Date of election |
Constituency |
Party |
Votes |
% |
2010 |
Harlow |
1,739 |
4.0 |
European Parliament elections
Year |
Region |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Results |
Notes |
2009 |
East of England |
97,013 |
6.1 |
Not elected |
Multi-member constituency; party list |
Should you believe the Wiki? Yes, usually until the
agenda cuts in.
Simon Bennett
Simon Bennett was the BNP web master, then
suddenly he was not. Internal goings on are the reason. The complete statement
he made was described by The Times as a lengthy diatribe. They did not
give a link so that you could not decide for yourself. That is reporting in this
foul year of Our Lord. But
Lancaster Unite Against Fascism published it complete - allegedly. They are
full of hate but may well use the truth if it is convenient. Read for yourself.
Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Contact the man himself at
Bennett, Commission, and Hypocrisy
This is from a pro-BNP source saying that it
was all about money. It does admit to the rather charmless existence of Jim
Tensions between BNP webmaster Simon
Bennett and the BNP leadership exploded into open hostility yesterday
when Bennett - a Nick Griffin loyalist! - briefly pulled the plug on
the BNP website before restoring it in response (according to one of
his friends) to a flood of calls and emails from BNP members.
Below follows the full text of
Bennett's statement as it appeared briefly on his own website. Our
copy is the rendering which appears on the Vote No To The BNP website.
Marmite-Gate: The Truth behind the
This will do doubt come as a shock to many of those that read this,
particularly those who really don’t want to hear it. However, I have a
duty to the members and my conscience, but most of all – to my wife
and children to tell the truth behind the spin. The timing of this is
also a tragic shame, but I had no say in this matter, its planning,
execution or its timing, as you will soon see. So please don’t fall
for the old “He must be a red, planted to mess up the election”
chestnut. If anyone sabotaged this election, it was Jim Dowson.
Judge that for yourselves by reading on…
This whole thing was a very deliberate copyright infringement designed
to create publicity and a fund raising opportunity. What’s worse, is
that I believe I was deliberately put in the frame and left to carry
the responsibility whilst those that were responsible went to ground
for four days leaving me to stew in my own fear and uncertainty.
The publicity Nick and Jim were (and still are) hoping for means
nothing. What IS important is the NETT BENEFIT of that publicity, and
I can show that the nett benefit was next to nothing. The website
traffic hardly increased at all, the online donations and membership
applications remained almost non-existent and the real broadcast
bought no more traffic to the website than the 2009 EU broadcast. In
actual fact, the most successful publicity the party has had in my
time was without question – Question Time.
Jim Dowson and Nick Griffin will have you believe that this stunt and
the repercussions were all finely tuned, worked out and that
everything was all under control. The truth is that they had no idea
of the severity of the situation. I was served the injunction as a
named defendant and the case against me for copyright infringement
appeared cut and dry. If I failed to comply with the injunction I
could have faced prison. Even if I complied with the injunction I was
facing a massive fine and all the legal costs and associated court
The only legal representation provided to me was from the party’s
legal advisor on the day she realised things had gone wrong, and she
was in a state of panic advising me only to deny everything.
Unilever’s own lawyers make reference to how panicky and stressed she
was. The case against Nick was “as a representative of the party” and
Nick often brags that he has no assets in his own name to be sued for.
Also, the BNP is an ‘Unincorporated Association, so to my knowledge,
those facing the financial costs were myself directly and / or the
party members.
Furthermore, in the judge’s transcript it is stated that the case
against me personally is solid as the broadcast was posted under my
Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson deliberately set out to pick this fight
with Unilever – not me. I advised strongly against it. Nick proceeded
to goad Unilever into action when Unilever wanted a quick settlement
and seemed happy with an undertaking not to do it again. That wasn’t
enough for Nick, he wanted a public fight and a media circus (one that
I was never given a choice in). I did not want to run the gauntlet of
TV cameras and publicity for the sake of my children and wife, but I
was never consulted or asked. It was the “Nick Griffin Show” –
fighting the evil capitalist empire single handed in order to save the
nation on our behalf, and he was not passing up the opportunity of
more publicity and victimhood status. He picked this fight, not me,
and certainly not Unilever.
The problem is that you will pay for it now, as could I, if not with
my liberty, freedom or possible bankruptcy, but now certainly with my
position as your webmaster. What a result this fight has achieved! A
bloody disaster. But then it had disaster written all over it from the
outset, but the Ł120,000 p.a. ‘Industry Expert’ knew better.
By now, Unilever’s lawyers had their teeth in and they were not going
to let go. The excuse Jim Dowson gave for this whole sorry affair was
that “a third party joker” had uploaded the video, yet this was
clearly contradicted by Nick and Jim Dowson in the evidence Unilever’s
lawyers had obtained for themselves via conversations from Nick and
Essentially, I was up the proverbial creek and expected by our
Chairman and Jim “The Industry Expert” Dowson to go to court and lie
through my teeth in order to bail them out of a ridiculous hole they
had dug themselves into. I had warned them not to proceed, but both
were insistent that this is a brilliant publicity stunt deliberately
designed to create publicity (and ultimately generate funds) as was
proven by the immediate fund raising appeal sent out that day. They
were under the impression that it would be a breeze and that
Unilever’s lawyers would issue an injunction and writ for copyright
infringement and then immediately back off once Nick threatened to eat
a jar of Marmite on live TV. How pathetic and desperate. Perhaps if
the whole thing was done legally and executed by real experts and not
Laurel and Hardy, it may have worked to our political advantage.
After a weekend of worrying myself sick, with my wife in bits and to
use Nick’s own words – Unilever’s lawyers crawling all over ME like a
rash, I took the only sensible and legal option available. To tell the
truth. I was not prepared to spend five years in prison for perjury
just to protect the financial interests of fools. To be honest, the
truth is long overdue anyway as there are a shocking amount of highly
questionable shenanigans going on at BNP HQ including threats of
violence against good people such as myself and the loss of jobs /
contracts /positions if we don’t ‘Play ball’.
In short, with one of the idiots responsible for this expensive little
caper laying low and sunning himself in Spain with the Ł120,000+ per
year he is paid from your donations to pull stunts like this, and with
the others laying low, I decided to protect myself and family and not
carry the can for their sheer greed and incompetence or rely on their
incompetent advice or inabilities, so I told Unilever’s lawyers the
truth. Lying to the Royal High Courts of Justice was never an option
for me.
Jim Dowson constantly makes references to his Loyalist ‘connections’
and ‘Irish murder gangs’ in the hope of intimidating people and just
about everyone bar me is terrified of him and lives in fear of losing
their income if they cross him or do not ‘put up and shut up’ or turn
a blind eye and deaf ear.
Unfortunately for him, I can earn more money outside of the party
which renders that particular threat null and void. The physical
threats of violence also back-fired on him as I refused to be
intimidated, as did the bribes of ‘a slice of the pie’. Jim Dowson now
controls just about every aspect of the party structure (including the
recently acquired print services) and also the party’s finances with
one exception. You’ve guessed it – the website!
Jim has been at loggerheads with me for over a year and has tried
every trick in the book to gain control of the website so he can bolt
it onto his spam-machine without any idea of how websites work. I have
always been against it as I feel it should be first and foremost a
political tool, not a money making machine.
He has tried undermining it with his call centre staff informing
callers not to donate or join online as the website was insecure and
that their Ł100,000 telephone system was the only secure way to join
or donate. He tried bribery and Nick also tried to convince me that
I’d be better protected legally from copyright infringements if the
website was made into a limited company. When presented with the
financial implications and costs and also the lack of protection it
actually offered and further presented with the idea of not infringing
copyrights in the first place, he backed down.
So, here we are today…
A deliberate copyright infringement mysteriously posted IN MY NAME!
Wow, isn’t that a coincidence? On Tuesday this week (27th) I had Nick
on my case again insisting that in order to properly ‘protect me’ in
future he and Jim will set the website up as a limited company after
the election and I should remain just a little anonymous monkey in the
background doing all the monkey work whilst they take the very noble
burden of risk (and potential profit of course). Naturally, after this
scare I’m bound to agree, surely?
Just imagine it… All your web donations and membership fees not just
now being carved up in commission between Paul Golding, Jim Dowson,
Jenny Griffin and possibly several others, all of whom do virtually or
absolutely nothing to generate the funds, but now you may well have to
pay legal fees, chartered accountancy fees, salaries and possibly
vehicle costs, travel, stationery and no-end of other ‘legitimate’
Ltd. Company’s business expenditure!
Here’s a better idea. Stop acting like amateurs and stop blatantly
breaking the law for financial gain with no political advancement.
That way I could continue to develop the website at the minimal fee I
charge, and apart from every man and his dog taking a ’slice of the
pie’, the rest at least goes directly to its intended destination.
Furthermore, the website can be developed freely by a decent, honest
and experienced web developer and not under the control and
dictatorship of a catering-salesman with as much experience in web
development as I have in rocket science!
You’re the members and this is YOUR party, YOUR website and I worked
for YOU, not Nick, not Jim, not Gerry Gable, not MI5, CI5, MFI or
anyone else . Let the smear stories commence. This will probably all
be blamed on me being a red, a mole, a spy, a state asset, or
work-overload, lack of vitamins, health, state of mind, paranoia, poor
diet or just plain old mental instability. Please, let me assure you
all that I am none of the above or suffering from any of the above
quoted inflictions. If I was it must be highly contagious, as this
party has lost so many good people for the above afflictions. Funny
that isn’t it? It’s always everyone else being a mole that’s the
problem- never Nick’s own incompetence!
Jim Dowson has a history of copyright infringement and is not by any
means an “industry expert” in any field whatsoever that I can find, as
can be seen by googling his name or the Pro Life League or Precious
Life UK. His only industry experience is as a ‘catering salesman’.
Many other marketing and fund-raising business ventures he has been
involved in have ended up dissolved without ever filing accounts. With
a history like that, it doesn’t bode well for the future of the party
really. Many of his wild claims of success can be proven as bare faced
lies. He has a severe habit of exaggerating figures and then
contradicting himself later on. His incompetence is almost as
astounding as his arrogance. This I’m afraid to say, is the man in
whom our Chairman has invested the future of our party and hopes for
our country.
I tried to raise my concerns about Jim Dowson, his past and his
continual bad practices and mistakes with the Chairman over a year
ago. Myself, Peter Mullins and Mike Howson were subjected to what was
a court style hearing in which we were told in no uncertain terms to
mind our own business and if anyone picks a fight with Jim they pick a
fight with him (Nick Griffin). Unfortunately, the fight was already
well under way. Mike Howson, it should be pointed out, has stated
since that his “guts turned to water” that day. He has been Jim
Dowson’s poodle ever since and with the exception of myself, just
about anyone who has ever dared to cross swords with Jim have been
removed from their positions, sacked or expelled. We cannot afford to
lose any more good quality people only to be replaced by buffoons,
morons, yes-men or those too afraid to stand up for what is right and
Both Nick and Jim (and a few other gullible fools) will continuously
point to the massive success and growth of the party over the “Dowson
Era”, but you need to look a little closer and analyse this claim or
even break it down completely. Firstly, to make such a claim is a
complete smack in the face for all the decent and honest activists and
members that have worked their fingers to the bone and walked the
streets until their feet were blistered. It also suggests that my work
over the last two and half years, and our army of blogger’s efforts
have provided little or no gain.
The simple fact is this; In the current political climate, and with
mainstream parties in disarray over immigration, the expenses scandal,
global warming scams, economic disaster and a new influx of members
from a new and fresh professional website with no-end of social
networking you could rightly expect natural rapid growth. The growth
to which Jim refers has very little, if anything to do with anything
he has implemented whatsoever. All Jim has done is arrive in the right
place at the right time and spot an opportunity to fleece money from
good people by preying on their hopes and fears. Let’s be honest here,
a trained monkey could write a more professional fund raising appeal
than the current “1980 Readers Digest” style begging letter we
currently all have to cringe over and suffer.
Then we need to question where the money raised is being spent or
invested. The vast majority of the “Admin Infrastructure” to which Jim
claims to have expertly set-up is nothing more than a basic
requirement to any business or organisation and one of which almost
anyone with half a brain or business experience would recognise and
implement easily, cost effectively and securely. The current way in
which this infrastructure is organised relies on and is driven by
financial gain, greed and a competitive commission based environment.
Just the sort of environment I would expect from any sales-based
organisation. This party is now being driven by money – not politics
or ideology. This is fundamentally wrong and will prove to be our
failure. Of course we need funds to survive, but when our motivations,
aspirations and hopes are driven by or dictated by finances, then we
are on a collision course with failure.
In the “Real World” of business, turnover means nothing, what matters
is profit. Profit stems growth, product development, training and
staff development. Ten million pounds of turnover is worthless if our
expenditure is eleven million, as are all the offices Jim cares to
open in order to impress the sheeple. Jim constantly crows about how
much money we turn over, yet fails to address the profit margin, where
that profit (which does not exist) is spent, and where it is invested.
We are told and expected to believe that all the party finances are
funnelled through Jim’s shady business as no-one will deal with the
party. This is a nonsense and nothing more than a smokescreen designed
to stop inquisitive people questioning or looking deeper into the
whole set-up.
If Nick thinks he has secured any party assets or property that has
been purchased and held in the name of Jim Dowson’s Adlorries Ltd by
appointing his daughter as a director, then I am sorry to point out
that he may just have had the wool well and truly pulled over his
eyes. Jenny is a director indeed, but has no share capital whatsoever
and therefore has no claim to the company’s assets, finances or
This party needs a clean-up if it is EVER to be taken seriously as a
political force. I’ve started the ball rolling, it is now in the hands
of the good, honest members that have the courage to face up to the
facts and reality of what we are faced with. It is also up to the
senior members and Advisory Council to stand up and be counted.
Failure to face these issues now – and head on, will result in
colossal and terminal failure. It is also in the hands of Nick Griffin
to do the right thing and allow this party to develop on a solid base
built on integrity, skill and transparency.
I think I can assume the Chairman will no longer be requiring my
services, so all that is left for me to say is that it has been an
absolute honour and a pleasure working with and for the decent and
honest members, but an absolute chore, no, nightmare, working with
Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson.
Coming Soon on & Facebook:
Jim Dowson and the Ł10,000 party laptops – you paid for – (Ł3,499 RRP)
– that were also available for free with a mobile phone dongle!
The website donation thermometer appeal for the Ł22k Truth Truck (book
value Ł8k) that actually raised over Ł80k.
The website DDoS attack that become ‘The World’s Biggest Cyber Attack
known to the Universe’ and which needed more industry experts than
NASA to resolve. Funded to the tune of Ł thousands by the members.
Actual cost: Ł750 to a 19 year old genius that lives at home with his
Jim Dowson’s fixation with and history of infringing copyrights and
breaking the data protections act.
The Jim Dowson Ł21,000 ’state of the art’ database system paid for by
you. Also available from PC World for Ł156 inc VAT. Superior and FREE
database systems were offered by me but were rejected for no logical
The phone bugging, spyware software, key loggers and paranoia that
infects the leadership.
and lots, LOTS more…
Everything I claim in this post can be supported by evidence. I leave
you with these tasters to bring you up to speed with Jim “The Industry
Expert” Dowson;
An Observer investigation today
raises serious concerns about the operations of the LifeLeague, the
militant anti-abortion group that has hijacked Britain’s pro-life
The concerns come as it emerges that a rival pro-life organisation is
considering legal action against the group’s founder, James Dowson,
for alleged breach of copyright.
Dowson, 43, is the public face of the league. He regularly appears on
television to pronounce abortion a sin. With his hard-hitting
campaigns and highly provocative tactics, such as publishing the home
addresses of abortion clinic staff, he ensures the league is often in
the headlines. This weekend its members are out in strength, joining
other pro-life organisations at demonstrations to mark the 40th
anniversary of the Abortion Act.
Little is known about Dowson. It is reported that he lives in Scotland
and is a Protestant minister. Neither, it transpires, is strictly
true. Dowson has never been ordained as a minister. And although he
claims to live in Glasgow, he spends most of his time in Northern
Ireland where land registry records show he owns a buy-to-let property
in Comber, a small town in County Down. Dowson, his wife, Anne, and
their son, James, 20, who bought a title and calls himself the Laird
of Glencairn, actually live at another address in County Down, a
four-bedroom semi in Ballygowan. Dowson also has a house in
Cumbernauld, Glasgow, where he owns a mission hall.
The LifeLeague’s website pledges to spend donations ‘wisely’ but
tracing where the money goes is difficult. Documents at Companies
House show Dowson originally set up the league as a private company
but it remains dormant and has never filed meaningful accounts.
Instead it is run as a society, which means it only has to share its
accounts with its members. ‘We do not publish our accounts as that
would play into the hands of the pro-abortionists,’ Dowson said.
Nor is it clear where the league is based. Its offices are usually
listed at a service address in Piccadilly, London. But the reality is
Dowson operates out of an office in east Belfast where he is also
involved in a support network for victims of the Troubles.
It has been alleged that Dowson, who has a tattoo bearing the words
‘Abronhill Protestant Boys Flute Band’, produced music cassettes
during the 1990s promoting the loyalist cause. ‘I was in a flute
band,’ said Dowson, a former member of the hardline Protestant group,
the Loyal Orange Lodge of Scotland. ‘But then so were thousands of
other people. My enemies have stretched this to suggest I supported
the paramilitaries. It’s utter nonsense.’
Dowson has addressed a far-right conference in London and last year he
invited Nick Griffin, head of the British National Party, to Belfast.
‘We invited all the parties to Belfast to explain their position on
abortion,’ he said. Dowson denies he is a far-right sympathiser. ‘I
refuse nobody,’ he said. ‘I am a Christian Socialist. I find the whole
of the right-wing utterly ridiculous.’
Despite the league’s claims that it is a large-scale organisation with
thousands of members, most of its work is carried out by Dowson, his
sister-in-law, Marion, and his wife.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, another pro-life
group, is considering legal action against Dowson for allegedly using
some of its literature in league campaigns. ‘There is a dispute
between us relating to intellectual property and it is in the hands of
the lawyers,’ said John Smeaton, SPUC’s director. The Christian
Institute also has concerns the LifeLeague has used its literature.
Dowson denies the claims.
Daily Telegraph April 2nd 2006:
James Dowson does not concern
himself with moral qualms. The consequences of his inflammatory
comments, he believes, are not something with which he should be
unduly bothered.
His stance, he says, is unequivocal: “I don’t suggest – or ever
condone – violence. I advocate nothing that is out with the law. I
most certainly do not urge people to send abusive letters or emails to
these people.” (But he’s pretty prolific with the abusive emails
The events of the past week, in which Mr Dowson and his UK Life League
have been criticised in the media, have buoyed his belief that the end
justifies the means. “We have got column inches, our enemies are
running scared,” he says.
Mr Dowson sees it all as a triumph. He makes no bones about it: the
name of the game is publicity. Yes, he happily acknowledges, as a
Glasgow Protestant he once belonged to the Orange Order and, yes, he
has two convictions (now spent) for breach of the peace.
In the next few weeks, he also hopes to have a fleet of lorries on the
road across the country, which he will use to picket abortion clinics.
(One of which he “sold” to the BNP.)
Final Message to Nick:
Do not send your ‘heavies’ or ageing goon-squad to my door (as is
standard practice) as I possess no party property or assets, and you
know it. If you do, they will be broadcast live on video to several
high profile websites. I will post the SQL dump of your website to
you, as I am legally obliged to do. I will also release the domain to
the TAG of your choice whenever you provide it to me. That is the end
of my legal obligation to you as I have always made clear.
On the BDF forum, Bennett later made this interesting post:
Evidence from the server company
alerting me to the illegal downloading of the entire [BNP] site:
I noticed this though which is rather odd:
> May 4 16:25:20 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/alby-walker-nick-griffin-300x186.jpg
downloaded (17677
> bytes, 1281.57KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:22 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/alby-walker-nick-griffin.jpg
downloaded (34945 bytes, 4
> 3638.63KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:24 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/aleqm5gb8vbh5cpl1xg4axqhh0zs4aftbw.jpg
downloaded (1585
> 6 bytes, 966.32KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:26 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/aleqm5gb8vbh5cpl1xg4axqhh0zs4aftbw.thumbnail.jpg
> ded (3679 bytes, 314.96KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:27 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/ali-north-wales-150x150.jpg
downloaded (6758 bytes, 355
> .62KB/sec)
It appears someone logged in as 'arthur' is downloading a copy of the
whole site from a UK IP address; I hope that's okay?
On the BDF forum, Bennett later made this interesting post:
Evidence from the server company
alerting me to the illegal downloading of the entire [BNP] site:
I noticed this though which is rather odd:
> May 4 16:25:20 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/alby-walker-nick-griffin-300x186.jpg
downloaded (17677
> bytes, 1281.57KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:22 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/alby-walker-nick-griffin.jpg
downloaded (34945 bytes, 4
> 3638.63KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:24 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/aleqm5gb8vbh5cpl1xg4axqhh0zs4aftbw.jpg
downloaded (1585
> 6 bytes, 966.32KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:26 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/aleqm5gb8vbh5cpl1xg4axqhh0zs4aftbw.thumbnail.jpg
> ded (3679 bytes, 314.96KB/sec)
> May 4 16:25:27 ace1 pure-ftpd: (
[NOTICE] /home/bnpmain/public_html//wp-content/uploads/ali-north-wales-150x150.jpg
downloaded (6758 bytes, 355
> .62KB/sec)
It appears someone logged in as 'arthur' is downloading a copy of the
whole site from a UK IP address; I hope that's okay?
'Back anyone but BNP' [ 24 April 2006 ]
Cameron, the leader of the "Tories" is the kind of left wing
extremist who should be nowhere near the levers of power. Has he got any reason
for abusing them except his own lust for power? He doesn't bother to tell us.
The One Party With Three Names [ Tory, Labour Liberal = OPWTN ] will continue to betray
us and make the BNP necessary.
Vote BNP and Get Sacked [ 26 April 2006 ]
We are learning what the people of Eastern
Europe are forgetting. Keep your mouth shut. Telling the truth is dangerous.
BNP support surges [ 21 April 2006 ]
A poll says that a mere 7% will vote for them which is not a lot.
The media were doing a news blackout on them. Now they are not pretending that
they do not exist. And politicians are admitting to them as well. Putting Nick Griffin in prison
will back fire on them and be great publicity for the party.
Lord Tebbit, the former Conservative Party chairman, in a letter
to The Daily Telegraph today, challenges the widely held view that the BNP is an
extreme Right-wing party. He said that he was unable to find evidence of
"Right-wing tendencies" in its 2005 manifesto.
Tebbo is telling the truth. This not usual in English politics.
Illegal Immigrant Housing
21 December 2006]
Asylum seekers from far away places come here
and get the dole. They also get government accommodation FOR FREE and it is far
better than any that Englishmen get. It includes a free phone line, free
gas and free electricity. While this is happening Brits are waiting years for
council houses. The tenancy agreement is a Home Office issue and CLASSIFIED
SECRET. That is a gross abuse of power. Not one of the thousands of elected
apparatchiks has gone public on this one. They have betrayed England just like
the Home Office. Or get the source documents from BNP-Asylum - it is in .zip format.
BNP internet leak - prisoner taken
[ 7 December 2008 ]
Quizzed: Graduate Sadie Graham
This is the blonde university graduate arrested on suspicion
of leaking the British National Party membership list on the internet. Sadie Graham, 29, a former councillor for the party, was one
of two people held in connection with offences under the Data Protection Act........ Last month’s release of the party’s 13,500-strong membership
list caused an uproar after thousands of people were identified as supporters of
the far Right group, including serving police officers, members of the Armed
Forces and even staff at Buckingham Palace......... It is believed that the second arrest was of Ms Graham’s
husband of two months, Matthew Single, the BNP’s former head of security.
In a fit of pique/She caused a leak/And married the geek.
The BNP Is A Dead End
[ 11 February 2009 ]
Penetrated by Secret Squirrel with the punters being used is a fair assessment.
BNP Webmaster quits over 'Marmite video' dispute
[ 7 May 2010]
Yesterday, only two days before Britain goes
to the polls, the BNP’s website disappeared for a while and was replaced by
this message from its now ex-webmaster, Simon Bennett: .......
According to Lancaster Unity, who
have the full details of this latest outbreak of infighting in the BNP’s
ranks, Bennett briefly pulled the plug on the BNP’s website as a result of a
serious dispute with Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson – profiled
here by Searchlight – that stemmed from the party’s recent, unauthorised
use of Unilever’s Marmite logo in the web version of its general election
broadcast. .......
As in invariably the case when infighting in
the BNP hits the public domain, Bennett’s account of his falling out with
Griffin and Dowson alleges that he was threatened with violence after pulling
the plug on the BNP’s website, which he claims to have reinstated only after
receiving requests from ordinary party members, who he describes as ‘decent
Bennett’s account also alludes to alleged
irregularities in the party’s finances, another common feature of any public
falling out with Griffin, although one that may gain rather more traction on
this occasion as the party in currently being investigated by the
Electoral Commission after its own auditors indicated that they could not
certify the accuracy of its more recent set of published accounts.
Hostile comment from a hostile
source. There may be elements of the truth. The claim that they link to Simon
Bennett's site is wrong.
BNP Man Is Secretly Married To A Woman - Shock Revelation
[ 7 May 2010]
By day, he runs the election for Britain’s
foremost racist party, calling for foreigners to go home. By night, he sups
the champagne and Ferrero Rocher with those very foreigners on the diplomatic
party circuit. The London organiser of the BNP is the husband of a German
Embassy diplomat and benefits from accommodation and allowances provided by
the German taxpayer.
Gilligan writes for a living. He writes to
order. He lies to order too.
BNP Campaign And Internal Dissension[ 7 May 2010]
Nick Griffin failed dramatically in his bid to
gain a Westminster seat this morning when he suffered a resounding defeat in the
British National Party’s east London stronghold. Margaret Hodge, the Labour incumbent, won by a
majority of more than 16,000 to deflect the BNP leader’s challenge in what she
labelled the most important moral fight of her life. [ She lied - it was
covering up for Mark Trotter, a paedophile with AIDS
and Labour party wallah - Editor ]
In a humiliating defeat, Mr Griffin was
relegated to third place in Barking, trailing behind Conservative candidate
Simon Marcus. The BNP’s share of the vote dropped by two per cent, the result of
an extensive campaign to mobilise voters against the threat of the far right. Ms Hodge, the Culture Minister, achieved a
seven per cent swing, winning more than 24,000 votes and 55 per cent of the
The BNP’s campaign has been was plagued with
trouble and infighting. In the first week, Mr Griffin faced an alleged plot by
BNP officials to overthrow him. He also told police that a colleague had
threatened to kill him after an investigation into the political “conspiracy”. On Tuesday, the head of the party’s online
operation resigned and took the website down with him. Simon Bennett, 41,
directed BNP traffic to his personal site, which contained a lengthy diatribe
against Mr Griffin and other senior figures.
The next day Robert Bailey, the party’s London
organiser and Romford candidate, was videoed assaulting [ Another lie - he
defended himself against Pakistani thugs and rather well - see
BNP Bob Bailey Attacked By Pakistanis (Without BBC Commentary).mp4 and
decide for yourself. - Editor ] an Asian youth who had
spat on him. UKIP candidate Frank Maloney said he would
make a complaint about Ms Hodge to the Electoral Commission, claiming she had
spoken to voters inside polling booths.
Hostile claims from a
hostile source. Internal dissension is disappointing and perhaps normal. It
looks as though Nick is not as effective as one would hope . There was the theft
of the membership list a couple of years ago.
Pakistani Thugs Attack BNP Man, Pakistani Thugs Lose
[ 7 May 2010]
Caught on camera: BNP candidate punches and kicks Asians after being spat at
on campaign trail A BNP candidate's campaign descended into an ugly street
brawl as he traded blows with Asian youths while canvassing. In scenes more
suited to pub closing time than doorstep campaigning, former Royal Marine Bob
Bailey punched and kicked a teenager on the ground. The 44-year-old, who has
boasted about his moves to 'professionalize' the far-right party, got into the
fight after he was confronted by hecklers in Barking, East London.........
When he told them to
'move on', one of the youths spat in his face, provoking a flurry of punches
which floored the teenager. He aimed several kicks at the boy as he lay in the
road before [ the lie direct - Ed. ] he and his entourage became embroiled in an all-out fight.
Security worker Mr Bailey, who was standing in the neighbouring constituency
of Romford, stumbled over before repeatedly hitting the teenager while he was
BNP leader Nick Griffin had earlier been pelted with tomatoes by
several white youths as he campaigned in Barking hoping to take the seat from
Labour's Margaret Hodge. Mr Griffin later claimed that Mr Bailey's fight was
the result of a 'campaign of hatred and dehumanisation against any group of
people, in this case us'.
One of the criminals had the gall to
complain to the police because he lost. The Metropolitan Police will be
deciding whether they can get away with a malicious prosecution against Mr Bailey.
Actually he did rather well. See for yourself at
Bob Bailey Attacked By Pakistanis (Without BBC Commentary) - The
BBC commentary will have been driven by hate.
PS Notice the thugs are alleged to be boys and teenagers. The Mail wants us to
believe the perpetrators are victims.
are Propaganda Tools

Pakistani thugs.
Destroying Democracy And The BNP [ 5 February 2011 ]
Sean Gabb,
England's leading libertarian explains all
For over a year now, I have been
writing for about the
British National Party (BNP), the main
British/white nationalist organization in the United Kingdom. The essence of my
reports: the BNP faces a
wall of media bias and
legal and
administrative persecution that put its survival in doubt. Though, as a
libertarian, I have my own agenda for England, I do not regard this bias and
persecution with any pleasure. What is being done to the BNP is unfair in itself
and sets a precedent for
the persecution of other dissident organizations...........
Moreover, a few
days before the vote, two Asian men were sent to prison for sexually abusing
white girls and forcing them into prostitution. A former Labour Home Secretary,
Jack Straw
[ Jew and communist subversive - Editor ], then admitted
that this is a widespread problem. [ Jack
Straw: Some white girls are 'easy meat' for abuse, BBC, January 8, 2011 ]
The BNP had been protesting about this problem for years. Now it was
vindicated, although still ignored by the
Main Stream Media.
It isn't bad, it is worse and still getting worse.
Griffin Attacks Andrew Brons [ 13 June 2011 ]
The video
footage of Nick Griffin storming into the meeting at the EU parliament to
harangue the people present at the meeting and Andrew Brons in particular,
which took place a few weeks ago, will be remembered as the day Griffin signed
his own death warrant. Griffin storming into that meeting and scolding Andrew
Brons as if he were some insolent schoolboy, was the most stupid thing Griffin
could have ever done..........
It was at this moment Andrew Brons knew he no longer had a choice
- it was either fight for the leadership or walk away. Thankfully he has chosen
to fight. The only person who could in reality beat Griffin was only ever Andrew
The Griffin plan is to change the constitution to impose a new
five year leadership so that the criminal laws on False Accounting, which have a
six year time limit, can ensure that the fraud and theft he and Dowson were
involved in goes outside the statutory period of limitations and he cannot be
The message is that Griffin is a thief who is getting
away with it because
Her Majesty's Government likes what he
is doing, which is
ruining the BNP.
British National Party Screwed By Nick Griffin Again [
26 July 2011 ]
At close of
nominations at noon on Monday the 4 July, just two candidates put their names
forward to contest the 2011 British National Party leadership election: Andrew
Brons MEP and Nick Griffin MEP. It was a straight contest between two Party
Now that all the votes have been counted, we can
announce that Nick Griffin MEP has been duly re-elected to lead the British
National Party for a fixed term of four years. The winner, Nick Griffin,
received 1157 votes, whilst Andrew Brons, the loser, received 1148.
Griffin won by fair means or foul. He moved the goal posts to make it difficult
to get rid of him. He succeeded. The BNP is a worthless zombie run by a crook
betraying England. That is the way the BBC,
Her Majesty's Government,
Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition
etc. like it. That is why they have not put him prison. See
Nick Griffin
for more and better details.
English Democrats Could Do Better As BNP Declines
English Democrats could become
'electorally credible' as BNP decline
Party has already claimed some defectors, but leader Robin Tilbrook
warns new members must be 'genuine converts'
The red and white of the cross of St George was omnipresent,
merchandise for sale included t-shirts emblazoned with the demand:
'Justice for the 50 million' and the prizes at an evening raffle
included a box set of films by Shane Meadows...........
Thanks to a combination of factors, the most important of which
being the implosion of the
British National Party, serious political
commentators now suggest the door is open for the EDs to exploit the
supposedly significant gap in the electoral market for an
anti-immigration, radical right party.
A trickle of disillusioned
BNP activists have already defected to the party, which despite
its motto of "Not Left, Not Right – Just English" is significantly
more hardline on immigration than any at Westminster. They also want
to pull out of the EU, ensure that the "public culture" of England
should be that of the "indigenous English" and condemn "political
correctness" as an "evil ideology". [ Notice that
The Guardian makes a claim but does not
give reason to believe that they are telling the truth. - Editor ]
This is an interesting admission from
The Guardian, the enemy of
England; the
Trotskyists keen on importing Third
World wasters as cheap servants and cheap labour.
The Guardian helped break the
British National Party by
suppressing comment on Nick Griffin's
nasty track record and the missing money.
Sexual Offenders Rampant In British Police Force
169 officers are being investigated for sexual offences including rape
Newly released figures show 169 police officers and support staff in
Britain are being investigated for inappropriate sexual behavior.
The figures obtained under Freedom of Information regulations show
London is the hub of police misconduct with 47 personnel facing
inquiries, 36 for sexual assault and 11 for inappropriate sexual
The allegations under investigation across the country include sexual
assault, other sexual misconduct, indecent sexual behavior at work and
possession of inappropriate images........
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said cases of 31
offenders are now in process.
"While these cases are rare, each of them is a fundamental abuse of
power, and therefore seriously undermines public trust,” IPCC chair Dame
Anne Owers said......
Last week, a 42-year-old Criminal Investigation Officer was convicted of
two separate sexual assaults on women who came to him to report crimes.
Meanwhile, a 57-year-old Detective Constable was given 12 months in jail
last month for molesting a distressed woman in her house and asking
another in her own kitchen for sex after she called the police to report
a theft.
31 investigations in the Met mean that the other 29 thousand
have gotten away with it. Hogan, the chief constable is another crook who
investigates crime if he thinks he will, which is why
Ahmed, a greasy little Pakistani Racist has
been allowed to get away with it.
BNP Peace
Mission Goes To Syria As Cameron Sets Up Criminal War [ 5 September 2013
BNPeace Envoy
Nick Griffin MEP, accompanied by BNP
National Treasurer Clive Jefferson and BNP Head of Publicity Charlie
Wythe, have dramatically cut short a conference in Brussels to
embark on an emergency BNPeace mission to war-torn Syria.
The whole country is watching as another British prime minister
defies the British public, rejects common sense and casts aside all
moral decency by threatening to attack a foreign and sovereign
nation with military strikes. Warmongers William Hague and
David Cameron have refused to reach a solution by diplomatic means
and are rushing headlong into war. The BNP considers it a criminal
offence to interfere by way of military strikes on nations which do
not threaten our own.........
Once again Nick Griffin is
putting his life on the line to stop the Cameron regime from
committing war crimes in the name of the British people, and, if we
cannot prevent it, the least we can do is make sure that the British
people know that the only member of parliament with any balls is
campaigning for peace while Cameron’s regime is committing more
crimes in the name of the British people.
We in the BNP urge everyone to contact their MP urgently to ask
them to vote against any military action in Syria by the UK.
Remember, every cruise missile dropped on Syria will cost Ł1million
- money much better spent here in the UK on doctors, nurses and
schools. You can find your local MP, and details of how to contact
them, here.
Griffin is doing the right thing for the right reasons as
War Criminals like
Cameron, Obama &
Netanyahu set up mass murder
for the misbegotten regime, the Zionist
running Israel,
the Stolen Land. He will get a news
blackout from the Main Stream Media. They
are corrupt propaganda machines.
Nick Griffin Expelled From The BNP [
3 November 2014
This is good news, an opportunity
for the British National Party to
clean up its act after Nick Griffin tried to
destroy it. They didn't have anyone who had what it took to do what it took although they did say
that he is a thief. The Establishment was
determined not to prosecute because he was doing so much damage to the
Adam Walker
Adam Walker
ex Wiki
Wiki is
doing a smear job but pretending to take it down the middle - Adam
says/claims/alleges - the
uses Words as Propaganda Tools.
Adam got rid of
Griffin. Now it is a matter of cleaning up its
act. The
BBC & other Marxists
will be hostile regardless. For something nearer the truth see
BNP Biographies.
Counter Islamic Terror Plan Makes Sense [
3 November 2017 ]
1/ Deport Islamic fundamentalists and their families
Scotland Yard has already announced that there are at least 3,500 jihadis
in Britain with estimates weighing in at more than
23,000 operating in cells and actively plotting murderous terror
attacks. This means that by the standards of the Government of the United States,
the British Government is a rogue state harbouring terrorists.
The parents of the Manchester bomber were
given refugee status and refuge in Britain from Libya; this is how they
repaid our kindness. They have proved their incapacity and inability to integrate with British
Britain owes these people nothing!
2/ Introduce detainment centres
We are at war! ...............The BNP’s plan to create detainment centres for Islamists comes as
former MET Police Chief Tarique Ghaffur announced the need for
‘detainment camps’ for Islamists.
3/ End Soft-Touch Britain
Manchester bomber used state benefits to fund the slaughter of our
4/ No more foreign wars – bring our Heroes home
The continual interference and meddling in Muslim nations has incited
Islamist jihadis to indiscriminately target Westerners for death, despite
the fact that we ordinary citizens NEVER backed these foreign invasions and
many actively and vocally spoke out against them.
These wars, in the interest of Israeli geographical supremacy in the
Middle East and US foreign domination, do not warrant a single drop of
British blood............
Syria – until recently, home to the most ancient Christian community and
a haven for different Muslim communities and Jews – was the only secular
Muslim nation in the Middle East and a barrier holding back the tide of
Middle Eastern and Third World hordes seeking benefits in Europe.
Put former Prime Minister Tony
Blair on trial for war crimes and
demonstrate to the world that we mean business and justice will be served!
5/ Shut down radicalised mosques
Radicalised mosques are known to the authorities who fail to act because
they are tied up with red tape and scared of being called ‘racist’ by their
fellow Politically Correct peers, institutions and the MSM (mainstream
media). Radical mosques are breeding grounds for Islamist terrorists.
6/ Removal of Political Correctness czars
Create a special independent intelligence unit to isolate and remove
Politically Correct heads of authorities.
The poisonous ideology of Political Correctness has resulted in the mass
rape and torture of children in Rotherham and countless other towns and
cities and the slaughter of our children in Manchester........................
7/ Hate Preachers detained and deported immediately
8/ Ban the burqa
9/ A temporary ban on all Immigration
10/ Never mind internet censorship
It sounds good to me; it will sound good to a lot of people. Recall the
British National Party was run by a
crook. He was allowed to get away with it because he was breaking the party. The
BNP was hated by the political class and the Main Stream
Media because it is a party of the people, not a bunch of
Treasonous rogues. Recall BTW
Vladimir Lenin understood them well -
Labour Party Assessed By Comrade Lenin.
"Regarded from this, the only correct, point of view,
Labour Party is a
thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led
reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in
the spirit of the
It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe
the workers............."[ See
Does our wonderful government explain why it is deliberately importing
thousands of Third World parasites, dead
beats, free loaders and murderous thugs? But it is policy just the same. How
much does it cost? See the next one.
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever;
if you find any I am open to comment.

Email me at Mike
All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it
private, use my PGP Key.
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