Europe is so called after the Greek legend of Europa being screwed by a bull. The European Union was set up on the same principle. A more charitable view is that it was set up by the French after the last war to stop the Germans running amok again. After the first war they tried the Maginot Line which the Hun were bright enough to beat the old fashioned way; they cheated. The current system was designed to be wide open to cheating. Look at Frog and Hun happily co-existing in the flesh pots of Brussels. They aren't rocking the boat. The reason is corruption - see Euro MPs and Their Expenses
The reality, if not the theory is that it is Socialism by the backdoor, imposed by treachery, by Treason; see Treason At Maastricht on the point. Lenin and Joe tried to do it by brute force. Monet et al are doing it by cunning, by abuse of power, by stealth. Were the ignorant, toiling peasant masses asked if they wanted Europe? The answer is a very firm NO! Democracy was the last thing on their minds. This imposition of dictatorship came from Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi a mongrel racist but their kind of racist. See European Union Honors Racist or Destroying Civilization.
Her Majesty's Government wants out, if
it chooses not to defy the will of the people, that is the
Referendum result it can just revoke the
European Communities Act 1972.
There would be other details and various hostile politicians obstructing matters
but that is the essence.
It could lead to Eurexit, back to the way it was.
PS The current boss, in 2018 is
Jean-Claude Juncker, a corrupt rogue determined to flood
Western Civilization with
Third World parasites. He has handed the reins of
power to another place man,
Martin Selmayr - see
European Union
Taken Over By German Bureaucrat
For commentary
read on.
We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs
that Allah will grant
Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns,
without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.
Colonel Gaddafi Quoted
PS did your favourite newspaper tell you this?
“I do not take my mandate from the European people.”
Quote of the Day
Cecilia Malmström - European Commissioner
& one time nurse in a lunatic asylum.
Source -
I didn’t think TTIP could get any scarier, but then I spoke to the EU official in charge of it
European Convention on Human Rights
Sounds worthy but it produces some bad decisions, perversions of justice by the European Court of Human Rights. Enthusiastically allowing Illegal Immigration is one of the most dangerous aspects.
The Rotten Heart of Europe Revealed - The True Purpose Of Monetary Union
Bernard Connolly, a senior EU economist wrote The Rotten Heart of Europe. The EU was so pleased that it sacked him. He was right then. He is right now. The Spectator explains.
Leaving Europe
Is a good idea. Now in 2013, it is looking even better. Is it possible? Yes, of course. We still have our own army, one of loyal Englishmen with the Scots, Welsh, Ulstermen ditto. Go for it. The only problem is corrupt politicians.
Is a little country, an island that has just, in 2013 proved that the euro is a terrible idea.
The wonderful new currency that was going to unite Europe irrevocably in 1995 is now on the skids.
Is short for European Justice. It is, naturally enough, short on justice but long on crime.
European Commission Snouts Deeper In The Trough
Real power is the power to abuse power. What are they going to do after being exposed? Carry on screwing the peasant masses.
European Fraud Is the best sort. The bosses appoint the auditors and investigators. They walk away laughing and rich.
European Union Hate Speech
Some hate speech they don't like; some they do. They turn nasty when they think they will.
The Great Deception - Can the European Union Survive?
May I recommend (though not 100% wholeheartedly) The Great Deception by Christopher Booker & Richard North. (First published 2003. New edn 2005 - possibly there's a newer one by now). This book goes right back to the roots. It puts most of the blame on Monnet, who acted through various others who generally wanted, and got, the attention; the original idea coming from Salter (civil servant influenced by international control of shipping) and Monnet himself (rather shady uncreative businessman, more interested in sales and secret deals than productivity) - these two types of person seem to have established the pattern. I think there was an unconscious wartime input: de Gaulle and others were treated as governments-in-waiting or in exile, which established a pattern in which unelected groups formed shadow 'governments'.
This book disentangles many myths - the sort of thing vaguely remembered from incompetent and inchoate BBC programmes. Such as the myth of the post-war carve-up - in fact the federal ideas were thought of much earlier, but one of the main arguments for federation - that it would prevent war in Europe - clearly hadn't worked. Another myth is about Britain and CAP; the French would not accept Britain unless we accepted huge sums for French farming, which of course was a bit pointless from our point of view. Britain as a slow foot-dragger was the message. Fascinating to read how the 'supranational' idea was disguised and hidden by euphemisms: the intent all along was undemocratic. There's an alphabet soup of organisations, mostly with 'E' in - Council of Europe, ESDP, EDC, EDB, EIB, EMS, etc etc. These helped kill off other approaches to Europe - supernational, free trade, etc.
Booker & North don't treat the EU in isolation - world events such as Suez and Berlin and the U2 incident and nuclear issues are factored in, often with new information - Suez for example was re-arranged between Israel, UK, and France, but went wrong. Macmillan, Thatcher, Major and others are shown to have never really quite known what was happening.
However, it's not a perfect book; Booker is an unrevised right-winger; I never liked him - he regards for example Dien Bien Phu as a 'disaster'. North I assume to have done much of the research (including from original documents on Internet, and recent material released under 30-year or other rule). The book doesn't mention the Soviet Union at all, incredibly, despite the model it must have provided for decades; nor Russia as a European unit; it's not too good on raw materials - e.g. oil; and north African gas which was one of the motives for inclusion of Africans in Europe. The book mentions, briefly, the CIA's funding, and Bilderberg, and Foundations such as Ford and Rockefeller, though not (yet?) Common Purpose. Briefly, though - the idea the book is full of conspiracy theories is entirely wrong. If anything, there are too few conspiracy theories - for example UKIP gets few mentions, but its failure to do anything much is widely interpreted as it's being a fraudulent party invented to waste votes. Booker and North seem not very good on law - how on earth such a system be expected to work? Their book does not disentangle exactly why the USA opposed 'communism' - if indeed it did. It has a few pages on immigration.
But it's a handy and hefty one-volume reference/ source/ account. It has a twenty-page detailed index which in a book of this size is a very valuable enhancement. It is in places hard going, but the fact is, much of the analysis necessarily deals with bureaucratic language, or the language of politicians with a long tradition of evasive wording, or conventionalised phrasing designed to disguise or soften actualities. Booker & North's writing is always better than the material they have to deal with - their presentation is probably about as good as it could be. Considering the bulk of this book, it's cheap, too. I foresee and hope that as the EU starts to crack, there will be updated version(s) of this book.
A long review & literate. He is right to wonder about the UKIP. Is it a Trojan horse, a part of the treachery? For that matter, how many parties out there are not totally subverted? The book was written by Christopher Booker, a rather sound sort of chap and Richard North, a well known blogger.
The Great Euro Swindle
Finally, the Eurosceptics have been vindicated. But will their dishonest opponents ever be held to account?
Very rarely in political history has any faction or movement enjoyed such a complete and crushing victory as the Conservative Eurosceptics. The field is theirs. They were not merely right about the single currency, the greatest economic issue of our age — they were right for the right reasons. They foresaw with lucid, prophetic accuracy exactly how and why the euro would bring with it financial devastation and social collapse.Meanwhile the pro-Europeans find themselves in the same situation as appeasers in 1940, or communists after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They are utterly busted. Let’s examine the case of the Financial Times, which claims to be Britain’s premier economic publication......... Turning its back on its readers, it was captured by a clique of left-wing journalists. An early sign that something was going wrong came when the FT came out against the Falklands invasion.....
The central historical error of the modern Financial Times concerns the euro. The FT flung itself headlong into the pro-euro camp, embracing the cause with an almost religious passion........ For a paper with the FT’s pretensions to authority in financial matters, its coverage of the single currency can be regarded as nothing short of a disaster.
Just as bad was the CBI, whose claims to represent British industry as a whole have always been dubious at best...... Now let’s turn to the BBC. In our Centre for Policy Studies pamphlet, Guilty Men, we expose in detail how the BBC betrayed its charter commitment, lost its sense of fair-mindedness and became in effect a partisan player in a great national debate — all the more insidious because of its pretence at neutrality.
There was major propaganda to get us into the euro. Englishmen did not buy into it. Englishmen were right. Men in the business, men who should understand were completely, disastrously, utterly wrong. Believe the BBC, Blair, Brown? Not me, not ever. The wrong, whether fools or rogues include:-
BBC - communist subversives, homosexuals and traitors
CBI - run by fools?
Financial Times - infiltrated by communists
Adair Turner, pushy, ran the CBI
Blair, war criminal on the make
Mandelson - Jew, homosexual, treacherous, on the make
Heseltine, loud mouthed has-been
Kenneth Clarke, fat fool, ex has-been
Danny Alexander cunning rogue
Charles Kennedy not so much a has-been as a never wozzer, drunkard
PS More and better details from Guido at Oborne Has Guilty €urophiles Squirming
Euro Collapse May Well Be Good News For England
Amidst all the gnashing of liberal internationalist teeth and prophecies of doom if the Euro collapses a question goes unasked in the mainstream media : could the collapse of the Euro leave Britain in a better position than if the currency survives or could its failure even be positively beneficial for Britain? Sounds mad? Well, consider this, Britain may be far better placed to survive the shock than any Eurozone country because of two things: the fact that we have our own currency and our position as a world financial centre.The Euro’s collapse would cause a good deal of economic riot within the Eurozone because of the difficulties of assigning values to the newly formed marks, francs, drachmas and so on, both in terms of establishing the new currencies and the adjustment of contracts, loans and other financial instruments which are drawn up in Euro values............
While the turmoil of changing from the Euro to the re-established old currencies continues , there would almost certainly be a reluctance to buy the sovereign debt of even the likes of Germany at reasonable rates of interest . That would make British issued bonds more attractive and keep the rate of interest paid on them low...... How much might Britain lose? Claims of Britain having 50% of its exports going to the EU are misleading because they are inflated by “….two quite separate effects. The first, the Rotterdam-Antwerp Effect, relates to exports of goods and commercial services to Holland and Belgium. About two thirds of these pass through the two biggest ports in Europe, Rotterdam in Holland and Antwerp in Belgium, on their way somewhere else – some to other EU countries, the rest outside the EU.
Who will mourn the its passing? Not many. It was a bad idea in the first place, a power play by cunning rogues. Honest men will be vindicated.
Jews Destroying European Civilization
In May a high-level meeting of Muslim and Jewish leaders in Europe was held to express their concern about the rise of the European anti-Muslim right. The meeting was organized by three Jewish groups, two of them American:........The European Jewish Congress was also involved in organizing the event, but no Muslim groups were involved. This was therefore a Jewish project from beginning to end.Their formal statement is yet another attempt to justify the death of the West as a moral imperative. Europeans are urged to live up to their ideals:
We are troubled by the growth of racist and xenophobic movements. We believe that individuals and organizations espousing such malign and hateful ideologies represent a grave threat to the fundamental European values of pluralism, democracy, mutual respect and cooperation.....
Incidentally, pluralism and democracy have no role in traditional Jewish society, thus, I suppose, absolving Jews of any need to live up to such ideals.
Jews have one story line for us and another very different version for Israel. Anti-Racism and Western Guilt for us. Ethnic Cleansing is fine for them.England and Treason
Hurd and Maude signed the Maastricht Treaty which allegedly made us part of the European Union. They are traitors acting without the legal authority. Their act is invalid. See Treason at Maastricht: Destruction of the Nation State for more and better details.
EU Founded By Leading Nazis
As Paul Joseph Watson reported in his May 11 2009 article ‘Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich’, top Nazi industrialists were present at the cradle of the European Union and, through the creation of the Bilderberg group, guided her growth during all stages of her development into the post-war era. As reported in the article, a group of top ranking German industrialists planned for an economic super state founded upon a common market for the whole of Europe. It has also been confirmed that the Bilderberg group had their plans for a European Union and currency in place by at least 1955.
The EU is suspiciously like the USSR but run by the French. The difference between Nazis and communists is slight. Compare this with Soviet Empire Reborn in Europe
EU Payments
How much does the EU cost us? Billions is the answer. Actually it is worse because their bureaucracy is strangling us. At all events these are the official numbers for what they are worth. Keep in mind the fact that their accounts have been written off as fraudulent by their own auditors.
Is the head of what is laughingly called European justice. It is just as corrupt as the rest. You doubt it? See #Head Police Man Sacked For Corruption
Euro MPs and Their Expenses
Their expenses are lavish, tax free and legal. Then of course there can be other inducements to do what lobbyists want. There is never any shortage of candidates wanting their snouts in a very pleasant trough.
Europe and Treason
Europe is being converted into a second Soviet Union by stealth and by treason. There was collusion between communist subversives in Europe and the KGB. Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident had access to their archives and knows what happened. He explains.
Europe without the Union - A Libertarian Perspective
Doctor Gabb, the director of the Libertarian Alliance tells all.
Europe and Membership
We are members of the European Community, aren't we? No! The signatures on the Maastricht Treaty were invalid as well acts of treason.
European Enthusiasts
These are three men pushing European integration. I see them as three reasons against.
European Union
This is their web site so that you can see what they have to say for themselves.
The European Union and Why It Exists
It is a French plot to control Germany and prevent further invasions. There are other important reasons.
Europe's looming demise
Geert Wilders explains. The main stream media suppress the truth. That is how it works when the ruling class are our major enemy.
I Love The New World Order
Could the European Union be part of the New World Order. It really could. It really is but our rulers are not telling us about that. We just live here. We just pay taxes. Here it is, set to music with a message; rather good, rather catchy. 9/11, contrails, pollution, it is all there.
Identity, Tradition, and Sovereignty
Is a right wing group in the European Parliament. They are nationalist too. Isn't it awful? Ashley Mote [ ex UKIP, now in prison for fraud ] is one of them.
Joined the EU and did very nicely out of it until the Financial Crisis of 2008 came along to spoil things.
Leaving The EU
Is impossible according to a lot of politicians. It is not while we have an army and the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which says in Article 49 that if we were induced to sign by the fraud of another state our consent is invalidated. Heath and the BBC never considered anything but fraud to make us vote for it. In fact the signatures on the treaty were put there in an act of treason. See Treason At Maastricht.
Treason And The European Union
“Millions of people in this country will feel as I do, that legislation passed in this way, with no consent, cannot command the assent of the country and would lack moral and constitutional validity”.
That was from Douglas Jay in Parliament. The man was right.
The European bureaucracy complains about the lying press in England. Well that is fair enough up, to a point. See Truth in Publishing Their site tells us about the stupid regulations and says; Not guilty. It says nothing about the massive fraud that the EU perpetrates or the size of the gravy train. The men who made the web page were also making a living out of being there. For some of the prosecution evidence look at European Fraud
The Rotten Heart of Europe - Dirty War for Europe's Money
Mr. Connolly's credentials are impeccable. Having worked at the "Commission" for many years, he is in place to write the most detailed and therefore damming account of the lies and treachery surrounding the whole "Europe" project. This book illuminates not only the historical but also the current U.K and European political scene. With this book still available, there can be no excuse for ignorance on the subject of Europe. The E.U. called the book "blasphemous": I would call it "the truth" and if one has been reading anything about Mr. Connolly and the European Courts, one would realise his strength under duress. At some point, and I hope it's soon, Mr. Connolly will be seen as a Crusader for truth and justice. Once you have read this, Europe will NEVER seem the same again.
Mr Connolly, the insider knows what he is talking about. Our politicians have agendas. Like the EU they are utterly corrupt.
What is the Point of the European Union?
Not a lot says Lord Pearson of Rannoch and he is prone to say it in the House of Lords. Is this part of the reason why Blair decided to break the Lords? He is right of course - His Lordship that is.
Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon
The EU is a French operation determined to destroy democracy. It is a coup d’état. Jean Monnet is one of the guilty. So is Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. They are just two of many. Fjordman explains.
Europe's looming demise
Geert Wilders explains. The Main Stream Media hide the truth. That is how it works when the ruling class are our major enemy.
European Communities Act 1972 ex Wiki
It enables, under section 2(2), UK government ministers to lay regulations before Parliament to transpose EU Directives and rulings of the European Court of Justice into UK law. [ Does it mean that they have to? Only if they feel like it? There will be different views on that. ].......As a matter of EU law, the primacy and direct effect of EU law is derived from the founding treaties of the union, and does not depend on any national constitutional provision or statute. However, this view has not been accepted by the British judiciary. As a matter of British constitutional law, the primacy of EU law derives solely from the European Communities Act. This means that if the Act were repealed any EU law (unless it has been transposed into British legislation) would, in practice, become unenforceable in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar, and the powers delegated by the Act to the EU institutions would return to the British Parliament.[1]
If Her Majesty's Government chooses to revoke this Act it is finished. Article 50 becomes an irrelevancy. The Act itself is at
By Email
This Says it All
Pythagoras' Theorem: ................................................24 words.
Lord's prayer: ............................................................66 words.
Archimedes' Principle: ...............................................67 words.
Ten Commandments: ...............................................179 words.
Gettysburg address: ...................................................286 words.
US Declaration of Independence : ..........................1,300 words.
US Constitution with all 27 Amendment.................7,818 words.
EU regulations on the sale of CABBAGES: ........26,911 words.
European Union Taken Over By German Bureaucrat [ by Jean Quatremer on 10 March 2018 ]
How a bureaucrat seized power in nine minutesMartin Selmayr has always dreamed of being known beyond the Brussels bubble. His wish has now been granted, albeit in not quite the way he might have hoped. It has arrived in the form of a brilliantly executed coup that has handed this 47-year-old German bureaucrat near-total control of the EU machine.
The coup began at 9.39 a.m. on 21 February, when 1,000 journalists were sent an email summoning them to a 10.30 a.m. audience with Jean-Claude Juncker. The short notice suggested urgency — and for such a meeting to be happening at all was unusual in itself. Since becoming President of the European Commission, Juncker has held hardly any press conferences.
His news was the surprise promotion of Selmayr, his Chief of Staff, to the position of Secretary-General, in charge of the Commission’s 33,000 staff. The reaction from the journalists present was astonishment. No one had been aware of a vacancy. There was no sign that the 61-year-old Alexander Italianer had been thinking of retiring. But as Juncker announced other appointments, it quickly became clear what had happened. Selmayr had taken control, and anyone who resisted him had been unceremoniously fired. Juncker had handed the keys of the European house to his favourite Eurocrat.
Selmayr had served Juncker well — or was it the other way around? Rather than being a regular chief of staff, Selmayr acted like a de facto deputy president. Juncker, who looks increasingly tired and worn out, had been the perfect glove puppet for Selmayr. Juncker was happy to let his Chief of Staff do the work, and happy to thank him by giving him a job of even greater power.
In the first few days of his new job, Selmayr has left no doubt about how he intends to rule. Last week, all Commission staffers were sent a letter from their new Secretary-General — something that is, again, highly unusual, as such letters are sent only by the President. In his Urbi et Orbi, Selmayr proclaimed that the EU civil service ‘must not be satisfied with being the machine to run our institution’, which is odd, given this is exactly what the Commission is supposed to be for.
But Selmayr declared that the civil service (or, rather, he himself) would act as ‘the heart and soul of the Commission’. With that sentence, Selmayr reduced the role of the 28 European Commissioners to mere extras.
One commissioner who was present at the meeting where Selmayr was promoted later explained to me what happened (he spoke on condition of anonymity, which is in itself telling as he is supposed to be a heavyweight). They were called to a 9.30 a.m. meeting where Juncker presented them with nominations. Selmayr was named not as the Secretary-General, but as the deputy — a post that was known to be vacant. Selmayr’s promotion was unexpected, but Juncker assured them that all was above board.
Then came the coup de grâce. Having appointed Selmayr as deputy, Juncker announced that the Secretary-General — ltalianer — had resigned. So Selmayr, having been deputy for just a few minutes, would take his place from 1 March. ‘It was totally stunning,’ the commissioner told me. ‘We had witnessed an impeccably prepared and audacious power-grab.’ Before anyone else could find out about this unprecedented double-promotion, an email was sent out summoning journalists to the press conference — where Selmayr was confirmed. A fait accompli.
Why are the European Commissioners not making more of a fuss? Perhaps because Selmayr is preparing to give them a special present. Retiring commissioners are entitled to a generous ‘transition allowance’ of up to two-thirds of their basic salary for roughly two years, up to about €13,500 a month. Selmayr now plans to extend this to three, or perhaps even five, years. On top of the extra cash, they’d enjoy a series of benefits in kind: an office in the Commission headquarters (previously a perk to which only former presidents were entitled), a company car with a driver and two assistants. So thanks to Selmayr, a departing European Commissioner might receive double, if not triple, what he or she currently receives. All tax free, let’s not forget.
Selmayr’s manoeuvre would not have been possible without the complicity of Irene Souka, the European Commission’s Director-General of Human Resources. She has been amply rewarded for her efforts: last month, her job was extended beyond compulsory retirement age (as was that of her husband, Dominique Ristori, who is Director-General for Energy).
Only one mystery remains: why did Selmayr move when he did? Why not wait? Juncker will be President until October 2019: why would Selmayr not stay as chief of staff (or de facto president) until then? Or why not at least spend six months in the Deputy Secretary-General job? One answer is that Selmayr had to move before anyone could work out what he was up to. France, in particular, had its eye on the Secretary-General job, as two of the four great European institutions (the Parliament and the Diplomatic Service) are managed by Germans. Now, thanks to the Selmayr ascendancy, it’s three out of four. Rather a lot.
But there’s an even bigger reason for him to have moved. Precisely because Juncker will be gone next year, Selmayr needs to act now to line up a replacement — someone just as docile. And he believes he has found just the man in Michel Barnier. It’s thanks to Selmayr’s patronage that Barnier ended up as the Brexit negotiator in the first place. Selmayr’s next mission is to put Barnier top of the list of the European People’s Party (a grouping of centre-right MEPs), which means he’ll be in pole position for the job under the Spitzenkandidat system that Selmayr did so much to set up. Barnier is the ideal candidate because he is (in Selmayr’s eyes), weak, malleable and Macron-compatible.
Selmayr is now accountable to no one. Indeed, he has lost no time further consolidating his power. He has moved his office close to the President’s. I understand he will continue to chair meetings in the President’s office and even plans to put the hitherto independent European legal service under his command. So all he needs now is a new president as docile as Juncker has been and he’ll have achieved his aim: before his 50th birthday, and without ever having stood for elected office Selmayr will become the alpha and omega of the European Commission.
See what the Wikipedia has to say about him at Martin Selmayr. This article comes from Jean Quatremer, a hostile alien being used by the Guardian @ Jean Quatremer.
Top Eurocratess caught up in £45m scandal [ 21 December 2001 ]
She was Spanish and it was Spaniards growing flax or not as the case may be. To be fair, if you set up a bad system, you shouldn't be surprised if it gets abused.
Europol has doubts on bin Laden conspiracy [ 15 September 2001 ]
Did Osama do this one? A cave in the Hindu Kush is seriously remote. Evidence is seriously lacking. No way was he involved in the tactical command and control. But none of this slows George down.
Lone gunman kills Dutch far-Right leader [ 7 May 2002 ]
The Pim Fortuyn murder illustrates another aspect of the EU. Enthusiasm for control, snouts in the trough for the in crowd but protecting us and our heritage from outsiders who turned their own countries into Hell holes comes down the line.
Europe sets out sweeping new powers [ 27 May 2003 ]
Politicians in Europe want more power. It would mean that Parliament would be on a par with your local council.
Labour disarray on calls for EU ballot [ 28 May 2003 ]
Blair objects to giving us a referendum on giving huge powers to Europe. Democracy in action? Well, yes. That is representative democracy. It looks like socialism. It sounds like socialism. It feels like socialism. It is socialism.
EU tries to end Britain's zero-tax on child clothing [ 17 July 2003 ]
This would make exemptions across Europe standard. It is just a step toward taking over the tax system so that we would get to pay for dead beats and free loaders all over Europe instead of our own.
Mandelson the Commons freebie king [ 10 August 2003 ]
Add that onto an MPs basic and standard expenses then it all starts sound rather good. Being an EU commissioner will be even better.
Brown fury over latest key role for Mandelson [ 6 November 2003 ]
The hatred among New Labour's gang of four has been written about by others. See Blair and New Labour
The continuing rise and fall of Peter Mandelson [ 7 November 2003 ]
How does he do it? Friendship has its uses. Will there be a quid pro quo later? This list does not cover the most recent favour.
EU threat to British oil [ 7 November 2003 ]
Bureaucrats have decided to grant themselves control over our oil. Vague language that can mean pretty much anything especially when a judge is a foreigner and even if he is not corrupt is a standard technique. They pour out thousands of pages of this stuff and then we wonder why we get screwed.
Euro-MPs voice their anger over collapse of cash control [ 29 January 2004 ]
Actually there was never much in the first place. The set up is designed to make fraud easy and it has worked very well. If anyone babbles he will get screwed. See European Fraud
Apathy rules, but Europe's 'talking shop' now wields huge power [ 24 May 2004 ]
Parliament has been robbed of its power. Its reaction is to lie to England about it; to pretend that nothing has happened with the enthusiastic connivance of the BBC.
All aboard for Brussels - with a return ticket in his pocket [ 25 July 2004 ]
Mandelson has the return ticket, a salary of £190,000, two chauffeurs at his beck and call, day and night and a car costing up to £75,000. He has to buy his own house. We just get to pay for his place on the gravy train. Not bad for a man who had to resign twice.
Frogs want a strong EU to control America [ 5 November 2004 ]
They even want a European army to further their own imperial aims - at someone else's expense of course.
Mandelson to be quizzed on links with coup plotters [ 5 December 2004 ]
Equatorial Guinea is threatening to subpoena Peter Mandelson as a witness in its High Court action against the alleged ringleaders of a group accused of planning a coup.
Someone has found oil and at $45 a barrel, owning a million barrels a day sounds like enough to retire on.
How to make a mint in a falling market... the Mandelson way [ 19 December 2004 ]
Buy at the right time and sell at the right time is the answer. He has made the thick end of a £1 million this way. Labour stopped him getting back after being kicked out twice so Blair gave him a very lucrative job in Europe. A friend in need is a friend indeed. The pay off will come later.
EU to set down rules for expelling extremists [ 31 August 2005 ]
They are making it easier for criminals to get away with it. England has a problem. So do France, Holland, Spain and Germany. Brussels wants to make things worse and the lawyers fatter. They are also demonstrating their contempt for democracy.
European Power Grab [ 14 September 2005 ]
European judges have granted themselves the power to imprison anyone who breaks their laws. This is a classic judicial perversion of justice. This is another proof that we should leave the whole thing. It is a de facto communist state. We were conned into it by corrupt politicians like Heath with the connivance of the Foreign Office and the BBC.
Brussels chief says EU has failed to connect with voters [ 14 October 2005 ]
That is from the woman paid to con us into it. The fact that they have one tells you some of what you need to know about them. The gravy train is a bit more. The fraud is in depth, broad ranging and built in. It is not a bug. It is an undocumented feature. The truly awful bit is what they are keeping secret. The politicians are post Marxists with an agenda. Destroy all European nations by flooding us with illegal immigrants, destroying democracy, destroying our defences by getting rid of our armies and destroying every other institution that holds nations together. That includes the family of coursed. Feminists hate it. So did Antonio Gramsci chief theoretician of the communist party in Italy and patron saint of half the politicians in Europe.
EU sneaks in charter by back door [ 16 October 2005 ]
The EU is not merely corrupt; it is vicious. Run by post-Marxists [ see Culture Wars ] and apparatchiks on the make. If you think that it has anything to do with democracy you have not been paying attention.
Deal adds £208m to Britain's EU bill [ 6 April 2006 ]
That was agreed by QUOTE EU representatives UNQUOTE in addition to the £7 billion that Blair cost us for nothing in return.
Soviet Empire Reborn in Europe. A Mandarin Exposes Intrigue, Illusions and Dangers [ 29 March 2007 ]
Dutchman Derk-Jan Eppink worked behind the scenes of the European Commission in Brussels.....My commissioner Frits Bolkestein had very strong views on immigration. He never went along with the line of the Commission to turn the European Union into an "immigration union". But at a meeting in 2001, it seemed that Bolkestein had agreed..... Only after the meeting, he found out what the decision meant, because it was on the front page of the Financial Times: "European Union = immigration union"......
Unlimited importation of Islamics and others is main line European policy. Did they tell us? Did they ask us? Treachery is their approach to destroying civilization.
EU Foreign Secretary Is Sound On Israeli Atrocities [ 18 December 2009 ]
Government officials in Jerusalem harshly criticized the new European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, for her scathing remarks about the "Israeli occupation" in her maiden speech......... The British stateswoman(??),..... said that in the EU's view, "East Jerusalem is occupied territory, together with the West Bank." Ashton demanded that Israel immediately lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip, and reiterated that the union opposes the existence of the West Bank separation fence, as it opposes evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem............
Following her comments, a number of MEPs from the Liberal side of the house called for punitive measures against Israel, including the suspension of the EU's Association Agreement. Irish centre-left member Proinsias De Rossa, who visited the West Bank last week, called Israel's treatment of Palestinians a form of "apartheid."
Jews want Lebensraum, Jews take Lebensraum = living space. Jews are the Herrenvolk = master race. They have made Gaza into the world's biggest ever Konzentrationslager = concentration camp. Palestinians are Untermenschen = sub-humans. Vive leThousand Year Reich.
Head Police Man Sacked For Corruption [ 19 January 2010 ]
The head of Eurojust, the EU's anti-crime agency, resigned on Wednesday after he was suspended for 30 days for having put pressure on Portuguese prosecutors in order to stop a corruption probe involving Prime Minister Jose Socrates....... The accusations were made in connection with a case pointing at Mr Socrates at a time when he was minister of the environment and allowed the construction of an outlet shopping mall on protected land allegedly in exchange for kickbacks.Two magistrates dealing with the so-called Freeport affair in April accused Mr Mota of having tried to persuade them to side-line the investigation at the request of the premier and the minister of justice.
Once you get past Dover it is down hill all the way. One ugly exception being the Palace of Westminster and all that goes with it. Antonio Gramsci started the rot with the Long March Through The Institutions. Some people are easier to corrupt than others. That is why they go into politics.
EU Regulation Has Cost UK Economy £176 Billion since 1998 [ 30 March 2010 ]
The implementation and regulation of European Union laws has cost the British taxpayer £176 billion since 1998, roughly equivalent to the country’s entire budget deficit, according to a new report by think tank Open Europe. According to the report, the annual cost of EU regulation in 2009 stands at £32.8 billion. For this amount, Open Europe said, the British government could cut corporation tax by two thirds.......Open Europe’s complete report can be found by clicking here.
The headline sounds right. The article seems confused. Given that a ten minute job on an North Sea oil rig can take two days by the time all of the paper work has been done it is clear that regulation has major downside where common sense is all that is needed.
Eurocrats’ Crisis Hopes [ 17 June 2010 ]
EUROCRATS yesterday admitted using the economic crisis to usher in a new era of Brussels domination. EU Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso declared that the recession was helping to forge the “European project”. He said: “Once again, we can see that a crisis can accelerate decision-making when it crystallises political will.” But his words are unlikely to impress David Cameron, who will attend his first EU summit in Brussels today. The Prime Minister will back EU economic reform but will insist that any measures to shore up the euro’s credibility should apply only to the 16 eurozone members.
Create the problem then feed in the alleged solution. It is a standard political technique. As HL Mencken, the great journalist told us:-
Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
Euro Doomed [ 8 December 2011 ]
Some central banks in Europe have started weighing contingency plans to prepare for the possibility that countries leave the euro zone or the currency union breaks apart entirely, according to people familiar with the matter......Outside the 17-country euro zone, numerous European central banks are eyeing defensive measures to protect against the possible fallout if the euro zone were to unravel, other people said. Several, including Switzerland, are considering possible replacements for the euro as the external reference point, or peg, they use to try to keep their currencies' values stable.
Sensible people said the euro could not work. That was before it started. They were told that they were fools. Now we know they were right.
An Open Letter To The German Chancellor About The Euro [ 26 December 2011 ]
Angela Merkel backed attack on the CityDear Madame Chancellor,
I know Germany, Frau Merkel, from the alleys of Hamburg to the spires of Dresden, from the Rhine to the Oder, from the bleak Baltic coast to the snows of the Bavarian Alps. I say this only to show you that I am neither ignoramus nor enemy. I also had occasion in those years to visit the many thousands of my countrymen who held the line of the Elbe against 50,000 Soviet main battle tanks and thus kept Germany free to recover, modernise and prosper at no defence cost to herself.And from inside the Cold War I saw our decades of effort to defeat the Soviet empire and set your East Germany free. I was therefore disappointed last Friday to see you take the part of a small and vindictive Frenchman [ a greasy little Jew in fact - Editor ] in what can only be seen as a targeted attack on the land of my fathers. We both know that every country has at least one aspect of its society or economy that is so crucial, so vital that it simply cannot be conceded.......
But the euro will not be saved. It is crumbling now. And since you have now turned against my country, from this side of the Channel, Madame Chancellor, one can only say of the euro: YOU MADE IT, YOU MEND IT.
Frederick Forsyth, a patriotic Englishman tells Merkel where to go.
EU Censors Press TV & Truth [ 17 February 2013 ]
The European satellite provider Eutelsat SA has pulled the plug on several satellite channels and radio stations broadcasting from Iran. The company has ordered media services company, Arqiva, to take the Iranian satellite channels off one of its Hot Bird frequencies. The Iranian channels being taken off the air include Press TV, al-Alam, Jam-e-Jam 1 and 2, Sahar 1 and 2, Islamic Republic of Iran News Network, Quran TV, and the Arabic-language al-Kawthar. The illegal ban will also affect the satellite broadcast of several Iranian radio stations......
Press TV has conducted an interview with Author and Historian Webster Griffin Tarpley from Washington to shed more light on the issue at hand.
He is joined by two additional guests: Robert Oulds, director of the Bruges Group, from London and Gordon Duff, the senior editor of Veterans Today from Ohio
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Dr. Tarpley first of all what do you think about the reason cited by Eutelsat for this decision and that is of course the extended sanctions by the European Union.
Tarpley: Well, I think that that is a pretext and I think that the alarming thing about what the European commission has done is that this may be a pre-war move. It is of the kind of military preparations that might precede some attempt to start a wider war in the Middle East.
If we think back when NATO was about to attack Libya they began interfering with the Libyan state television, they began inserting their own fake programs, brainwashing programs, disinformation programs............
So we are in a very dangerous geometry as we go towards the end of the October.
Someone mentions Disinformation. Could it possibly be, that our wonderful governments are lying to us? Have we got the best press that money can buy? YES! I am not quite sure that Doctor Tarpley is right but he is on the right lines. He has views about:-
There is no mention of the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies or Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists who told them how to destroy civilization.
EU Accounts Are Fraudulent Again As Auditors Refuse To Sign Off For 19th Time [ 7 November 2013 ]
If the EU were a company the bosses would be in prison.
EU Pretends To Get A Grip Of Third World Immigrants [ 8 October 2015 ]
Hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers will be deported from Europe within weeks under secret plans leaked to The Times.Brussels will threaten to withdraw aid, trade deals and visa arrangements if countries such as Niger and Eritrea refuse to take back their economic migrants. The proposals also envisage EU states detaining thousands of migrants to prevent them from absconding to avoid deportation.
The rogues who run the European Union can do it if they want but they don't otherwise they would have acted long before this. Angela Merkel, lately of the Stalingjugend aka Stalin Youth, will make sure of that.
EU Is Costing Us Billions [ 22 May 2016 ]
A secret government memo today reveals how a trade war between European Union countries is damaging the British economy.The damning Whitehall assessment – seen by the Telegraph – has found that France and other EU countries are hampering new “free-trade” deals because they want to protect their farmers from the extra competition.
But the memorandum suggests that Britain is losing out on £2.5 billion a year in potential trade as a result of the ongoing delays to a proposed deal between the EU and Latin America..........
Dominic Raab, the justice minister who is campaigning to leave the EU at next month’s referendum, said: “The raw truth is that the EU hates genuinely free trade. That holds Britain back, costs us jobs, and keeps prices on the high street artificially high.”
The Common Agricultural Policy was about buying votes from French peasants for Big Charlie. It was corrupt; it's corrupt now. Cameron wants it. That is reason enough to be against it.
European Union Is A Failure Says President [ 28 June 2016 ]
Jacques Delors was the president of the European Union. Now that he is out of power he says it was no good. He left it until he couldn't stop it; he screwed us when he could.
Finish Off The European Union Says Italian Communist Party [ 5 December 2016 ]
It is in Italian sadly but the picture sends the right message.
Why So Many Englishmen Want Out Of EU [ 5 December 2016 ]
Die Welt explains why, in German or does it?
Break Up Of The EU Is Possible After Brexit, Warns German Deputy Leader And Rival To Angela Merkel [ 8 January 2017 ]
A warning or cause for celebration? Marine le Pen will be pleased. Frauke Petry [ of Alternative for Germany ] too. Then there will be Beppe Grillo of the Five Star Movement. Do not forget Viktor Orbán of Hungary. There are their millions of disgruntled voters. They know that Merkel & too many others of her ilk are traitors destroying Europe & Western Civilization.
European Union Boss Threatens US After Donald Trump Backs Brexit [ 3 April 2017 ]
Juncker is an arrogant little "£%^*(&% [ Insert naughty word to taste ]. He doesn't know when he is totally outclassed; he will bugger off to which ever ghastly little country and get forgotten. He will be no loss to Western Civilization or anything else.
Importing Third World Parasites Into Europe Is Policy Says Juncker [ 23 June 2017 ]
Juncker didn't use those precise words but he is determined to flood European with Third World chancers on the make. This is population replacement, it is Ethnic Fouling, it is Genocide. This includes acts intended to destroy national or ethnic groups such as Englishmen. It is there in the United Nations definition; see the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for more and better details. Juncker is like the overwhelming bulk of the political class, a destroyer, one of the Enemy Within. The techniques he uses were worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists. Attacking from the top down, infiltrating politics, churches etc. is all part of the Long March Through The Institutions to destroy Western Civilization. It is working all too well.
EU Orders Poland To Obey Or Get Kicked Out Of The Union [ 7 August 2017 ]
A HOST of EU countries are set to demand Poland and Hungary accept their quota of migrants or they will face being booted out of the crumbling bloc.
So they can get kicked out for free but they want us to pay £100 billion for Brexit, to escape. So the answer is simple, stop importing alleged refugees. It would save billions, cut crime, make England happier & more wholesome. It would be very popular.
PS See more at The EU threatens Poland for not accepting Muslim refugees.
Europe Under Threat From Illegal Immigrants [ 23 August 2017 ]
Europe under threat from terrorists posing as migrants
Terror warning on unchecked migrants as Italy accuses Brussels of abandoning it
More than 8,000 migrants have been rescued in waters off Libya during a 48-hour period, Italy's coastguard said on June 27
Europe will be increasingly at risk from terrorists posing as migrants unless western capitals help Libya to stem the numbers crossing the Mediterranean, the country’s prime minister has told The Times.Faiez Serraj, head of the United Nations-backed unity government based in Tripoli, warned that would-be terrorists were among the tens of thousands of people able to pass unvetted into his country across its open southern borders.
“When migrants reach Europe, they will move freely. If, God forbid, there are terrorist elements among the migrants, a result of any incident will affect all of the EU,” he said.
His comments, which follow last week’s terrorist attacks in Spain that police have linked to radical groups in north Africa, come as Libya and Italy send an SOS to the rest of Europe over the migrant crisis.
Nearly 98,000 migrants have crossed from Libya to Italy this year, barely short of last year’s record number of arrivals. At least 700,000 migrants are estimated to be in Libya............
In Italy the anti-establishment Five Star Movement has adopted an increasingly anti-migrant stance, which has helped to put it neck and neck in the polls with the ruling Democratic Party before elections next year. The anti-migrant Northern League has also risen in the polls in recent months.
The Times has brought us the news, real news at least twenty years late. It did far better with their reporter, Billy Russell watched the Charge of the Light Brigade; that only took six weeks in a time when sailing ships were about as good as it got.One serious problem is the fool who runs Italy. He allows Illegal Immigrants to flood in; in fact it is worse. He helps them. There was never any problem when that nice, little Silvio Berlusconi was in charge. He had time for fun too.
EU Is 'Raping' Its Own Laws And Values Say The Hungarians After European Court Of Justice Rules That Countries Should Be Forced To Accept Refugees
The EU was accused of 'raping' its own values yesterday after its top court ruled that countries should be forced to accept refugees under a relocation scheme.In an escalating row over its migration policy, Brussels threatened to sanction any member states who refuse to comply after the European Court of Justice dismissed a complaint about the rules.
But the warning was met with a furious response by Eastern European countries who have opposed the system, highlighting escalating splits over how to deal with the ongoing migration crisis.
Judges in the European Court of Justice are well aware of the United Nations & its position, set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UN also take a position on Ethnic Fouling. See the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. These judges are criminals guilty of Misconduct In Public Office, Subversion & Treason. They are prime candidates for action by the International Criminal Court.
Brussels Bureaucrats Get Tough On Illegal Immigrants Too Near Them [ 10 September 2017 ]
Brussels has begun to ramp up its efforts to combat the escalating number of migrants entering the area, after fears the EU capital could become the new 'Jungle'.Around 50 people were arrested during the Belgian police's first wave of checks carried out on the hundreds of refugees setting up camp in Maximilian Park in Brussels this week.
'We want to avoid a tents camps in Calais, the local and federal police will check more often and at different times of the day,' said Interior minister Jan Jambon, according to local media.
What is wrong with having all of those poor, innocent refugees, victims of society, those Noble Savages on our doorsteps? Everything is the answer but Brussels is keen to inflict Calais on us. They are Tyranny destroying Western Civilization.
Triumphant Brussels Regime Likens Brexit To The Third Reich [ 10 September 2017 ]
In EU eyes Brexit matches the Bolshevik Revolution for spectacular self-harm. The suggestions are beyond parody So it has come to this. Brexit is now akin to the worst episodes of totalitarian mass murder in the 20th century. “EU policymakers and officials are returning to their desks with a spring in their step,” writes the Brussels think-tank, Friends of Europe, the high priests of EU orthodoxy................The most significant climb-down has been London's grudging acceptance that EU law, and thus the rulings of the European Court, will continue to hold sway in Britain,” it said. Actually London has agreed no such thing, beyond a transition phase over limited issues, and even then the role of the ECJ may be ‘indirect’. But never mind.
“That concession looks set to be followed in many other areas. Theresa May's Government had previously been adamant about cutting connections and ‘taking back control’, yet on key questions like electronic data regulation and privacy the UK has advanced suggestions for maintaining links with Brussels.”..................
The French elections in May were not a validation of the European project. Some 49pc voted for extreme parties or protest movements with a Eurosceptic hue in the first round. The fact that Emmanuel Macron ultimately won does not conjure away this landscape. The Front National’s Marine LePen won 34pc (compared to 1.8pc for UKIP in June). Such a result was once unthinkable................
There is still no fiscal union, no debt union, and no shared banking liabilities. The German constitutional court has ruled that any serious move in such a direction would violate the Grundgesetz in any case. If there were a fiscal union – by some miracle – it would advance the EU project from its current state of authoritarian technocracy to outright tyranny.
It would concentrate parliamentary powers to tax and spend in the hands [ of ] the Eurogroup, a body that answers only to itself. Given the way that EMU officials toppled Greek and Italian prime ministers, forced the Irish state to swallow vast sums of junior bank debt to shield the European banking system, and secretly ordered changes to the Spanish constitution, I hate to think where this would go.
We knew the French were going to be a pain. Now they have gotten cocky. We stood alone in 1939. We won't be friendless this time. Recall what Mikhail Gorbachev said:- The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes - source AZ Quotes [ attributed but see Quote by Mikhail Gorbachev].
Brussels Bureaucrats Get Tough On Illegal Immigrants Too Near Them [ 10 September 2017 ]
Brussels has begun to ramp up its efforts to combat the escalating number of migrants entering the area, after fears the EU capital could become the new 'Jungle'.Around 50 people were arrested during the Belgian police's first wave of checks carried out on the hundreds of refugees setting up camp in Maximilian Park in Brussels this week.
'We want to avoid a tents camps in Calais, the local and federal police will check more often and at different times of the day,' said Interior minister Jan Jambon, according to local media.
What is wrong with having all of those poor, innocent refugees, victims of society, those Noble Savages on our doorsteps? Everything is the answer but Brussels is keen to inflict Calais on us. They are Tyranny destroying Western Civilization.
Triumphant Brussels Regime Likens Brexit To The Third Reich [ 10 September 2017 ]
In EU eyes Brexit matches the Bolshevik Revolution for spectacular self-harm. The suggestions are beyond parody So it has come to this. Brexit is now akin to the worst episodes of totalitarian mass murder in the 20th century. “EU policymakers and officials are returning to their desks with a spring in their step,” writes the Brussels think-tank, Friends of Europe, the high priests of EU orthodoxy................The most significant climb-down has been London's grudging acceptance that EU law, and thus the rulings of the European Court, will continue to hold sway in Britain,” it said. Actually London has agreed no such thing, beyond a transition phase over limited issues, and even then the role of the ECJ may be ‘indirect’. But never mind.
“That concession looks set to be followed in many other areas. Theresa May's Government had previously been adamant about cutting connections and ‘taking back control’, yet on key questions like electronic data regulation and privacy the UK has advanced suggestions for maintaining links with Brussels.”..................
The French elections in May were not a validation of the European project. Some 49pc voted for extreme parties or protest movements with a Eurosceptic hue in the first round. The fact that Emmanuel Macron ultimately won does not conjure away this landscape. The Front National’s Marine LePen won 34pc (compared to 1.8pc for UKIP in June). Such a result was once unthinkable................
There is still no fiscal union, no debt union, and no shared banking liabilities. The German constitutional court has ruled that any serious move in such a direction would violate the Grundgesetz in any case. If there were a fiscal union – by some miracle – it would advance the EU project from its current state of authoritarian technocracy to outright tyranny.
It would concentrate parliamentary powers to tax and spend in the hands [ of ] the Eurogroup, a body that answers only to itself. Given the way that EMU officials toppled Greek and Italian prime ministers, forced the Irish state to swallow vast sums of junior bank debt to shield the European banking system, and secretly ordered changes to the Spanish constitution, I hate to think where this would go.
We knew the French were going to be a pain. Now they have gotten cocky. We stood alone in 1939. We won't be friendless this time. Recall what Mikhail Gorbachev said:- The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes - source AZ Quotes [ attributed but see Quote by Mikhail Gorbachev].
European Union Banning Cash Transaction Over EUR 10 Thousand [ 18 September 2017 ]
The purported [ alleged/claimed/stated - delete to taste ] objective of EU Directive 2015/849 is to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism and organised crime................ In simple terms, any legal purchase of a good or service over that amount will need to be done with plastic or mobile money.A ministry official confirmed the bill would be presented to the cabinet by the end of the month. Once it is approved, it will be tabled to parliament.......... The EU has already discontinued its production of €500 banknotes.
In the EU, all laws are initiated by the European Commission – a group of unelected officials – with the European Parliament reduced to the passive role of modifying legislation before voting on it.
Concerns have been raised over the drive to phase out cash, which affords both anonymity and privacy. In Germany, attempts by the government to set a threshold of €5,000 triggered a fierce public backlash. The German tabloid Bild published a scathing open letter titled “Hands Off Our Cash.”
For the man on the street, another perk of cash is that serves to limit central banks’ ability to continue conducting negative interest rate policy (NIRP). As long as cash exists, there’s no way of preventing depositors from doing the logical thing – taking their money out of the bank and parking it where the erosive effects of NIRP can’t reach it.
NB The EU Accounts Are Fraudulent Again As Auditors Refuse To Sign Off For 19th Time; that was back in 2013. Be aware that European representatives know a lot about fraud. See more and better details at Euro MPs and Their Expenses. This thing is about clamping down on little people, the mugs who pay taxes while the rogues who run the financial system steal billions. See the next one.
Federal State Attacks Democracy In Catalonia [ 2 October 2017 ]
Have we seen, today, a glimpse of the “Federal State of Europe” deploying it’s fledgling Pan European police force in Catalonia to crush the wishes of a portion of it’s people whose only crime is the desire to be independent ? Just a chilling foretaste of future actions which the UK has avoided by voting “Out”??.................Catalan officials say at least 337 people have been injured as police used force to try to prevent voting in Catalonia’s independence referendum. The Spanish government has pledged to stop a poll that was declared illegal by the country’s constitutional court.
Police officers are preventing people from voting, and seizing ballot papers and boxes at polling stations. In the regional capital Barcelona, police used batons and fired rubber bullets during pro-referendum protests.
Democracy is overrated, isn't it? The Athenians gave up on it a couple of thousand years ago and look at them now. Going hungry, finances screwed etc.
Catalan Revolution Getting Under Way [ 28 October 2017 ]
Ministers appointed by Spain's Prime Minister have today met for the first time since the central government imposed direct rule over Catalonia after the region declared independence yesterday..............This morning Catalonia's regional police chief Josep Trapero was removed from his post at around 4am amid concerns that local police would resist the national force.............
And Spain's top prosecutor has warned that the local politicians responsible for the independence vote could face treason charges and up to 25 years in prison, with arrests planned for as early as Monday.
It will be interesting to see how this one plays out. It suggest that a lot of people are not amused by the anti-Democratic tyranny of Brussels. The Visegrád states of Eastern Europe are not amused by the arrogance of bureaucrats and their demand for Ethnic Fouling - see e.g. Hungary And Slovakia Must Allow Illegal Immigration Says EU Attorney General.
Europe Moves To The Right Allegedly [ 18 December 2017 ]
Europe swing to the Right has taken another big step. In Austria electoral advances have been converted into actual power by the populist-Right Freedom Party, which has joined a new governing coalition with the larger centre-Right Austrian People’s Party..........Yet all eyes will be on his new coalition partner, the Freedom Party, and its leader Christian Strache, who have campaigned hard against immigration and refugees, and warned of Islam’s growing influence and reach..........
But this is nonsense. Austria’s sharp rightward turn is merely a symptom of a much broader challenge to the EU that is deep and growing. Like Kurz and Strache, across the continent an assortment of conservative, Eurosceptic and populist [ notice that word again - Editor ] parties are seeking to take control of the EU project and push it in a fundamentally different direction, if not bring it down altogether.
The Freedom Party's success is not unique. It joins a growing list of populist Right parties that are part of, or supporting, governments in Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland.
Like Kurz and Strache in Austria, such parties are winning over voters, both young and old, who oppose further EU enlargement, are intensely angry about Angela Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis, and anxious about mass immigration and Islamist terrorism.............
Europe’s rightward drift will likely be entrenched in 2018, with fresh elections in Italy and Hungary set to give strong public support to parties that want fewer refugees, stronger borders and to return powers from the EU.
In Hungary, Viktor Orbán is currently polling almost 60 per cent while in Italy the anti-immigration Northern League, once confined to the north of the country, is now polling strongly elsewhere.
Indeed, as in Austria we will likely see further defeats for the Left and so further evidence that social democracy as an ideological project is falling apart. Over the past ten years the centre-Left has slumped in almost every European state while mainstream parties have increasingly struggled to cobble together viable coalitions.
The populist and centre-right are thriving because they understand that voters are not solely concerned about GDP and economic growth but care passionately about their national values, communities and ways of life. They feel that these are under threat, whether from refugees, rapid ethnic changes, the EU or distant and uncaring elites.
This is something that neither the EU nor the Left can accept, largely because they mistakenly believe that all of this is merely a by-product of economic scarcity rather than a legitimate concern in its own right. Until they do we can expect to see more events like those we are witnessing in Austria.
This article comes from a Propaganda machine masquerading as a Right Wing sympathiser. It is worth Reading or even what Marxists call Deconstructing, analysing its background assumptions and allegations? Words are Propaganda Tools so ask the difference between Populism as distinct from Popular. Populism is opposed to Democracy & the popular will. "Liberal Europe" in this context means us ruled by bureaucrats who want European overrun by Third World parasites, just like Merkel, May & Macron
Brussels Bureaucrats Demand Genocide In Poland, Hungary & Czech Republic [ 21 December 2017 ]
These very well paid rogues want Ethnic Fouling & Genocide against White People & the destruction of Western Civilization.
EU Will Import 10 Thousand Illegal Immigrants To Europe [ 28 December 2017 ]
The free ride—a reward given to the Africans for making it as far as Libya—forms part of the EU’s attempt to “address the deteriorating conditions in Libya, where thousands of people are held captive in inhumane conditions,” the AFP has reported.In other words, simply for getting as far as Libya—and then being unable to get across the Mediterranean, and being plunged into that self-created crisis, the scrounging Africans will get a free airplane ride to Europe and white taxpayer-funded welfare.................
Meanwhile, in evidence that the entire operation to move Africans to Europe for their “safety” is a hoax, the IOM is simultaneously drawing up plans to repatriate another 30,000 invaders back to the home countries from Libya as “part of a voluntary return program.” The IOM has already sent at least 15,000 back this year already.
Inciting Illegal Immigration by Third World parasites is EU policy. It is also crime, e.g. Treason, Ethnic Fouling leading deliberately to Genocide, a crime against international law. The United Nations defines it in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.It applies to what Jews, in particular Zionist crazies are doing to Western Civilization, as well as the people of Palestine, the Stolen Land. All of this is part of a major worldwide attack on Western Civilization. See more and better details at:-
- “Merkel has Opened the Gates”
- Austria: FPÖ/ ÖVP Agree on Halting Invasion
- Merkel Flying in 1,000 Invaders Per Month
- EU: Invasion Costs €10 billion
- EU Invader Numbers Reach 592,800
- Only 505 Invaders Returned to Turkey
- Merkel: EU “Must take Muslims”
- Invader: “Only Here to F*** Swedish Girls”
- Mediterranean Invasion Higher than 2015
- Libya Refuses to Take Back Invaders
- Düsseldorf Attack Plans “Bigger than Realized”
- Homo “Refugee” Gets 15 Months
- “Learned Refugee” Lie Busted
- “Peaceful Refugees” Fight over Aid
- UN Starts Flying African Invaders into Italy
French Manipulators Robbed Us Blind Using CAP
'Sir' Edward Heath, the well known Paedophile was desperate to get us into Europe at any price. De Gaulle blocked until he had the Common Agricultural Policy set up to buy votes from French peasants. Heath signed up while ignoring the small print; it was his Treason At Maastricht
Brussels Attacking Free Speech [ 4 April 2018 ]
New powers to stop 'fake news' on social media from influencing elections are being considered by EU leaders. Brussels wants companies to reveal who is paying for 'sponsored content' on their websites in a bid to promote transparency during election campaigns.EU bosses are cracking down on 'fake news' ahead of the next European Parliament elections, scheduled for May 2019, it is reported.
The first stage of attacking Free Speech is calling it Fake News. That is what Juncker is doing. They are annoyed because their fake news is being bypassed by the Internet. The Jews are already out there using students etc. to market their Party Line, their lies. Jews are currently using the Main Stream Media to take over the Labour Party by alleging Anti-Semitism.
Juncker Demonstrates EU Corruption [ 15 March 2018 ]
Nigel Farage explains. NB European Union accounts have never(?) been accepted as true. Another bit of racketeering is for Euro MPs With Their Expense Claims. Whoopee for Brexit.
EU Parliament Votes To Punish Hungary For Not Allowing A Flood Of Third World Aliens [ 15 September 2018 ]
The European Union parliament has voted to impose “Article 7” censure against Hungary for after that nation refused to allow the Mass Third World invasion of Europe to continue—even though the EU broke its own rules by failing to gain a two-thirds majority which is legally required to start that process. Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó said in his reaction that the As reported by the Hungary Today new service, the EU parliament’s adoption of a motion censuring that central European nation was an “act of “petty revenge by pro-migration politicians.”Quoted in a report in the Hungary Today new service, Szijjártó said that “Hungary and the Hungarian people have been convicted because we have proven that migration is not needed and it can be stopped.”
He went on to say that the vote was “fraudulent” and insisted that under European agreements abstentions should have been counted as votes against adopting the report. He added that the Hungarian government would study legal remedy options.
Hungary Today has a curious approach to arithmetic and two-thirds of whatever it should have been. But the reality is that they suffered with the Nazis and the Soviets. They don't intend to be overrun by Islamic hordes, the sort that were stopped at the Gates Of Vienna in 1683 AD. Now they are being infiltrated by a Fifth Column, by Traitors with in the Gates such as Martin Schulz and other corrupt politicians controlled by the Puppet Masters
European Court Of Human Rights Perverts The Course Of Justice And Bans Free Speech [ 6 November 2018 ]
Hadith 9249
Calling Prophet Muhammad a Pedophile Does Not Fall Within Freedom of Speech: European Court
The fact that it is true is a trifling irrelevancy apparently. How do we know that he is a Paedophile? The Hadith, second only to the Quran for Islamics says so. See e.g.
"The Prophet (saw) married Aishah when she was seven years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine, and he passed away when she was eighteen."
Judges lie by way of surrendering to the Islamic savages that have been imported into Europe. Mere White Men come a bad second. Other powers, politicians and police eagerly protect Pakistani Perverts committing wholesale rape in sad little English towns like Rotherham. Is it Equality Before The Law? No chance. Recall that Salus Populi Suprema Lex. It is Latin for: The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law. The law exists to serve the common good. It means e.g. that inciting mass Immigration by Third World parasites is a breach of good government. But it is policy, it is practice, Ethnic Fouling to cause Genocide & Treason to boot.
EU Abandons Attack On East European States And Italy Starts Leaning On Black Invaders [ 7 December 2018 ]
In a dramatic development in the ongoing mass nonwhite invasion of Europe, the European Union has announced that it has abandoned its policy of “compulsory redistributing migrants” from Italy and Greece—just as the Italian government takes its first concrete steps to start expelling the invaders.According to a report in Il Giornale, the EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos has said that the “discussion on the compulsory redistribution of migrants is exhausted,” and that they are now “moving towards an agreement on a voluntary basis.”...............
States such as Hungary, Poland, and Czechia refused to accept this forced invasion, resulting in legal actions from both the EU and those nations being lodged in EU courts. The EU’s decision to switch the program to a “voluntary” basis is therefore an “easy” solution to the conflict with the eastern EU member states, as it allows them to refuse to take any “redistributed” invaders with punitive or legal consequences.
Meanwhile, the Italian lower house last week approved the “Salvini Decree,” making that bill law. Under the new law, all “humanitarian protection status” for so-called “asylum seekers” has been abolished and only those who are accepted as “asylum seekers” can be housed in council-run reception centers.
The crooks in Brussels were faced down because Hungary and the others have armies and the will to use them against hordes of alien intruders. It was been done before at the Gates of Vienna. Weapons are better now. Theresa May failed in dealing with foreigners because she is collaborator.
Seven Million [ 7,000,000 ] Third World Aliens Have Infiltrated Europe [ 16 February 2019 ]
Over seven million nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees landed in Europe between 2006 and 2018—equivalent to a country the size of Bulgaria moving to western Europe, figures from the European Union’s European Asylum Support Office (EASO) have revealed.These figures, when added to the 2018 totals, means that there have been exactly 7,095,190 invaders who have registered as “asylum seekers” in Europe since 2006—a figure which does not, of course, include illegals.............
It is clear that this mass nonwhite invasion is steadily speeding up, and unless halted and reversed, will completely overrun Western European within the next ten or fifteen years, and turn that region into a replica of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
At least ninety percent of these Refugee Racketeers are men of fighting age. The 7 million that governments admit to do not include millions more Illegal Immigrants. Politicians claim that they are trying to cut the numbers You might even believe them but they are lying deliberately, systematically, with malice aforethought. It is what the Wiki chooses to call Replacement Migration, the trendy new term for Genocide by way of Ethnic Fouling.
Soros Says Brussels Is Like The Soviet Dictatorship [ 18 February 2019 ]
It is difficult to see how the pro-EU parties can emerge victorious from the May elections unless they put Europe’s interests ahead of their own. One can still make a case for preserving the EU in order radically to reinvent it. But that would require a change of heart within the EU. The current leadership is reminiscent of the politburo when the Soviet Union collapsed – continuing to issue edicts as if they were still relevant.
Soros is a Jew, a rich parasite sucking our lifeblood. He wants a New World Order, another name for Tyranny. He is a Jew importing Third World parasites, causing Ethnic Fouling, leading to Genocide. He is destroying Western Civilization.
The Dissolution Of The European Union? [ 26 February 2019 ]
'France’s President Emmanuel Macron is following in the footsteps of his 'predecessor in that he is scoring lower and lower on the popularity polls. A 'man from nowhere, whose only task was to stop 'Marine le Pen from winning, is 'continuing the policy pursued by his puppet 'masters, and he cannot but comply. The measures that he took or which he 'had been advised to take encountered popular resistance. It remains a matter 'of time before we learn whether the Yellow Vests movement is a spontaneous 'one, or a manifestation of the power struggle that is splitting the French 'elites, or external interference – Russian or American.................If we add to this the demographic collapse and the attendant emergence of 'warring factions among the member states who roughly fall into two groups of 'those which want and those which refuse to accept Third World immigrants, we 'get Europe’s most representative selfie and this portrait looks bleak.
We don’t know which of the many tectonic plates – political, economic, 'demographic – and where will clash with the fiercest impetus but we know 'that the resultant earthquake is likely to sweep governments and disrupt the 'whole current balance of powers. Neither Russia, China nor the United States 'are or will be standing idle by. They will take full advantage of any 'opportunity which a weakened Europe will offer them on a silver platter in 'order to broaden their influence (in the case of Washington and Moscow) or 'to strengthen their foothold (especially in the case of 'Beijing)..............
Within 80 years the overall world population will grow from 7.5 to 11 'billion, but the number of the most productive people will decline by a 'stunning 60%. This will have a huge adverse impact on the economy in Europe, 'the United States and the Far East. Still, the topic is a minefield that 'scientists, politicians and journalist do not dare to tread upon.
'You like gloom? We got gloom, largely justified at that. 'Population Dynamics are THE problem; 'we are dying out. Immigration, legal or 'Illegal is replacing us with rubbish. 'Blair, Brown, 'Cameron, Heath, 'May, 'Macron, 'Merkel and the like are 'Enemies Of The People
Matteo Salvini Aiming To Take Power From Pro-Invasion Traitors In European Parliament [ 26 March 2019 ]
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has announced his intention to launch a major attempt to wrest control of the European Parliament away from the pro-Third World invasion bloc at that institution’s May elections—after his populist collation seized yet another Italian province from the far left.Celebrating the victory on Twitter, Salvini said that the result in the southern province of Basilicata, Salvini boasted that his Lega party had tripled its vote in the election which had seen the province wing away from the socialists for the first time since 1945..................
The real meaning of the Basilicata election is however that Salvini’s alliance is set to be the biggest winners in the upcoming European Parliament elections, scheduled for May this year. Italy currently has 72 seats in the parliament, the third largest bloc after France (72) and Germany (99).
Salvini is forging an electoral alliance across Europe. Partners include the PIS party in Poland—set to win a majority of the 50 seats that nation holds in the EU parliament; the Fidesz party of Viktor Orbán in Hungary, set to take a majority of the 22 seats that state holds; the National Rally party (formerly the Front National) in France, which currently holds 15 of France’s 72 seats, but is likely to increase its holding; the AfD in Germany, which currently holds 1 EU seat but is likely to dramatically increase its member share...........
Firm Salvini alliance partner the Freedom Party Of Austria (FPÖ) currently has 4 seats in the EU parliament, and is likely to increase its share, while the Belgian Vlaams Belang has 1 seat, with the New Flemish Alliance, a “softer” party, as another 4 seats.
In Denmark, Salvini can likely count on votes from the Danish People’s Party, which has 3 seats in the EU parliament, while the Finns party (formerly known in English as the True Finns) in Finland have 2 seats, and are likely to increase their share of the vote as well. Sweden’s Swedish Democrats are also likely to be sympathetic to a populist bloc in the EU parliament...............
Only the leftist parties of France and Germany have, together with the socialists from Spain, Portugal, and the leftists from other states, have any real chance of stopping this new populist bloc from emerging and taking over the EU.
The upcoming elections are therefore going to be one of the most significant European Parliament elections ever held, and if Salvini’s plan comes to fruition, could see the pro-Third World invasion policies which the far left have pursued for so long, turned on their head.
Have the Hard Left, the Enemy Within, the Useful Idiots helped by the Lunatic Fringe overreached themselves? It looks that way. I wish Matteo well.
The Death Of Europe - THE Big Story Ignored By The Media [ 11 May 2019 ]
We are dying out, being replaced by Third World aliens. It is that simple. In two generations we will be outnumbered by Africans and Asians in our own countries. We created civilization, they are destroying it.Mark Steyn explains so very well but does not tell us whether importing millions of Illegal Immigration is deliberate, Public Policy or Treason. In fact it is all three. Is this a Conspiracy Theory or conspiracy reality? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. NB as Mark tells us that Various Prime Ministers in Europe are childless; they have no future. One would be a statistical outlier. Nine are new, ugly normal.
Meet The New European Overlords - Another Bunch Of Crooks [ 4 July 2019 ]
After several days of opaque backroom dealings and horse-trading between 0.000005% of the EU’s population, the EU’s slate of new ‘Presidents’ was finally unveiled last night. Not a single one was on a ballot paper anywhere at the last EU elections, it’s a ragtag collection of undistinguished second-tier politicians unloved in their own countries and scandal-ridden appointees from the Davos circuit. Meet your new EU overlords:European Commission President: Ursula Von Der Leyen. Who?
- Daughter of a senior Eurocrat who was born in Brussels, she’s been German Defence Minister under Angela Merkel for five years. Her scandal-ridden stint in charge is widely regarded as a failure back home in Germany.
- She thinks Brexit is a “burst bubble of hollow promises by populists”, supports a “United States of Europe” and is an enthusiastic cheerleader for an EU army, she even wrote about the importance of preventing “more democratic involvement” from “impeding Europe’s ability to act.” Nick Clegg eat your heart out…
- It turns out she also plagiarised large parts of her doctoral thesis, but her university let her off as they said their had been no intent to deceive. She’ll fit right into Juncker’s shoes…
European Council President: Charles Michel
- Former Prime Minister of Belgium who was ousted in a no confidence vote last December, naturally because it’s Belgium he’s still ‘interim Prime Minister’ more than six months later. He now gets rewarded for failure and doesn’t even have to move cities. Theresa May must be gutted she didn’t think of it first…
European Central Bank President: Christine Lagarde
- Everyone’s favourite scandal-hit oompa-loompa is back, evidently the EU didn’t decide that being criminally negligent with €400 million of taxpayers’ money was a barrier to giving her the keys to the Central Bank.
- She might actually have to take a slight pay cut from her whopping half a million tax-free a year from the IMF. Will she still be able to keep her delightful suntan topped up?
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs: Josep Borrell
- Spain’s pugnacious Foreign Minister and onetime European Parliament President has been embroiled in more scandals than Juncker’s had boozy lunches. He was forced to resign from the European University Institute over an undeclared €300,000-a-year conflict of interest. One insider tells Guido the board were just relieved to have any excuse to get rid of the worst president the EUI ever had…
- He was fined €30,000 just last year for a “very serious breach” of insider trading rules on the Spanish stock market, his defence was that it was only 8% of his portfolio. I’m rich, it doesn’t matter!
- He’s fiercely hawkish over Gibraltar and says that the UK will split before Spain, and would welcome an independent Scotland into the EU. Despite his visceral opposition to an independent Catalonia…
- He says that “you have to live with” how Iran wants to wipe out Israel and also likes being highly aggressive with journalists and innocent Catalan protesters. Makes Trump look diplomatic…
You didn’t vote them in, you can’t vote them out, in fact they can do pretty much whatever they like while living off hugely generous salaries and expense accounts funded by your taxes. EU democracy at its finest once again…
Democracy? It is just a word. Tyranny, Yes but whisper it. The New World Order is thriving at your expense and mine.
New EU Commission Boss Is A German Third Rater [ 19 July 2019 ]
Ursula von der Leyen has been confirmed as Jean-Claude Juncker's successor as president of the European Commission after scraping home by nine votes tonight........... Mrs von der Leyen, who has previously spoken of her desire to create a 'United States of Europe' and was heckled by the Brexit Party earlier today, will succeed Mr Juncker on November 1 - the day after Britain is currently due to leave the EU.
The Mail does not mention her 'fraudulent' copying in her doctoral dissertation. The Wikipedia tells us that it was written off. After all plagiarism was good enough for the Very Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King. But Guido Fawkes tells us about her track record of incompetence - see Meet Your New EU Overlords.
European Politicians Want More Money [ 22 February 2020 ]
EU leaders were facing budget chaos today at a bruising first summit since Brexit as four wealthy nations refused to fill the gap left by Britain's departure.The 27 leaders reached a stalemate after arguing into the early hours in Brussels, with talks on the trillion-euro budget resuming for a second day today and this afternoon there was still deadlock. The UK's departure has left the bloc with a €75billion (£63billion) hole in its finances over seven years and the budget battle has exposed bitter divisions between EU members.
Germany wants to spend more on climate change while France is seeking more money for a joint defence, with poorer nations determined to keep their generous EU payouts.
But the so-called 'frugal four' of Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden are unwilling to pay more to plug the gap..........
Meanwhile nations that receive 'cohesion funds' want more still, with authoritarian Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban telling reporters today they want 'at least 1.3 per cent or close to that.'
We are well out of this one. They wanted £39 billion as a leaving present/bribe/tax/ransom/whatever. Now they can whistle for it unless Boris Johnson goes soft. But Nigel Farage will make sure he does not betray us we are in with a chance. The Brexit Party can be resurrected with one bulk email to supporters.
Enemy Aliens In Brussels Are Causing Aggravation [ 23 February 2020 ]
It was bad enough having treasonous politicians sabotaging Brexit. Now it is the foreigners. Nobody seems to have suggested a small, well placed thermonuclear device in Brussels but it could make sense.
Brussels Is Watching You [ 11 November 2020 ]
European Union Wants To Ban WhatsApp. They use encryption but hate us being able to protect ourselves against them. The latest Islamic atrocity is their excuse but they import thousands, if not millions of Third World parasites with malice aforethought.
PS argues contra. They even mention checkable facts; usually a good sign.
Hungary And Poland Block Brussels Blackmail Attempt To Enforce Illegal Immigration [ 19 November 2020 ]
Hungary and Poland plunged the EU into political crisis by blocking a £1.65 trillion coronavirus rescue budget that they claimed 'blackmailed countries into accepting migrants'.On Monday, the two countries blocked the 2021-2027 budget and the recovery plan, worth a combined 1.85 trillion euros (£1.65 trillion), because access to the funds would be conditional on respecting the rule of law. On Wednesday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán accused the European Union of seeking to 'blackmail' member states that did not toe its line on immigration.
Orban, whose nationalist government is under investigation for [ allegedly ] undermining the independence of Hungary's courts, media and non-governmental organisations, linked his veto to his continued opposition to mass immigration into the EU.
'Once this proposal gets adopted, there will be no more obstacles to tying member states' share of common funds to supporting migration and use financial means to blackmail countries which oppose migration,' Orban said in a statement published by state news agency MTI.
The Daily Mail is perverting the truth. The "Rule of Law" is code for "Brussels Rules Europe" NB It is censoring comments too but the readers are not fool enough to believe it.
EU Deliberately Planning To Break International Law [ 22 November 2020 ]
The EU’s new protectionist Data Governance Act, which was leaked earlier this month, intends to force any new data sharing services or companies involved with “data altruism activities” to have physical offices in the EU in order to operate within the bloc, blocking out non-European based companies. Classic fortress Europe.Yet under World Trade Organization rules, the EU has to allow foreign companies to access its data processing market from abroad. The WTO’s rules specifically prevent members, of which the EU is one, from forcing foreign businesses to establish in a jurisdiction in order to trade there. Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, a trade-wonk at the European Centre for International Political Economy, points out Politico that “Not even China goes that far. China discriminates on the basis of the licence alone”.
The EU getting on its high horse and lecturing Britain on a potential breach of international law as a result of the trade-facilitating Internal Market Bill, when they themselves are planning to break the law with their protectionist legislation, is more than a bit rich.
Brussels is a Socialist paradise for its insiders. It wants power; it abuses power. Real power is the power to abuse power. They make the laws they want then they act as judge, jury and executioner. So the UK has to defend itself against predatory diplomacy, deal or no deal. This article tells us that the EU is a practiced abuser of international law. It frequently finesses or ignores treaty obligations that conflict with its core interest................ The EU has systematically refused to comply with the judgments of the World Trade Organisation, flouting rulings on GMO crops, hormone beef, and Airbus subsidies, as if the matter were optional. It has repudiated the doctrine of legal supremacy and “direct effect”, the very doctrine that the EU now asserts in the Withdrawal Agreement.
PS EU Accounts Are Fraudulent Again As Auditors Refuse To Sign Off For 19th Time in 2017 but they pay themselves very handsomely.
Brussels Bully Boys Bottle Out [31 January 2021 ]
Brussels has backed down from plans to impose export controls on vaccines that threatened the shipment of 3.5million Pfizer doses to Britain.Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made the assurance to Boris Johnson after announcing an extraordinary embargo on jabs leaving the bloc amid dwindling supplies on the Continent. The row blew up spectacularly when Eurocrats overrode part of the Brexit deal to create a hard border on the island of Ireland to stop doses getting into the UK through Northern Ireland, which is still in the Customs Union.
The move blindsided the governments of London, Dublin and Belfast whose collective outrage forced a humbling climb-down and clarification from the EU it did not intent to trigger the incendiary Article 16.
And the EU has now rowed back yet further and scrapped its export ban for the UK entirely following a phone call between Ms von der Leyen and the Prime Minister.
Johnson got something right for once. He can when he wants. The Irish media barely noticed. There's a surprise.
The Brussels Bully Boys Screw Canada By Blocking Covid Vaccine [ 13 February 2021 ]
Canada has been dragged into the EU's vaccine chaos with Pfizer and Moderna both cutting back deliveries from Europe while Brussels goes to war on jab exports to rescue its own stumbling vaccine roll-out. With no home-grown vaccines in Canada and no jabs being shipped from the United States, the country is reliant on factories in Europe to supply the doses.But Moderna's next shipment will be one-third smaller than expected - with only 168,000 jabs arriving instead of 250,000 - while Pfizer deliveries have seen a month-long slowdown because of delays at a manufacturing plant in Belgium...............
Canada is not one of the countries exempted from the EU's export ban [ see EU imposes vaccine export controls], a list which includes some developed countries such as Norway, Switzerland and Israel.
The Brussels mob are even more incompetent than our lot. The Jews running Israel don't care about this ban because Netanyahu talked direct to the manufacturer. They even got enough to vaccinate Palestinians.
EU Needs Us More Than We Need Them [ 27 April 2021 ]
Professional services giant PwC, based in the City of London, claimed the bloc “needs London" because of the UK's position on the world stage.But John Garvey, PwC’s global head of financial services stressed any deal on financial equivalence would happen in the long term. Responding to comments made by the EU’s Commissioner for Financial Services Mairead McGuinness, Mr Garvey said: “There’s going to be a strange relationship developing over time where the Europeans realise they need London. “So, I think there will be some kind of deal because the continent will need access to the London market.
“I know there probably is an appetite on the UK side for us to sit down and get going.
“We are certainly very keen to do that, but we’re not under pressure to do it.” Ms McGuinness said on Friday that Brussels wasn’t under any pressure to help City firms access its market. Brussels and London agreed to a memorandum of understanding last month, which acknowledged that talks between regulators would help satisfy the EU's concerns.
The City of London is big in finance. Frankfurt and Paris want in but the City is an expert on hostile takeovers. It will win.
EU Orders Hungary To Pander To Homosexual Perverts [ 8 July 2021 ]
A EU chief has told Hungry to overturn its controversial LGBTQ+ law while Brussels is said to be considered legal action against the country.European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday warned Hungry to reverse course on its anti-LGBTQ+ policy after pressure mounted on Brussels to cut EU funding to Budapest. But a spokesman for Hungary's Government insisted they would still press on in spite of the Commission's 'unprecedented' interference in the country's internal affairs.
Von der Leyen, who heads the EU executive, said: 'It is a disgrace this legislation... It is something that flies in the face of the values of the European Union.'
The Mail is censoring comments but the readers are hostile to the Homosexuals in spite of the Mail's bias. You might wonder quite why this perversion of Christianity, of the Ten Commandments has taken over the Establishment. Blame the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies.
Brussels Officials Want To Manipulate Taliban In Afghanistan [ 30 August 2021 ]
BRUSSELS, Aug 17 (Reuters) - The European Union will have to engage with the Taliban to provide support to the Afghan people even if it does not recognise them as legitimate rulers of the country, the bloc's foreign policy chief said on Tuesday."I haven't said that we are going to recognise the Taliban," Borrell told a news conference after a meeting of EU foreign ministers. "I just said that we have to talk with them for everything, even to try to protect women and girls. Even for that, you have to get in touch with them."
"We will put conditions for continual support, and we are going to use our leverage ... to make the human rights to be respected. I know that when I'm saying that it looks a little bit wishful thinking. But we will use all our leverage."
He said humanitarian aid must be maintain and even increased, but assistance will only go to the Afghan government if conditions are met.
Why are these politicians making a fuss about Third World aliens far away? Why are they using Save The Children to smuggle Illegal Immigrants into Europe? Causing Ethnic Fouling is their game; its de facto Public Policy. It leads to Genocide. That is the point; that is Treason. Why is Boris Johnson importing thousands of them? Because he is the Enemy Within, another Traitor.
EU Chiefs Want Illegal Immigrants - Complaining About Government Opposition To Crime In Greece, Romania & Croatia [ 10 October 2021 ]
EU migrant fury: Three member states using illegal 'shadow armies' to push back refugees
BRUSSELS chiefs are being forced to intervene at the border of three EU countries engaging in the illegal pushback of migrants with "shadow armies".Reports across the bloc denounced Croatia, Greece and Romania for illegally pushing back migrants at their borders sparking fears for the safety of those arriving to the EU.
Amnesty International warned this was “the latest evidence that unlawful pushbacks and violence against asylum-seekers and migrants are commonplace at the EU’s external borders".
Reacting to the reports, the European Commission said it “strongly opposes any pushback practices, whereby people are forcibly removed from member state territory without any due regard to their individual circumstances” and has “continuously made it clear to national authorities that any such practices are illegal".............
The escalating situation comes as Poland is also strengthening its border with a system of motion sensors and cameras based on the Greek model at the border with Turkey.
In August, Poland began building a barbed wire fence along its border with Belarus to curb illegal border crossings despite criticism that some migrants were being treated inhumanely. The new additions would strengthen border control as part of a permanent barrier.
The European Union is run by the Enemy Within, by Traitors. They are using Ethnic Fouling as a weapon against Europeans, against White People, causing Genocide, a crime against International Law. See e.g. the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. But then, they are above the law. Recall e.g. that Helle Thorning-Schmidt, lately the prime minister of Denmark ran a major smuggling organisation called Save The Children; it imports thousands of Third World criminals from North Africa. Its sales are over USD 1 billion. The tax breaks are a standard feature of the Charity Industry. You can fool some of the people all of the time, etc. Schmidt paid herself USD 299,136.
EU Claims It Has Enough Gas Without Russia. Germans Don't Believe It [ 10 March 2022 ]
Russia warned the West on Wednesday it was working on a painful response to a fresh round of sanctions targeting its oil and gas sectors.'Russia's reaction will be swift, thoughtful and sensitive for those it addresses,' Dmitry Birichevsky, the director of the foreign ministry's department for economic cooperation, was quoted as saying by the RIA news agency.
The announcement came after USA and UK leaders announced a ban on Russian oil while the EU is ending its reliance of Russian gas, pushing the economic response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine even further.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Wednesday the bloc has bought enough liquefied natural gas to ensure it is independent of Russian imports up until the end of the winter, less than two weeks away.
Vlad can sell gas to China & let Brer Hun shiver.
EU Is Destroying Its Energy Security By Sanctioning Russia [ 11 May 2022 ]
The European Union, this week, announced ambitious proposals to embargo the importation of Russian oil by the end of 2022. After teeth-pulling negotiations which have been met with strident objections from several member states, including Hungary and Slovakia, and public doubt over the impact of such measures, its Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyden declared that these measures would be gradually implemented throughout the course of the year.This didn’t reassure markets, with crude oil prices quickly rising above $114 per barrel as of Friday morning, and Moscow officials predicting that the bloc would still be buying Russian oil via third countries and intermediaries, a strategy that has allegedly been utilized by Iran under tough American sanctions.
Despite marketing the measures as tough, for multiple reasons the EU is set to be the biggest loser of such an effort. The proposed embargo reveals a huge strategic vulnerability in its “energy security” – the ability of a state, or group of states, to secure access to energy resources when they are not capable of producing enough of their own. When you consider how many wars have been fought by the West purely over access to oil supplies, including two in Iraq, this is a big deal...........
In the year 2020, 29% of the EU’s imported crude oil came from Russia, 9% from the US, 8% from Norway, 7% each from Saudi Arabia and the UK, and 6% apiece from Kazakhstan and Nigeria.
So the European Union is cutting its nose off to spite its face. NB This report come from Russia Today. We are not allowed to read it in England but using a VPN to route your call through Switzerland works fine. Her Majesty's Government hates Free Speech and the Truth. We all know that Her Majesty's Prime Minister is an unscrupulous liar.
Kissinger Says Ukraine War Will Destroy Europe [ 3 June 2022 ]
Do you know why Henry Kissinger's speech at the World Economic Forum touched-off such a furor? [ No - Editor ]Kissinger didn’t criticize the way the war in Ukraine is being conducted or the lack of progress on the ground. No. What Kissinger criticized was the policy itself, that’s what triggered the firestorm. He was throwing a bucket of cold water on the people who concocted this loony policy by telling them to their faces that they “got it wrong.”
And, they did get it wrong, because the policy they are currently pursuing is hurting US allies and US interests. That is the metric we use to determine whether a particular policy is stupid or not and, unfortunately, this passes the “stupid test” with flying colors.
Let me explain: Our basic strategy is to “weaken” and “isolate” Russia by severing Russia’s economic ties with Europe and goading them into a long and costly quagmire in Ukraine. That’s the plan. Now you might think that it sounds pretty reasonable but– according to Kissinger– it’s the wrong plan.
Why? Because US National Security Strategy identifies China as America’s number one rival (which it certainly is) so, naturally, any policy that makes China stronger, runs counter to US strategic interests. Got it? So, the question is: Does our proxy-war in Ukraine make China stronger? And the answer is: Of course, it does. It makes China a lot stronger because it forces Russia to strengthen relations with China.........
It means that relations between the world’s manufacturing powerhouse (China) and the world’s second biggest producer of hydrocarbons (Russia) just got a helluva a lot better because of Washington’s counterproductive war in Ukraine. That’s what it means. It also means that– as relations between the two countries improve– the pace of US imperial decline is going to accelerate as the non-dollar zone expands and bilateral trade gradually replaces the current US-dominated global trade system..............
Kissinger grasps the gravity of the situation which is why he decided to put in his two-cents. But he wasn’t just critical of the policy, he also offered an ominous warning that has been almost-entirely ignored by the media. Here’s what he said:
“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome. Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante (…) Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself”. [ Kissinger Tells Ukraine To Give Up Territory ].........................
What is this winter going to look like when home heating bills go through the roof, industries across Europe succumb to the higher energy costs, unemployment soars to Great Depression levels, and rolling blackouts become a regular feature of life in the west? That’s what the future holds for Europe and America if the policy isn’t reversed and a negotiated settlement quickly reached..................
That’s easy. Europe is going to pay more for its energy that any country in the world. That is the choice they made by shrugging off Russia’s legitimate security demands, and that is the outcome they will have to live with.
So, here’s what you need to know:
In 2021, Russia provided 40% of all the natural gas consumed in the EU.
In 2021, Russia provided over 25% of the oil consumed in the EU.
If you think that those quantities of hydrocarbons can be replaced by producers in Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia or some other far-flung location, you are sadly mistaken. Europe is walking headlong into the biggest energy crisis in its history, and it can only blame itself..............
The point we’re trying to make is simple: Kissinger is right and the neocon clowns that concocted the failed Ukraine strategy are wrong, dead wrong. And, if we don’t convene “Negotiations… in the next two months”, as Kissinger advices, then the break with Russia will be final and irreversible, at which point, Russia’s voluminous energy resources, mineral wealth and agricultural products will be forever routed eastward to friendlier nations. And that is going to inflict terrible suffering on both the United States and its allies in Europe.
The only reasonable course of action is to call for an immediate ceasefire so that peace talks can begin ASAP.
The First World War should have stopped when the cavalry was stopped, when barbed wire and machine guns changed things. It didn't until four years of destruction and millions of dead forced politicians to stop.But this time it's different!
No; it is liable to be even more disastrous. Cutting off oil from Russia means cutting off irreplaceable oil. No oil means no transport. Back to walking or biking, factories shutting down, electricity blackouts. How do you get to that supermarket a few miles away & if the shelves are empty why bother?
Russia has the resources, oil coal, etc. China has the manufacturing ability that we threw away. What have we in the West got to offer the world? Not a lot. This is journalism for grown ups; unlike the Daily Mail or God forbid The Guardian. But Mike Whitney explains all. Sanctions are backfiring big time. The competition between America, Russia & China is also written about by Michael Hudson, a real economist at The Dollar Devours The Euro. His message? We are doomed.
Finns Will Elect 'Far Right' Government Alleges Daily Mail [ 1 April 2023 ]
The Mail is another hard left propaganda rag. The readers are not fool enough to believe it.
European Civilization's Great Advantage Over America Was No Blacks [ 24 April 2023 ]
Blacks Are 13% of London, England’s Population: Blacks Represent 50% of the Murder Suspects in LondonPrior to black immigration-invasion into Europe, the virtual lack-of-black or Black-Lack was the one true blessing and advantage that Europe had over the US. And same for Canada and Australia. Whatever was wrong with Europe or deficient vis-a-vis the US, it was spared the ghastly Black Problem. Nations without the Black problem have no idea how fortunate they are. If they think things are bad at home, they should take heart in knowing it could be much worse with blacks. Things are bad in Uzbekistan or Nepal? Just be thankful it doesn’t have the black problem. Indeed, “at least we don’t have the black problem” should be the blessed mantra of any nation without a black population. Just when it seems things can’t get any worse, there’s always the prospect of black migration.
Are we being betrayed by our rulers? Are they spineless weaklings being manipulated by greed and peer pressure, part of a Thought Collective, driven by herd instinct to keep quiet about unpleasant facts? Read Enoch Powell's Speech for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.Enoch Powell's Speech
The West Indian or Asian does not, by being born in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a United Kingdom citizen by birth; in fact he is a West Indian or an Asian still........... With the lapse of a generation or so we shall at last have succeeded – to the benefit of nobody – in reproducing ‘in England’s green and pleasant land’ the haunting tragedy of the United States.
Enoch does not mention one beneficiary, the Jew, the paranoid, manipulative greed driven Zionist crazy.
Girl of the Day
Here is something to cheer you up.
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Updated on 11/03/2024 20:27