American politics have always been lively and, because America is [ make that was - see American Cities Drown in Debt ] a rich country their goings on matter to others. Here are some sources on the subject. Just to be clear about the place, its politicians are controlled by the Puppet Masters, by enemy aliens, Zionist crazies in Tel Aviv. You might wonder Who Controls America? Names are named. Mug shots are supplied. Sources are given. It is evidence for the prosecution.
American Empire
An empire? America? Yes, that's right, an empire with troops stationed in England, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, you name it. But is it winning? No! Past its sell by date? Yes. Is it good for Americans? No! Who runs it? Jews and other criminals. Fred tells all.
America's Controllers
Who controls Wall Street, Congress, the Senate, the White House, Big Business? See for yourself. Or look at Jews control America.
America Betrayed
Perhaps Franklin D Roosevelt, was not the first President to betray America. He was certainly not the last.
America Destroying Itself
It is suffering from a top down attack carried out by TPTB = The Powers That Be. Their HQ is in Tel Aviv. They are using a Long March Through The Institutions, the attack devised by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists. The bottom up approach was used by Karl Marx - Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose except your chains. Millions died as result. Antonio's wheeze is also a disaster.
America Is Dying
It is sad. It is true. The evidence is out there if you look. The media do not write it up as a major issue. It is happening regardless. The next little piece is just one bit of evidence.
America's Five Most Dangerous Cities
Detroit only makes number two. The winner is Flint, Michigan.
St. Louis
New Haven
Memphis, Tennessee
More at Murder Hot Spots
America's 100 Most Dangerous Cities
Naturally Detroit is there; it makes Number 5.
America's 50 Nastiest Cities
Bad or worse? Take your pick. Unemployment & violent crime are big issues.
American Cities Drown in Debt
Der Spiegel explains all.
American Enclosures
Barbed wire was the new technology that defined ranches in the West.
The cotton industry boomed, increased slavery, led to the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, killed hundreds of thousands and made New York rich.
Department of Justice
The name is an advertising prospectus. The reality is rather different. Being part of the Deep State means being political manipulators; they are Subverting the American Constitution & Donald Trump, albeit they are coming unstuck with Don.
Election 2016 Tragedy
Having a flawed candidate on one side is a pity; that Donald Trump is the best politician America has on offer is a tragedy. The other one is a blatant criminal, a foul mouthed shrew, a thief who takes multimegabuck bribes but the Main Stream Media want Hillary Clinton. So do Zionist crazies, millions of dole parasites, Illegal Immigrants and other undesirables. The Right Stuff is right.
Gone with the Wind
A great novel gives us background and feel for the hatred and cruelty of the American Civil War and Reconstruction.
Jews control America
America has a Zionist Occupation Government or ZOG
545 People Responsible For America's Woes
Abraham Lincoln - Did Abe really start a civil war because he loved them slaves? No!
America and the North American Union is being imposed by stealth just like the EU
America as a Fascist State
America Is A Puppet Of Israel
America then and now
America versus China
American Civil War
American Oil Reserves
American Presidents and Rape
American Treason
American War Crimes
American Wars
American West
Carter Demonized by Israel Lobby
Chertoff and Home Land Security - having an enemy alien in charge of security is not a good idea.
Cultural Genocide - America is victim rather than perpetrator.
Israel Lobby
Israel Orders America Obeys
Jews In The White House
Jews Spy On America
Lobby That Does Not Exist
Politics In America
US As An Exporter Of Terrorism
US Overthrowing Governments
US presidents were Jewish pawns
Venona is the major decryption programme that was stopped because it was exposing Jews betraying America.
State Department ex Wiki
The United States Department of State (DOS),[3] or State Department,[4] is an executive department of the U.S. federal government responsible for the nation's foreign policy and international relations. Equivalent to the ministry of foreign affairs of other nations, its primary duties are advising the U.S. president, administering diplomatic missions, negotiating international treaties and agreements, and representing the U.S. at the United Nations.[5] The department is headquartered in the Harry S Truman Building, a few blocks from the White House, in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C.; "Foggy Bottom" is thus sometimes used as a metonym.Established in 1789 as the first administrative arm of the U.S. executive branch, the State Department is considered among the most powerful and prestigious executive agencies.[6] It is headed by the secretary of state, who reports directly to the U.S. president and is a member of the president's Cabinet. Analogous to a foreign minister, the secretary of state serves as the federal government's chief diplomat and representative abroad, and is the first Cabinet official in the order of precedence and in the presidential line of succession. The position is currently held by Antony Blinken who was appointed by President Joe Biden and confirmed by the Senate on January 26, 2021 by a vote of 78–22.[7]
As of 2019, the State Department maintains 273 diplomatic posts worldwide, second only to China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[8] It also manages the US Foreign Service, provides diplomatic training to US officials and military personnel, exercises partial jurisdiction over immigration, and provides various services to Americans, such as issuing passports and visas, posting foreign travel advisories, and advancing commercial ties abroad. The department administers the oldest US civilian intelligence agency, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, and maintains a law enforcement arm, the Diplomatic Security Service.
It runs Foreign Policy, which means empire building, War Mongering, using and abusing its Reserve Currency status etc. It is currently in 2022 run by Zionist crazies, by Jews who hate Russia. They are stupid as well as vicious. Using politicians like Zelenskyyy in the Ukraine to attack people in its east provoked Vladimir Putin to run his Special Military Operation against the attackers. The resultant Sanctions have backfired in a very big way.
Is explained by the Nation of Islam. Is it right? I have my doubts. Were passengers on the Mayflower depraved scum? It is not, perhaps impossible. Were the local Indians really peaceable farmers. Maybe but many tribes were deeply sincere savages. Torture was fun. War was a way of life and death too.
White Death
Working class White Men are getting poorer, despairing & giving up. Suicide by alcohol, gunshot wounds or whatever make sense if your job has been exported to Mexico & your sense of worth has gone with it. The numbers are out there, confirming an earlier article - America Is Dying.
American Gets 400 Thousand Anchor Babies Per Year [ 24 August 2015 ]
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's call for an end to birthright citizenship has focused new attention on the law deemed to grant automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents.Children gaining birthright citizenship are pejoratively referred to as "anchor babies" because they provide an anchor in the U.S. for family members seeking to enter the country legally............
The number of babies gaining birthright citizenship has been steadily rising and is now estimated to top 300,000 and reach as high as 400,000 a year, according to John Feere of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). The Pew Hispanic Center puts the estimate at 340,000 a year.
In the most recent analysis, nearly three-quarters of all children of undocumented immigrants were U.S. citizens, and the children of illegals cost taxpayers some $52 billion a year in education expenses alone, Judicial Watch disclosed.
Illegal Aliens Cost Billions, lots of them - both billions and criminals.
American Political Corruption Exposed - It Makes Mexico Look Good Fred Explains All [ 29 April 2016 ]
Fred used to be a journalist. Fred used to get paid. Fred walked away. Fred can tell the truth now. Fred does just that, saying: Donald Trump is a class traitor. Donald Trump is a billionaire who is betraying the billionaires, their apparatchiks, politicians they bribe, the Israel Lobby, every blood sucking leech robbing Americans blind. Republican politicians want ANYBODY except Donald Trump. Is it different in England? No, not really, apart from the details.
PS See Donald Trump could amass most primary votes in GOP history
PPS Pat Buchanan approves of Don as well - see At Last - America First
America Has 700 Thousand Third World Criminals With Previous Convictions [ 9 May 2016 ]
There are in excess of 800,000 nonwhites living illegally but openly in the United States in “sanctuary cities”—and nearly 700,000 of these illegals have felony arrest records. There are now more than 300 jurisdictions—entire states, counties, cities, and municipalities—which have enacted “sanctuary city” laws which prevent the full enforcement of federal immigration law.According to a press release issued by the Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), most of these “sanctuary city” zones are “controlled by Democrats in general and liberals in particular.”
What CAPS did not mention—for fear of being called “Racist,” of course—is that most of these zones are also now majority nonwhite, thanks to legal immigration policies enforced by both Republican and Democratic parties. Of the more than 30 “sanctuary cities,” only a handful are still majority white...........
“Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute found that two-thirds of all outstanding felony warrants in the city of Los Angeles involved illegal aliens—as well as 95 percent of outstanding murder warrants.”
In addition, “sanctuary cities” are on record as having released over 10,000 known criminal aliens into the general population whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were attempting to deport.
Various local governments are run by criminals making unconstitutional law; it is in fact Treason.
America Being Destroyed By Third World Mobs [ 10 June 2016 ]
From the Drudge Report, America’s thermometer, regarding the disruption a campaign rally for Trump:‘NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT IN AMERICA’…
Enough. This can’t last. If people want to demonstrate against anything at all, fine. If they detest any politician at all, fine. If they are vulgar subliterate rabble, let them be vulgar subliterate rabble where I am not. But when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences.
A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can...............
Yes, there is a Culture War. Behind the rabble, and supporting them, are the media, New York and Washington and Hollywood, the open-borders crowd, the racial lobbies and etiolated epicenes of academia, Obama and Hillary and the Neocons and Wall Street.
To be fair Third World criminals were imported by the American government at the behest of the Puppet Masters, that is the Zionist crazies who run Israel. The resultant destruction makes it easier for Jews to get away with their crimes.
Americans Are Dying Out [ 14 August 2016 ]
Below are some maps I have created from the 2010 US Census, and a subsequent 2011 report issued by the Census Bureau. These official federal documents contain two crucial data sets: 1.) the percentage of the officially-termed non-Hispanic white population in each state, and 2.) the percentage of births to non-Hispanic white couples. N.b. I strongly prefer to use the term Anglo-American to refer to English-speaking White Americans over non-Hispanic White, though here I will use the term Anglo White for obvious clarity.
The White Man is dying out; that simple, that tragic. An all black world would revert briskly to its natural state, which is to say the Stone Age. Today young couples can't afford children if they work for a living but Illegal Immigrants can because we pay for their free housing, free medicine, free everything. That is why Illegal Aliens Cost Billions.
Americans Get Poorer, Americans Are Annoyed, There Could Be Consequences [ 19 August 2016 ]
Fred is an American, Fred explains. Fred lives in Mexico. Fred knows that America is played out. When the excrement gets into the cooling system he is not going to be anywhere near it.
It is easy to underestimate the peasantry, the little people. They appear well under control. All seems calm, unless one looks carefully. The means of control work smoothly: the legions, the church, the media, the secret police, the enforcers of political correctness. The serfs are cowed. Why worry about a distant peonage? Do we not have our castles? Let us dance and drink champagne..............I know three young women of exceptional intelligence and talent, all of them mature and disciplined. They cannot find jobs. It is not from lack of trying, far from it. One of them is married to a hard-working man in a highly technical field usually associated with wealth. He is paid a low hourly wage and forced to work on contract, meaning that he has neither benefits nor retirement. His employers know that if he leaves, they can easily find another to take his place. They have him where they want him.
Which may prove a mistake............ Desperation and hatred are close cousins......
Marie didn’t actually say, “Let them eat cake,” but might well have. Instead they ate her. But it can’t happen here. Oh no..........
Unless of course it does. In which case Uber should stock up on tumbrils.
Fred served for real in Viet Nam. Would he do it again? I doubt it; nor would I. Things are going off. Donald Trump is hated with a vengeance by the parasites. It makes him a good bet for the White Man.
America Betrayed [ 8 November 2016 ]
The real issue in today's presidential election in America is whether Clinton will be able to carry on the Treason of the entire political class or whether Donald Trump will get a shot at cleaning the Augean stables.
Mayor Of American City Will Protect Illegal Immigrants [ 12 October 2017 ]
The city in question is Berkley. The result? See the next one.
Police In Berkley, California Lied To Protect Antifa Thugs [ 12 October 2017 ]
They also stood by and watched antifa carrying out an attack.
Baltimore Is On Track To Shatter 2015 Murder Record [ 6 November 2017 ]
The Baltimore City Paper is keeping a more detailed tally. They list 144, with police having re-classified one as justifiable. This gives us 143 murders with 132 black victims, ten white victims, and two Hispanic victims. The city of Baltimore is about two-thirds black and a quarter white.
We cannot say yet that most of the killers were black but is certainly the way to bet. Better than nine out ten victims were blacks though.
America Has Too Many Wars & Too Many Enemies [ 30 January 2018 ]
Why are Americans in Afghanistan 17 years later? Why is the British Army there with them? Then there are so many other wars. The murderous rogue running Turkey wants another. Just who is setting these things up? They are good for the Merchants of Death, for the Puppet Masters & Zionist crazies full of hate but nobody else. Pat Buchanan is right again.
America's Most Dangerous City Starts Defence Fund For Illegal Immigrants [ 17 March 2018 ]
Less than a year after Baltimore prosecutors ordered staff not to charge illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes because it could get the offenders deported, Maryland’s largest city will hire immigration attorneys to help those facing removal. It’s important to note that Baltimore has the nation’s highest per capita homicide rate and has been coined the deadliest big city in the United States by a mainstream newspaper. Nevertheless, a city panel approved spending $200,000 this month to pay for lawyers to represent illegal aliens with deportation orders. Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh says in a local news report that the goal is for everyone to get due process. “We’re not making a decision as to their status, we’re making the decision to be supportive of individuals who live in our city,” according to the mayor..................The trend of using taxpayer dollars to assist illegal aliens in deportation proceedings started under the Obama administration. In 2015, the former president allocated $2 million to hire attorneys to represent the influx of illegal alien minors in federal immigration proceedings.
The Puppet Masters, that is the Zionist crazies want America overrun with Third World parasites but it is different with Israel. Jews deport Blacks & murder Arabs. It is what they call Ethnic Cleansing, a euphemism for Genocide, a crime under International Law, one defined by the United Nations in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American Florida strip-club worker is revealed as the 'MAGAbomber' who 'sent suspicious packages to 12 left-wingers' [ 27 October 2018 ]
The suspect in a mail bombing spree targeting critics of President Donald Trump has been identified. Cesar Altier Sayoc, 56, was taken into custody on Friday morning in Plantation, Florida in connection with the 12 suspicious packages that have been discovered this week. According to Sayoc's Facebook page, he is a Trump fan who posted pictures and videos of himself at one of the President's rallies in October 2016.................Sayoc was convicted of a threat to 'throw, place, project or discharge any destructive device' in 2002 in Dade County, Florida, court records show. He has other prior convictions on felony charges including grand theft and drug possession with intent to distribute, but has never served prison time.
This one is a Godsend for the Left Wing & for Propaganda machines like the Daily Mail. But he is a Red Indian or Philippino, not one of those awful White Men, the kind of Racist that we all love to hate. These "bombs" have no detonators so they are just a publicity stunt. This one is very political. That is why the Mail has dispensed with the Presumption of innocence in its headline. You might just as well read Pravda but the New Observer explains all.
America Is Joining The Third World [ 14 January 2019 ]
As the wealthy continue sucking the country dry, the question now isn’t if the US will cease to provide a decent standard of living for its people. Rather it is how many people will be sacrificed on the way down.In America, the richest nation in the world when measured by raw GDP, children are getting sick from living by open pools of raw sewage. This was one of many shocking findings by the United Nations late last year, following a two-week investigation into extreme poverty in the US.
The UN report was issued last December by a team of investigators who visited California, Alabama, Georgia, Puerto Rico, West Virginia and Washington DC.
“The United States is one of the world’s richest, most powerful and technologically innovative countries; but neither its wealth, nor its power, nor its technology is being harnessed to address the situation in which 40 million people continue to live in poverty,” wrote Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.
Is this true or false? True and provable is the answer. The article gives evidence. Albeit Russia Today is a Propaganda machine playing dirty by telling the truth and giving sources. As Fred, lately of the US Marine Corps told us regarding China in Comparing China and America Economies Diverge, Police States Converge the Chinese government spends its money on progress, on soft power while the American government spends billions or trillions on aggression, on war machines. It runs a de facto empire but neglects its own people.
American Congress Hates Trump's Wall And Loves Israel's Wall [ 5 February 2019 ]
US President Donald Trump’s demand that Congress appropriate money to build a border wall resulted in the longest federal government shutdown in history— because Congress refused to support the idea—but at the same time, enthusiastically funds and supports Israel, which has a wall that dwarfs Trump’s wildest dreams.The US Congress provides Israel with $10.5 million in military aid each and every day, according to the Congressional Research Service’s report “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated April 10, 2018...............
The Israeli border wall, when finally finished, will have a total length of 708 kilometers (440 miles), 85 percent of which runs deep into the occupied West Bank, slicing away at least 9 percent of that territory and de facto adding it to Israel.
The US Congress apparently sees no contradiction in supporting Israel and its wall, and not supporting Donald Trump and his wall. This is, of course, because the Jewish lobby— in this particular case, the “left wing” Jewish lobby, which controls Congress through the Democratic Party, will always ensure that their interests are paramount before anybody else’s.
American politics has been infiltrated by the Israel Lobby, by Jews who run the country as a tool of Israel, of Zionist crazies. That is why we have forever wars in the Middle East. Politicians in America need the finance, the public relations given by Jews IF they play ball, sending Americans to fight Jews' wars for them. James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota explains Congress and its Real Views of Jews. The tail wags the dog. It is dying as a result.
American Politicians Are Mad, Bad And Dangerous [ 14 February 2019 ]
American government has become a collection of sordid and dangerous clowns. It was not always thus. Until Bush II, those governing were never lunatics. Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama, Clinton had their defects, were sometimes corrupt, and could be disagreed with on many grounds. They weren’t crazy. Today’s administration would seem unwholesome in a New York bus station at three in the morning. They are not normal American politicians.In particular they seem to be pushing for war with Iran, China, Russia, and Venezuela. And–this is important–their behavior is not a matter of liberals cat fighting with conservatives. All former presidents carefully avoided war with the Soviet Union, which carefully avoided war with America. It was Reagan, a conservative and responsible president, who negotiated the INF treaty, to eliminate short-fuse nuclear weapons from Europe. By contrast, Trump is scrapping it. Pat Buchanan, the most conservative man I have met, strongly opposes aggression against Russia. The problem with the current occupants of the White House is not that they are conservatives, if they are. It is that they are nuts.
Start with the head cheese, Donald Trump, profoundly ignorant, narcissistic, a real-estate con man who danced just out of reach of the law. His supporters will explode in fury at this. All politics being herd politics, the population has coalesced into herds fanatically pro-Trump and fanatically anti-Trump. Yet Trump’s past is not a secret. Well-documented biographies describe his behavior in detail, but his supporters don’t read them.
Fred is not amused by the War Mongers who were draft dodgers such as Trump, Bolton & Bush. It is different with Pompeo & Mad Dog Mattis. They served and they are vicious. Then there is Haspel; she runs the CIA and likes Torturing people. Fred has a kind word for Prince Andrew who served for real [ Falklands ] just like Fred [ Viet Nam ].
Illegal Aliens Committed 100 Thousand Assaults And 4 Thousand Murders [ 17 February 2019 ]
The 266,000 nonwhite invaders arrested inside the US over the last two years committed more than 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and more than 4,000 murders—a crisis which President Donald Trump is fully justified in calling an emergency and drawing up alternative plans to build a border all after Congress refused to protect Americans.In terms of an announcement from the White House today, President Trump has ordered Executive Action to “stop the national security and humanitarian crisis” at the US’s Southern Border.
The statement said that President Trump would be “using his legal authority to take Executive action to secure additional resources, just as he promised. In part, he is declaring a national emergency that makes available additional troops and funding for military construction.
Don has got it right. The influx of Third World parasites is causing Ethnic Fouling In America; it leads inexorably to Genocide, a crime against International Law defined by the United Nations in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. He put the case for the wall in his State Of The Union Address and put it well. Only 72% of Americans approved, which is disappointing but still a clear majority.
Third World Parasites Coming To Dominance In America [ 18 February 2019 ]
Nonwhites will make up at least 30.5 percent of the US electorate in 2020—and that using the flawed racial definitions used by the federal government—an increase of over seven percent from 2016, a fact which will make it doubly harder for Donald Trump to be re-elected president.According to an analysis of the 2020 electorate produced by the Pew Research Center (“An early look at the 2020 electorate”), “nonwhites will account for a third of eligible voters – their largest share ever – driven by long-term increases among certain groups, especially Hispanics.”
At the same time, the Pew report continued, “one-in-ten eligible voters will be members of Generation Z, the Americans who will be between the ages 18 and 23 next year.”
The “Generation Z” group will therefore be 10 percent of the electorate, up from just 4 percent in 2016. The report says that these “post-Millennials are on track to be more racially and ethnically diverse than their predecessors: In 2020, Gen Z eligible voters are expected to be 55% white and 45% nonwhite, including 21% Hispanic, 14% black, and 4% Asian or Pacific Islander.”
They breed like flies and gate crash through the Mexican border. The Traitors are not at the gate; they are in Washington, making bad law in order to destroy America.
American Empire Faltering [ 21 February 2019 ]
Fred is just a retired journalist in Mexico with a wife and two dogs. What does he know? A lot about political realities and motives. Follow the money means follow the oil.
Many people I talk to seem to think American foreign policy has something to do with democracy, human rights, national security, or maybe terrorism or freedom, or niceness, or something. It is a curious belief, Washington being interested in all of them. Other people are simply puzzled, seeing no pattern in America’s international behavior. Really, the explanation is simple.The reason of course is empire, the desire for which is an ancient and innate part of mankind’s cerebral package. Parthian, Roman, Aztec, Hapsburg, British. It never stops..................
The world runs on oil. Controlling the supply conveys almost absolute power over those countries that do not have their own. (For example, the Japanese would soon be eating each other if their oil were cut off.) Saudi Arabia is an American protectorate, and, having seen what happened to Iraq, knows that it can be conquered in short order if it gets out of line. The U. S. Navy could easily block tanker traffic from Hormuz to any or all countries..............
For the Greater Empire to prevail, Russia and China, the latter a surprise contender, must be neutralized. Thus the campaign to crush Russia by economic sanctions. At the same time Washington pushes NATO, its sepoy militia, ever eastward, wants to station US forces in Poland, plans a Space Command whose only purpose is to intimidate or bankrupt Russia, drops out of the INF Treaty for the same reasons, and seeks to prevent commercial relations between Russia and the European vassals (e.g., Nordstream II).
China of course is the key obstacle to expanding the Empire. Ergo the trade war. America has to stop China’s economic and technological progress, and stop it now, as It will not get another chance.
Yes, China is the fly in the ointment. We live in interesting times. Fred takes the point that America is controlled by Jews, whence the Forever Wars against Arabs in the Middle East.
Jews Interfere With American Election [ 23 February 2019 ]
A spy company staffed by Jews from Israel attempted to influence a local US election as part of a larger attempt to infiltrate American politics, a report in The New Yorker magazine has revealed. The Jews used fake websites, social-media posts, and staged interactions as part of an effort to influence the public perception of specific targets, the report said. In addition, the group tried numerous times to work with Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016 and engaged in other efforts that targeted the US State Department.Psy-Group, a defunct private intelligence agency staffed with former Israeli spies, attempted to influence at least one local US election and other domestic affairs, according to a report from The New Yorker‘s Adam Entous and Ronan Farrow.
The company even courted President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and is now under investigation by the special counsel Robert Mueller, the report said.
The company attempted to pitch to the Trump campaign through advisers Newt Gingrich, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr., but was eventually rebuffed by the campaign’s digital director, Brad Parscale.
The Deep State, a corrupt alliance of Establishment apparatchiks want to get rid of Donald Trump using Robert Mueller of the FBI allegations of conspiracy, Perjury and lies about Russian interference. The Mainstream Media sold the story in a big way but Jews meddling is getting kid glove treatment. That is different. Jews infiltrated the media to control it. They are very effective.
Donald Trump Says Baltimore Is A Disgusting Rat Infested Mess
Is Don wrong? No - see e.g. Baltimore Is On Track To Shatter 2015 Murder Record
America Will Take To Piracy By Capturing Iranian Tanker [ 18 August 2019 ]
An Iranian tanker seized in Gibraltar changed its name from Grace 1 to Adrian Darya as it prepared to leave the British Overseas Territory. But the ship, which had been held since July 4 after it was seized by Royal Marines over accusations it was supplying oil to Syria, now faces a US Justice Department warrant demanding its recapture.Tehran has also denied it made any promises about the tanker's destination to secure its release. A state media website quoted foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi as saying: 'Iran has given no assurances over the Grace 1 not going to Syria to secure its release. 'The tanker's destination was not Syria... and even if it was, it did not concern anyone else.'
The whole thing is damned silly. Why did Her Majesty's Government indulge in piracy? Was it that bloody awful May woman seeing how much damage she could do before leaving Number Ten? The Gibraltar Supreme Court was going to free it until the Americans decided to meddle.
10 Declassified Russia Collusion Revelations That Could Rock Washington This Fall [ 28 August 2019 ]
Behind the scenes, some major events were set in motion last autumn that could soon change the tenor in Washington, at least as it relates to the debunked Russia collusion narrative that distracted America for nearly three years.It was in September 2018 that President Trump told my Hill.TV colleague Buck Sexton and me that he would order the release of all classified documents showing what the FBI, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and other U.S. intelligence agencies may have done wrong in the Russia probe.
About the same time, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, under then-Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), voted unanimously to send 53 nonpublic transcripts of witnesses in its Russia review to the director of national intelligence (DNI) for declassification. The transcripts were officially delivered in November. Now, nearly a year later, neither release has happened............... But the long wait for transparency may soon end.
The foot-dragging inside the intelligence community (IC) that occurred under now-departed DNI Dan Coats and his deputy, Sue Gordon, could halt abruptly. That’s particularly true if Trump appoints a new IC sheriff, such as former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the current ambassador to the Netherlands, or longtime national security expert Fred Fleitz...............
Here are the documents that have the greatest chance of rocking Washington, if declassified:
1.) Christopher Steele’s confidential human source reports at the FBI..............
2.) The 53 House Intel interviews...............
3.) The Stefan Halper documents............
9.) The redacted sections of the third FISA renewal application.
The Deep State is utterly corrupt. That includes the CIA and the FBI, the perpetrators of The Waco Massacre. They were working for Clinton & the Democrats. Were they the comedians who offed Epstein to stop him talking? Quite possibly. Don has let them get away with stalling far too long. He is the Commander in Chief; he should be giving orders and putting defaulters in prison.
Bernie Sanders Setting Up Comrade Corbyn Replay [ 2 February 2020 ]
Bernie, an unrepentant Marxist talks the talk; he has every intention of walking the walk. Making Illegal Immigration into an openly stated policy would be just part of it. Jeremy has just achieved Labour's worst result since the Second World War. People who voted left without stopping to think why went the other way. It could happen in America too. Why? See The Black Book of Communism. Marxists murdered millions.
Israel Gets A Grip Of Biden And America [ 2 February 2021 ]
Here is some real news, the sort ignored by the Mail, the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media
Anyone who persists in believing that the United States is not Israel’s poodle should pay attention to the comedy that is playing out right now. Joe Biden was president for less than a week when the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu government announced that he would soon be receiving a possibly unwelcome visitor in the form of the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad's chief Yossi Cohen, who will be flying to Washington in February to explain the correct policy when dealing with Iran. And lest there be any confusion on the issue, the Israel Defense Force chief of staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi also announced that any Biden attempt to mend fences with the Islamic Republic will have to meet certain conditions or Israel will exercise other options. He said “In light of this fundamental analysis, I have instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare a number of operational plans, in addition to those already in place. It will be up to the political leadership, of course, to decide on implementation but these plans need to be on the table.” Another government minister clarified that the options would include “an attack” on Iran, though there has been no indication whether or not Israel would possibly contemplate deploying its tactical nuclear weapons to prevent retaliation by Iranian forces.There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.”.............
The irony is, of course, that it is Israel that has a secret nuclear arsenal that it created by stealing uranium and triggers from the United States and it is also the leading regional supporter of terrorist groups, to include al-Qaeda and ISIS. Iran’s presence in Syria is due to its lending assistance to the Damascus government’s resistance to the insurgencies supported by Israel and the United States. And Iran has not targeted Israeli citizens and groups overseas, but Israel and the U.S. have assassinated Iranian officials while also bombing both government and civilian targets in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. And all of the kinetics occur in a context where Israel continues its illegal occupation of Palestine and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people replete with both war crimes and crimes against humanity. Iran is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel is not, so who is the rogue state?
Is Doctor Giraldi a Conspiracy Theorist? Perhaps. Is he wrong? NO! The Zionist crazies who run Israel are colonial Fascists. One of them, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Safed in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.” The New World Order looms, in his imagination if not more. Aren't Americans lucky?
Leap in Gas Prices Puts $3 a Gallon in Sight Says Wall Street Journal [ 25 March 2021 ]
That corresponds to 38 pence a litre. Isn't it awful? Americans are being robbed blind.
American Infrastructure Is Falling Apart [ 19 June 2021 ]
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—An emergency closure of the Interstate-40 bridge across the Mississippi River has jammed traffic for over a month, denting companies’ bottom lines, hampering the region’s economic recovery from the pandemic and further straining an already stretched national supply chain.The six-lane bridge linking Tennessee and Arkansas helps make Memphis a critical U.S. distribution hub, along with the headquarters of FedEx Corp. , a large port and five major freight railroads. It has been closed since May 11, when a contractor for the Arkansas Transportation Department spotted a large crack in a steel support beam that officials said put the span in jeopardy of failing.
Typically, about 40,000 cars and trucks a day would cross the bridge, a double-arch steel structure that is almost 2 miles long.The bridge’s deficiencies highlight the aging of U.S. infrastructure amid a debate in Washington over a multibillion-dollar funding package. Despite disagreements between Republicans and Democrats over the scope and funding sources for the legislative package, bipartisan support has emerged for boosting federal spending on roads and bridges.
The inspector didn't notice it the first couple of times so he was released into the community, This not a one off. Things do wear out. Billions are needed, lots of them. See e.g. the Infrastructure Report Card
Miami Beach Apartment Block Collapses [ 25 June 2021 ]
The moment Miami firefighters waded into flooded basement of collapsed 12-story condo in desperate search for 99 missing people is seen in a new dramatic video.The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue video shows the rescue teams seemingly trying to drill through concrete in the basement parking garage at Champlain Towers. The firefighters are continuing to try to locate the possible victims while dealing with 'heavy damage and changing conditions 'in the parking garage.
Police have opened an investigation into the 12-story Miami apartment building collapse that left one dead and 99 missing - as hundreds of rescue crews continue to scour through tons of rubble and desperate families wait for news of any survivors.
Officially, only one woman has been confirmed dead after the Champlain Towers South beachfront building collapsed at about 1.30am on Thursday in Miami's Surfside neighborhood.
Whoops. Things like that shouldn't happen in civilized countries but then America is being destroyed from within. See e.g. The Natives Are Restless.
542 Percent Increase In Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested At Border [ 29 June 2021 ]
DEL RIO, Texas—Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions so far this fiscal year. A large number of the detainees had prior convictions for crimes involving a minor.In all of fiscal 2020, agents apprehended 156 criminal sex offenders, and 58 total in fiscal 2019. The number of criminals illegally crossing the southwest border has spiked in tandem with the border crossing surge this year. Convicted criminals are the most likely population of illegal aliens trying to avoid capture by Border Patrol.
Border Patrol has detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture so far this year, according to the newly-appointed Acting Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on June 24. It’s impossible to estimate how many have evaded Border Patrol without detection..............”
Once a relatively quiet region for illegal border crossings, the Del Rio Sector in Texas is now the second busiest, after the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas.
“We’ve seen a tremendous increase. So far this year, this fiscal year, today, we’ve caught 144,000 people in the Del Rio sector,” said sector chief Austin Skero on June 24.
It is another success for Joe Biden and his handlers, the ones with their head office is in Tel Aviv. Their policy is Ethnic Fouling. But the next piece is much better news.
Lieutenant Colonel Scheller Is A Political Prisoner In America [ 3 October 2021 ]
A veteran U.S. marine who criticized Biden’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is being held in pre-trial confinement in a North Carolina brig – and his mom is questioning whether he’s being treated as a political prisoner for criticizing the country’s military leadership.Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, 40, has been locked away at the Camp Lejeune brig since Monday and is scheduled to make his first court appearance tomorrow.
He is being kept in an area normally reserved for suspected murderers, a source close to the case said.
Scheller was three years from retirement when he posted a scathing video criticizing his superiors on August 26, the same day that the 13 US troops were killed in Kabul.
He continued to post videos slamming Joint Chiefs chair General A. Mark Milley. He was jailed after defying orders to stop posting commentary on social media, and he’s been accused by the military of breaking four laws, although he has not been formally charged................
‘He has not murdered anyone. You go through your whole list of reasons why he would be in prison, but speaking up isn’t one of them,’ she [ his mother ] told ‘I’m going to get inflammatory here, but I’m wondering: Is he a political prisoner?
‘I don’t know. I’ve never thought of political prisoners in the United States.’
Julian Assange knows there are Political Prisoners in America. The Yanks used Sweden to fit him up so they could extradite him. They failed so they used Her Majesty's Government and a spurious charge instead. Edward Snowden knows all about Malicious Prosecution. He was programmed for extradition and LWOP [ life without parole ] just like Julian. Now Colonel Scheller is finding out the hard way. If they do charge him they will have problems; suppressing Free Speech is one.Is there anyone in the American army who does not know that Milley is a corrupt, incompetent, traitorous rogue? His henchmen might argue contra but that is about it. Abuse of power? You just might think so. But Unlawful Command Influence a fairly obscure bit of American military law is in play. The Shadow of Unlawful Command Influence applies, when it can be used against Donald Trump; other times(?), forget it. That is what they hope anyway. Then there is Command Responsibility and Failure to Act. It applies to Joe Biden; his failure to get a grip of Milley is a case in point.
America Is Becoming A Lawless Society [ 6 December 2021 ]
You’ve seen the video clips and read the news stories. Gangs of looters spent the Thanksgiving weekend looting retail stores in our cities: Nordstrom, Louis Vuitton, Home Depot, Best Buy, Apple, pharmacies, jewelry stores, … Not all of these were big chain stores. Some, especially the jewelry stores, were single-outlet family enterprises. This gives a whole new meaning to the term “Black Friday.”Cops made a few half-hearted arrests here and there, but no perps were detained for long. After Thanksgiving Day lootings in Los Angeles the LAPD made fourteen arrests. Reporting on this a week later, the LA Times said “none of the 14 suspects remains in custody.” One was a juvenile, the others were all bailed out or released without bail [ LAPD announces 14 arrests in connection with recent smash-and-grab robberies , by Gregory Yee, Brittny Mejia, LA Times, December 2, 2021].
So far as we have been permitted to see, the looters are all black. No surprise there: To a fair first approximation, all crime in the U.S.A. is committed by blacks.
Hence the cautious, hands-off approach by police and prosecutors. If black looters were held indefinitely in jail the way those white January 6th protestors have been—except of course, I mean, for the one shot dead by a black cop—the city’s crime stats would not display equity.
That would be terrible—plain evidence of white supremacy!
Our underclass is taking the concept of free stuff to a whole new level. Welcome to Jim Snow America.
The Wikipedia is happy to tell us about the horrors of Jim Crow Laws being used to enforce Apartheid in the Confederate States and South Africa. It pretends to blank ignorance of Jim Snow but then it is a corrupt Propaganda machine. Is the government of America doing its job? NO! It is a criminal enterprise, including the Deep State being used to Subvert & destroy. It is why Joe Biden is inciting Illegal Immigrants by the million. Ethnic Fouling In America is policy and Genocide.
Arrest Warrants Accepted As Identification For Criminals In America [ 24 January 2022 ]
Citizens and US permanent residents seeking to fly need to show a federally issued ‘real ID’ with a matching photo at airports, but people who are in the country illegally are allowed to use arrest warrants as an alternative, according to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).The agency confirmed media reports to that effect on Friday, in a letter to Congressman Lance Gooden (R-Texas), saying that the “Warrant for Arrest of Alien” and a “Warrant of Removal/Deportation” issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are considered acceptable forms of alternate identification for non-citizens, who then have to go through additional screening.
Is the world going mad or is it just the Biden Administration? To be fair, he is committed to importing millions of Third World parasites. Are there more warrants than passports in America?
Americans Provoking China To Start Third World War [ 28 July 2022 ]
When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi added to the itinerary of a valedictory trip through Asia the island of Taiwan, she could not have been oblivious to the reaction she would produce in a stunned Beijing. Thus, when the Financial Times revealed that the speaker would be visiting Taiwan, which China regards as a breakaway province, an enraged Beijing took the Pelosi visit to be a deliberate U.S. provocation.Beijing’s reaction appears authentic and understandable. “If the U.S. insists on going its own way, China will take firm and forceful measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Chinese spokesman told reporters in Beijing. “The U.S. must bear all the consequence of the visit.”
Privately, Beijing is said to be issuing more pointed and serious warnings, which involve military action.
Pelosi is a dangerously irresponsible fool. That is about the kindest thing one can say about her. The American State Department succeeded in provoking Vladimir Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. Now this wretched woman is annoying the Chinese. The Biden administration is headed by a senile fool who can barely dress himself. Government Policy is made by Zionist crazies in the state department. It is based on hatred of Russia. Recall that thousands of Jews escaped from the Tsars after they wore out their welcome. Exporting manufacturing to China screwed the American working man, while making China into a world leader. Can the Americans win World War III by taking on both other superpowers at the same time. We might find out. They will still lose very badly and destroy Western Civilization at the same time. Come back Don, all is forgiven.
US Keeping With ‘Best Traditions Of Nazis’ Says Ex-Russian President [ 9 January 2023 ]
The US has reached the limits of “cynicism” and “moral degradation” by claiming to sympathize with Russians while providing weapons that kill them, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said in a Telegram post on Thursday.The remarks came in response to a short video message published by the US embassy in Moscow on Wednesday, in which it highlighted the “commonness” of the cultures and achievements of both countries while stating that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine was “unworthy” of the Russian people.
Medvedev claimed the clip shows “egregious cynicism in keeping with the best traditions of the Nazis” and called the US “the true heirs of the [Nazi] propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.”
“The US spends tens of billions [of dollars] on the war in Ukraine, supplying enormous quantities of its weapons and exterminating thousands of people through a proxy [war],” the former president said, adding that Washington and its “lackeys” killing the Russian people would be never forgiven.
Mr Medvedev seems not to have mentioned the American destruction of Nord Stream, concentrating rather on the dead, the wounded. But he is not beating about the bush.
US Mounts A Further Attack On China - Europe Too [ 6 February 2023 ]
Very little comes out of US policy these days that does not aim to either decouple from China or somehow reduce China’s global reach. The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law in August 2022, is no exception. The act is an ambitious effort to promote clean production and innovation in clean technologies, and to accelerate climate efforts. For that, it is welcome. But for all its good intentions, it also aims to shut out China and coerce the European Union.The IRA provides subsidies in the form of tax credits and makes those credits conditional on production being US-based. Because of this, the EU feels attacked by its main partner, which is supposed to be like-minded on issues such as tackling climate change. By violating international trade rules, the IRA erodes the multilateral system of cooperation..........
In the Trump days, when the US made no effort to soft-pedal the EU, the European Commission was explicit about the EU’s response: preserve the multilateral system, increase trade cooperation with as many countries as possible by striking bilateral deals, and retaliate with proportional measures.
That approach remains the right one. In following it, the EU must avoid the trap of having to take sides in the conflict between the US and China. The excuse of ‘like-mindedness’ is at best opportunistic, as with the IRA, the US is showing that it misses no opportunity to become protectionist, and it is also undermining global cooperation. Climate change, digital safety and peace are all compromised when cooperation is limited only to the like-minded. It is the non-like-minded who should be brought into global negotiations to stand a chance of preserving global public goods.
Mrs Demertzis, a Professor of Economic Policy writes about Geopolitics and economic war. She writes for grown ups. America wants to be the only Superpower as it destroys itself while China prospers. Worldwide trading can make people richer. Building aircraft carriers is a sure way to waste money.
America Is The World's Leading Threat [ 26 February 2023 ]
The war in Ukraine is now entering its second year, having reached its first anniversary this week. On February 24 last year, Russian forces entered Ukrainian territory........ The contours of hostility have emerged to identify the primary global threat – the United States and its zero-sum obsession with imperialist hegemony.Strictly speaking, the war in Ukraine is entering its tenth year because the origins of the conflict are traced to the coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014 sponsored by the American CIA and other NATO agents......
The Western governments and their media propaganda outlets assert the nonsense narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. The Western propaganda system – whose names include household brands like the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Financial Times, BBC, CNN, DW, and France 24, and so on – completely whitewashes the preceding eight years to the war erupting.............
American scholar Professor John Mearsheimer is one of several eminent voices who confirm that the war in Ukraine was presaged by NATO and NATO’s relentless expansion toward Russia over many years. Ukraine was but the tip of the spear pointed at Russia.............
Western media/propaganda outlets talk about Russia “annexing” the Donbass and Crimea, ignoring the referenda verified by international observers. But then the same Western media refuse to report on how the U.S. in an act of international terrorism blew up the Nord Stream pipelines five months ago. Thus, say no more about their craven credulity.............
Russia’s envoy to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, in an address to the Security Council this week cited figures that showed that the U.S. engaged in illegal foreign military interventions on over 250 occasions since the ostensible end of the Cold War some three decades ago.
For its part, China this week denounced the United States as the major instigator of world conflicts, claiming that 80 percent of foreign wars and hostilities were attributable to covert and overt American actions. [ It is right - Editor ]
The American government, as distinct from the people run a Superpower on the skids but they want to control the New World Order.
America Goes to War - Repeatedly [ 3 March 2023 ]
It keeps losing wars too but it keeps Generals off the dole. China is different, getting richer by making things people want, by trading.
Americans Pretend They Didn't Destroy Nord Stream - Americans Lie [ 8 March 2023 ]
A pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, U.S. intelligence agencies determined, according to a bombshell report on Tuesday.U.S. officials told The New York Times there no evidence Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or his top officials [ or even Adolf Hitler - Editor ] were involved in September 2022 bombing, or that the group was acting at the direction of the Ukrainian government.
The Nord Stream natural gas pipelines link Russia to Western Europe, giving Moscow a direct route for its profitable natural gas business. The surprise attack damaged two of the pipelines - Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 - in the Danish part of the Baltic Sea.
Recall that the Americans are the War Mongering thugs that lied about the My Lai Massacre, the Abu Ghraib torture. Seymour Hersh exposed the secret U.S. bombing of Cambodia and the CIA's program of domestic spying. He also explained How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. NB recall that the American Deep State is doing a major cover up on Biden and his son's thieving.
America Increases Ukraine War Effort [ 19 March 2023 ]
Russia has vowed to destroy all fighter jets donated to Ukraine by European nations after Poland and Slovakia, backed by new equipment and finance from the U.S. and the European Union, became the first countries to send warplanes to Kyiv.Fighter jets have been a long-term demand for the Ukrainian government of Volodymyr Zelensky since the renewed Russian invasion at the start of 2022, but NATO leaders have shied away from what they considered a major escalation of their involvement in the conflict until now.........
The first to announce it was sending jets was Poland, whose air force operates many former-Soviet fighters. Warsaw announced Thursday it would be sending the first tranche of Mikoyan MIG-29 ‘Fulcrum’ fighter jets, a 1980s-era type roughly originally built as a parallel to the U.S. F-16. While that delivery will run to four jets, Poland has dozens and is reportedly preparing others for delivery.
The Americans brought us a pointless war in Vietnam followed by other invasions in the Middle East; they were pandering to Zionist crazies. It is a criminal government, trying to retain world dominance and losing. Risking World War III is incidental. Murdering millions? Hey ho; you can't make an omelette with breaking a few eggs.
American Pirates Steal Oil From 4 Tankers Bound For Venezuela [ 11 December 2022 ]
The U.S. has seized Iranian petroleum bound for Venezuela aboard four tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, enforcing a forfeiture order aimed at both Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Caracas government, the Justice Department announced Friday.Roughly 1.116 million barrels of fuel was confiscated from the foreign-flagged vessels M/T Bella, M/T Bering, M/T Pandi and M/T Luna, a Justice Department statement said, adding that the seizure took place "with the assistance of foreign partners."
The cargo was intercepted on Wednesday, under a warrant issued by a U.S. District Court over a July 2 complaint seeking the forfeiture of all petroleum products aboard the vessels. The property is now in U.S. custody, the Justice Department said.
This is Piracy on the High Seas committed by a rogue state, to wit America.
Even if the pirates didn't use force the threat was there, it was real. Forget not that Biden threatened to block Nord Stream. He did. Crime? Yes. Major crime but the America is above the law.
Americans Hooligans Tried Assassinating Vladimir Putin [ 16 May 2023 ]
Early on the morning of May 3rd the Kremlin was attacked by two explosive drones, and although these were destroyed by the defenses, the Russian government claimed that the incident had probably been an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin.I was skeptical at the time, but when Ray McGovern was interviewed a few days later he seemed to take the accusation seriously. Given his 27 years as a CIA Analyst, including serving as head of the Soviet Policy Group, I tend to trust his judgment on such matters:
Although pro-Ukrainian forces had likely been responsible for the drone attack, our government provides all their funding, intelligence, and control, and such a momentous act must have been fully authorized by top American officials. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is the Neocon responsible for Ukraine issues and McGovern believed she would have been the one who signed off on the strike against the Kremlin.
Western Civilization is prone to setting standards of behaviour. Ron Unz, who wrote this piece mentions e.g. the Peace of Westphalia. Now the murderous thugs running America are dragging them down.This attempted murder would have been authorised by Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs & a Jew. She is only outranked by:-
United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, a Jew
United States Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman, a Jew &
Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Richard R. Verma, an Indian. American foreign policy is run by aliens, the Enemy Within. They are trying to start World War III but they will not be anywhere near the front line. They hate Russia and America but they do care about Israel, the Land They Stole.
PS Ron Unz is also a Jew.
Is the United States Moving its Capital to Jerusalem? [ 17 May 2023 ]
American [ sic ] Politicians flock to Israel while dismembering the US Constitution in deference to Jewish power
It would seem that American politicians and media think that the entire world should rightly conform to the marching orders emanating from Washington, even though that pretense has become a bit shopworn after more than twenty years of pointless wars initiated and sustained by a serious of clueless presidents and Congress. Increasingly, the international community is looking for a way out of the tight embrace offered by the White House, a growing sense that a multipolar world would be much better than “rule of law” dictated by any self-proclaimed superpower.Recently there have been indications that rather than Washington being the center of the universe that title should rightly belong to Jerusalem as an extremist-led Israel has demonstrated its power over the self-anointed idiots who fancy themselves to be the “leaders” of the United States of America.
Philip Giraldi was long with the CIA & with security clearance to match. Trust him? I do.
The Death Throes of the American Empire [ 16 November 2023 ]
We are also witnessing the end of American power as China becomes the leading world industrial power. These are interesting times but you need to think beyond what the media choose to tell us.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 03/04/2024 11:45