
The Wiki calls it mind control by coercion. It does not cover the normal Media techniques of lying, distortion, disinformation and distraction because it is part of it. See e.g. Brainwashing ex Metapedia for another, more honest view. Book Reviews has something about the flood of alien ideas being marketed in the Main Stream Media while  Richard Swier asks Who Is Controlling Your Mind In 2013? He gives answers.

It seems to have been something of a myth foisted on the public in the Anglosphere. One influential journalist taken up by the media was #Edward Hunter. The media took his story up and ran with it during the time of the Korean War, 1950 to 1953. The idea was written up in a sensationalist novel, #The Manchurian Candidate, written by #Richard Condon. It is pretty much discredited now but the reality of Propaganda remain; it works, very effectively. The Education Industry has been perverted just like the Mainstream Media. It is not just the peasant masses who have been deceived. Many Quasi-Intellectuals have too. That is why The Learned Elders Of Oxford chose to burn the Archbishop of Canterbury at the stake in 1556 AD. Corresponding  Elders of Cambridge recently appointed Sonita Alleyne, a loud mouthed black ignoramus as the
Master of Jesus College. They seem to believe the idea that blacks are victims of the White Man. They were the Lunatic Fringe then and now.


Brainwashing ex Metapedia
Brainwashing originally referred to using coercive methods such as torture and mind-altering drugs in order to gain extensive control over an individual's mind. Communists were accused of doing it to prisoners of war in Korea. More recently the usage has expanded, such as to claimed mind influencing methods used by cults, or even more widely as referring to systematic and highly effective mind influencing methods in general. NB it links to Cultural Marxism & Propaganda.


Mind Control ex Wiki
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.

Theories of brainwashing and of mind control were originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes appeared to succeed in systematically indoctrinating prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques. These theories were later expanded and modified, by psychologists including Margaret Singer, to explain a wider range of phenomena, especially conversions to new religious movements (NRMs). A third-generation theory proposed by Ben Zablocki focused on the utilization of mind control to retain members of NRMs and cults to convert them to a new religion. The suggestion that NRMs use mind control techniques has resulted in scientific and legal controversy. Neither the American Psychological Association nor the American Sociological Association have found any scientific merit in such theories.
The Chinese were alleged to be doing this sort of thing in North Korea. They had one success with a half Jew, George Blake, a subsequent traitor.


Edward Hunter ex Wiki
Edward Hunter (July 2, 1902 – June 24, 1978)[1][2] was an American writer, journalist, propagandist, and intelligence agent who was noted for his anticommunist writing. He was a recognized authority on psychological warfare.[3] Both contemporary psychologists and later historians would criticize the accuracy and basis of his reports on brainwashing, but the concept nevertheless became influential in the Cold War-era United States.

Hunter is widely acknowledged as having coined the term brainwashing.[8] He first used it publicly in an article for the Miami News on September 24, 1950.[9] In this article and in later works, Hunter claimed that by combining Pavlovian theory with modern technology, Russian and Chinese psychologists had developed powerful techniques for manipulating the mind.[9] It was Hunter's variation of the Chinese term "xinao", meaning "cleaning the brain." As author Dominic Streatfeild recounts, Hunter conceived the term after interviewing former Chinese prisoners who had been subjected to a "re-education" process.[10] He applied it to the interrogation techniques the KGB used during purges to extract confessions from innocent prisoners, and from there, variations were conceived - mind control, mind alteration, behavior modification, and others.[10]

A year later, Hunter's magnum opus Brain-Washing in Red China: The Calculated Destruction of Men's Minds was published, warning of a vast Maoist system of ideological "re-education."[11] The new terminology found its way into the mainstream in  The Manchurian Candidate novel and the movie of the same name in 1962.[10]

Historian Julia Lovell has criticized Hunter's reporting as "outlandish" and sensational. By 1956, US government psychologists largely concluded after examining files of Korean War POWs that brainwashing as described by Hunter did not exist, but the impact of his reporting was significant, and helped shaped public consciousness about the threat of Communism for decades.[12] Lovell argues that Hunter created "an image of all-powerful Chinese 'brainwashing' ... [that] supposed an ideological unified Maoist front stretching from China to Korea and Malaya", but declassified US documents show a much more complicated and contested picture of Chinese influence and international aspirations in Asia.


The Manchurian Candidate ex Wiki
The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. The novel has twice been adapted into a feature film with the same title: the first was released in 1962 and the second in 2004. The 1962 film is faithful to the book; the 2004 remake updates the action and alters characters.


Richard Condon ex Wiki
Richard Thomas Condon (March 18, 1915 – April 9, 1996) was an American political novelist. Though his works were satire, they were generally transformed into thrillers or semi-thrillers in other media, such as cinema. All 26 books were written in distinctive Condon style, which combined a fast pace, outrage, and frequent humor while focusing almost obsessively on monetary greed and political corruption. Condon himself once said: "Every book I've ever written has been about abuse of power. I feel very strongly about that. I'd like people to know how deeply their politicians wrong them."[1] Condon's books were occasionally bestsellers, and a number of his books were made into films; he is primarily remembered for his 1959 The Manchurian Candidate and, many years later, a series of four novels about a family of New York gangsters named Prizzi.

Condon's writing was known for its complex plotting, fascination with trivia, and loathing for those in power; at least two of his books featured thinly disguised versions of Richard Nixon.[citation needed] His characters tend to be driven by obsession, usually sexual or political, and family loyalty. His plots often have elements of classical tragedy, with protagonists whose pride leads them to destroy what they love. Some of his books, most notably Mile High (1969), are perhaps best described as secret history.[citation needed] And Then We Moved to Rossenarra is a humorous autobiographical recounting of various places in the world where he had lived and his family's 1970s move to Rossenarra, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.


Brain-washing in Red China ex Amazon
Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2010
This material was gathered in the Far East and southeast Asia during 1950 and 1951" the author states at the start. How do you create the perfect state, one in which the public is docile, believing and obedient? Education is important. Darwinism and the theory of a class society. Man = intelligent animal without a soul, so only issue of importance is that of material welfare. People should never forget that their ancestors were lowly animals. Textbooks were not needed for education, as notebooks filled with students' thoughts would act as textbooks. Sleep deprivation, constant thirst and hunger, constant observation were also helpful.

What makes a good citizen? The good worker should demand longer hours for less pay? A simple diet is best. In 1950 China eggs were apparently regarded as a bourgeois idea of enjoyment. Having the police visit at any time of the day or night would helpfully facilitate harmony.

The book goes right through the thought control process. Education, adoration of the "people's" army, the singing of folk songs of slaughter of the enemy, anti-American and anti-Western European propaganda. The destruction of marriage was another component, as was the redefinition of democracy as the privilege of agreeing to what had already been decided.

As I read through this book, it occurred to me that what happened to China after World War 2 is happening to European countries. For example, the media hypes up the anti-God Darwinist writings of Richard Dawkins, marriage continues to decline, democracy involves agreeing to whatever the secret meetings of the European Union have decided. With the capitalist system seemingly under constant strain, perhaps this book offers a vision of the future for everyone.
This comment from a reader. Happily the whole thing is on line so you can read it yourself and decide for yourself. It's at Brain-Washing In Red China in a choice of formats.



Brainwashing In New Zealand   [ 18 April 2014 ]
The Irish Savant does a case study for us. It is Racism in action, anti-White racism and very real. It is not blatant, it is cleverly done. Was it done by Jews? It is being marketed in a civilized country run by the Hard Left, manipulating Useful Idiots who have fallen for the current Legitimising Ideology.


Fairy Stories Are Brainwashing Says Marxist Propaganda Machine [ 8 April 2017 ]
The Guardian knows a lot about perverting the truth, about Propaganda but it doesn't mention Willi Münzenberg who was Joe Stalin's Spinmeister. Uncle Joe was so grateful that he had Willi murdered.


Sesame Street Starts Brainwashing Babies At Six Months  [ 27 October 2020 ]
NPR: Begin Indoctrinating Your Baby About Race at Age 6 Months

When should you start talking to your kids about race, religion and social class? At six months, experts say. In one study, infants as young as six months old showed a preference for members of their own race and against those of different races.
Steve Sailer of VDare emphasizes NPR [ National Public Radio ], America's answer to the BBC; it's just as left-wing, just as biased. But the source is Sesame Workshop, producers of that children's programme. It tells us How To Talk With Children About Race, Gender And Class. Do they know how to run your family better than you? Do they have an agenda? Are they running a Propaganda machine.  Believe it! Do they run this programme in Israel, telling little Jews that Blacks are wonderful? NO, they do not because they are Racists full of hate. One gross example is the Right Reverend Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.


Lockheed Martin Brainwashing Executives By Deconstructing White Male Culture  [ 28 May 2021 ]
The program was led by the White Men As Full Diversity Partners and participants included a former three-star general and vice president of production for the F-35 fighter jet program costing $1.7 trillion. Participants were forced to denigrate their identity as part of some sort of ethno masochistic submission ritual.

To begin, the diversity trainers led a “free association” exercise, asking the Lockheed employees to list connotations for the term “white men.” The trainers wrote down “old, racist, privileged, anti-women, angry, Aryan Nation, KKK, Founding fathers, guns, guilty, can’t jump.”

The program unwittingly explained why diversity is not a strength. White male values are listed as “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” “operating from principles,” and “striving towards success.” These values are called “devastating” toward minorities and women, who the Marxists seem to imply cannot compete on an even playing field.  
White Men As Full Diversity Partners is a limited liability company run by left wing chancers on the make. Lockheed Martin are also on the make. They need government contracts to survive. This makes them potential victims of Hard Left politicians abusing power. The rest follows. Destroying America is de facto policy. Indeed Pat Buchanan has just commented on the attacks - see Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?