IQ is short for Intelligence Quotient. It is part of an approach to measuring intelligence. The abbreviation was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenz-quotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests he advocated in a 1912 book. When current IQ tests are developed, the median raw score of the norming sample is defined as IQ 100 and scores each standard deviation (SD) up or down are defined as 15 IQ points greater or less,  although this was not always so historically. By this definition, approximately two-thirds of the population scores an IQ between 85 and 115, and about 5 percent of the population scores above 125.

Here are some essays on the point. One surprising result from IQ And The Wealth of Nations is the IQ given for Israel. At 94 it is a deal lower than the average of 100. A lot of Jews are very high achievers in science, maths, business, slave trading, major fraud, political manipulation, drug dealing and other fields needing brains and an ability to get away with crime. NB It seems that Ashkenazi Jews have the brains - see #Race And Intelligence but that Ethiopian Jews are gormless. The least intelligent being Bushmen in South West Africa.

Fred told us recently, in January 2019 that research in genetics is going to pin down the genes that determine intelligence. He knows, like everyone else that it is hereditary. The Lunatic Fringe deny it because it does not fit their agenda and they know/suspect/believe that science is going to prove them wrong. Read The White Man’s Burden Reflections on the Custodial State then  decide whether it is true of not.

A graphic display shows national average IQs round the world at World map of National IQ Scores by Country - Target Map. Does it accord with your experience? Look for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.

A recent essay, written in May 2021 by Steve Sailer [ His Wiki write up is down right hostile; very much a point in his favour ] entitled Twins Across Space And Time is about how IQ testing is affected by the Nature Versus Nurture issue. The comments are good too. 

It is thought that men's intelligence ranges more than it does in women. More men are very intelligent than their sisters. Vice versa, the stupid ones are very stupid. This was demonstrated by recruits in Viet Nam. They were called #MacNamaras Morons. Unkind but true. You can't fix stupid.

Further commentary comes from , an Englishman(?)is at Not Unreasonable.

Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence
It seems that fluid intelligence is the raw ingredient, native wit, the sort that enables you to learn a language without knowing a language exists. The crystalline form is knowing and using ideas to build.


Fred's Thoughts, Unoriginal But Perhaps of Value, on Brains
Fred is thoughtful, original & often worth reading.


We need intellectuals, people of high intelligence or do we? Some of them advance knowledge in worthwhile ways. A large and growing number are dangerous destructive rogues or fools. Some, all too many of them bring us the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Cambridge and the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford, where the Lunatic Fringe holds sway. They are a result of Mob Psychology.


Intelligence Is Mainly Inherited
That is obvious but it seems that some of the relevant genes have been identified, leading to better understanding. IQ can improve in a few generations. This is confirmed by The Truth About the SAT and ACT


Intelligence is Genetic, MIT Admits, and IQ-DNA Tests Soon Available  [ ]
Faced with the inevitable march of impartial factual science, several leading behavioral geneticists have now fully admitted that intelligence is genetic—i.e. that intelligence is inherited, and not environmental—and that IQ DNA test kits will soon be available in the same way that there are already ancestry DNA tests.
The evidence leads where it leads. Liars don't like it though.


Intelligence Really Is Inherited

The source is political so it may be biased, but in favour of blacks, not vice versa.


In Search Of The Super Race
Fred tells us that Asians are more intelligent than us. He even shows us the proof so he is likely to be right. Will the Chinese or Japs be as vindictive and destructive as Zionist crazies. Fred does not say because, sad to say Fred is evasive on the subject of Jews.


The Inevitability of Eugenics
Breeding for intelligence has got to the stage where it is very likely to be possible. What will the superman of the future think about the rest of us, the lesser mortals? It could be bad news. We already know, or should what the Jews, the Zionist crazies are doing to us. It could be bad, it could be dreadful.


Jews Breed For Intelligence
Thus saith Gilad Atzmon. Is he right? It seems entirely likely. He knows his own, which incidentally is why he left them to get on with it. He prefers England. Here he explains the Cognitive Elite. The idea is that rich Jews have been marrying their daughters to clever Jews for 1500 years. It works. That is why they are richer, more powerful et cetera.


Why Do Ashkenazi Jews Have High IQs?
They do have high IQs. The explanations are various.


Fred Explains IQ Reality        
Fred has been around. Fred Is very readable. Fred makes lots of sense.


The LA Times Tells Some Of The Truth About IQ
The LA Times is very much part of the Main Stream Media, a  Propaganda machine run by the Puppet Masters.


IQ and Personality
I recently came across some statistics* about the personality traits of high-IQ persons (those who are in the top 2 percent of the population). The statistics pertain to a widely used personality test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). In the MBTI there are four pairs of complementary personality traits (which I sketch below): Extraverted/Introverted, Sensing/iNtuitive, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. Thus, there are 16 possible personality types in the MBTI: ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ESFP, and so on.
I read this one as an honest man trying to understand intelligence. You might feel that it casts light on the subject.


Mexican IQ
Fred writes about Mexican intelligence. Fred lives in Mexico. Fred is married to a Mexican. Fred speaks fluent Spanish. Fred sheds light on the numbers approach 


IQ And The Wealth of Nations
IQ and the Wealth of Nations is a controversial 2002 book by Dr. Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. The book argues that differences in national income (in the form of per capita gross domestic product) correlate with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). The authors interpret this correlation as showing that IQ is one important factor contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic growth, but that it is not the only determinant of these differences. The data, methodology, and conclusions have been criticized.
The book was criticized. Does this mean it is wrong? No! Does it mean that various people do not like what they wrote? Yes! If honest men look at the evidence and draw conclusions they may well be right and provably so. A lot of propagandists are more than happy to abuse our ignorance of IQ testing, psychology and other issues. It is the same with Global Warming, another Red Herring used to distract us from the truth and honest government.


IQ Will Put You In Your Place
Imagine several hundred families which face few of the usual problems that plague modern society. Unemployment is zero. Illegitimacy is zero. Divorce is rare and occurs only after the children's most formative years. Poverty is absent - indeed, none of the families is anywhere near the poverty level. Many are affluent and all have enough income to live in decent neighbourhoods with good schools and a low crime rate. If you have the good fortune to come from such a background, you will expect a bright future for your children. You will certainly have provided them with all the advantages society has to offer. But suppose we follow the children of these families into adulthood. How will they actually fare?
More brain equals more money? True of false? Charles Murray has been over the ground, studied the evidence and knows the answer. Brains are better.


IQ Test
All right; you got here, so you can read. Now see how you rate against the rest. Have you got what it takes to beat the professionals or even the four year olds?


The Metapedia tells it like it is, unlike the Wiki.

Race And Intelligence    
East Asians: East Asia 105 60 7
East Asians: United States 101 26 1
East Asians: Elsewhere 102 9 5
Europeans: Europe 99 71 25

Race: Measurement region Measured average IQ Number of samples Number of countries
Aborigines: Australia 62 17 1
Aborigines: New Guinea 63 5 1
Amerindians: North America 86 19 2
Amerindians: Latin America 86 10 5
Arctic Peoples: North America 91 15 2
Bushmen: South West Africa 54 3 1


Jews And Intelligence  
Richard Lynn
, reviewing earlier IQ studies on Jews, in 2011 described the measured average IQs of the different groups:[1]


MacNamara's Morons ex Wiki
Project 100,000 (also McNamara's 100,000), also known as McNamara's Folly, McNamara's Morons and McNamara's Misfits,[1][2] was a controversial 1960s program by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to recruit soldiers who would previously have been below military mental or medical standards. Project 100,000 was initiated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara in October 1966 to meet the escalating manpower requirements of the American government's involvement in the Vietnam War. According to Hamilton Gregory, author of the book McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War, inductees of the project died at higher rates[1] than other Americans serving in Vietnam and following their service had lower incomes and higher rates of divorce than their non-veteran counterparts. The project was ended in December 1971[3] and has been the subject of controversy, especially during the manpower shortages of the Iraq War.

At various times in its history, the United States military has recruited people who measured below specific mental and medical standards. Those who scored in certain lower percentiles of mental aptitude tests were admitted into service during World War II, though this experience eventually led to a legal floor of IQ 80 to enlist. Another instance occurred in the 1980s due to a misinformed Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.[4]

By October 1966, monthly draft calls had been steadily increasing for 15 consecutive months and stood at 49,300, the highest since early 1951, the peak mobilization period of the Korean War, when 80,000 men a month were called up.[5] In a series of decisions, the Pentagon lowered the required score to be inducted to as low as 10 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (perfect score: 99)—a 6% drop.[5]

McNamara thought he could turn below average soldiers into above average soldiers through use of technology and learning by use of video tapes. According to Hamilton Gregory, author of McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War:[6][7]

McNamara was a lover of technology... McNamara believed he could win the war in Vietnam through the use of advanced technology and computerized analysis... And he believed he could raise the intelligence of men through the use of video tapes.

He was wrong.


Golden Billion ex Wiki
Is the theory, one popular in Russia that a billion people screw the rest of us. The Wiki ignores the aspect that lots of them, that is most are Jews.


The Idiocy Of The Average - And Why It Matters, by Anatoly Karlin ex Unz Review
Shows a table produced by PISA [ Programme for International Student Assessment ]  regarding the results of maths education, at sample math questions from their 2012 assessment, in particular Level 6. Albania scores low [ 0 ]. Switzerland scores better. The top three are Hong Kong, Shanghai & Taiwan. They are all Chinese, which has to be more than just hard work. BTW mentions the O-Ring Theory of Economic Development.
PS Fred would argue contra.



17 Year Old Lad Produces Mathematical Theorem [ 6 November 2015 ]
An Australian teenager has made a groundbreaking mathematical discovery, developing a theorem that could be the key to solving some of the greatest mysteries about the universe............

At 17, Brisbane schoolboy Ivan Zelich worked on a breakthrough theorem that calculates answers faster than a computer and could be crucial to advancing our knowledge of the universe and intergalactic travel. The incredible mind, who is thought to have IQ of around 180, has always been extremely advanced - stunning his parents when he began to speak at just two months of age.

After six months of intensive research with his US working partner, fellow 17-year-old Xuming Liang, together the teens developed the Liang Zelich Theorum [ sic ].
The lad in Oz has a European heritage. The Daily Mail does mention collaborating with a Chinese lad with a good brain. No blacks were involved. It happened in spite of the education system, not because. See evidence at e.g. NB Detroit is code for Black. Psychologists allege that IQ cannot be measured because it can but they do  not like the results.


Black Let Her Son Into Gorilla Cage, Gorilla Gets Shot, Not The Parents [ 6 June 2016 ]
Mother Michelle Gregg, 32 (right) and father Deonne Dickerson, 36 (left), revealed that three-year-old son Isiah (center) is 'doing well' as he continues to recover after falling into a gorilla enclosure
The child looks stupid too.


Washington Metro Drivers Jump Red Lights On A Regular Basis [ 18 August 2016 ]
Diversity hires are less competent. They get hired in spite of their shortcomings. Therefore things go wrong. People will die in Washington as a direct result of this politically inspired policy. Professor  MacDonald ‏@TOOEdit tweeted:-
A tad too much affirmative action hiring? An omen for the future as lower and lower IQ people are given these jobs.


Black Woman Dies Honouring Sea Goddess [ 3 February 2017 ]
She won't make that mistake again. It happened in Portugal, another country infested with Third World parasites.


Black Priest Eaten By Crocodiles While 'Walking On Water' [ 15 May 2017 ]
A Zimbabwean church pastor attempting to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water by crossing a river on foot was eaten alive when he was attacked by three crocodiles. Jonathan Mthethwa of the Saint of the Last Days church brought his congregation to the area known locally as Crocodile River before attempting his biblical recreation. 

According to witnesses, the pastor entered the water and waded out approximately 30 metres before attempting to make his way to the surface. Unfortunately for the pastor, three crocodiles pounced and devoured him. Only his sandals and underwear were recovered, according to a report in the Daily Post.
Stupidity can be fatal.


The Truth About the SAT and ACT [ 8 March 2018 ]
SAT & ACT tests work well as life long predictions of success. Thus saith two psychologists. SAT = Scholastic Aptitude Test. Scores range from 400 to 1600. ACT = American College Testing. Scores 1 to 36,
We know from extensive longitudinal research that many aspects of a person’s personality are associated with important life outcomes. Unlike typical personality measures, new measures that are resistant to faking in high-stakes settings are being developed. These measures can more accurately test a student’s character, getting at critical characteristics such as curiosity, empathy, resilience and determination. In addition, “situational judgment tests” that evaluate a person’s judgment in key school situations have been successfully used for medical school admissions and are being developed for admissions at all levels.
IQ can be measured.


Black Poacher Eaten By Lions In South Africa   [ 14 February 2018 ]
Their rifles were .458 Win Magnum, which is plenty big enough. It just means having the bottle to use them when it matters. They didn't; they ran, or died.


Over Nine Out Of Ten Indian Computer Engineers Are Incompetent  [ 28 April 2018 ]
A new report by Aspiring Minds, the world’s largest employability assessment company, has revealed that over 95 percent of all IT “engineers” in India are incapable of basic programming—shattering the myth of Indian “IT expertise” and destroying the controlled media’s often-repeated claim that engineers from that country are urgently needed to “boost the skill sets of Europe and America.”..............

According to the study, titled “National Programming Skills Report,” only 4.77 percent of Indian IT engineers can write the correct logic for a program—a minimum requirement for any programming job.

Aspiring minds is world-famous for helping organizations, governments and institutions measure and identify talent. Their client base includes  Sapient, Coca Cola, GE, Amazon, Genpact, Bank of America, CITI bank, HCL, Wipro, Tata Motors, Du Pont, Daimler, and Hyundai............

According to the report’s executive summary:
* Only 1.4 percent of Indian IT engineers can write functionally correct & efficient code.

* More than 60 percent of candidates cannot even write code that compiles..........

The report also found that although Indian males perform terribly at IT skills, Indian females were even worse............... The report undermines the oft-repeated claim in the controlled media that India is an “IT giant” and that engineers from that country are urgently needed to “boost the skill sets of Europe and America.”
Capitalist Swine like Bill Gates use H-1B visas to import Third World aliens as cheap labour but Donald Trump is restricting them


Miss Africa Catches Fire Moments After Winning The Title  [ 30 December 2018 ]
It was the pinnacle of her beauty pageant career but it very nearly turned to tragedy for Miss Congo Dorcas Kasinde after her wig caught fire amid the pyrotechnics celebrating her coronation as Miss Africa 2018.

The 24-year-old Kasinde was mid-celebration with 2017 winner Gaseangwe Balopi from Botswana when a stray spark caused her magnificent wig to ignite, unleashing panicked gasps and screams from horrified onlookers.
Does this prove something about black intelligence, about their IQ? You just might think so.


DNA Pioneer Punished For Telling The Truth About Black Intelligence  [ 21 January 2019 ]
Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson—one of the discoverers of DNA’s double helix structure—has been stripped of several honorary titles by the laboratory he once headed because he has once again dared to confirm that Africans, as a race, have a substantially lower IQ than other races.

According to a statement issued by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), a Long Island-based non-profit research institution long linked with the scientist, they have taken the steps because of what they called his “”unsubstantiated and reckless personal opinions” expressed “on the subject of ethnicity and genetics” during the PBS documentary “American Masters: Decoding Watson” that aired January 2, 2019.

In that interview, Watson was asked if his thinking on the relationship between race and intelligence had shifted since 2007, when he had famously said that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.”................

Watson is one of four scientists credited with the discovery of DNA’s molecular structure. He had a long-standing association with the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, with him becoming director in 1968, its president in 1994 and its chancellor a decade later. The lab also has a school named after him.
The "Liberals" believe what they want and the truth be damned. They are the Lunatic Fringe. Recall that the cream of our intellectuals, our superiors at the University of Oxford burned the Oxford Martyrs at the stake in 1555 AD for being the wrong kind of Christian. Their successors are just as self-righteous, just as vicious.


Somali Scientists Produce Their First Tank  [ 11 February 2019 ]
Somalia has launched its first “military style vehicle”—built out of scrap by a local mechanic in Mogadishu, “inspired by the war on terror,” has made its appearance, according to a report in the Africanews service.

The report, titled “Somalia innovators inspired by war on terror” announces that “for years, Al shabaab has been terrorizing Somalis but the ultimate price to end this is paid by the hundreds of people dying. It is no wonder that young minds in the country are being inspired by this war.

“One man in the capital, Mogadishu, is designing military style vehicles out of scrap metal. The handy work is done at his workshop, where he is originally a mechanic..................

Abdullahi Mohamed Ali was born just outside the capital. He first worked as an operator at a ship that operated between Somalia and the United Arab Emirates before quitting in 2015. Being an apprentice for two years earned the father of three car repair skills which he is now using to invent war machinery.

His next project is designing a sea bicycle.

The “africanews” service is the African-run version of the more well-known Euronews service from France, and was started as the African edition of Euronews in 2013. The above article is therefore, in all seriousness and is not a deliberate parody.
The hull looks suspiciously like an old tin bathtub. Then there is the main armament......... But to be fair, the man is trying.


King's College Professor Robert Plomin Tells Hay Festival Only DNA Decides Children' Success  [ 7 June May 2019 ]
A leading geneticist has told parents they don’t need to send their children to top schools like Eton – because genetics has already determined how well they will do in academics. Robert Plomin, a professor of behavioural genetics at King’s College London, said prestigious schools ‘don’t add anything’ to children’s grades.

Speaking at the Hay Festival, he said that a child’s success is pre-determined by their genes, and ‘nature’ plays a much larger part in our lives than ‘nurture’ or external environmental factors.

When asked why a parent would spend money sending their child to Eton, he replied: ‘The reason why education is universal is literacy and numeracy are innate – children need to learn to read. We’re talking about what makes them different. So the issue is do differences in the quality of school make a difference in outcomes like GCSE scores or getting into universities?............

‘If you correct for what the schools selected on, there’s no difference in GCSE scores. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you select the very best kids academically, yes they go on and do well. But have you added value? The answer is no.
It is nearly all about intelligence, about IQ. The point is confirmed by Charles Murray, an eminent psychologist - IQ Will Put You In Your Place. Charm, drive, a good start in life al help but intelligence is the issue. That is why Liechtenstein's GDP Is Larger than 14 African States Combined. Being stupid and idle makes a difference.


Three Blacks Die Raping a Crocodile In South Africa       [ 24 December 2019 ]
A witch doctor told them to do it. They will not be making that mistake again. Then there are the Brits who believe the BBC. Why? See the next offerings.


Austrian Mathematician Wins Major Prize For Work On Stochastic Analysis  [ 12 September 2020 ]
A maths genius has won a £2.3million prize from Mark Zuckerberg's foundation for working out the complex equations that result from stirring a cup of tea.

Martin Hairer, 44, from Imperial College London, hit the jackpot as winner of the 2021 Breakthrough prize for mathematics. The Austrian-British researcher, who lives in London with his mathematician wife Xue Mei Li, had been working on stochastic analysis.

The field, based on Japanese mathematician Kiyosi Ito's calculus, saw him delve into how random effects turn the maths of things like stirring tea into complex problems.........

Professor Hairer is now looking to buy a house with his wife in London when the prize money goes in his account.
With better than £2 million he will be able to afford a house. Perhaps we should all become high grade mathematicians. The  Mail alleges that he is "British"; he ain't. His Chinese(?) wife is also a high grade mathematician, just like his father. 
PS He has a Fields Medal, which is awarded to very high grade mathematicians - unlike any blacks.


Someone Abused For Saying Blacks Are Less Intelligent     [ 18 February 2020 ]
A newly appointed government adviser who suggested black Americans have a lower average IQ than white Americans and labelled public outcry over female genital mutilation a 'moral panic' has been pictured posing outside Number 10.

Andrew Sabisky also said that 'women's sport is more comparable to the Paralympics than it is to men's' and reportedly advocated legally enforcing the uptake of contraception to stop unplanned pregnancies 'creating a permanent underclass'.
Is he wrong about blacks being less intelligent? No but the Mail isn't admitting it; instead it is censoring comments in case people agree. Recall that Bill Shockley, the man who invented the transistor was heavily abused by his intellectual inferiors in the Mainstream Media for saying the same. He was right but we are supposed to pretend it isn't true. BTW, The Bell Curve goes over the ground for IQ.

The Guardian, a newspaper founded by a racist rogue who profited mightily from the Slave Trade did a smear job on Mr Sabisky but then it was "the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst portion of the mill-owners".


Black Fool Loses £10 Million And Goes Bankrupt  [ 14 January 2023 ]
Jermaine Pennant has revealed he lost more than £10million in earnings and even forget he owned a house due to having ADHD.

The former footballer, 39, who described himself as 'financially illiterate', said he blew his fortune on dodgy investments and bad actors who targeted him. Speaking to The Sun, Jermaine also told how he went on to lose three houses and fell into bankruptcy due to his money problems.
Compare him with Mick Jagger who had the fun, drugs, women etc. and got richer. He may be old and ugly but the women still go for him. Having been to LSE means something.



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Updated on 11/05/2023 08:39