There are treaties between nations regarding
the conduct of war. The
Principles define war crimes based on the law invented at the
Nuremberg War Trials after the
Second World War.
Casus Belli, the case for war gives the grounds as
self defence and UN permission which is a lot looser. There is also the voice of
common decency. Of course when tempers are frayed it may get nasty. Then things
can happen. They always have.
Office of Special Plans
Was set up by Jews to provide fraudulent intelligence to the American government
in order to incite war against Iraq. They succeeded.
Responsibility To Protect
The UN says this an obligation of a government; breaches being an excuse to
War Crimes ex Wiki QUOTE War crimes are serious violations of the laws applicable in armed
conflict (also known as
international humanitarian law) giving rise to individual criminal
responsibility. Examples of such conduct include "murder, the ill-treatment or
deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave
labor camps",
"the murder or ill-treatment of
prisoners of war", the killing of prisoners, "the wanton destruction of
cities, towns and villages, and any devastation not justified by military, or
civilian necessity".
Similar concepts, such as
perfidy, have
existed for many centuries as customs between civilized countries, but these
customs were first codified as international law in the
Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. The modern concept of a war crime was
further developed under the auspices of the
Nuremberg Trials based on the definition in the
London Charter that was published on August 8, 1945. (Also see
Nuremberg Principles.) Along with war crimes the charter also defined
crimes against peace and
crimes against humanity, which are often committed during wars and in
concert with war crimes.
Article 22 of the Hague IV ("Laws of War: Laws and Customs of
War on Land (Hague IV); October 18, 1907") states that "The right of
belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited" and over the
last century many other treaties have introduced positive laws that place
constraints on belligerents (see
International treaties on the laws of war). Some of the provisions, such as
those in the Hague, the Geneva, and Genocide Conventions, are considered to be
part of customary international law, and are binding on all. Others are only
binding on individuals if the belligerent power to which they belong is a party
to the treaty which introduced the constraint. UNQUOTE
Waging war without good reason should be included.
War Crime Defined By George Monbiot QUOTE
Principles, which arose from the prosecution of Nazi war
criminals, define as an international crime the "planning, preparation,
initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of
international treaties, agreements or assurances". Bolton appears to have
"participated in a common plan" to prepare for the war (also defined by the
principles as a crime) by inserting the false claim that Iraq was seeking to
procure uranium from Niger into a state department fact sheet. UNQUOTE Mr. Monbiot is a peace campaigner
among other things. He has principles and does something about them. His
definition covers
Blair and Bush among many
American War Crimes
They were major and that was just in Germany after the war.
Busting the
Torture Myths
Yes it did happen. No it was not the little people; they were just the ones who
got thrown the wolves. Bush and Cheney were in it up to their necks.
Canadian War Crimes
There was one major nasty. The evidence was
Concentration Camps
The Nazis ran several concentration camps. People died there.
So did Jews according to Jews demanding compensation. That is one major
reason why a lot of lies got told. The Holocaust Industry
tells us something about the tax free billions extorted by Singer and other
light fingered rogues.
Ethnic cleansing is an ugly euphemism for mass murder, terrorism
and driving people from their land. It is popular in Israel. So is the cant
going with it.
Holding prisoners without warrant is crime. Torture ditto. Of course if you
control the law machine that is not an issue any more.
Israeli War Crimes
This could be Jews' crimes rather than just Israelis. Then it would be much bigger.
The aftermath of
The Second World
War gave the Jew, Morgenthau his chance to
murder Germans en masse. He took it and starved some 1.7 million of them to
death. That is just one example.
Israeli War Crimes Against Gaza
The Gaza Massacre has a virtue. It showed the
world rather clearly that Jews are vicious murderers and liars. They are finding
that lying their way out of it is not going to be as easy as they thought.
Olmert was the prime minister who started this one.
Ditto for the invasion of the Lebanon. He is also a thief on trial now [
February 2010 ] for long term multiple fraud.
Soviet War
They are gross. Their crimes against their own people are even
War Criminals
They are out there, walking the streets with armed guards to protect them
from decent people and citizen's arrest.
Blair is
only one of them.
Jews Say Her Majesty's
Government Are War Criminals Too
13 October 2009 ] QUOTE Paul Craig Roberts “This is the Israeli notion of a fair deal: We’re entitled to do whatever the
hell we want to the Palestinians because, by definition, whatever we do to them
is self-defence. They, however, are not entitled to lift a finger against us
because, by definition, whatever they do to us is terrorism. “That’s the way it’s always been, that’s the way it was in Operation Cast
Lead [ the Gaza Massacre ]..........
In the meantime, however,
the Israeli government put Sawers and the UK government on notice that
British support for the Goldstone Report would result in the destruction of the
double standard that protects the West and Israel and create a precedent that
would place the British in the dock for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. “London,” declared the Israeli government, “could find itself in handcuffs if
it supports the document [the Goldstone report].” UNQUOTE All war criminals are equal but some are more equal than others. That is why the
Nazis got aggravation at the Nuremberg War Trials while the perpetrators of the
Gaza Massacre got away with it and they are milking
The Holocaust®
story for every billion it is worth. PS Doctor Roberts is a sound chap even though he was in politics for real.
Operation Keelhaul
It was kept secret for long after. It was not one to be proud of.
Cameron Wants War Against Islamics [ 3 July 2015 ]
Britain could launch ISIL air strikes in
Syria within months as Labour signals backing for Conservatives
David Cameron has said
that ISIL must be "crushed" in its Syrian heartland, adding that a "full
spectrum" response [ to what? - Editor ] is needed
Britain could launch air strikes against ISIL in Syria
within months after Labour signalled that it is prepared to
back the Conservatives in the wake of the Tunisia terrorist
The Prime Minister's official spokesman said: "The PM has
long thought that ISIL poses a threat to Britain and ISIL
needs to be destroyed in Syria as well as in Iraq [ but
not in England? - Ed, ]," she
If this bunch of Arabs really did need sorting out the
attacks would happen in days not months. British forces
are being used by Zionist crazies, the
Puppet Masters as
proxies for Israeli thugs.
Cameron is a
War Criminal
just like
Brown, Bush,
Netanyahu etc. albeit Obama
is the only one with a
Nobel Peace Prize. If Cameron wanted to get a grip
he would sort out Islamic criminals in
Tower Hamlets,
Rochdale et cetera. In fact he is busy importing
Third World criminals by
the million.
'Allies' Pushing Back Enemy Somewhere In Middle East
[ 20 October 2016 ]
Who are the 'allies'? Where are they making war? More to the point, why
are they attacking whatever it is? Obama, the
foreign born, illegal president seems to know or, at least approve.
Sarkozy ditto. So does the Italian prime minister.
French war planes are supporting the military
campaign on the ground, where US, British and French special forces are
advising local troops.
Recall that Americans invaded Iraq because the
Israel Lobby wanted it. Jews are the Puppet Masters,
as well as murderous Psychopaths. Was naughty
little Adolf wrong about them?
Jews Destroying Evidence Of War Crimes Against Palestinians
The Israeli government is systematically destroying any evidence of how Jews
ethnically cleansed Palestine of Palestinians during the foundation of the
state of Israel to support the false narrative that the Arabs “left of their
own accord,” the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has admitted.
An investigative piece published by Haaretz has revealed the extent of
the measures taken by Israeli security forces to bury the history of their
war crimes against Palestinians. In 1987, headed by Yehiel Horev, the
Israeli military department Malmab (a Hebrew acronym for “Director of
Security for the Defence Establishment”) began removing ‘sensitive’
documents from public archives.
According to the report, the department’s official aim is to remove
sensitive information about Israel’s nuclear programme from public archives,
but it has emerged that Malmab has also removed hundreds of documents
relating to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians during the 1948
Nakba, that
had previously been declassified.
During the Nakba, 800,000 Palestinian people were forcefully evacuated
from their homes and became refugees. The Israeli government’s official
account of these events maintains that the Palestinian people chose to
emigrate, encouraged by Arab politicians and leaders..........
One example of a document that has been removed from public archives is a
series of interviews conducted in the early 2000s with former Israeli
military figures by the Yitzhak Rabin Center. Haaretz compares the versions of these interviews that are now publically
available with the originals. They find large sections to be missing. This
missing segment from an interview that historian Boaz Lev Tov conducted with
Maj. Gen. Elad Peled, is particularly shocking:
Peled: “Look, let me tell you something even less nice
and cruel, about the big raid in Sasa [Palestinian village in Upper
Galilee]. The goal was actually to deter them, to tell them, ‘Dear friends,
the Palmach [the Haganah “shock troops”] can reach every place, you are not
immune.’ That was the heart of the Arab settlement. But what did we do? My
platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.”
UNQUOTE Ethnic Cleansing and
Genocide are main stream
Public Policy in
Stolen Land that the thieves call Israel. NB
Haaretz, the source was prone to tell the truth;
making it into a goldmine until it was leaned on by Mossad.
They are hiding paper regarding their Nukes as
Jews Are War Criminals Stealing People's Homes [
8 July 2022 ]
More than 1,000 Palestinians are under imminent threat of forcible
displacement, a war crime under international law, yet much of the
world has never heard their story.
Our video team recently traveled to Masafer Yatta to get the story
straight from the residents there. In addition to being under constant
threat of displacement, their homes are being demolished every day, they are
being attacked by Israeli settlers seeking to take over their land, and they
face daily violations by the Israeli military who maintains a constant
presence there.
We spoke to local activists, the victims of home demolitions, and
families whose lives have been torn apart and destroyed by the Israeli
occupation. Every single person we spoke to pleaded with us to
deliver their message to the world...........
The Israeli Supreme Court, Israel’s highest purveyor of justice, has
green lit the mass expulsion of entire communities in Masafer Yatta, or the
South Hebron Hills, in the occupied West Bank. The court is allowing the
military to completely wipe eight villages off the map, so the army can use
it as training grounds for their soldiers.
It’s one of the most grave injustices outlined under
international law, and it’s happening as we speak.
The importance of our work was solidified when our crew was stopped and
temporarily detained by the Israeli military while we were filming in
Masafer Yatta. According to our local guide, it was not the first time
journalists had been detained there by the military and prevented from doing
their work. He said that Israel didn’t want the world to see what
was happening.
Me and my Palestinian colleagues are
currently being detained by the Israeli military for filming in
the Masafer Yatta area. They demanded to see our footage and take
our phones. We refused. So they won’t let us go. Have already
threatened us w/ arrest and being “uncooperative”
The effort to #SaveMasafferYatta has been ongoing for more than 20 years,
when the residents of the area began their legal battle in Israeli courts.
But right now, the stakes are higher than ever.
As Majda Abu Sabha, a woman from Masafer Yatta whose home has been
demolished three times since April, put it:
The world must know what is happening here, and the leaders like US
President Biden must stop supporting Israel in its crimes against us.
As the residents of Masafer Yatta fight for their very existence, the
role of journalists on the ground is more important than ever. We
took our cameras to Masafer Yatta with the goal of showing the world what is
happening there, and exposing Israeli Apartheid in action.
Jews are War Criminals, spending their lives
stealing and murdering except when they are complaining about being victims. To
be fair, this report comes from Jews in Palestine; some have
decent instincts.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my
PGP Key.