An online news operation called GEFIRA tells us that various NGOs [ Non-Government Organizations ], mainly registered Charities are actively smuggling thousands of Illegal Immigrants from Africa to Europe with the collusion of Western governments. See NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale. One is Save the Children.
An employee of theirs; he was the chief strategist, called Brendan Cox was married to Jo Cox, an MP killed by Tommy Mair, a Patriot because she was an enemy of England. This was before the Referendum on leaving Europe, on Brexit. Tommy came in for a lot of abuse from Left Wingers and from the Main Stream Media generally. Cox was marketed as a saint. They failed to deceive the public. We voted OUT. The same propagandists who were so eager to tell us about Cox were much less forthcoming about her husband who was also in the Charity industry. In fact he was with Save the Children until he was invited to go away. See Jo Cox Husband Resigns After Women Complain. He wouldn't keep his hands to himself - or was it rather more?
One has to believe that their chief strategist knew what
Save the Children did, which was to import
Illegal Immigrants, allegedly children
but obviously men of fighting age.
PS The Gefira story is confirmed by
The Mole Site at
Migrants To Europe Is A Setup.
PPS It was run by Helle Thorning-Schmidt,
a politician who is therefore above the law. They pay her £246,000 for her
influence. It beats working for a living.
See e.g.:-
Home Office Imports 100 Alleged Children From Calais & Hides Them From Cameras & Truth
Third World Invaders, Allegedly Children Are Adults
Charity Bosses Get Rich By Using the Poor
Jo Cox Husband Gets Self-Righteous About Third World Terrorists & Politicians Importing Them
Save The Children, A Charity Is A Criminal Operation Telling Illegal Immigrants How To Evade Justice
'Child' Refugees Cost £133,000 A Year Each
First Migrant Children In England [
The Red Cross woman looks just as vicious as the Third World "children"What is Theresa May doing for our children? Not a lot but Third World men are laughing.
The other criminal outfits in question, the charities in question are:-
Jugend Rettet - German
Stichting Bootvluchteling - Dutch
Médecins Sans Frontières - French
Proactiva Open Arms
Life Boat - German
They have been granted immunity from prosecution by various European governments. They are also Enemies Of The People, traitors to boot.
NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale
For two months, using, we have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs. Using data from, we have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness to a big scam and an illegal human traffic operation..................NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities.
Human traffickers contact the Italian coast guard in advance to receive support and to pick up their dubious cargo. NGO ships are directed to the “rescue spot” even as those to be rescued are still in Libya. The 15 ships that we observed are owned or leased by NGOs have regularly been seen to leave their Italian ports, head south, stop short of reaching the Libyan coast, pick up their human cargo, and take course back 260 miles to Italy even though the port of Zarzis in Tunis is just 60 miles away from the rescue spot.
The organizations in question are: MOAS, Jugend Rettet, Stichting Bootvluchting, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, Proactiva Open Arms,, Sea-Eye and Life Boat.
The real intention of the people behind the NGOs is not clear. We would not be surprised if their motive were money. They may also be politically driven; the activities of the Malta-based organisation, MOAS, by trafficking people to Italy is the best guarantee that migrants will not show up on the Maltese shore. MOAS is managed by an Maltese Marine officer well known in Malta for his maltreatment of refugees 1). It is also possible that these organisations are managed by naive “do-gooders” who do not understand that offering their services they are acting like a magnet to the people from Africa and thus they are willy-nilly causing more fatalities, not to mention that their actions are destabilizing Europe.
However high-minded the intentions of these organisations might be, their actions are criminal as most of these migrants are not eligible for being granted asylum and will end up on the streets of Rome or Paris and undermine Europe’s stability raising racially motivated social tensions.
Brussels has created particular legislature to protect people traffickers against prosecution. In a dedicated section of an EU resolution entitled On Search and Rescue, the text states that “private ship masters and non-governmental organisations who assist in sea rescues in the Mediterranean Sea should not risk punishment for providing such assistance.”2)
During the two months of our observation, we have monitored at least 39 000 Africans illegally smuggled into Italy, which was done with the full consent of the Italian and European authorities.
More information:
In October we discovered that four NGOs picked up people in Libyan territorial waters. We have proof that these smugglers communicated their action in advance with the Italian authorities. Ten hours before the immigrants left Libya, the Italian coast guard directed the NGOs to the “rescue” spot: Full account “Caught in the act: NGOs deal in migrant smuggling”
The MOAS organisation has close links with the famous US military contractor “Blackwater”, the US army and the Maltese navy. Full account: “The Americans from MOAS ferry migrants to Europe”
There is a full account about the ships involved: “NGOs Armada operating off the coast of Libya" and how people are encourage to come to Europe: “Death road to Europe promoted on the web”
The truth is out there; the Main Stream Media are hiding it.
Save the Children ex Wiki
The Save the Children Fund,[1] commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.[2] It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.In addition to the UK organisation, there are 29 other national Save the Children organisations who are members of Save the Children International, a global network of nonprofit organisations supporting local partners in over 120 countries around the world.
Save the Children promotes policy changes in order to gain more rights for young people[3] especially by enforcing the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Alliance members coordinate emergency-relief efforts, helping to protect children from the effects of war and violence.[2] Save the Children has general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
The Wiki is in the business of hiding the truth about their criminal operations.
Save The Children Boss Was At It As Well [ 21 February 2018 ]
It represents the latest scandal facing the charity sector after it emerged that senior Oxfam staff paid whores while working in Haiti following an earthquake in 2010.Mr Forsyth's resignation from Save The Children came just four months after Brendan Cox, a friend of Mr Forsyth and former chief strategist at the charity, quit following separate allegations of sexual misconduct.
Mr Foryth and Mr Cox worked together at Oxfam and later again as advisors to Gordon Brown in Downing Street. Mr Cox, the widower of the late Jo Cox who was murdered in 2016, admitted at the weekend that he had caused the women "hurt and offence".
So Forsyth ex Save The Children is now with UN Children's Fund. It starts to sound habitual. Does he have an unwholesome interest in choir boys and brown envelopes? Being a friend of Brendan Cox, also an advisor to Brown, when the latter, a spendthrift rogue was trying destroy England by bankrupting us is not to his credit. It shows clearly that they were all Left Wing chancers on the make.
PS Save The Children is a criminal organisation, one in the business of smuggling Third World parasites into Europe. They are financed by the Puppet Masters, which is to say Zionist crazies.
Save The Children Boss Complains About Being Investigated [ 5 March 2020 ]
The embattled boss of a charity hit by sex pest claims was last night accused of making an 'outrageous' attack on the official watchdog that investigated its failure to protect female staff. A leaked memo from Kevin Watkins, chief executive of Save The Children UK, puts the blame for it losing £16million of taxpayers' money on the Charity Commission for investigating the charity's cover-up of sexual harassment and bullying of female staff by two former bosses...........It goes on to admit that despite promising to root out mistreatment of staff at SCUK, 28 per cent said they 'had experienced some form of workplace incivility', with those from minorities worst affected..............
The memo by Mr Watkins was disclosed on the eve of tomorrow's publication of a damning report into SCUK by the Charity Commission [ see The Save the Children Fund Save the Children UK Inquiry report ]........... The inquiry was ordered after former chief executive Justin Forsyth and his deputy Brendan Cox, the widower of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, were exposed as sex pests.
Mr Forsyth, 54, who worked for Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in Downing Street, quit a senior Unicef post in 2018 after he was accused of sending 'unsuitable' text messages to female SCUK employees..........
The Commission will accuse SCUK of 'comprehensive failures' by letting Mr Forsyth and Mr Cox resign quietly in 2015 despite their misconduct.
Save The Children invited Justin Forsyth to fornicate elsewhere. He then managed to worm his way into UNICEF, inter alia because their reference did not expose the dirt. Brendan Cox was another who wouldn't keep his hands to himself. Whence Jo Cox Husband 'Resignation' After Women Complain. His old woman, Jo Cox was a ratbag on the make, the MP for Rotherham but did she care about her constituents? Not a chance - see Jo Cox Had No Compassion For English Girls Raped By Pakistani Perverts.If you get the feeling that they are a bunch of crooks you are right. They are one of the Criminal Charities smuggling Illegal Immigrants into Europe. See Criminal Charity Inciting Illegal Immigrants. With an income of £970 million you might wonder why they are whining about losing £16 million of our hard earned money.
Mediterranean Madness - Illegal Immigration Is A Growth Industry [ 22 July 2017 ]
The EU, which has mismanaged the migrant problem from the start, only sealing the Turkey deal after years of inaction, has washed its hands of the latest explosion of migrant trafficking. It has ignored the Italian government’s increasingly desperate appeals for help.Italy used to have a pressure valve. Most migrants used the country as a staging post to more prosperous countries in northern Europe. But with France and Austria reneging on the Schengen agreement by reintroducing border checks, they are stuck in Italy, a country with an unemployment rate of 12 per cent and an economy forecast to take another decade just to get back to the size it was in 2007................
What is causing growing Italian anger is the role of charities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the transport of migrants across the Mediterranean. The image the charities like to present is that of desperate people putting to sea in any vessel they can lay their hands on because whatever risks they run cannot exceed the dangers of staying in their homelands. Save The Children, for example, declares in heartrending prose on its website, between photos of young children wrapped in foil blankets, that ‘children are fleeing bullets, poverty, persecution and the growing impact of climate change, only to drown in European waters’.
The reality could not be more different. The vast majority of migrants from Libya are young men [ of fighting age ] paying the equivalent of €1,000 each to people smugglers in what they see as a calculated risk to reach a better life in Europe. The business model of the smugglers does not include transporting their customers all the way to Italy, but rather to take them 12 nautical miles to the boundary of Libya’s territorial waters, so they can then be ‘rescued’ and ferried the rest of the way to Europe. The people smugglers are quite open about what they are doing: what can only be described as a Libya-based migrant travel agency has set up a Facebook page offering ‘tickets’ to ‘passengers’ with ‘discounts for group bookings’ on ‘ferries’ — i.e., smuggler boats — complete with phone number. The journey, it says, lasts only ‘three or four hours’ before rescue by an NGO, Italian or EU vessel, which will complete the ferry service to Italy................
So Operation Triton [ Try It On? ] was launched. Under this, search-and-rescue vessels from across the EU operate up to a line 120 miles north of Libya. However, all charity vessels (now responsible for about a third of rescues) operate right up to the Libyan coast. Among them are the Vos Hestia, a 59-metre former offshore tug operated by Save the Children, the 68-metre MV Aquarius, jointly operated by SOS Mediterranée and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the 40-metre Phoenix, owned by MOAS, a charity founded by an American businessman and his Italian wife.
The operators of these vessels are legally obliged to assist those ‘in distress’ at sea if they are in a position to do so. What they are not allowed to do is to operate deliberate and unauthorised search-and-rescue missions within territorial waters, nor to pick people off a boat which is not ‘in distress’ on the pretext of ‘rescuing’ them. Moreover, if they do save people in distress, they are obliged under maritime law to take them to the nearest safe port, which is seldom in Italy.
The misguided, the well meaning start with good intentions; the result all too often is Pathological Altruism.
Save the Children Launches Search-and-Rescue Ship in Deadly Mediterranean Save the Children [ 23 August 2016 ]
They are going to "protect children against smugglers".
Save The Children Imports 290 Invaders And 20 Dead [ 27 Oct 2016 ]
Aren't we lucky? NO!
Save The Children Stops Using Paedophile's Font [ 16 January 2022 ]
The prominent charity Save the Children has announced that it would ditch its corporate Gill Sans typeface as it had been designed by a pedophile artist Eric Gill.Gill was one of the most celebrated British artists, sculptors, and designers of the first half of 20th century, was an Associate of the Royal Academy of Arts, and named as a Royal Designer for Industry. He designed several war memorials and sculptures for some of the iconic buildings across the UK and also created, in 1928, one of the most popular typography fonts. However, almost 50 years after his death his personal reputation was ruined: a bombshell 1989 biography, supported by Gill’s own diaries, revealed sexual abuse of his daughters, sisters, and even a dog.
“Every child, everywhere, deserves to grow up safe and supported. Following a global branding review last year, we are moving away from using the Gill Sans font,” a spokesman for Save the Children said, as quoted by the British media, without getting into the details of the decision.
Save The Children was in the business of importing Illegal Immigrants in the Mediterranean. The ship they used is called VOS Hestia. At all events that was true in 2017. You might think their sensibility regarding Paedophiles does them credit. Importing black Savages does huge damage. They will doubtless claim that they are doing the right things for the right reasons; that they have superior Morals. The boss woman Helle Thorning-Schmidt was the prime minister of Denmark so her face fits & she is above the law.23 Oct 2017 ... Save the Children has operated a ship, the Vos Hestia, since September last year, rescuing more than 10,000 migrants from dangerous and ... Save the Children Humanitarian Intermediate Programme (Q1 2021)
Save the Children Humanitarian Intermediate Programme (SHIP) is a training course focus on ensuring the highest possible quality of mid-level staff in ... Launch of Search and Rescue Ship | Save The Children UK24 Aug 2016 ... Against this background of a significant and avoidable loss of life, Save the Children is launching a new search-and-rescue effort in the ... Italy: UNICEF-Save the Children work together to aid minors21 Apr 2021 ... UNICEF and Save the Children said that in the four months that their ... From file: A woman with a child disembarks the ship Aquarius run by ... Save the Children reports surge in sea crossings from Lebanon16 Oct 2020 ... As the economic crisis continues to deepen in Lebanon, hundreds of people have left the country in recent months, making desperate boat journeys ... Refugee rescuers charged in Italy with complicity in people smuggling4 Mar 2021 ... Staff of charities including Save the Children and MSF among dozens ... on Monday and charged more than 20 people, including boat captains, ...