White Flight

White flight is a sensible move, away from blacks, away from crime, from noise, from alien undesirables. Unfortunately strategic withdrawal seems likely to be permanent. California is a write off. Hispanics breed. Hispanics vote - for dole money, for freebies, for tax levied on the productive, the Europeans rather than the freeloaders. It is happening in South Africa, England & France. The Guardian, the flag ship of the left even tells us that Ethnic middle classes are joining 'white flight'. Compare White flight ex Wikipedia with White Flight ex Metapedia then decide which is nearer the truth.

White Flight ex Metapedia
White flight is a term for the migration of European peoples away from areas suffering from the adverse effects of rising non-European populations. The phenomenon was first named in the United States where European Americans found that the only way they could insulate themselves from the crime and general disorder caused by an influx of (primarily) Negros and Mestizos into an area was to simply uproot and move to a new area. Additionally, there is a natural human desire to live among one's own kind (see Belonging (race)). Among European Americans who are not racially aware, a primary motivation is the associated drop in property values.

White flight is caused by laws that hamper the fulfillment by European populations of their natural desire to live among other civilized Europeans. The most noticable example to the average European-descended person are laws that prevent racial discrimination in the housing market. Such laws ensure that, wherever Europeans flee to, there is no guarantee that their new neighborhoods will not soon be colonized by hostile non-European ethnic groups. The people who suffer most because of the necessity of white flight are those whites that cannot flee because they lack the resources to do so. These are mostly retired persons and the working poor trying to raise a family and they are forced to sit helplessly as their neighborhoods transform from a European community to a colony of Mexico, Africa or the Middle East.

In the United States large scale White flight may have started with the mechanization of agriculture which caused many Blacks to move from southern rural districts to inner city areas. This was accompanied by a White migration to the suburbs. The patterns were strongest during the 1940s and the following decades. Studies have suggested that the White flight was caused by increased concentration of of racial minorities and the poor, increased crime, and fiscal mismanagement. In some cases those who migrated lived in all-White enclaves with little contact with the Blacks in their immediate neighborhoods. These people may have been worried by changes in local politics caused by the changed electorate in the cities. During the 1960s and 1970s desegregation was another reason for leaving. Improved transportation due to road building and the automobile also contributed. A study from 2010 found that each immigrated Black caused an emigration of 2.7 Whites.[1]

Different mathematical models have been proposed to explain the patterns of racial/ethnic residential segregation and White flight. The "checkerboard model" is a spatial model which suggests that if there exists only modest average preferences for living with the own race/ethnicity, then this will in the end cause almost complete residential segregation – a "checkerboard" geographic pattern. "The tipping model" is a temporal model which suggests that if a disliked group in an area grows beyond a "tipping point", then this causes a relatively quick chain reaction which causes almost all of the other group to leave the area. Those most strongly objecting leave first but this then makes the situation more difficult for those remaining who therefore also leave after a while. It has been argued that the models can be combined.[2]

White flight is not limited to America and, indeed, is seen in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and anywhere else that European peoples are forced by law to allow hostile non-European populations to settle among them. The United Kingdom may have the largest-scale example of white flight. British law favoring hostile non-British ethnic groups is so acrimonious to the native population, that native born Britons are migrating out of the United Kingdom at a high rate. As of 2007, Britain's largest foreign visa consultancy firm released figures stating that as many as 4,000 Britons per week were applying for foreign visas. Most of those seeking to migrate out of their ancestral homeland are skilled laborers and white-collar professionals who are just getting started in life and the primary reason cited is the crime and chaos wrought by unbridled immigration.[3]

The term has also been applied to the large scale migrations of European people from Africa. In 1962 one million Whites ("Pied-Noirs") left Algeria after independence. After the independence of Angola and Mozambique 95% of the Whites in both countries left. Kenya become independent in 1963. By the end of the decade more than half the original White population of sixty thousand had left. The White population in Zimbabwe have dropped from 296,000 in 1975 to 30,000 in 2010.[4]

About 800,000 out of an earlier total population of 4 millions Whites had left South Africa since 1995 according to one report from 2009. The primary driver was fear of crime. Other causes included attacks against White farmers, affirmative action programs, mismanagement of the energy sector which has caused rolling brownouts, and worries about corruption and autocratic political tendencies. Also many people from other racial groups were expressing a desire to leave. Since many of those who leave are highly educated this has caused shortages of skilled personal and fear of long-term consequences.
Want the truth? Try the Metapedia or, at least use it to check the Wiki.


White flight ex Wikipedia
White flight is a term that originated in the United States, starting in the mid-20th century, and applied to the large-scale migration of whites of various European ancestries from racially mixed urban regions to more racially homogeneous suburban or exurban regions. It was first seen as originating from fear and anxiety about increasing minority populations[citation needed]; but in recent times has reflected the growing racial violence and employment segregation against whites in both schools and local neighborhoods. The term has more recently been applied to other migrations by whites, from older, inner suburbs to rural areas, as well as from the US Northeast and Midwest to the milder climate in Southeast and Southwest, but this is a change from its original cause and meaning.

The term has also been used for large scale post-colonial emigration of whites from Africa,[4][5][6][7][8] driven by levels of violent crime and other reasons.[9]

Following World War II, there was pent-up housing demand in the US, and widespread suburban development took place. In addition, some working-class and middle-class white families felt pressure from increases in minority populations and overcrowding in cities.[citation needed] They moved out to the suburbs, aided by GI loans for purchase, federally subsidized highway construction, and other facilities that made commuting to work easier.[citation needed]

In the 1970s, attempts to achieve effective desegregation by means of forced busing in some areas led to more families' moving out of former areas.[10][11] Migration of middle-class white populations was observed during the 1950s and 1960s out of cities such as Detroit and Cleveland, although racial segregation of public schools had ended there long before the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education. More generally, some historians suggest that white flight occurred in response to population pressures, both from the large migration of blacks from the rural South to northern cities in the Great Migration and the waves of new immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.[12] However, some historians have challenged the phrase "white flight" as a misnomer whose use should be reconsidered. In her study of Chicago's West Side during the post-war era, historian Amanda Seligman argues that the phrase misleadingly suggests that whites immediately departed when blacks moved into the neighborhood, when in fact, many whites defended their space with violence, intimidation, or legal tactics.[13]]

The business practices of redlining, mortgage discrimination, and racially restrictive covenants contributed to the overcrowding and physical deterioration of areas where minorities chose to congregate. Such conditions are considered to have contributed to the out-migration of other populations. The limited facilities for banking and insurance, due to a perceived lack of profitability, and other social services, and extra fees meant to hedge against perceived profit issues increased their cost to residents in predominantly non-white suburbs and city neighborhoods.[14][15] According to the environmental geographer Laura Pulido, the historical processes of suburbanization and urban decentralization contribute to contemporary environmental racism.
The Wikipedia is being moderately honest about minorities, which is say largely blacks and Hispanics.


 White flight is a fact of British life - Telegraph
George Walden explains the three sides in the immigration debate: the racists, the old Left, and the new realists - as typified by Trevor Phillips.  


Bernie Sanders And White Flight  [ 1 January 2018 ]
The almost Democrats' presidential candidate, and of course Marxist; he is a Jew to boot but not stupid enough to live in New York where he was born. He knows too much about the place. Being among the muddied oafs, the peasant masses, all too often Third World infiltrators or Blacks was not for him. Representing the people without getting too close was his idea. This is not a criticism of his taste. Another 1.9 million people left for somewhere, anywhere nicer. That is White Flight & Democracy in action, don't you love it?


White Flight Leads To Black Flight  [ 17 September 2022 ]
Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, didn’t have running water last week. Fortunately, water pressure has now been restored, but the unhappy residents are still being instructed to boil their tap water.

The Washington Post explains that the reason 82.5 percent black Jackson can’t keep its water running is…white people. Specifically, white people who aren’t around anymore:

White then Black residents abandoned Jackson, propelling its water crisis..............

The city’s decline since then has prompted better-off Black residents to escape Jackson’s failing infrastructure, not just water but also roads and schools.

As the middle class, white and black, flees, the remaining residents of Jackson are increasingly made up of the dregs of society. The city appears to have had the worst homicide rate of any of the 200 biggest cities in 2021, at 90 killings per 100,000 people, twice as bad as Detroit.
Chicago has 483 homicide victims this year. 372 were black, 74 brown, with a mere 22 white. Over three out four are black. Are they vicious, argumentative, trying to get rich from Narcotics? Pass.