Mandela Post Mortem

Mandela was a living saint - allegedly. The truth is rather different.

Marxist Front Man Dead [ 6 December 2013 ]
Nelson Mandela
was used by Marxists to break the government of South Africa. He was selected by & other Jews of the South African Communist Party then they used the BBC to market him. The rest of the Main Stream Media joined in. Their Propaganda lines were Racism & Apartheid, disgraces to any civilized country - apart from Israel that is. One law for people; another for Zionist crazies

On the face of it South Africa is now run by blacks. Some of them, a very few have their snouts in the trough. The rest are suffering. White People are also suffering murder, robbery, rape et cetera. But that is not in the news. Meanwhile Jews are doing even better. They have the gold, the diamonds, the business. The Oppenheimer family still control De Beers. That is why Harry Oppenheimer funded the ANC. Now it is paying off big time.

While the international 'statesmen' are in to Africa to mourn Mandela's passing they will be ignoring Desmond Tutu ex Archbishop of Cape Town. Little Des didn't like Apartheid in South Africa or Israel. Little Des wouldn't keep his mouth shut. Little Des is an honest man. No state funeral for him. Not many bar mitzvahs either.

Mandela's Son In Law Beat Rape Rap The Easy Way  [ 6 December 2013 ]
The South African government refused to extradite him to Massachusetts. Perverting the course of justice is easier on your home ground. Mandela's old woman beat the kidnapping, thieving & assault raps but only on appeal. Was the fix in? Jacob Zuma knows the answer. He beat 783 fraud raps as well as the rape charges. What are the Main Stream Media saying about them? Not a lot! They are Propaganda machines.

More on THE News of the DAY  [ 6 December 2013 ]
Nelson Mandela black communist terrorist dies
“Saint” Mandela? Not So Fast! Written by William F. Jasper
Outrage as Nick Griffin calls Nelson Mandela a ‘murdering old terrorist’
Another Communist Terrorist Leader Dies: Nelson Mandela, A.M.F. by John Galt

An Honest Summary Which Omits Mention Of The Jews Operating Behind The Scenes


White Afrikaner Group Fears Genocide Upon Mandela's Death [ 8 December 2013 ]
They live there. They know the country. Are they wrong?


BBC Markets Marxist Mandela [ 10 December 2013 ]
At least they are being consistent. They were pushing Mandela from the start. Joe Slovo, a Jew of the South African Communist Party put them up to it.


Mandela Funeral Is Fun For Obama, Cameron & Some Blonde [ 11 December 2013 ]
Whose bed is she going to wind up in? Recall that Blair Screwed Murdoch's Old Woman. How else does a girl get on in a wicked world?
PS Her Indoors is not amused.


BBC Compares Mandela To Jesus Christ [ 12 December 2013 ]
The BBC was there at the beginning, marketing Mandela because the Jews running the South African Communist Party wanted him, as a tool to incite Black Hatred, to break the government while keeping Jews like the Oppenheimer in control of the gold, the diamonds. The Beeb feeds us Cultural Marxism as a prelude to Cultural Genocide. The Beeb protects its own, even if they are Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile. That's different somehow.


Mandela Funeral Sign Language Man Is A Lunatic [ 14 December 2013 ]
He beat the murder, rape, kidnapping, theft et cetera raps by claiming that he was a madman.
PS His sign language was fraudulent as well.
PPS Lunatic Admits Being Vicious


Jew Was Right About Mandela, The Terrorist Once. Now He Lies About Him Like The Rest [ 16 December 2013 ]
"John Bercow [ the Speaker of the House of Commons ] has decreed that today’s Commons sitting will be devoted to honouring Nelson Mandela, though he has not always been such a big fan." Bercow might not have known that Mandela was a tool of the Jews back then.


Mandela Media Madness Explained [ 16 December 2013 ]
"From which one may conclude that the canonization of Mandela is far more about reinforcing the elite consensus on Multiculturalism, Immigration and the general eclipse of White political power than it is about Mandela. Just as Whites ceded power in South Africa to non-Whites, Whites throughout the world should accept the moral imperative of giving up political power as their countries are inundated by non-Whites."
Our Moral standards have been perverted by the Puppet Masters whose
Subversion of Education & the Main Stream Media has been a brilliant success. The Long March Through The Institutions worked. NB the perpetrators are showing themselves to be worse than the Nazis while feeding us their sob stories about the Holocaust®.


Mandela Funeral Fraud Man Murdered By Burning Them To Death [ 17 December 2013 ]
He beat the rap by claiming he was a lunatic.


The Last Comment On Marxist Mandela - Hopefully 18 December 2013 ]

He is now firmly in the pantheon of Marxist Saints along with:-
Martin Luther King, bully, liar, fornicator & inciter of Black Hatred
Mahatma Gandhi, a Racist chancer, admirer of Adolf Hitler
Che Guevara, a  Marxist murderer.

Trayvon, the black thief who came unstuck while robbing a man. He was sold as a victim to get votes for Obama.


Mandela Mob At War Over £10 Million Loot [ 19 December 2013 ]
Ask where it is going? Ask where it came from!
PS Ask how his old woman beat the murder rap.
PPS Ask how Zuma beat 783 fraud raps.


Cameron & Some Blonde Follow Up [ 16 December 2013 ]
It turns out that the floozie is Kinnocks' old woman.

Cameron Explains All


Long Walk To Freedom - Film Review
It is grossly dishonest, it is propaganda. What else would you expect?