We did not start the slave trade in Africa. It was thriving long before we got near the place. Buying them from blacks and exporting them to somewhere nicer in America was major trading. Jews were heavily involved even if they did not have de facto monopolies. See The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews on the point. That was written by the Research Department of the Nation of Islam a black organisation.
Blacks in America owe us not vice versa. Meanwhile Africa run by blacks is reverting to its natural state of anarchy, slavery, corruption, idleness and death. Alex Kurtagić, who wrote this article reads as fair minded. His reference are genuine. Then there is a modern report from Americans who went into Liberia. They got out alive too; an impressive achievement. Liberia has gotten to the bottom end of Third World. It is not pretty. Propaganda that markets Western Guilt is fraudulent. Comment comes from Dindu Nuffins Murdered By Racist Ferguson Cops - NB Dindu nuffin decodes as Didn't do nothing - not guilty -you are blaming me because I am black. See e.g. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dindu
White Girl Bleed a Lot
tells us about the very ugly reality of black hate, black attack, black murder. It is Racism in action with the benefit of determined Main Stream Media silence - until they market Western Guilt. The same theme is covered again by Colin Flaherty in The Knockout Game.
ROGUES' GALLERY - http://roguesgallery666.blogspot.com/2011/11/tiniest-fraction-of-those-first-and.html
See The Rogues' Gallery, look at the colour of the perpetrators, imported from the Third World by our wonderful government. Then ask your MP why they are doing it to us. NB There are more of them at:-
http://roguesgallery666.blogspot.com/2011/11/rogues-gallery_16.html & http://roguesgallery666.blogspot.com/2011/11/blog-post_15.html
PS How much more proof do you want? There is plenty of it there.
The Black Man's Guilt - http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2011/05/the-black-man's-guilt/
In varying measures, modern Western education, films, and television programmes, not to mention Black activist organisations and academics, burden White folk with guilt for their ancestors’ alleged involvement with slavery. For obvious reasons, this is particularly the case in the United States. The accepted popular notion among far too many is that the White man enslaved the Black man; that all Whites did it or were and are still complicit; that all Whites grew rich off the scarred backs of African slaves; and that the descendants of White slave masters today have a moral responsibility to atone and compensate for their historical evils.When one looks more deeply into the matter, however, one finds that the opposite is the case.
Perhaps an extreme example is shown in the history of the French colony of Saint-Domingue, now known as Haiti, once considered the jewel of the Antilles, which until the revolutionary upheavals that led to its independence in 1804 was the most prosperous European colony in the New World.
There is no denying that the economy of Saint-Domingue was founded on slavery: at its peak, its huge plantations, once capable of producing millions upon millions of tonnes of sugar, cotton, and indigo, relied on close to half a million slaves, who laboured for some 30,000 white planters. There is no denying either that, given this vast demographic disproportion, the society of Saint-Domingue, like all societies where there were slaves, was founded on, and indeed necessitated, fear, lest the all-powerful ruling ethnic group lose its authority over its chattels; and that such conditions allowed ignorant and cruel masters in Saint-Domingue to commit abuses, which for the above reason were not adequately censured, despite successive legislation introduced by the home government in France in an effort to deter the worst excess, ensure a minimum of care, and regulate a masters’ behaviour towards his slaves. (See Lothrop Stoddard. The French Revolution in San Domingo; Shamley Green: The Palingenesis Project, 2011).
Yet it must not be forgotten that it was the Whites who also created the conditions for, and indeed legislated and enforced, emancipation; that it was the Whites who decreed that all men are equal under law; that it was the Whites who turned against themselves in the effort to create an egalitarian society and abolish the evil practice of slavery; and that, had it not been for the revolutionary activism of White idealists in Europe, it is quite possible that the Black slaves of Saint-Domingue would have remained slaves. Conditions in the island may have provided fertile soil, but the uprisings of the Blacks and of mulattoes after 1789 were ultimately the result of European, Jacobin propaganda.
And it must not be forgotten either, that once the Blacks attained independence from their former White masters, they immediately enslaved each other again, and in a much harsher and brutal manner than the Whites had ever done. This was the case even with the mildest and most able of the revolutionary leaders, Toussaint L'Ouverture, who, as a free man of colour in pre-revolutionary Saint-Domingue, already used about a dozen slaves to work a rented farm. This was certainly the case with Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the monster who ordered the extermination of all the remaining Whites in the island after independence, before proclaiming himself ‘Emperor’ of Haiti. And this was also the case with another founding father of the Black republic, Henri Christophe (the self-styled ‘Emperor Henri I’), builder of the Citadel, or fortified castle in the Haitian mountains. Hesketh Hesketh-Prichard in Where Black Rules White (1900) tells the story of how this terrible monument to his pharaoh-like vanity was built:Neither sex nor age was spared; the royal works had to be carried on in spite of exhaustion or death. Whips of cow skin, mercilessly applied by the officers in command, drew forth almost incredible reserves of energy. The mortality was frightful, but Christophe had the whole of the populous north to draw upon, and he used up human lives unsparingly.
It took a whole regiment a whole day to drag up a 32-pounder. On another occasion the Emperor watched a long line of a hundred men hauling a cannon upwards to its mountain resting-place. Now and then they paused in their labour, and these frequent stoppages annoyed Christophe; he sent to ask the why and wherefore. The labourers returned for answer that the gun was over much for the strength of a hundred men, and prayed that another hundred men might be provided to help them.
Christophe ordered them before him and talked softly with them, and at length told them to fall in and number off. He then directed every fourth man to fall out, and, calling up his guards, had them shot. When it was over, he informed the remaining seventy-five that he was but half-way through his lunch, and he would consider it a favour if they would run the gun up into place before he had finished.
The diminished band went back to work, but by the time Christophe’s meal was over the cannon had made but little progress up the mountain side. When he arrived on the scene the seventy-five bore witness with one voice that the thing he required was, for so small a number, impossible.
Christophe laughed. “So it seems,” he said, “but I have a remedy. Fall in.”
They fell in, and numbered off as before.
“Every third man fall out. Guards, shoot these men.”
The volley had scarcely died away and the last limb ceased to quiver, when Christophe gave his ultimatum.
“Now,” he said to the frightened residue, “I will require every second man to fall out next time. The gun was too heavy for a hundred men, surely fifty will find it light.”
The reason for this is simple: slavery was an anomaly for Whites, but not so for Blacks.
In The French Revolution in San Domingo, Lothrop Stoddard shows quite conclusively that a White society founded on a slave economy was profoundly dysfunctional. At the same time, history shows that slavery was an ancient and very common practice in Africa, particularly West Africa, the source of all the Blacks in Saint-Domingue up until the last few years before the Revolution.
In many African societies, including Ghana, Mali, Segou, Songhai, Senegambia, the Ashanti, the Yoruba, the Kanem, about a third of the population were slaves. The proportion rose to half among the Duala of the Cameron, the Igbo, the Kongo, the Kasanje kingdom, and the Chokwe of Angola, as well as in Sierra Leone; and was even higher in places like Zanzibar.In West Africa in the XVIIIth century, at the peak of the slave trade, slaves were captured in raiding expeditions into the interior of the region; the raids were always carried out by African kingdoms against weaker ethnic groups, tribes, and peoples. Among the former were the Yoruba, the Kong Empire, the Kingdoms of Benin, of Fouta Djallon, of Fouta Tooro, of Koya, of Khasso, of Kaabu, and of Dahomey (see here, here, here, and here), whose religion, vodoun, later formed the basis for Haïtian Vaudoux. Europeans seldom ventured into the interior of Africa for fear of disease and native resistance. Indeed, missionary explorer David Livingstone, travelling in the 1850s, was one of the first Westerners to explore the interior of central and Southern Africa, and to cross it from Angola to Mozambique, something the Portuguese had attempted repeatedly without success.
The motivation for bringing slaves into the New World was economic: plantations were labour-intensive, and both the tropical climate and the hard life made it difficult to attract European labourers. Those who made the Atlantic crossing to places like Saint-Domingue soon became planters themselves, while the Indian population, ill treated by the earliest European colonists, was in rapid decline. Apparently, indentureships failed to satisfy demand.
Slaves in Africa came from two main sources. One half came from military conquests by African kingdoms of other
states or tribes; the other half came from within the enslaving societies themselves—criminals, psychopaths, heretics, the indebted, and those who had fallen out of favour with the rulers. The Khasso and Dahomey kingdoms and the Bamana Empire were heavily dependent on slavery for their economy; the Kingdom of Dahomey (now known as Benin) grew rich on the profits from the sale of slaves to Europeans. Furthermore, a family’s status being a function of the number slaves it owned, wars were launched for the sole purpose of taking captives. War was already endemic in Africa before the time of the transatlantic slave trade, but the economically driven pursuit of slaves subsequently added impetus to the violence.So ingrained was slavery in West African society that King Ghezo of Dahomey was moved to say in the 1840s: ‘The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and glory of their wealth . . . the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery . . .’ And when the British parliament abolished the slave trade in 1807, the king of Bonny (in modern Nigeria) was moved to exclaim, horrified: ‘We think this trade must go on. That is the verdict of our oracle and the priests. They say that your country, however great, can never stop a trade ordained by God himself.’ [ The Wiki says he was a good bloke, liked by his own who captured slaves, profited thereby then cut taxes; a lesson for Brown and light fingered rogues - Editor ].
Many of the slaves sold in markets along the West coast of Africa to the Atlantic slave trade were war captives. African kings sold their captives to European slave traders for goods such as cookware, rum, livestock, and seed grain.
It is common among those who favour environmentalist explanations of human behaviour to attribute social dysfunction to poverty, stemming, in the case of coloured citizens, from historical injustices resulting from the transatlantic slave trade. And there is in all likelihood some truth to this. Yet at best it is not a total explanation, and at worst it is willfully disingenuous, for it takes into account only the circumstances in the West after the Black man’s arrival, but not those in Africa prior to the advent of the Black man in the West. Considered against the latter, as defined by the nature and character of pre-colonial African societies, the post-independent decline in Haiti’s fortunes, and that of other former European colonies in West Africa, is not at all surprising. It is, in fact, to be expected as the process of returning to normality, however abnormal this normality may look to our Western eyes.
The accounts of Christian explorers who ventured into Africa during the XIXth century, including H. F. Flynn, David Livingstone, Francis Galton, Paul Belloni du Chaillu, Samuel White Baker, and Georg August Schweinfurth, provide impressions with which we can evaluate the original societies of the slaves in Saint-Domingue—societies of the African interior uninfluenced by Arab culture. The work of these explorers, trusted for their accuracy and reliability in reporting, was summarised by John Baker in his book Race, in 1974. J. Philippe Rushton reviews Baker’s work in Race, Evolution, and Behavior:
As J. R. Baker . . . describes it, the impression gained is of a poor level of civilization, including naked or near naked appearance, sometimes broken by an amulet or ornament rather than a covering of the genital area; self-mutilation as in filing down the teeth and piercing the ears and lips to admit large ornaments; [ This habit is alive and well now in 2011 - see African Infantry Man Of The Year - Some Pointers For Libya - Editor ]
[ Ex Africa semper aliquid nova - Always something new out of Africa - Ed. ] poorly developed toilet and sanitary habits; one-story dwellings of simple construction; villages rarely reaching 6 or 7 thousand inhabitants or being interconnected by roadways; no invention of the wheel for pottery or grinding corn or vehicular transport; no written script or recording of historical events; no use of money; no invention of a numbering system, or of a calendar.Some explorers were struck by the absence of administration or code of law. Examples were told of chiefs despotically killing at will for minor breaches of etiquette or even for pleasure . . . . When witchcraft was suspected, hundreds might be slaughtered often with grotesque forms of execution. When slavery was practiced, slave owners were at liberty to kill their slaves. In some cases cannibalism was practiced. Nowhere did there appear to exist any formal religion with sanctified traditions, beliefs about the origin of the word, or ethical codes with sentiments of mercy.
The explorers found Africans to be of low intelligence with few words to express abstract thoughts and little interest in intellectual matters. Speke wrote that the Negro thinks only for the moment and prefers to spend the day as lazily as possible. Livingstone wrote that the tribes lacked foresight, thinking it futile to plant date seeds in full knowledge that he would never see fruit . . .
Whenever a bright individual did arise, as in one story told to Livingstone about a man who built an irrigation system in his garden to help cultivate potatoes, the idea typically died with its creator . . . The explorers tended to see the hybrid groups as being more intelligent and the darker more Negroid groups as less intelligent . . . However, some tribes were notably accomplished in pottery, iron forging, wood art, and musical instrumentation.
Accordingly, save in Senegal, the post-colonial history of West Africa, as of that Haiti in the XXth and XXIst centuries, is one of brutal and capricious dictators, coup d’états, violence, economic mismanagement, crumbling infrastructure, social unrest, and declining living standards. In Congo, slavery and cannibalism is still practiced, the eaters being the Bantu and the victims the pygmies, whose flesh is deemed to confer magical powers. If the decline has not been even more rapid in some places, it has been due to Western intervention in the form of aid, reconstruction, and financing from the IMF [ which is run by a Jew Charged With Raping Hotel Maid ] and the World Bank [ was run by a war mongering Jew - Paul Wolfowitz 2005–2007 ] —although such intervention, far from fixing the underlying problem, has only delayed the necessary outcome (complete de-Westernisation) and meanwhile exacerbated the misery to ever-growing millions of people who would otherwise not exist.
A balanced view of the history, therefore, indicates that Whites in the West can hardly be held responsible for the woes of Blacks today, either in the West or in Black-run societies. On the contrary, in all cases, Blacks have derived immense benefits from the White man. The latter provided a lucrative market for the Blacks that the stronger Blacks enslaved; furnished better living conditions for the slaves than they would have enjoyed in Africa; improved on those conditions by emancipating those slaves; gave them access to citizenship, jobs, and education; and even gave them advantages over and above the Whites themselves through policies like affirmative action and anti-racist legislation. This far exceeds any benefit that a tiny minority of Whites may have derived from slavery at one point in the distant past—especially if we factor in the economic burden that Blacks have imposed on Whites by virtue of increased violence and criminality, destruction of property, economic assistance, and restrictions to civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and assembly.
If Black activists and academics are going to blame Whites for misery in Africa and a troubled existence in America, citing slavery and colonialism as the causes, and if they are going to demand restitution on that basis, then it is fair to judge Blacks according to culturally European criteria, for the rejection of slavery on moral grounds is a European idea, product of a European worldview and sensibility, which they—even if insincerely and for self-serving tactical reasons—have chosen to adopt. After all, Blacks in the Americas have not opted to return to Africa, and either by migrating to the West or by demanding aid and access to Western markets Blacks in Africa have opted for a Western-style industrial society, not a return to pre-colonial conditions. (I would rather they did the later, but never mind.)
From this perspective, then, I say it is Black activists and academics who ought to shoulder the burden of historical responsibility, for it is their ancestors who did the enslaving—and their ancestors who persisted even after having been slaves themselves.
What is more, where Europeans conquered and enslaved in Africa, such as in Congo, they did no different than Africans had already been doing to each other since time immemorial. The only difference is that conquest was followed by infrastructure and development and, in sum, to the construction of an European-style society, which was later handed over to them, and the like of which Africans now do not want to do without.
They owe us more than we owe them.
Of course, this is not to say that the history of European colonialism is without stain: by relying on slaves, the colonial enterprise maximised short-term profits at the expense of the entire future of the White race; it created dysfunctional societies in all of the colonies; and through its efforts to redress inequities, and its failure to thoroughly dismantle the legacy of the colonial system, created the conditions for White racial extinction, both in the former colonies and in traditional White homelands. The latter also set an impossible standard for the Blacks who were left with the West’s futuristic and peculiar legacy.
But if we are going to talk about responsibility for past evils, then restitution ought to be directed inwards, not outwards, from Whites to Whites and from Blacks to Blacks, and much more so in the case of the former than of the latter, for the damage was in all cases self-inflicted, and it was in any event the Whites who set themselves on course to extinction.
Propaganda or correction of malicious lies? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
PS Some of the comments are interesting e.g. there is reference to the NEGRO from Volume V19, Page 349 of the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica. See under:-
and it is not fair to judge of his mental capacity by tests taken directly from the environment of the white man, as for instance tests in mental arithmetic; skill in reckoning is necessary to the white race, and it has cultivated this faculty; but it is not necessary to the negro. On the other hand negroes far surpass white men in acuteness of vision, hearing, sense of direction and topography . A native who has once visited a particular locality will rarely fail to recognize it again . For the rest, the mental constitution of the negro is very similar to that of a child, normally good-natured and cheerful, but subject to sudden fits of emotion and passion during which he is capable of performing acts of singular atrocity, impressionable, vain, but often exhibiting in the capacity of servant a dog-like fidelity which has stood the supreme test.
This reads as fair comment.
White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It
Is a book by Colin Flaherty telling us that blacks in American high schools are full of hatred directed against white children. The Wikipedia's tells us nothing about the book but more about public responses in the media. They divide on party lines. The honest say he is right. The Main Stream Media allege that he is wrong. Thomas Sowell, a black author agrees with Colin. So does Fred, the eminent author who walked away from the media and runs his own popular website. See e.g. Plinking Cops or, better yet “White Girl Bleed a Lot” The Raging Success of American Racial Policy - Fred On Everything
Police Kill Third World Drug Dealer - Family Whine About It [ 6 January 2017 ]
He could always have gone back to Turkey, the Hellhole he came from. They made the world a better place on this occasion. The Mail's readers are pretty relaxed about it.
Black Arrested For Murder Of White Woman [ 17 August 2019 ]
This is real news.
Black Rapist Killed During Robbery [ 20 August 2019 ]
The Caribbean island hotel worker who was killed by a Connecticut businessman after he allegedly tried to rob the family at knife point in their hotel room had drugs and alcohol in his system when he died. Toxicology reports show that Kenny Mitchel, the hotel employee at the Malliouhana resort in Anguilla, tested positive for cocaine, marijuana and other drugs...........The report also revealed the 27-year-old father-of-one had a blood alcohol level of .181, which is more than double the legal limit in the US and UK.
It's also been revealed that just a month before his April 13 death, Mitchel was arrested and charged with raping his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child Emily Garlick. The case was pending at the time of his death but Garlick, who moved from the UK to Anguilla, told the New York Times that the incident was a 'misunderstanding'................
This comes as his accused killer Gavin Scott Hapgood is expected to return to the island this Thursday to face manslaughter charges.
He had to kill the black barehanded. The Armed Citizen is a better citizen.
Black Robber Murdered 91 Year Old White Woman [ 20 August 2019 ]
He got off with 25 years. Was the judge a friend of his?
Vicious Black Thug Attacked Woman [ 21 August 2019 ]
A thug who repeatedly punched a woman in the head before dragging her along the pavement by her hair in a sickening attack assault has been jailed for more than two years. Promising footballer Andrew Akingbaje, 24, was branded 'dangerous to women' at Inner London Crown Court after admitting the attack on 21-year-old Krystal Mission outside a south London nightclub in the early hours of New Year's Day 2019.Thither brutal assault was caught on camera and footage showed shocked revellers watching on as the former footballer rained down punches on Miss Mission before fleeing the scene.
Another black, another thug, another Nigerian. A different Akingbaje was kicked out of teaching for lying about being sacked last time - see Akingbaje Decision. West Africans are keen liars. The Mail is censoring comments in case people tell the truth.
Blacks Riot In Paris Using Different Thug As An Excuse [ 16 June 2020 ]
Police fought running battles with anti-racism campaigners in Paris today after thousands turned up for a banned march, as Black Lives Matter protests grip Europe.Tear gas and baton charges were used by police as they came under attack around the Place de la Republique, one of the French capital’s most famous protest squares.
Protests [ allegedly ] paying tribute to George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died during an arrest on May 25, have been seen across Europe today including in Prague, Czech Republic, Lausanne, Switzerland and Breda, the Netherlands.
A vast crowd had hoped to march in memory of Adama Traoré in Paris, a 24-year-old black [ alleged ] Frenchman of Malian origin who died police custody in July 2016.
Family and friends said he died of asphyxiation, in the manner of George Floyd, the American said to have been murdered by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last month.
But Didier Lallement, the Paris police prefect, pledged that the French demonstration would not go ahead because of Coronavirus restrictions on public demonstrations.
If the police kill a few more there will less to make trouble. Of course the black isn't French but he was almost certainly a criminal parasite of one sort or another.
Blacks Cause Car Crash Then Stab The Other Driver In London [ 21 August 2020 ]
Horrifying video footage appears to show the moment a man is stabbed in the street following a car crash. Police closed off Gale Street in Dagenham, east London, after they were called to the scene at around 6pm on Monday night.Reports say two cars collided that evening and a man in one of the vehicles was then stabbed. Mobile phone footage, which is believed to be related to the incident, shows two men in an altercation as the woman filming says, 'What the f***, he's stabbing him!' The men then clear the scene, and shortly after a man in a balaclava is seen approaching the crashed white car with what appears to be a knife in his hand.
He seems to slash the vehicle's tyres as another man then approaches and kicks the car before the clip ends.
The Mail tells us about the benefits of Multiculturalism and blocks comments to prevent people articulating the truth. And Boris Johnson is importing more blacks with malice aforethought.
Black Thugs Attack Bus Driver In Paris [ 27 August 2020 ]
Shocking video has captured the moment a French bus driver was dragged to the ground by his hair before being beaten up near Paris. Footage captured in Seine-Saint-Denis, a poor suburb of the French capital, on Tuesday shows the driver being pulled over twice and kicked in the stomach. It comes after driver Philippe Monguillot was beaten to death by a group of passengers after he confronted them for not wearing masks in the city of Bayonne.
You can see why the French are keen on exporting the swine to England. Why does Boris Johnson help them? Because he is a Traitor, one more of the Enemy Within who are building up the Trojan Horses in Rotherham etc. He is just like Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, May with their Legitimising Ideology driven by hate.
PS Notice that the Mail is censoring comments in case people say what they think about blacks.
Black Thug Tries To Rape A Woman In Front Of A New York Audience [ 31 August 2020 ]
New York City man who was caught on camera allegedly attempting to rape a 25-year-old woman on an Upper East Side subway platform has been arrested, authorities said.Detectives with the 23rd Precinct took Jose Reyes, a Bronx resident, into custody on Sunday at 12:29pm at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and East 105th Street in East Harlem. He has been charged with attempted rape, assault and harassment.
Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said during a press conference that police used the NYPD's facial recognition program to identify Reyes.
The program matched an image of Reyes' face to a previous mugshot he acquired earlier this year from a criminal mischief arrest.
Harrison also said that three tips reported to the NYPD's Crime Stoppers hotline helped locate Reyes.
Yes, he's black. The Mail skates over that detail but does show pictures. Yes, the perpetrator has got previous.
PS A couple of hostile comments blame Donald Trump.
Vicious Black Thug Bailed Out By Charity Funded By Biden's Staffer Breaks A Man's Skull [ 7 September 2020 ]
TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Militant Leftist Attempts to Kill Conservative Activist After Memorial for Trump Supporter Murdered By Portland Antifa (VIDEOS)Timms was rearrested in August and faces one felony count of third-degree assault — causing substantial bodily harm, after he repeatedly kicked a man in the head. The victim suffered a traumatic brain injury, a fractured skull and brain bleed all because Kamala Harris and Biden’s staffers helped bail Timms out of jail.
Minnesota CBS reported:
A 32-year-old Minneapolis man, who was bailed out of jail by the Minnesota Freedom Fund in July after an alleged assault, is accused in another assault that left the victim with a traumatic brain injury. According to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office, Lionel Timms faces one felony count of third-degree assault — causing substantial bodily harm — in connection to the Aug. 14 incident.
The morning of the incident, Timms allegedly punched and kicked a victim in an alley located on the 300 block of Hennepin Avenue East. Witnesses reported seeing the victim being kicked while on the ground. Timms was arrested in the early afternoon after the report of a suspicious person, the complaint said.
The victim is being treated at Hennepin Healthcare for a traumatic brain injury, a fractured skull and a brain bleed. The victim also needed stitches.
The Minnesota Freedom Fund said Timms’ violent assault against an innocent man is the government’s fault.
The prosecution is going easy on the thug because he is black. Vox makes excuses.
Black Murderer Killed Two Others [ 2 October 2020 ]
An assassin who crept into a family home and shot dead a mother-of-nine and her sleeping nephew in a botched revenge hit has been jailed for at least 40 years. Obina Ezeoke, 28, was convicted of double murder following an unprecedented five successive trials at the Old Bailey.He executed student Bervil Kalikaka-Ekofo, 21, and his aunt Annie Ekofo, 53, after sneaking in through the unlocked door of their apartment in East Finchley, North London, in September 2016.
Another vicious black parasite imported by Her Majesty's Government and by Treason. Notice the Congolese Mother of Nine has produced more worthless rubbish to live off the dole when they are not in prison. Hanging is the right answer for them.
Black 11 Year Old Steals School Bus [ 13 October 2020 ]
He led the police on a 13 mile "high speed" chase - a rather unusual bus. The Mail is concealing the fact of his colour. That's the Mail for you.
Black Thug Thumps Policewoman [ 10 December 2020 ]
These graphic photos show a female police officer's horrific facial injuries after she was attacked during a stop-and-search of a 16-year-old boy. The young officer, who has not been named but is in her 20s, needing facial surgery after she was assaulted while handcuffing the boy. The thug, who was considerably bigger than the officer, punched her in the nose after she tried to restrain him during the stop-and-search in Ashby, Leicestershire, on September 12.Leicestershire Police released shocking pictures of the officer with blood on her face and a deep gash on her nose after the teenage admitted wounding. The boy, of Swadlincote, Derbyshire, appeared at Leicester Magistrates' Court on Monday and will be sentenced on January 11 next year.
The court heard the officer needed three months off work following the assault and still struggles to breathe properly through her nose.
The Mail doesn't admit that the attacker is black; evidence that he is. Or he might be brown. At all events he is vicious. She shouldn't have been doing a man's job but she got a three month holiday out of it.
Washington DC Tries Haitian Law Approach [ 20 December 2020 ]
If your streets are getting overrun with violent crime it's fair to say that Haiti wouldn't be the first place you'd look to for a solution, that benighted country being the poster child for violence and corruption. Then again maybe such an unconventional source could provide some unconventional thinking, some out of left field solution to the apparently insoluble. Enter Karl Anthony Racine, the Haitian Attorney general of the District of Columbia. And not just DC, he's also the President of the National Association Of Attorneys General, where he intends to "focus on hate and extremism".So what's his innovative solution (and it is innovative, we must give him that) to the pandemic of violent crime which certain DC neighbourhoods (can't imagine what they all have in common) are forced to 'endure'? His idea is to appoint Violence Interrupters whose job is to “engage with the community to learn about brewing conflicts and resolve them peaceably before they erupt in violence. Violence interrupters also identify and treat individuals at high risk of involvement with violence by meeting with them and implementing individualized risk reduction plans. They also help connect participants with needed services, such as housing, counseling and employment assistance, and develop action plans for a positive future.” And apparently they'll "mobilize communities to change norms by engaging residents, local businesses, community leaders and faith leaders to work with high-risk individuals to reduce violence".
So where would they source these Gandhi-like paragons? Would they be graduates of Harvard's Conflict Resolution program? And if so would they be carefully vetted for the delicate skills required such as emotional intelligence, empathy, impartiality, honesty, level-headedness, sublime negotiation skills and a squeaky-clean track record?As you could imagine with a Haitian imposing law and order these qualifications were somewhat relaxed. They were certainly relaxed for Corey Wynn who was not only employed but made supervisor over a team of six other Violence Interrupters. Unfortunately neither Corey nor the overall violence interruption project have worked out too well with murders skyrocketing since the project rolled out. And Corey himself, despite being described by Racine as "a dedicated respected professional, a loving father, a devoted friend, and a pillar of the community,” far from interrupting the violence actually got in on the act himself by gunning down some unfortunate citizen early this month. He's now locked up and charged with murder.
Racine might have thought him to be a model citizen - and maybe by Haitian standards he is - but Wynn in fact, even prior to his latest lapse had a long rap sheet serving ten years for, inter alia, murder and pushing crack cocaine. Not the kind of person who'd instantly spring to mind were I asked to identify the ideal Violence Interrupter.
Well we might laugh at and mock such bizarre antics. But in reality the laugh is on us, Americans in this instance. When an escapee from the worst country in the Western Hemisphere is given responsibility for law and order in your capital city and then appoints drug-dealing murderers as agents of law enforcement while you work your butts off to pay for it then indeed the laugh is on you.
But just wait till Joe and the Ho' get installed......
Washington translates into black government, black crime, black failure. You doubt it? Have we all forgotten the Washington Sniper? The Mainstream Media certainly hope so.
Fury After Woke Orchestra Which Has Received More Than £1M Of Public Money Refused To Play The National Anthem After The Queen Died Because It 'Symbolizes The 'Racist' British Empire' - Despite Its Director And Founder Previously Receiving A CBE [ 11 October 2022 ]
An orchestra which has received more than £1 million of public money refused to play the National Anthem after the Queen died because it said it symbolises the ‘racist’ British Empire.The Chineke! Orchestra performed at the Lucerne Festival in Switzerland during the mourning period, but founder and artistic director Chi-chi Nwanoku banned the playing of God Save The King. The move has been criticised by MPs and musical figures, who point out that Ms Nwanoku has accepted honours including a CBE.
All take, no give. Gratitude? You're joking. If you want loyalty get a dog. NB the headline is verbatim.
Black Robber Killed In Louisiana After Doing 20 Years For Armed Robbery [ 11 January 2023 ]
A Louisiana mom shot a man dead after he broke into her house while she was home with her two young children Sunday, police said. The suspect, Robert Rheams, allegedly broke into the home on Klein Road in Tangipahoa Parish, armed with a shovel and lug wrench in the early hours, the local sheriff’s office said.Rheams, 51, and the woman got into a physical scuffle after she found him inside her home. During the struggle, she fatally shot him around 5 a.m., according to Chief Jimmy Travis.
The home intruder, who was out on parole after serving two decades in prison for armed robbery, was pronounced dead at the scene......
Investigators said he was also the suspect in a carjacking hours before he broke into the family’s home. There have been no arrests and Travis said it appears that the woman was “exercising her Second Amendment rights to protect herself and her children from a violent home invasion.”
He couldn't or wouldn't learn in twenty years. He won't try it again. One comment was:- I love stories with happy endings. More of this and you will see a drastic reduction in crime.
Diversity Hire Is A Black Bully And Sacked [ 14 February 2023 ]
A coroner who bullied staff and lost sensitive documents about murder of a schoolgirl on a train has been sacked. Chinyere Inyama [ Nigerian? Zulu? ] was dismissed from his position after an investigation was carried out into claims he misled the Chief Coroner.The controversial coroner has been the centre of several scandals since he was appointed in 2013, including in 2014 when he left a sensitive police document about the murder of 14-year-old Alice Gross on a train.
Alice was abducted and murdered by builder Arnis Zalkalns in Ealing and Mr Inyama was appointed to investigate her death. Following the loss of the 30-page file, which happened a month after Alice's body was found in a canal, Mr Inyama was removed from the investigation and inquest [ but not the country sad to say - Editor ].
He got the job because he was black, a typical Diversity Hire. It is why it took repeated malpractice to get rid of him. NB He was grossly overpaid. The Mail is censoring comments because he is black.
Black Criminal Killed Friend Using A Submachine Gun [ 14 February 2023 ]
A gunman accidentally shot his friend with a submachine gun while sitting in a car then dumped his body by the roadside - in a scene similar to cult movie Pulp Fiction.Chiragh Chiragh, 39, gunned down Mohamed Muhyidin, 28, as he sat in the front passenger seat of a car parked outside a flat in High Street, Harlington, west London in the early hours of Halloween morning in 2021.................
Chiragh and Muhyidin, along with another man - Mohammed Shakeel who had a fake firearm - and a 17-year-old boy all went to the flat the previous evening, where an argument broke out.
These Third World aliens were imported by Her Majesty's Government with Malice Aforethought; it was Treason; it is Genocide, it is Government Policy.
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever;
if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike
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Updated on Monday, 03 April 2023 10:36:37