Racism is
evil, perhaps the greatest evil that the world has ever known. In fact it is the
ultimate Thoughtcrime. Ask any
leftie and he will be delighted to explain the Party
Line. The fact that it is rather like
Patriotism or
Nationalism is an aspect he would much rather ignore. Ask him why anti-racists
have different attitudes to different races; why it is that only white men can
be racist while blacks, browns, Jews et cetera get a pass. He will start to flounder. Ask him who invented the racism industry
and why. He probably will not know because he is a dupe of
Antonio Gramsci
and his followers, one of Lenin's Useful Idiots. Gramsci was the chief theoretician of the
Italian communist
party, one far more cunning than Marx. Racism means equal opportunities
but some are more equal than others. That is the policy and the practice
though not, of course the rhetoric. Racism is a key tool of
Cultural Marxism, a
Marxist construct, a tool used by
Subversives to impose a
flood of Immigrants to cause
Ethnic Fouling followed by
Cultural Genocide. NB The
calls it
ethnic discrimination when it wants to hide the truth but then the Wiki is a
Propaganda machine.
For an example of gross racism look at Bring
Me My Machine Gun, a popular song is South Africa.
It is sung by Zuma, a black, thieving rapist. The
BBC pretends ignorance.
PS Before thinking about racism it is worth asking what
Races are.
Steve Sailer, writes about race, casting light on the
Some Race Traitors are named and shamed. But in fact they are not ashamed; they are rich. As Blair might say in a moment of honesty, the Bribes are worth the Treason.
Racism is a Marxist construct
invented by Trotsky
Andrew Brons
is a propaganda tool being used by Jews against
Western Civilization
NB The interviewer,
Levy is a Jew.
Adolf Hitler Explains The Horrors Of Racism
Racism is a Legitimising Ideology invented to justify importing Third World parasites
Be aware that in Israel the Racism of Zionist crazies isn't crime; it is government policy. That is why the Very Reverend Ovadia Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Israel and Shas, a successful political party were able to get away with it.
Another manifestation of racism is #Caste. There are, in all probability millions of Indians high caste or of a lower caste. They are just as racist as the Jews but the Wikipedia makes no mention of this detail.
For some more of the realities see:-
Caste ex Wiki
Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution.[1][2][3] Its paradigmatic ethnographic example is the division of India's Hindu society into rigid social groups, with roots in India's ancient history and persisting to the present time.[1][4] However, the economic significance of the caste system in India has been declining as a result of urbanization and affirmative action programs. A subject of much scholarship by sociologists and anthropologists, the Hindu caste system is sometimes used as an analogical basis for the study of caste-like social divisions existing outside Hinduism and India. The term "caste" is also applied to morphological groupings in female populations of ants and bees.[5] It is prevalent in much of Asia, including China, Indonesia and the Philipines.
Germany Must Perish
The Jew, Theodore Kaufman's plan to destroy Germany. See Germany Must Perish.
Morgenthau Plan
The Jew, Morgenthau carried on where Kaufman left off; he murdered well over a million Germans, mainly by starvation.
Angela Merkel
Is using Plan B to destroy Germany by Ethnic Fouling, by importing hordes of Third World savages. It is working well.
Ferguson Riots, Blacks, Intelligence & Hate
If you believe the hostility does not exist, or is not intense, read rap lyrics. Many examples could be adduced. Here is one:�Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long � the white man is the devil � the CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant � let�s go and kill some rednecks � Menace Clan ain't afraid � I got the .380; the homies think I'm crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill whitey all night long � a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast � I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground...."�
(�Kill Whitey�; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of what was called Thorn EMI and now is called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.)
Inciting hatred, inciting murder, crime? Believe it. Do blacks get prosecuted? NO! Do the Jews who sell it get problems? NO! Is that Racism? Is it Selective Prosecution? Is it Malicious Prosecution? Is it Corruption?
Racism Quotes
Yes, blacks do hate; they are nearly as bad as Jews.
Media and Racism
They can't be racist, can they? They keep telling us that racism is awful. It all depends who is being racist. Hating Englishmen and Americans is fine. Blacks are always victims - if you believe the media.
PS I do not.
Is major crime, which is normally reported. It is a fact that the perpetrators are usually black or brown. Saying so is not Politically Correct. It is true none the less.
A Troublesome Inheritance by Nicholas Wade
Nicholas Wade, an Englishman went to Eton, which is a good start. Then he told the truth. This is not what it takes to become popular. His book is reviewed by the Wiki in A Troublesome Inheritance. If you look at the Wiki you need to learn how to Read. Communist subversives call it Deconstruction. It is being sceptical, critical, not believing everything without good reason.
Racism Defined by Sir William MacPherson
Among the report's many pernicious recommendations was the following: "The definition of a racist incident should be any incident which is perceived as racist by the victim or any other person." Nothing could be better designed to destroy the possibility of easy, dare I say normal relations among people of different races. For the notion that racism is so pervasive and institutionalized that it is everywhere, even where it appears not to be, induces in the susceptible a paranoid state of mind, which then finds racism in every possible situation, in every remark, in every suggestion, in every gesture and expression. It is a charge against which there is no defence.
It should be read as "The definition of a racist incident should be any incident which anyone chooses to claim that they perceive as racist, whether the victim or any other person unless of course they are English." MacPherson is a fool, rogue, Moral Cretin or some combination thereof.
Racism is a Marxist construct
Inciting racial hatred is a criminal offence in England due to Part III of the Public Order Act 1986. The Puppet Masters use Her Majesty's Government to make bad law with a maximum penalty of seven years and a fine. The CPS guidelines are at Racist and religious crime � CPS prosecution policy. Whether they follow them is another matter entirely.
The Word Racist Was Invented By Trotsky
So it seems. Is Dustin Stanley right? Quite possibly but he is right about its use as a Propaganda tool.
Racism [ Marxist ] ex Metapedia
Racism is a Europhobic epithet and conceptual framing in Trotskyist and especially cultural Marxist agitprop discourses. The term is meant to intimidate the person on the receiving end and dissuade them from investigating the science of race realism, as well as the conclusions drawn from that. The primary functioning purpose of the epithet is part of a Jewish group evolutionary strategy to maintain hegemony by undermining and demonizing their most able competitors, ethnic Europeans from organizing for their own socio-political and cultural interests, completely independent of Jewish leadership, influence or ideology.While some true believer race denialists are to be found amongst the useful idiots who parrot the line of "that's racist!", it is unlikely that the malicious, mostly Jewish, ideologues behind the epithet genuinely believe in genetic egalitarianism between the races. In its initial 1930 coining by Leon Trotsky, a communist Jew and mass murder, the term "racists" is used in an arrogant sneer at what he calls "Slavophilism", the "messianism of backwardness"[1] and also the "Teutonic jackasses".[1] It is along this line, always attacking European self-determination specifically, that the phrase continued to be developed by various Marxist perverts such as Magnus Hirschfeld and the Frankfurt School.
The Metapedia, at its best is far better, far more honest than the Wikipedia.
Shas Party - The Rampant Racists
The Shas Party in Israel was set up by rampant Racists, Zionist crazies & thieves. It has one redeeming virtue. It says what it thinks about Homosexuals. What do the Main Stream Media say about it? Nothing because they are corrupt as well.
Racial Discrimination Is Government Policy
It was true when it was written. It is true yet. White men are discriminated against. Jews are not but then they are the perpetrators.
Racist Englishmen Can Be Cured
Believe it if you want.
Racial Differences In Intelligence
Intelligence gets measured. It gets compared with race. Propagandists do not like honest answers so they claim that intelligence can not be measured and that race does not exist. They lie on both counts. This article is rather long but has value.
The Word Racist Was Invented By Trotsky
So it seems. The author of this little piece seems to know what he is talking about.
Adversity - Tells What Americans Are Doing About It
The BBC and Racism
The BBC has been at the forefront of the race relations industry - using it as a weapon against England and civilization. Now they are changing their tune a bit.
Is taboo. We must not mention it unless white men are the [ alleged? ] perpetrators. The truth comes down the line. So does the evidence.
Disraeli On Race
No man will treat with indifference the principle of race. It is the key of history, and why history is often so confused is that it has been written by men who were ignorant of this principle and all the knowledge it involves. As one who may become a statesman and assist in governing mankind, it is necessary that you should not be insensible to it; whether you encounter its influence in communities or in individuals, its qualities must ever be taken into account............In Europe I find three great races with distinct qualities the Teutons, the Sclaves [ sic ], and the Celts; and their conduct will be influenced by those distinctive qualities. There is another great race which influences the world, the Semites....... The Semites are unquestionably a great race,........ the Semites now exercise a vast influence over affairs by their smallest though most peculiar family, the Jews. There is no race gifted with so much tenacity, and such skill in organisation. These qualities have given them an unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit. As you advance in life, and get experience in affairs, the Jews will cross you everywhere. They have long been stealing into our secret diplomacy, which they have almost appropriated; in another quarter of a century they will claim their share of open government............. Language and religion do not make a race there is only one thing which makes a race, and that is blood."
Benjamin Disraeli was a Jew and Her Majesty's Prime Minister so he knew people who ran things. He was able to write without being called a racist.
Holocaust� In Germany
Germans get murdered by foreign undesirables. There have been around 9,000 in the last twenty years. Politicians hide the truth. If some ethnic comes unstuck they are there like flies on the proverbial. Merkel panders to Jews as well.
Jews Are Grossly Racist
As well as echoing some of the arguments made elsewhere by figures like Michaelis, de la Fare explained that Jews and Frenchman had opposing interests, often resulting in violence because of the Jewish tendency towards monopoly, nepotism, the communal accumulation and hoarding of wealth, and extremely high levels of ethnocentrism. In Alsace and Lorraine the Jews lived almost exclusively from the proceeds of trade and money-lending. According to de la Fare: �The people detest them; in Alsace the Jews are often the victims of popular uprisings. In Nancy, four months ago, people wanted to pillage their homes. I went to the site of the agitation and I asked what complaint they had to make.
This was written at the time of the French Revolution. It was true then; it is true now.
Jews Incite Hatred
They pay blacks to make rap music full of foul mouthed incitement to hate.
Jews are criminals on the make. Jews get away with it because they have
influence with corrupt politicians.
Jews Incite Hatred II
Confirms the sources in the previous one.
Jews Hate Us
Jews are grossly racist. They have never been anything else. They are destroying
us, the Europeans who invented civilization, science, you name it.
National Black Police Association
Racism is entirely right and proper - when blacks are the perpetrators - according to communist subversives and their Useful Idiots. Of course Englishmen are guilty even when innocent. That is what Western Guilt is all about.
Race Relations In America
Someone else has seen what I have seen and points his finger at the guilty; the same criminals as me. Coincidence or a look at the truth? I have to say the latter but read for yourself, think for yourself, decide for yourself.
Racism Sought, Racism Found?
Bigots want to find it. Bigots find it. Bigots get away with it - if they are blacks, Jews, communist subversives, homosexuals, or simply not white.Racists
Political manipulators, subversives and politicians use various people as secular saints. The truth behind the lies exposes the corruption and hypocrisy.
Racism - A Black Professor Of Economics Explains
A black or white person, now dead, who lived during the civil rights struggles of the 1930s, '40s or '50s, might very well be appalled and disgusted by black behavior accepted today. Yesteryear, it was the Klan or White Citizens Council who showed up at polling places to intimidate black voters. During the 2008 elections, it was the New Black Panthers who showed up at a Philadelphia polling place to intimidate white voters and tell them, "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker." What's worse is the U.S. Department of Justice has decided to not to prosecute..........Many blacks, particularly black males, have arrived at the devastating conclusion that academic excellence is a betrayal of their black identity.
The pathology seen among a large segment of the black population is not likely to change because it's not seen for what it is. It has little to do with slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. Let's look at it. Today's black illegitimacy rate is about 70 percent. When I was a youngster, during the 1940s, illegitimacy was around 15 percent. In the same period, about 80 percent of black children were born inside marriage. In fact, historian Herbert Gutman, in "Persistent Myths about the Afro-American Family" in the Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Autumn 1975), reports the percentage of black two-parent families, depending on the city, ranged 75 to 90 percent. Today, only 35 percent of black children are raised in two-parent households. The importance of these and other statistics showing greater stability and less pathology among blacks in earlier periods is that they put a lie to today's excuses. Namely, at a time when blacks were closer to slavery, faced far more discrimination, more poverty and had fewer opportunities, there was not the kind of chaos, violence, family breakdown and black racism that we see today.
Destroying the family is very much part of destroying civilization.
Racism And Hate
MILES DAVIS (black jazz musician) "If somebody told me I had only one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a white man. I'd do it nice and slow." ["Miles Davis Can't Shake Boyhood Racial Abuse," Jet, March 25, 1985.]
Charming, ain't they. Perhaps we should have left them to rot in Africa. It would have made the world a better place.
Racism And Khrushchev
Khrushchev used Third Worlders as a weapon against the West. It did not work the way he wanted.
Racism Cuts Both Ways [ ex BNP site ] or Racism Cuts Both Ways
Anti-black racism, real or imaginary gets lots of publicity and lots of hate. When it is the other way round, all bets are off. Blacks are allowed to hate. They are incited to hate.
Racism in Africa
It could not possibly happen in Africa now that white men do not run it. Or could it? Post Marxists decolonized Africa and it is reverting to its natural state. Corruption, malice, stupidity and racism are having their effects but somehow it is our fault not theirs.
Racism in America
The media like to tell us when Americans are in the frame. When blacks do it that is very different.
Racism in Australia
The media and the government like to suppress the truth but Lebanese decided to attack. That is not the media line though.
Racism in Canada
Canada is A nice place. Could it be full of racism? Don't people realize that diversity is a source of strength? Apparently not.
Racism in England
Incite illegal immigrants, give them superior status, cost Englishmen billions then wonder why things happen.
Racism in Europe
It isn't just English countries that suffer from this awful thing. Foreigners are at it all over.
Racism in Foreign Parts
Foreigners are guilty too. Would you believe that? The media want you to. They spend a lot time and money trying to make you believe the lies that they swallowed from post Marxist subversives like Antonio Gramsci. They are destroying civilization with his techniques.
Racism in France
The French imported millions from North Africa and let them laze around on the dole. Now they want to take over.
Racism in Ireland
The normal dog eat dog variety has been going on for a few decades and killed thousands. That is running down and they are going for the left wing sort. Importing ethnics from various Hell holes as cheap labour or whatever. Gerry Adams wants to import blacks so obviously he is a lovely man - apart from the murders, extortion, torture and so on.
PS His brother is a paedophile but we are supposed to have forgotten that.
Racism in Israel
Racism among the ultimate victims, the ones who left 6 million dead in Europe? Who would have thought it? Any and every Arab for starters. Add in everyone who understands the Middle East and a fair number of lefties who have taken the point regarding ethnic cleansing, massacres, torture and killing for giggles. Even the BBC sees fit to notice Israeli evil.
Racism In Mexico
Racism is there and deeply built in. If you live there, speak the language and mix with locals you will understand the way foreigners just do not.
This however is not an example. Fred said so. Fred lives there. I am happy to believe him.
Racism in Pakistan
It is there. So are the Kalashnikovs and the nukes. Would you want to be there? I would not.
Racism in Reggae
Music is political? It certainly is. Remember that Richard Wagner was vilified because Adolf liked his output. Is inciting murder and rape crime? It certainly is in England. Does it get prosecuted when blacks do it? No, not if it is marketed as music by Jews in the music industry.
Racism in Russia
Russia was an empire of many races. With the KGB making the Gestapo look like a bunch of softies it worked - after a fashion. Now things are happening.
Racism in Scandinavia
Scandinavian lefties, do gooders, feminists and the self righteous wanted ethnics imported en masse as long as they didn't live too near. Now honest people are paying the price. Here is one of their victims.
Rape is fun for some.
Racism In South Africa
Blacks in South Africa are Racist thugs with power. They have the power to abuse power. They use it against other tribes and against White Men too. It is getting nearer to all out Genocide.
Racism in Zimbabwe
Rhodesia was founded by Cecil Rhodes and run fairly decently. It had the rule of law, education and other significant features of civilized states. But communist subversives did not like it so it was subverted and become Zimbabwe under a murderous black thug. He is seriously racist but the left eagerly ignore the fact.
Racist Quotes
Hating white people is all right if you are black. It is not racist - according to the race relations racketeers. If you wonder where the race relations industry came from have a look at Culture Wars
In South Africa Immigration Feeds Corrupt Officials And Race Hate
Blacks in South Africa are Racist thugs with power. They have the power to abuse power. They use it against other tribes and against White Men too. It is getting nearer to all out Genocide.
Affirmative Action
They are very good at the slick names for something fundamentally bad. This is fundamentally bad.
Brits out bred by Anglo-Saxon 'apartheid'
The Anglo-Saxons who conquered England in the fifth century set up a system of apartheid that enabled them to master and outbreed the native British majority, according to gene research published on Wednesday. In less than 15 generations, more than half of the population in England had the genes of the invaders, investigators say. "The native Britons were genetically and culturally absorbed by the Anglo-Saxons over a period of as little as a few hundred years," said Mark Thomas, a University College London biologist.
This is a South African take on the conquest of England. Afrikaners have taken a lot of abuse regarding Apartheid which is why they are prone to see others doing the same. They find it too in Israel but they are not supposed to mention that.
Islam - A Religion Of Peace? [ 5 January 2006 ]
No, in spite of what liars tell you. The last time they came mob handed was 1683 AD. They were stopped at Vienna. There was a previous try on - see Battle of Tours, 732. Now it is infiltration with post Marxist connivance and official treason as their helpers. They have turned Malm�, in Sweden into the kind of place you don't want to visit at night or even in broad day light. It is the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.
PS it is de facto racism even if it is dressed as religion.
Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree [ 3 January 2006 ]
Rape is racism? Yes or no? The perpetrators say yes. The media say nothing. They are there to suppress the truth. The perps have an agenda [ rape is fun ]. The media have an agenda too - destroying civilization. They are post Marxists and following Antonio Gramsci's agenda using Cultural Genocide.
Black High School Failure Plans To Murder All White People [ 17 January 2015 ]
She can read, which is a start. She did swallow all of the propaganda used to incite Black Hate. It came to her on a television set invented by the White Man. She tweets with a computer invented by White Men. If the awful White Man had left her ancestors alone she would be living in a mud hut or swinging in the trees. Of course if you say this you get accused of Racism - a Marxist construct being used in the Culture War against Western Civilization.
Racist Jew Refuses To Shake Hands With An Arab Judge [ 1 February 2015 ]
Jews are grossly racist. They invented racism as propaganda tool; one to abuse our sense of decency, our largely imaginary Western Guilt.
White Babies Are Racist - Allegedly [ 19 April 2014 ]
We need to learn how to Read the Propaganda with a jaundiced eye, even if it is in the Daily Mail - make that especially in the Mail. Deconstructing means looking at the background assumptions & the agenda behind them. This kind of experiment, without black babies, yellow babies or any other control group is fundamentally flawed & in all probability intentional fraud designed to incite Western Guilt.
Racist Jews Incite Mass Murder [13 April 2015 ]
Rabbis like killing people. Rabbis regard us as Untermenschen; that is the Nazi term for subhumans. In fact Nazis are nicer than Jews. The full report is at How To Kill Goyim And Influence People. Leading fundamentalist rabbis gather in Israel to defend the publication of a book, Torat Ha'Melech, that alleges justification for the killing of non-Jews, including innocent children and families. The gathering exposed not only the ferocious racism of a swathe of Israel's pro-settlement rabbinate.
Jews Hate Blacks - Jews Are Grossly Racist [ 4 September 2015 ]
Jews are Racists. Jews invented Racists as a political issue, to exploit or better feelings, our altruism, in order to make it into Pathological Altruism. Jews treat blacks with contempt, Jews put blacks in Concentration Camps pending deportation. Saharonim Concentration Camp is just one. Ketziot and Holot Concentration Camp are more. The latter is alleged to be an 'open' camp. Jews lie. Jews like lying.
Rabid Rabbi Says Murder All Captured Arab Terrorists [ 9 October 2015 ]
The Sefardi right-wing Zionist Orthodox Chief Rabbi of Sefat Shmuel Eliyahu is a well-known racist, and now Eliyahu has offered his halakhic opinion on terrorism. Not the terrorism of Jews against sleeping Palestinians � that Eliyahu enables (even if he does not publicly support it outright).No, the terrorism Eliyahu issued a ruling on is Palestinian terrorism against Jews. And according to Ha'aretz, Eliyahu ruled that absent special circumstances, all Palestinian terrorists who are captured by Israel should be killed by the IDF or security forces and any soldier or policeman who allows one of these terrorists to live should be put on trial:
Another evil Jew, another racist incites murder and walks free. The Main Stream Media keeps quiet about him but then the Main Stream Media is run by Jews.
Black Racist Abuses Islamics [ 17 October 2015 ]
We�re getting used to racist rants being filmed, shared and loaded on to YouTube. The latest example, however, is not only shocking but, for me, deeply depressing too. Footage taken on a bus in Brent, north London, this week shows an Islamophobic rant by one women against two other passengers. �Fucking Isis bitches,� she calls them. �Go back to your country where they�re bombing every day.� The original film of the tirade lasts, in total, five long minutes............The shock factor in this clip is not, though, the words - we�ve sadly heard those sentiments enough times before. It�s that this time the expletive-ridden tirade is coming from the lips of a black woman.........
When a black woman can stand in a bus and tell someone, without irony, to �go back to their own country� it shows how deeply embedded the hatred of Muslims has become in our society. The media, and everyone else, have a duty to do everything they can to counter it.
Shock, horror revelation. The Guardian is appalled that finding a black woman can be Racist after all she has suffered at the hands of nasty White Man. This will get coverage then be sent down the Memory Hole. She will not be treated like poor little Emma West, locked up in a lunatic asylum for telling the truth. But Emma is different; she is an Englishwoman, not a black intruder.
We want to be surrounded by English people not Pakistanis [ 26 November 2015 ]
Says a Syrian new arrival in Bradford. BBC Radio 4. He will not be invited back again by BBC homosexuals.
Tell the Truth About Third World Aliens & Get Sacked [ 21 June 2016 ]
This is Islamophobic allegedly. The importers are truthophobic.
White Woman Sacked For Racism Sues For Discrimination [ 23 June 2016 ]
In March, a white award-winning broadcast news anchor in Pittsburgh posted on her professional Facebook page what she claimed was a heartfelt call to action on the perceived black-on-black crime epidemic in the United States, particularly in the city she�d covered for almost 20 years.The post came two weeks after she covered a mass shooting at a backyard barbecue that left four people injured and six dead, including a pregnant woman, in Wilkinsburg, a majority black borough. The district attorney called the heinous crime calculated, planned and one of the �most brutal� he had seen in his 18-year tenure.............
"They are young black men, likely in their teens or in their early 20s. They have multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They�ve grown up there. They know the police. They�ve been arrested.�......
On Monday, an attorney for the mother of five filed a federal lawsuit on her behalf claiming that if she were black, her Facebook post would not have been considered a fireable offense in the eyes of her employer..............
Bell�s attorney also suggests in the filing that WTAE-TV �consistently downplays misconduct� by other reporters and anchors because of their race or gender, citing one instance where an employee was not disciplined for making lewd comments to interns that led to the termination of the internship program and another where a reporter was not disciplined after being arrested for propositioning an undercover police officer.
One law for blacks and one for us. That is malpractice. Three out four murderers in Chicago are black but Obama never tells the truth; he wants their votes.
Black Took $1 Million Bribe From A Chinaman [ 23 June 2016 ]
Dying is a great way of beating fraud charges. It worked for Maxwell, a thieving Jew.
Black Thieves Stole �500 Thousand [ 23 June 2016 ]
Illegal immigration, false identities �8 million known theft. This is what Her Majesty's Government set up. It wants 'cheap' labour. We get to live with the results.
Black Racist Bans South Africans From International Sporting Events [ 28 June 2016]
What's this? Can Blacks possibly be Racist? They certainly can, they are. Now they have proved it, alleging that there aren't enough blacks in sports. Be aware that Racism is a Marxist construct used by Zionist crazies to attack Western Civilization. It is explained by Andrew Brons at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed8gHP4b3P0. Was it trumpeted by the Main Stream Media? Not a chance, they have an agenda.
Telling The Truth Is Racist Allegedly [ 28 June 2016]
The Guardian is a Propaganda machine run by anti-English Racists.
Notice that the invaders are all men of fighting age.
Bus Company Refuses Englishman Work Because He Is Not Romanian [ 13 August 2016 ]
A British bus driver who applied for a job in Hertfordshire with a transport firm claims he was refused an interview because he is not Romanian. Fully qualified bus driver Peter Kennedy, 45, of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, applied for a job with Arriva after seeing an advert saying 'EU bus drivers wanted.'...........Mr Kennedy had been invited for an interview - but the day before this was due to take place, he received an email from the bus firm to tell him their recruitment drive was only for Romanians..........
But Mr Kennedy then received an email from a member of staff at recruitment agency Skills Provision on August 2 titled 'The British Bus Driver', which told him the interview was cancelled.
Mr Kennedy should have a word with a hungry lawyer. He could take them for lotsa money or put a couple in prison for anti-English Racism.
Senior Rabbi Is Grossly Racist [ 15 October 2016 ]
Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring' Rabbi Dov Lior says Jewish Law prohibits sterile couples from conceiving using non-Jew's sperm, as it causes adverse traits. On subject of single mothers he says, 'Child cannot be 100% normal'Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man � even if it is the last option available.
According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt........
"Sefer HaChinuch (a book of Jewish law) states that the character traits of the father pass on to the son," he said in the lecture. "If the father in not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel.
It is difficult to know whether this comedian is crazy, lying or both but probably the latter. He is more moderate than Shlomo Benizri, another Jew, Racist, politician, rabbi & thief & slaver; Benizri got four years - see e.g. Homosexuals Caused Earthquake In Israel Says Thieving Jew. Benizri wasn't beating about the bush when he said that.
PS Fun fact they stuck the president in the same cell as Benizri - see Israeli President Is A Crooked Liar And Rapist.
'Find an immigrant to drive you, you stupid tart': Lily Allen claims London black cabbie refused to drive her and her children after singer's 'crocodile tears' for Calais migrants [ 29 October 2016 ]
Good to see that one Englishman has a bit of Moral Courage. Is this news or Propaganda? Not for nothing is The Telegraph called The Quislinggraph. Buy that filthy rag? Not me!
Saudi Arabian Law Is Racist Law [ 10 November 2016 ]
Foreigners who marry Saudis are still foreigners; they will be forever more. This preserves Saudi Semitic heritage. NB They are Semites unlike most Jews. The thugs running the state of Israel like attacking Palestinians because they, the Jews are Anti-Semites.
Immigration Policy Explained [ 17 December 2016 ]
Noel Ignatiev is not a White Man, he is a Marxist Jew who can pass himself off as white. He is also a Racist, an anti-white racist full of hate & a Zionist crazy to boot. He is not prosecuted for his Hate Speech because he is a Jew.
PS The Very Reverend Ovadia Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Israel states official government policy by saying that:-
The purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews. He was another slob full of hate.
Racist Jews Carry On Ethnic Cleansing In The Stolen Land [ 17 December 2016 ]
The Israeli government has taken yet another step forward in its program to ethnically cleanse the occupied West Bank of Palestinians with a new law called the �Regulation Bill� which has passed its first reading by the Knesset.The law legalizes houses built by settlers on private Palestinian land, and forces the robbed Palestinians to accept whatever payment is offered to them, regardless of actual land value...........
This latest example of Jewish extremism has, of course, been largely ignored by the Jewish Lobby-controlled mass media, which always covers up Jewish supremacism and Jewish racism as best it can [ Which is far too well - Editor ].
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine proceeds apace. Racism is the fundamental government policy of the Zionist crazies running Palestine, the Stolen Land that they call Israel.
Black Priestess Alleges Church Of England Is RACIST Because It Does Not Pander To Blacks Enough [ 21 December 2016]
Is the Church of England a church? Is it of England? It is overrun with Homosexuals, Blacks & Feminism, which is why millions of people have walked away. This woman is another foreigner, just like Sentamu. She is living proof that Cultural Marxism has destroyed Christianity in England.
Black Racists Torture White Lad [ 6 January 2017 ]
Chicago Torture Video: 4 Charged with Hate Crimes, Kidnapping
Four suspects have been charged in connection with the attack on a special-needs teen that was streamed on Facebook Live.Jordan Hill, 18; Tesfaye Cooper; 18; Brittany Covington, 18; and Tanishia Covington, 24, have each been charged with a hate crime, felony aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
Hill, Cooper and Brittany Covington also face charges of residential burglary. Hill also faces charges of possession of a stolen motor vehicle. Video of the torture has stunned the country, not just because of the graphic abuse, but because of the comments made by some of the assailants.F*ck Donald Trump!�!� one attacker shouted in the video. �F*ck white people!�
One assailant slashes his sweatshirt with a knife. The young woman streaming the abuse on Facebook Live repeatedly turns the camera back to herself.
Blacks can't possibly be Racist, can they? They can and are. See the faces, know the hate, know the guilt. The Main Stream Media market Black Hatred. The media and Marxists in the Education industry succeed big time. NB The Daily Mail reported it - its reader really take the point; the Guardian pretended that it didn't happen.
PS Facebook Abused For Being 'Slow' In Censoring Torture Video - the accusation will be that they didn't conceal crime because the perpetrators are black. Of course if they had been white the accusations would been reversed.
PPS Learn how to prosecute these Racist swine - Prosecuting Black Racists
Black Racist Abuses Mixed Couple Alleging That White Women Are Not Human [ 18 January 2017 ]
'You couldn't find no black woman?' The shocking moment a racist man hurls abuse at interracial couple as they eat and asks whether white women are 'even humans' A shocking video has emerged showing an couple being racially abused as they shared a meal at a restaurant. The couple, a black man and a white woman, were approached by an 'interviewer' who appeared to be trying to subtly record the conversation...........'What was it that made you that weak - that you'd get on your knees and bow to this less of a female - that's lesser than a black woman in every way.'
Will the [ American in this case ] police hunt this Racist down? They did it with poor little Emma West then put her in a lunatic asylum without the nuisance of having a trial but then Emma is an Englishwoman. The law doesn't apply to Blacks, not when the Crown Prosecution Service is being corrupt as usual.
Hate Law Is Bad Law [ 3 February 2017 ]
How can equality laws create inequality, protective laws put people in peril and high-minded motives spawn deep cynicism? Easy, once you factor in the law of unintended consequences............The idea of hate crime as some sort of numinous, separate entity is about twenty years old. Apart from crude incitement to racial hatred, rightly forbidden by statute since 1965 (and probably illegal at common law), it started � you guessed � with Tony Blair. 1998 saw separate offences of racially-motivated assault and vandalism created, with bigger penalties than other assault and vandalism. This was later extended to religious motivation and to other offences; and since 2000 any offence had automatically carried a higher sentence if racially or religiously aggravated. All this has the support of police, government, and the great and the good. You can even learn all about it at law school.
What�s not to like about this? Quite a lot.
For one thing, it discriminates between victims. If the rule of law demands that everyone equally be allowed to go about his lawful business without interference, the new hate crime system shamelessly crosses out the word �equally�. Suppose you are attacked or your home is vandalised. If this is because the hoodlums responsible did it for a laugh, or because you deserve to be tormented because you once reported some local yobs for vandalism, you now officially deserve less protection from the State than if you can claim to be victimised because you were black, Polish or Catholic. Tell that to the young man in hospital with stab wounds after a random attack, or the pensioner whose terraced home is now smashed up and uninsurable, and see what they think of this system of priorities.........
Thirdly, hate crime obsession can puff up trivial cases to a laughable disproportion. Four months ago, ex-footballer-turned-entertainer Paul Gascoigne came up with an unusually oafish gag. He jokingly asked a black bodyguard in the shadows to smile to be seen. Shock horror, or a storm in a tea-cup unworthy of the attention of hard-pressed police and prosecutors? Clearly the former: a clear case for a hefty fine of �1,000 for hate crime. And the sheer self-importance and pomposity of the district judge who imposed it sums up the mindset of the new establishment better than a hundred articles in TCW. Referring to �the sort of insidious racism that needs to be challenged�, he said: �I applaud the Crown Prosecution Service for bringing this matter to court. It�s important that we, as a multicultural, multiracial society, challenge racist behaviour in all its forms.�
The tragedy is that these problems don�t affect the chattering classes who think up these rules. They don�t get assaulted; their large suburban houses don�t get vandalised; their children�s genteel schools, and their air-conditioned offices, are places where no-one would dream of saying anything out of turn. Pity about the working-class people who have to put up with the effects of the policies they, who know so much better than the rest of us, dream up over their dinner-tables: but that�s life.
The other tragedy is that it doesn�t have to be like this. There is another way of doing things. Nearly sixty years ago, after the 1958 Notting Hill race disturbances, Mr Justice Salmon � himself Jewish � hit the nail on the head. A number of white thugs had enthusiastically laid into West Indian immigrants: if ever there was a hate crime, this was it. Sentencing them to long terms in prison, with no nonsense about motivation or hate crime, he said this: "Everyone, irrespective of the colour of their skin, is entitled to walk through our streets in peace, with their heads erect and free from fear. That is a right which these courts will always unfailingly uphold." This is the kind of equality we need; these 36 words are worth any number of forests cut down to provide yet more hate crime initiatives.
The Race Relations Acts were passed for a reason; to protect Third World undesirables from Englishmen.
Marxist White Man Says Washington White People Are Fucking Insufferable [ 4 April 2017 ]
The sickest American institution is probably higher education. Colleges and universities openly promote anti-American, anti-white hatred and shut down anyone remotely conservative..........With all this in mind, let us consider Gavin Mueller, who teaches at the University of Texas, Dallas. He is a Marxist, and contemptuously anti-white:
�god the white people of DC are fucking insufferable�
Professor Mueller has been a contributing editor to the Marxist publication Jacobin since its inception. Named both for the French Jacobins who unleashed the �Reign of Terror� and their black imitators in Haiti who slaughtered whites, the magazine sells posters of guillotines
Racism is the great evil of our age - unless of course it is anti-White. People in the USSR who suffered under the real thing don't believe this kind of insane rubbish but the Lunatic Fringe are different.
Racist Rabbi Burns Bible As An Act Of Hate On Facebook [ 10 May 2017 ]
The hypocrisy surrounding Britain�s seemingly arbitrarily applied liberty-killing hate speech legislation, has come to a head..........However, because the following example of actual hate speech was perpetrated against British Christians, and on this occasion by a religious fanatic with membership of the West�s most protected group, the mainstream media, with the exception of the Israeli press and Daily Mail, have remained silent.
Earlier this month Shneur Odze, a Salford based Hasidic rabbi from the Lubavitcher sect who moonlights as a high-ranking Parliamentary and Mayoral candidate for UKIP (Odze is standing at the forthcoming Manchester mayoral election), Friends Of Israel organiser, and Breitbart author, took to Facebook to set fire to a copy of the holy Christian bible.
@ShneurOdze on Twitter is now "protected" to prevent people confirming that this rabbi is a Racist & Zionist crazy. He is allowed to incite racial hatred contrary to Part III of the Public Order Act 1986 because the law only applies to Englishmen when all is said and done. Ask the Director of Public Prosecutions; she knows the law, she knows who gets aggravation, she knows who she allows to get away with it. She Perverts The Course Of Justice because it is policy to let Jews get away with crime.
Jew Threatened Jews, Jew Charged With Paedophile Porn[ 21 May 2017 ]
Michael Kadar, the 18-year-old Jew arrested for making over 2,000 bomb threats against Jewish institutions around the globe from his home in Israel, will face trial on seven charges, including pedophilia, drugs, weapons, assault�in addition to making threatening calls. All of these threats were blamed on �Anti-Semites� and this �upsurge in anti-Semitism� was used as a reason to pressure Amazon to censor books it sold.Details of the charge sheet have been released following the earlier announcement that Kadar would not be extradited to stand trial in America, even though his arrest was the result of work by U.S. agencies and took place at the request of American authorities. The indictment reveals that Kadar �instigated panic in 2,000 institutions around the world,� and �caused the evacuation of hundreds of airports, schools, and Jewish institutions.� He also caused flights to be canceled, made threats to airports, airlines, schools, Jewish institutions, and U.S. police stations. He has also been charged with offenses related to the carrying of a weapon, assaulting a policeman, mediating drug trafficking, providing means to commit a crime, and the publishing and holding of pedophile material..............
Kadar has also been charged with carrying a weapon, and assaulting a police officer. This charge stems from the time of his arrest at his home in Ashkelon. While the police were conducting a search of the house and seizing his computer equipment, Kadar grabbed a pistol from one of the officers, and a struggle ensued with the other officers before he was subdued. He has also been charged with manufacturing and selling fake identity documents, and hacking software on the dark web.
A nasty bit of work even among his own. There is a possibility that the Jews' judges will play straight. They put their very own President in prison for rape. Ditto for their prime minister in prison for thieving. Then there was the Chief Rabbi Of Israel, another thief in prison for his pains.
Vicious Black Racist Incites White Hate [ 29 July 2017 ]
The student head of Cambridge's equality group has claimed that 'all white people are racist' after praising rioters in Dalston who lit bonfires and hurled petrol bombs at police.Jason Osamede Okundaye, who runs the Black and Minority Ethnic society at the elite institution, posted the shocking tweets amid violent protests in east London last night over the death of Rashan Charles.
He said that white people had 'colonised' Dalston and ordered them to 'go back' to areas such as Exeter and 'Solihurst' (sic).
Another semi-literate Racist oaf got into Cambridge because people running the Education Industry pander to the likes of him. They are Propaganda machines, just like the Main Stream Media; they market White Guilt & Black Hate.
PS An English lad at Oxford got banned for dressing up. Cambridge pretends it might do something about Okundaye but it won't.
Stupid & vicious. He will spend his life playing the race card.
Jew Suing College For $3.8 Million And Racism [ 31 July 2017 ]
Evergreen State College to face $3.8-million lawsuit from Prof. Bret Weinstein and wife
Finally, cowardly university officials who allow leftists racists to intimidate their opposition may face accountability in court, thanks to a lawsuit being prepared to be filed in the State of Washington. Evergreen State College there has become the national symbol of violent political correctness suppressing free speech with institutional support.When the school sponsored its annual "Day of Absence & Day of Presence," in order "to explore race in ways that support our students, staff, and faculty of color," radical students demanded that all white people leave campus. Prof. Bret Weinstein, a biologist and self-proclaimed progressive, refused and taught his scheduled classes, resulting in a mob confrontation (video here).
Now, according to an exclusive report by Campusreform.org, preparations are underway for a lawsuit seeking financial accountability for the alleged violation of Professor Weinstein's rights in the incident and its aftermath.
It seems that other Jews wrote to Weinstein telling him to play along. Zionist crazies' objective is the destruction of Western Civilization. Weinstein, like many other Jews can pass himself off as white when it is convenient
Solicitor General Says Pakistani Gangs Need Real Punishment For Raping English Girls [ 13 August 2017 ]
Judges must give longer sentences to Asian Muslim grooming gangs who abuse white teenage girls when there is evidence of racism, the Government�s senior legal advisor has said.Robert Buckland, the Solicitor General, told The Telegraph that racism �cuts all ways� and should be �front and centre� when it is part of sexual abuse cases.
He said that �the law does not discriminate� between different forms of racism and that the courts should apply a �sentencing uplift� where there is evidence of �racial hostility of motivation�.
Tory MPs are calling on the Attorney General and Mr Buckland to review the sentences of an 18-strong gang in Newcastle convicted of grooming and raping hundreds of underage white girls.
This is a welcome development. It looks as though Robert Buckland might be honest; that is welcome change too. Anti-English Racists like the BBC, Blair, Brown, Cameron etcetera will not be pleased.
Jews Allege That Donald Trump Is Racist But Support Racism In Israel [ 29 August 2017 ]
They blame Donald Trump with not abusing the Alt-Right after the Charlottesville Massacre but support the Zionist crazies who run Israel where Ethnic Cleansing of Blacks & Palestinians is government policy & top priority. What is the difference between a Jew and a Fascist? Not a lot.
Attorney General Is Grossly Racist - Main Stream Media Conceal The Truth [ 11 November 2017 ]
But then Holder is black; it's the only reason that he got to be the Attorney General. He was chosen by Obama because he [ Obama ] is also a Racist.
The Mask Is Off�Ruling Class Decides It�s OK to Hate White People [ 27 November 2017 ]
You maybe heard about the black law professor who published an op-ed in the New York Times expressing the anguish he claims to feel when teaching his kids, as he feels he should, that white people can�t be trusted, and blacks can�t be friends with them. [Can My Children Be Friends With White People?, by Ekow N. Yankah November 11, 2017].............His op-ed was widely circulated and generated much comment. Sample quote:-
For many weary minorities, the ridiculous thing was thinking friendship was possible in the first place. It hurts only if you believed friendship could bridge the racial gorge.............
My own reaction to the op-ed was a yawn�and the reflection, which also showed up here and there in the comment threads, that if living an �unsafe� life among whites causes the professor such alienation and angst, and such fears for his offspring, perhaps he�d be happier in his, or his parents�, native country�where roughly every seventh person is named �Ekow.�
That reaction inspired the further thought, also visible in the comment threads, that while blacks who live in black countries like Ghana are risking their lives and their families� life savings to escape to white countries, blacks who live in white countries express no gratitude for their good fortune.
Do these latter blacks ever themselves reflect on this contradiction? I doubt it...............
These petty resentments and animosities have always been present under the surface, of course. I�m just saying that now, where they are in line with the CultMarx narrative, they can be openly and freely expressed, and used to whip up pogroms against the offender groups: whites, men, gun owners, Trump supporters, gentiles................
Our own Cultural Revolution has so far stopped at humiliation (and career-wrecking).
But I quietly wonder how much longer that will continue to be the case.
Racism is government policy - as long as it is the anti-White sort. Here Steve Sailer tells the truth about the Black Hate incited by the Main Stream Media with the BBC in the lead. The political elite, manipulated by the Puppet Masters, by Zionist crazies are importing more Blacks, more Third World parasites to fill those Trojan Horses, to create the foot soldiers of the Enemy Within.
Reason As Racism An Immigration Debate Gets Derailed [ 18 January 2018 ]
Calling someone a Racist is the new McCarthyim. The charge is pernicious. The accuser doesn�t need to prove it. It simply hangs over the accused like a great human stain.It has become not a descriptive term for a person who believes in the superiority of one race over another, but a term of malice and libel � almost beyond refutation, as the words �communist� or �communist sympathizer� were in the 1950s.
Moreover, the accuser somehow covers himself in an immunity of superiority. If I call you a racist, I probably will not be called one. And, finally, having chosen the ultimate epithet, I have dodged the obligation to converse or build.
If Donald Trump is called a racist for saying some nations are �shithole countries,� does that help pass a �Dreamers� bill to keep gifted young people in this nation � people who have something to give the United States and are undocumented only because they were brought here by their parents illegally?...............
But there are nations that are hellholes in this world. And there are failed states. It is not racist to say that this country cannot take only the worst people from the worst places and that we want some of the best people from the best places, many of which are inhabited by people of color. That�s not racism, it is reason............
If the president is wrong on immigration � on merit, on finding a balance between skilled and unskilled immigrants, on chain migration, on the lottery � let his opponents defeat him on these points, and not by calling him a racist. If he is to be removed from office, let the voters do it based on his total performance � temperament as well as accomplishment � in 2020. Simply calling him an agent of the Russians, a nutcase or a racist is a cowardly way to fight...........
We have to stop calling each other names in this country and battle each other with ideas and issues, not slanders.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette writes honestly & sensibly; an unusual event in the Main Stream Media. That is good. I will carry on accusing the BBC of being a bunch of Racists because it is anti-white racist & a Propaganda machine to boot. Of course the reason for the abuse is that Subversives can't win by telling the truth. NB Fascist is another term of abuse used by bigots who don't know what the word means.
Englishman Kills One Islamic Thus Getting 43 Years & Very Hostile Publicity [ 2 February 2018 ]
But when Islamics murder dozens the tone is very different. They do not hide his face, his nationality or his loyalty. The Main Stream Media are run by anti-English Racists.
First Brits Were Black Alleges Natural History Museum
Believe them if you want. This a bit more propaganda, anti-white Racism.
Racist Jew Says Marrying Non-Jews Is An Actual Plague [ 2 July 2018 ]
The newly elected head of the Jewish Agency for Israel—the official organization which brings Jews to that ethnostate—Isaac Herzog, has described marriages between Jews and non-Jews as “an actual plague.”Making the remarks on Israeli TV following the announcement of his appointment to the post, Herzog—former leader of the “left wing” Zionist Labour Party added that he was desperately seeking a “solution” to the “plague.”..............
The Jewish Agency is funded by the Jewish Federations of North America, the Keren haYesod (a registered corporation of the State of Israel, and which serves is the official fundraising organization for Israel the world over), and the World Zionist Organization—and is therefore fully representative of world Jewry.
Herzog’s remarks underline the point that there is no real difference between “left wing” Jews and “right wing” Jews when it comes to the topic of preserving the Jewish race, and that the only real difference between them is how the case of Israel is presented to the world.
While no-one would question the right of Jews to remain Jews and to take steps to ensure that they remain in existence as a distinct genetic entity—after all, this is a natural right of every race and people in the world—the reality is that these same Jews are the first to attack any European person, party, or group which says the exact same thing.
Jews complain loudly about Racism in America and in Europe but in Palestine, in the Stolen Land that they call Israel it is major government policy. So is Ethnic Cleansing. It is why they have so many Concentration Camps In Israel. They regard us as Untermenschen, the Nazis' term for subhumans.
Black Racist Incites Mass Murder In France [ 27 September 2018 ]
He will be allowed to get away with it of course because Macron and his peculiar friends want him too. So will the Jews who market this sort of filth.
Jews Paid $2,000 Each To Incite Racism [ 7 October 2018 ]
The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on college campuses around the world. NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of home.”..............The involvement of the official Israeli student union as well as Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College in these state propaganda programs will likely bolster Palestinian calls for the international boycott of Israeli academic institutions...............
Among the stated goals of the scholarships is “to deepen and expand hasbara activities of students in the State of Israel.” The document explains:
The Internet allows uncontrolled access to content from marginal groups and therefore can influence many audiences who are exposed to such information, particularly young people who are more easily influenced................
What is completely missing from the program is any indication that criticism of Israel could be [ and very likely is ] valid. Rather the National Union of Israeli Students apparently seeks to indoctrinate Israeli students that every criticism of Israel is “hate” and “anti-Semitism” and that the Internet should be seen as a battlefield on which they are foot soldiers.
They are liars, they are thieves, murderers etc.
Mathematics Is Racism - Allegedly [ 21 October 2018 ]
A mathematician studies the difference between men and women in mathematics and other fields. Then he publishes so Lenin's Useful Idiots turn nasty.
More Than 200 Academics Sign Open Letter Accusing Cambridge Don Of Publishing ‘Racist Pseudoscience’ Alleges Daily Mail [ 7 December 2018 ]
'ethically suspect' means they disagree with the conclusions....actually it is ethically suspect on their part to use such language to manipulate opinion against scientific findings published in peer reviewed journals (which is where the debate should occur). opposition to immigration is indeed based on rational beliefs - there is a whole literature on homophily [ togetherness ] and the evolution of ingroups as a promoter of cooperation
This is the one comment on the Mail's smear piece, an unwontedly perceptive one too. Men at Oxford University, the cream of England's intellectuals burnt William Tyndale at the stake for translating the Bible to stop us reading it. Their successors, genetic or intellectually are the same kind of arrogant fools who never look at it. They are too busy marketing Hard Left propaganda, being at best some of Lenin's Useful Idiots. Notice that the Rational Wiki does not even bother to pretend it is taking Noah Carl's write up down the middle.
PS Another 43 comments are very largely with Doctor Carl and Free Speech.
Black Lad Hunted Down And Murdered By Vicious Racists - Media Ignore Him - Unlike Stephen Lawrence [ 4 January 2019 ]
Who remembers Isaiah Young-Sam? His family and friends certainly do, but Britain’s liberal elite certainly don’t. That’s puzzling, because he was a young Black man murdered at the age of 23 in a particularly shocking way: “stabbed through the heart as he fled a baying gang wielding chains, baseball bats and knives, who hunted him down simply because he was black.”................But Britain’s liberal elite forgot Isaiah Young-Sam long ago. They never added his name to their Big Book of Minority Martyrs and, unlike Stephen Lawrence, he hasn’t been the subject of an endless stream of books, articles, TV programmes and radio broadcasts. Why so? It’s simple. Isaiah Young-Sam has not been turned into a minority martyr because he was murdered by the wrong kind of racist. His killers were brown-skinned Pakistani Muslims. Therefore his murder is useless to the liberal elite. It can’t be used for promoting the lie that ordinary Whites are an ominous and ever-present threat to the lives and well-being of gentle, vulnerable non-Whites.
Racism is the great evil if an Englishman is accused. Ditto for a white man but Pakistanis are different. It doesn't matter how vicious, how racist they are. They get a pass. The Mainstream Media are corrupt Propaganda machines marketing Western Guilt & inciting Black Hate. Mr Young-Sam qualifies, just barely for a mention by the Wikipedia in its article on the 2005 Birmingham riots. They were black versus brown.
Fat Ugly Foul Mouthed Black Racist Abuses Irish [ 25 January 2019 ]
Azealia Banks begged Conor McGregor to 'help her' after she unleashed another vile social media rant aimed at Irish people, days after she branded them 'f***ing ugly' on Instagram.The 27-year-old rapper made her initial comments on her Instagram account, after storming off an aircraft scheduled to fly from London's Gatwick Airport to Dublin, following a row with an Aer Lingus air stewardess.
A day later she then branded Irish people 'inbred', 'leprechauns' and asked if they 'had a famine to go die in' in a series of social media comments.
Before the sickening outburst Conor McGregor had watched the rapper's Instagram story and messaged her saying, 'hahaha. See you soon.'
She then replied, pleading with the Irish MMA star to help her. She wrote: 'Conor they are bullying me. Help me :('
If the fat lump can't take it she shouldn't start it. Will she be prosecuted for inciting racial hatred using Part III of the Public Order Act 1986 or any of the Race Relations Acts? Of course not. She is black and the legal system is corrupt. The race relations nausea is being used by the Establishment to cause Ethnic Fouling and Genocide. See e.g. the next one. The fact that it happened in Germany is irrelevant.
Pakistani Actress Sacked For Racist Abuse Of Blacks - For Saying Awful Word Beginning With N - It Ends With igger [ 13 April 2019 ]
Emmerdale actress Shila Iqbal has been fired after posting a series of racist tweets in 2013, when she was 19 and attending college in Rochdale. The star, 24, who played Aiesha Richards on the soap, has been dismissed by ITV bosses on Wednesday when the tweets were unearthed.ITV sources exclusively revealed to MailOnline, she was immediately removed from the show after the messages were brought to bosses' attention, shortly before Shila deleted her entire Twitter account when the news came to light..............
'We live in sensitive times for members of all communities and especially those in multi-racial Rochdale where I grew up...
A Pakistani born in Rochdale comes unstuck but her blood brethren are allowed to Rape English girls by the hundred. That is different somehow. Of course if she were called a Paki she would have been called a victim of Racism. The Mail also mentions Marc Anwar, another Pakistani racist - see Coronation Street star Marc Anwar SACKED from soap after astonishing racist Twitter attack for saying:-
The Pakistan-born actor – TV’s love cheat Sharif Nazir – branded Indians “b*****ds” and “p**s-drinking c**ts”.
He is a foul mouthed oaf but then he is a Third World alien.
Insurance Companies Are Racist - Allegedly [ 29 June 2019 ]
The cost of your car insurance could be affected by your ethnicity, whether you have children, and even your email address, a TV investigation has revealed.The Channel 4 consumer show Supershoppers carried out tests by applying for hundreds of quotes from insurance firms - and changing a single detail in the submitted customer information - such as name, address, number of dependents and ethnic background - each time for comparison.
In one instance, they found that submitting two identical sets of information under two different names; David Smith and Ahmed Khan, revealed Mr Khan could expect to pay as much as £462 extra per year.
Believe it if you want.
Racist Jews Demolish Palestinian Homes Near Jerusalem
Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western governments in its actions.The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House two-and-a-half years ago has emboldened Israel as never before, leaving it free to unleash new waves of brutality in the occupied territories.
Western states have not only turned a blind eye to these outrages, but are actively assisting in silencing anyone who dares to speak out. It is rapidly creating a vicious spiral: the more Israel violates international law, the more the West represses criticism, the more Israel luxuriates in its impunity.
This shameless descent was starkly illustrated last week when hundreds of heavily armed Israeli soldiers, many of them masked, raided a neighbourhood of Sur Baher, on the edges of Jerusalem. Explosives and bulldozers destroyed dozens of homes, leaving many hundreds of Palestinians without a roof over their heads............
On Friday, Israeli snipers killed one protester and seriously injured 56, including 22 children. That followed new revelations that Israeli’s policy of shooting unarmed protesters in the upper leg to injure them – another war crime – continued long after it became clear a significant proportion of Palestinians were dying from their wounds.
Belatedly – after more than 200 deaths and the severe disabling of many thousands of Palestinians – snipers have been advised to “ease up” by shooting protesters in the ankle.............
But there should be no surprise. The clampdown is further evidence that western support for Israel is indeed based on shared values – those that treat the Palestinians as lesser beings, whose rights can be trampled at will.
Jonathan Cook, an honest man is enraged, and with reason. Yes, we do know that Palestinians are Untermenschen [ the charmless Nazi term for subhumans ], don't we? Of course when naughty little Adolf gave Jews a hard time it was different; they really matter. That is why they are abusing Comrade Corbyn for not snivelling to them. Anti-Semitism is awful, isn't it? What is Donald Trump doing about it? Letting them get away with it, just like Theresa May.
Jews Want America Infested With Third World Parasites But Not Israel
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society—the Jewish organization targeted by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers on account of its pro-Third World invasion activity—has launched a petition signed by over 1,400 rabbis demanding that the US take in all fake asylum seekers from Latin America—while continuing to support Israel, which refuses to take in any “refugees” at all.As reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the HIAS petition has been signed by “more than 1,400 Jewish clergy from across the United States” which calls on government officials “to protect the legal right to seek asylum in the United States.”............
A delegation of rabbis, attorneys and advocates for asylum seekers delivered the petition last week to congressional representatives on Capitol Hill.
“Our tradition teaches that each and every person deserves to be treated justly and with compassion,” it says. “However, under current U.S. policy and practice, asylum seekers instead face an ever-lengthening list of injustices including family separation, long periods of detention in jail-like facilities, and denial of due process in their legal proceedings. Simply put, our country is treating these individuals as criminals, even though seeking asylum is a legal right. This must change.”
So six billion people have the absolute right to refuge in America but not Israel. Can this be true? The Right Reverend Racist Ovadia Yosef, His Highness the Chief Rabbi of Israel has the answer, saying e.g. The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews. We are the Untermenschen [ the charmless Nazi term for subhumans ].
Racist Blacks Murder Illegal Black Immigrants In South Africa [ 4 September 2019 ]
Five people were killed today as looters in South Africa destroyed shops and attacked drivers in a third day of xenophobic rioting.Hordes of people - some armed with axes and machetes - terrorised Johannesburg hours after mobs tore through the township of Alexandra, forcing police to open fire with rubber bullets. Police, who have so far arrested more than 90 people, fanned out across Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Many gutted, emptied shops remained closed as shop owners, many of them foreign, feared to return to their property.
If Englishmen had rioted and murdered a few foreigners there would have been howls of outrage from the BBC and other anti-White racists in the Mainstream Media. The Beeb spent twenty years whining about the patriots alleged to have sorted out Lawrence. Notice that the Mail accuses these degenerate savages https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7430961/Boss-Georgian-human-trafficking-gang-35-jailed-six-years.html wonderful black people of Xenophobia, not at all the same thing as Racism, is it?
Loud Mouthed Black Alleges Racism [ 28 August 2019 ]
Azealia Banks has accused airline crew of racially profiling and hitting her during a flight from Sweden to LA after a passenger 'claimed she had sex' on the plane.The rap star, 28, posted a video on her Instagram account on Monday night, which she later deleted, showing a woman and a member of Scandinavian Airlines crew.
She can be heard saying 'I'm on the SAS flight and this one lady right here thinks me and my boyfriend were having sex on the plane so she tried to racially profile me.'
As the woman puts her hand towards Banks' phone to cover the camera, a flight attendant leans in and the musician accuses her of hitting her. She says, 'you just hit me' as the woman stays calm and tries to speak to Banks before saying 'this lady just hit me on the f*****g flight.'
Blacks have been incited to hate us by Lenin's Useful Idiots who have infiltrated the Establishment. It is all part of the Long March Through The Institutions. Using allegations of Racism while flooding us with Third World parasites is part of it. They are using Ethnic Fouling to cause Genocide. NB The Mail is censoring comments; it is nervous about the truth.
Racist American College Bans White Men At Science Symposium [ 2 October 2019 ]
An upcoming science and technology symposium slated to take place at Massachusetts-based liberal arts university Williams College will showcase “new” voices in the field—but only from nonwhites, and has specifically excluded white people from participating.According to a report in The College Fix newspaper, the “New Voices in Science and Technology Studies: A C3 Symposium,” set for early November, invited scholars to submit papers if they represent a “historically underrepresented group.”
The call for papers specifies that means either “African Americans, Alaska Natives, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx [ sic ], Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders.”
Part of the application process asked applicants to write a couple sentences proving themselves as a member of a “historically underrepresented group.”
Yet the application also provides an equal employment opportunity statement that people from all backgrounds are welcome, the College Fix pointed out.
Williams College Associate Professor of Political Science and Chair of Science and Technology Studies Laura Ephraim is the point of contact for the event. For the last three weeks she has ignored repeated phone calls and emails from The College Fix seeking comment on the event.
Williams College’s media affairs office and several faculty members in the Science and Technology Studies program at the school also ignored repeated requests for comment.
So yes, they are Racists, anti-white racists but they won't admit it. If their symposium is going to be non-white it will be a waste of time. Producing worthwhile work means having an IQ higher than room temperature.
Pakistani Racist Tells Tory To Fuck Off To A White Country [ 26 November 2019 ]
A British Asian Tory activist has been left shaken after he was subjected to a four-minute foul-mouthed rant by a screeching man in Islamic dress who told him to 'go back to a white f***ing country'.Has Ahmed, 23, was canvassing for the party in Redbridge, north east London, on Sunday ahead of next month's crunch election when he was suddenly harangued by a furious member of the public. Stalking the grassroots campaigner along the road, the unknown aggressor spat out a slew of insults, branding his target 'sick in the head'.
Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Ahmed said he was both terrified by the unprovoked verbal onslaught and saddened that he received such racist abuse.
The tech analyst from Stratford, who moved from Islamabad, Pakistan, 10 years ago, said:.........
Now if an Englishman had been doing this the filth would be all over it but they will make sure the Pakistani walks free. The Mail's readers know that the police are corrupt and idle.
'Win-Win' In UK As Highly Skilled Refugees Find Work [ 26 December 2019 ]
In a deprived town in northern England, reeling from the death of its fishing industry, a handful of ambitious professionals have arrived with a mission - to improve residents’ health..............“I’m yearning to work as a doctor [ and get far better paid ],” Ahmed Hashim, who arrived in Britain this year and is one of about seven refugees on the program, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone. While a variety of social enterprises - or businesses that aim to do good - seek to find refugees jobs, from handicrafts to cafes, this project is one of a handful trying to get them into careers that match the qualifications they gained back home.
The deprived town in question is Grimsby, NOT sad little northern towns like Rochdale or Rotherham where Third World aliens are yearning to Rape English girls, carry on drug dealing etc. If you believe that Illegal Immigrants in particular are highly skilled at anything except robbery, murder, smuggling, whatever it is time for a rethink. A much more honest look at the issue of skilled immigrants is Surgeons of our minds.Reuters is marketing fraudulent Propaganda but then it was founded by Paul Reuter, a Jew.
Black Racists Attack White Lad Near Paris, France [ 28 January 2020 ]
Police are investigating a 'racist attack' after footage of a white schoolboy being kicked and beaten by a group of eight black teenagers in France was uploaded and shared on social media. A video on Twitter shows the teenager being repeatedly kicked in the commuter town of Etampes, south of Paris.Around eight youths are involved in the assault, which took place outside the Jean-Etienne Guettard high school. Teenage kicked and jumped on by gang while attackers laugh
Beating people up is fun for Psychopaths, black savages etc. Notice that the 'Mail' is nervous about admitting that it is 'Black Hate' and black 'Racism'. It is also censoring comments but the readers are not stupid enough to tiptoe round reality. They know that our wonderful politicians would let the criminals get away with it because they are black.
Oxford Lecturer Doesn't Want Englishmen To Discover Coronavirus Vaccine [ 25 April 2020 ]
Dr Emily Cousens, a lecturer at Oxford and LSE, has today stolen the OpEd spotlight today with a piece in the Huffington Post, which prays that Oxford does not win the race to develop a vaccine for her fear that “it will be used as it has been in the past, to fulfil its political, patriotic function as proof of British excellence.” Cousens is studying for a PhD in gender studies sat Oxford Brookes, so she knows what she’s talking about…Emily predicts that, while Britain was too late when it came to stockpiling PPE, we won’t be caught out again and a vaccine, should we create one, “and it will be Britons who are prioritised for protection.” Emily goes on to imagine that, “If there is enough vaccine to go round, the UK will be the world’s saviour. We’ll quickly forget the devastating delay of the UK government to take action.” God forbid Britain puts saving lives ahead of taking chunks out of Boris…
Emily is so wedded to her hatred of seeing Britain succeed she won’t let her dogma “overshadow” being able to see her dad again soon, who she mentions is “increasingly worried he won’t be able to return to his usual ways for years – until such a vaccine is developed”. He must be so proud she’s willing to make this ideological sacrifice for him…
UDPATE: To all those in the comments and on Twitter angrily pointing out that Oxford Brookes is not part of the University of Oxford, she teaches at the actual University of Oxford, where she obtained a degree and is now also studying for a PhD at Oxford Brookes. Guido guesses the angry ones are those who think their alma mater is being devalued.
Cousens has been brought up with lifelong propaganda from the Mainstream Media and Education Industry. She is stupid enough to believe it; that is how it works in the humanities. Disagree with the prevailing pieties and fail your degree. The Establishment markets White Guilt and Black Hate. It worked well for Jo Cox; it got her into Parliament. Her face fitted until Tommy Mair, a patriot killed her.
PS Recall that in 1555 AD England's leading intellectuals at Oxford tried the Archbishop of Canterbury as a heretic and burned him at the stake. Now the current leading lights are heretics but they have passionate views about Save The Muesli or whatever it is today. As George Orwell told us: Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them. A very sensible chap!
Black Racist Fool Full Of Hate Abused White People And Jews [ 16 July 2020 ]
Nick Cannon has accused ViacomCBS of being on the 'wrong side of history' and is demanding full ownership of his 'Wild 'N Out' brand after he was fired for spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on his podcast and accusing white people of being 'evil', 'rapists' and 'true savages'. The 39-year-old made the remarks during a June 30 episode of his talk show 'Cannon's Class' in which he interviewed former Public Enemy member Professor Griff, real name Richard Griffin, who was kicked out of the rap group in 1989 for saying Jewish people 'were responsible for the majority of the wickedness in the world'.During a discussion on racial bias, Cannon - who hosts the MTV series 'Wild N' Out' and 'The Masked Singer' on Fox- said black people are the true Hebrews and that Jews have usurped their identity.
He also delved deep into anti-Semitic tropes - ranting about history 'going as deep as the Rothschilds, centralized banking, the 13 families, the bloodlines that control everything even outside of America.'
Nick Cannon is not accused of mentioning The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an oversight no doubt. Being Black he is allowed to abuse his betters but his mistake was to abuse Jews, the Puppet Masters, the rogues that run ViacomCBS. Do not be deceived by the fact that he was allowed into Harvard. I do accept of course that he might be able to read and write.
Ugly Black Racist Promoted By Cambridge University [ 25 July 2020 ]
Marxist activists occupying Cambridge University have rewarded anti-White racist tweets written and published by Dr Priyamvada Gopal with a promotion to full professorship.Gopal was found inciting racially aggravated violence after publishing a torrent of racial abuse on the social media platform. In her hate fuelled tirade, the racist academic demanded that “whiteness be abolished” referring to attacks by fellow Marxists on our Churchill statue outside of Parliament. The reaction from the Marxist media was an attempt to portray Gopal as the victim of bullying while feigning infinitely greater outrage over a “White Lives Matter” banner that was flown over a football match in Manchester.
Following her exposure, more hateful tweets were discovered, this time inciting racially aggravated violence towards the White male ethnic minority, including one instance where Gopal states, “I resist urges to kneecap white men every day. So, no **I** am the hero.”
Priyamvada Gopal is a Racist criminal who incites hatred contrary to Part III of the Public Order Act 1986, the one that deals with Racial Hatred. She writes in The Guardian, The Hindu, The Independent, New Statesman, Open Democracy, Outlook India, India Today, Open, HuffPost, New Humanist, Al Jazeera, The Nation, and The Times Literary Supplement. So obviously the Director of Public Prosecutions & the Crown Prosecution Service are aware that she is one of the Enemy Within. They have chosen to let her get away with being a racist thus Perverting The Course Of Justice. This qualifies as Misconduct In Public Office but the pay is pretty good. You might feel, one way or another that the DPP is part of a conspiracy by the Establishment to destroy Western Civilization.
Black Racist Attacks Korean Woman [ 18 August 2020 ]
A North Korean asylum seeker has claimed she is the victim of a campaign of abuse by her neighbour over their bins after she was told 'you're not from this country' in the latest row. Footage shows the resident arguing with the woman, named as Myungseo, and appearing [ sic ] to throw a bin in her direction before pushing her.The neighbour can be heard telling Myungseo: 'You're an asylum seeker. You're not from this country.'
The two clips were posted to Facebook by Myungseo, who lives in Croydon, London, and claimed she has been 'assaulted several times' by the neighbour.
We are all supposed to pander to Blacks because they are the victims and we are the Racists. So says the BBC and the rest of the Useful Idiots who know how to run our lives better than we do. They pretend there is no black racism.
PS The Mail censors comments while the BBC & The Guardian pretend it never happened; they are corrupt Propaganda machines.
Black Racist Abuses Englishman [ 29 October 2020 ]
West Indies cricketer Marlon Samuels has boasted of his 'f***ing superior skin tone' in a racist attack on rival Ben Stokes.The Jamaican also taunted 2019's BBC Sports Personality of the Year by saying: 'Give me 14 days with your wife turn har [sic] into Jamaican in 14 seconds mate.'
The shocking outburst came after the England all-rounder joked he would not wish two weeks of Covid-19 quarantine on his 'worst enemy' - even Samuels.
Of course if Mr Stokes had called Samuels a f***ing gobby Nigger there would have been howls of outrage from the Establishment, police harassment etc. but the black goes Scot free.
PS The Mail is censoring comments but the readers understand the corruption here. The legal term is Selective Prosecution.
Greg Clarke Resigned After A Disastrous Appearance At A Parliamentary Panel Where He Used The Term 'Coloured Footballers' [ 11 November 2020 ]
So says Martin Samuel - Sport writer for the Daily Mail. So now we know the truth about Football Association chairman Greg Clarke. He really wasn't that smart.Racist, sexist, probably not. He used some very outdated language wrapped up in crudely stereotypical attitudes before a committee of politicians on Tuesday and paid a high price.
Clarke rightly apologised when corrected but, in the current climate, it was never going to be enough. He could not continue heading up an organisation that is supposed to be in the vanguard of equality issues, while talking like a caricature of a retired colonel in the bar of a Home Counties golf club.
Samuel, the Mail's sports wallah writes like a caricature of a Jewish colonial Fascist in Palestine but then he is a Jew that keeps very quiet about gross Racism in Israel. He is using the Daily Mail to propagandize us.
PS See Jews acting like real Jews.
Racist Jews having fun in Israel. NB thumping Arabs is healthy exercise.
Black Racist Says Praise Of Captain Sir Tom Moore Is White Nationalism [ 5 February 2021 ]
A clergyman from a prominent Church of England parish yesterday condemned the commemoration of Captain Sir Tom Moore as a ‘cult of white British nationalism’.The Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown appeared to dismiss the work of the Covid fund-raiser, whose efforts were praised by all political leaders and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The cleric, newly appointed to a prestigious post by the Bishop of London, the Right Reverend Sarah Mullally, added that he would not join Wednesday night's national clap to mark the passing of Captain Tom. He responded to the veteran’s death by tweeting: ‘The cult of Captain Tom is a cult of White British Nationalism. I will offer prayers for the repose of his kind and generous soul, but I will not be joining the “National Clap”.’
Hundreds of thousands of Britons across the nation took to their doorsteps yesterday evening to pay tribute to Sir Captain Moore after he died of coronavirus yesterday.
Another malicious Third World parasite imported by the Enemy Within. Notice that he was employed by the Church of England not Jamaica or whichever ghastly Hell hole he came from. We are not allowed to be Racist but blacks get a pass. Another deeply unpleasant character was Vince Reid A Black Racist who escaped prosecution under Public Order Act 1986 after he incited racial hatred. He was used as a Show Nigger.
PS The comments are hostile to this ungrateful little chancer even though the Mail is censoring input.
Britain Is Not A Racist Society - The Independent Denies It [ 1 April 2021 ]
Britain is no longer a country where the “system is deliberately rigged” against ethnic minorities a landmark race review has concluded – prompting accusations of complacency over progress towards an anti-racist society.Criticising the use of the term “institutional racism” as being “too liberally used”, the 258-page report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities suggested that factors such a socio-economic background, culture and religion have a “more significant impact on life chances than the existence of racism”.
In his foreword, commission chair Dr Tony Sewell wrote: “Put simply we no longer see a Britain where the system is deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities”.
“The impediments and disparities do exist, they are varied, and ironically very few of them are directly to do with racism. Too often ‘racism’ is the catch-all explanation, and can be simply implicitly accepted rather than explicitly examined”.
However, the authors said that “outright racism still exists”, the UK was not a “post-racial society”, and stressed: “We take the reality of racism seriously and we do not deny that it is a real force in the UK”.
The Independent puts a position on Racism, claiming in effect that the Commission is lying. But it does not help us find the truth by linking to The report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. It does not want us to know what it really tells us. But then it is, like the rest of the Mainstream Media a Propaganda machine. NB The full thing is at Final Report. The Mail tells us about this "Distinguished Panel Of Experts" One might be an Englishman; the rest are Third World aliens, parasites of one sort or another.You are entitled to believe that The Indy is not run by crooks but notice that it ignores the ugly realities of life and death in Israel where Racism is open Public Policy with Ethnic Cleansing being used as a tool to cause Genocide.
Black Racist Murdered His Mother - Now It Is GBH [ 2 April 2021 ]
The man who viciously assaulted a 65-year-old Filipina woman by kicking her head in a savage attack in New York has been arrested, police said. Brandon Elliot, 38, was detained by NYPD cops at 2am on Wednesday after CCTV footage of the horrific beating drew widespread condemnation and sparked a police manhunt.Elliot is currently on lifetime parole after murdering his own mother in 2002 and was released from prison in 2019, according to NBC New York. He lives in a Manhattan hotel serving as a homeless shelter near where Monday's attack took place and has been charged with felony assault as a hate crime.
The victim was on her way to church in Midtown when she was pushed to the ground and kicked in the head. She had been walking towards the suspect in the moments before he attacked her when he reportedly told her: 'F*** you, you don't belong here.'..........
NYPD officers had blanketed Manhattan with wanted posters and offered a $2,500 reward for any information on the suspect.
Are all murderers black? No, not quite. In Chicago they do about three quarters of recorded homicides. Their current score is 103 out 134. Most of the rest are browns. See Chicago Homicides and use FILTER to see for yourself. Albeit 6 out the nine logged as white have Hispanic names.
Republicans Are The Party Of White Supremacy Alleges Black Racist [ 19 April 2022 ]
A professor at Boston University called Republicans 'the party of white supremacy' and not the 'party of parents,' despite the GOP 'branding' themselves as such.Ibram X. Kendi, Boston University's Andrew W. Mellon professor in the Humanities and Director of the Center for Antiracist Research, took aim at the GOP in an op-ed for The Atlantic, citing Republican opposition to critical race theory as a reason why they're 'clearly' not the party of parents.
'This Republican Party is not the party of any group of parents, but the party of white supremacy,' Kendi wrote.............
'(They are) not the party of parents raising white kids. The Republican Party is not the party of parents raising girls, raising trans kids, raising kids of color, raising queer kids, raising poor kids, raising immigrant kids.'
'The Republican Party is making it harder for all of these kids to learn about themselves and their histories,' Kendi went on to write.
Ibram Xolani Kendi is what is known in the business as a Show Nigger, a tool being used by Subversives, just like Greta Thunberg. His real name, the one his parents gave him is Ibram Henry Rogers. His pseudonym is quasi-African. Which tribe, which language? Pass. Does he know? No; it is just something he invented.His appointment to Boston University as a professor proves rather adequately that the people running the place are same the kind of Quasi-Intellectuals as those at Oxford University, they who brought us the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford.
One of their tricks was to capture the Archbishop of Canterbury & a brace of bishops, then burn them at the stake as heretics. That was back in 1556. Would they do it again if they thought they could get away with it? Yes, at the drop of a hat. Now they have a different set of stupid opinions. Ibram knows them, which is why he tells us that trans kids, kids of color, queer kids etc. are victims.
Western Civilization is being destroyed by the Puppet Masters who manipulate the Education Industry & Mainstream Media. Meanwhile China prospers, getting richer every year. They make things, they sell things, they prosper.
Racist Jews Tried To Murder Two Palestinians [ 12 June 2022 ]
Three days ago, illegal Israeli colonizers ambushed and assaulted a Palestinian man and his son after forcing them out of their car in Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem, causing serious wounds.“We were driving and passed a group of about ten Israeli colonizers in Silwan,” the father, Riyad Somrain said, “We drove a short distance to find another group of about ten colonizers before both groups attacked our car, forcing us to stop.”
“They dragged my son out of the car and assaulted him, that is when I stepped out and rushed to help my son, but within seconds they hurled a stone at my face, wounding me in the eye and face.”
“It is like they are from a different universe; their violence, hatred… our lives mean nothing to them,” Riyad said. “When they pointed their guns at us, we thought that is it; they are going to kill us.”.............
“My husband had a surgery in the face; the doctors placed a draining tube to remove the pus and fluids and will undergo another surgery within a few days for platinum implants in his jaw,” the wife said, “My son, Laith, suffered bleeding in the eye and fractures in the hands and will be undergoing surgery.”.........
For a complete list of Palestinians and Israelis killed since 2000, see Israel-Palestine Timeline
These Jews were armed hooligans; the sort that Zionist crazies import with Malice Aforethought. They know they will be allowed to get away with it because Genocide is Government Policy in Israel.
Hindus Fighting Muslims In Leicester [ 20 September 2022 ]
Fifteen people were arrested during a policing operation in east Leicester 'to deter further disorder' on Sunday after another night of violence allegedly between young Muslims and Hindus. Video of fights breaking out on the streets surfaced Sunday with police breaking up the two groups. It comes after two arrests were made when police said disturbances broke out at an unplanned protest on Saturday night and Sunday morning.In a statement, Leicestershire Police said: 'Officers became aware of groups of young men gathering on Sunday afternoon in the North Evington area of the city. 'Officers spoke to them and took steps, including putting in place a temporary police cordon, to minimise harm and disturbance to communities.'
The force added all fifteen remained in policy custody just passed [ sic ] midnight on Monday morning.
The Hindus attack the Islamics because they are Racists. Of course vice versa, Islamics are just as racist. Recall that when India was partitioned in 1947 some 15 million Indians decided to be refugees rather than get murdered by their fellow countrymen. In fact only a million or two were killed. "Estimates" are strictly political Now they don't vote and nobody cares. NB It was all someone else's fault.
PS Chris Goodwin writing in Quora tells us that the official figures were deliberately reduced, made fraudulent; that the reality was anything up to 100 million, perhaps 15% of the population.
Race Rioting Spreads To Birmingham, Islamics Turn Nasty [ 22 September 2022 ]
Violence between Muslims and Hindus spread from Leicester to Birmingham last night after 200 masked men gathered outside a Hindu temple to protest against a planned event.Footage from Smethwick shows police on the scene as a large group of masked and hooded young men gathered at the Durga Bhawan Hindu temple, with witnesses claiming bottles and firecrackers were thrown.
Police were seen with riot helmets and shields confronting the crowd, believed to be predominantly Muslim men, and attempting to move them away from the temple while protesters climbed the surrounding boundary fence.
Racism is THE great evil. We know this because the BBC tells us incessantly. They are delighted when telling us about White Supremacists but it is different when it Islamics are at it. They are keen on hiding Hindus and their racism from us too. The BBC is also keen on broadcasting Paedophile Propaganda, on marketing Homosexuality and on protecting its peculiar friends, e.g. Rolf Harris. NB The Mail mentions that various Third World aliens were deliberately inciting rioters. And, yes it is blocking comments to stop people hearing the truth.
Hindu Versus Muslim Race Riots In Leicester Set Up By His Majesty's Government Expose The Hate [ 23 September 2022 ]
'Whatever this is about this not about cricket,' says barber Muhammad Sandhi outside his shop on Leicester's Green Lane Road. 'I am Indian and I am a Muslim.'Muhammad, 26, who is originally from Gujarat, India, moved to the East Midlands 16 years ago and in that time has never seen anything like the violence that have shaken his family in the past few weeks.
'In Leicester we are allowed to celebrate our faiths whoever we are – Muslim, Hindu, Sikh. But we should not be allowed to ram our religions down other people's throats. We should be able to live together and respect each other. 'This is affecting the reputation of Leicester and especially this area. No one comes here in the evening any more. We have to close the barber's shop early.'
Further down Green Lane where the smell of spices wafts through the mechanic's garage and past the Saree shop, mother-of-two Bansari Shukla says people who have lived happily in the multicultural melting pot for decades are now on edge.
Indians and other Third World parasites were imported by what is now His Majesty's Government with Malice Aforethought and enthusiastic collusion of His Majesty's Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition. They are Enemies Of The People. Of course they are Traitors too. Capitalist Swine want cheap labour; using Illegal Immigrants drives down the wages of honest men. Tories go along with that. The Labour Party need Pakistanis and such like because they learn to cheat with their mothers' milk. They run the Vote Rigging Industry.
Do politicians care about the Culture War being waged against us, against White People? NO! it is Genocide, a crime against International Law. So what? So, nothing as far they are concerned. NB Of course the Mail is censoring comments; it is nervous about the truth.
Black Racist Murdered White Man In California [ 4 February 2023]
An ER doctor was killed after being mown down by a Lexus and then stabbed to death by the driver in an apparent road rage incident.Dr Michael Mammone, 58, was cycling on the Pacific Coast Highway, California, when he was run over by a white Lexus which sped through a red light at an intersection on Wednesday at around 3pm.
The driver of the vehicle, Vanroy Evan Smith, 39, then got out of his car and stabbed the cyclist multiple times in the back, with brave bystanders tackling him to the ground. Witnesses say he was holding a BB gun when he approached Dr Mammone, a married father-of-two, and was screaming racial slurs about 'white privilege' , according to ABC7.
Shocking video shows the moment Smith, a trained accountant, careered into the cyclist, with police claiming that the pair were complete strangers.
It's all right for blacks to be Racist. It is different for civilized human beings. Was this thug killing because black police murdered one of their own a few days ago?
& omissions,
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Updated on Friday, 31 March 2023 17:51:19