
Click here to take the immigration survey 
“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
In one quote Edward Snowden summed up why our privacy is worth fighting for

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Lord Acton quoted
Think e.g. of Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Merkel, Obama, Netanyahu, Strauss-Kahn
Blair Is A War Criminal On The Run

2019-12-19-1309 ex dchart@btinternet.com <dchart@btopenworld.com> Neo's Sports Club, Peyia




lincoln killer was a jew


https://forward.com/culture/217871/was-john-wilkes-booth-jewish/ possibly



https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2020/02/29/jewish-crypsis-in-american-buddhism/ crypsis - crypto - hiding

https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2009/20-february/comment/giles-fraser-why-is-the-left-so-anti-jewish says jew

Vatican II, pro jew

Buddhists for Racial Justice (BRJ), for jews



  https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=2147334142609503958&postID=417713870218678254&bpli=1  Anonymous said...

Don't try to defend any royals as european royalty represents degeneracy at its worse.
Norway's princess' boyfriend is a full blooded american negro!
Princess Angela of Lichtenstein is a full blooded negress from Panama!
Is queen Sylvia of Sweden a spic? Her children look like spics.
And so on....

would say that the son of the Royal Manager of the Stables has done pretty well for himself, even if he did decide to marry a boofer, three years older than himself, whom became a successful "actress" based upon a scene wherein she was giving a blow-job. That said - at the end of WWI the world should have come together and killed everyoen who was remotely related to the Saxe-Coburg-Goethe dynasty, throughout Europe, the UK and the rest of the world.

Also rumours that she pulled a gun on the Queen at one point.







norfolk children nausea in PE

Opoids And Jews spelling















https://commentcentral.co.uk/85447-2/ bbc scum

http://12160.info/page/hypnosis-ford?xg_source=msg_mes_network blasey career liar


http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52949.htm ron unz - good stuff

https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/2020/0115.html  5G

https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2020/02/07/jewish-reactions-to-black-anti-semitism/ perverting again


https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/12/world/asia/china-coal-power-energy-policy.html as we pull out

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Terrorism_Internet_Referral_Unit leaned on Heretical???????//



http://irishsavant.blogspot.com/2016/01/another-english-revolution.html  - Right Of Revolution




https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/31/555410/ nonsense?

https://www.counter-currents.com/2010/08/on-the-brink/ good one

https://www.unz.com/isteve/the-rape-of-russia-explained-by-anne/ - read



https://www.thejc.com/news/news-features/why-israel-owes-a-debt-to-stalin-1.448907 crossman traitor

https://www.thejc.com/comment/comment/wilson-true-friend-of-israel-1.58771 traitor






http://www.grumpyoldarchive.co.uk/adoption%204.asp baaaaaaad law






















Death by Six Million Cuts

“I am being punished for the crime of the Jew Silverstone…I was persecuted by Maxwell Mattuck, another Jew, and I am to be sentenced by Judge Julian Mack, the eminent jurist [and an NAACP board member]. Truly, I may say, ‘I am going to Jericho and fell among thieves.”-Marcus Garvey

According to Jewish New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg, “We Can Replace Them,” speaking of course about whites. Jewish columnist Emily Goldstein writes in Thought Catalog, “Yes, diversity is about getting rid of white people (and that’s a good thing).” Mass migration propagandist, Executive Director of HIAS Pennsylvania, and professor of immigration law at Philadelphia Community College Judith Bernstein-Baker is Jewish. HIAS itself is a Jewish organization that provides “aid and assistance to refugees.”[1] Dale Bernstein, mass migration activist and Women’s Refugee Committee Commissioner, is Jewish. Carol Hymowitz, senior writer at Bloomberg News and Board Member of the Women’s Refugee Commission, is Jewish. Mark Greenberg is a mass migration activist and is the head of Health and Human Services for the Migration Policy Institute. He is also Jewish. Also Jewish: the Washington Post tech policy reporter responsible for spearheading the attempted termination of the border wall GoFundMe fundraising page, Tony Romm; Miranda Kaufmann, author of Black Tudors: The Untold Story; Daniel Kibblesmith, author of a children’s book depicting Santa as a homosexual in an interracial relationship; “refugee” propagandist and “migration activist” Jesse Bernstein of the US Department of State; “migrant” activist and senior policy analyst on “immigrants’ rights” for the ACLU, Ruthie Epstein; Georgetown University professor and author of the following tweet Christine Fair: “All [entitled white men] deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”; feminists Andrea Dworkin, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Eve Ensler, Andrea Bronfman, Brenda Howard, Rosa Luxemburg, Cathy Young, Madeleine Stern, Judy Cohen, Susan Sontag, Rachel Adler, Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf, Helen Cohen, and Gloria Allred; Bradley Burston, author of the column “Memo From California to Trump and His Nazis: We Will Replace You”; pro-mass Third World immigration “journalist” Tina Rosenberg; immigration lawyer and anti-travel ban agitator Josh Goldstein; Emmanuel Celler, architect of the catastrophic Hart-Celler Act (also known as the Immigration Act) of 1965; George Soros, open borders advocate and financier; open borders advocate and “academic” Philip N. Cohen; serial anti-white Tim Wise; “academic,” mass migration activist, and Anthropologist Action Network for Immigrants and Refugees member Deanna Barenboim; pro-mass migration activist, “academic,” and author Naomi Zucker; “If you hate the migrants in Calais, you hate yourself” columnist Nick Cohen; Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen; SPLC board members Pam Horowitz, Bennett Grau, Jocelyn Benson, Marsha Levick, Howard Mandell, Lida Orzeck, Elden Rosenthal, Ellen Sudow, and Board Emeritus member Joseph J. Levin, Jr.; Ruth Silverberg, “academic” and head of an underground network for illegal aliens in the United States; Advisory Board of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Hedy Weinberg; border wall obstructionist Chuck Schumer; Director of the St. Louis Regional Immigration and Innovation Initiative, Betsy Cohen; Mark Schultz, author of the sentiment, “Jews win by sticking together against divided Gentiles. Jews love persecution. It justifies offense and reinforced the need for strength in numbers to divide and conquer Gentiles (non-Jews)”; immigration lawyer and mass migration activist Lee Cohen; author of Inventing the Immigration Problem and member of the American Immigration Council, Katherine Benton-Cohen; “race traitor” Noel Ignatiev; neo-liberal economist Paul Krugman; the aforementioned neocons; American Immigration Lawyers Association member and leading member of the team to strike down Donald Trump’s proposed travel ban, Susan J. Cohen; open borders and anti-gun, pro-degeneracy financier Michael Bloomberg; Statue of Liberty sonneteer and mass immigration activist Emma Lazarus; gay rights activist Harvey Milk; “cultural anthropologist” Franz Boas; “academic” Judy Finkel, whose work explores, “white racial identity as a barrier to understanding diversity”; senior fundraiser for the International Rescue Committee, Daniel J. Cohn; head of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Mark Hetfield; Commissioner of the Women’s Refugee Committee, Sheppie Abramowitz; Paideia founding director and “multi-cultural advocate” Barbara Lerner Spectre; Jewish chauvinist and lawyer Alan Dershowitz; “academic” Jennifer Roth-Gordon, an “expert” on “racial malleability” and “the centrality of whiteness”; Frank Furedi, whose work centers on the idea that “whiteness is a nonsense category”; Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; anti-white agitator and financier of anti-white blacks-only schools and colleges, Julius Rosenwald; lawyer and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, primarily responsible for stripping Donald Sterling of his Los Angeles Clippers franchise for saying naughty words illegally taped by his mistress; Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Zionist Horace Kallen; Rules for Radicals author and activist Saul Alinsky; Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel; Ben Wattenberg, originator of the idea of America as a “proposition nation”; Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan; “activist” Batya Ungar-Sargon; Salon columnist Terry Schwadron responsible for the piece “Trump’s Defenders at Justice are Hopelessly Conflicted”; Paul Warburg, architect of the Federal Reserve; Magnus Hirschfeld, notorious “sexologist” and inventor of the word “racism”; Hans Goldberg, immigration lawyer and pedophilia activist; and Joel and Arthur Spingarn, former presidents of the NAACP and “one of the few white Americans who decided in the 1900s decade to support the radical demands for racial justice being voiced by W.E.B. DuBois,” per Wikipedia, along with Henry Moscowitz, Arnie Aronson, Kivie Kaplan, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Herschel, Herbert Lehman, Herbert Seligmann, Arthur Sachs, Felix Frankfurter, Marvin Rich, Stanley Levison, Will Maslow, Jacob Billikopf, Rabbi David Saperstein, Abraham Lefkowitz, Edwin and George Seligman, Felix Adler, Theodore Bikel, and Alan Gartner. Over 90% of the civil rights lawyers in Mississippi during the so-called “Civil Rights Era” were Jews. The Jewish Arnold Aronson founded the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. The main author of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was Jewish assistant attorney general Norbert A. Schlei (he also wrote the Voting Rights Act of 1965). Jewish Senator Jacob Javits was prominent in support of the Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler’s Immigration Act.[2] Oh, and don’t forget nine of the ten communist revolutionaries in 1918 Germany, a huge contingent of Weimar Republic figures, and the majority of Soviet Bolshevik Revolutionary leaders and Cheka members. What conspiracy!? As Andrew Joyce writes:

Apparently you can get millions from Jewish billionaires, pass through several perfectly stable nations, get assistance from NGOs along the way, have your journey documented by a media wholly in your favor, and still turn up at the border of a Western nation claiming “asylum.”

To quote Kevin MacDonald, “Try finding one Jewish organization [in the West] that opposes immigration…you can’t.” 80% of Jews in the United States vote Democrat, yet only 8% of Jews in Israel identify as “liberal.” Jews are perfectly content to push for multi-culturalism in Western societies, but abhor the idea for their ethno-religious apartheid state. Not only that, but Israel was conceived of and implemented through deception, and since its “independence” it has actively pursued an aggressively expansionist policy. If and when things get too bad in the West, the Jews can always take off, kiss the dirt and become citizens through their “right of return,” and stay nice and cozy behind their big wall. In the meantime, their rampant persecution complex serves as a powerful tool to manipulate whites. The following is an illustrative quote from the Jewish Ricky Marcuse:

Jewish oppression is real; it affects the life of every Jew. As a people and as individuals Jews have been the targets of systematic mistreatment and of anti-Jewish attitudes. … Every Jew has and is entitled to have a unique (self-defined) relationship to Jewish traditions, Jewish cultures, Jewish religious practices, Jewish history, and to the state of Israel.

So for those keeping score at home, Europeans and European-derived peoples, however, may not have such a relationship with their respective cultures. Indeed, many so-called “intellectuals” have gone so far as to proclaim that “whiteness” itself—and white culture by extension—does not exist! How, then, does one reconcile the omnipresence of “white supremacy” if “whiteness” itself is little more than a theoretical proposition? Consider George Lipsitz’s The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics (2006), in which the author offers “an unflinching look at white supremacy…whiteness is a structured advantage that produced unfair gains and unearned rewards for whites while imposing impediments to asset accumulation, employment, housing, and health care for members of aggrieved racial groups.” But wait, according to the Times of Israel, a mere 165 Jews worldwide together possess $812 billion! Isn’t that something, Mr. Lipsitz? To quote Joe Sobran:

The general public has become accustomed to judging everything from a Jewish point of view. This is most striking — to me, anyway — in the constant harping on World War II, which has long since ceased revolving around Pearl Harbor and Japan and now centers obsessively on the “Holocaust” — a word never used during the war itself. We are taught that it is good that the United States won, because Hitler was destroyed. In fact, the real victor was Stalin, who quickly took ten Christian countries under Communist rule; but since Communism enjoyed a good deal of Jewish support and most of its victims were Christians, its role in the war is barely acknowledged. Even Jewish anti-Communists (of whom there are now many) say next to nothing about the savage Communist persecution of Christians. In contrast to the endless hunt for old Nazis, there has been no campaign to find and punish aging Communist criminals, or to exact reparations for the cruelty and suffering they inflicted. Until recently, Jews passionately supported (and, to a large extent, controlled) the “civil rights movement,” which was really a socialist campaign to extend the power of centralized government over private individuals and institutions.[3]

This is absolutely correct, and the Jews have continued to make legal inroads to silencing any and all criticism of the Jews themselves or their Apartheid state of Israel, but it is only one side of the Jewish coin. As for the other, Sobran continues:

The Jews (by and large) feel that criticism of them means persecution, and they are quick to paint swastikas on their critics. Given their inordinate power in the media, this means that the general public hears very little criticism of them, even when they deserve it. It amounts to private censorship. Jewish power inhibits free speech even when the press is absolutely free from government control. Of course the Jews are only exercising their rights as property owners when they bar their critics from their networks and newspapers, but the result is still a severe curtailment of full public discussion. The news media not only inform, but “disinform” the public by suppressing both facts themselves and comment on those facts.[4]

Sobran presaged today’s social media censorship protected by the fact that it is immensely beneficial for the “elite” and by the asinine libertarian refusal to interfere in the affairs of a “private company,” which is effectively out-sourced censorship. Much as both the Democrat and Republican Parties in the United States receive extensive funding from Jewish donors, both the public and private sectors find themselves in thrall to Jewish interests. It’s a millennia-old tactic employed by the Jews in order to wring concessions from their host populations and seize and entrench themselves in positions of power and influence (usually behind the scenes), and though there are of course Jews who are fiercely patriotic and loyal to this country, they will always be a minority in their own group. From the opioid crisis to mass immigration, from the erosion of civil liberties to endless foreign interventions, trace the issue back and you’ll inevitably find a Jew behind it.


MONDAY MORNING - 2020-02-17 10.00 Registration and 1st Session: 17th February 2020 10.00am -12.00pm camera club - Neo's Sports Club, Peyia

Hi Everyone.

I have pleasure in informing you of  new photographic group.You will need to be member of the P3A to join us, simply go on-line P3A and click "join-us" and a application document is available.


This Group will provide P3A members the opportunity to expand their photography skills and mature into an intermediate/advanced level of photography by meeting regularly in a mutually supportive environment.

By way of programmes which will include lectures, seminars and workshops combined with unique hands-on practical sessions and field trips, the Group Leaders aim to enhance the photographic skills and knowledge of members who now want to progress beyond the basics.

Members will, of course, need to possess a Digital Camera and a have desire to progress through the sharing of images via our own exhibitions and photographic competitions. We will enhance the use of mobile devices and expand your knowledge to improve those skills,will included those and other devices in our planned programme.

Participation in meetings and events, together with a personal aspiration to make a positive difference to your photographic skills, is a prerequisite of this Group.

We propose to invite guest speakers from time-to-time thereby providing the opportunity to learn from specialists in their particular field of work featuring many aspects of photography.

Leader introductions:

David C Hart: Executive Group Leader

A one-time professional photographer, now keen amateur, David trained as a professional with the emphasis towards weddings, studio and industrial assignments. He worked with an appointed Royal Photographer and assisted at many prestigious events. Attended Northampton College of Art.

He possesses strong management skills, he became a Sales Trainer during his working career and achieved success at senior management working for a major German company.

Chris Scorer: Group Leader

Chris has a strong competitive edge and particularly in photography. He is a knowledgeable photographer and has enjoyed a measure of success and won awards with his photographic images over the past 5 years.

Chris has presented various photographic skill sessions over the last few years and along with Tom Brown he currently heads up the P3A Photography Group (Basics) which has been very successful to-date.

Tom Brown: Assistant Group Leader

Tom will inspire you to take better photographs. He is an excellent tutor who is well skilled in imparting his vast knowledge and practical experience to others. Tom will build your confidence to help you achieve your desires by coaching in both a theoretical and practical way to enrich and enhance your known skills.Through engagement, participation and interactions with all the Group Members, Tom will create a platform to develop your passion for photography.

Registration and 1st Session: 17th February 2020 10.00am -12.00pm

Kind Regards



Hi Everyone.

I have pleasure in informing you of  new photographic group.You will need to be member of the P3A to join us, simply go on-line P3A and click "join-us" and a application document is available.


This Group will provide P3A members the opportunity to expand their photography skills and mature into an intermediate/advanced level of photography by meeting regularly in a mutually supportive environment.

By way of programmes which will include lectures, seminars and workshops combined with unique hands-on practical sessions and field trips, the Group Leaders aim to enhance the photographic skills and knowledge of members who now want to progress beyond the basics.

Members will, of course, need to possess a Digital Camera and a have desire to progress through the sharing of images via our own exhibitions and photographic competitions. We will enhance the use of mobile devices and expand your knowledge to improve those skills,will included those and other devices in our planned programme.

Participation in meetings and events, together with a personal aspiration to make a positive difference to your photographic skills, is a prerequisite of this Group.

We propose to invite guest speakers from time-to-time thereby providing the opportunity to learn from specialists in their particular field of work featuring many aspects of photography.

Leader introductions:

David C Hart: Executive Group Leader

A one-time professional photographer, now keen amateur, David trained as a professional with the emphasis towards weddings, studio and industrial assignments. He worked with an appointed Royal Photographer and assisted at many prestigious events. Attended Northampton College of Art.

He possesses strong management skills, he became a Sales Trainer during his working career and achieved success at senior management working for a major German company.

Chris Scorer: Group Leader

Chris has a strong competitive edge and particularly in photography. He is a knowledgeable photographer and has enjoyed a measure of success and won awards with his photographic images over the past 5 years.

Chris has presented various photographic skill sessions over the last few years and along with Tom Brown he currently heads up the P3A Photography Group (Basics) which has been very successful to-date.

Tom Brown: Assistant Group Leader

Tom will inspire you to take better photographs. He is an excellent tutor who is well skilled in imparting his vast knowledge and practical experience to others. Tom will build your confidence to help you achieve your desires by coaching in both a theoretical and practical way to enrich and enhance your known skills.Through engagement, participation and interactions with all the Group Members, Tom will create a platform to develop your passion for photography.

Registration and 1st Session: 17th February 2020 10.00am -12.00pm

Kind Regards












Suspected Police Arrest Suspected Murderer Who Killed Suspected Burglar In Suspected Malicious Prosecution   [ 5 April 2018 ]
Two thieves break in. 78 year old householder kills one attacker. Police turn nasty. It's another chance to run a Malicious Prosecution. They did the same to Tony Martin and got away with it by suppressing the fact that the perpetrators were Gypsies. The Daily Mail is blocking comments to suppress truth about public indignation. Will a Jury be fool enough to convict? I seriously doubt it. Jury Nullification will be the route to go down. NB This nasty abuse of power is a reminder to make sure that you know about Resistance to Interrogation, especially Professor Duane's talk In Praise Of The Fifth Amendment Right Not To Be A Witness Against Yourself.


Career Crook Killed By Pensioner 'Didn't Deserve To Die', Say Family   [ 6 April 2018 ]
They are liars as well as thieves, heartless thieves who specialise in robbing oldies, stealing hundreds of thousands. The Daily Mail is delighted to show us pictures of the dead thief, showing us that he was an Englishman but they are keeping quiet about the fact that the other thief is black.


12 April 2018

Gypsies Turn Nastier After Losing One Thief Dead   [ 12 April 2018 ]
Vincent, 37, a career criminal, entered the home of 78-year-old Richard Osborn-Brooks and his wife in the early hours of last Wednesday. His accomplice, who remains on the run, went upstairs. 

Vincent, who was carrying a screwdriver, died after a struggle with Mr Osborn-Brooks, who was first arrested and then released without charge.

Since the, Vincent’s family, who describe themselses [ sic ] as Gypsies,  have been engaged in a standoff with local householders. As each tribute is removed, they have returned to replace it.............

Then, as the news cameras rolled, local resident Iain Gordon ripped the flowers off, jumped on them, mocked the teddy and poured scorn on the poor grammar of heartfelt cards.
These "travellers" choose to claim that they are Gypsies. The Telegraph chooses to pretend that it knows better. It seems that Gypsies originated from India and inflicted themselves on Western Civilization. Takes the point that Gypsies,  Tramps & Thieves have been vicious parasites ever since - just like the blacks imported by Her Majesty's Government & Treason. See e.g. the next couple.


Gypsy Criminal Killed During Robbery - Two More Go To Prison [ 29 April 2018 ]


Gypsy Thief Buys Farm At A Gross Undervaluation  [ 2 May 2018 ]
Was it done by Extortion? Probably. It is their modus operandi, how they make a living, as protection racketeers, operating against oldies but they do burglaries as well. His son came unstuck when burgling a house in Hither Green. All broke up about that one? Me neither. NB The Mail censored its readers' comments. It does not trust them and, happy to say vice versa. They are not stupid enough to believe what the Mail writes.


Gypsy Criminals Attack People At Funeral Of Gypsy Thief Killed While Burgling  [ 4 May 2018 ]


Gypsy Thieves Attack Journos At Funeral [ 5 May 2018 ]
They lost one dead but stole a farm.





Hamish de Bretton-Gordon



Hitler's Economic Miracle


White Privilege ex Wiki

Panama Papers

Other Sources - Fred's Recommendations
Newspapers can assume that their subscribers can at least read but, intelligence being pyramidal in distribution, have to focus of the lower end.........

By contrast, web sites have few of these problems........ Collectively you might call them “a free press.”

There are for example Taki’s Magazine, leaning hard to the political Right but thoughtful, beautifully written, fearless, and possessed of a beguiling aristocratic snottiness; the Unz Review, leaning hard in all directions at once but written by and for a cognitive elite; Anti-War.com, not sucking up to military industry; Tom Dispatch, extraordinarily informed analyst of imperial policy; Counterpunch, hard Left but highly intelligent, and the Drudge Report, half grocery-store tabloid and half unintimidatable teller-like-it-is, sort of America’s thermometer.



1 June 2015 


Gold Price:-


Oil price:-



23 November 2014  

Charity And Crime



Oil price:-





Gold Price:-


Oil price:-


More at 2014 and News This Month

Homosexuals are odd, strange, peculiar, queer, deviates, perverts and all too often Paedophiles. You doubt? See   Homosexual Today, Paedophile Tomorrow


http://jewishwhistleblower.blogspot.com/ archives from December 2004 until July 2005  

http://abusiverebbes.blogspot.com/ archives from May 2006 until July 2006

http://jewishsurvivors.blogspot.com/ archives from January 2005 until January 2009

http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/ archives from November 2006 to the present day [ i.e. March 2012 ]

http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/ is off line. Operated from 2001 until 2011. It seems to have used anonymous reports, which are dubious evidence.


New Labour



Plaid Cymru

Permanent Revolution
Common Purpose
Jews and Black Slaving

Long list of Jewish Child Molester Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual paedophiles are undisturbed.


Updated  on Sunday, 01 March 2020 12:31:17