Marr is a thoroughly unpleasant, supercilious oaf, fornicator, hypocrite & racist, an anti-English racist of course; one of the Triad Of Evil to boot. Here he proves it.
Poor? Stupid? Racist? Then don't listen to a pampered white liberal like me?
By Andrew Marr
Sunday February 28, 1999
Guardian Unlimited
Trying to concentrate on the post-Lawrence inquiry newspapers last week, I found it almost impossible to read. The pages blurred. The words swam. I rang an oculist. She held me down and dug under my right eyelid with a huge pair of pliers. Then this enormous object was thumped down on the plastic tray beside me… long, brown, slightly smeared with blood. 'What's that?' I asked nervously. 'It's a beam, mate,' she said. 'Bloody great beam in your eye. No wonder you couldn't see much.' Now then… back to the subject of motes.The working-class white ghettos, from where the intense and violent expressions of racism come, are grim, ugly and far from the experience of most Observer readers or writers. The anger and self-pity that poor whites there feel has objective, truthful origins. These people have been bypassed, excluded from growing national wealth. They are 'left behind' in areas where the schools are awful and for many men the choice is unemployment or crime or (portfolio lifestyle?) a bit of both.
These people are likely to be utterly unmoved by anything the elite liberal establishment has to say about Stephen Lawrence or racism. They don't listen. They don't care. The collective breast-beating - I originally mistyped it 'beast-beating', which is maybe better - from Tony Blair, Jack Straw, the Guardian, The Observer, the Independent, Channel 4 News, Newsnight, and yes, Sir Paul Condon and his well-schooled spokesmen will change not a single mind in the relevant parts of south-east London, or anywhere else.
Why not? Because: 'It's all right for you,' say the white underclass. And it is all right for us - very much so.
Establishment liberals have it every way. When was the last time a white newspaper editor, a barrister or a white Minister felt his job was threatened by black or Asian rivals? When we talked about this at an Observer meeting, not a black face was visible. Actually, that's not quite true. There was one black guy who passed. He was pushing the coffee-trolley.
How many middle-class liberals send their kids to inner-city London comprehensives? (All right, a few. But not me, that's for sure.) And the moral weakness of the liberal establishment extends also to its enthusiasm for having a go at the police for being incompetent, racist, corrupt. All true enough. But how many Observer readers would dream, for a moment, of encouraging their children to join the police? Oh no, not us.
We expect the police to do a pretty nasty job, for not very much money. As a result, we get tough young men and women, not the best-educated people in the country. Then we say: 'Oh, gosh, they're a bit thuggish. Not very well-spoken. And, my, they do seem a little prejudiced.' We protest to one another, in fits of the vapours, about their awfulness, their racism, their incompetence, their… their… working-classness, perhaps? Now every black, and everyone with black friends, knows that the police treat blacks differently, and worse. But we will not advance a jot in better race-relations until we recognise that most of the white liberal establishment is ignored by most of the poor white and black perpetrators and victims of violent racism, and most ordinary police, for entirely understandable reasons.
The Establishment would like to see racism as something perverse, a kind of unreasonable wickedness that appears in badly-educated people. But this painless, convenient explanation can only come from people who don't really bother to look at, or listen to, their fellow citizens. In fact, racism is natural and at its worst wherever there is serious poverty. Across parts of urban Britain, different poor tribes, Anglo-Saxon, Caribbean black, Bangladeshi, have succumbed to the easiest explanation to hand that their plight is not to do with complex economic changes, still less their own lack of initiative, but all the fault of another, rival tribe, without whose baleful influence life would be just grand.
Years ago, I came across a furious attack by a writer called James Murphy, in Glasgow's Herald newspaper, in which he accused Scottish intellectuals of 'cruelly deceiving the unemployed and the homeless, the lost and the lonely, by offering them a single, all-weather explanation for their plight - England'. This Murphy's Law has an almost universal application. We'd be OK, if it wasn't for the blacks. Or the Jews. Or the English, the Kurds, the Papists, the Poles, the bastard Greeks, the effing Trojans.
Sometimes the difference is racial, sometimes it's religious or linguistic. Sometimes it's that one lot happened to come from the shaggy side of the valley, the other lot from the smooth side. Thanks to the luck of history and a certain accrued political wisdom from immigration, Britain is less racist than most countries. Yet the thugs, listening to the complaints of Mum and Gran about how things used to be better, are deploying an ignorant but natural threatened-tribe instinct the same thought-patterns as the young men in the Serbian defence force or the Hutu militias.
It's nasty and it's natural which is why I am, on the whole, against too much nature. 'Natural harmony', accurately investigated, means a bloody and unstable cycle of massacre and extermination. Though human experience happens inside nature, human progress also depends on surmounting it. The tools by which we do so include politics and taxation, as well as science and art. But it needs a whole nation to move, not simply pious exasperation directed at the lower orders. I think the silent, sullen 'complete ignoral' which greets establishment outrage about the Lawrence case is caused by too much 'natural instinct' on the part of impoverished, retreating communities, and too little political and economic sacrifice by the middle classes and the establishment itself.
Some people may feel it is downright offensive to focus at all on whites in the aftermath of the Lawrence inquiry. I can't see how things will ever improve unless we face the fact that, although life is worst in Britain for young blacks, it is pretty hellish for certain cut-off and economically abandoned white tribes too. Their self-pity may be smaller in scale than the grievance of black people, but it is, as it were, similarly shaped.
What then can be done? (Apart, of course, from widespread and vigorous miscegenation, which is the best answer, but perhaps tricky to arrange as public policy.) First, we need to raise still more taxes to help regenerate inner-city ghettos and to employ more young people, white and black. Tony Blair spoke very well on Wednesday, and Jack Straw has driven this process through with grim vigour. But this is a Gordon Brown issue too.
The next answer was given by Doreen Lawrence, welcoming the report's emphasis on education: 'I truly believe in education our history, our background, is what separates us.' But, though teachers are the most effective anti-racist campaigners in the country, this means more than education in other religions it means a form of political education. Only people who understand the economic forces changing their world, threatening them but also creating new opportunities, have a chance of being immune to the old tribal chants.
And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off. The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.
So it should - but not merely on the police, or the boys with spray-paint cans. Perhaps the big difference between working-class racism and middle-class racism is not that the former is more violent, but that the latter is more effective. The middle classes have sacrificed almost nothing to multi-racial pieties - often no more than smiling at the shopkeeper, inviting a black colleague for a drink or being pleased when your child knows as much about Diwali as Easter. That's the beam in our eyes -hypocritical abuse of the poor by people unwilling to pay higher taxes or review their own organisations and lives. We need a rethink in all big British institutions - venerable, liberal, conservative, commercial, public and educational - as they seriously ask themselves how eagerly porous they are to black people. Yes: employment quotas, publicly published numbers of ethnic-minority employees in annual reports. All that. They do it in America and South Africa. Until we start doing it here, why should anyone on the streets listen to a word, a single word, that the comfortable people have to say?
An arrogant left swine, don't you think? But one telling the truth about his prejudices knowing that he is going to get away with them.
The Treason Of England's Left [ 21 October 2015 ]
Emily Thornberry is back. This rich Marxist lawyer is perfect for the modern Labour Party because she despises the White working-class. Unfortunately, she made this obvious in public last year, so Ed Miliband, then Labour leader, was forced to sack her from his shadow cabinet. Now Jeremy Corbyn, the radical new Labour leader, has welcomed her back as shadow minister for employment. He doesn’t care about her contempt for Labour’s traditional supporters, because he shares it. As one of their own peers pointed out, Labour views “working-class voters as an obstacle to progress” — racist, sexist and homophobic threats to Britain’s vibrant rainbow future.That’s why progressives in Britain want to swamp working-class Whites with gentle, chivalrous, LGBTQ-friendly Muslims and Blacks from the Third World. The results are already apparent in Rotherham, Oxford and many other places, but progressives aren’t satisfied. Emily Thornberry and her fellow feminists want lots more Muslims and lots more child-rape. But Emily isn’t just a typical Labourite: she’s also a typical lawyer. That’s why she surely welcomed this courageous intervention in the “refugee crisis” by key members of the legal community:
Some of these eager philanthropists want US to take in these alleged victims, at least 90% of whom are fit, vicious determined Third World a aliens on the make. A lot of the do gooders are Zionist crazies who are all in favour of Jews murdering Palestinians. They have no problem with Ethnic Cleansing in the Stolen Land while causing Ethnic Fouling In England.
PS Thornberry is the arrogant ratbag who sneered at a decent Englishman for having the flag of St George outside his house.
Lutfur Rahman, the corrupt, Pakistani ex-mayor of Tower Hamlets is trying to worm his way into Comrade Corbyn's favour. Is Jeremy one of Lenin's Useful Idiots or a crook? Pass. He is dangerous either way.
Left Wingers Whine About Illegal Immigrants Being Captured [ 3 April 2017 ]
Those who violated U.S. immigration law and remain in the country illegally claim to be fearful that Immigration and Customs Enforcement will grab them in church or at the doctor’s office. Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones thought it would be a good idea to bring in ICE acting director Thomas Homan “to try and find common ground by reducing conflicting information, eliminating ambiguity, and reducing fear by presenting factual information directly from their sources.”No sooner had Jones announced the March 28 informational event, the first of its kind, when the Democratic Party of Sacramento County issued an Instagram “action alert” stating: “It’s time to tell Scott Jones what we think of his discriminatory efforts to divide families & harm our community. Join us as we stand united against his hate-filled attacks against immigrants.”....................
In October, 2014, Luis Enriquez Monroy Bracamontes, a Mexican national in the United States illegally, gunned down Danny Oliver, 47, a Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputy. Bracamontes shot Oliver in the head with a 9mm handgun but the killer and his wife Janelle Marquez Monroy also packed an AR-15 rifle.
After killing Danny Oliver, Bracamontes and Monroy shot Anthony Holmes, a motorist who refused to give up his car. Holmes survived the shooting but later Bracamontes killed police detective Michael Davis with the AR-15 and wounded Jeff Davis, a deputy. Bracamontes also fired at Placer County deputies Charles Bardo and Joseph Roseli before being captured and arrested.
These Hard Left rogues are enemies of Western Civilization; destroying it by Ethnic Fouling In America & Ethnic Fouling in other decent places too. They are being used by the Puppet Masters to achieve Genocide for the New World Order.
Left Wingers In America Say Blacks Are Too Stupid To Have Identification Papers [ 26 October 2020 ]
Ami on the Street: Are voter ID laws racist and suppress the black vote? Satirist Ami Horowitz goes to UC Berkeley and Harlem to find out
Satire or Truth? Try both. Do the Quasi-Intelligentsia of Berkley know any blacks? Yes, of course. Their servants are black, aren't they? They care, quite rightly about their intellectual inferiors.
PS The vote is now a week away and we all hate Donald Trump. That's why we are using postal votes. We can help those poor, ignorant, illiterate blacks with their Vote Rigging vote the right way.