Who are they? Patriotic Englishmen? If only.
Roy Hattersley
Betrayed England and the honest working man of his own party. He married a Jew [ probability > 95% ]
Jared O'Mara ex Wiki
Insolent plebian swine with a foul mouth, which pretty much explains why Labour wanted him. Panders to Comrade Corbyn. See what Guido has to say about the $£%£ at Jared O’Mara.
Tony Benn, a KGB spy? No, he was far too dangerous for us says Oleg Gordievsky
Oleg Gordievsky CMG, lately a colonel of the KGB says:-
To his followers, he was a political giant who kept the red flag flying to the end. To his detractors, he was the most dangerous man in parliament, who sought to turn Britain into an outpost of the Eastern Bloc and in the process almost destroyed the Labour Party.And to the KGB, he was major threat to the stability of Cold War Europe and too “stupid” to be recruited as an agent.........
Yet, in an interview with The Telegraph, Gordievsky reveals for the first time how Benn was quietly shunned by diplomats as a potential source and his views expunged from spies’ briefings to Moscow after they concluded his observations were nothing more than “left-wing fairytales”.
Oleg is rather a sound sort of chap.
Her Majesty's Prime Minister, gross spendthrift, communist apparatchik and enemy of England.
Charles Clarke ex Wikie
The son of Civil Service Permanent Secretary Sir Richard Clarke, Charles Clarke was born in London. He attended the fee-paying Highgate School where he was ..."
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_ClarkeThe son of Civil Service Permanent Secretary Sir Richard Clarke, Charles Clarke was born in London. He attended the fee-paying Highgate School where he was Head Boy. He then read Mathematics and Economics at King's College, Cambridge, where he also served as the President of the Cambridge Students' Union. A member of the Broad Left faction, he went on to become President of the National Union of Students from 1975 to 1977. Clarke was widely opposed by the moderate element of the Broad Left, and was contrasted (unfavourably) with his more consensus-oriented predecessor John Randall. Proponents of his election spoke, however, of his considerable political savvy.
Yvette Cooper
Another ghastly apparatchik who which side her bread is buttered on, which is why she panders to Zionist crazies; claiming inter alia that David Duke should not be allowed to have Free Speech because he accuses Jews of organizing white genocide and Zionists of conducting ethnic cleansing. See Jews Attack Free Speech & Truth. Hiding behind people to conceal their corruption is SOP [ standard operating procedure ].
Jew, crook and politician.
MPs Sexually Abusing Young Researchers - Allegedly [ 4 December 2016 ]
John Mann, the loud mouthed thuggish rogue making this claim has a career pandering to Jews, especially Zionist crazies. He kept very quiet about 'Lord' Janner but then Janner was not just a Paedophile pervert; he was Jew & Zionist crazy marketing the Holocaust® Racket. What did Mann say about the President of Israel when he was got seven years for rape? Not lot.
David Miliband
Jew, liar, communist subversive, grandson of a Jewish traitor and in the heart of Her Majesty's Government where he can do the most damage.
Pakistani Politician Says Rape Is All Right If Her Sort Did It [ 7 November 2017 ]
It seems that Naz Shah is also a fan of Comrade Corbyn.
PS Here she is fingered by another Third World infiltrator, Anish Patel albeit one who is not rocking the boat just yet.
Tulip Siddique (Hampstead and Kilburn) - crooked
Bangla Deshi on the make. Panders to Jews, pretends to be a socialist but married a Cambridge wallah, an Englishman to boot.
Emily Thornberry Claims That She Does Not Loathe The Down Trodden Peasant Masses Or The Honest Working Man [ 28 September 2017 ]
Labour's Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry was so poor as a child that her 'cats had to be put down,' she has revealed [ said/alleged/claimed/implied/stated - delete to taste ].The Islington South and Finsbury MP, who serves on the front line of Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet, made the shocking claim in a new interview.
The 57-year-old politician is the daughter of teacher Sallie Thornberry and international lawyer Cedric Thornberry, who went to become Assistant-Secretary-General of the United Nations................
Miss Thornberry landed her party in trouble by tweeting a message that appeared to [ and did ] mock working-class voters in 2014.
Thornberry is a fat, arrogant, ugly lump of lard who was given a safe seat in Parliament because her face fits. The Labour Party hierarchy has nothing to do with or for the honest Working Classes.
Black Criminal Stays Out Of Prison After GBH Threats [ 5 November 2021 ]
Claudia Webbe has been sentenced to ten weeks in custody, which will be suspended for two years. She has also been handed 200 hours of community service and ordered to pay £1000 in compensation, plus £120 in court costs. Webbe was found guilty of harassment last month, after threatening to throw acid over a friend of her partner.Reacting to the news, a senior Tory source tells Guido:
“Webbe is the seventh Labour MP to be handed a jail sentence, suspended or otherwise, in the past 10 years. We had Illsley, Chaytor, Devine, McShane and Morley thieving; Onasanya perverting the course of justice and now Webbe harassing members of the public. Everything from fingers in the till to acid in the face. It’s hardly surprising that they’re so strongly against the police and sentencing bill. Thankfully we are building thousands of new prison places.”
Guido’s mole also tells him Webbe’s barrister argued that she’s broke, and can only pay a maximum of £100 a month towards her compensation costs. Presumably Claudia’s hoping the judge is unaware that MPs’ salaries are public knowledge.
UPDATE I: Labour have confirmed that Webbe has finally been expelled from the party. She was told she’d be booted after the guilty verdict came through last month and was given 14 days to appeal – she didn’t. Now she’s gone.
UPDATE II: Webbe has released a statement:
“I am very disappointed by the decision of the magistrate and want to strongly reiterate that I am innocent. I am lodging an appeal and despite today’s sentence I fully expect the appeal to be granted and that, ultimately, it will be successful.”
Another Black, another Diversity Hire, Hire, another ungrateful cow, claiming that she isn't guilty.
Labour MP, Emily Thornberry Would Never Date Anyone With No Jab [ 18 February 2022 ]
Fancy waking up next to that in the morning? Not me for starters. She has other views too, whence Labour Apparatchik Misses Zionist Event For Mass Murderer's Funeral. NB The Mail is censoring comments in case people are too unkind. You think this is bad? Skip the next one.
Eric Joyce MP
Joyce was a private soldier in the Black Watch then commissioned into the Royal Army Educational Corps. He resigned instead of being kicked out for writings published by the Fabian Society. As an MP he abused the expenses racket, claiming £174,811 in one year. He is a drunken thug who attacked Tory MPs. There were other fights. He is also a convicted Paedophile but stayed out of prison. Julie Burchill, a journalist put the boot in - see The Silence Of The Hacks. He was also too involved with a 17 year old girl - see Military-History -Eric Joyce.
Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 15/01/2023 12:08