Ethnic fouling is a variant of
Cleansing. The latter is driving people out of a land by murder, rape,
thieving, threats & so on. Fouling is displacing people in their own land by
flooding them with
Third World undesirables. Jews are doing it to
Ethnic Fouling In Ireland etcetera. A lot of the references and names
in this source are checkable and valid.
PS Another view comes from
Dark Lake Synectics. It is entitled
Genocide - Eliminating The English.
Perpetrators include:
Soskice [,_Baron_Stow_Hill ] - Jew
Harry Cohen [ -a light
fingered rogue ] - Jew
Neville Nagler [
] - Jew
Geoffrey Bindman
[ ] - Jew
Anthony Lester [,_Baron_Lester_of_Herne_Hill ] -
Leon Brittan
[ ] - Jew
Malcolm Rifkind
[ ]. - Jew
Eldred Tabachnik
[ ] - Jew
Jack Straw
[ ], - Stalinist Jew
Michael Howard
[ ] - Jew
Sam Silkin [,_Baron_Silkin_of_Dulwich ] - Jew
Lord Lester of Herne Hill & Jim Rose [ ] -
Greville Janner [
- a paedophile ] - Jew
Eva Greenspan
] - Jew
Gerry Gable [
] - Jew
Alan Yentob [
] - Jew
- Jew And Racist. son of illegal immigrant, grandson of mass murderer. - Jew
The present and pretty extreme gagging law known as 'Race Relations Act', formerly known as 'The Group Libel Law' was drafted by 'The Board of Jewish Deputies', and passed in 1965 by the Jewish Interior Minister (Home Secretary) in the Labour Government Sir Frank Soskice [,_Baron_Stow_Hill ]. was not even British born [ This may be an error - the Wiki does not admit that he was a Jew. The Jewish Virtual Library fingers his father- Editor ]; he came to Britain as a Russian immigrant, and he was not the only Jewish immigrant to play such a role. (See Jewish Laws.)
In 1985, Harry Cohen [ -a light fingered rogue ] introduced the Racial Harassment Bill under the ten-minute rule. It was the first Bill presented to Parliament to make racial attack a criminal offence.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Neville Nagler [ ], a synagogue official, was the head of the Home Office Department responsible for race relations matters. Whenever a Cabinet Minister made a speech on the subject of "race relations", notes for the text were always drafted by Nagler, who routinely consulted with top officials at the Jewish Board of Deputies such as Geoffrey Bindman [ ] and Anthony Lester [,_Baron_Lester_of_Herne_Hill ]. In 1991 Nagler retired from the Home Office and became the Chief Executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
The so-called Public Order Act of 1986 was placed before parliament by the purported Conservative Home Secretary, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, Leon Brittanisky, also known as Leon Brittan [ ], assisted by his cousin, another Lithuanian Jew, Malcolm Rivkind, also known as Malcolm Rifkind [ ].
'The illegal Act of Parliament called the Public Order Act is intended to prevent subjects of the Crown from discussing and revealing the Jewish takeover of our country. It is a law which has been made by traitors - in other words, criminals - to prevent their exposure'.
Now, on top of a Public Order Act which penalizes not only the distribution of literature critical of them, but also the possession of it, sanctioning the ransacking of homes in this connection, they are seeking and securing the promise of yet further limitations on our freedom.
Heading the concerted attack on our freedom is Eldred Tabachnik [ ], president of the Jewish Board of Deputies, who is a close friend of Tony Blair, leader of the Labour Party. Apart from other measures expected to follow the Labour victory in the General Election, whereby Jack Straw [, a Stalinist ] of Jewish ancestry succeeded Tory Home Secretary, Michael Howard [ ], (identified by the Independent on Sunday, 14 April, 1996, as born Michael Hecht, son of a Jewish refugee from Romania).
Proposed law against 'holocaust denial'
Eldred Tabachnik has already succeeded in getting the Labour Party to agree to end freedom of speech on the subject of the depicted Jewish holocaust by subjecting denial of it to a two-year jail sentence.
The Jewish community's main organ, The Jewish Chronicle (4 October, 1996) joyfully reported this forthcoming further mutilation of British freedom as follows:- "A Labour government will act to make Holocaust denial a criminal offence, Opposition leaders pledged this week".
"The announcement, made at the party's Blackpool conference, was the culmination of a lengthy campaign by Jewish groups, including the Board of Deputies, the Holocaust Educational Trust and Poale Zion. Shadow Home Secretary Jack Straw [ part Jew, all Stalinist ] confirmed that a motion committing a Labour government to such a law - due to be discussed yesterday - had the backing of the entire leadership. The Blackpool conference continued the party's courting of the Jewish community."
The Jewish Chronicle of 17 January 1975 reported that "Section 6 of the Race Relations Act, 1965, dealing with incitement to racial hatred, may be amended and strengthened following representations made to the [Jewish] Attorney General, Mr. Sam Silkin [,_Baron_Silkin_of_Dulwich ], QC, by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
In the view of the board's Jewish Defence and Group Relations Committee, the weakness of the Section is its present requirement that ‘intent’ to stir up racial hatred must be proven for any prosecution to succeed."
The Editorial expressed satisfaction with the result, but said that it "would better have been achieved by less publicized means." The Race Relations Act duly removed the need to prove ‘intent’ in prosecutions for ‘Incitement to Racial Hatred’ and was passed in the House of Commons with only 132 of its 635 Members being present.
More wonderful British Jews: Lord Lester of Herne Hill & Jim Rose [ ] founded the Runnymede Trust in 1968, just a few weeks after Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech in Birmingham.
Jewish organizations are among the strongest opponents of the anti- immigration British National Party (BNP) in Britain. The Jewish leader Lord Greville Janner [ - accused on oath of being a paedophile ] and his Board of Deputies of British Jews protested David Irving's early release after 'only' serving one year of his 3 years thought crime sentence.
2008 Elections - Jews against the BNP the party defending the interests of indigenous Brits
Before the elections around March 2008 the Polish immigrant Eva Greenspan [ - Jewish ], was a front figure in a campaign against the British National Party (BNP) in which a number of Jewish organizations together with fringe Marxists cooperated closely.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, 'London Jewish Forum', 'Jewish Leadership Council' or 'Community Security Trust' (CST) were among these organizations.
The despicable character Ruth Smeeth [ - Jewish ] Director of national campaigns for British-Israel Communication Centre [ set up by a Jew with the fine old English name of Poju Zabludowicz. BICOM is a mob that lobbies for the murderous thugs who run Israel in England. It bunged Cameron £15,000 plus £25,000 to the party ] also played a part. Marxist slogans and posters were shown at a demonstration organized by the umbrella organization coordinating the campaign against the BNP.
The extreme leftwing organization Searchlight led by the convicted criminal and Marxist/Zionist Gerry Gable [ ] (Jewish). Searchlight is a spy and terrorist organization which uses all legal and illegal means. In spite of its blend [ sic - evil would be better ] reputation, Jewish organizations and British political parties and the BBC cooperate with this extremist organization. The Searchlight organization was created out of the remnant of a Zionist organization called ‘The 62 Group’; whose members were mainly right wing adherents of the Herut Party in Israel, which was formed out of the Irgun Zvai Leumu terrorist group.
Update on Searchlight and police practice:
The Metropolitan Police have accepted that Searchlight’s behaviour immediately preceding the 1st May elections was RACIST, and is formally recorded as such. This refers to gratuitously offensive remarks made by Searchlight – including that of describing indigenous British people as “rats out of sewers”.
The Metropolitan Police have, however, refused to proceed with a criminal investigation.
Searchlight’s calculated incitement was followed, less than a week later, by Trevor Phillips ([brown] chair of The Equalities and Human Rights Commission) reportedly referring to members of the BNP as being “less than human”. More
The extremist multicultural propaganda broadcaster BBC was led for many years by the Iraqi born Jew Alan Yentob [ ].
Zionist Jews such as Lord Jacob Rothschild helped funding American foreign policy hawk John McCain.
Lord Levy, millionaire David Abrahams, Hillary Benn, Harriet Harman and Jon Mendelsohn, were involved in the 'Cash for honors scandal' where financial support for the Labour Party was rewarded with honors, titles and Israel friendly foreign policies.
Britain's Jewish Foreign Secretary David Miliband, [ son of an illegal immigrant, grandson of a mass murderer ] who replaced the former Jewish foreign Secretary (converted to Catholicism) Jack Straw, Eurocrat and globalist became known for his proposal to merge Europe with the Mideast.
He also loudly advocated the refusal to admit Dutch politician Geert Wilders to Britain. Miliband justifies communist terrorism against whites | DanskAfter the scandal involving Labour speech writer Andrew Neather (of so far unconfirmed ethnicity) who admitted that Britain's Labour Party purposely opened Britain's borders for mass immigration, for the sole purpose of changing Britain's ethnic makeup, and purposely hid this fact from the public, it became known that an eastern European Jewish [ also fat & ugly ] immigrant; Barbara Roche was responsible for introducing the new policy in the year 2.000. Danish link
Britain also is a safe haven for criminal Eastern European Jewish oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky.
Private Militia & Intelligence gathering: Community Security Trust
The Jews in Britain also have a 2,000 strong vigilante group called the Community Security Trust or CST. Gerald Ronson, a billionaire and convicted fraudster is Chairman of the CST (2009).
When the CST was established in 1995/6 the London Metropolitan Police and the Greater Manchester Police were prevailed upon by the then Conservative government to provide the CST's personnel with training and intelligence sharing.
It is likely that the arrangement was devised by Neville Nagler, for years the senior Home Office civil servant in charge of race relations matters who, immediately upon retirement, was appointed Executive Director of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
This was a quite unprecedented and, I believe, extra-legal arrangement between the British police and a private political security formation with close and admitted connections with a foreign power. The arrangement has continued under a Labour government despite the appointment of Ronson, a convicted criminal, as the CST chairman. More
The Board of Deputies of British Jews maintains extensive records on anyone who opposes them.
Maintaining what is effectively a private militia and flaunting the 1984 Data Protection Act are illegal, yet these activities have been condoned by the former Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
British Lord of Jewish Descent: Adopt Sharia Law
Lord Nicholas Phillips of Worth Matravers, the Lord Chief Justice, who recently advertised his Jewish ancestry (his maternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants to Britain), strongly backed Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, over his suggestion earlier this year that aspects of Sharia law should be adopted in Britain.
The archbishop’s remarks sparked a national debate and led to calls for his resignation.
Risking inflaming that controversy again, Lord Phillips has said that Muslims in Britain should be able to use Sharia to decide financial and marital disputes.
BNP July 4 2008 - The Lord Chief Justice supports Sharia Law
Final Conflict - July 04, 2008 Lord Phillips & Sharia Law: A False Flag Operation?Such information becomes even more interesting if one cross-links it with information from other countries.
In Denmark, the Chief Justice (of apparently well documented Jewish descent) Torben Melchior and another Jewish by the name of Torben Goldin, caused controversy in a comparable case. Torben Melchior had administratively decided that the Muslim headscarf should be allowed for lawyers and Judges in Danish courts. (I am now informed that Goldin's father a stockbroker, was number two in the Mosaisk Troessamfund the main religious organization for Danish Jews. This information was found in the Kraks Blaa Bog, a highly esteemed Danish 'Who's who'.)
Torben Goldin strongly backed up the decision. The decision was later changed by the Danish Parliament, but in a way in which jury members, in Denmark called lay judges, the accused and the witnesses could still wear Muslim symbols such as the headscarf, and only professional Judges and the prosecutor would be banned from wearing these symbols in court.
In Holland the Dutch Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin (of Jewish descent, converted to Catholicism) supported the prosecution of cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot who had drawn cartoons supposedly offensive to Muslims. The prosecution was initiated by prosecutor Paul Velleman (also of Jewish ancestry) who beside his position as prosecutor also heads the anti-racist organization LECD (National Expertise Center against Discrimination) which suggested the prosecution of the cartoonist. More details in the chapter about Holland.
The German minister of Justice Brigitte Zypries (Jewish) [ unconfirmed - Editor ] was the one who suggested that the German anti 'hate speech' legislation including 'holocaust denial' laws should be implemented in all of the European Union.
In France the Jewish Minister Laurent Fabius was responsible for the infamous French 'holocaust denial and related' laws. See French chapter.
A ground breaking documentary exposing the British Jewish Lobby's involvement in illegal funding of Britain's three largest parties in order to obtain Israel friendly foreign policies, was broadcast on the independent British Channel Four - Dispatches: 'Inside Britain's Israel Lobby' on November 16, 2009 .
A whole lot more useful information about Jewish involvement in hate speech legislation and anti native British identity activities can be found here:
The Nation Wreckers: Jewish Influence in British Politics The Anti-British Conspirator
The Nation Wreckers: Jewish Influence in British Politics Behind the Race Laws
Real Jew News - England’s Jews control Europe! (Bankers Finance, Media & Politics)
FPP - The Board of Deputies of British Jews' private army: the Community Security Trust
FPP - Board of Deputies of British Jews and their activities against Free Speech in Britain
Ethnics Will Be One In Three Of England's Population By 2050 [ 8 May 2014 ]
We are being overrun by Third World aliens, as a direct result of government policy & government Treason. The Long March Through The Institutions has paid off for our self-appointed Invisible Enemy. The techniques for destroying us by infiltration from the top down were worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communist party in Italy. The Puppet Masters are applying them, using Culture War to destroy our faith in ourselves. NB the allegation that we ran the slave trade is a gross perversion of the truth. It was Wilberforce, an Englishman who outlawed it. Blacks know who ran the Atlantic slave trade. See Blacks And Jews on the point - the perpetrators are accusing us.
English Town Is A Foreign Land [ 3 November 2016 ]
Go away, you shouldn't be here. Don't come back': The corner of Yorkshire that has almost no white residents
There are almost no white residents to be found in Savile Town, Yorkshire Last census found only 48 of 4,033 people living there were white British Even lady selling ice cream from a van during the summer wears a burkaFrom the window of her flat overlooking the canal path in a suburb of Dewsbury in Yorkshire, a blonde woman watches two female figures walking past as they chatter in a foreign tongue. Both the passers-by are covered in black Islamic gowns, only a glimpse of their eyes show from the 2 in gap in the veils across their faces.
They, like many Muslim women who live here, speak little or no English. Lots of them will have no contact with any person from another religion or culture. Almost all have been brought to the UK to wed the British men of south Asian heritage who have made this area their home.
This is the reality of Ethnic Fouling In England. It is government policy. It is largely curable. Stop the dole, stop the free housing and see them go. They are parasites.
Johnson Is Going To Let Legal Indians In As Well As The Normal Criminal Ones [ 2 January 2022 ]
Ministers are plotting to ease immigration restrictions that could help thousands of Indian citizens both live and work in the UK more easily in 2022.The move is said to be a key point that could dominate trade talks that are due to commence between the two countries in Delhi later this month. International trade secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan is primed to dangle the offer in front of Indian representatives as part of a Government plan to curb China's growing influence in the region.
One senior government insider explained that ministers generally accepted that a 'generous' visa offer would be the necessary counterbalance in any trade talks.
Ms Trevelyan is said to be backed by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, but will likely face pressure from Home Secretary Priti Patel who does not support the move, reports the Times.
Do the Illegal Immigrants get a better deal? The legal ones will just pay their bribes to different rogues. Johnson is an alien mongrel, another Enemy Of The People. So is Patel. Why are 80% of Tory MPs Conservative Friends of Israel? Why is the Tory Party treasurer Ehud Sheleg, a Jew? There is more to it than staying out of prison. The Mail's mention of China is just a Red Herring thrown in to deceive us. It didn't work - the readers are decidedly NOT amused.
Leftists Welcome The Seaborne Invasion By Savages [ 11 November 2022 ]
Caterpillars are racist. Fact. When a caterpillar is fully grown, its body is packed with tasty nutrients. But the caterpillar doesn’t want to share those nutrients with other insects, no matter how needy they are. This is ignorant and irrational xenophobia. Science teaches us that all insects have a common ancestor and are essentially the same under the cuticle. But caterpillars reject these plain scientific facts, embrace outdated separatism, and cling bitterly to crypto-fascist concepts like “species,” “family” and “order.” When a caterpillar meets a humble wasp that just wants a better life for itself and its offspring, the caterpillar will refuse to share its nutrients with its fellow insect.
Wasps on the waves: illegal migrants crossing the English Channel
Or at least, the caterpillar would refuse if it could. Fortunately, wasps are well-trained in the insect equivalent of Antifa. They know how to overcome bigotry and hate with their stings. A well-judged dose of neurotoxin paralyzes the caterpillar’s xenophobic nervous system; the wasp lays its eggs without resistance; and wasp-larvae are soon happily sharing the caterpillar’s bounty. They’re also preventing the caterpillar from spreading its bigotry in its adult form. In the end, rather than one racist butterfly, there will be dozens of anti-racist wasps, all eager to fight hate and bring more xenophobic caterpillars to the right side of history. It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it?............[ Tobias Langdon draws his analogies at some length - Editor ] ...............
In Britain, we can see this process playing out very clearly as illegal migrants flood across the English Channel and begin feasting on the bounty that awaits them on British soil. In 2019, there were about 1,800 such crossings, which was bad enough. In 2022, there will be about 40,000, which is considerably worse. By saying that, I am of course being racist and xenophobic and hate-filled. I’m also being truthful: the migrants all come from failed states where nothing flourishes but corruption and crime. They bring that corruption and crime with them, neatly stowed in their culture and in the genetics that underlies their culture. But these truths are treated as “hate-speech” by Jews and by the leftists who apply Jewish ideology as they pursue the all-important leftist goals of power and punishment. The power will be for themselves and the punishment will be for their enemies.
“Vote for us, you racist scum”
And whom do leftists regard as their enemies? Take the leftist Labour Party, whose name proclaims its founding purpose: to defend the working-class and promotes its welfare. But Labour is now led by a lawyer, not by a labourer, so you shouldn’t be surprised that it has become an Orwellian party. In Orwell’s Ninety Eighty-Four (1949), “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation.” Orwell’s satire is modern British reality: the Labour Party now concerns itself with attacking its working-class voters and harming their interests. The Jewish Labour peer Maurice Glasman admitted in 2011 that his party opened Britain’s borders with malice aforethought, seeking to harm its own voters. He said: “In many ways [Labour] viewed working-class voters as an obstacle to progress. Their commitment to various civil rights, anti-racism, meant that often working-class voters … were seen as racist, resistant to change, homophobic and generally reactionary. So in many ways you had a terrible situation where a Labour government was hostile to the English working class.”Decades too late, trusting and traditionally minded Labour voters got the message and finally understood that Labour had trashed tradition and turned against them. That’s why millions of them switched their votes to Boris Johnson’s Conservative party in 2019, handing him a big majority and trusting him instead to defend their interests. Once again their trust was betrayed. The Tories had no more interest in stopping mass migration than Labour had. They postured about stopping the ever-growing numbers of illegals crossing the channel and the results are plain to see: as noted, about 1,800 crossed in 2019 and about 40,000 will cross in 2022. Meanwhile, much larger numbers of non-Whites are entering the country legally from corrupt and crime-filled nations like India, Pakistan and Nigeria................
As rhetoric recedes, reality rises. The iron law of leftism is that it always most harms those it claims to care about most. For example, leftism claims that “Black Lives Matter” even as it sends the rates of murder and traffic-death soaring among Blacks all across America. Leftism claims to defend women and fight rape-culture, even as it opens the borders to uneducated and illiberal rapists from the most misogynist and male-supremacist cultures on earth. But that iron law of leftism will also apply to something that leftists genuinely do care about: their own power and privilege. Leftism is an ideology of lies that is now lying itself to death.
Tobias Langdon gets it right again. Karl Marx agitated for the Working Classes. Now the Labour Party politicians agitate for Third World parasites, Homosexuality, Paedophiles & the other Lunatic Fringe obsessions. They are screwing the peasant masses through Ethnic Fouling, causing Genocide. It is good news for the Vote Rigging Industry
It's one where Pakistani Perverts excel.Tobias also fingers Conservative Party politicians; they also have agendas. Helping Capitalist Swine import cheap labour holds down wages for the Working Man. So the Tories get the Bribes. Calling them donations means they are legal, they can go through the books. NB One major "donor" was Ehud Sheleg, a Jew who has stayed out of prison. Were his bungs an investment? They seem to have paid off. He was even the Tory Treasurer for a time.