning' in his farewell address to the nation........... Trump on Tuesday vowed to be a continued presence on the political stage, noting his 'movement' is 'only just beginning. 'Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at Noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning,' he said.But his vow to stay a force in politics could cause some Republicans to squirm. Trump divided Republicans among those who supported his isolationist agenda and those who disliked his harsh rhetoric.
Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the outgoing president 'provoked' the MAGA crowd who stormed the Capitol two weeks ago in his most outright denunciation of the president. 'The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,' the majority leader said in Senate floor remarks. The dramatic and unprompted intervention by the man who will be Republicans' most senior leader when Trump leaves office came with less than 24 hours of his presidency remaining................
Additionally, Biden arrived at Joint Base Andrews on Tuesday night on a chartered airplane instead of one of the distinctive blue and white Air Force jets that carry the call sign 'Air Force One' when the current commander in chief is on board. Traditionally, presidents send such a plane to pick up their successor.
It sounds good to me. Republican politicians are just as much Enemies Of The People as the other lot. The Americans commenting on this article approve. Don needs to get rid of the swamp creatures that surrounded him, e.g. Kushner. Who are the RINOs [ Republicans in Name Only ]? Look at the chancers exploiting the alleged Storming of the Capitol and know. NB The Mail is also enemy.
Did Trump Ever Intend To Follow Through His Promises? [ 24 January 2021 ]
Shortly after Trump was elected in 2016 I asked if he actually believed in his campaign rhetoric or alternatively had he just spotted an opportunity to deploy it to win the Biggest Prize Of All. The answer surely lies between those extremes but equally assuredly must tilt massively towards the latter. While he did some good things (some immigration restrictions, court appointments, no new wars, pulling back from international bodies) he delivered on almost none of the promises he made to his base. And how could he given he appointed people to key roles who hated both him and the deplorables he supposedly represented? Above all his decision to make Kushner his right-hand man must have doomed the project from the outset. (This is not 20:20 hindsight, regular readers will know that I've flagged this from the beginning. [ e.g. A Terrible Choice A Grim Portent ] ) It's hard to conceive of anybody more viscerally hostile to Traditional America than this Chabad Lubavicher [ hard line Jew ] snake. It would be hard to imagine anybody less suitable or willing to implement Trump's campaign platform.Yet Trump made him his right-hand man. He was privy to everything, feeding the poison, undermining the few Trump loyalists in the Administration such as Bannon, Sessions and the early speech-writers. All of whom were quickly dispatched. And replaced with the likes of John Bolton and Nikki Haley [ a Punjabi ].................
Am I being unduly cynical? Well his final act as President in many ways defines his legacy: Using his Presidential pardon powers to set loose a rancid gaggle of Jewish crooks, Israeli spies and black murderers while Assange languishes in captivity.
But seventy million Americans voted for him. That constituency is still there and crying out for an inspiring and effective leader. Trump is not that man.
Is the Irish Savant wrong? I seriously doubt it. As P. T. Barnum, the American circus founder didn't quite say There's a sucker born every minute. We were fooled. To be fair, the new one, Biden is deeply corrupt; he follows on from Franklin D Roosevelt in that regard. The White House Goes Into Business gives us chapter and verse of Roosevelt's light fingers.
Donald Trump Beats Second Impeachment Rap [ 14 February 2021 ]
He was betrayed by seven RINOs [ Republicans In Name Only ]. They needed two thirds of the senate to get away with it. NB People are pleased - see the comments in the Mail but the Mainstream Media are not.
Donald Trump's Failure - A Post Mortem [ 18 February 2021 ]
Donald Trump failed America & Western Civilization, a tragedy. Was he a competent administrator? No? Did his enemies betray him and everything he stood for? Yes. Mark Steyn's analysis is good but does not mention Jared Kushner, the corrupt Jew at his back. Et tu Jared? As he says; Somehow or other, we must find a way at least to cope with, and at most to replace at some point, what is shaping up to become the most destructive presidential regime in American history.
Donald Trump's Lawyer Is Betraying Him [ 17 March 2021 ]
Michael Cohen has suggested that his multiple meetings with the Manhattan District Attorney's office 'aren't good news' for Donald Trump. The former president's ex fixer and lawyer shared a tweet that quoted US attorney Joyce Vance and linked to an article in which she told MSNBC: 'He [Cohen] can help...them understand transactions that may have been criminal conduct.'Vance - no relation to Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance - added: 'The fact that he's been there seven times and is rumored to be going back for an eighth time is not good news for Trump.'.........
Cohen is currently in home confinement serving a three-year sentence on charges related to payoffs he made during the 2016 presidential race to buy the silence of two women who alleged they had affairs with Trump.
Cohen is a treacherous rogue but then he is a Jew, just like Judas Iscariot. Cohen was cunning enough to collect his Thirty Pieces of Silver before his Kiss of Death. Now he is trying to leverage his way out of home detention. He also needs to make sure that he hides his own crimes.
Donald Trump Beating FaceBook Attack On Free Speech [ 7 May 2021 ]
EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump launched a communications platform on Tuesday, which will serve as "a place to speak freely and safely," and will eventually give him the ability to communicate directly with his followers, after months of being banned from sites like Twitter and Facebook.The platform, "From the Desk of Donald J. Trump" appears on
"In a time of silence and lies," a video Trump posted to the platform Tuesday night says. The video then plays news reports describing his suspension from Twitter.
"A beacon of freedom arises. A place to speak freely and safely," the video continues, showing the new platform. "Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump."
The technology appears to be powered by Campaign Nucleus— the "digital ecosystem made for efficiently managing political campaigns and organizations," created by his former campaign manager, Brad Parscale.............
Facebook moved to block Trump "indefinitely" after the Jan. 6 riot in the U.S. Capitol [ see Capitol Riot Myth - Editor ], with CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying that they "believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great."
Regardless of Facebook’s decision Wednesday a Twitter spokesperson told Fox News that Trump is permanently suspended from tweeting.
Mark Zuckerberg, the insolent rogue running Facebook is a thieving Jew. Don should have sorted him out when he was in power. A trip to GITMO would have been effective. Sadly Don's new outlet is likely to be compromised by the machinations of Jared Kushner, also a Jew.
New York Attorney General Doing Malicious Investigation Of Donald Trump [ 21 May 2021 ]
Donald Trump is facing growing legal danger after the attorney general’s office in New York said it had opened a criminal investigation into his business activities and those of other Trump family members. The attorney general, Letitia James, had been conducting a civil inquiry into the Trump Organization. On Tuesday night, her office said it was joining a sweeping criminal investigation being conducted in parallel by Manhattan’s district attorney, Cyrus Vance.The move – communicated in a recent letter from James to the Trump Organization – significantly raises the stakes for the former Republican president, who now faces three separate criminal investigations.
“We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation … is no longer purely civil in nature,” James’s office said. “We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA. We have no additional comment at this time.”
Trump is accused of falsely manipulating the value of Trump Organization properties in order to secure bank loans and lucrative tax breaks.
Trump said in a statement on Wednesday: “There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime.”
The Guardian manages not to makes its gloating too obvious. Recall that the Democrats are eagerly ignoring the conclusive evidence of Joe Biden's corruption in China and the Ukraine.
Donald Trump's Chief Manipulator Moves On [ 8 June 2021 ]
Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald Trump and a former White House senior advisor, has reportedly told some of Trump's closest advisors that he wants "a simpler relationship" with the former president, according to The New York Times.While former Trump campaign managers Bill Stepien and Brad Parscale are still tied into Trumpworld, Kushner, who is married to the former president's oldest daughter, Ivanka, has stepped back. According to The Times, Kushner "wants to focus on writing his book and establishing a simpler relationship" with the former president.............
The news would confirm a new trajectory for Kushner, who was intimately involved in a myriad of legislative and political initiatives in the Trump years, from engaging in peace talks in the Middle East to aiding the president's reelection campaign.
Kushner is a crooked Jew that wormed his way into the White House and power. Now he has done his worst by disrupting Don's work. He is an Enemy Of The People, a very successful one.
Republican Senators Want Durham Report Made Public [ 29 August 2021 ]
A group of 44 Republican senators is demanding that the report by special counsel John Durham be made public once it is complete, days after news surfaced that it will likely be finished in the coming months.Lawmakers, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), penned a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday requesting an update on the status of Durham's review, dubbed the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, and for the final report to be made public once it is complete................
Durham, who previously served as the U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut before becoming special counsel last year, has been reviewing the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s influence in the 2016 election since 2019, when he was tasked by the Trump administration to evaluate the bureau’s probe.............
The investigation made headlines last week when The Wall Street Journal reported that Durham is presenting grand jury evidence and preparing his report.
He reportedly wanted to have the review finished by the end of this summer, but the newspaper reported that the target date will likely be delayed, according to people familiar with the matter........... The information reportedly involved allegations of connections between the Trump Organization and the Russian Alfa Bank, which investigators did not find any evidence to bolster...........
“The truth pursued by this investigation is necessary to ensure transparency in our intelligence agencies and restore faith in our civil liberties. Thus, it is essential that the Special Counsel’s ongoing review should be allowed to continue unimpeded and without undue limitations,” they added.
The allegation that Don was helped by Russian saboteurs was a blatant absurdity, one driven by hatred of the man and the Republican Party.An honest video report by Roman Balmakov of the Epoch Times, which The Atlantic tells us is A Mysterious Pro-Trump Newspaper tells us more. It is at Epoch Times Reports. The Mainstream Media have decided to pretend it did not happen; they are lying by omission about the depths of corruption in the American Deep State & the fraudulent claims that Donald Trump was helped into office by the Russians. The ignorers of truth include BBC & The Guardian as well as the usual suspects of the Hard Left in American media. The Wikipedia refers to the whole issue as Spygate (conspiracy theory). It is just as corrupt, partisan & perverted as the rest.
PS The media are eagerly ignoring the rock solid evidence in Hunter Biden's laptop that he is just as corrupt as Joe Biden.
Russian Arrested In Connection With The Steele Dossier [ 5 November 2021 ]
WASHINGTON—A Russia analyst who served as a central source for a dossier of opposition research material on former President Donald Trump has been arrested and charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to an indictment unsealed in Virginia federal court.Russian-born Igor Danchenko, who was a key source on the material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, was taken into custody Thursday as part of special counsel John Durham’s probe into the actions of investigators and intelligence officials during and after the 2016 election campaign. He is expected to make an initial appearance before a judge on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Danchenko has been charged with misleading FBI officials about the sources of the information he helped compile for Mr. Steele. Mr. Danchenko sat for numerous interviews with FBI officials in 2017 as they tried to corroborate allegations made in the reports compiled by Mr. Steele...........
The case represents the third prosecution related to the investigation, which began in May 2019 when then-Attorney General William Barr appointed Mr. Durham, then the Connecticut U.S. attorney, to look into matters related to the investigation into Mr. Trump and his campaign associates.
Mr. Danchenko has previously been identified as Mr. Steele’s “primary sub-source” in compiling a series of private intelligence reports documenting Mr. Trump’s purported ties to Russia. An FBI attorney who prepared a surveillance application as well as an attorney who specializes in cybersecurity have also been indicted by the special counsel’s office on charges of making false statements.
Mr. Steele’s research was paid for by the Democratic Party and served as key evidence in a secret surveillance warrant that was obtained against Carter Page, a onetime foreign-policy adviser to Mr. Trump. Many of the dossier’s claims remain unverified. Mr. Trump has denied the allegations in the dossier and said the investigation it helped spark was a “witch hunt.”
The Mainstream Media have not been very forthcoming about this one. They hated Don even more than Richard Nixon so lying & perverting the truth to keep him from the White House was policy. But not we getting nearer to Hillary Clinton and the other criminals who Libelled him. Putting Deep State subversives in prison might rescue America from destruction. NB Danchenko has form.
New FBI report definitively proves ‘Russiagate,’ which dogged Trump's US presidency, was made up from the start [ 8 November 2021 ]
Paul Robinson, a professor at the University of Ottawa. He writes about Russian and Soviet history, military history and military ethics, and is the author of the Irrussianality blog.If anyone still doubts whether former US president Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, new revelations this week should put the question to bed for good, with an FBI document showing it to be a fabrication................
Danchenko’s relationship with Dolan exposes a lot about where the claims in the Steele dossier came from. Danchenko was quite clear about his purpose, telling Dolan that he wanted to hear “Any thought, rumour, allegation. I am working on a related project against Trump.” Clearly, this wasn’t a piece of neutral research, but a hatchet job for which any old rumour would do.
But if rumour wasn’t available, fabrication would do fine too. This becomes clear in the parts of the indictment dealing with the famous “pee-pee tape” – an alleged video-recording of Trump cavorting with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel while they urinated on the bed in the presidential suite.
The Russiagate story was obvious nonsense from the beginning. The criminal investigation gets nearer to Clinton's woman.
Enemy Of Donald Trump Backing Off As Evidence Of Crime Goes Solid [ 12 November 2021 ]
House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has scrambled to spin the Russiagate narrative following the arrest of one of the scandal’s major sources, exposing some massive hypocrisy in the bargain.Schiff acknowledged that anyone who lied to the FBI and to British ex-spy Christopher Steele should be prosecuted during a Tuesday appearance on The View, where he was grilled by Donald Trump's former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus over his role in the ever-metastasizing Russiagate scandal. However, the California Democrat managed to evade further questioning along that line with a bit of whataboutism, pointing out former president’s pardoning of several cabinet officials who had been - in the ex-president’s eyes - unfairly imprisoned.
Ortagus attempted to nail Schiff over his responsibilities for pouncing on the fabricated documents comprising the dossier, including the infamous ‘pee tape,’ which has effectively been proven to be made up out of whole cloth with the arrest of the infamous Steele dossier’s primary source, Igor Danchenko.
To be a politician is to be a liar in the Den of Iniquity that is American politics but then Schiff is a Jew in a Kakistocracy [ rule by the worst ] as distinct from an Aristocracy [ rule by the best ]
Donald Trump Is Played Out Among His Own [ 20 January 2022 ]
Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump’s obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump’s been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard” to DeSantis’ younger, prettier Betty Schaefer.Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump’s list — “YOU are one of my TOP supporters!” — there was one from Roger Stone on Nov. 2, 2021, denouncing DeSantis.
The insults sounded a lot like what Trump used to say about Stone: “Ron’s own piss-poor campaign …,” “without really delivering on his Trump-like rhetoric …,” “Governor DeSantis has failed …” and so on.................................................
No one wants Trump. He’s fading faster than Sarah Palin did — and she was second place on a losing presidential ticket. In case you don’t remember, for three years following that loss, Palin was packing stadiums with tens of thousands of Trump-like fans.
But by 2011, even she — a far smarter politician than Trump who did not spend her time whining about the last election, wallowing in self-pity or endorsing candidates because they once said something nice about her golf course — had faded. She was fun, but Republicans were starting to think seriously about the 2012 presidential election.
Trump is already two years ahead of Palin’s fade-out schedule. After his petulant endorsements this year deliver loss after loss in midterm elections that ought to be a blowout landslide for the GOP, he’ll be as popular as former Missouri Rep. Todd Akin.............
This is why the media’s neurotic fixation on Trump is baffling to normal people. TV hosts keep telling us that Trump is wildly popular — the 2024 nomination is his for the asking! — but facts on the ground suggest otherwise.
Nate Silver’s respected website fivethirtyeight recently announced: “Republicans remain loyal to Trump even after Jan. 6 attack,” citing a poll that shows Trump’s approval among Republicans at nearly 80%.
But there’s a lot more to the story. The poll allows readers to view Trump’s approval not only among all voters (-14%) but among specific subgroups of all voters: men, women, Blacks, Hispanics and whites, as well as any combination of these demographic subgroups. And get this: Trump doesn’t have as much as 25% net approval among any subgroup — other than “Republicans.”................
The only explanation is that an awful lot of Republicans are now calling themselves “Independents.”
Huh. Why might that be?
Maybe it’s because, day in, day out, the media tell us that the GOP is “the Party of Trump”! Apparently, this has led a lot of Republicans to conclude that they must not be Republicans, after all. (At least, among the Republicans contacted by these pollsters. I assume they didn’t have any respondents in Florida, where “Republican” has a much more favorable connotation.)
Thanks to the media’s lies, the only people calling themselves “Republicans” these days are the Trump die-hards. In other words, the blockbuster conclusion of this poll is: Trump die-hards like Trump!
Yes — and they’re the only ones who do. While Trump fanatics are indeed fanatical, everyone else is sick and tired of his nonsense.
Give voters a populist conservative who’s not a conman and a liar and they’ll be “Republicans” again. No wonder Trump hates DeSantis.
I take Ann Coulter to be a Republican, a real one unlike e.g. Don; a conman and a liar. Is she telling it like it is? Yes. Are the Mainstream Media setting us up to lose again? Yes.
Trump Dossier ex Fitzpatrick Informer
There is no secret or Democratic Party-created Trump dossier. All the treasonous dirt on Trump is in plain sight and freely available. Here is some of that dirt. It will be updated as new information becomes available. Donald Trump dossier Trump Dossier ex Fitzpatrick Informer
Posted on
There is no secret or Democratic Party-created Trump dossier. All the treasonous dirt on Trump is in plain sight and freely available. Here is some of that dirt. It will be updated as new information becomes available.Fox News edits Trump rally protestor holding up giant photo of Trump with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
Trump’s Mobbed Up, McCarthyite Mentor Roy Cohn
Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits
There is more of it, lots more. Yes Don was hated by the Establishment, by the Mainstream Media, for the wrong reasons naturally. Yes, he was sabotaged by all around him. He is a wrong 'un none the less.
PS The The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are on line at The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Protocols and World Revolution, by Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus. They are thought to be forgery, part of the Culture Wars being fought against then and now. Are they right? That is the real issue. To paraphrase Henry Ford - Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Dump Trump Says Attorney General [ 1 March 2022 ]
Former Attorney General William Barr writes in a new book that former President Donald Trump has “shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” and that it is time for Republicans to focus on rising new leaders in the party.The release of the former attorney general’s 600-page book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” is coming as Mr. Trump, who remains the GOP’s dominant figure, contemplates another presidential run. Mr. Barr writes that he was convinced that Mr. Trump could have won re-election in 2020 if he had “just exercised a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness.”
“The election was not ‘stolen,’ ” Mr. Barr writes. “Trump lost it.” Mr. Barr urges conservatives to look to “an impressive array of younger candidates” who share Mr. Trump’s agenda but not his “erratic personal behavior.” He didn’t mention any of those candidates by name...............
The recollections and conclusions by Mr. Barr are notable because he was one of Mr. Trump’s most powerful cabinet secretaries and was once such a close ally that Democrats accused him of acting more like the president’s defense attorney than an apolitical law-enforcement official.
I think Bill Barr is right about Don. Who are these rising men? I have no idea. It will be easier for them if Hillary Clinton is in prison or on trial.
Robert Mueller Attack On Donald Trump Used A Paedophile Arab [ 31 May 2022 ]
A Lebanese-American businessman who was a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election – a businessman who also helped broker the release of American hostages – was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison sentence on child sex charges.George Nader pleaded guilty in January to bringing a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic to the US 20 years ago to engage in sexual activity. He also acknowledged possessing child pornography.
Nader’s name appears more than 100 times in the Mueller report. It details Nader’s efforts to serve as liaison between Russians and members of President Donald Trump’s transition team............. The convictions carried a 10-year mandatory minimum. The judge could have imposed a longer term, though prosecutors also recommended a 10-year sentence.
Nader also agreed to pay $150,000 in restitution to the Czech boy he abused, who is now an adult and who testified at Friday’s sentencing hearing in US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia by phone.
Did Mueller know that he was using a greasy little chancer on the make? Presumably. Did he know that he was setting up a fraudulent case against Donald Trump? Pass. Did Mueller know that Election 2016 was being stolen by mail fraud? Presumably. Did he care? No chance. He was always going to keep his job.
Donald Trump Says Stop The Ukraine War [ 19 June 2022 ]
................. Well, a buffer zone creates a distance between Russia and Ukraine which Putin thinks is necessary since Ukraine is threatening to join NATO. So, he’s creating his own DMZ on his western flank.......It proves that we’ve been lied to from the very beginning. Putin was not planning to reconstruct the Soviet Empire like the media told us. He did not want to seize the Capitol, Kiev, and he did not want to conquer the entire Ukrainian landmass. That was all baloney.
What he wanted to do, is what he has done.
Don’t take my word for it, look at the map. You don’t need CNN or Rachel Maddow to tell you what you can see with your own two eyes. This is the reality ‘on the ground’.
This is a buffer zone. It creates a distance between Russia and Ukraine, it protects the ethnic Russians in the Donbass region, and it establishes a land bridge to Crimea where Russia’s vital deep-water port of Sevastopol is located. In other words, it achieves what Putin wanted to achieve from the very beginning, that is, enhanced security along his western border..................
Okay, but if these are the parameters of the Special Military Operation, then what are the chances of a wider war?
That depends on Biden. If Washington continues on the path of escalation –by sending weapons systems that can strike targets in Russia– then Putin will respond. We should know that by now. Putin is not going to back down no matter what. If Washington wants to up-the-ante, then they should prepare for an equal response. That’s the way it’s going to work. For now, the “Special Military Operation” is just a “Special Military Operation”............
That’s what this guy would have done. Remember him? Remember how bad things were when Trump was in office and gas was 2 bucks a gallon, and everyone had a job, and there was no inflation, and violent crime was under control?
Donald Trump says the right things for the right reasons. Would he have done them? He allowed himself to be controlled by the Jews, in particular Jared Kushner, one of the Enemy Within.Of course Joe Biden is even worse; he controls nothing. He can't even ride a bike without falling off. The State Department is run by Jews that hate Russia, come from the Ukraine or both.
FBI Raided -Donald-Trump's Mar-A-Lago Home [ 11 August 2022 ]
The FBI swore an oath to get a search warrant to look for classified paper. When Hillary Clinton had a server stuffed with classified emails they ignored it. They are currently ignoring damning evidence of crime on Hunter Biden's hard drive because it proves that Joe Biden is guilty as Hell. The FBI is deeply corrupt, Perverting The Course Of Justice with Malice Aforethought is Deep State policy as well as Misconduct In Public Office.
Ben Garrison Keeps Faith In Donald Trump [ 2022 post midterms ]
But I have lost mine. What does he say about the wall, about stopping Illegal Immigration? Not a lot, not anymore.
Knives Are Out For 'Toxic' Trump As Republicans Brand Him A 'Disaster [ 12 November 2022 ]
The knives are out for Donald Trump who has been branded a 'disaster' by senior Republicans, accusing him of 'sabotaging' the party in the damaging midterm elections.With some votes still being counted, the expected 'Red Wave' did not materialise with control of congress still hanging in the balance in a major boost for Joe Biden. There are a remaining three Senate seats and 44 House seats up for grabs.
Democrats had been bracing for the worst but now they are hoping they could even win both chambers, meaning Biden could pursue his legislative agenda without being a lame duck president for the remainder of his two-year term....................
'Between being Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis tonight, you want to be Ron DeSantis,' said Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former chief of staff. 'DeSantis wins tonight and Trump is not doing very well.'
Other Republican strategists said the party needs to 'snap out of Trump's foolishness', branding him 'self-centred' by endorsing hardliner candidates only because they agreed the 2020 election was stolen.
The headline is verbatim & on the right lines. Donald Trump talked the talk; he didn't walk the walk. He was going to build that wall. It didn't happen. With honest & competent advisers, as distinct from Cohen & Kushner he could have done it. Allowing corrupt prosecutors to collude with Hard Left rioters, allowing them to walk free was a major failing. The Insurrection Act 1807 is on the books for a reason. Don swore his Presidential Oath Of Office then broke it. He considered using the Insurrection Act but bottled out. Blaming him for the Republicans' failure against the worthless criminal in the White House is reasonable.
Trump Written Off By Jews [ 22 November 2022 ]
Ivanka Trump and her family have jetted off to the Middle East ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday to enjoy their first trip to Egypt together.The former White House senior adviser, 41, took to Instagram on Monday to share photos of herself touring the pyramids and riding camels with her husband, Jared Kushner, 41, and their three children —Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore.
The family vacation comes less than a week after she announced that she is done with politics and will be prioritizing her private life instead of joining her father's presidential campaign.
'A day at the Pyramids! So special to explore the beauty of Egypt for the first time with my family!' she captioned the carousel of images, which starts with a picture of her sitting on a camel.
The Jew Kushner was Donald Trump's handler, telling him what his opinions were and feeding him his orders from Tel Aviv. But Don's loud mouthed antics cost the Republicans victory in the midterms so Kushner is away having a holiday. NB the Mail isn't putting it quite like that; it is just the reality.
Donald Trump Charged With Crimes As Biden Is Protected From His Evil [ 1 April 2023 ]
Another Malicious Prosecution & very Selective Prosecution. Bunging Joe Biden is crime but the Deep State is bent.
Blatantly Corrupt Judge Issues Gagging Order To Don [
Declaring “I do not need to hear any campaign rhetoric in my court,” a federal judge known for strict sentencing of Jan. 6 Capitol riot defendants on Monday imposed a gag order on former President Donald Trump.U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing the case in which Trump is charged with four felony counts of conspiracy, approved the gag order sought by special counsel Jack Smith.
Selective Prosecution? Believe it. Malicious Prosecution obviously. Will she get away with it? Probably. They will murder him if the Vote Rigging fails.
Donald Trump Wins Big [ 6 March 2024 ]
Americans in 16 states (and one US territory) cast their presidential nominating votes this Super Tuesday, when the only real source of suspense was whether former president Donald Trump would sweep all 15 Republican contests from his last remaining rival, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.Haley dashed that hope, narrowly winning Vermont, though that was her only success on a night when Trump racked up more wins by double-digits.
With the Utah Republican contest and both parties in Alaska the only races left to be called, President Joe Biden won the Democratic contests in 15 states — with a surprise loss to a no-name in American Samoa — with Trump victorious for the GOP in 12 states.
Don is on course for the White House again. He might be in prison when he wins but he will get one vote even if he is on Death Row. Biden looks likely to run for the other lot. He should be in prison, not Don.