The left in politics contrasts with the Right Wing. The Old Left is very different to the New Left. Karl Marx said in 1848 that the Working Classes were victims. He was right about that but his solutions were dangerously wrong; The Communist Manifesto resulted in a death toll of up to 100 million worldwide. See The Black Book of Communism for more and better details.
The New Left is different, it regards the honest working man as enemy, especially if he is a White Man. The Wiki tells us that the New Left was started by Herbert Marcuse, the Jew who ran the Frankfurt School, a very effective Subversive group. So essentially it is run by and for the Puppet Masters, otherwise Zionist crazies.
Blaming Jews for everything is a trifle excessive but accounts for much evil, the chief of which is the flood of Third World parasites, the Illegal Immigrants being used to destroy Western Civilization. Given that the Old Left and New Left were both founded by Jews it is easy to think that Anti-Semitism is on the right lines. Was naughty little Adolf wrong about them?
A perceptive comment written by
He tells us:-
The Left is defined by a desire to change the world to liberate some kind of
oppressed people. Traditionally it has been economic class struggle. But now,
after losing the economic class struggle, the Left has turned to the defense of
immigrants and sexual deviants, and a good part of the Left has also turned to
the defense of non-human oppressed things and organisms, like pet animals,
savage animals, plants, the Environment.
The Left has abandoned economic struggle and has diversified its portfolio
finding other oppressed peoples, organisms and things, to liberate from
oppression. Surely some Left remains economic-class-struggle-oriented but they
are vestigial, at least in the developed world.
The point was also addressed by the Weather
One of their sayings was:-
The issue is not the issue
Decoded it means:-
The issue is not the real issue; it is just an excuse to incite hatred, to
achieve power.
They really meant it. Hillary Clinton really meant it; they all did. Resentment leads to hate, violence & power. What were they about? See the Conclusion and ask yourself whether they are succeeding.
The opposite of left wing is Right Wing. What makes them different? See Right Or Left; it has been proved by scientists. So it must be true, mustn't it?
Why Are Left Wingers So Ugly?
Let’s face facts: Compared to conservatives, leftists aren’t very good-looking, at least when you control for socioeconomic status. This is nowhere more obvious than when it comes to two very famous “First Daughters.” The difference between Ivanka Trump—even if she has had some work done—and Chelsea Clinton is striking.This difference is also obvious if you compare those who attended pro-life and pro-choice rallies after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Exceptions notwithstanding, conservative men and women are better looking. Conservative men are also more muscular and taller.
British evolutionary psychologist and (possibly unwitting) comedian Prof. Edward Dutton spoke about it at length on his YouTube channel, The Jolly Heretic, which promotes itself as an online English “pub.”
Dutton, who has written many times for, began Goblins: Why Are Extreme Leftists Often So Hideously Unattractive? by dressing as a goblin while pretending to be a not-very-easy-on-the-eye) leader of “Hope Not Hate.”
This organization seems to be the British equivalent of the Anti-Defamation League or Southern Poverty Law Center, but has lost much credibility after being exposed a sting operation by British right-wing activist Tommy Robinson. One of the Hope Not Hate activists in Dutton’s thumbnail, Matthew Collins, really does resemble a goblin.
Lance Welton/ is a journalist and a pseudonym; one he uses when he writes what he wants as distinct from what he is paid to write by hard left media. Is he right? He links to checkable sources. That is as good as it gets.
PS Compare Professor Dutton's view of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly with the mug shots at The UK & Ireland Predators Database. It helps confirm his view. So does Andrew Marr.
How the Left Exploits Ignorance
Yes, the left is corrupt and malicious.
New Left ex Rational Wiki
The New Left not only have no blueprint, they don’t want a blueprint. Let’s just see what happens, they say. Well, I can tell them what will happen: first anarchy, then dictatorship. They are rich in Tom Paines, but they have no Thomas Jefferson. —Gore Vidal [1]The New Left[2] was a collection of leftist groups in the US and UK that sprang up in the early 1960s as a reaction to, on the one hand, the perceived timidity of liberalism on such issues as racial equality and the Vietnam War; and, on the other, the thoroughly discredited and powerless "Old Left" of the Communist Party USA and its various Trotskyist enemies.
While the Old Left adhered to a thoroughly materialistic philosophy and aimed toward political revolutions along broadly communist lines, particularly by infiltrating labor unions and otherwise drumming up blue-collar workers, the "New Left" focused on young people of all classes (particularly college students) and brought in various religious and spiritual perspectives, as well as a variety of dope-fueled wackiness, in an effort to bring a revolution not only to the political and social systems, but also to age-old Western modes of thinking.
Generational change marked by the predisposition of youth to challenge authority on moral terms was exacerbated by the large numbers of youth at the time (due to the 1950s baby boom) and the large proportion of these youths entering institutions of higher education.[3] (The rebellion even began to spread to high schools.[4]) There they encountered both older conservative and more recent liberal accounts of history and social science that, in their assessment, did not adequately explain national and world events. The plodding nature of the liberal response to racial oppression and imperialist violence motivated a search for explanation in the heady post-war fusion of Marxism and Freudianism favored by leftist intellectuals in the West. It also led to a preference for action over reflection. Consider the following rant by Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman:
“”Once one has experienced LSD, existential revolution, fought the intellectual game-playing of the individual in society, of one's identity, one realizes that action is the only reality; not only reality but morality as well. It exists in the head. I am the Revolution.[5]Orthodox Soviet-style Marxism-Leninism held no attraction for most Western radicals. The Soviet Union had lost its moral legitimacy in the advanced industrial countries, even among lefties, after the crimes of Stalin had been published and denounced by the new regime of Nikita Khrushchev, so some in the New Left were looking for a more "pure" form of Communism. The Soviets' repression of Hungary in 1956 to crush an anti-Soviet uprising, and their invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 that put an end to the "Prague Spring", reinforced the alienation from Moscow.
Inspiration, or at least the imagery of mass rebellion, was found in the work of the new, non-Western Marxists such as Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, and Ho Chi Minh.[6] As leaders who had thrown off the shackles of Western colonialism, their images would become icons for those who opposed capitalism and imperialism in general.[7]
On a more philosophical level, the works of Herbert Marcuse, especially One Dimensional Man, were particularly important. Marcuse criticized the socially alienating effects of modern capitalism, incorporating Marxism with Freud and critical theory in a way which the Old Left had not done. He extended this critique also to identifying the same social alienation under Soviet communism, and in the place of the stodgy "industrial proletariat" he championed an oppositional culture led by youth, minorities and the intelligentsia. Another important influence was Growing Up Absurd by Paul Goodman, a 1960 book about the alienation of growing up in a society geared mainly toward consumerism and preparing people for a life of meaningless and unfulfilling jobs. Goodman attributed the rise of both juvenile delinquency and the Beat Generation to a youthful rebellion against this. Also influential were Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Both had been part of the resistance against the Nazi occupation of France, Camus as an anarchist, while Sartre was considered a "fellow traveler" with the French Communist Party but did not join. Both continued to support left-wing causes but turned toward developing the philosophy which would come to be labeled existentialism (although Camus rejected the label in favor of calling himself an absurdist).
While the New Left amalgamated political philosophies ranging from left-liberal to socialist to anarchist, for a brief period it formed a cultural identity as well. A semi-personal, semi-political embrace of non-mainstream cultural identities and a socially libertarian questioning of institutions, restrictions, and traditional roles were hallmarks of the 1960s youth counterculture that intersected with the milieu of the New Left. Those tendencies fertilized the fields that the early gay rights movement grew in. Rock & roll had morphed from a youth subculture to a core expression of a full-blown social movement. That confluence of political and cultural identity turned out to be short-lived, as more revanchist and authoritarian tendencies gained ascendancy in the New Left as the decade drew towards its close. The increasingly rigid ideas on what was required to be a good leftist, culminating in the imperatives of "politically correct" cultural conformity, conflicted with socially libertarian ideals. By the mid-1970s, social libertarianism itself was seen as oppressive by advocates of the identity politics that arose from the New Left.
New Left ex Wiki
The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms.[2] Some saw the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social justice that focused on dialectical materialism and social class, while others who used the term saw the movement as a continuation and revitalization of traditional leftist goals.[3][4]Some who self-identified as "New Left"[5] rejected involvement with the labor movement and Marxism's historical theory of class struggle,[6] although others gravitated to their own takes on established forms of Marxism, such as the New Communist movement (which drew from Maoism) in the United States or the K-Gruppen in the German Sprachraum. In the United States, the movement was associated with the anti-war college-campus protest movements, including the Free Speech Movement.
Old Left ex Wiki
The Old Left is the pre-1960s left-wing in the Western world, the earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had often taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labor unionization and questions of social class in the West.[1]History of the New Left
The New Left arose first among dissenting intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom and later alongside campus in the United States and in the Western bloc.The German critical theorist Herbert Marcuse [ a Jew in fact - Editor ] is referred to as the "Father of the New Left". Marcuse rejected the theory of class struggle and the Marxist concern with labor. According to Leszek Kołakowski, Marcuse argued that since "all questions of material existence have been solved, moral commands and prohibitions are no longer relevant". He regarded the realization of man's erotic nature as the true liberation of humanity, which inspired the utopias of Jerry Rubin and others.[2]
Between 1943 and 1950, Marcuse worked in U.S. Government service for the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) and criticized the ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the book Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis (1958). After his studies, in the 1960s and the 1970s he became known as the pre-eminent theorist of the New Left and the student movements of West Germany, France and the United States.
Left Wing Statue Hypocrisy [ 10 June 2020 ]
While the left are busy trying to tear down statues of Britain’s history, their opposition to oppressive statues is very newly-found. In 2017, Manchester Council permitted artist Phil Collins to erect a statue of Engels that had been torn down and dismantled by Ukrainians after their liberation from decades of communist-oppression and genocide. To the outcry of Mancunian Ukrainians at the time…Perhaps given the current climate, lefty activists will now reconsider the offensive statue. Today new website has been launched by the ‘Stop Trump Coalition Project’ mapping ‘offensive’ statues of slave-owners and colonialists that must be torn down “so that Britain can finally face the truth about its past”.
Overlooking the absurd starting premise, the map is already looking tenuous at best, with inclusions of:
- A statue of Robert Milligan, who must be torn down due to being a leading figure in the building of the East London Docks, which were then, in turn, used to trade slave-harvested goods
- Statues of Francis Drake, Horatio Nelson, and King James II
- A whole primary school named after William Beckford
- A statue of Francis Galton where the activists move on from concerns over slavery to include those who wrote about eugenics
- A Lord Kitchener statue due to his role in the Boer Wars
- Earl Grey’s Monument in Newcastle, who as PM abolished slavery in the entire British Empire. Not good enough, he compensated slave owners so the monument must be destroyed.
If you believe statues of Engels, Marx and other oppressive left-wing figures should be added to the list for the sake of consistency, you can submit them here – though don’t get your hopes up…
Hypocrisy is called selective indignation. The Black Lives Matter mob will not tell you that most Murders In Chicago are of blacks killed blacks in their turf wars.
PS As Nigel Farage says Our craven leaders are failing to stand up to a Marxist mob which wants to tear down our history
Left Wingers In America Say Blacks Are Too Stupid To Have Identification Papers [ 26 October 2020 ]
Ami on the Street: Are voter ID laws racist and suppress the black vote? Satirist Ami Horowitz goes to UC Berkeley and Harlem to find out
Satire or Truth? Try both. Do the Quasi-Intelligentsia of Berkley know any blacks? Yes, of course. Their servants are black, aren't they? They care, quite rightly about their intellectual inferiors.
PS The vote is now a week away and we all hate Donald Trump. That's why we are using postal votes. We can help those poor, ignorant, illiterate blacks with their Vote Rigging vote the right way.
The True Domestic Terrorists Are On The Left [ 4 February 2021 ]
“Never allow a good crisis (to) go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.”Thus did chief of staff [ the Jew ] Rahm Emanuel advise Barack Obama on the financial crisis he inherited in 2009.
Following the Capitol riot by a mob of pro-Donald Trump protesters, the left took Rahm’s counsel, seizing upon and exploiting the episode ever since to paint the right as America’s safe harbor for “domestic terrorism.” According to leftist columnists and commentators, going back to the ’60s, the real threat of domestic terrorism has always come from the right.
That is not, however, how some of us remember those days. The most destructive acts of violence in the ’60s were the urban race riots that began in Harlem in July 1964, when 15-year-old black youth James Powell was shot by a police lieutenant.
In 1965, Watts blew up, followed by Newark and Detroit in 1967.
In 1968, 100 U.S. cities exploded in racial violence after Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis on April 4..............
As Nixon speechwriter Ray Price recorded in his memoir, between Jan. 1, 1969, and April 15, 1970, “More than 40,000 bombings, attempted bombings and bomb threats, were recorded in the United States. “In the 1969-1970 school year there were 1782 demonstrations, 7561 arrests, 8 people killed, and 462 injured, (299 of those injured were police). There were 247 cases of campus arson and 282 attacks on ROTC facilities.”
The criminals responsible for this carnage were leftists.
What about 2020, the year of mass protests that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May.
According to the London Daily Mail, with the riots, arson and looting that began in Minneapolis spreading to Portland, Seattle and 140 other cities, the National Guard was called out in 21 states, six people died, scores of police were injured and between $1 billion and $2 billion in property was damaged or destroyed............
The truth: The vast majority of criminals who rob, rape, shoot and kill Americans in the tens of thousands each year, and the people who did almost all of the rioting, looting, arson and assaults on cops in 2020, never wore MAGA hats.
Pas d’ennemis a gauche. No enemies on the left. The enemy is always to be found on the right. And because reality contradicts this central tenet of liberal ideology, it cannot ever be conceded.
Pat Buchanan, , a decent man tells it like it is. Albeit George Floyd caused "protests" while the Capitol Riot Myth achieved "rioting"
Left Wing Media Collude With DOJ & Malicious Prosecution Of Free Speech [ 28 April 2023 ]
Liberals [ American code for Left Wing ] used to talk a good game about supporting Free Speech and defending the First Amendment, but now that the Biden administration’s FBI has charged black socialist members of the Uhuru Movement with aiding and abetting Russia by allegedly spreading pro-Putin propaganda, The Squad, Bernie Sanders, Rachel Maddow and all other powerful figures on the left remain silent while right-wing media figures like Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck speak up.Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Nick Cruse about this shocking turnaround from the traditional political narrative in the media.
Tucker Carlson spoke for them and Free Speech. Then he got sacked. Cause and effect?