Free speech matters. It is one of the
cornerstones of civilization. That is why it is stated as such in the United
Nations Charter of Human Rights. There are more or less reasonable restrictions
which flow effortlessly into abuses which are part of political agendas. Its
opponents call it Hate Speech. We have slightly
more freedom in civilized countries than tyrannies.
One example is the current hatred of Racism, a major
obsession of Marxists and their
Useful Idiots. This includes the
Cultural imperialists of the
BBC. They are politically correct so the truth is verboten
with them. Here are some sources on the subject.
PS The
Wikipedia's offering is not at all bad.
Zionists hate the truth just like many others.
The Free Speech Union was set up quite recently, in 2020 by Toby Young. It is a worthy outfit, albeit the Wikipedia sounds less than delighted by it. Consider joining. Too many people hate what it stands for.
The Areopagitica written by John Milton in 1644 is an influential pamphlet opposing licensing restriction in England during the Civil War.
The River War by Sir Winston Churchill [ 1899 ]
Is about the retaking of the Sudan. Quote it and get arrested.That's another reason the British Government should not be in the business of helping coercive lobby groups further stifle debate. Islam raises political questions that Judaism or Buddhism doesn't - the suggestion, for example, that Muslim women should be exempt from the requirement to be photographed on national identity cards. Without Blunkett's law, there'll be the odd crusty type from the shires huffing on BBC phone-ins that if Muslim women think it's insulting to be made to remove their hejab for ID cards, they should bloody well have thought about that before moving to Britain. With Blunkett's law, we'll discuss such questions, if at all, between tightly imposed government constraints explicitly favouring one party to the dispute.
I know which one of those options any self-respecting liberal democracy ought to prefer.
In The River War (1899) [ but not the 1902 single volume version ], Winston Churchill's account of the Sudanese campaign, there's a memorable passage which I reproduce here while I'm still able to:
'How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
'Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.'
Is that grossly offensive to Muslims? Almost certainly [ Is it really? - Editor ]. Is it also a rather shrewd and pertinent analysis by one of Britain's most eminent leaders? I think so. If Blunkett bans the sentiments in that first sentence, the sentiments of the last will prove even more pertinent.
In Hampshire, Paul Weston, the chairman of a newish political party called Liberty GB and a candidate in next month's European elections, was speaking on the steps of Winchester Guildhall and quoted that same Churchill passage. A half-dozen police officers arrested him and took him away in a police van. Mark Steyn is on the ball again.
Paul was charged with "a racially aggravated offence under section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986, compounded with a Crime and Disorder Act 1998 section 31 racially aggravated public order offence, and was bailed to return to Winchester Police on 24 May". They revoked after publicity.
Areopagitica ex Wiki
Areopagitica; A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England is a 1644 prose polemic by the English poet, scholar, and polemical author John Milton opposing licensing and censorship. [1] Areopagitica is among history's most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech and expression. Many of its expressed principles have formed the basis for modern justifications.
Academic Left Objects To Free Speech
Unless it markets their very own nasty views.
Freedom of Speech: Does it have its limits? Keith Windschuttle explains
Free Speech is a way of finding truth, not a mechanism for defending lies or harassment.
PS See the Harm Principle on the point.
Global Warming Fanatics Show Utter Hatred Of Free Speech
Mark Steyn, one of their victims explains brilliantly. Mark is fighting back. Being very articulate helps. Being right is relevant.
Jews Destroy Free Speech
They like free speech when it fits their agenda. Otherwise forget it.
Karneval 2016
Use satire in Germany? At your peril. Merkel is a Fascist.
Meta Speech
Is a technique for beating the oppression of free speech. Asking WHY it is forbidden to say X.
Gave us free speech so it was destroyed by the hooligan who will run Amazon.
Press Regulation
Her Majesty's Government hates free speech. So does Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. They colluded with a lawyer to make bad law, vague law, meaningless law which gives judges the opportunity to make it up as they go along; in fact it forces them to do it. Lawyers will get rich out of this. That is an implicit bribe.
UN Confirms Freedom Of Speech, Media Suppress The Fact
Just a few days ago we came across the following from the UN Human Rights Committee – an independent body tasked with supervising compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)........This report, entitled General Comment, is an interpretation of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – a covenant with 167 state signatories, signed and ratified also by Germany, France, Switzerland and other European countries.
Crucial to the committee´s comments are the so-called “memory laws,” which it defined as "laws that penalize the expression of opinions about [ alleged ]historical facts [ such as the Holocaust® Story ]” and sees these laws as “incompatible with the obligations that the covenant imposes on States parties in relation to the respect for freedom of opinion and expression.” and goes on to say that, “Freedom of expression is a necessary condition for the realization of the principles of transparency and accountability that are, in turn, essential for the promotion and protection of human rights” .
In spite of the significance of this document, it was not reported by any media outlet.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
This makes it Ultra Vires, breach of International Law to put anyone e.g. Ernst Zundel in prison for saying that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies. It happens just the same, as Germar Rudolf discovered. So did Sylvia Stolz after she got 3 three years & 6 months for defending Ernst.
United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights
Article 19.UNQUOTE
- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
This does not seem to apply in England.
Voltaire's View
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
It is not what Voltaire said - see but it is what Evelyn Beatrice Hall said as summary of his essential view. Of course if Jews don't like what you have to say that is different because they are too important to be mocked. Dieudonné found out the hard way. He is getting screwed big time.
Writer Tells The Truth About Blacks, Writer Gets Sacked
Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Free Life Commentary
Sean Gabb is England's leading libertarian. He has read through the foul drivel which is communist propaganda and understood it. He knows that it is wrong and why.
Free Speech Is Under Attack
London – Recently, at a literary festival in Britain, I found myself on a panel discussing free speech. For liberals, free speech is a key index of freedom. Democracies stand for free speech; dictatorships suppress it.When we in the West look outward, this remains our view. We condemn governments that silence, imprison, and even kill writers and journalists. Reporter Without Borders keeps a list: 24 journalists have been killed, and 148 imprisoned, just this year. Part of the promise we see in the “Arab Spring” is the liberation of the media from the dictator’s grasp.
Yet freedom of speech in the West is under strain. Traditionally, British law imposed two main limitations on the “right to free speech.” The first prohibited the use of words or expressions likely to disrupt public order; the second was the law against libel. There are good grounds for both – to preserve the peace, and to protect individuals’ reputations from lies. Most free societies accept such limits as reasonable.
But the law has recently become more restrictive. “Incitement to religious and racial hatred” and “incitement to hatred on the basis of sexual orientation” are now illegal in most European countries, independent of any threat to public order. The law has shifted from proscribing language likely to cause violence to prohibiting language intended to give offense. A blatant example of this is the law against Holocaust denial. To deny or minimize the Holocaust is a crime in 15 European countries and Israel. It may be argued that the Holocaust was a crime so uniquely abhorrent as to qualify as a special case. But special cases have a habit of multiplying.
Robert Skidelsky, Baron Skidelsky is a Jew. Skidelsky is also right. He says that making the Holocaust® story legally enforceable is wrong. Perhaps he makes this point when he is in the Lords.
Freedom in Peril
It always is when a government has too much power. Her Majesty's Government has far too much.
Freedom of Speech in England
Freedom must be exercised or lost. People do sometimes. They get aggravation as a result.
Freedom of Speech Screwed in Oz
Marxists in Australia hate freedom just as much as any other.
Freedom Of Speech ex Wiki
Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.Every government restricts speech to some degree. Common limitations on speech relate to: libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, hate speech, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, and campaign finance reform. Whether these limitations can be justified under the harm principle depends upon whether influencing a third party's opinions or actions adversely to the second party constitutes such harm or not.
The term "offense principle" is also used [1] to expand the range of free speech limitations to prohibit forms of expression where they are considered offensive to society, special interest groups or individuals. For example, freedom of speech is limited in many jurisdictions to widely differing degrees by religious legal systems, religious offense or incitement to ethnic or racial hatred laws.....
The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". Article 19 goes on to say that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals". [2] [3]
Harm Principle ex Wiki
The harm principle holds that the actions of individuals should only be limited to prevent harm to other individuals. John Stuart Mill articulated this principle in On Liberty, where he argued that, "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others." [1] An equivalent was earlier stated in France's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 as, "Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law."
Jews Hate Free Speech - In America But Not Israel [ 20 November 2014 ]
Jews hate Richard Spencer after he organised a conference in Budapest. They want a law against Hate Speech in America. They keep very quiet about Racists like the Very Reverend Ovadia Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Israel & full of hate. How do we know his evil? See e.g.:-
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
Zionist Rabbi Ovadia Yosef wishes death to all Palestinians - YouTube
Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs
PS Was the old fool an exception? Given that Over Half A Million Attended Funeral Of Revered Racist Rabbi the answer is NO!
Jews Hate Free Speech [ 28 March 2015 ]
Jews hate Christianity
Jews hate Free Speech about the Holocaust® Racket
Jews hate being punished for crimes like Ritual Murder of Christian Children
Jews love Raping Children In Bathhouses
PS They murdered a monk for his blood in 1840. The Wikipedia alleges that the Jews were the victims, not the perpetrators. See the Damascus affair.
Cameron Destroying Freedom Of Information [ 18 July 2015 ]
On a quiet Friday in July, the Cabinet Office has announced its new clampdown on Freedom of Information, setting up a commission "to make sure it’s working effectively”. Who will get to decide what information journalists can and cannot obtain from government departments?[ The Jew ] Jack Straw, a long term opponent of the FoI Act [ and truth - Ed. ], and a man according to the Telegraph whose “possible role in the rendition of [a]terror suspect may yet be disclosed by FOI requests”.
Lord Carlile of Berriew [ another Jew ], such a keen supporter of openness, transparency and holding public figures to account that he acted as Lord Rennard’s [ Not a groper or Jew it seems - Ed. ] legal adviser.
[ The Jew ] Michael Howard [ Hecht in fact. Howard is a pseudonym used to conceal the truth - Ed. ], who was on the receiving end of negative newspaper stories after Labour used FoI to dig up dirt on him.
Wonder what they’ll recommend?
Using the fox to guard the henhouse but then Cameron [ part Jew ] is all Traitor.
Cameron's Attack On Our Freedom Watered Down Slightly [ 7 November 2015 ]
A handful of judges will get the power to veto ministers’ decisions on all top-level antiterrorism spying operations under proposals being put forward by the home secretary today.The panel of specially trained judges — expected to number at least ten — should review thousands of national security warrants each year and hold the intelligence agencies to account, according to draft surveillance laws to be presented to parliament.
They will be hand picked to listen to whatever lie the police use and swallow it. Meanwhile Cameron will carry on importing hundreds of thousands of Third World aliens as a Trojan Horse, in order to destroy England while Obama does the same to America. Coincidence? NO! They both pander to Zionist crazies.
Christian Preacher Persecuted Prosecuted For Offensive Speech [ 11 January 2016 ]
Evangelical preacher who called Islam 'heathen' and 'satanic' and hailed Enoch Powell as a prophet is CLEARED of making grossly offensive remarks
Protestant preacher Pastor James McConnell has been found not guilty
Cleared of sending grossly offensive messages after sermon put online
Described Islam as 'doctrine spawned in hell', said he didn't trust Muslims
Judge said the pastor had not 'set out to intentionally cause offence' and added his comments were protected under human rights legislation Court told if he had qualified his remarks he could have avoided charges.................The court heard although the words upon which the charges were based were offensive, they did not reach the high threshold of being 'grossly offensive'.......
Delivering his reserved judgment, District Judge Liam McNally said: 'The courts need to be very careful not to criminalise speech which, however contemptible, is no more than offensive. 'It is not the task of the criminal law to censor offensive utterances. 'Accordingly I find Pastor McConnell not guilty of both charges.'
So a Christian is persecuted while Islamic thugs get the kid glove treatment. It is Selective Prosecution, it is corruption, it is Government Policy.
Gestapo German Police Capture 60 Thought Criminals [ 19 July 2016 ]
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, officers in all but two of the 16 German states moved in on properties connected to suspects in hate speech investigations.Roughly 60 people across the country are believed to have taken part in a private Facebook group in which various German laws were broken, including praising of the Nazis.
At the centre of the operations was the Federal Office of Criminal Investigations (BKA), which stated that their aim was to “decisively confront” the strong growth in verbal radicalism which is appearing on the internet.”.....
Facebook has been much criticized in Germany for not doing more to shut down hate speech on its network during the refugee crisis, with Justice Minister Heiko Maas a leading voice calling for better moderation on the site.
Free Speech is crime in Germany. Naturally the media say nothing about Nazi book burnings. They were what naughty Adolf got up to. The White Rose gets ignored too. They spoke; they used Free Speech as a weapon against the Nazis. They paid with their lives. Perhaps Merkel will have her victims murdered too.
Merkel Macht Frei?
EU Orders Main stream Media To Hide The Fact That Terrorists Are Islamic [ 6 October 2016 ]
The report, drawn up by the EU's human rights watchdog, blamed the recent [ alleged ] increase in racism in the UK on the 'worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers.
This 'watchdog' is a Racist, an anti-European racist and one of the Enemy Within. It is trying to suppress Free Speech to further a policy of Ethnic Fouling followed by Genocide.
Her Majesty's Government Attacks Free Speech [ 18 October 2016 ]
UK regime goes to war against world’s most popular truth media channel
Just one day after the announcement that NATO plans to punish Russia for turning the tide against Islamist terror in Syria, the UK regime made a start – by getting one of its biggest banks to close all the accounts of Russian broadcaster RT.Over recent years, RT has gone from unknown to cult status among millions of people who understand that ‘mainstream’ channels such as the BBC, CNN, Fox and Sky are simply Propaganda mouthpieces for the bankster elite of Wall Street.
Somebody out there understands that we are being screwed big time. War Criminals like Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron & Obama are sabre rattling to frighten nice Mr Putin who has got Nukes. Do they really want World War III or is it Puppet Masters like Netanyahu pulling the strings?
Jews Destroy Free Speech - Jews Hate Truth [ 16 December 2016 ]
It is a fair bet that any ‘media reform’ welcomed by Dr Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, will be bad news for the defenders of free speech. So it is with his reaction to the British government’s groundbreaking new definition of anti-Semitism.Kantor said:
We welcome the UK’s landmark decision to define anti-Semitism, particularly in the face of [ allegedly ] rising attacks against Jews. We must now look towards other European governments to follow the example set by the UK.
He is referring to the British government’s decision to adopt a “legally binding definition” which will be used by police forces, councils, universities and public bodies. This ratchets the law sharply in the direction of making Jews a legally protected group and placing them beyond criticism. It would certainly sharply curtail academic and journalistic discussion of Jewish group behaviour.
For if the ethnic agendas of this very powerful and ethnocentric group cannot be discussed, it would effectively end legitimate academic and journalistic inquiry on the matter. It would certainly curtail discussion of all unflattering examples of Jewish group behaviour such as those outlined in the Culture of Critique.............
The question that nobody was asking her [ Theresa May ], was this payback for the huge amount of support she got from the organised Jewish community in her attempt to become Prime Minister? She is a longstanding Friend of Israel and spent the evening before her official appointment by the Queen at a private dinner at the home of the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. Even while Home Secretary it was Jewish demands for action against “hate speech” that were at the top of her priority list as this memorable speech when she was Home Secretary makes clear. She is certainly following through on that.
Is Theresa May a friend of England? She is certainly one of Zionist crazies. You might recall that Gerald Kaufman, a Zionist Jew said in Parliament regarding the Gaza Massacre I, which was perpetrated by Zionist Thugs:-
Gerald Kaufman said, in Parliament:- They are not simply war criminals, they are fools see He might have added that they are effective just like naughty Adolf Hitler - for a time. Will Jews have Mr Kaufman prosecuted as an Anti-Semite?
PS See what another Jew, Gilad Atzmon has to say about their evil at Theresa May Perverting English Law To Please Jews & Holocaust® Racketeers.
Barrister Sacked For Quoting Naughty Adolf
Was Ian Millard QC [ @ianrmillard ] saying that Jews are enemies of Western Civilization? Yes! Was he wrong? NO! He got disbarred anyway. His comments are at My Visit to the London Forum.
Jews Attack Free Speech & Truth [ 19 March 2017 ]
From the Jewish press we learn that Britain’s House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has summoned executives from Google, Twitter and Facebook for a hearing in order to slam the social media giants for failing to block ‘hate speech’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ content from their platforms. It seems that Labour MP Yvette Cooper took issue with the refusal of YouTube to remove a video in which David Duke accused Jewish people of “organizing white genocide” and Zionists of conducting ethnic cleansing...........Astonishingly, it was, of all people, Stephen Pollard, Britain’s arch-Zionist and editor of the Jewish Chronicle [ But see Stephen Pollard - Editor ] who stood up for Duke’s elementary freedoms. In The Telegraph Pollard wrote. “It’s clear that the video is indeed anti-Semitic. In it, Mr Duke says: ‘The Zionists have already ethnically cleansed the Palestinians, why not do the same thing to Europeans and Americans as well? No group on earth fights harder for its interests than do the Jews. By dividing a society they can weaken it and control it.’ So there’s no debate that this is Jew hate in all its traditional poison.”.......
But one question remains. What led Yvette Cooper to operate so openly in the service of one particular Lobby group [ the Labour Friends of Israel ]. I guess that veteran Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky may have an answer to offer… [ Pollard explains lying; Viktor Ostrovsky tells the truth - Editor ]
Yvette Cooper complains about Doctor Duke because he tells the truth. Is she bribed, blackmailed or brain dead? Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew tells it like it is. You might care to look at Is Doctor Duke taking it down the middle? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
The New Observer Web Site Is Knocked Out Yet Again By The Enemies Of Free Speech And Truth [ 9 April 2017 ]
That means by Zionist crazies.
British pop legend in police probe over allegations he raped a 'naive 14-year-old virgin' who claims she was plied with champagne before she was attacked in his hotel room in the 1970s [ 17 April 2017 ]
Who is accused of doing whatever it was 40 years ago? The Daily Mail isn't saying, nor is News24 but the Director of Public Prosecutions for the Western Cape in South Africa is - see The Metropolitan Police shrugged her story off in 2014.
PS She looks like she is14 years old and the rest.
Facebook Hiring 3 Thousand Spies To Suppress Free Speech [ 3 July 2017 ]
Facebook is hiring an extra 3,000 Political Correctness commissars to censor the free speech on its social network.The company announced on its blog earlier this week that it is clamping down on thought crime and censoring what it calls ‘hate speech’................. Two months ago a BNP Facebook admin was banned from using the network for 30 days for posting an article published by the Daily Express about Muslim rape gangs of Rotherham.
The additional 3,000 Facebook commissars will join an existing censorship bureau which already employs 4,500 people whose job it is to police the thoughts of its 2 Billion+ users.
This was what people had in the USSR. Now the European Union is doing it to us. Recall that Merkel went to live in East Germany. She wants Germany flooded with Illegal Immigrants and Germans oppressed. Their wonderful government is eager to put them in prison if they say that the Holocaust® Story is pack of lies & Free Speech be damned.
Berkley Bans Free Speech [ 25 July 2017 ]
As I've said before, I've said it before. One of the occupational hazards of the commentative biz is that what's new - the daily news item - simply illustrates the same old thesis you've been hammering for years,......................Richard Dawkins has become the latest speaker to be prevented from speaking at Berkeley. Professor Dawkins is a world-famous scientist, whose book The Selfish Gene has just been voted "the most inspiring science book of all time" in a poll commissioned by the Royal Society.
His science is not the problem. Dawkins is also an atheist. That's not the problem, either - or it wasn't when he was principally urinating over the Pope ("a leering old villain in a frock") and the Catholic Church (an "evil corrupt institution" that's also a "child-raping institution"). All three quotes are from just one Washington Post column: that's how respectable and mainstream Dawkins was back then in 2010.
Alas, Dawkins is an equal-opportunity atheist, and feels just as unkindly toward Islam. Hence the announcement from the "liberal" sponsor of his Berkeley talk, KPFA Radio:..................
It would have to be "sincere", wouldn't it? Because it's hard to see how apparently sentient beings could otherwise write such effete desiccated tripe. Notice how the shriveling of free expression smoothly proceeds to the next diminished staging post: Once upon a time, Berkeley professed to believe in Free Speech. Then it believed in free speech except for "hate speech". Now it supports "serious" free speech, but not "hurtful" speech.
Mark Steyn gets it right about Free Speech and why Dunkirk succeeded; two for the price of one.
Internet Censorship Steps Up As A Second Site Is Wiped Out [ 27 August 2017 ]
Internet Censorship Ramps up as Second “White Nationalist” Website has DNS Seized
The ongoing program to censor the internet of all dissenting views took another step forward today with the news that the “Stormfront” website—one of the oldest pro-white sites on the web—has had its Domain Name Servers (DNS) seized, only a few weeks after the “Daily Stormer” domain was seized in similar fashion. Whatever one thinks of either of the sites in question, the precedent has now been set that any website, espousing any view, can be forced offline through this method—with apparently no recourse whatsoever.
Free Speech is under attack again; part of the Long March Through The Institutions initiated by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communist party. This particular operation was set up by an outfit calling itself the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law [ but only for some people ] - see Stormfront, internet's longest-running white supremacist site, goes offline ]. They will not welcome comparison with the Book Burnings used by the Nazis. These lawyers are just as much Tyrants in the making as Adolf Hitler and his unpleasant friends. It is all part of the Culture Wars being waged against Western Civilization by Zionist crazies & their Useful Idiots. It has taken on a fresh intensity with the Charlottesville Massacre as the excuse.
Thought Police Arrest Over Three Thousand In A Year For Online Comments [ 22 October 2017 ]
Police have arrested more than 3,400 people for ‘offensive’ online comments in one year an investigation by The Times has revealed.Figures obtained through the Freedom of Information Act has revealed that political police chiefs have been spending taxpayers’ money on arresting internet trolls under section 127 of the Communications Act 2003, which makes it illegal to intentionally “cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another” introduced in 2016...............
Following the Manchester suicide bombing by an Islamist terrorist the BNP predicted that Theresa May’s government would step up it’s Chinese-style censorship of the internet.
Earlier this week Home Secretary Amber Rudd announced the launching of a new police hub with the responsibility to search out and arrest those guilty of ‘wrong-speak’..............
Concerns have been raised that the political police are arresting internet trolls who express their opinions on their social network profiles while mainstream media (MSM) broadcasters are providing platforms for the most egregious anti-white racists spouting genuinely offensive hate-filled bile.
Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group, said:
“The problem is ‘grossly offensive’ is not something you should normally be prosecuted for............
The seeming [ and perfectly obvious ] inconsistency in the enforcement of Free Speech restrictions has also been a source of contention, with the Metropolitan Police — who detained 867 people in 2016, according to The Times figures — appearing reluctant to investigate people such as Nadia Chan, the self-described Islamist who was revealed as having made a number of deeply racist remarks about white people on social media after an appearance on public broadcaster Channel 4.
Chan branded Israeli Jews “parasites” and ranted that white people were “swine” and “pasty bland b**ches [who] have NO culture, no rich history, you ain’t s**t, ur ancestors were cave ppl”.
She also openly endorsed terror attacks on Iranian state network Press TV — but the Met refused to say whether they would bring charges against her............
The results of the investigation confirm that the British authorities have put into place a policy of ‘one rule for them, another one for us’; a policy aimed primarily at silencing British people that speak out against the ongoing terrorism by Islamists and the rabid anti-white racism that the MSM is providing a platform for and encouraging.
The Crown Prosecution Service is happy to Pervert The Course Of Justice when Islamic preachers incite Racial hatred contrary to Part III of the Public Order Act 1986. See Undercover Mosque for more and better details. It is a criminal organisation acting in accordance with Her Majesty's Government, assisting in population replacement, Ethnic Fouling, Genocide & Treason. NB Theresa May is keen on destroying Free Speech - for Englishmen at all events.
PS The Register tells us that Jim Killock is a twerp.
Jews Attack Free Speech & Whine About Being Hated [ 16 November 2017 ]
Anti-Semitism is so entrenched in many of Britain's universities that the swastika is now seen on campus as a 'casual symbol of fun', MPs heard last night. Parliament heard a litany of 'horrifying' examples of anti-Jewish hatred at universities, including the distribution of Holocaust denial literature. At one university, police had to be called to protect Jewish students from the 'animalistic behaviour' of anti-Israel activists. Student officers have also used the Twitter hash tag Jew while discussing wealth, while swastikas have been drawn on people's cars, on the walls of student halls and even at student parties.Liron Velleman, of the Union of Jewish Students, said the situation was now so bad that 'we need serious conversations about what the swastika is'.
Jews hate Free Speech and Democracy. They are trying to inflict their nasty views on England. Of course Velleman is keeping very quiet about how Jews make themselves hated. We are supposed to have forgotten the 91 people murdered by Jews in the King David Hotel Massacre. Arabs have not forgotten Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II or Gaza Massacre III. Jews make sure of that using rape, torture, bullying, daily humiliation. They are worse than the Nazis ever were. NB 80% of Tory MPs are members of Conservative Friends of Israel. They know which side their bread is buttered on.
MPs Abuse Free Speech Firms [ 19 December 2017 ]
Social media firms were lashed by MPs today for failing to respond to concerns about abusive and Anti-Semitic.Executives from Twitter, Facebook and Google were hauled before the Home Affairs Select Committee today to explain how they were tackling the problem. Chairwoman Yvette Cooper demanded to know why action had not already been taken following earlier investigations into abusive posts [ Just outlaw Free Speech you stupid woman- Editor ]..............
The hearing is taking place the day after Twitter suspended a number of accounts, including that of Britain First's deputy leader Jayda Fransen, who gained notoriety when three anti-Muslim videos she posted were retweeted by US president Donald Trump.
Other accounts which appear to have been suspended for violating the new rules are @BritainFirstHQ and that of leader Paul Golding, @Goldingbf..........
They included abuse directed at Labour MP [ the Jew ] Luciana Berger, who has been a high-profile target of online trolling, which has already been flagged to the platform twice.
Labour is driven by hate just as much as the Tories.
Her Majesty's Government Threatens To Ban Free Speech By Russia Today [ 15 March 2018 ]
Theresa May is the twerp making a mess of Brexit. Now she is doing it again, proving again that she is an enemy of Free Speech.
PS Ken Livingstone Puts The Boot In To May & RT uses an unflattering picture of her.
Scot Says 'Gas The Jews', Scot Convicted & Free Speech Be Damned [ 21 March 2018 ]
Jew Calls Arab Wild Beasts So Main Stream Media Protect Him
One law for Zionist crazies and another for honest folk. NB The judge is stalling regarding sentencing.
Right Wing Speaker Banned From England And Speakers' Corner [ 21 March 2018 ]
Around 3,000 angry white British people turned out at London’s Speaker’s Corner last weekend—and tens of thousands more listened online—to hear famous UK activist Tommy Robinson read out a pro-European speech that was supposed to have been delivered by the founder of Generation Identity, Martin Sellner.
Refusing entry to an Austrian patriot like Martin Sellner of Generation Identity while importing thousands of Third World parasites full of hate is Treason or if it isn't, it will do until the real thing comes long. Her Majesty's Government do it with the enthusiastic collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. They are manipulated by the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies, the Racist criminals who run Palestine. If you doubt it see the next one.
Chief Rabbi Of Israel Says Blacks Are Sub-Humans, Monkeys And Niggers [ 21 March 2018 ]
Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef has announced that black people are “sub-humans, monkeys, and nig*ers,” and that secular Israeli courts “are worse than Gentile courts”—an outpouring of anti-Gentile hatred from Judaism’s highest authority which will be blacked out by the Jewish lobby controlled Western media.
Yitzhak Yosef is the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel and grossly Racist. In Israel that is not crime, it is main stream government policy. What do our wonderful Main Stream Media say about him? Not a lot; hiding the truth is their policy. His father was also the chief rabbi and just as racist. NB The previous chief rabbi is a thief, one currently in prison doing four years.
Her Majesty's Government Threatens To Ban Free Speech By Russia Today [ 15 March 2018 ]
Theresa May is the twerp making a mess of Brexit. Now she is doing it again, proving again that she is an enemy of Free Speech.
PS Ken Livingstone Puts The Boot In To May & RT uses an unflattering picture of her.
Free Speech Is All Right In Germany Unless Jews Object [ 24 May 2018 ]
The cartoonist at the Süddeutsche Zeitung has been sacked for drawing a sketch of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—even though his employers defended him under “free speech” for a similar cartoon of Turkish president Recep Erdogan.
German politics is under the thumbs of the Puppet Masters. the Zionist crazies who run the Stolen Land. That is why their politicians have to pretend they believe the Holocaust® Story. It is how Jews With Light Fingers Took German Mugs For €63.2 Billion and Rising.
Alex Jones Is Being Attacked [ 15 August 2018 ]
Alexander Emric (or Emerick) Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American radio show host and Conspiracy Theorist. He hosts The Alex Jones Show........... Jones runs a website,, devoted to conspiracy theories and fake news...................... He has claimed that several governments and big business have colluded to create a " New World Order" through "manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and—above all—inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria"................New York magazine described Jones as "America's leading conspiracy theorist", and the Southern Poverty Law Center describes him as "the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America". When asked about such labels, Jones said that he is "proud to be listed as a thought criminal against Big Brother". In addition to Infowars, Jones also operates the websites NewsWars and PrisonPlanet..................
Jones frequently promotes the white genocide conspiracy theory. Media Matters covered his claim that NFL players protesting during the national anthem were "kneeling to white genocide" and violence against whites, which the SPLC featured in their headlines review. On October 2, 2017, Jones claimed that Democrats and communists were plotting imminent "white genocide" attacks. His reporting and public views on the topic have received support and coverage from white nationalist publications and groups, such as and the New Zealand National Front.
This is the Wikipedia at its tendentious worst but then it has an agenda. It chooses to allege that Mr Jones claims that............ It does not say that he is wrong. That is because he is not and he can sue for Libel. However they do include his sillier stories in order to discredit him. Why do they hate him? Articulating the White Genocide 'Conspiracy theory' is one reason. It is happening before our very eyes but the Main Stream Media determinedly ignore the truth. NB Conspiracy Theory is a Propaganda term used by the New World Order. Now it is showing its ugly face; suppressing Free Speech. You doubt? See e.g.
Twitter suspends conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for one week
Vimeo just decided to remove content from InfoWars conspiracy ...
Alex Jones banned from YouTube, Facebook, and Apple, explained ...
Does the banning of Alex Jones signal a new era of big tech responsibility Technology? Say The Guardian - an occasional fan of the truth.
They did this to Stormfront. Other websites have been attacked too.
Twitter's Attack On Free Speech May Fail [ 20 August 2018 ]
Social media giant Twitter has lost the first stage of its censorship war with the pro-white American Renaissance organization after unilaterally its account and that of its leader, Jared Taylor.A statement released today by American Renaissance reported that California Superior Court Judge Harold E. Kahn rejected Twitter’s petition to dismiss the suit Taylor brought against Twitter for banning his Twitter account and that of his organization, American Renaissance.
The judge also rejected Twitter’s motion under California’s Anti-Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation (SLAPP) law to strike the complaint, adding that it was “hard to imagine a clearer public interest lawsuit.” Judge Kahn described Taylor’s complaint as “very eloquent,” adding that “it goes to the heart of free speech principles that long precede our constitution.”
Free Speech matters. This one matters. Facebook & other big outfits have been abusing their power to support the Hard Left.
White House Setting Up Anti-Trust Investigation Of Google, Facebook & Others [ 24 September 2018 ]
The White House has drafted an executive order for President Donald Trump's signature that would open an investigation into the practices of Google, Facebook and other social media companies.The order, which officials say is still in its preliminary stages and has yet to be run by other law enforcement agencies, instructs US antitrust authorities to 'thoroughly investigate whether any online platform has acted in violation of the anti-trust laws'. The goal of the order is to 'protect competition among online platforms and address online platform bias'............
Trump hinted at his plan to address possible bias within media companies in a tweet last month, writing: 'Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.
'Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won't let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.'
Days later Trump slammed Google for not highlighting his State of the Union speech on its front page despite having always done so for President Obama.
However, that claim was [ allegedly ] found to be false as Google did in fact promote the address just as it had for Trump's predecessor.
Top officials from Twitter and Facebook testified before Congress earlier this month, maintaining that the sites did not make any intentional efforts to censor views from the right nor the left. Still, the Justice Department announced the same day that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would meet with state attorneys general to determine if tech companies are 'intentionally stifling' free speech on their platforms.............Google, Facebook and other sites have been accused of anti-competitive behavior by pundits [ allegedly ] on both sides of the aisle. The companies have argued that they do in fact face robust competition and especially given that many of their products are free.
The Mail is lying, just like Facebook, Google & Twitter. For example PayPal deliberately blocks payments to Right Wing outfits. It is conspiracy in restraint of trade and an attack on Free Speech.
PS Notice that the Mail calls Don "Trump" but the black is "President". Left Wing bias or what?
Words Like Violence - The Left’s Total War on Freedom of Speech [ 1 December 2018 ]
Left Wing activists are full of hate. Is there any real difference between Communist and Nazi, the uniforms and slogans apart that is? Not really the communists murdered more. Importantly they are still solidly embedded in The Establishment, which makes it easier to destroy. Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists designed the Long March Through The Institutions to destroy the system. It is working well. Why are Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Obama, Theresa May et al so keen on Third World immigration? Because they are destroyers.
Department Of Justice Will Investigate Tech Giants' Attacks On Free Speech [ 22 December 2018 ]
In a statement issued right after executives from Facebook and Twitter finished testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) also suggested that the platforms were running afoul of antitrust laws.“The Attorney General has convened a meeting with a number of state attorneys general this month to discuss a growing concern that these companies may be hurting competition and intentionally stifling the free exchange of ideas on their platforms,” DOJ spokesman Devin O’Malley said in a statement issued near the end of the congressional hearing.
The DOJ’s move is the first sign of the administration taking concrete action to address alleged bias following President Trump’s public accusations against tech companies.
The media barons hate Free Speech. They are attacking nationalist and right wing outfits deliberately & systematically. The Occidental Observer & Metapedia are both under assault.
Amazon Attacks Free Speech [ 19 March 2019 ]
Twenty-one years after a respected academic publisher, Praeger, published Culture of Critique and Separation and Its Discontents, they have been banned on Amazon. A People that Shall Dwell Alone is still available. This comes only around two weeks after they banned books by Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson. This is an extension of the de-platforming from financial sites and PayPal, Patreon, Coinbase, and credit card companies that has hit pretty much all sites on the dissident right, including TOO and TOQ. Clearly the establishment is terrified that these ideas are gaining traction, and it illustrates once again, that the culturally dominant left cares nothing for free speech as a pillar of American civilization.I am now deeply worried that if the left obtains power in the next election, what has happened thus far will pale in comparison to what lies ahead. Private companies like Amazon cannot impose criminal penalties, but if the left manages to redefine the First Amendment, as they would certainly love to do, there will be a very real prospect of imprisonment and heavy fines — even for well-argued, well-supported statements and writings.......... Like pretty much everyone associated with the dissident right, I celebrated the election of Donald Trump. However, it’s clear that the populist, anti-immigration themes of Trump’s rhetoric have energized the left to a fever pitch. Trump has been unsuccessful or unwilling to carry through his promises on immigration, and there has been a barrage of investigations and impeachment talk beginning as soon as he took office..........
However, Trump won, and to make things worse, there were populist stirrings in Europe, with the success of Brexit and with several European governments openly defying their EU masters on immigration and the ideal of multiculturalism. The response of the left, which should have been completely predictable, has been to do everything they can to ramp up immigration and even lower the voting age so that they are assured of winning future elections. And they have targeted the ideas of the dissident/populist right for suppression. Again, we are just seeing the beginning of what promises to be a very ugly war.
Kevin MacDonald is a perfectly respectable academic, an emeritus professor of psychology. Read what the Wikipedia says about him; it does not bother to pretend it is taking it down the middle. E.g. MacDonald's work "has been dismissed for decades as anti-Semitic pseudoscience". Notice the words like claim [ 9 ] & allege [ only 1 ]. He is at the intellectual forefront of the dissident right, which is why he is so important. When Comrade Lenin got back to the Finland Station he received a rapturous welcome. He promised Paradise and delivered death by the million. The Hard Left has learned nothing.
Jew Attacks Free Speech, Louis Farrakhan & Alex Jones [ 5 May 2019 ]
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan are running out of places to espouse their views online.Facebook banned these high-profile personalities and several others from its social media platforms Thursday, becoming the latest tech company to officially declare them persona non grata. Many of them have already been banned from Twitter, YouTube and Apple's Podcasts app.
In addition to Jones and Farrakhan, Facebook also kicked out right-wing extremists Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer and Joseph Watson, who works for InfoWars; white supremacist Paul Nehlen, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2016 and 2018; and Jones' company, Infowars. The groups will also lose their accounts on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
"We've always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology," Facebook said in a statement, according to The Verge. "The process for evaluating potential violators is extensive and it is what led us to our decision to remove these accounts today."
Alex Jones gets abused by corrupt Jews running the Southern Poverty Law Center a point very much in his favour. Louis Farrakhan runs the Nation of Islam; its research proved that Jews ran the Slave trade across the Atlantic. Sources are all in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews; they tell the truth that Zuckerberg does not want us to know.
Jew Allows Free Speech Inciting Hatred Of White People, Of Christianity [ 5 May 2019 ]
Facebook is allowing anti-Christian extremists freedom to peddle hate despite closing down accounts of far-right and anti-Semitic leaders, MailOnline can reveal............But the company was today accused of hypocrisy when hordes of anti-Christian fanatics and anti-Semites are allowed to function freely on the site despite a raft complaints.
They say hate preachers like the Pakistani cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi – spiritual leader of the extremist group Tehreek-e-Labbaik – spreads anti-Christian rhetoric to thousands of followers on the network.
Rizvi is only one murderous thug hosted by Zuckerberg. The Mail is censoring Free Speech by people commenting on this article. It also keeps very quiet about the Very Reverend Ovadia Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, a grossly Racist swine.
Free Speech Attacked Using Christchurch Massacre As An Excuse [ 16 May 2019 ]
The White House is not endorsing a global pledge to step up efforts to keep internet platforms from being used to spread hate, organize extremist groups and broadcast attacks, citing respect for 'freedom of expression and freedom of the press'.World leaders led by French President Emmanuel Macron and executives from Facebook, Google, Twitter and other tech companies gathered in Paris to compile a set of guidelines dubbed the 'Christchurch Call,' named after the New Zealand city where 51 people were killed in a March attack on mosques.
Much of the attack was broadcast live on Facebook, drawing public outrage and fueling debate on how to better regulate social media. Facebook said before the meeting that it was tightening rules for livestream users.
But in a statement on Wednesday, the White House said it will 'continue to be proactive in our efforts to counter terrorist content online' while also protecting free speech.
The Christchurch Call 'is a global response to a tragedy that occurred on the shores of my country but was ultimately felt around the world,' said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who has played a leading role pushing for globally coordinated efforts to eliminate online extremism.
Blaming the White House is a way of abusing Donald Trump while ignoring the First Amendment to the American Constitution, the one protecting Free Speech. Mr Tarrant explained his actions so the media suppressed his words. They were put on line by Michael Yon at The Great Replacement.
How Israel systematically hides evidence of 1948 expulsion of Arabs [ 9 July 2019 ]
Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide are all right when Zionist crazies are the perpetrators. This is another verbatim headline from Haaretz. It was prone to tell the truth until it got leaned on by Mossad.
Jews And Arabs Love Censorship, They Hate Free Speech [ 9 July 2019 ]
Jonathan Sacks is the former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. Wes Streeting is a homosexual Labour MP and vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism. You wouldn’t expect either of these two men to offer aid and comfort to us hate-filled haters at the Occidental Observer.The process began with Jews
But they have offered aid and comfort to us. At the Occidental Observer, we say that the organized Jewish community has been central to anti-White identity politics and to the war on free speech. In 2007, Sacks told the world that Britain “had been poisoned by … identity politics,” which “began with Jews, before being taken up by blacks, women and gays.” In 2019, Streeting, who also co-chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims (APPGBM), announced that the APPGBM’s deplorably vague definition of Islamophobia — “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness” — was “presented within a framework resembling the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism.”
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Ditto for Jews.
Cabinet Secretary Incited Pakistani Policeman To Attack Free Speech
Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill plotted with the Metropolitan Police over an extraordinary attack on press freedom, The Mail on Sunday has learned. After this newspaper published explosive diplomatic cables, the country's most powerful civil servant, pictured, had to be 'talked out' of sending a letter threatening prosecution.Hours later, Met Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu publicly threatened to jail journalists for printing sensitive leaked documents. He added that the publication of such material was a breach of the Official Secrets Act and 'could also constitute a criminal offence', and demanded journalists hand over any documents that they were holding.
Is England a democracy? NO, it never was. Civil servants have tyrannical instincts; they like abusing power. Sedwill looks stupid as well as vicious but then he is.
Amazon Censors Books For Patriots [ 5 August 2019 ]
The Amazon purge of the Dissident Right continues..............
Titles Banned (54 and Counting)
- Greg Johnson, The White Nationalist Manifesto (Kindle, HC, and PB)...............
Kevin MacDonald titles:
The Culture of Critique (all formats)
Separation and Its Discontents (all formats).
Bezos will sell you Three Classic Essays on How to Change the World by the Marxist terrorists and agitators by Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Rosa Luxemburg but not Thee White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson. NB Professor MacDonald is a highly respectable academic. Bezos, a multibillionaire panders to the Hard Left.
Politicians Hate Free Speech In Germany [ 3 November 2019 ]
Fears of a surge in far-right extremism have led officials in Dresden to pass a resolution aimed at strengthening democracy and protecting minorities.City counselors passed a resolution on Wednesday night with the headline 'Nazi crisis?' which warned that anti-democratic and extremist views and even violence were becoming increasingly apparent.
Dresden is home to the anti-migrant group PEGIDA and is a stronghold for the [ allegedly ] far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which received more than 17% of the vote in city council elections this year.
The Mail is censoring comments but the readers are not fool enough to believe its story.
Chief Coroner Says New Laws To Ban Free Speech Are Needed [ 3 November 2019 ]
The probe was twice suspended due to pressure on resources and the authorities did not pass on tip-offs about his extremism, including one from a family member..........
Mr Lucraft highlighted 18 'matters of concern'
in a report on preventing future deaths, which was published today after
inquests into the deaths of eight people on the evening of June 3 2017, and
their attackers.
The point that Mr Lucraft does not make is that importing
Third World criminals like them is
Public Policy, government policy. It is
also Ethnic Fouling In England
and throughout Western Civilization.
This is leading to Genocide, a crime under
International Law as well as being
Treason &
Misconduct In Public Office.
How does Her Majesty's Government
let them in? See the next one.
Transphobic Tweeting Is Lawful Says High Court [ 16 February 2020 ]
A man's 'transphobic' tweets were lawful and police breached his right to
freedom of expression by behaving like 'the Stasi' when they turned up at
his work to brand it a 'hate incident', a judge has ruled. Former police
officer Harry Miller, 54, claims an officer told him that he had not
committed a crime, but that 30 messages he had tweeted or retweeted over the
past year were being recorded as a 'hate incident'.................
The complaint was received by Scotland Yard from a 'victim'. Officers in London then contacted Humberside Police to interview Mr Miller after tracing him to his plant and machinery business.
A judge today described the police's actions had a 'substantial chilling effect' on Mr Miller's right to free speech. Announcing the court's decision, Mr Justice Julian Knowles said Mr Miller's tweets were 'lawful' and that the effect of the police turning up at Mr Miller's place of work 'because of his political opinions must not be underestimated'.
He added: 'To do so would be to undervalue a
cardinal democratic freedom. In this country we have never had a
Cheka, a
Stasi. We have never lived in an Orwellian society.'
That is all right but another Judge, but only a female one convicted some
one, alleging that she caused annoyance, inconvenience and anxiety to
a woman. Her Majesty's Government
makes bad law, vague law and gets bad results. There's a surprise. The
copper beat the rap; the woman did not. The
Mail's readers are not amused by the thuggishness of our wonderful police.
Free Speech Is Forbidden In The Art Industry [ 25
February 2020 ]
Eight out of 10 employees working in the arts or culture fields
said that sharing controversial opinions could mean 'being professionally
ostracized' or bullied, according to a new survey. These revelations
reportedly stem from an increasing culture of self-censorship and a fear of
backlash from colleagues over views that may politically incorrect.
The Freedom of Expression survey conducted by Arts Professionals, a UK arts publication, received responses from more than 500 individuals in the field, many of which pointed out the risks that can come with speaking freely.
Some of these topics include expressing support for right-wing ideologies and conservative political parties.
Pulse report: Freedom of Expression
Free to speak? Not if you work in the arts
'Career suicide': Arts sector muzzled over Brexit
The people who responded to this questionnaire were
so they were not random but the results ring true.
Mark Steyn gives a splendid example of harassment by crooks in the
Global Warming Industry - see
The Warmographic Novelist who Got #CO-Tooed Rajendra Pachauri.
Oxford University Bans Left Wing Fanatics Who Hate Free Speech
[ 24 March 2020 ]
An Oxford society which caused uproar after it cancelled a speech by former
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been barred by university authorities for
breaching free speech guidelines. The UN Women Oxford UK society sparked fury
after its committee axed Ms Rudd's talk with just 30 minutes' notice last
month following outcry from students about the ex-Minister's role in the
Windrush scandal.
Following a storm of protest – Commons Leader
Jacob Rees-Mogg dubbed his alma mater 'snowflake central'– Oxford
University's governing proctors have ordered the feminist group to be
de-registered from its affiliated societies and to apologise to Ms Rudd.
Did Rudd have anything worth saying? I doubt it but she had power so she
might have let something slip or even told the truth.
Private Eye tells us that the Rudd family are third rate
wasters. I am not arguing for a moment. The important issue is that the
Lunatic Fringe have been allowed to pervert
the free exchange of ideas. Recall that in 1555 AD exactly the same kind of
people, England's leading intellectuals at Oxford chose to try the
Archbishop of Canterbury for heresy. He was then
burnt at the stake along with a brace of bishops. See the
Oxford Martyrs.
Today they treat the Bible with contempt; they are
all heretics.
Eton Head Master Attacks Free Speech Then Lies About It
[ 5 December 2020 ]
Eton's Head Master moved to reassure parents of his commitment to
‘intellectual freedom’ yesterday after an English teacher was sacked over a
controversial lecture.
Simon Henderson
denied he wanted to ‘shut down debate’ at the Ł42,500-a-year school. In a
letter to parents, he insisted that the importance of ‘independent thinking
and intellectual freedom’ was ‘non-negotiable’ at Eton.
Sacking a teacher for a bit of Free Speech
then claiming that he likes 'intellectual freedom' is gross hypocrisy. Does
he think his customers are stupid enough to believe him? Is
another of those Quasi-Intellectuals the
sort they have at Oxford? It has been corrupted - see
Protocols Of The Learned
Elders Of Oxford on the point. The teacher was dismissed for inviting
students to consider and
question 'radical feminist orthodoxy'. The Wiki tells us that Henderson
is an anti-White Racist who swallowed the
propaganda stories after
George Floyd, a black armed criminal died of fetanyl poisoning. One of
Mr Knowland's pupils' wrote very well in
The Critic about
Henderson's arrogance & hatred of truth.
Eton Head Master's Attack On Free Speech - Update
[ 5 December 2020 ]
is a Hard Left twat who has alienated lotsa
people while inciting Feminism and other toxic
aspects of the Culture War against
Western Civilization.
Something of the sort happened in America, where
Evergreen State Achieved A Catastrophic Drop In Enrollment after the
management arranged a “Day of Absence” in May 2017 when all white people
were asked to leave the campus.
Labour Party Attacks Free Speech [ 5 December
2020 ]
As Guido
reported yesterday, constituency Labour branches are currently up in
arms over an edict from HQ banning motions in support of Jeremy Corbyn.
Despite the new rule, many hard-left cranks are ignoring General
Secretary David Evans and pressing on regardless, with some 36 CLPs
backing Corbyn with the result that at least half-a-dozen local
officials have been suspended.
The hard left aren’t happy and are going on about Starmer's suppression
of debate and free speech.
Some digging through the Labour history archives reveals that it’s not the first time in recent living memory a Labour General Secretary has banned motions regarding individual disciplinary cases of hard-left figures. Under whose leadership did a General Secretary clamp down on such free speech? Miliband? Blair? Kinnock? It’s……… Jeremy Corbyn, banning local parties from voicing support for Chris Williamson:
“Please note that individual disciplinary cases that are being dealt with through the NEC disputes processes are confidential. Motions on individual cases are therefore not competent business for discussion at CLPs and will not be discussed by the NEC or any associated bodies.”
– Jennie Formby, 2019
Guido can’t recall many of the TrotsApp
rent-a gob crowd now whinging
accusing Corbyn of suppressing debate and free speech at that time.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la
męme chose.
Hard Left apparatchiks have changed their
tune now that they are at the receiving end.
UN Attacking Free Speech [ 5 December 2020 ]
Interpreting the signs
I only discovered it recently but it seems that last May the U.N. placed an open call for 100,000 of what they call volunteer digital-first responders to counter misinformation on social media platforms. These will apply a new digital ‘rules of the road’ for people sharing content. The new message, straight from Big Brother himself, is “Pause: Take care before you share."'We are in a moment of global reckoning with the pandemic sweeping across the globe, worldwide protests for racial justice and the climate emergency. Misinformation, hate speech and fake news is fueling and distorting all of these challenges. It acts as a virus. It exploits our weaknesses. Our biases. Our prejudices. Our emotions. Often we share on impulse. Before verifying content. Before letting the endorphins subside. The hope of the UN is to create a global moment that will encourage us all to fight misinformation around COVID-19 by pausing before we share content and stories with our loved ones, friends and colleagues.'
So what counts as misinformation? That masks work? Or that they don't work? We've been given both 'facts' by our overlords. We got similar contradictory evidence about ventilators and indeed lockdowns. And how will the new fact-checkers evaluate the fantasy predictions of medico-huckster Neil Ferguson [ with his track record of gross incompetence - Editor ]? The good news for the UN is that I can help with this project. And my recipe is simple: Anything that comes from official sources, appears on the MSM or survives the social media Thought Police is untrue. But somehow I don't think they'll act on my suggestion.
It might surprise you when I say that I'm reassured by this initiative. Because it suggests the Luciferian NWO globalists are not confident of their lies taking hold, despite their virtual monopoly on information dissemination. Why else would they seek to roll out these digital re-education camps?
My friends we are rapidly approaching The Denouement. We are living through the Biblical Great Tribulation. The signs are everywhere. If you're like me you'll try, in a spirit of great humility, to reconnect with God and join in the fight against the forces of evil. Because that is truly what they represent.
It's back to basics again. Recall that Otto von Bismarck [ 1815 - 1898 ] is said to have told us:-
Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.
YouTube Will Attack Free Speech About Election Fraud [ 15 December 2020 ]
YouTube starting Wednesday will remove videos uploaded to its site that claim that widespread voter fraud or other irregularities occurred in the 2020 election and influenced the outcome of the race.The new policy, which comes roughly a month after Joe Biden was projected the winner of the election, goes beyond the actions taken by Facebook and Twitter, which have both used labels to mark posts including misinformation about the election but have generally not removed them..................
YouTube said it is implementing its new policy Wednesday because Tuesday marked what is known as the safe harbor deadline. Federal law stipulates that Congress must accept the electoral votes from states that finalize their election results, choose their presidential electors and resolve legal disputes by the deadline, which falls six days before electors actually cast their votes to formally elect the next president.
"Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect," YouTube said in a statement Wednesday. "Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections."
YouTube eagerly ignored the fact that Obama was born in Kenya, making him ineligible to be the president. So did all of the Mainstream Media. This is not why they are the legacy media but it is a pointer.
Facebook Attacking Free Speech [ 12 January 2021 ]
Facebook Removing All Content That Mentions ‘Stop the Steal’ Ahead of Inauguration Day Facebook announced on Monday it is removing all content that contains the phrase “stop the steal” ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.The company issued a statement saying it was removing content containing the phrase that was used by supporters of President Donald Trump to question the integrity of the 2020 general election. Trump supporters held multiple rallies across the country called “Stop the Steal” following the Nov. 3 election.
The social media company said that the move is an attempt to remove content that “could incite further violence during these next few weeks.” Content will be removed under the company’s Coordinating Harm policy.
The First Amendment to the American Constitution is the right to Free Speech. Big Tech criminals like it but only when it favours their evil. We are moving into a time of great evil.
Twitter Attacks Free Speech By Banning Judicial Watch [ 12 January 2021 ]
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton said Twitter had suspended his account for at least seven days for allegedly violating the platform’s rules.Fitton said he was locked out of his account for posting “#Hydroxychloroquine is a safe drug,” a topic he had been posting about since September. He said that at that time, Twitter “specifically found that it was not in [violation] of its rules” but has now decided to take action against the account.
“I have ‘appealed’ but we all know, given this background, that this is not about HCQ, it is about finding a pretext to silence another leading conservative voice,” Fitton said in a statement on Parler.
Twitter’s ban comes as big tech companies ramp up their policing of statements and comments from President Donald Trump, conservatives, and other voices they claim may cause harm...........
Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also expressed concern over Twitter’s decision to suspend Trump from social media, saying that it could set a precedent for big tech companies to silence voices.............
He [ Matze ] said he believes the companies are all acting in bad faith and that his company is prepared to take legal action over their decision to ban him.
Unbalanced policing of user content and certain political views has raised concerns over First Amendment rights and the lack of checks and balances on decisions made by big tech companies. Discussions over limiting or eliminating liability protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act for tech companies that have engaged in censoring or political conduct have been heavily discussed in the past year.
Trump and his administration had repeatedly called on Congress to limit or amend Section 230. But tech advocacy groups have pushed back against such a move.
Section 230 is being used and abused. It is part of the Communications Decency Act, which attempted to limit the highly profitable Pornography Industry. It runs into problems with Free Speech.
Rupert Murdoch Opposes Woke Censors [ 28 January 2021 ]
Rupert Murdoch has warned of the dangers of censorship and curtailing of debate, saying that an 'awful woke orthodoxy' is stifling dissent and hampering societies' ability to reach their true potential.The 89-year-old media mogul made his remarks in a speech that was recorded before Christmas and broadcast on Saturday as he was awarded a lifetime achievement award from The Australia Day Foundation, a British non-profit.............. Murdoch, who has been weathering the pandemic at home in the United Kingdom with his Texan wife, Jerry Hall, has been notably quiet in recent months, failing to weigh in as Donald Trump - who he previously backed - became increasingly isolated.
Murdoch said in Saturday's address that one of the greatest challenges currently facing media organizations such as his was 'a wave of censorship'.......
'For those of us in media there's a real challenge to confront: a wave of censorship that seeks to silence conversation, to stifle debate, to ultimately stop individuals and societies from realizing their potential,' he said.
Rupert is right. It seems Murdoch Minor is becoming a lefty; this is not good. People who are that rich lose contact with everyday reality.
Her Majesty' Government Attacks Free Speech By Chinese [ 5 February 2021 ]
According to a statement issued on Thursday, the broadcasting regulator Ofcom has revoked China Global Television Network's license to air its programs in the UK.An Ofcom investigation found that the license under which CGTN was operating had been wrongfully held by Star China Media Ltd (SCML).
We have revoked China Global Television Network’s (CGTN) licence to broadcast in the UK, after our investigation concluded that the licence was wrongfully held by Star China Media Ltd. (SCML).Read here for more information:
— Ofcom (@Ofcom) February 4, 2021In a statement, Ofcom reiterated that “licence holders cannot be controlled by political bodies.”
It said SCML does not have editorial control or responsibility for CGTN’s programming, and therefore did not meet the requirement to hold a broadcasting license.
Its investigation found that CGTN is controlled by Chinese Central Television, which, as part of the China Media Group, is “controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and therefore disqualified from holding a broadcast licence under UK laws.”
HMG has also attacked RT [ previously Russia Today ] for exercising its right to Free Speech. See RT loses High Court challenge against Ofcom over Ł200,000 fine for impartiality breaches. But, happily you can see what China has to say by going to Of course HMG allows corrupt Propaganda machines like the BBC, The Guardian & CNN to publish what they will.
Free Speech Also Attacked By Patreon [ 17 July 2021 ]
Yesterday I received an email saying “Woohoo – you just got paid! $3,383.92 was just sent out to you from Patreon covering earnings up to July 6, 2021.”Woohoo indeed. When your boss fires you with “here’s the money we owe you, now get out of here” he doesn’t say “woohoo.” But Patreon is run by mindless robots, and they’re even more obnoxious than the lousiest boss.
A dozen emails down, another Patreon bot wrote: “Hey there! We hope you’re having a good day. We’re writing to give you a heads up about a small change for some of your patrons…” (Long story short, Patreon was changing their terms to grab a bigger share of the money, as they so often do. Apparently the grab-more-money bot hadn’t heard that I was fired.)
So Doctor Barrett was doing very nicely then got greedy as well as hostile to anyone even slightly of the Alt-Right. NB Substack gives a better deal presumably.
White House Admits Colluding With Facebook To Censor Free Speech [ 26 July 2021 ]
Government agencies are flagging posts as “misinformation” for Facebook. Essentially telling internet companies who to censor. We’ve always suspected as much, but now they’ve actually admitted it. Jen Psaki, Biden’s Press Secretary, said as much in a press briefing last week:We are flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation”
If true – and that’s never a given when Psaki is talking – it’s a frank admission that the White House is actively breaching the first amendment rights of US citizens (and potentially the human rights of foreign nationals too)..............
Every act of terrorism, every controversy, every election…every “pandemic” is new excuse to place fresh restrictions on who is allowed to say what, where.
This culminated in every single social media and internet platform coordinating to completely remove the incumbent President of the United States from the internet.
The American Constitution, including the Bill of Rights & First Amendment regarding Free Speech, is the supreme law of America. Joe Biden is a major criminal treating the law with contempt, an Enemy Of The People, just like the Deep State.
Persecution Of A Thought Criminal [ 1 August 2021 ]
In November 2019 Louis Duxbury, a 22 year old university student from York, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for ‘inciting religious hatred’ under section 29E of the Public Order Act 1986. The prosecution was brought as a result of a 17 minute monologue that Duxbury uploaded to Facebook.I can’t show you the video because the police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the courts have effectively outlawed it as religious blasphemy. They don’t call it that of course. The preferred neologism is ‘inciting religious hatred’........................
In my opinion the most offensive thing about the monologue is how boring it was. Not a single part of it could be described as a call to arms.............
Duxbury’s problems began when he chose to upload his improvised monologue to Facebook, somehow believing it to be a platform of free speech, instead of the public run Stasi and annex of the Police National Computer, that it really is...............
Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides a freedom of religion. That right also includes a freedom not to be subjected to religion or not to be forced to participate in somebody else’s religious beliefs. PREVENT and Humber Prison, by compelling Duxbury to be subjected to Islamic ideology, as a means to reprogram his wrongthink, have abused his article 9 rights. This also highlights the worrying thought that PREVENT is indirectly assisting the radicalisation of prisoners, rather than preventing it..............
In 1984 – Orwell’s guidebook to 2020’s Britain – anyone caught committing a thought crime would be tortured, re-educated and then shot. But our modern day Thinkpol won’t let you off quite so easily. Rather than dispatch you swiftly they prefer to keep you in a permanent state of fear, staring down the barrel of a gun for as long as they care to aim it. A weapon placed into their spiteful hands by the state, the media, and our inconsistent and oppressive hate crime laws.
One important point to take from this case is NEVER talk to the police. Read about Resistance to Interrogation to know why. An eminent lawyer explains all. So does an experienced policeman. If you are arrested for whatever reason the Police and Criminal Evidence Act applies. The law applies to them just as much anyone else. Demand to be told why you are being arrested. The custody sergeant's job is to protect you against police brutality. Demand a lawyer; he, she or it is government issue freebie. Ask them about Selective Prosecution, Malicious Prosecution and Misconduct In Public Office. He should be on the ball. The Prevent Strategy is a worthless Boondoggle run by Moral Cretins; it keeps them off the dole queue. Treat them with contempt.
American Journalist Gets 45 Months For Exposing Special Force Murders Of Civilians [ 4 August 2021 ]
This week, drone warfare whistleblower Daniel Hale has been sentenced to 45 months in prison for telling the American people the truth.Daniel Hale, a former intelligence analyst in the drone program for the Air Force who as a private contractor in 2013 leaked some 17 classified documents about drone strikes to the press, was just sentenced to 45 months in prison.
The documents, published by The Intercept on October 15, 2015, exposed that between January 2012 and February 2013 US special operations airstrikes killed more than 200 people. Of those, only 35 were the intended targets. For one five-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90% of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets. The civilian dead, usually innocent bystanders, were routinely classified as “enemies killed in action.”
The Justice Department coerced Hale, who was deployed to Afghanistan in 2012, on March 31 to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act, a law passed in 1917 designed to prosecute those who passed on state secrets to a hostile power, not those who expose to the public government lies and crimes. Hale admitted as part of the plea deal to “retention and transmission of national security information” and leaking 11 classified documents to a journalist. If he had refused the plea deal, he could have spent 50 years in prison.
Killing sight unseen qualifies as luxury war, no marching or being shot at. Who are they killing? Why? Do they know? Do they care? Is this war or expensive games that make the Military-Industrial Complex rich? Screwing Free Speech is incidental.
Craig Murray's Jailing Is Another Attack On Free Speech [ 4 August 2021 ]
Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have to hand himself over to the Scottish police on Sunday morning. He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on the obscure and vaguely defined charge of “jigsaw identification”.Murray is also the first person to be jailed in Britain for contempt of court in half a century – a period when such different legal and moral values prevailed that the British establishment had only just ended the prosecution of “homosexuals” and the jailing of women for having abortions.
Murray’s imprisonment for eight months by Lady Dorrian, Scotland’s second most senior judge, is of course based entirely on a keen reading of Scottish law rather than evidence of the Scottish and London political establishments seeking revenge on the former diplomat. And the UK supreme court’s refusal on Thursday to hear Murray’s appeal despite many glaring legal anomalies in the case, thereby paving his path to jail, is equally rooted in a strict application of the law, and not influenced in any way by political considerations.
Craig wrote about the Alex Salmond Scandal; the latter was being fitted up by SNP enemies using systematic abuses. So said David Davis in detail, in Parliament. This article comes from Jonathan Cook, a man of the left but one writing honestly. The comments have been more direct & much blunter. Yes, the Lord Advocate is a Jew using the Holocaust® Story.
American Judges Outlaw Free Speech For White Men [ 27 February 2022 ]
In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection.With all the media blubbering about “attempts to DESTROY our democracy” and violations of “constitutional norms,” it’s remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press.
The banned conference, you see, was about immigration.
Wow, our elites really don’t want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory –- and racist, to boot! –- to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.)..............
The next day, the resort canceled the contract and, per the agreement, paid a kill fee. VDARE sued the mayor, alleging a violation of its First Amendment rights.
Here’s the frightening part: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit (one Obama judge and two G.W. Bush judges; one dissent) found for the mayor on the grounds that it’s possible that the resort canceled NOT because the mayor announced that there would be no police or fire protection, but because of … CHARLOTTESVILLE! Which VDARE had nothing to do with. (Again, VDARE is an immigration website, not a street protest organization.)
If the Supreme Court does not agree to take up this case and brutally slap down the 10th Circuit, “free speech” will be officially limited to speech acceptable to antifa, working hand-in-hand with liberal mayors and governors...........
If the Supreme Court fails to overturn the outrageous opinion in VDARE Foundation v. City of Colorado Springs, free speech’s gravestone will read: “Bedrock principle of a nation; 1791-2022.”
Free Speech is protected by the First Amendment to the American Constitution, the supreme law of America. Of course if judges refuse to uphold the law this protection is worthless and the judges are corrupt.
Free Speech And A Free Press Matter In A Democracy Says Lord Rothermere [ 16 May 2022 ]
The proprietor of the Daily Mail has delivered a passionate defence of free speech and family values in a historic address to celebrate the newspaper's 125th anniversary.Lord Rothermere hailed the Mail's tradition of holding the powerful to account and exposing 'corrupt, pompous, incompetent and immoral' politicians from all parties.
And he raised a toast to the Queen in her jubilee year as he praised the monarchy for protecting all of Britain's freedoms including those of the Press and 'the vital role it plays in a healthy democracy'.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie were among 800 guests at the event at Claridge's Hotel in London as Viscount Rothermere pledged: 'We are beholden to no one but our readers, who love and respect our journalism.
Rothermere says the right things & says them rather well. But the Mail has censored the comments. A lot of readers are hostile. Of course a free press tells the truth if the owners sees fit. So they ALL blacked out the real reason for the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a Germ War attack on China that backfired. You doubt it? A crazy Conspiracy Theory? No! Read Two Years After Covid, Eyes Remain Firmly Shut. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Biden Administration Attack On Free Speech Being Challenged By State Attorneys [ 12 February 2023 ]
Ever since they were first created, social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter have defended their biased, intolerant, erratic, and often Kafkaesque censorship practices on the ground that they are private companies and therefore not subject to First Amendment principles. In recent years, however, it has become clear that this 'not state actors'ť rationale has been a charade. Elon Musk's recent disclosures of Twitter's close collaboration with the FBI and other federal government entities, for example, reveal that for years Twitter executives and the federal government have worked together to curate and restrict the information Twitter users could send or receive. A recent lawsuit filed in the federal court for the Western District of Louisiana by the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana and other plaintiffs, Missouri, Louisiana, Bhattacharya, et al. v. Biden, Jean-Pierre, Murthy, et al., will hopefully not only continue this trend of piercing the 'not state actors'ť facade but deliver powerful cannon shots against the social media giants€™ crumbling wall of immunity from First Amendment standards............In this lawsuit, the AGs and the private plaintiffs seek to hold over 65 federal agencies and officials liable for violations of the First Amendment by their collusion with major social media platforms to suppress open dialogue on the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up, election integrity and the security of voting by mail, the efficacy of mask mandates and Covid-19 lockdowns, and the origins of Covid 19, among other important topics.
This is about Selective Prosecution, abuse of power and the general purpose corruption of Biden, his henchmen and the Deep State. Lest we forget, the FBI perpetrated the Waco Massacre and its cover up.
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Updated on 31/03/2023 20:25