Brooklyn DA allows predators to make sweetheart plea deals that keep them
out of prison and off sex offender registries. Haredi rabbis demand to be
the gatekeepers who decide which, if any, allegations of pedophilia are
reported to police. And while child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and in
the Catholic Church get extensive media coverage, the rape of haredi
children is almost completely absent from America's media of record –
especially from the New York Times.
Continue reading "The Uphill Battle To Expose Haredi Pedophiles" »
Brooklyn DA allows predators to make sweetheart plea deals that keep them
out of prison and off sex offender registries. Haredi rabbis demand to be
the gatekeepers who decide which, if any, allegations of pedophilia are
reported to police. And while child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and in
the Catholic Church get extensive media coverage, the rape of haredi
children is almost completely absent from America's media of record –
especially from the New York Times.

Ben Hirsch of Survivors for Justice writes in
The Jewish Week [emphasis added]:
…Orthodox victims agonize over the lack of attention given this problem
by mainstream media and government, particularly compared to the Catholic
abuse scandal and, now, the situation at Penn State. While Jewish
newspapers such as The Jewish Week, and blogs, have done hundreds of
stories on this issue, the same cannot be said for the mainstream media.
In five years The New York Times has published two stories;
Orthodox Jewish children are being raped in the paper’s backyard but it
appears that this is news not fit to print.
What happened at Penn State has hit us hard; respected figures behaved
egregiously. But once the story broke, people were held accountable. This
could not have happened without extensive mainstream media coverage.
Left to its own devices, the ultra-Orthodox leadership will continue
covering up child molestation and harshly enforcing its version of “omerta.”
In the name of “cultural sensitivity,” the Brooklyn DA will allow
predators to devastate more lives.
While we work to empower Orthodox children and families, we also need
the national media to shine a brighter light on this problem, and we need
state legislatures, attorneys general and the federal government to
strengthen and enforce the laws designed to protect our most vulnerable.
They don't care about their own children? Do they care about ours?
Hint: No chance.
October 11, 2011:
Hasidic Rebbe Calls President Obama "Black Dog" And "Arab"
Comments: 72 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
, Israel
Isn't that racist? Not when a Jew does it presumably.
The rebbe also called Israel's president, Shimon Peres, "evil" and said the
world will end soon with the wars of Gog U'Magog, and those wars will be an
instantaneous worldwide nuclear holocaust. The Shomrei Emunim rebbe Note: the
Jewish new...
October 11, 2011:
Ashkenazi Haredi School Refuses To Admit Sefardi Students
Comments: 6 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Crime, etc. ,
, Israel
Kol Hai Radio on Sunday aired a recording of a principal of a haredi high
school for girls in Beitar Illit, complaining about the number of Sephardic
students he already has and refusing to admit any more. Seminary refuses to...
October 11, 2011:
Mea Shearim Haredim Ban Women From Public Streets
Comments: 20 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The ultra-Orthodox community in Mea She'arim is planning to impose gender
segregation in the Jerusalem neighborhood's streets on Sukkot, despite a High
Court order forbidding it. Women's rights and other watchdog groups intend to
fight against the segregation, which excludes...
October 11, 2011:
City Workers Remove Sexist Yiddish Signs
Comments: 38 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Media
City workers have removed signs warning women in a Hasidic neighborhood in
Brooklyn to step aside for men. The signs were first reported on City workers remove Yiddish signs directing women to move
aside for men in Hasid neighborhood...
October 10, 2011:
Should A Powerful Congressman Fire His Senior Advisor Because The Advisor Is In
Cherem For Refusing To Give A Get?
Comments: 56 | Categories:
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
Aharon Friedman is refusing to give his ex-wife Tamar Epstein a Jewish
divorce called a get. Without a get a religious Jewish woman cannot remarry
and is known as an agunah, a chained woman. This is despite the fact that...
October 10, 2011:
Kosher Meat Still Inhumanely Slaughtered, Forward Says
Comments: 33 | Categories:
, Israel
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Extremely cruel methods of slaughter, including one banned in the US, are
used in OU supervised slaughterhouses in South and Central America and
imported to the US. At the same time, Agri Star is still using its infamous
inverted pen...
October 10, 2011:
Between Mudslinging And Exposing Cover-Ups
Comments: 53 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
In Brooklyn, Yehuda Kolko was arrested yet again recently for harassing one
of his young victims. He continues to be welcomed in the Flatbush shul of
Rabbi Weinfeld, where until last year he was honored by being the Baal Tkiah,...
October 10, 2011:
Recalcitrant Husband Ordered To Pay $183,000 Fine
Comments: 0 | Categories:
, Israel
Women & Judaism
Family Court rules divorce recalcitrant must pay high compensatory damages
to wife with whom he has not cohabited since 2002. 'Refusing to grant a get
violates the values protected by Israel’s Basic Law: Human Dignity and
Freedom,' says judge. Recalcitrant...
October 10, 2011:
Haredi Fringe Group Works Borough Park
Comments: 63 | Categories:
Homophobia and its Discontents ,
Torah & Science
The haredi fringe group JPAC puts its signs in sukkas in Borough Park. The
JPAC people have created at least one unwelcoming sukka in Borough Park. Note
the sign that says homosexuality is worse than murder. That moronic statement
October 9, 2011:
Israeli Chabadniks Behaving Badly
Comments: 33 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc.
A yeshiva student walking home late at night was attacked from behind, a
towel wrapped around his head so that he could not see his attackers, kicked
and punched to the moment he felt that he was surely going to...
October 9, 2011:
Haredi 2-Year-Old Found Walking Alone At 3 AM
Comments: 33 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Hessed
Borough Park Shomrim patrolling the streets of Borough Park were shocked
when they came across a 2-year-old boy walking alone early Sunday morning just
before 3:00 a.m. Miracle In BP: Shomrim Find 2-Year-Old Child Wandering
Streets On Motzei Yom Kippur...
October 9, 2011:
More Kapparot Chicken Abuse Photos
Comments: 26 | Categories:
Kosher Scandal
More haredim mishandle chickens during kapparot. All photos from Flash 90
October 9, 2011:
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's Charity Under Fire – Again
Comments: 26 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc.
The 2009 Form 990 filing indicates the charity took in more than $651K in
contributions and other revenue and racked up $638K in operating and
administrative expenses--but only $70 K of that figure amounted to charitable
disbursements. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach...
October 9, 2011:
On Orders From Rabbi, Settler Violates House Arrest To Fly To Rabbi Nachman's
Grave In Uman, Ukraine
Comments: 6 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
The Petah Tikva Magistrates' Court on Sunday extended the remand of a
25-year-old man from Elon Moreh by two days because he flew to Uman on the
orders of his rabbi despite being under house arrest, entering and leaving
October 9, 2011:
Video: Chabad Messianists Receive Dollars "From" The Dead Rebbe
Comments: 51 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Chabad & Christianity
Chabad messianists receive dollars to be given to charity "handed" to them
by Chabad's Rebbe, who died in 1994. Many of the messianists in the video
posted below appear to be Israeli. They're reacting a charity distribution the
Rebbe u
October 22, 2011:
NYC Will Close Gender Segregated Hasidic Bus Line
Comments: 44 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
New York City authorities said they will shut down a city bus service run
by hasidic Jews if the group doesn't stop making women sit at the back of the
bus. NY may close bus service that makes women sit...
October 22, 2011:
Israeli Society Racist, Zionist Orthodox Rabbi Says
Comments: 16 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Ethiopian Jews ,
MO & Chardal
Rabbi Amiel Keinan says 'great honor' to teach children from the
now-closed, predominantly Ethiopian school Ner Etzion; Keinan enrolled his own
son in Ner Etzion as the only white student, because 'it's an excellent school
and we're against racism.' Rabbi...
October 22, 2011:
Haredim Throw Concrete Blocks At Police
Comments: 41 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Haredim in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Shearim hurled concrete blocks
from their balconies at police officers on Saturday. Several officers were
lightly wounded and treated on the spot. Earlier on Saturday, police arrested
one man on suspicion of disorderly...
October 19, 2011:
Blog Schedule
Comments: 27 |
Tonight at sundown is the beginning of the holiday of Shemini Atzeret and
Simchat Torah, which continues through Friday at sundown, at which time
Shabbat begins. That's a long way of saying that there won't be any new posts
October 19, 2011:
The Jewish Community Should Be Ashamed – But It Isn't
Comments: 15 | Categories:
The holiday of Sukkot is both a harvest festival and a commemoration of the
time the ancient Hebrews spent in the desert after fleeing Egypt. The sukkah
symbolizes the protection God gave them during their 40 years of wandering.
October 19, 2011:
Rubashkin Robo Calls Violate Law
Comments: 58 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
"We have been receiving phone calls nightly between 10:00-10:30pm from
718-640-1870. It is an automated call to sign the [Sholom] Rubaskin [White
House] petition. Not only are they waking me up, but my husband is going
through chemotherapy…and they are...
October 19, 2011:
Hasidim Protest At Community College
Comments: 65 | Categories:
Homophobia and its Discontents
Hasidim protested same sex marriage, promiscuity and high taxes at the
Borough of Manhattan Community College. Hasidim protested same sex marriage,
promiscuity and high taxes at the Borough of Manhattan Community College
earlier this week. Stealtheworld writes on Tumblr: Hasidic...
October 19, 2011:
Women Flock To Special Torah Evenings – Some Rabbis Object
Comments: 13 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
In a synagogue one evening a few weeks ago, dozens of women burst into
laughter when Noam Zigedon joked about getting one's husband to change a
lightbulb: "So it takes him a month or two - a year or two....
October 19, 2011:
In Brooklyn, An Illegally Gender Segregated City Bus
Comments: 51 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
Hasidim have turned a public bus line into a gender-segregated bus line,
despite New York City regulations (and court decisions) that make this
illegal. And the city is doing nothing to stop it. The B-110 bus. Sasha
Chavkin/The New York...
October 18, 2011:
The Founders Of Pop Kabbalah (Part 2)
Comments: 15 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
After complaining that Karen had too much power, "we were presented with an
ultimatum -- to have us agree that Karen Berg possessed Ru'ah HaKodesh -- Holy
Spirit (total obedience to every decision of hers) or that we could no...
October 18, 2011:
Haredi Zealots Attack Bookstore – Again
Comments: 16 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
The store is haredi-owned and stocks only religious books, but they include
volumes published by Orthodox institutions that are Zionist -- anathema to the
Sikrikim, who believe a Jewish state can be established only with the coming
of the Messiah....
October 18, 2011:
Another Arrest In The Chabad Child Sex Abuse Scandal
Comments: 49 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Another alleged pedophile at Chabad's Yeshiva College has been arrested.
The charges relate to molestations that allegedly took place during the past
five years. Aron Ezriel "Ezzy" Kestecher top and above left in Chabad Youth
T-shirt and tzitzit Another alleged...
October 18, 2011:
Jerusalem City Council Member Stripped Of Portfolios For Opposing Haredi Gender
Comments: 17 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Women & Judaism
Jerusalem City Council Member Rachel Azaria quickly paid a high price for
standing up for what she believes in. Earlier today, Jerusalem Mayor Nir
Barkat stripped her of her portfolios on the city council that concern
community councils and early...
October 17, 2011:
Reform Movement Demands Western Wall Gender Segregation Be Ended
Comments: 31 | Categories:
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The Reform Movement in Israel is demanding that forced gender segregation
at the Western Wall plaza and on buses departing from its main entrance be
immediately ended. Above: The prayer areas abutting the Western Wall The main
entrance to the...
October 17, 2011:
Rabbi: IDF Soldiers Should Shoot Terrorists "In Their Beds"
Comments: 52 | Categories:
Ethics ,
MO & Chardal ,
The Israel Defense Forces' former chief Rabbi criticized a prisoner swap
deal that is due to set abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit free, saying on
Monday that Israeli soldiers should from now on "kill terrorists in their
beds." "When you...
October 17, 2011:
Photos: Ivanka Trump On Sukkot
Comments: 47 | Categories:
MO & Chardal ,
Ivanka Trump, who converted to Orthodox Judaism before she married Jared
Kushner, walks with her husband, baby and a lulav in Manhattan on the second
day of Sukkot.
October 17, 2011:
The Founders Of Pop Kabbalah
Comments: 11 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
He is a former haredi yeshiva student and insurance salesman who used ghost
writers to make his books appeal to a mass non-Jewish audience. She is his
former secretary. They married after having an affair and built a
multi-million dollar...
October 17, 2011:
Hasidim Dance For Shalit's Release
Comments: 17 | Categories:
, Israel
"Thousands" of Miskolc hasidim dance for kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad
Shalit's release, scheduled for Tuesday, claiming their rebbe's prayers
facilitated the deal. The Miskolc rebbe Thousands of Hasidim dance for Shalit
Miskolc Rebbe's followers dedicate Water Drawing Festival to kidnapped...
October 17, 2011:
Haredi "Taliban" Woman In Monsey
Comments: 48 | Categories:
Women & Judaism
A haredi "Taliban" or burka cult woman in Monsey, New York. Women like this
are part of a small group of ultra-Orthodox women who believe their faces and
bodies – even if clothed in a normal long sleeved dress that...
October 16, 2011:
A Letter To An Agudath Israel Of America "Gadol"
Comments: 58 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
"As an adult survivor of severe and unrelenting childhood sexual abuse, I
have followed your halachic decisions and media pronouncements regarding this
issue with great concern. I am a Litvak, yeshiva-trained, from Monsey, New
York. For many years I taught...
October 16, 2011:
Right Wing Rabbis Issue "Halakhic Manifesto" Against Shalit Deal
Comments: 41 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Two notoriously extreme and racist Orthodox Zionist rabbis, Dov Lior and
Shmuel Eliyahu, came out against the deal to ransom kidnapped Israeli soldier
Gilad Shalit. Rabbis Dov Lior, left, and Shmuel Eliyahu, right Rabbis share 'halachic
manifesto' against Shalit deal...
October 16, 2011:
High Court Again Rules Against Mea Shearim Gender Segregation
Comments: 5 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Women & Judaism
"I call on the court to intervene immediately in what is happening in the
haredi neighborhoods and ensure that women feel comfortable walking anywhere
in the State of Israel. If Rosa Parks succeeded in racist US of the 1950s,
October 16, 2011:
Does Judaism Really Want Women To Step Aside For Men?
Comments: 34 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
The Talmud (Horiyot 13b) indicates that the reason a man should not walk
between two women has to do with the superstition that it may impair the man’s
ability to remember the Torah he learned. Many haredi men are particular...
October 16, 2011:
Yoel Weisshaus Versus The Port Authority
Comments: 15 | Categories:
He is a 30-year-old college student who gets by on loans and freelance jobs
as a legal assistant and public notary. He does not have a bank account. He
does not have a credit card. When he says he lives
October 29, 2011:
Live: Women To The Back Of The Bus
Comments: 38 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Turf Disputes ,
Women & Judaism
The reporters who broke the Brooklyn B-110 segregation story will talk
about the forced gender segregation and a deputy mayor of Jerusalem will talk
about the violence between the the Sicarii and Gerrer hasidim tonight on the
October 29, 2011:
Why Haredim Now Vote Republican
Comments: 95 | Categories:
More and more haredim now vote Republican. Why? Read my answers to this
question on Moment Magazine. The Latin sounding words at the end of the
article are gibberish. Apparently Moment uses gibberish fake Latin text to
block articles, and...
October 29, 2011:
White House Turns Down Rubashkin Petetion
Comments: 56 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Thank you for signing the petition "Call an Investigation into Allegations
of Prosecutorial & Judicial Misconduct in the Case of Sholom Rubashkin." We
appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on…
Sholom Rubashkin Various Chabad and haredi...
October 28, 2011:
Elderly Widow Claims Chabad Rabbis Scammed Her
Comments: 92 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
An elderly widow claims father-and-son rabbis swooped down on her the day
after her husband died and coerced her into signing over to Chabad of
California her multimillion-dollar Malibu home, and buying a $100,000 Torah,
while deceptively promising "to support...
October 28, 2011:
Gender Segregation Continues On Brooklyn Bus Line
Comments: 34 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
Despite promises made to the city by Private Transportation Corporation's
hasidic owner, the Brooklyn B-110 bus line is still segregated by gender. No
signs forbidding such forced segregation were posted, and the bus driver did
not intercede to stop hasidic...
October 28, 2011:
Sick Of Haredi Excesses, Orthodox Jews Marry Without Israel's Rabbinate
Comments: 11 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Growing numbers of Orthodox couples in Israel have opted for so-called
private weddings to bypass the long arm of the state's Rabbinate, whose
overarching authority they reject. Without the Rabbinate, I'll thee wed In
recent years, growing numbers of religiously...
October 28, 2011:
Haredi Basketball Team
Comments: 10 | Categories:
, Israel
, Sports
They play in black uniforms, hide their 'peyes' behind their ears. They
don't have a budget or a seal of approval from rabbis – but they are
well-equipped when it comes to faith. Meet Jerusalem's new smash hit: the
October 28, 2011:
Haredi Violence Rocks Mea Shearim
Comments: 19 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Turf Disputes
Residents of the Mea She'arim neighborhood in Jerusalem fear the violence
that has erupted between two ultra-Orthodox sects will grow and complain the
police are not protecting them. Violence between ultra-Orthodox sects rocks
Jerusalem neighborhood A group of Hasidim brutally...
October 27, 2011:
Weinstein Indicted In $200 Million Scam
Comments: 54 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Eliyahu Weinstein, a/k/a “Eli Weinstein,” was indicted today by a federal
grand jury in Newark on charges alleging he ran an investment fraud scheme
causing losses of at least $200 million, New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul J.
Fishman announced. Weinstein...
October 27, 2011:
Haredi Man Pleads Guilty To Selling Black Market Kidneys
Comments: 84 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Levy Izhak Rosenbaum pleaded guilty in federal court in Trenton to
brokering three illegal kidney transplants for New Jersey-based customers in
exchange for payments of $120,000 or more. He also pleaded guilty to one count
of conspiracy to broker an...
October 27, 2011:
Haredi Rabbi Pleads Not Guilty To Child Sex Abuse Counts
Comments: 18 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Rabbi Moishe Turner has pleaded not guilty in a Spring Valley court today
to seven counts of committing a criminal sexual act and child endangerment.
News 12 calls Turner a "self proclaimed rabbi" because haredim claim that
Turner, who worked...
October 27, 2011:
The Chabad Rebbetzin In The Short Skirt
Comments: 59 | Categories:
The wife of a Chabad ordained rabbi is photographed wearing a skirt that is
too short according to normative halakha. The photo appears in a Jewish
publication and the Chabad blog COLLive pics up the related story and runs
October 27, 2011:
Thousands Of Haredim Demonstrate Against Inter-Haredi Violence
Comments: 25 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Thousands of haredim demonstrated against inter-haredi violence last night
in Mea Shearim. The demonstration came one day after 20 Ger hasidim ambushed
and beat a leader of the Neturei Karta linked haredi street gang, the Sicarii,
with clubs and spikes...
October 27, 2011:
Gutnick Knew Of Child Sex Abuse Claims In 2003
Comments: 31 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Chabad community leader multimillionaire Rabbi Joseph Gutnick's personal
bodyguard told a Melbourne court yesterday that his employer was aware of
child sex allegations against Yeshivah College security guard David Cyprys in
2003. David Cyprys Originally published at 10:30 pm CDT...
October 26, 2011:
Happy Birthday Rubashkin
Comments: 45 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Today is Sholom Rubashkin's 52nd birthday. Rubashkin, the former VP of
Agriprocessors, once the largest kosher meatpacker in the world, is currently
serving a 27- year prison sentence for bank fraud, related charges and
perjury. He lost his appeal and,...
October 26, 2011:
A Salem Witch Trial In Modern Day Israel
Comments: 41 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
A state sponsored rabbinical court in Israel ruled against a woman whose
husband claimed she is a witch. A Salem Witch Trial In Modern Day Israel
Shmarya Rosenberg • A state sponsored rabbinical court in
Israel ruled against a...
October 26, 2011:
Hasidic PR Flack Says Rabbis Tell Followers To Call Police
Comments: 31 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Despite reams of evidence to the contrary, including the faact that rabbis
knew about the alleged child sex abuse committed by Rabbi Moishe Turner for
years but never called police or allowed their followers to call police,
haredi spinmeister Yossie...
October 26, 2011:
Hasid Arrested For Assaulting Cameraman
Comments: 3 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
A Toldos Aharon hasid was arrested yesterday for allegedly assaulting a Hot
TV news photographer on Simchat Torah in Mea Shearim. Yeshiva World is
reporting that a Toldos Aharon hasid was arrested yesterday for allegedly
assaulting a Hot TV news...
October 26, 2011:
New Square Arsonist Arrested For Violating Court Order
Comments: 8 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Ramapo police arrested Shaul Spitzer after he left the Rockland County
Courthouse following an appearance on felony charges of attempted murder,
arson and assault. Police today accused Spitzer of standing outside Aron
Rottenberg's Truman Avenue house on Oct. 4 at...
October 26, 2011:
New Square Arsonist Due In Court Today
Comments: 21 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Shaul Spitzer, the 18-year-old butler of the Skvere Rebbe, is due in
criminal court in Rockland County today on arson and attempted murder charges.
Spitzer tried to burn down the home of Aron Rottenberg, a New Square
dissident, in May....
October 26, 2011:
End Of The Road For Haredi Bus Gender Segregation?
Comments: 48 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
The Williambsburg to Borough Park B-110 bus, operated by a hasidic-owned
company that franchises with the City of New York to operate the B-110, has
for years forced women to sit at the back of the bus. But after an...
October 26, 2011:
Alleged Chabad Pedophile May Face More Charges
Comments: 51 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
More alleged victims have come forward to accuse Samuel David Cyprys, who
was a guard and karate teacher at Chabad's Yeshivah College in Melbourne.
Cyprys is currently charged with 29 counts of indecent assault and gross
indecency relating to former...
October 26, 2011:
The "Messiah" Of Mea Shearim
Comments: 21 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
Ethics ,
, Israel
The attorney who defends violent extremist haredim who beat, extort, steal
and bully Jews they oppose is a hero in Mea Shearim. "Their word is their
word," the attorney says about these criminals. "I know too that in most
October 26, 2011:
Haredi Gang Beats Jew With Clubs And Spikes
Comments: 54 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Turf Disputes
Avraham Hirschman was walking home to Batei Warsaw in Mea Shearim. But he
didn't make it. Ten masked haredim jumped out of a truck and beat Hirschman
with clubs and metal spikes, leaving him lying in the street in a...
October 25, 2011:
Video: Rabbis Knew Turner Was Allegedly Raping Boys But Failed To Call Police
Comments: 58 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
That's right. Haredi rabbis knew of credible allegations that Rabbi Moishe
Turner was raping boys. They banned him from a local synagogue but they did
not call police or allow victims' families to call police. And Turner went on
October 25, 2011:
Video: Levi Aron's Attorneys Talk About Insanity Defense
Comments: 5 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
The attorneys for confessed child butcher Levi Aron, who slaughtered and
dismembered 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in July, explain why their client's
confession should be disregarded and why they believe him to be insane. [Hat
Tip: FGBA.]
October 25, 2011:
Spring Valley Man Accused Of Child Sex Abuse Due Back In Court Thursday
Comments: 8 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
"We want to state, without commenting further, that Mr. Turner intends to
enter a plea of not guilty and that we intend to litigate this matter in
court," his attorney Kenneth Gribetz said. A felony hearing will be held on...
October 25, 2011:
Haredi Rabbi's Murder Trial Delayed
Comments: 48 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Koltun complained that his health has worsened in Orange County Jail, and
he says he's been harassed there because he is a rabbi and a devout Hasidic
Jew. He claimed the jail has not provided proper kosher food, so he...
October 25, 2011:
Racist Rabbi: "Better To Kill A Terrorist Than Call Police"
Comments: 31 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Rabbi Yosef Elitzur of the Od Yosef Hai yeshiva in Yitzhar and co-author of
the racist book Torat Hamelech, wrote in a halachic ruling on Monday that
should someone encounter a terrorist, it is preferable to shoot and kill
October 25, 2011:
Alleged Chabad Sex Offender Violated Bail, Court Told
Comments: 68 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
A security guard at Chabad's Melbourne yeshiva who has been charged with
multiple sex offences should have his bail revoked because he was seen with
children, prosecutors say. David Cyprys Originally published 10-24-2011 at
11:39 pm Alleged sex offender seen...
October 24, 2011:
Women Removed From Jerusalem Ads Due To Haredi Pressure
Comments: 12 | Categories:
Bans &
Censorship ,
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The safety advertisements for Jerusalem's new light-rail system have
featured images of twins, to reinforce the idea of being "doubly safe."
Children, teenagers and haredim have been pictured in this safety campaign –
all of them males. The city built...
October 24, 2011:
Video: Spring Valley Rabbi Arrested For Molestation
Comments: 62 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Neighbors claim to be "shocked" by the arrest of Rabbi Moishe Turner on
child sex abuse charges. [Hat Tip: 613 Enforcer.]
October 24, 2011:
Attorneys Say Kletzky Murder Confession "Coerced," Levi Aron "Insane"
Comments: 5 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Defense attorneys for a New York City man charged with abducting, killing
and dismembering an 8-year-old boy say his confession was coerced and that
Levi Aron is "insane." "My opinion is you'll get him to admit he shot Kennedy
October 24, 2011:
Confessed Kletzky Murderer To Ask For Trial To Be Moved, New Defense Lawyer
Comments: 3 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Levi Aron's attorneys are expected to ask for his trial to be moved out of
Brooklyn because they claim the publicity surrounding the murder of 8-year-old
Leiby Kletzky – a hasidic boy whose dismembered body was found in Aron's
October 24, 2011:
Sicarii Threaten To Kill Israel's Haredi Deputy Health Minister
Comments: 10 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
The Shin Bet and Prime Minister's Office have decided to provide Deputy
Health Minister Yakov Litzman with private bodyguards following death threats
from the Mea Shearim haredi extremist group known as the Sicarii. Rabbi Yakov
Litzman Deputy Minister Litzman gets...
October 23, 2011:
Spring Valley Rabbi Accused Of Sodomizing Boys
Comments: 43 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Ramapo police arrested 58-year-old Rabbi Moishe Turner earlier this week
for allegedly sodomizing boys. Rabbi Moishe Turner Spring Valley Rabbi Accused
Of Sodomizing Boys News 12 Ramapo police arrested 58-year-old Rabbi Moishe
Turner earlier this week for allegedly sodomizing boys....
October 23, 2011:
Missing Boy
Comments: 21 | Categories:
, Hessed
A 12-year-old boy has been missing from the Catskills since yesterday.
Monticello Police and Catskills Hatzalah are reportedly setting up for a
large-scale search. The missing boy The staging area is being set up at the
Hebrew Day School across...
October 23, 2011:
Chief Rabbi's Remark On Intermarriage Causes Uproar
Comments: 128 | Categories:
, Israel
"Marrying gentiles is like playing into the hands of the Nazis," Yad Vashem
Council Chairman and former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau has been quoted as
saying to students from an Israeli high school, causing an uproar among
students. Rabbi...
October 23, 2011:
Women Soldiers Leave IDF Event After Being Forced To Segregate
Comments: 15 | Categories:
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
About 100 female soldiers left the main non-holy-day celebration sponsored
by the Israel Defense Forces marking the second non-holy-day night of the
Shemini Atzeret/Simhat Torah holiday on Thursday after they were told to move
to a separate women's section. IDF...
October 23, 2011:
Measles Outbreak In Brooklyn Haredi Community
Comments: 60 | Categories:
A haredi community in Brooklyn is experiencing a measles outbreak, which
will probably spread because of the the close proximity of people during the
holidays. Outbreak generally happen when parents do not have their children
vaccinated. This is a real...
November 5, 2011:
Pol Ousted For Opposing Haredi Gender Segregation Asks What Happened To Israel
Comments: 19 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
With a quivering voice and tense face, Rachel Azaria, freshly ousted from
the Jerusalem city council, gave a speech the other day summarizing her
campaign against gender segregation in the capital. She had received
notification of her firing two days...
November 5, 2011:
Former Mossad Head Says Haredim Biggger Threat To Israel Than Iran
Comments: 116 | Categories:
, Israel
The former head of the Israeli secret service said Thursday during an army
boarding school reunion that while Iran should be prevented from becoming a
nuclear power, its capabilities are still "far from posing an existential
threat to Israel." "The...
November 5, 2011:
The Other Side Of Jerusalem's Tracks
Comments: 15 | Categories:
The Jerusalem Light Railway has provided the ancient city with new travel
possibilities since it opened in August, but it is also proving controversial.
Jerusalem tram offers view of other side of tracks By Matthew Teller Jerusalem
• BBC The...
November 4, 2011:
Gangs Force Poor To Sell Organs To Israelis, Report Says
Comments: 41 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Because of rulings from haredi rabbis like 101-year-old haredi leader Rabbi
Yosef Shalom Elyashiv that forbid donating organs under most circumstances,
and haredi rabbis' opposition to donor cards, Israel's organ shortage has made
sick Israelis depserate. And those can afford...
November 4, 2011:
More Illegally Gender Segregated Haredi Buses Outed
Comments: 39 | Categories:
Women & Judaism
Monroe Bus operates routes between Brooklyn and Kiryas Joel and surrounding
areas. The buses have curtains hanging down the middle of the passenger
sections to divide men and women. The buses are funded in part by government,
which means the...
November 4, 2011:
Haredi Election Ad
Comments: 19 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Anti-Bob Rhodes ad attacks him for enforcing the law against haredim and
implies that Christopher St. Lawrence won't. [Hat Tip: Critical Minyan.]
November 4, 2011:
Divorcing The Rabbinate
Comments: 3 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
Growing dissatisfaction with the state’s official haredi-controlled
rabbinical courts has led many couples seeking divorce to turn to alternative
religious tribunals. Israel's Sephardi chief rabbi thinks this is "rotten to
the core." Israel's Sefardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar Divorcing the...
November 4, 2011:
Haredim Spit On Priests Every Day, Cops Don't Help
Comments: 35 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Crime, etc. ,
, Israel
Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the
streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the
clergymen ignore the attacks, but sometimes they strike back. Ultra-Orthodox
spitting attacks on Old City...
November 4, 2011:
Large Israeli HMO Eliminates Depictions Of Girls
Comments: 8 | Categories:
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The Clalit health maintenance organization has recently issued stickers for
children that completely exclude girls. The stickers, distributed in clinics
in the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox ) community, are intended to be given to
children as a prize for undergoing a medical...
November 3, 2011:
Rubashkin Appeal Denied
Comments: 42 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Sholom Rubashkin's request for an en banc hearing of his appeal's earlier
rejection by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals was denied late this afternoon.
JUDGE ORDER: denying…petition for enbanc rehearing filed by Appellant Mr.
Sholom Rubashkin. Petition for panel...
November 3, 2011:
Brother Of Slain Kabbalist Scam Artist Adopts Hooded Dress, Photograph Ban
Comments: 28 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Rabbi David Abuhatzira, the brother of murdered Kabbalist cum scam artist
and extortionist Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzira, has decided to wear a hooded garment
and to ban photographers from taking photographs of him. A rare photograph of
Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzira Rabbi...
November 3, 2011:
Haredi Pol Slams Gilad Shalit For Going To Beach On First Shabbat Out Of
Comments: 50 | Categories:
, Israel
Outreach ,
Haredi MK Meshulam Nahari slammed Gilad Shalit, the IDF soldier who was
held captive by Hamas for more than 5 years, for going to the beach with his
father on the first Shabbat after his return instead of going to...
November 3, 2011:
Bill Would Force Rabbinic Courts Grant Religious Divorces Within Days Of Ruling
To Dissolve A Marriage
Comments: 6 | Categories:
Women & Judaism
The Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee brought a proposal
that will obligate rabbinical courts to set a date to grant a get within a set
time period. The proposal will obligate rabbinical courts to set a date for
November 3, 2011:
Questions The Jewish Federations Won't Answer
Comments: 55 | Categories:
Jewish Leadership
15 days ago I sent a series of questions to Andy Neusner, who runs the
Jewish Heroes project for the Federations. Neusner didn't answer. What were
the questions? Take a look… From: Shmarya Rosenberg Subject: Media Query Date:
October 19,...
November 3, 2011:
No Comment On Rubashkin
Comments: 56 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
"It’s shameful and insensitive that Obama would not even take the time to
acknowledge sentencing disparities in our justice system." No comment on
Rubashkin It’s shameful and insensitive that Obama would not even take the
time to acknowledge sentencing disparities...
November 2, 2011:
Rabbi Natan Slifkin: The Making Of Post-Haredism
Comments: 138 | Categories:
Bans &
Censorship ,
MO & Chardal ,
Torah & Science
"Seven years ago, three of my books were banned by three dozen leading
rabbis from the haredi rabbinic establishment in Israel and the US. This was
due to my Maimonidean approach to resolving conflicts between Torah and
science – that...
November 2, 2011:
The Battle Of Beit Shemesh
Comments: 28 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
MO & Chardal
At 8am, little girls carrying backpacks stuffed with books and lunchboxes
greet each other with giggles and whispers as they wait for the security guard
to unlock the school gates. All are dressed in compliance with the school's
regulations: skirt...
November 2, 2011:
Jewish Whistle Blower Blows Lid Off NYC Medicaid Fraud
Comments: 12 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Dr. Gabriel Feldman, a 50-year-old former kosher restaurant owner who works
in public health, is the son of a Conservative rabbi. After two decades fo
trying, Feldman blew the lid off NYC Medicaid fraud. His elderly mother hopes
than he'll...
November 2, 2011:
Rabbi Mordechai Elon Indicted For Sex Assault
Comments: 12 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
A criminal indictment was served today against Rabbi Mordechai (Moti) Elon,
one of the most prominent rabbis in Israel's Orthodox Zionist movement, for
two counts of indecent and sexual assault against two minor boys, one of whom
was his student...
November 2, 2011:
Operation Solomon 20 Years Later
Comments: 17 | Categories:
Ethiopian Jews ,
Despite impressive initial achievements, Ethiopian immigrants lag behind
immigrants from other countries who arrived here at the same time, according
to a study by the Brookdale Institute published in 2010. The report found that
after making great strides in employment,...
November 2, 2011:
Women Fight Back Against Haredi-Imposed Ban Against Images Of Women
Comments: 19 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
Women & Judaism
On Tuesday, six women met in Jerusalem to be photographed so their pictures
can be hung from balconies throughout the city to counteract what appears to
be the attempt to keep women out of advertising in the capital. Jerusalem
November 1, 2011:
Israel Closes Down Settler Yeshiva Due To Violent Attacks Against Palestinans,
Israel Security Forces
Comments: 18 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Crime, etc. ,
MO & Chardal
Israel's Education Ministry decided Tuesday to follow the recommendations
of the Israel's secrect service the Shin Bet and close down the yeshiva in the
West Bank settlement of Yitzhar, following its students' involvement in
violent acts against Palestinians and Israeli...
November 1, 2011:
Shigella Outbreak In Haredi Brooklyn
Comments: 40 | Categories:
Forty-five people in Brooklyn’s ultra-Orthodox communities in Williamsburg
and Borough Park have contracted a mild infectious disease called shigella
since August, according to city health officials. Shigella Outbreak in
Brooklyn's Ultra-Orthodox Communities WNYC Forty-five people in Brooklyn’s
ultra-Orthodox communities in...
November 1, 2011:
Crown Heights Pedophile Arrested
Comments: 46 | Categories:
Chabad ,
Crime, etc. ,
Haim Feinhandler is arrested and charged with child sex abuse. [Hat Tip:
Crown Heights Watch.]
November 1, 2011:
Yeshiva Students Expelled For Having Driver's License
Comments: 38 | Categories:
, Israel
The head of the prestigious Be'er Torah yeshiva has announced that he will
expel 30 students from the institution after discovering that they hold
driver's licenses. Driver's license prompts mass yeshiva expulsion Some 30
young men expelled from prestigious yeshiva...
November 1, 2011:
Haredim Try To Shut Down Modern Orthodox Wedding Project
Comments: 8 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
The flagship project of the Modern Orthodox Tzohar organization -
performing thousands of wedding ceremonies a year for secular Israelis afraid
of or upset with Israel's haredi-controlled chief rabbinate - is in danger of
collapsing because the chief rabbinate and...
November 1, 2011:
Modern Orthodox Beit Shemesh Leader Appeases Haredim
Comments: 32 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
MO & Chardal
The ultra- Orthodox population is reproducing at a far more rapid pace than
the rest of the country. At some stage, the ultra-Orthodox will constitute a
majority of Jews in Israel. Is that a problem? God forbid! The average
October 31, 2011:
The Alleged Extortion Of Rabbi Baruch Lebovits
Comments: 9 |
Was the convicted child sex abuser extorted by another haredi rabbi? Rabbi
Baruch Lebovits The Forward has a report on the status of the case against
convicted child sex abuser Rabbi Baruch Lebovitz and the case against the man
October 31, 2011:
Exclusive: Yiddish Sign Ordering Jewish Women To Step Aside For Men Still Posted
On Public Property In Brooklyn
Comments: 74 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Women & Judaism
Despite earlier reports that the signs ordering women to step aside for men
had been removed from public property by the city, at least one of these signs
is still posted – bolted to a tree on public property in...
October 31, 2011:
The War For Jerusalem
Comments: 8 |
Why is Jerusalem's secular mayor fighting the leader of the battle against
haredi extremism? Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat, right, and Jerusalem city
council member Rachel Azaria, left The war for Jerusalem Op-ed: Why is secular
Jerusalem mayor fighting leader of...
October 31, 2011:
Satmar Schools May Go Down In Massive Bankruptcy Fraud Linked To Rubashkin Crony
Comments: 48 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Kosher Business? ,
Kosher Scandal
Satmar’s massive United Talmudical Academy network of schools is being sued
for $200 million dollars by the bankruptcy trustee for Allou Healthcare, the
Satmar-hasid owned pharmaceutical, healthcare and beauty supply wholesaler
whose owners were imprisoned for fraud. Satmar Schools May...
October 31, 2011:
Toward Separation Of Synagogue And State
Comments: 28 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Israel is in danger of no longer being governed by the people; this danger
does not come from the multitudes surrounding us who seek our destruction, but
rather from those who wish for rabbinic fiat and Torah law to rule...
October 31, 2011:
Priest Gets Pass For Punching Yeshiva Student
Comments: 56 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
, Israel
In a rare ruling, a judge in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court dismissed an
indictment filed against a priest who punched a haredi yeshiva student in the
face after the student spat at him as he walked on the street. An...
October 31, 2011:
Kabbalah Follower Sues Jews Over High Holidays
Comments: 18 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
A Kabbalah follower from Brooklyn is suing her former Jewish employers
because they refused to let her take time off work for the Jewish holidays.
Kabbalah Follower Sues Jews Over High Holidays Shmarya Rosenberg • Shayla Sweatt, a Kabbalah...
October 30, 2011:
Sefat Jewish Landlord Kicks Out Druze Students After Haredi Threats
Comments: 29 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Crime, etc. ,
, Israel
Almost a year after Zionist Orthodox and haredi rabbis' published a letter
illegally ordering Jews to not rent or sell apartments to Arabs, Druze and
other non-Jews – even those who serve in Israel's army – racism strikes in
October 30, 2011:
The Talmud Wasn't Accepted
Comments: 58 | Categories:
For several hundred years after the Babylonian Talmud's supposed acceptance
by all Jewish communities as binding, its rulings were routinely ignored by
rabbis. Why? A page of the Babylonia Talmud Lawrence Grossman review's Talyia
Fishman's new book, Becoming the People...
October 30, 2011:
Haredi Rabbi's Fraud Of "Biblical Proportions" Sparks Extradition
Comments: 25 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
, Haredim
Considering his claims to be able to decode the Bible to predict the
future, Rabbi Avraham David should have seen his arrest coming. Instead the
rabbi, aka suspended New York lawyer Earl S. David, sits in the Toronto West
October 30, 2011:
Exclusive: Convicted Sex Offender Moving To Boca Raton, Florida
Comments: 86 | Categories:
Crime, etc.
MO & Chardal ,
Rabbi Baruch Lanner is allegedly moving to Boca Raton, Florida. Lanner
physically, sexually and emotionally abused dozens – perhaps hundreds – of
boys and girls during more than 40 years at the OU's NCSY youth movement and
at least one...
November 12, 2011:
In Response To Haredi Forced Gender Segregation On Public Buses And Streets,
And Zionist Orthodox Gender Sgregation In The IDF, Hundreds Protest For
Women's Rights
Comments: 39 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
Hundreds of people demonstrated against forced illegal gender segregation
in cities across Israel. Hundreds protest for women's rights in rallies
across Israel Demonstrations spurred by recent incidents of separation
between men and women; Jerusalem city council member: State cannot stay...
November 12, 2011:
Only Without The Haredi State Rabbis Will I Convert To Judaism
Comments: 21 | Categories:
, Israel
Hundreds of people are choosing to skirt the official haredi-controlled
rabbinic system for conversions to Judaism and instead go through private
conversions – even when the price may include deportation from Israel.
Without the rabbinate, I'll convert to Judaism Hundreds...
November 12, 2011:
Haredim Impede Water Repair Due To Fears Of Shabbat Violations
Comments: 48 | Categories:
, Israel
An explosion in a pipe on Shabbat caused hundreds of Ashdod residents to
lose water service, and when the city tried to fix it, haredim stopped the
work because of misplaced fears of Shabbat violations. A haredi Jew argues
November 11, 2011:
Have 89 Brooklyn Haredim Been Arrested For Child Sex Abuse Since 2009?
Comments: 34 | Categories:
etc. ,
The Forward reports the Brooklyn DA claims 89 haredim have been arrested
on child sex abuse charges since 2009, a figure far higher than advocates
and victims are aware of. Is the claim true? Kings County, New York (i.e.,
November 11, 2011:
Modern Orthodox Yeshiva Kids Accused Of S.A.T. Fraud
Comments: 27 | Categories:
etc. ,
MO & Chardal
Two students at a Great Neck yeshiva are suspected of paying someone
smarter to take their SAT tests, according to a ballooning probe that has
ensnared 35 kids at five Long Island high schools. LI yeshiva kids probed in
November 11, 2011:
Haredi Gang War Continues – Gerrer Hasid Beaten By Sicarii In Beit Shemesh
Comments: 30 | Categories:
etc. ,
, Israel
Turf Disputes
A Gerrer hasid tried to stop two Sicarii members from posting signs from
Eidah Charedit condemning Gerrer violence against the Sicarii. The two
haredi groups are fighting for control over the Batei Warsaw houses in Mea
Shearim. Both Ger and...
November 11, 2011:
Hasidic Bus Company Uses Yiddish To Illegally Order Passengers to Segregate By
Comments: 56 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
etc. ,
Women & Judaism
Private Transportation Corporation's B110 schedule and guidelines seems
benign in English. But its Yiddish version orders men and women to segregate
by gender and cites a ruling by haredi rabbis that forbids the sexes from
mixing on the B110 –...
November 10, 2011:
Accused Crown Heights Pedophile Arrested
Comments: 87 | Categories:
Chabad ,
etc. ,
Alleged pedophile Tzion Zuviv arrested on charges of sexual abuse
Tuesday. [Via: CrownHeightsWatch.]
November 10, 2011:
Modern Orthodox Weddings Back On After Ban
Comments: 3 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
After a public outcry resulting from a ban on Modern Orthodox weddings
insituted by Israel's haredi-controlled Religious Services Minister Yakov
Margi, Margi and the head of the Modern Orthodox Tzohar organization Rabbi
David Stav met yesterday and reached a series...
November 10, 2011:
Chabadnik Who Fled To Israel To Be Extradited
Comments: 36 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
Chabad ,
etc. ,
, Israel
Shmira street patrol member Yitzchak Shuchat is suspected of beating a
black honors student, Andrew Charles, with a club in the Crown Heights
section of Brooklyn in April 2008. He fled to Canada and from there to
Israel to escape...
November 10, 2011:
Chief Rabbi "Sees The Light" After Visiting Shelter For Battered Jewish Women
Comments: 37 | Categories:
etc. ,
, Israel
Women & Judaism
Studies of abused Jewish women show that they remain in abusive
relationships four times longer than non- Jewish women. When they approach a
rabbi for advice on how to deal with an abusive situation, they are often
told that shalom...
November 10, 2011:
A Stain That Will Not Go Away
Comments: 21 | Categories:
etc. ,
MO & Chardal ,
Whether we want it to or not, the murder of Yitzhak Rabin by a Zionist
Orthodox student shall forever remain a terrible stain in the history of
Zionist Orthodoxy. Up until now, Zionist Orthodox leaders chose to avoid a
November 9, 2011:
Meal Mart Salmonella Warning
Comments: 22 | Categories:
Kosher Scandal
The New York City Health Department has identified 56 cases of Salmonella
bacteria-related illness in New York City that are linked to eating MealMart
brand kosher broiled chicken livers from the Schreiber Processing
Corporation that were not cooked. The 5...
November 9, 2011:
Keep Your Hands Off West Bank Settlements, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Says
Comments: 35 | Categories:
, Israel
The preeminent Sefadi haredi rabbinic leader who is also the spiritual
head of the Shas political party tell Israel's prime minister to keep
illegal West Bank outposts built by West Bank settlers intact. Rabbi Ovadia
Yosef Rabbi Yosef to Netanyahu:...
November 9, 2011:
"Tell Your Father To Stop" – Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky On Sex Abuse
Comments: 143 | Categories:
etc. ,
The haredi gadol who is the rosh yeshiva of the Philadelphia yeshiva and
Agudath Israel of America's number two rabbinic leader again shows why
haredi rabbis are dangerous for women and children, and that they should not
be allowed to...
November 8, 2011:
Haredi Forced Gender Segregation Increases In Israel
Comments: 23 | Categories:
Bans &
Censorship ,
, Israel
Women & Judaism
Posters depicting women have become rare in the streets of Israel's
capital. In some areas women have been shunted onto separate sidewalks, and
buses and health clinics have been gender-segregated. The military has
considered reassigning some female combat soldiers because...
November 8, 2011:
Knesset Slams No-Women Policy At Haredi Radio Station
Comments: 9 | Categories:
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The Knesset Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women held a
stormy hearing on Monday on a policy of the independent haredi radio station
Kol Berama that prevents women from working as radio broadcasters and from
being interviewed...
November 8, 2011:
Peace Now Gets Death Threats
Comments: 8 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
etc. ,
MO & Chardal ,
One day after Peace Now’s Israel office received a bomb threat, the home
of the director of its Settlement Watch project was defaced with graffiti
that included a death threat and that supported “price tag” violence against
Arabs, police and...
November 8, 2011:
The Haredi Bomb
Comments: 102 | Categories:
, Israel
Israel's greatest demographic threat doesn't come from its Arab
population – it comes from haredim. The ultra-Orthodox bomb Op-ed: In light
of demographic trends, Israel en route to becoming Iran-style state Yaron
London • Ynet Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy...
November 8, 2011:
Haredi Controlled Religious Services Ministry Bans Modern Orthodox Weddings
Comments: 14 | Categories:
, Israel
MO & Chardal ,
A group of Zionist Modern Orthodox rabbis and educators who perform
no-charge weddings for an estimated 3,000 Israeli couples a year has
announced that it will no longer be able to conduct the ceremonies because
they have been blocked by...
November 8, 2011:
Haredi Pressure Forces Removal Pictures Of Women From Organ Donor Campaign
Comments: 17 | Categories:
, Israel
Med-Ethics ,
Women & Judaism
The recent removal of images of women from bus ads in Jerusalem and Bnei
Brak encouraging Israelis to sign organ donor cards has sparked protest,
with some people threatening to revoke their agreement to donate organs
after their death. Pressure...
November 7, 2011:
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Comments: 41 | Categories:
Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the rosh yeshiva of the Mir Yeshiva in
Jerusalem, the largest yeshiva in world, has passed away. Rabbi Nosson Tzvi
Finkel, ZT”L Baruch Dayan Emmes – HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZT”L
Yeshiva World 07:03 IL:...
November 7, 2011:
Kletzky Murder Trial To Stay In Brooklyn – For Now
Comments: 54 | Categories:
etc. ,
Levi Aron, the Brooklyn man who confessed to killing 8-year-old Leiby
Kletzky and carving up his corpse, will have to face trial in Brooklyn after
an appeals court skewered his bid for a change of venue. Levi Aron B'klyn
November 7, 2011:
Abuse In The Jewish Community
Comments: 83 | Categories:
etc. ,
MO & Chardal ,
A new book documents the ongoing coverups of child sex abuse in the
haredi community and explains the communtiy values and mores that make those
coverups possible. Dr. Michael Salamon Occasional
contributor Dr. Michael Salamon’s new book, Abuse in...
November 7, 2011:
Israel's Foreign Affairs Ministry Names First Ethiopian Jewish Ambassador
Comments: 18 | Categories:
Ethiopian Jews ,
Rachamim Elazar has been named by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
as Israel's next Ambassador to Ethiopia, making him the first Israeli of
Ethiopian descent ever to serve as an Ambassador for the State of Israel.
Rahamim Elazar with...
November 7, 2011:
9-Year-Old Killed By Van Ran Out Into Traffic, Cops Say
Comments: 50 | Categories:
A 9-year-old haredi boy died early today of injuries he suffered when he
was hit by a van and fell on Sunday while crossing the street to catch a
school bus. 9-year-old Monsey boy dies after being struck by van...
November 7, 2011:
Kiryas Joel Sues Neighbor
Comments: 34 | Categories:
Turf Disputes
The Village of Kiryas Joel is suing its neighbor, the Town of Woodbury to
dismantle its zoning laws, accusing Woodbury of discriminating against
hasidic Jews by not allowing dense housing in an area where the hasidic
community hopes to expand....
November 7, 2011:
Male Officers Commanding Women Soldiers In Army Is Against Torah, Rabbi Says
Comments: 32 | Categories:
MO & Chardal ,
Women & Judaism
Rabbi Dov Lior, the hardline settler rabbi who is chief rabbi of both
Hebron and Kiryat Arba, ruled Sunday that Orthodox soldiers should not take
positions in the IDF where they would need to supervise women soldiers,
because doing so...
November 6, 2011:
Haredi School Advertises "Private Rooms" Where A Teacher Can Have A Private
Meeting With A Grade School Boy
Comments: 90 | Categories:
etc. ,
A haredi heder (grade school) in Antwerp, Belgium is advertising that in
its new, state-of-the-art building each classroom has an attached "private
room" where teachers (males) can have private meetings with students – a
clear breeding ground for pedophilia. Translation...
November 6, 2011:
As Haredim Spit At Armenian Clergy And Churches, Police Begin To Crack Down
Comments: 42 | Categories:
Bigotry &
Racism ,
etc. ,
, Israel
When Narek Garabidian, a Canadian of Armenian extraction, came to Israel
to study at the Armenian Orthodox theological seminary in Jerusalem, he
never thought he would have to endure harsh insults from passersby. For the
past 18 months, Garabidian said...
November 6, 2011:
Circumcision Ban?
Comments: 32 | Categories:
Circumcision ,
Kosher Scandal
Rabbis and senior Jewish officials trying to stop a proposed ban of
circumcision. EU Jews fear anti-circumcision laws Rabbis, Jewish
organizations launch struggle aimed at thwarting initiatives to ban
religious ritual in Britain, Holland and Finland Kobi Nahshoni • Ynet...
November 14, 2011:
After Years Of Ignoring The Problem, Haredi Synagogue Bans Serial Pedophile
Comments: 141 | Categories:
etc. ,
Jerry Yechiel Brauner is a notorious Borough Park pedophile who was just
released from a psychiatric facility. One of his favored stomping grounds is
the Shomer Shabbos synagogue, a popular neighborhood minyan factory. For
years, the rabbi who runs Shomer...
November 14, 2011:
Brooklyn DA On Radio Tonight
Comments: 6 | Categories:
etc. ,
Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes will be on the radio this evening talking about
the recent rise in antisemitism in Brooklyn. This would be a good time to
ask Hynes about his office's claim to have arrested almost 90 haredi and...
November 14, 2011:
CDC Investigating Multi-State Salmonella Outbreak Linked To MealMart Chicken
Comments: 22 | Categories:
Kosher Scandal
The US Centers for Disease Control is investigating a nationwide
salmonella outbreak reported here last week which is linked to MealMart (Alle/Schreiber)
broiled chicken livers sold in 5 pound instituional packages. Investigation
Announcement: Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Heidelberg
November 14, 2011:
Grenade Attack On Kabbalist Linked To Multimillion Dollar Haredi Extortion
Comments: 40 | Categories:
etc. ,
, Israel
Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, the Sefardic “mystic” and “kabbalist” known
as a rabbi to prominent businesspeople, athletes, politicians and actors,
had a “grenade” thrown at his home in Israel Sunday after Israeli media
reported that Pinto had asked America’s Federal...
November 14, 2011:
Haredi Gang Attacks Girls, Riot Ensues
Comments: 34 | Categories:
etc. ,
, Israel
Women & Judaism
Three girls described by a haredi eyewitness as being “modestly dressed”
were attacked by a group of Sicarii, the haredi street-gang-cum-mafia which
often acts as “modesty police” and as extortionists. Haredi Gang Attacks
Girls, Riot Ensues Shmarya Rosenberg •
November 13, 2011:
Video: Neturei Karta Swastika Spurs Outrage
Comments: 104 | Categories:
, Israel
A small demonstration in Flatbush against New York State Assemblyman Dov
Hikind by Neturei Karta members caused outrage because a sign carried by
Neturei Karta had a swastika on it.
November 13, 2011:
After Pressure From The Knesset And From The Israeli Public, Women's Voices
Will Be Heard On Haredi Radio Station
Comments: 9 | Categories:
, Israel
Women & Judaism
The Israeli ultra-Orthodox radio station Kol Barama will allow women to
call in for one hour every Sunday morning, following the public battle
against women's exclusion from its programs. Even though halakha, Jewish
law, only bars women from singing in...
November 13, 2011:
Jerusalem Mayor Tell Police To Stop Haredi-Driven Exclusion Of Women From
Billboards And Bus Ads
Comments: 5 | Categories:
etc. ,
, Israel
Women & Judaism
After several weeks of outrage from women's groups and from secular and
Modern Orthodox politicians and groups, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat told the
Jerusalem District Police Commander to stop the haredi-driven exclusion of
women's images from billboards across the city,...
November 13, 2011:
Lessons For Haredim And Modern Orthodoxy From The Penn State Child Sex Abuse
Comments: 66 | Categories:
etc. ,
MO & Chardal ,
Does Penn State's long coverup of a coach's pedophilia and its board's
relatively swift response when that information became public carry specific
lessons for the Orthodox and haredi Jewish communities? If it does, are
those the lessons hareim and Orthodox...
Cock Sucking Jews Pass On Unpleasant Diseases [ 17 March 2012 ]
Cock sucking Jew kills baby
[ 18 March 2012 ]
Dangerous oral-to-genital contact, known as metzitzah b'peh, by the
mohel, ritual circumciser, during the brit milah, circumcision ceremony,
apparently transmitted herpes simplex virus Type 1 to baby, who died two
weeks later. Metzitzah b'peh would have been banned almost six years ago,
but haredim – led by Satmar and Agudath Israel of America – lobbied to stop
that ban, Satmar going so far as to demonstrate against the mayor while
wearing concentration camp uniforms and claiming the mayor – himself Jewish
– was an anti-Semite. It appears the city government tried to hide this new
death from the media, leading to the question: how many more babies have
been killed by Satmar and Agudath Israel lobbying that we don't know about?
Cock Sucking Jews With Herpes Are Dangerous
[ 19 March 2012 ]
neonatal herpes simplex virus is associated with a 40 percent survival
rate, and even with the early initiation of high-dose intravenous
acyclovir therapy, it can result in “considerable disability among
survivors.” The neonatal herpes virus can spread to the brain and central
nervous system causing encephalitis and meningitis and leading to mental
retardation, cerebral palsy. Herpes can also spread to internal organs,
such as the liver and lungs.
Cock Sucking Is Healthy Claims Jew [ 20 March 2012 ]
Agudath Israel's Executive VP Rabbi David Zwiebel explains why
Agudath Israel of America's previous support for metzitzah b'peh is not
responsible for a baby's recent death from the oral-to-genital suction health
professionals wanted to ban. Meanwhile, NYC's Mayor Michael Bloomberg explains
why MBP has to go.
Four Jews Running Leading Haredi News Site Arrested For Extortion [ 2
April 2012 ]
"This is going to be one of
the biggest extortion scandals in the history of Israel," a senior
ultra-Orthodox figure said. More arrests are expected.
Police suspect four directors of ultra-Orthodox website
of extortion
Four directors of popular Haredi website Behadrey Haredim are rumored
to have demanded huge sums for withholding damaging information.
"This is going to be one of the biggest extortion scandals in the history of
Israel," a senior ultra-Orthodox figure told Haaretz Sunday, following the
arrest of four directors of the popular Haredi website Behadrey Haredim.
Police placed a gag order forbidding publication of any details of the affair,
but revealed that more arrests are expected........
Some of the website's employees told Haaretz
they were completely taken by surprise by the arrests, but rumors circulating
in Haredi circles for the past year describe a system of extortion by the
website's directors against dozens of Haredi figures, some of whom are very
well known. According to the rumors, the directors would approach well-known
figures and demand a sum - anywhere from several thousand dollars to NIS
100,000 - in return for withholding publication of potentially damaging
information. On Sunday, the police interviewed dozens of people who revealed
various details about the website in past few years...........
The more Haredim used the Internet -
nowadays around 30 percent of Haredim do - the easier it was to spread
sensationalist stories. The Haredi community is naturally a closed community
and everyone knows everyone, so naturally the forums gained a lot of power,
especially since information of that sort was new to them. Rumors could easily
ruin families," he added.
Jews rob Jews. It is a change from Jews robbing honest folk.
The Failed Messiah explains all at
"Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." – Elie
~~~ "The seal of G-d is Truth." – Rabbi Hanina, Babylonian Talmud
Sanhedrin 64a.
I was drawn to Chabad-Lubavitch, a grouping in Orthodox Judaism, because
it seemed to be the perfect combination of social service and religious
mystery. Long before the pop-Kabbala craze made famous by Madonna,
Chabad was teaching a form of Jewish mysticism to Jews like me who had
grown up in secular homes. And it combined that mysticism with social
service. Chabad had a drug treatment facility in LA, poverty programs in
New York City and Jerusalem, underground outreach in what was then the
repressive Soviet Union – and a rabbi just around the corner from
practically every Jew in America, even those in Jews who found
themselves in Iowa, Texas and Minnesota, far away from the coastal
centers of Jewish life. Under its charismatic leader or rebbe, Chabad
focused on macro issues – for example, opposition to the Camp David
Accords between Israel and Egypt, promotion of prayer in American public
schools, and the staging of public displays of Jewish religious symbols
on government property – promoting an in-your-face, unique and
unapologetic brand of Judaism that included any Jew, no matter how
removed from Jewish life he might be, in its body politic. As a Chabad
wag is fond of saying, "All Jews are members of Chabad – some just don't
know it yet!"
My involvement in Jewish life predated my joining
Chabad. I was active on my college campus, with a national Jewish
fraternity, with an international Jewish student group, and in the
effort to rescue the small endangered Black Jewish community of
Ethiopia. It was this last involvement that would lead to my
Soon after joining, I asked Chabad to help with this rescue. I spoke
with Chabad leaders, men close to the Rebbe. Chabad would not undertake
such a mission without permission from the Rebbe, I was told. (His
immediate predecessor had been described as the "Pope" of Orthodox
Judaism.) So I
wrote the Rebbe directly. After months of waiting,
asking, and waiting again without a response, I sent
another letter, this one sent certified special delivery, to the
Rebbe in Brooklyn. In it I listed some things Chabad could do to help
the Ethiopian Jewish community. After each item, I asked a simple
question: Is Chabad doing this? If not, why not? I also asked if the
Rebbe considered these black Jews to be Jewish.
I already knew the answers to the first part of those questions.
Chabad was not doing these things. Less than 40 years after the
Holocaust, I wanted to know why.
Two months passed. The Rebbe did not answer my letter. I decided to
leave Chabad. Before doing so, I gave my contacts in the Chabad
leadership another chance to get an answer from their leader.
They returned with an answer. The Rebbe had read my letter. He
directed me to continue the work I was doing to help Jewish communities,
especially the work I was doing locally. And, if I wanted to resolve any
dispute over the Jewishness of Ethiopian Jews, I should do so through
the leading Orthodox Jewish legal authority in the United States. The
Rebbe did not feel himself competent to decide this complicated issue of
Jewish law.
The Rebbe had answered my letter but had not answered any of my
questions – and Chabad was not helping Ethiopian Jews. Still, I saw
hope. If this leading Orthodox legal authority would endorse rescue,
surely the Rebbe would order his followers to help.
So I worked on it, months later getting that endorsement. Soon after,
I took a leading Ethiopian Jew to Washington to meet with senators,
representatives and State Department officials. After successful
meetings, we decided to go to New York to meet with Jewish religious
leaders to line up support for rescue. Our first stop was
Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn where we were refused a
meeting with the Rebbe. However, the chief judge of the Chabad religious
court agreed to see us. He endorsed rescue and our efforts.
Four months later, Operation Moses, the rescue operation that saved
thousands of Jews from Sudanese refugee camps bordering Ethiopia, would
Fast forward 20 years. Chabad was still not involved with Ethiopian
Jews, but the issue did not seem so pressing after the rescues were
completed. I remained in Chabad, working at times for the organization
in America and Israel. I went to rabbinical school, studied and was
about to take the equivalent of rabbinic boards. A large Israeli-based
Chabad magazine was publishing a series of letters from the now late
Rebbe. These were private correspondence meant to answer difficult and
often intimate questions. The Chabad publication got around privacy
issues by removing the name of the correspondent. In my case, the letter
read "To Mr.___, S. Paul, MN 55116."
The letter was an answer to my letter on the rescue of Ethiopian
Jews. The original may have been lost in the mail. More likely, it was
taken by an alert aide who recognized its potential damage to Chabad and
the Rebbe's reputation. The letter is a collection of excuses. Why other
things, like American Jewish spiritual needs, are more pressing than
saving poor, starving Black Jews and therefore must come first. Fanciful
denials of Chabad involvement in Washington lobbying and Israeli
immigrant absorption – two well-publicized Chabad activities. But worse
yet was the tone, so mean, spiteful, and uncaring about the suffering of
Ethiopian Jewry.
Because the Rebbe could not bring himself to write the phrase
"Ethiopian Jews" – perhaps a good indication that he, despite rabbinic
rulings to the contrary, did not consider them to be Jews – he wrote the
phrase, "the matter that you are so concerned about." Because of this,
and because the letters the Rebbe responded to were not filed with those
responses, Chabad did not realize the true import of the letter, and
they published it.
I waited a month before responding. Then I published my letter to the
Rebbe along with the Rebbe's response on my blog started for that
purpose, Because I refused to take down the blog,
I was excommunicated. That means:
1. I can no longer be counted as part of a prayer group.
2. I cannot lead prayers or receive any religious honors.
3. I have been shunned by members at the request of the rabbis.
4. Members are urged not to do business with me or to see me
5. I cannot work in religious-related business.
6. I have completed rabbinic training but cannot sit for what is the
equivalent of my boards.
7. I have been told that there is no repair for my soul and that I
will burn eternally in hell.
I have also:
1. Been threatened.
2. Had websites hacked and destroyed.
3. Had my home address and telephone number posted on the internet.
4. Had thousands of dollars of magazine subscriptions and other
materials illegally charged to my name.
Would I do it again? Yes, I would.
UPDATE: January 2007 – I no longer have an interest
in being a rabbi. My religious beliefs have changed much since I started
this blog. For more details, please read
this. [
What I Believe ]
What I Believe
October 24, 2006
I received an email from a man I
greatly admire, although I often disagree with him.
David Klinghoffer wrote with a suggestion, which I'll paraphrase:
"Why not write a post on what you actually believe rather than simply
bitching about every rabbi in the world?" Fair enough. This post will
explain my "theology," so to speak. But there will be plenty of bitching
involved, because what I complain about has so shaped my worldview that
I cannot make my case without mentioning it.
I'm evolving. If you'd asked me three
years ago, I would have spouted rhetoric largely indistinguishable from
Avi Shafran, but with some carping about nepotism, cronyism and the
missed opportunities generated by same added in. But that was then. I've
seen enough since then to realize that my initial revulsion at the
business of the haredi world, suppressed so long ago, was well
justified. And I've seen that non-haredi Orthodoxy is no better.
I've also learned that many if not the
vast majority of "facts" presented by the likes of Aish HaTorah, Agudah
and Chabad are false, nothing more than slick, often cult-like PR.
Jewish belief is based on a mesora, on
tradition handed down from father to son, teacher to pupil, from Mount
Sinai until today. But a mesora is based on trust, on the honesty and
credibility of the fathers and teachers who pass it down.
The lies of the kiruv movement and the
lies and misbehavior of the so-called gedolim, the deification of a
false Brooklyn prophet, and all those criminal convictions, indictments,
investigations, abuse coverups and the like have real impact – they
destroy the mesora, break the links in the chain, so to speak, that once
bound us. If today's rabbis lie to us, why not Rashi? Why Not Moses?
And, indeed, if the findings of
archeology, genetics, astronomy, and so many other scientific
disciplines are to be believed – and they should be, in part because
they independently confirm each other's work – our forbearers did quite
a lot of lying. Either that, or they spoke in the language and style of
their day, using myths to teach spiritual truths, never intending those
myths to be taken as literal truth, And this, David, is what I believe.
Those myths contain some of humankind's earliest memories, often in
fragmentary form, of what came before civilization after the great ice
age ended and humans discovered agriculture, built the first cities and
began to live for the first time in groups larger than an extended
family or band. They tried to make sense of their world and to
communicate in a non-literate society important information to their
children and grandchildren in ways it would be remembered without
writing – through myth.
Our unique contribution to these early
myths was to emphasize the power of God over the powers of the demigods,
stars and other natural forces. It was to bring God into this world.
Most cultures viewed the Creator or Sky God as being too remote,
unknowable and unreachable to be dealt with – hence the pantheons of the
ancients. Jews returned God to this world where we are commanded to make
a home for him, both in our hearts and in our actions. We are also
commanded to carry this message to the nations of the world.
But we do neither, instead obsessing
over ridiculous minutia in halakha and defining ourselves down in the
process. Worse yet are the lies and corruption, the stealing and fraud,
the Abramoffs and the Lanners, the Balkanys and the Kolkos, rabbis Lau,
Amar and Metzger, Elyashiv and the seemingly endless list of other black
hatted and black garbed fools we call leaders.
So there you have it. I no longer
believe in the mesora as preached in Orthodoxy. I follow halakha for the
most part due to simple inertia. I find little religious inspiration in
Judaism. Yet I still believe in God the Creator who many billions of
years ago made room for specks of dust like us and started the process
that brought us – and brings us – into being.
Think of the words of the marvelous
Eric Bazilian song made famous by Joan Osborne:
What if God was one of us / just a
slob like one of us / just a stranger on the bus / trying to make his
way home…
God is in exile because we put Him
there. He's with those poor children as their rabbi fondles their
penises and as other rabbis lie to cover it up. He sits in the
fraudulent beit dins and in the special assemblies called to fake
non-existent lunch programs. He was there with Abramoff as he stole from
poor Indians and gave to rich Jews and He was there when rabbis looked
the other way. We, all of us, those who stole and those who lied, those
who abused and those who covered up, and those who just closed their
eyes and would not see – have turned God into a lonely old man riding a
bus, a liar, irrelevant, lost.
I can't bring God home, but I can stop
covering for and associating with those who abuse Him.
That is what I believe.