
Governments are the political issue of the day, indeed the millennium. The point of governments is to run things, quietly, efficiently, economically. Is that how it works? If only it were true. A century ago the only government officials one saw would be the post man and a police man. Now they are meddling in our lives incessantly. Do you really want someone to tell you how high your loo seat must be? It is worse. Sometimes the meddling is well meant. Sometimes it is a lust for power and money. At other times it is outright malice and hatred. It may well be that governments have killed more of their own than other countries'. See The Black Book of Communism on the point. Lenin concentrated on murdering Russians and others inside the Soviet empire rather than foreigners. Stalin carried on this approach although he was forced to fight by Adolf's invasion.

Genuine Democracy would be a step in the right direction. Smaller government would too. Neither is happening. Switzerland remains essentially the only democracy in the world. Here are some offerings on aspects of our world today.

Real world governments have three branches: the Legislature who make laws, the Executive who run things and the Judiciary who decide whether laws have been broken. Some sources follow.

Salus Populi Suprema Lex
Salus populi suprema lex is a Latin legal maxim that means welfare of the people shall be the supreme law. The maxim means that the law exists to serve the common good e.g. that encouraging mass Immigration by Third World parasites is a breach of good government and Treason to boot.

Pat Buchanan explains Europe's Future

Bellum omnium contra omnes  ex Wiki
Bellum omnium contra omnes, a Latin phrase meaning "the war of all against all", is the description that Thomas Hobbes gives to human existence in the state of nature thought experiment that he conducts in De Cive (1642) and Leviathan (1651). The common modern English usage is a war of "each against all" where war is rare and terms such as "competition" or "struggle" are more common.[1]

Hobbes' use
In chapter XIII of Leviathan,[12] Hobbes explains the concept with these words:

Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called War; and such a war as is of every man against every man.[13] [...] In such condition there is no place for Industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual Fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.[14]

The thought experiment places people in a pre-social condition, and theorizes what would happen in such a condition. According to Hobbes, the outcome is that people choose to enter a Social Contract, giving up some of their liberties in order to enjoy peace............

Hobbes distinguishes between war and battle: war does not only consist of actual battle; it points to the situation in which one knows there is a 'Will to contend by Battle'.[15]...........

Sometimes the phrase is used by Marx and Engels.

Religion has become the spirit of civil society, of the sphere of egoism, of bellum omnium contra omnes.[17]

See also
An interesting, important idea. Yes, we need some arrangements to discourage mischief and crime. Government is a dangerous servant and a terrible master.


Public Policy
Is formed by governments or, more precisely by politicians. If they act in the National Interest that is as good as it gets. Do they? No, not in the west they don't. They are pandering to the Puppet Masters, to enemy aliens to destroying Western Civilization.


Big Business
Has a very cozy relationship with big government and with small government for that matter. Billions are involved, lots of them. It is a great way to get rich. Government policy says:- Easy come, easy go. They do not care about value the way that honest men have to.


Big Business Big Government Big Fraud
Government gets the money, business spends it. Tax payers are screwed. Politicians get fat. Business men get fatter.


Big Government
You do not have to be very pessimistic about human nature and systematic evil to believe that our very own government is robbing us and paying off billions to Big Business and, naturally enough being paid back millions in directors' fees, consultancies etc.


A Case for the English Landed Aristocracy
Does this sound reactionary? I do hope so. Is it wrong, silly, perverse? NO! The aristocracy were less bad than the bunch of corrupt Traitors who rule us now & rob us.


Is the Central Intelligence Agency and responsible for American espionage operations. Their record includes major criminal operations. Taking prisoners, torturing them, big time drug running - these things sound like the stuff of an unbridled imagination. They are also reality.


Civil Disobedience
Is justified from time to time. Henry Thoreau puts a view. Henry Thoreau was a fool, well qualified to join the  Lunatic Fringe.


Confidence And Supply
Are necessary for a government to stay in power.


How is a government formed? What are its branches? These are practical questions with fairly standard answers.


Declaration of Independence
Do we need government? Yes, more or less. Do we have an obligation to suffer Kleptocracy, government greed, government treachery, government lies or government oppression? No is my answer. So it was with a fairly small minority in America in 1776.


Is much spoken about; it is little practiced. The Swiss have it. That is about it.


Doctrine Of Necessity ex Wiki
The doctrine of necessity is a term used to describe the basis on which extraconstitutional actions by administrative authority, which are designed to restore order or attain power on the pretext of stability, are found to be constitutional even if such an action would normally be deemed to be in contravention to established norms or conventions. It also includes the ability of a private person to violate a law without punishment where the violation of law was necessary to prevent even worse harm. The maxim on which the doctrine is based originated in the writings of the medieval jurist Henry de Bracton, and similar justifications for this kind of extra-legal action have been advanced by more recent legal authorities, including William Blackstone.

In modern times, the doctrine was first used in a controversial 1954 judgment in which Pakistani Chief Justice Muhammad Munir validated the extra-constitutional use of emergency powers by Governor General, Ghulam Mohammad.[1] In his judgment, the Chief Justice cited Bracton's maxim, 'that which is otherwise not lawful is made lawful by necessity', thereby providing the label that would come to be attached to the judgment and the doctrine that it was establishing.

The doctrine of necessity has since been applied in a number of Commonwealth countries, and in 2010 was invoked to justify extra-legal actions in Nigeria.


Elizabeth II - Our Head Of State
HM the Queen seems to believe that she has no powers. I do. I also believe that she has betrayed England due to extremely bad advice, moral cowardice & stupidity in some combination.


Is a standard part of government operations. Sometimes it is effective and worthwhile but if the politicians will not listen it is a waste of time. Then it develops its own agenda. Pension schemes are very much part of the thinking. Aldrich Ames proved that. Then he went to prison so he will never have to work again.


The Espionage-Industrial Complex
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, 1961
Ike knew a thing or two about politics. They have not gotten any better. Far from it.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a crime fighting outfit in America. Right or wrong? Wrong rather too often. Their track record of torture, murder and corrupt investigation is not inspiring. The RUBY RIDGE MASSACRE is only one of theirs.


Failed States
Some governments work, some work well. Others are effective. This not necessarily a point in their favour. Recall naughty Adolf; he made a difference. So did Blair, which would you rather have?


High finance involves millions. In fact now it involves billions or even trillions which tells you something about inflation. The American dollar has been inflated and lost 98% of its value since the Federal Reserve Bank was founded. That is what central bankers have done to us using printing presses and fraud. Ed Steele explains it all in plain English. Do we really need governments meddling in the business?


The Invisible Government Behind The Public Government
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day." Teddy Roosevelt said that. Teddy was right. It is the  Invisible Enemy &  the Enemy Of The People, otherwise known as the Puppet Masters.


Glorious Revolution 1689
It seems to have been as much an invasion as revolution.


Good Government & Bad Government Explained
Stephen Holmes describes Strauss’s solution to the Jewish dilemma as follows:  “The good society … consists of the sedated masses, the gentlemen rulers, the promising puppies, and the philosophers who pursue knowledge, manipulate the gentlemen, anesthetize the people, and housebreak the most talented young” — a comment that sounds to me like an alarmingly accurate description of the present situation in the United States and elsewhere in the Western world. Given Strauss’s central concern that an acceptable political order be compatible with Jewish survival in the Diaspora and with the tendency for Jews to become an elite, it is reasonable to assume that Strauss believed that Jews would be a prominent part of the aristocracy and that the arrangement would serve Jewish interests–as indeed the current regime does.
Mr. Holmes makes sense but he could just as easily be referring to bad government, evil government, vicious government. In practice he is.


Good Government - China Has It. Russia Ditto
"Eighty-six percent of Chinese people surveyed said they were content with the country's direction, up from 48 percent in 2002. ... And 82 percent of Chinese were satisfied with their national economy, up from 52 percent," said the Times. [ Economy Helps Make Chinese The Leaders In Optimism, Survey Finds, By Brian Knowlton, July 23, 2008 ]
Good government is possible. England hasn't got it. Nor has America.


Government Corruption
We were told once that an Englishman's word was his bond. We were told all sorts of things. Now we know more about the reality. It isn't pretty.


Governance Explained
Stephen Holmes describes Strauss’s solution to the Jewish dilemma as follows:  “The good society … consists of the sedated masses, the gentlemen rulers, the promising puppies, and the philosophers who pursue knowledge, manipulate the gentlemen, anesthetize the people, and housebreak the most talented young” — a comment that sounds to me like an alarmingly accurate description of the present situation in the United States and elsewhere in the Western world. Given Strauss’s central concern that an acceptable political order be compatible with Jewish survival in the Diaspora and with the tendency for Jews to become an elite, it is reasonable to assume that Strauss believed that Jews would be a prominent part of the aristocracy and that the arrangement would serve Jewish interests–as indeed the current regime does.
That sounds right. The Romans understood at least part of it. Bread and circuses sums it up well; keep the peasants quiet while the rich rob, rape and steal.


Government Finance
Is a den of iniquity, a whited sepulchre or even a nest of vipers.


Government Incompetence
The self righteous rogues who tell us how to run our lives are the same men who foul up big time on major contracts time after time and get away with it time after time. This piece deals with financial incompetence. The malice, corruption and lust for power are other issues.


Government Lies
Would your government lie to you? Is the Pope a Catholic? Actually the answer to that question is not as obvious as it should be. Ask about Pope John Paul's origins, allegiances and agenda then wonder. Then look at some examples of corrupt lies and KNOW.


Government Murders
This is mainly government operations against their own people. Adolf did make war against foreigners but communist operations were largely in house. Either way the total is tens of millions. The Chappaquiddick Massacre, Waco Massacre, Ruby Ridge Massacre and the Fort Marcy Massacre fall into a somewhat different areas; retail murder rather than wholesale.


Governments and Narcotics
Some government outfits are deeply involved in the narcotics industry. The CIA is only one such. The Burmese government is another.


Government Sabotage
Her Majesty's Government has proceeded from ruling the country to destroying it. The main thrust of its attack is Ethnic Fouling by Third World Immigrants to be followed by Genocide. It is happening with the hearty collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. This is a separate thrust run by the Lunatic Fringe.


Government Thieving
Anyone who thinks he pays less than 50% tax on his income hasn't thought it through. Employers pay VAT and national insurance [ 17.5% and circa 9% ] before it gets any where near the man. Then of course there is income tax at up to 40% as well as national insurance [ 9% ] . Spend what they have left to you and get to pay VAT again as well as company taxes on the product. Petrol tax is around 100% - buy a gallon then  pay for another.

This is only a beginning. Governments rob us by printing money. There is privatization which is another gross fraud on the public. We are victims. They have the gall to complain about money laundering and make it a criminal offence.


Government Types
Forms of government vary. The results by and large do not. They are depressingly bad or worse.


Her Majesty's Government
Names the guilty. HMG has some of the dirt.


Northcote Trevelyan Report
Was used to make Her Majesty's Government more effective. This was not necessarily a good thing. In fact it has turned into a very bad thing. See e.g. Whitehall Dysfunction Solved on on the point.


Official Corruption
Official corruption is the best sort - for criminals. It means you will always get away with it, as long as you face fits. Blair could explain it.


Is about Parliament in general, its powers, its functions, its privileges.


Parliament Special
Rogues were caught with their fingers in the till. The Telegraph told us in detail about their guilt. Then it shut up and nobody commented. They were leaned on with a court order. Perverting the truth is the name of the game.


Political Science
Politics is a science? Maybe. There are things that fit under that heading. You are never going to find them in the Tory manifesto but then Tory is the Irish word for thief.


The Wiki tells us that a republic is a country which is not, in theory or practice owned by its rulers. That lets England out, America ditto. They are both run as Zionist Occupation Governments [ ZOG ] using corrupt politicians who are bribed, blackmailed or just plain power crazed.
Republics can be good. It all depends on who is pulling the strings.

Reserve Powers ex Wiki
Our Liege Lady Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has reserve powers. She can dismiss her prime minister or not. She can appoint him or not. These powers matter. It was proved when Sir John Kerr, the Governor General of Australia sacked Gough Whitlam, the prime minister. Marxists were seriously annoyed but Sir John was right. All is explained in What If Sir John Kerr Had Been A Layman?
PS Whitlam was crooked, whence the Khemlani Affair.


Truth About Governments
Mark Twain was just one political philosopher who got it right.


Whitehall Dysfunction
Can it possibly be that bad? The answer has to be YES. Can it be solved? Hopefully. See Whitehall Dysfunction Solved.


Yellowstone National Park
Gave well meaning bureaucrats of the Park Service an opportunity to foul up big time. They did and they kept on doing it. They just did not understand the ecology of the area. They still got paid and they still are - fouling up and getting paid that is.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated  on  Thursday, 26 May 2022 21:06:05