Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State in England as well as the rest of the United Kingdom. She has an important role to play in politics, largely by being above them. However Her House was put into office by Parliament. It invited William III of England jointly with his wife Mary II of England by way of the Bill of Rights 1689 to reign over us, subject to various limitations. Elizabeth is their successor.
England is not, nominally a Republic. There are constraints on Her power but none the less She has power and duties. She also has knowledge, being privy to government paper - see Struggling against Tyranny for more on that.
The royal website implies that it is Her absolute obligation to sign Parliament's Bills into law, to make them Acts of Parliament.
Secret royal veto powers over new laws to be exposed - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/aug/31/secret-royal-veto-powers-exposed This is to do with protecting the Queen's private interests. The public interest is another ball game. That SHOULD be protected by Parliament. It is not.
The main article below was written by Sean Gabb, England's leading libertarian and published on VDARE a website set up by Peter Brimelow, another Englishman. Robert Henderson, who is also English puts a view in The Utilitarian Case For The Monarchy but first see the Royal position; it is on Her website:-
The Official Website of The British Monarchy
The Queen's role in Parliament is:
Assenting to Bills passed by Parliament, on the advice of Ministers;
Giving audiences to Ministers, at which Her Majesty may be consulted, encourage and warn;
Opening each new session of Parliament;
Proroguing or dissolving Parliament before a general election.
The Queen has access to top class advice. Whether She has had it, whether She has understood it, whether She had the sense to act on it are questions which have not been publicly answered.
The Official Website of The British Monarchy also tells us that:-
From the point of view of political power, according to Bagehot, the main influence of the Sovereign was during a political ministry, for the Sovereign had three rights: "the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn". According to Bagehot, a Sovereign would, over the course of a long reign, accumulate far more knowledge and experience than any minister.
Walter Bagehot was a mere journalist.
Queen Repeats The Coronation Oath She Broke
During the six-minute speech, penned rarely by her own hand and not by government, she went on to repeat her vow made on Accession Day in February to 'rededicate myself to the service of our great country'.
Her Oath is on the Royal web site at Coronation Oath, 2nd June 1953. It includes:-Archbishop. Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?
Queen. I solemnly promise so to do.
Monarchy, Nation-States And The Failed Reign of Elizabeth The Useless - http://www.vdare.com/gabb/110429_monarchy.htm - an updated version is at http://libertarianalliance.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/elizabeth-the-useless-sixty-years-a-rubber-stamp/#more-19964. Doctor Gabb still regards Her as useless or worse.
By Sean Gabb
At the last Royal Wedding, back in 1981, I spent most of the day in bed, listening to Die Meistersinger. This time, I was bullied by my (Slovak immigrant!) wife and our daughter into having a shave and watching every ghastly detail on the telly.
Well, at least Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were not polluting the event by their presence. If the Mountbatten-Windsors had shown a little more backbone when these wretches were in office, I might think more of them today
Why is the English Monarchy is at once so important to England—I prefer this honest tribal term to the now-obsolescent “Britain”—and recently so disappointing?
Many Americans no doubt looked at all the bowing and kissing and walking backwards, and thought how lucky they were to live in a republic—especially in one where anyone at all, it seems, is able to become head of state. Perhaps they are right.
I, however, have always been very glad to be an Englishman. Among much else, being English brings complete moral security and no need ever to apologize or even explain.
It is the function of the Monarchy both to express and to sustain England’s national identity and all that stands with it. The Monarchy reminds us that our nation is not some recent arrival in the world, and that the threads of continuity between ourselves and our distant forebears—what Abraham Lincoln called “the mystic chords of memory”—have not been broken. England and its monarchy exist today, and five hundred years ago, and a thousand years ago, and one thousand five hundred years ago. And, as we go further back, they vanish together, with no sense that they ever began at all, into the forests of Northern Europe.
But what makes the Monarchy nowadays so disappointing is that Her Present Majesty—“Elizabeth the Useless”—has, during the fifty nine years of her reign, been an absolute failure at discharging any of her positive functions.
Her negative functions she has discharged well enough. To do these, however, she has simply needed to occupy the right place in her family tree and know how to smile and wave whenever she appears before us. If, like the Emperor of Japan, she never said or did anything in public, she would still express our national identity.
But she really has never lifted a finger to sustain that identity. She could have done much to slow the transformation of England into a sinister laughing stock. She might well have stopped it. Instead, even before she became a shambling old woman, Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God Queen, Defender of the Faith, chose to sit by and watch.
Let me explain. By law, the Queen is our head of state, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and Commander in Chief of all the armed forces. She appoints all the bishops and judges, and all the ministers and civil servants. She declares war, and all treaties are signed on her behalf. The only thing she cannot do is make laws by her own authority and impose taxes. To do either of these, she needs the consent of Parliament.
On the other hand, she can also veto any parliamentary bill she dislikes—and her veto cannot be overridden by any weighted majority vote of Parliament.
These are the theoretical powers of an English Monarch. During the past three centuries, though, the convention first emerged and then hardened, that all these powers should be exercised in practice by a Prime Minister who is leader of the majority party in the House of Commons.
He may be called First Minister of the Crown. He may have to explain himself every week to the Monarch. Where things like Royal Weddings are concerned, he mostly keeps out of sight. But, as leader of the majority party in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister draws his real legitimacy from the people. No Monarch has dismissed a Prime Minister, or tried to keep one in office, since the 1830s. No Monarch has rejected a parliamentary bill since 1708.
Because it is unwritten, and because its various conventions are in continual flux, the English Constitution can be rather opaque to foreign observers. Some of these fail to understand the nature of convention, and assume that the Queen of England is an absolute monarch—though more genteel than the King of Saudi Arabia. Others see the conventions as the only reality, and regard England as an odd sort of republic.
Both are wrong. Our Constitution is based on an implied contract between people and Monarch. This is that, in public, we regard whoever wears the Crown as the Lord’s Anointed. In return, the Monarch acts on the advice of a Prime Minister, who is accountable to us.
But this implied contract has one important limiting term. It holds only so long as politics is other than a cartel of tyrants and traitors. But just such a cartel is exactly what has emerged in Britain as the 1960s radical generation completed its Gramscian [ See Antonio Gramsci ] "Long March through the Institutions", as I have documented in my pamphlet #Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back ( free PDF download here ). And once the politicians make themselves, as a class, irremovable, and once they begin to abolish the rights of the people, it is the duty of the Monarch to step in and rebalance the Constitution.
The need for this duty to be performed has been apparent since at least 1972, when we were lied into the European Union [ by Treason At Maastricht - Editor ]. The Conservatives did not fight the 1970 general election on any promise that they would take us in. When they did take us in, and when Labour kept us in, we were told that it was nothing more than a trade agreement. It turned out very soon to be a device for the politicians to exercise unaccountable power. The Queen could and should have acted then, beginning by insisting on a General Election after the terms of Britain’s entry were settled.
There have been many times since when she should have acted. At all times, she could have sacked the Government and dissolved Parliament without provoking riots in the street.
But so far as I can tell, the Queen has acted only twice in my lifetime to force changes of policy—typically, on behalf of the emerging Politically Correct consensus. In 1979, she bullied Margaret Thatcher to go back on her election promise not to hand Rhodesia over to a bunch of black Marxists. In 1987, she bullied Margaret Thatcher again to give in to calls for sanctions against South Africa.
And that was it. She is somewhere on record as having said that she regards herself more as Head of the Commonwealth than as Queen of England. Certainly, she has never paid any regard to the rights of her English subjects.
I said that the Queen has not discharged her positive functions. It is actually worse than this. By discharging her negative functions, she has allowed many people to overlook the structures of absolute and unaccountable power that have grown up during her reign. She has fronted a revolution to dispossess us of our country and of our rights within it.
This does not, in itself, make a republic desirable. Americans may be very pleased with an electoral system that has given them so many interesting and even entertaining heads of state. But, from an English point of view, American history is something more enjoyably observed than suffered.
Doubtless, if a Government of National Recovery ever found itself opposed by the Monarch, it might be necessary to consider some change. Such a government would have only one chance to save the country, and nothing could be allowed to stand in its way. But this should only be an extreme last resort.
Symbolic functions aside, the practical advantage of having a monarchy is that the head of state is chosen by the accident of birth and not by some corrupted system of election; and that the head of state is likely to show a longer term, more proprietorial interest in the country than someone who has lied his way to one or two terms of office. (This is the essential argument of the German libertarian Hans-Herman Hoppe’s book Democracy: The God that Failed
.) We got Elizabeth II by a most unhappy accident of birth.
But the very real public interest shown in her grandson’s wedding has not been merely about pretty clothes and music. We have seen our next King but one. We can ask if he will be a Patriot King—or yet another front for revolution.
Dr. Sean Gabb [ Email him] is a writer, academic, broadcaster and Director of the Libertarian Alliance in England. His monograph Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back is downloadable for free here; hard copies can be purchased here, along with his recent novel The Churchill Memorandum and other works. For his account of the Property and Freedom Society’s 2008 conference in Bodrum, Turkey, click here. For his address to the 2009 PFS conference, “What is the Ruling Class?”, click here; for videos of the other presentations, click here.
Doctor Gabb is very much on the right lines.
Her Majesty's Powers
HM the Queen seems to believe that she has no powers. I do. I also believe that she has betrayed England due to extremely bad advice, moral cowardice & stupidity in some combination.
Duties, Rights and Powers of H.M. The Queen [ broken link ]
This piece is largely right.
The Utilitarian Case For The Monarchy
The utilitarian case for the monarchy is not about pageantry, deference or the vulgar belief that it is worth keeping because it acts as a tourist magnet. It is not about the cost of the monarchy compared with a president. It is not about whether the individual members of the Royal family are worthy beings or if its very existence is an insult to ideas of politically correct equality. The utilitarian case is purely political: our monarchy underpins Parliamentary government.In resisting the abuse of the many by the few, Britain begins with the great advantages of a parliamentary system and an in practice non-executive head of state chosen by a means utterly outside political manipulation short of the outright criminality of murder, blackmail, illicit threats and bribery, namely birth. These provide a massive barricade against a Prime Minister who would be a despot. He cannot act without the support of an elected parliamentary majority. His cabinet in practice must be overwhelmingly drawn from elected politicians. He may change his cabinet but he cannot do so without regard to a cabinet member’s status and popularity within the party on whose support he depends.
Mr. Henderson is on the right lines. Sadly the prime minister has simply taken over Her Majesty's powers by coercion. She went along with it because she is stupid, incompetent, extremely badly advised, a moral coward or some combination. One might have thought that Prince Philip would have had more backbone. In the event he has not.
Royal Family Suddenly Getting It Right
Due to Christopher Geidt, Her private secretary.
Documentary-maker Michael Cockerell described Geidt as ‘part of the Golden Triangle, the three crucial figures in British public life, who the public know very little about’. Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell and Jeremy Haywood, the new Permanent Secretary at No10 are the other two. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/07/queen-elizabeth-ireland-trip_n_846268.htmlHas Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Broken Her Coronation Oath ... Crosby, C. (2008, February 2). Has Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Broken Her Coronation Oath to God and Her People?. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from http://ezinearticles ...
Queen-Elizabeth-II... - Cached - http://ezinearticles.com/?Has-Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-Broken-Her-Coronation-Oath-to-God-and-Her-People?&id=963232
Oath, 2nd June 1953 www.royal.gov.uk/.../
CoronationOath2June1953.aspx Cached
Royal Family
When QE II departs there is Charles who might or might not be all right. He has deeply offended architects marketing Degenerate Art. This is a point in his favour. Then there is Prince William who comes across well.
Queen Elizabeth Does Nazi Salute Allegedly [ 20 July 2015 ]
King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathizer, fornicator and a generally nasty bit of work who deserted his post in time of war. The rest follows.
HM Queen Elizabeth Appoints Black Equerry [11 July 2017 ]
The Queen has chosen a Ghanaian-born Household Cavalry officer to be her next aide.It is understood Major Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah will be the royal household's first black equerry, a role which requires him to support the monarch at official engagements such as regional visits and audiences at Buckingham Palace........ He will start the role later this year, the paper said.
His tailor is clearly one to avoid like the plague. Investing in a pair of braces would be a big help.
Queen Elizabeth's Assets
Her investments include $7.5 million in Dover Street VI Cayman Fund LP, via the Duchy of Lancaster. So what? So nothing.
Queen Elizabeth Paid Off Rescuer's Mortgage [ 6 February 2020 ]
An ex heavyweight boxer who was awarded the George Medal after saving Princess Anne from a gun-toting kidnapper has revealed the Queen paid off his mortgage to thank him for his bravery.Ronnie Russell, 72, was shot at after he punched fanatical loner Ian Ball twice in the head as he tried to take the princess hostage at gunpoint in central London in March 1974. He was awarded The George Medal but is now reluctantly selling it to help provide for his future after his health deteriorated following several strokes.
The former boxer has now revealed how, before he was due to receive his medal at Buckingham Palace, police visited his home in Strood, Kent, on which he was struggling to pay his mortgage.
The Queen did the right thing for the right reason.
The QUEEN Is Dead - Long Live the King [ 8 September 2022 ]
Her death, at the age of 96 was announced at 18.30. Prince Charles therefore becomes King Charles III. Her Husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh served with the Royal Navy in the Battle of Crete and the Battle of Cape Matapan. Her mother, The Queen Mother [ 1900 to 2002 ] lived longer. Four of her brothers served in the army. Her eldest brother, Fergus, with the Black Watch, was killed in action at the Battle of Loos in 1915. The Queen's son, Prince Andrew was in the Falklands during the war against Argentina.
Her first prime minister was Winston Churchill; with the 21st Lancers at the Battle of Omdurman and the South African Light Horse during the Boer War. Her latter prime ministers were scum, e.g. Harold Wilson with the Ministry of Paper Clips, etc. ad nauseam.
Queen Elizabeth II Post Mortem ex Sean Gabb [ 11 September 2022 ]
Because I avoid television and other news, I heard about an hour later than everyone else about the Queen’s death. When her father died, people burst spontaneously into tears. Others appear to have done this now. I cannot say the news took me so badly. Even so, I was shocked, and I spent the evening feeling empty.I should hardly have surprised me. The woman had been growing visibly frail. As said, I avoid the television news, but I was aware of how small and thin she had grown. And she was 96. But I was shocked and felt empty. She was less of a monarch than I desired. When she came to the throne, this was a vastly powerful and relatively wealthy country. Its institutions were battered from the storms of the early and middle twentieth century, but all seemed intact. There appeared to be no fundamental reason why a policy of internal reform should not continue England’s run of greatness into the indefinite future, even if no longer as the supreme power in the world. By the end of her reign, all that had gone. When I was a boy, I could feel so proud and so happy to be English. I could fill my mind with the details of our glorious and fortunate history. I could look down on lesser nations. But look where we are today. That would require a litany of facts and complaints, so I will leave this point as stated. I doubt she could have stopped the slide, but she could have made the attempt. She could have been a little more flinty when her Prime Ministers came to her with their ludicrous ideas of improvement. Instead, she did nothing. She sat comfortable in the back of the national carriage, careless of whether the driver was drunk or insane, sure that she would survive any crash unscathed. I can be suspicious of the outpouring of official grief. The BBC and all the solid enemies of England are visibly putting on black arm bands and talking about “the sad passing of her Majesty the Queen.” This may be because they feel they have a duty to put on a show. It may be that they still have some residual patriotism. More likely, they realise that they have lost what became, after 1997, the essential fig leaf behind which they could work on their project of national destruction.
Sean Gabb, England's leading libertarian writes. He did not admire Her Majesty; he loathes her politicians. He is right about them and what they have done to destroy England. An example follows.
Elizabeth The Evil, A Malign Monarch Dies [ 16 September 2022 ]
A dissenting voice, that of Tobias Langdon(?) dissents.
Queen Elizabeth II is dead. When I heard the news, I didn’t join the laments of the leftist media or wish a long and happy reign to her successor. No, I thought about a sharp contrast between her final days and the final days of many of her most loyal and loving subjects. The Queen died with calm and dignity at the extreme end of her natural span. But many other old women in her capital city didn’t get the chance to die like that. Instead, they died prematurely in physical pain and mental anguish, because their lives had been shattered by a Black gerontophile rapist called Delroy Easton Grant.Gerontophilia, or sexual attraction to the old, is much more common among Black rapists. But you never hear that hate-fact mentioned or discussed in the leftist media. The true number of Grant’s elderly victims will never be known, but it was certainly more than a hundred. Something else is certain too: Grant was able to migrate from Jamaica and commit his horrific crimes in Britain thanks to the treachery of the Queen and other members of the hostile elite. The same is true of the Muslim rape-gangs now hard at work throughout the country. In short, Elizabeth II was a traitor to her realm, her people and her religion. Now she’s dead and her traitorous son Charles III will continue her poisonous legacy.
The BBC are happy to weep crocodile tears for Her. So are the rest of the MSM. Elizabeth II was not alone in her betrayal, far from it. She was used as a Judas Goat, to lead us to our doom. She succeeded. In fact the whole Establishment is corrupted & treasonous. The most influential part of it is Jews, the Zionist crazies taking over the world, creating another New World Order. I hadn't heard of Delroy Easton Grant because the Mainstream Media are in the business of hiding the truth if the perpetrators are Blacks or any other Third World undesirables. That goes double for the Pakistani Perverts who raped thousands of English girls in Rotherham and other sad little towns.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Funeral Happened Today [ 19 September 2022 ]
The Queen is tonight going to be laid to rest to be with her beloved Prince Philip after her crown, orb and sceptre were removed from her coffin so she could descend into her grave 'as a simple Christian soul'. Her Majesty has returned home to Windsor to be reunited for eternity with her husband, father, mother and sister in the royal crypt at St George's Chapel as her 70-year reign came to an end this evening.The Royal Family stood at the end of the short committal service as the Queen was slowly lowered while the Dean of Windsor said: 'Go forth upon thy journey from this world, O Christian soul.' He also offered the commendation - a prayer in which the deceased is entrusted to God's mercy.
Moments earlier the Dean had placed her crown and other crown jewels on the altar before the Lord Chamberlain snapped his staff of office - signifying the severing of the Queen from her public service in death.
The Garter King of Arms then pronounced the styles and titles of the Queen as all power moved to her son, the King, before the coffin was lowered to the lament of a lone piper and Britain and the world said a tender farewell to the late monarch following 70 years of service to the nation.
She is gone. King Charles III carries on.
Pakistani Rogue Attacked Queen's Coffin [ 19 September 2022 ]
A man has been charged with a public order offence after he allegedly attempted to grab the Queen’s coffin. Muhammad Khan, 28, from east London, was charged on Saturday under the Public Order Act for “behaviour intending to cause alarm, harassment or distress”...........The Metropolitan police were said to have rushed to detain a man just before 10pm on Friday, the second full day on which mourners were able to pay their respects to the former monarch, just hours after senior royals held a vigil. In a statement, the Met said a man had been charged with an offence under the Public Order Act.
At the time of the incident, broadcasters showing the procession of mourners cut away from the scene and instead showed the view from outside parliament.
He is another Enemy Within, one imported by Enemies Of The People with Malice Aforethought. They are the ones in Parliament & the Establishment generally. Notice that the Mainstream Media hid the truth. They are also run by Traitors.
Black Charged With Sexual Assault On Women Queuing To See Queen's Coffin [ 19 September 2022 ]
Two women were sexually assaulted in the queue to attend the Queen's lying in state, a court heard.Adeshine was remanded in custody on Friday after appearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order.
UNQUOTE This black, Nigerian(?) has done it all before. Whence the sexual harm prevention order. This occasion has brought out the vicious and the Lunatic Fringe, the mad and the bad.
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Updated on 11/11/2022 06:33