Is our wonderful new Pope a great man, a great Catholic? Is he in deed, in thought a Catholic? There are questions that should not need to be asked or even thought but they have been. The answers do not inspire confidence. The Main Stream Media are saying nice things. That is not necessarily a good sign. In fact they are often part of the problem. Maurice Pinay, who understands the issues is contra; see e.g. Francis Incorrect Diagnosis and Poisonous Prescription
It also seems that he is a Jesuit, not a good sign, See The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue. It has a reputation for cunning.
Pope Is A Heretic
Is the Pope a Catholic? NO! He is another traitor pandering to Jews. You doubt it? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Francis Is The Anti-Christ Reborn
The Irish Savant has pungent views about our beloved Pontiff. Be aware that he was appointed by the body of Cardinals sitting in conclave. Do they share his views, his heresies? He says
Pope Francis has certainly been a busy little Anti-Christ since he seized power in a palace coup a few years back. (This picture was taken when he heard the news of Notre Dame going up in flames.) In fact, in a textbook case of Satanic Inversion he has turned many fundamental Church doctrines totally on their heads. Approval of or tolerance towards a whole range of sexual deviations (‘how would I know if it’s a sin?’) including same-sex marriages and transgenderism, flattening a well-wisher who tried to shake his hand, licking the feet of Africans, permitted the erection of a statue to Moloch (God of child sacrifice) on Vatican property, encouraged South American Indians to worship pagan fertility gods, appointing suspected child-molesters to key Vatican positions, describing spreading the Word of God as a form of “ideological colonization”, claiming to ‘dread’ hearing about ‘Europe’s Christian roots’, urging Europeans to breed with the invading Muslim hordes in order stem the continent’s population decline and describing ISIS head-choppers as well-meaning chaps who misunderstand the Religion Of Peace.
Were the Borgias better Popes?
Francis' Incorrect Diagnosis and Poisonous Prescription
The archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino was so impressed with the remarks Jorge Mario Bergoglio made before the conclave he asked him for a copy of them. Bergoglio gave Ortega a copy of his outline and soon after the conclave Francis gave Ortega permission to share this document publicly. The unofficial translation below is from Radio Vatican, Bergoglio's Intervention: A diagnosis of the problems in the Church. The original story was broken by the official magazine of the diocese of Havana, Palabra Nueva, Manuscrito entregado por el Cardenal Bergoglio al Cardenal Ortega. Images of the handwritten notes are from Palabra Nueva, Imagen del manuscrito entregado por el Cardenal Bergoglio al Cardenal Ortega.
Evangelizing implies Apostolic Zeal
1. - Evangelizing pre-supposes a desire in the Church to come out of herself. The Church is called to come out of herself and to go to the peripheries, not only geographically, but also the existential peripheries: the mystery of sin, of pain, of injustice, of ignorance and indifference to religion, of intellectual currents, and of all misery.
2. - When the Church does not come out of herself to evangelize, she becomes self-referential and then gets sick. (cf. The deformed woman of the Gospel). The evils that, over time, happen in ecclesial institutions have their root in self-referentiality and a kind of theological narcissism. In Revelation, Jesus says that he is at the door and knocks. Obviously, the text refers to his knocking from the outside in order to enter but I think about the times in which Jesus knocks from within so that we will let him come out. The self-referential Church keeps Jesus Christ within herself and does not let him out.
3. - When the Church is self-referential, inadvertently, she believes she has her own light; she ceases to be the mysterium lunae and gives way to that very serious evil, spiritual worldliness (which according to De Lubac, is the worst evil that can befall the Church). It lives to give glory only to one another.
Put simply, there are two images of the Church: Church which evangelizes and comes out of herself, the Dei Verbum religiose audiens et fidente proclamans; and the worldly Church, living within herself, of herself, for herself. This should shed light on the possible changes and reforms which must be done for the salvation of souls.
4. - Thinking of the next Pope: He must be a man who, from the contemplation and adoration of Jesus Christ, helps the Church to go out to the existential peripheries, that helps her to be the fruitful mother, who gains life from “the sweet and comforting joy of evangelizing.” would be a mistake for any traditionalist to conclude from these jottings that Francis intends only to cut the Church off from its mooring by his attack on self-referentiality (i.e. reference to the Church's foundational texts and teachings). No, based upon the evidence, Francis' 'madness' has a very clear, traceable trajectory. The intent is certainly not to let the Church blow any which way, but rather, to tie it to a counterfeit mooring.
Pope Francis' euphemistic language above has been translated to English. I will endeavor to translate it from euphemism to plainspeak below:
1. We Pharisees hate true Gospel evangelization, therefore we tell the Goy Catholics that to evangelize, the Church "must come out of itself." This statement implies a problem of shameful, sick Church ghettoization which must be remedied by 'coming out.' This is one way that we attack the integrity of Christian community and its evangelism. Simultaneously, we build higher the walls of the Judaic ghettos, from Brooklyn to [Counterfeit] Israel, and come out only for the purpose of moneymaking, buying off Goy representatives, hijacking Goy institutions, evangelizing our self-referential 'Noahide laws' and otherwise disrupting Goy community.
2. We self-refer to Talmud and Kabbalah but we forbid the Goy Catholics from any reference point of their own; only those supplied by us, primarily 'The Holocaust,' are permitted. 'Holocaust' referentiality is how we make the Church sick with shame and guilt. The 'Holocaust' referential Church is sick with shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, keeps it hidden under a bushel and doesn't evangelize as the Gospel illustrates.
3. The Gospel (and doctrines and teachings derived from it) is the light which the Church has referred to and believed, to varying degrees, for 2000 years. When the Church is loosed from its Gospel foundation it gives way to that very serious evil, apostasy, which Christ and the Apostles most strenuously warned against. We replace this foundation with crude a counterfeit composite of De Lubac and 'The Holocaust,' etc. A Holocaust-referential Church gives glory to 'The Jews' and their myriad tales of suffering.
Put simply, there are two images of the Church, one which 'comes out' destroying the integrity of its teachings and community, an empty shell, good only for Noahide/Holocaust evangelization, in contrast to a Church which refers to Jesus Christ, His Gospel and His doctrines, teachings and sacraments, maintaining a strong Christ-referential community, evangelizing by welcoming others into the community of true Israel as equal members. The latter image is threatening to our two-tiered Pharisaic ghetto protection racket and must be destroyed.
4. The next Pope must be a man who continues the work of drawing peripheral insanities into the Church, Noahidism and Holocaustolatry et al, and transforming the Church into an evangelical medium for them. I, Bergoglio, humbly submit that am the man for the job.
Also see:
The Pope's Bad Advice
Pope Tells 'No Longer Fertile Europe To Ensure the Acceptance Of Third World
Immigrants [ 28 November
2014 ]
Is he a Catholic?
After this episode the answer is a clear NO! Is he trying to destroy
by using
Third World undesirables? Obviously. He is
colluding in
as a precursor to
expression says he is a cunning chancer who thinks he is getting away with
Primitive communism is much like primitive
Christianity but the former has done much evil, accounting for more than 85 million
murders, See The Black Book of
Communism on the point.
Pope Francis Got Maimonides Award [
5 March 2014 ]
So who was
Maimonides? A leading
Jew full of hate, full of evil. Even the
Wikipedia admits that
he had his detractors - just like naughty little
Adolf. Did
Maimonides support
inter-faith relations? Not exactly.
Maimonides was in
favour of Sodomy, of Paedophiles, said that
Gentiles are not human, was an anti-black Racist,
that God ordered Jews to murder Christians.
He was grossly Racist just like the
Pope Tells Mafia To Stop Evil Or Prepare For Hell - Zionist Mass Murderers Get A Pass [ 26 March 2014 ]
Francis Endorses Holocaust® Story While Ignoring Israeli Ethnic Cleansing [ 9 March 2014 ]
This happens while chief rabbis of Israel incite evil. E.g. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says Gentiles exist only to serve Jews.
Is The Pope A Catholic? [ 5 April 2014 ]
This is usually asked as a rhetorical question. Now it is a real one. The issue of bears in the woods seems to be settled. If the Pope decides that Church doctrine can be jettisoned the Faithful might decide to take their loyalty elsewhere. Joe Stalin asked how many divisions the Pope had. We had the last laugh on that. However Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communist party in Italy set up the attack on the Church as the main thrust of his offensive on Western Civilization. Cultural Marxism is winning the battle of ideas. The Church of England has been broken by infiltrators - see e.g. Bishop Is A Heretic Inciting Sodomy. The Long March Through The Institutions is paying off. The Main Stream Media are propaganda machines, just like the Education industry.
Pope Francis' Favourite Painting Is Anti-Christian
There is very little chance that Marc Chagall, the Jew who produced it was unaware of the meaning of 'YESHU' ("may his memory be blotted out"). Chagall grew up at the center of Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic Judaism, married a Lubavitcher and sought out the Lubavitcher Rebbe for advice. It's doubtful that Pope Francis is unaware of the meaning of YESHU either.
Pope Denounces Racist, Xenophobic Attitudes Toward Immigrants [ 17 July 2014 ]
Is Pope Francis a Catholic? Is the Pope a Christian? More to the point is the Church part of Western Civilization, friend or foe? Ask what Il Papa has to say about the gross Racism of the Jews perpetrating Gaza Massacre III this very day. Then decide whose side he is on. Or read the next one first.
Immigration Is Destroying America [ 17 July 2014 ]
That is the point of it. Immigration is a weapon. The enemy are pouring across the borders, into Civilization. Who is using these Third World intruders to destroy us? Try the Zionist crazies who preach sweetness & light as they murder people in Gaza. Their Long March Through The Institutions has produced Zionist Occupation Governments [ ZOGs ] in Europe and America. Pope Francis is just one of Lenin's Dangerous Idiots.
Pope Panders To Zionist Crazies [ 16 August 2014 ]
Pope Francis is against traditional Catholics, against the Latin Mass, against Catholics who hold to tradition. So are Jews such as Yitzchok Adlerstein, a rabbi in the Simon Wiesenthal mob. But Francis objects to Anti-Semitism, to Jews being blamed for their evil.
Poor Humble Pope Francis Hobnobs With Richest Jew In Argentina [ 10 October 2014 ]
Our new Pope is all too friendly with the Jew, Eduardo Elsztain & the World Jewish Congress, a bunch of crooks.
Pope Demotes Cardinal Over Family Policy [ 22 October 2014 ]
Churchgoing Catholics will face continued pressure to accept a change in pastoral practice towards homosexuals and divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, as well as changes to other contentious issues...... The two-week synod, involving nearly 200 prelates from around the world, resulted in what many observers saw as a victory for those opposed to the more contentious changes.......The Oct. 5-19 synod was widely criticized by participants for being engineered by ideologically motivated prelates. They reportedly made concerted efforts to steer the assembly toward radical reform and away from Pope St. John Paul II's teaching on marriage and the family.
Is the Pope a Catholic? It is usually a rhetorical question. The issue regarding bears is pretty much settled. Now we do have to ask why the Pope is going easy on Sodomite adultery, on sexual perversion. The omens are not good. Holy Mother Church was the primary target of Antonio Gramsci, the founder of the communist party in Italy. Infiltration is the attack mode.
Catholic Archbishop Markets Holocaust® Story [ 17 November 2014 ]
Tim Dolan visits Israel. Tim Dolan snivels to Jews. A fortnight later Tim Dolan gets to be a Cardinal.
PS Is Pope Francis a Catholic? It is not just a rhetorical question; it is real in a world of Catholic Church Infiltrators.
Is The Pope A Jew Or A Catholic? [ 11 December 2014 ]
"[Pope Francis] cares for me, and controls everything regarding my food to makes sure it is all kosher, and according to my religious tradition" (Rabbi Abraham Skorka)
I think we can regard the Vatican Insider as a reliable source regarding Pope Francis. Is he an Infiltrator, an enemy of Holy Mother Church? It gets easier to believe.
Pope Claims He Is Not A Marxist - Again [ 12 January 2015 ]
Pope Francis told us again. Do people doubt him? It sounds that way. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Pope's World and the Real World by Patrick J. Buchanan [ 28 September 2015 ]
Pope Francis’s four-day visit to the United States was by any measure a personal and political triumph. The crowds were immense, and coverage of the Holy Father on television and in the print press swamped the state visit of Xi Jinping, the leader of the world’s second-greatest power. But how enduring, and how relevant, was the pope’s celebration of diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, open borders, and a world of forgiveness, peace, harmony and love is another question.The day the pope departed Philadelphia, 48 percent of Catalonia, in a record turnout of 78 percent, voted to deliver a parliamentary majority to two parties that advocate seceding from Spain. Like the Scots in Britain, the Walloons in Belgium and the Italians of Veneto, they want to live apart, not together.
While the pope called on America and Europe to welcome the migrant millions of the Third World, Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose diocese stretches across the southern reaches of Catholic Hungary, says of those pouring into Europe: “They’re not refugees. This is an invasion. They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”
The bishop hailed Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who denounced any open door: “Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe. We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation.
“We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim. … That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.”
The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland joined Hungary in voting to reject EU quotas for migrants. Under pressure from her allies in Bavaria, even Angela Merkel is re-imposing border controls.
A backlash against refugees, migrants and asylum seekers from Africa and the Islamic world is sweeping Europe. Marine le Pen, leader of the National Front, the strongest anti-EU party in Europe, has called on Paris to ship all migrants back across the Mediterranean.
This was the solution Dwight Eisenhower settled on in “Operation Wetback,” when he ordered Gen. Joseph Swing to send the million aliens in Texas illegally back to Mexico in 1954. Swing did as ordered.
Indeed, the call to repatriate the 12 million aliens here illegally has been a propellant behind the candidacy of GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
Behind this rising resistance to illegal and mass migration is human nature — the innate desire of peoples of one tribe or nation, who share a common language, history, faith, culture, traditions and identity, to live together — and to live apart from all the rest.
Such currents are stronger than any written constitutions.
That Global Citizen Festival concert in Central Park Saturday, featuring Beyonce, may have spoken to the globalist beliefs of Barack Obama, whose wife was there, and of the pope, who was flying to Philly.
But in the real world, nationalism, not globalism, is ascendant.
Though Gen. David Petraeus claims Vladimir Putin seeks to re-establish the Russian Empire, this misses the point. If Putin sought that, he would by now, 15 years in power, have annexed Belarus and Ukraine, but he has not even annexed the pro-Russian Donbass.
Putin is a nationalist who sees his country as one of the world’s great powers and sees himself as protector of Russian peoples everywhere. He believes Moscow should have its own Monroe Doctrine, and that rival powers should not be planting military bases on Russia’s doorstep.
Is that so hard for Americans to understand? How did we like having Soviet troops and bases in Castro’s Cuba?
China, too, which abandoned the world Communist revolution, is now a nationalistic power that seeks the same dominance of the waters around it — the Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait, the East and the South China seas — that the United States has had for over a century in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, the Atlantic, and the Pacific from California to the China coast.
The stronger China grows, the more she will push us away, as we pushed the European powers and the Royal Navy out of our hemisphere.
While China is involved in territorial quarrels with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines, none of her claims represents a threat to U.S. vital interests. Nor does Russia’s actions in reclaiming Crimea or in aiding pro-Russian rebels achieve autonomy in East Ukraine.
What is threatened today is the New World Order of Bush I, the “unipolar world” preached by the neocons and Bush II, and the “rules-based” world of Barack Obama.
Russia and China, and other rising powers, are going to play by their rules, the rules of the 19th and early 20th century, the rules by which we Americans became the first power on earth.
America’s “red lines” should be set down clearly in front of our vital interests. Then, we should inform our friends and allies that their defense is, first and foremost, their own responsibility.
Pat Buchanan is right again, as always. The Pope is wrong again.
Francis Destroying Holy Mother Church
Perhaps that is an overstatement but he has an agenda. The True Faith comes down the line.
Jews Claim They Can Out Think God - So Does The Pope [ 4 July 2016 ]
"My children have defeated me"
(God, according to Babylonian Talmud, Bava Mezia 59b)
Pope Francis recently offered another sign of his adherence to Orthodox Judaism with his comment that he has the audacity to rebuke Jesus and has done so throughout his life, even as Pope: [ see ]
What Francis refers to here is the essential rabbinic tradition, 'audacity towards heaven' (chutzpah kelapei shemaya), meaning to rebuke, or even put God on trial.
Israel Shahak made the same point about Jews. He also said that God must be stupid if they get away with it.
Pope Panders To Homosexuals [ 26 June 2016 ]
Is the Pope a Catholic? It was a rhetorical question. Given the reality of Catholic Church Infiltration it is a serious one. The 'Gay Community' wants more.
Is The Pope A Catholic?
THE Pacific island of Guam is more than 12,000km from Vatican City. Yet it was in this far-flung American territory that last month the two most contentious issues facing Pope Francis—the scandal of clerical sex abuse and a rebellion by traditionalists—intertwined. Cardinal Raymond Burke spent two days on Guam presiding at the church trial of Archbishop Anthony Apuron, who is accused of molesting altar boys. The archbishop is the highest-ranking Catholic cleric to be tried on sex-abuse charges. The proceedings could last years. Cardinal Burke, an arch-conservative, is the pope’s most outspoken critic.The defiance of papal authority by a minority of senior Catholic clergy has become more brazen in recent months than at any time since the 1970s, when the late Archbishop Marcel François Lefebvre refused to disband his arch-traditionalist Society of St Pius X [ SSPX ]. Last month Vatican officials received in their e-mail what appeared to be a digital version of the Vatican’s newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. On opening it they found a perfect facsimile ridiculing the man Catholics are told is God’s representative on Earth. The headline was “He’s Replied!”—a sarcastic reference to the pope’s refusal to answer a letter from four cardinals, including Cardinal Burke, last September (and, most unusually, made public by them in November). The letter challenges Francis to state that passages in his apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), conform with established doctrine. In the fake-news Osservatore, all four replies were “Yes and No”. Less than a week earlier, posters had appeared in Rome calling on the pope—disrespectfully addressed in Roman dialect as Francé (“Frankie”)—to say how his vaunted advocacy of mercy squared with his forthright treatment of Catholic institutions including the Roman Curia, the church’s central administration.
Rock of ages
As the protests showed, discontent within the church comes from two sources and two overlapping camps. The first is the most obviously conservative. It includes those, inside and outside the Vatican, who seek clarity and certainty from their religion and think the rules cannot be altered without forsaking the essence of Catholicism. They are appalled by what they see as Francis’s lack of interest in theology, and his abandonment of principle in the name of a nebulous requirement for mercy.Last year Anna Silvas, an Australian scholar, charged the pope with writing “tracts of homespun, avuncular advice that could be given by any secular journalist without the faith—the sort of thing to be found in the pages of Readers Digest”. The conservatives’ biggest gripe is with Amoris Laetitia, which in a footnote opened the way for some remarried Catholics to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist, which Catholics believe is the very body of Christ. Polls suggest that the faithful in Europe and the Americas strongly back the change. But critics see it as legitimising adultery. They will scarcely have been reassured when Francis last month encouraged a gathering of priests to show understanding for parishioners who were living together before marriage. On March 10th he again shocked traditionalists, suggesting that the church might ordain married men to help lessen an acute shortage of priests.
A second, much smaller band of critics is made up of Vatican-based clerics, whose objection is to the pope’s treatment of his officials. It is no secret that he has little sympathy with the Vatican. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, he was repeatedly frustrated in his dealings with its bureaucrats. Soon after his election as pope, he formed a team of cardinals to advise him on how to reform the Roman Curia, pointedly choosing most of them from among pastoral leaders beyond the Vatican’s high walls. Acting on its recommendations, he set up two new “super-ministries”, or secretariats, one for the Vatican’s finances and the other for its media operations, and merged six smaller “ministries” into two.
That alone would have earned Francis enemies in an organisation as notoriously resistant to change as the Roman Curia. But it is style as much as substance that has rankled. A Jesuit, Francis comes from an order founded by an ex-soldier, St Ignatius of Loyola, which supplied the Counter-Reformation with its shock troops. The Jesuits’ first pope is a humble and humorous man—but also a blunt and ruthless one. “The Holy Father is not a person who works easily with an institution,” remarks someone who has witnessed his uncompromising decisiveness at close quarters.
During the year after Francis’s election, he appalled the Vatican’s highest-ranking officials by listing 15 faults to be found in their ranks. One, he told his ageing listeners, was “spiritual Alzheimer’s”. Most recently, the pope intervened in a dispute among the leaders of the Knights of Malta, an ancient military and religious order. Though they no longer govern territory (or take up arms to defend Christians in majority-Muslim countries), and largely devote themselves to good works, the order still wields the sovereignty it enjoyed when it ruled the island of Malta. It has many of the trappings of a state, maintaining diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries and holding observer status at the UN. It is legally separate from the Holy See. Yet on January 24th Francis demanded its grand master’s obedience and resignation. He later named a trusted associate to sort out the dispute from inside.
When Francis expects resistance from Vatican diehards, he sidesteps it. He ordered outsiders to draft changes to the rules on marital annulment (a declaration that a marriage was never valid; not to be confused with divorce, which the church does not sanction). He is said to have set up a commission to review new translations of liturgical texts, cutting out the relevant Vatican department, which is headed by Cardinal Robert Sarah, a conservative.
Unto the least of these my brethren
The biggest mystery surrounding this man, who combines toughness and compassion, is why he has not applied his rough-house tactics to the issue that most cries out for action: clerical sex abuse. It is more than just a moral matter. The priority of all the church’s recent leaders has been to halt the secularisation that began in its European heartland and is spreading through the Americas. Top of the list of reasons why many Catholics have abandoned their faith is disgust at the ever-mounting evidence of rape and molestation of minors by priests, which has been repeatedly overlooked, indeed covered up, by the offenders’ superiors. The Vatican continues not to require bishops to report allegations of abuse to the police, unless doing so is compulsory under civil law (which in many countries, including Italy, it is not).In 2014 Francis set up a Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. Doubts about its efficacy have circulated ever since. One member complained that it was under-funded. And last month it suffered a blow to its credibility with the resignation of the lone remaining abuse victim on the panel, Marie Collins from Ireland (the other victim, Peter Saunders, a Briton, was suspended without his knowledge last year). Ms Collins said that what decided her was the failure of the responsible Vatican department, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to reply to victims’ letters. She has also spoken of the commission being “hindered and blocked by members of the Curia”.
Two of the commission’s most important recommendations have come to nothing. A tribunal to handle cases of bishops accused of failing to act on abuse claims was buried, and guidelines for dioceses on how to prevent, detect and respond to abuse have not been distributed. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who heads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, protested that obstruction by the Vatican of efforts to curb child sex-abuse was merely a “cliché”. But he also remarked that he had never met Ms Collins.
Pope Francis has battled to force his church to reckon with a world in which many Catholics break church teaching by using artificial methods of contraception and cohabiting before marriage. A shrinking proportion share their religious leaders’ view of homosexual activity as sinful. But there is a growing danger that this pontiff may be remembered less as a valiant reformer and moderniser than as a pope who shrank from being as tough on predatory paedophiles and complicit bishops as he was with fogeys in the Vatican.
Theologians doubt Pope Francis is Catholic
Anxious theologians and conservative cardinals have attacked the Pope by arguing that his reforms are heretical.Controversy over his attempts to modernize church teaching on marriage, the Eucharist and papal authority itself have created astringe alliance that stretches from academics to cardinals who do not believe that there has been a proper pontiff since Pope Pius XII more than half a century ago.
At a conference in Kentucky, Cardinal Raymond Burke, the American conservative who has spearheaded opposition to the Pope’s reforms, said that Catholics needed to distinguish between the teaching of Francis the man and Francis the pope.
Cardinal Burke recalled that one of the “secrets” or predictions to emerge from the apparitions of Our Lady of Fátima to three Portuguese peasant children 100 years ago concerned “widespread apostasy in the church and the failure of the church’s shepherds to correct it”.........
The extremist fringes [ sic ] of the church hold that at least the last four pontiffs were impostors. The website claims that a third fragment of the secrets of Fátima related to the risk that the true faith would not be preserved in Rome.
Holy Mother Church has been infiltrated by the Enemy Within. See Catholic Church Infiltrators for some of the perpetrators. The Church was the main target of the Long March Through The Institutions set up by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communist party in Italy.
Francis Silent On Ireland's Abortion Vote
Did he know about it? Of course. Did he care? Not really; at all events his response was a Deafening Silence. What did he have to say when the Italians were discussing for same-sex marriage? Not a lot. Is he a heretic? Is he a Catholic?
The Pope Is A Heretic Pandering To The Homosexual Lobby [ 23 May 2018 ]
That joking retort we heard as children, “Is the pope Catholic?” is starting to look like a serious question.Asked five years ago about a “gay lobby” in the Vatican, Pope Francis responded, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” As judgment was thought to be part of the papal job description, traditional Catholics were startled at what the new pope had volunteered..................
What makes this remarkable is that the catechism of the Catholic Church, based on the Old and New Testament and tradition, has always taught that homosexuality is a moral disorder, a proclivity toward sexual relations that are unnatural and immoral.........
It implies that what Catholics regarded for centuries as moral truth was wrong, or that moral truth has evolved and must be made to conform to modernity. This is moral relativism: Truth changes with the times............
Yet, up until December 1973, homosexuality itself was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.
The new morality we hear from the pope and Hillary reflects a historic change in the moral thinking of the West. For the belief that homosexuality is normal and natural, and not only acceptable but even praiseworthy, has carried the day.
Legislatures and courts have written this “truth” into law. It has been discovered by the Supreme Court to be lurking in that Constitution whose authors regarded and treated homosexuality as a grave crime..........
“Homophobia (is) an invention and an instrument of the totalitarian dominance over the thoughts of others. The homo-movement is lacking scientific arguments, which is why it created an ideology which wants to dominate by creating its own reality.”
In short, cultural Marxists and their progressive allies have taken an ideological assertion — homosexuality is normal, natural and moral — without any historical, biological or scientific basis, and asserted it as truth, established it as law, and demanded that we accept and act upon this truth, or face the wrath of the regime...........
The truths being jettisoned built the greatest civilization known to man. Will the invented truths of our new egalitarianism survive the arrival of the new barbarians? It’s not looking all that good right now.
Pat Buchanan asks the right questions & explains so much better than I can. Is the Pope a Catholic? No! Is this good news? No! Cultural Marxism is winning. The Culture Wars are being lost. The Main Stream Media & the Education Industry are not saying this because they are the main tools of the Enemy Within.
PS Cardinal Müller argued contra so the Pope sacked him.
Jews Abuse Pope For Supporting Canonisation Of A Catholic Cardinal [ 9 July 2018 ]
Pope Francis has come under fire from Jewish leaders for supporting the sainthood of a World War II-era Polish priest they have accused of anti-Semitism. Francis approved a decree earlier this year recognising the 'heroic virtues' of Cardinal August Hlond, head of Poland's Catholic Church during the 1930s and 1940s.Hlond is praised for rejecting Nazi Germany's proposals for a collaborative government, and for protecting the church's independence during the first years of communism. But the American Jewish Committee has highlighted a passage from a letter he wrote in 1936 saying that 'Jews are fighting against the Catholic church'.
The American Jewish Committee is run by Zionist crazies full of hate who keep very quiet about the gross Racism of the Very Reverend Ovadia Yosef, lately the Chief Rabbi of Israel. They also conceal the facts about Paedophile Jews; there are thousands of them. The Failed Messiah fingered more than 2,000 cases - see Mikva Abuse for the ugly reality.
PS Fun fact, the previous chief rabbi of Israel is in prison NOW. The Israel National News names him; Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yona Metzger [ 3.5 years ]. Other criminals include former President Moshe Katsav [ rapist ], former Interior Minister Aryeh Deri [ took bribes ], former Health Minister Shlomo Benizri [ thief & slaver ] and Omri Sharon [ thief ]. The prime minister [ Olmert, a life long thief ] went away too.
Pope Francis Protected Paedophile Cardinal Alleges An Archbishop [ 29 August 2018 ]
Pope Francis rehabilitated Theodore Edgar McCarrick, a Cardinal after sexual allegations were found to be proven. The accuser, Carlo Maria Viganò was ignored by Francis so Carlo went public. This is bad. Is the Pope a Catholic? Lotsa people have their doubts. Is the Pope bent? That's how it looks. It is like the Borgia Popes. The two of them were accused of adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder. They made enemies of the Medici, the Sforza, and the Dominican friar Savonarola, among others. But it is different with Jews, especially Zionist crazies; they control the media and pervert children.
Rapist Rabbis Are Paedophile Perverts
But they get protected by the Main Stream Media, unlike the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis Versus Western Civilization [ 7 December 2018 ]
Is the Pope a Catholic? No. It is that simple, no longer a rhetorical question. The issue with bears seems to be settled. Pat Buchanan [ a Catholic BTW ] says it all so well. American Renaissance agrees with Pat. See Christianity As Enemy on the point.
Pope Incites Illegal Immigration [ 24 January 2019 ]
Pope Francis has said fear of migration is 'making us crazy' while speaking about US President Donald Trump's border wall with Mexico, as he began a trip to Central America today.Francis, the son of Italian immigrants to Argentina who has made the plight of migrants and refugees a cornerstone of his papacy, told reporters on his way to Panama: 'It is the fear that makes us crazy'.
The pope is set to speak during World Youth Day, the church's once-every-three-year rally that aims to invigorate the next generation of Catholics in their faith, held in Panama this week.
While in Panama, The 82-year-old pontiff will look to leave the sex abuse scandals buffeting his papacy behind.
Is the Pope a Catholic or a heretic? The Mail's are not falling for his nonsense, another attempt to destroy Western Civilization. Recall that Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communists in Italy regarded Holy Mother Church as his chief enemy. Breaking it by his Long March Through The Institutions, his top down approach has succeeded brilliantly. This Pope is the chief of the Catholic Church Infiltrators. Flooding Europe with Third World savages is one objective. See e.g. the next one.
Pope Panders To Jews Again [ 9 March 2019 ]
Pope Francis has denounced anti-Semitism and declared it part of a wave of 'depraved hatred' sweeping a number of countries across the world. Speaking to the American Jewish Committee during a visit to the Vatican, he urged people of all faiths to be vigilant against anti-Semitism, and said interfaith dialogue can help counter it.Pope Francis also reiterated that it was sinful for Christians to hold anti-Semitic sentiments because they shared a heritage with Jews.
Is the Pope a Catholic? People ask in all seriousness. Maurice Pinay understands the issues, the doctrines; he says Francis is not one of ours. See e.g. The Pope Is Wrong. Jews whine about being hated, about Anti-Semitism but keep very quiet about the cause.
Pope Slams Trump's Wall Plan On Visit To Morocco Saying Migration Won't Be Resolved With Barriers [ 1 April 2019 ]
Pope Francis has slammed Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the Mexican border, saying migration will 'never be resolved by raising barriers'.The 82-year-old made the comments as he arrived for the start of a two-day visit to Morocco today, aimed at showing solidarity with Morocco's growing migrant community.
At a welcome ceremony in the capital of Rabat today, the Pope said that a wall would only stir up 'fear' and deny help to those who genuinely need it.
'The issue of migration will never be resolved by raising barriers, fomenting fear of others or denying assistance to those who legitimately aspire to a better life for themselves and their families,' he said.
Is the man a fool or a Marxist? Perhaps both is the right answer. Is the Pope a Catholic? It is no longer a rhetorical question. There have been decent popes. Urban II was one; he took the war to the enemy in 1095 AD when Islamics were invading Christendom.The Mail's readers are not swallowing this one, not even slightly. NB It was published yesterday at then replaced today by The Pope tells Moroccans 'we are brothers and sisters' a day after security scare at
Pope Tells Us To Pray For Illegal Immigrants [ 14 July 2019 ]
Pope Francis has been bombarded with abuse from Italian Twitter users after urging Catholics to pray for migrants. 'Migrants are first of all human persons, and that they are the symbol of all those rejected by today's globalised society,' the pontiff tweeted on Monday.But his charitable sentiments garnered him abuse from social media users in Italy.
Is the Pope a Catholic? Is the man an Enemy Of The People or just a fool? Italians vote for Matteo Salvini because he is doing something useful about Illegal Immigrants, the criminals that the Pope is inciting.
Pope Compares European Nationalists To Nazis [ 10 August 2019 ]
Pope Francis compared European nationalism to Hitler's rise to power today after Italy's Matteo Salvini attempted to tighten his grip on power.Italy's Deputy Prime Minister, whose slogan is 'Italians first,' pulled support for the coalition government and called for snap elections on Thursday.
Salvini had urged for a 'sovereignist' right-wing front to challenge the EU in European elections earlier this year.
The pope warned, in an interview published in La Stampa on Friday, that 'sovereignism reveals an attitude toward isolation' and compared increasing nationalism to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s.
Is the man a fool or a Marxist? Is he even a Catholic? The question has been asked in all seriousness. Matteo Salvini looks like a jovial chap; he has sensible views on Illegal Immigration. NB The Mail is censoring comments just in case but the readers are not impressed by what Francis has to say.
Pope Francis Says Pandemic Is ‘Nature’s Response’ to Climate Crisis [ 11 April 2020 ]
Pope Francis said he believes the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is “certainly nature’s response” to humanity’s failure to address the “partial catastrophes” wrought by human-induced climate change.Asked by British journalist Austen Ivereigh whether the COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity for an “ecological conversion,” the pontiff reasserted his belief that humanity has provoked nature by not responding adequately to the climate crisis.............
Late last month the pope expressed this same belief to a Spanish journalist, insisting that the coronavirus pandemic is nature’s cry for humans to take better care of creation........
Francis has also scolded political leaders for their half-hearted response to the climate crisis, suggesting that their “weak” resolve in cutting emissions reveals a lack of political will.
Is the Pope a Catholic? The question gets asked in all seriousness. Is he a scientific illiterate? Yes.
Pope Speaks About Murdered Black [ 4 June 2020 ]
Pope Francis has today broken his silence over the death of George Floyd, praying for all those killed by the 'sin of racism' and condemning 'self-defeating' violent protests across the US. The pontiff said 'we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism' as he dedicated the entire English-language section of his weekly audience to the situation in America.But he also condemned the violence that followed Floyd's death in the city of Minneapolis last week as 'self-destructive and self-defeating'. 'Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost,' Francis added, before calling for national reconciliation and peace.
Floyd, 46, an unarmed black man, suffocated as a white police officer knelt on his neck, sparking widespread demonstrations against systemic racism and police brutality.
If the Pope had said that Black Lives Matter but that most blacks are murdered by their own he would have been worth taking seriously. Has he worked out that Racism is an excuse for evil? Perhaps but he is not saying anything about that. The Catholic Church is like the Church of England a busted flush, lacking confidence in itself. Recall that Pope Urban II told us to take the war to the enemy, to Crusade against Islamics in Palestine. We did but that was then; this is now.
Pope Rejects Christianity [ 22 October 2020 ]
Pope Francis has endorsed same-sex civil unions, saying in a documentary that homosexual people are 'children of God' and that they 'have the right to be in a family'.His approval came midway through a feature-length film, titled Francesco, which had its premiere at the Rome Film Festival earlier today. The film delves into issues Francis cares about most, including the environment, poverty, migration, racial and income inequality, and the people most affected by discrimination.
[ Standard issues used by Left Wing subversives - Editor ].'Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,' the 83-year-old said in one of his sit-down interviews for the film..........
He added that he 'stood up for that' in an apparent reference to his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires when he opposed legislation to approve same sex marriages but supported some kind of legal protection for the rights of gay couples. The Pope's remarks will come as a shock to millions of Roman Catholics who have long followed the doctrine that gay relationships are sinful and accepted the Church's stand against the worldwide advance of gay rights.
Is the Pope a Catholic? Was he ever? Antonio Gramsci is destroying Holy Mother Church where Alexander Borgia failed. The Long March Through The Institutions has succeeded but Alexander had a lot more fun. This twerp is ignoring the Ten Commandments, in particular "Neither shalt thou commit adultery". It is in Deuteronomy 5:16. As to sexual perverts of one sort of another you might think that Galatians 5:19 covers the case rather adequately Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.
The Pope Is Become The Anti-Christ [ 15 April 2021 ]
Pope Francis has certainly been a busy little Anti-Christ since he seized power in a palace coup a few years back. (This picture was taken when he heard the news of Notre Dame going up in flames.) In fact, in a textbook case of Satanic Inversion he has turned many fundamental Church doctrines totally on their heads. Approval of or tolerance towards a whole range of sexual deviations (‘how would I know if it’s a sin?’) including same-sex marriages and transgenderism, flattening a well-wisher who tried to shake his hand, licking the feet of Africans, permitted the erection of a statue to Moloch (God of child sacrifice) on Vatican property, encouraged South American Indians to worship pagan fertility gods, appointing suspected child-molesters to key Vatican positions, describing spreading the Word of God as a form of “ideological colonization”, claiming to ‘dread’ hearing about ‘Europe’s Christian roots’, urging Europeans to breed with the invading Muslim hordes in order stem the continent’s population decline and describing ISIS head-choppers as well-meaning chaps who misunderstand the Religion Of Peace.But any remaining doubts about him have been, in my view, removed by his recent letter to the world’s bankers and financiers in which he openly called for the One World Government warned about (and signifying End Times) in the Bible. ‘“There remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the integral human development of all peoples.” The letter also strongly advocated for universal vaccines, while bemoaning the “ecological debt” which is owed to “nature itself.” The letter mentioned God just once, in the final line. Textbook New Age paganism.
Now consider what Jesuit theologian Malachi Martin predicted thirty years ago. “Roman Catholics will then have the spectacle of a Pope validly elected who cuts the entire visible body of the Church loose from the traditional unity and the Papacy-oriented apostolic structure that the Church has hitherto believed and taught was divinely established. The shudder that will shake the Roman Catholic body in that day will be the shudder of its death agony. … Many will accept the new regime. Many will resist. All will be fragmented. There will be no one on earth to hold the fractionating members of the visible Roman Catholic body together as a living compact organization. [This will] transform the Papacy itself into a complaisant, even a cooperative, handmaiden in the service of a new creation. A new earthly habitat. A truly New World Order.”
Meanwhile a new book of Christian prayer ( A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal) is being actively propagated by Target and Amazon where it’s already a best-seller. One prayer, called “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman by “Dr.” Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a theology “professor” at Mercer University, starts: “Dear God, Please help me to hate White people. Or at least to want to hate them… I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.” The “prayer” then describes the type of White person they want to hate— not the actual blatantly racist ones, but the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” who “don’t see color”, are friendly and accepting on the surface.
“Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better. Let me imagine them instead as white-hooded robes standing in front of burning crosses. Let me see them as hopelessly unrepentant, reprobate bigots who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and who need to be handed over to the evil one.” “Grant me a Get Out of Judgment Free Card if I make White people the exception to your commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”
The little Anti-Christ himself could hardly made a better hand of inverting the fundamental Christian message. End Times approach..
Pope Francis is not just the Anti-Christ; he is a Heretic too. Recall that Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, another heretic was charged, given a fair trial, convicted, sentenced and burnt at the stake along with couple of bishops. That was in 1556 AD, different times, better times?This ghastly Walker-Barnes is a black Anti-White Racist blatantly in inciting hate This means she is a criminal in English Law. She would be allowed to get away with it because the legal Establishment is corrupt and she is black - ugly too.
Pope Prays For An End To Coronavirus Again [ 3 May 2021 ]
QUOTE [ 2 May 2021 ]
Pope Francis prayed for the end of the pandemic in a special service in St Peter's Basilica on Saturday at the start of a 'marathon' month of prayer asking for the 'hard trial' to be over.The pontiff asked for the return of what he called 'a horizon of hope', including a scenario in which scientists conquer the coronavirus, at the service attended by 200 people.
Speaking softly at the evening rosary service, Frances lamented how the pandemic has left so many people 'anguished, bewildered and weeping for their dear ones who have died, buried sometimes in a way that wounds the soul.'
Francis tried it before, last year in March. See Pope & Christians Pray For Relief. It didn't work then. Will it work this time? Pass but I doubt it. He is not well thought of. Is the Pope a Catholic? The question has been asked in all seriousness. Is he a Heretic or even the Anti-Christ. People have been asking. By their fruit shalt Ye know them. The Mail's readers are underwhelmed.
Israeli Rabbi Gets Lippy With The Pope [ 28 August 2021 ]
Israel's top Jewish religious authorities have declared they are concerned about comments that Pope Francis made about their books of sacred law and have asked for a clarification.Rabbi Rasson Arousi, chair of the Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for Dialogue with the Holy See, wrote a letter addressed to the Vatican which said the comments appeared to suggest Jewish law was obsolete. Vatican authorities said they were studying the letter, first seen by Reuters, and were considering a response.
Pope Tells Hungarians To Flood Their Country With Third World Parasites
Pope Francis urged Hungary on Sunday to 'extend its arms towards everyone,' in a veiled critique of Prime Minister Viktor Orban´s border policies.The pontiff opened a four-day visit to Central Europe with the remarks in his first big international outing since undergoing surgery in July.
Francis, 84, appeared in good form during his short visit to Budapest, presiding over a lengthy Mass and standing as he waved to crowds from his open-sided popemobile.
He used a golf cart to avoid walking long distances indoors and confessed at one point that he had to sit because 'I´m not 15 anymore.' But otherwise he kept up the typical grueling pace of a papal trip despite his ongoing recovery.
Is the Pope a Catholic or a Heretic? Recall that Pope Urban II sent the Faithfull on the First Crusade in 1096 AD. No pandering to the enemy from His Holiness then. How many Illegal Immigrants has Francis taken into the Vatican? Not many, not any. The Mail's readers are not even slightly sympathetic. They know we are being betrayed too. NB the Irish Savant refers to the Antichrist enthroned in Rome. Over the top? Perhaps but how many decent Catholics think it?Rabbi Arousi wrote the letter a day after the pope spoke about the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, during a general audience on August 11.
What are the Jews saying about the Right Reverend Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a vicious, senile, racist old rogue, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, a recognized Talmudic scholar and foremost halakhic authority to boot. Not a lot, not in public at all events. Yosef is grossly Racist, just like most Jews.
His Holiness The Pope Grovelled Before Red Indians In Canada After An Alleged Massacre [ 31 July 2022 ]
The big news from Canada is that Pope Francis is finishing up what he calls a “pilgrimage of repentance,” and what I call the white-man crawl, and I’m not talking about swimming. The Pope has put on one of the sorriest spectacles of voluntary public humiliation the world has ever seen.It all has to do with the alleged horrors perpetrated against Canadian Indians by the Catholic church. As we see from this article from last Thursday called “Pope Francis Issues Apology For School Abuses Against Indigenous Children in Canada”
“More than 150,000 native children in Canada were forced to attend state-funded Christian schools from the 19th century until the 1970s . . . . The aim was to Christianize and assimilate them into mainstream society, which previous Canadian governments considered superior.”............
Forced to attend schools? Well, so were white children. It’s called compulsory education. A lot of Indian Children went to boarding schools because there were no schools in the wilds.
And yes, they were taught Christianity and yes, the Canadian government thought Western Civilization was better than illiteracy and shamanism. The government was right.
However, as Scientific American kindly explains, “Canada’s Residential Schools Were a Horror. Founded to carry out the genocide of Indigenous people, they created conditions that killed thousands of children.”.....................
It’s hard to find images of what went on in those schools, but I found these: 10:43 – 12:02. Yep, looks like a serious Catholic education, but that’s what white Catholic children got, too. If they taught girls how to sew, I guess it was out of pure spite. But today, we are supposed to believe that after soccer practice and “Silent Night,” the nuns and priests were beating, buggering, raping, and even murdering these children..............
The strong implications was that nuns and priests killed these children –through violence or neglect – and dumped them in a secret mass grave.
Canada covered itself in sackcloth and ashes. Government flags went to half-mast for seven months – longer than ever in Canadian history.
The Wikipedia tells us that children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School went hungry. It does admit that the "unmarked graves" found by ground penetrating radar are very much guess work. They are totally unexcavated & unconfirmed. Other happy Indians were found; they were at these schools and liked them. The Mainstream Media are weapons being used by Anti-White Racists as tools in the Culture Wars against us.
Pope Francis calls Catholic Church's ban on priests having sex 'temporary' opening door to review of 1,000-year-old celibacy rules [ 13 March 2023 ]
The headline is verbatim. The attitude is all too clear. Francis has been referred to as the Antichrist. See e.g. what the Irish Savant has to say about him at Holy Mother Church has been taken over by Catholic Church Infiltrators. Savant feels that the Catholic Church is still red in tooth in claw compared to the desiccated husk of what passes for the Church Of England, writhing in its dying agonies like a slug in a bowl of salt.
Pope And Presbyterians Incite Homosexuality [ 6 February 2023 ]
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE — Pope Francis, the head of the Anglican Communion and top Presbyterian minister together denounced the criminalization of homosexuality on Sunday and said gay people should be welcomed by their churches.The three Christian leaders spoke out on LGBTQ rights during an unprecedented joint airborne news conference returning home from South Sudan, where they took part in a three-day ecumenical pilgrimage to try to nudge the young country’s peace process forward. They were asked about Francis’ recent comments to The Associated Press, in which he declared that laws that criminalize gay people were “unjust” and that “being homosexual is not a crime.”
As Francis knows full well the Ten Commandments forbid adultery, including perverted variants. That is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The Protestant twerps do too. Then they wonder why the pews are empty on Sundays.
Francis Is A POS [ 15 April 2023 ]
G. Poulin in Comment 2 says
Pope POS the First doesn’t defend Christians because he isn’t one.
Fair comment - further that
April 17, 2023 at 12:56 pm GMT • 2.9 days ago
Sure, but in my view this particular piece has earned himself a special ranking. There have been venal popes, immoral popes, weak popes, violent popes, and unbelieving popes. But never before has there been one whose papacy is defined by his unrelenting hostility to all things Christian. This POS is in a class all by himself.
Mr Poulin is one of many not amused by God's representative.
Is the Pope a Catholic? This was a rhetorical question. Now it gets asked for real. The question of what bears do in the woods seems settled. Here is some of the evidence. The author does point out that Pope Pius XII, a decent man comes in for abuse by Zionist crazies even though he helped Jews avoid Adolf Hitler's tender mercies. This is because it does not fit in with their Holocaust® Story.
From Communist Friends Of The New World Pope
Comrade de Bonafini
The scandal-plagued Mothers association still agitates for "progressive" causes in Argentina today, with its younger militants openly calling for a Cuban-style revolution. In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., founding member Hebe Pastor de Bonafini, evidently under the false impression that the attacks were carried out by Arabs, applauded the event:
"When the attack happened I was in Cuba, visiting my daughter, and I felt happiness. It didn't hurt me at all."
She went on to connect their ideals with the cause of the Communist guerrilla groups in 1970s Argentina.
Four years later, the controversial Communist hag aimed her vicious verbal bombs at the anti-Communist Pope John Paul II. As the Pope lay dying she said he was a "swine", and added, "he committed many sins, and would rot in hell." (here) & (here)
1 & 2: Comrade de Bonafini's lack of sympathy for the victims of 9/11 shows what a cold-hearted beast she really is.
3: Pope John Paul's anti-Communism condemned him "to hell" in de Bonafini's book!
Incredibly, de Bonafini is now also a "friend" of Pope Fakeness. The two have exchanged friendly letters of support, with Phony Frankie "sharing sorrow" over some of the missing Communist scum still not accounted for. (here) Perhaps the "New World Pope" was not aware of her inflammatory statements regarding 9/11 and the death of Pope John "swine" Paul II; but he knows damn well that the Madres group is as controversial as it is Marxist. And he also knows what the wicked "missing children" of these Red ladies were really all about.
Comrade Mugica
Yet another of the "many good Marxists" that Cardinal Bergoglio so admires was Communist Priest Carlos Mugica and his band of "slum Priests". Just like Pope Frankie, the highly political slum priests placed Marxist "haves vs have-nots" class warfare materialism ahead of moral teachings. During the 1960's, Fr. Mugica, the leather jacket-wearing priest with the movie-star looks, actually sponsored symposiums for “Dialogue between Catholics and Marxists”.
Fr. Mugica was also an admitted
admirer of Argentinian Communist revolutionary Che Guevara and maintained loose
ties to the terrorist-Communist 'Montoneros' guerrillas. For these reasons,
Bishop Aramburu was preparing to defrock the commie cleric once and for
On May 11, 1974, Rodolfo Almirón, an operative of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (AAA), assassinated the phony Father; shooting him 5 times at close range. The funeral for Marxist Mugica attracted the Communist scum of Argentina from every rat-hole and sewer pipe.
Mugica was a Communist infiltrator within the Catholic Church; a common problem in Latin America. His funeral turned out to be a grand Red spectacle.
Twenty-five years after Mugica was killed, Archbishop Bergoglio worked to resurrect his memory. In 1999, the future Pope led a procession in which the Communist priest’s remains were exhumed from a cemetery and reburied in the chapel in the villa where he had lived. Bergoglio made the slum priests a priority. He tripled their numbers and gave them a special rank. He opened new chapels for them and visited them frequently, usually arriving on his own by city bus to show-off to everyone what a "down-to-earth" Archbishop he really was.”
Bergoglio honors Carlos Mugica. A 'Viva Carlos' banner is visible in the background.
The mysterious and unprecedented resignation of Pope Frankie's predecessor all makes sense now. What happened in 2013 was actually a Globalist coup, a "Vatican Spring", if you will. God only knows what sort of blackmail was used to induce Pope Benedict to step down; an event which no one has been able to quite figure out.
The rise of Frankie the Fake has been an absolute boon for the Globo-Marxists. Efforts to stop illegal immigration into Europe have been severely set back by the Pope's urging to keep the floodgates open and "serve the poor". His Hollowness has downplayed the Church's stand on abortion, opened the door to the acceptance of homosexuality, and even given his blessing to the fake, soul-distorting "sciences" of Big Bangism and Evolution. Meanwhile, as the world creeps towards World War III, useless Frankie remains silent in the face of the West's aggression towards Syria and other states.
It is very telling that the same Pope who is today so quick to purge high-ranking conservative bishops, is oh-so "tolerant" when it comes to making nice-nice with Communists, genocidal Zionists, Illegal Immigrants invaders and Homosexuals. It is no wonder that the Marxist media loves this charlatan! But it wasn't always this way.
The Wise Words
of a True Moral Leader
Pope Pius XII
Pope from March 1939 to October 1958
This all too imminent danger,
Venerable Brethren, as you have already surmised, is bolshevistic
and atheistic Communism, which aims at upsetting the social order
and at undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization.
In the face of such a threat, the Catholic Church could not and does not remain silent. This Apostolic See, above all, has not refrained from raising its voice, for it knows that its proper and social mission is to defend truth, justice and all those eternal values which Communism ignores or attacks. Ever since the days when groups of "intellectuals" were formed in an arrogant attempt to free civilization from the bonds of morality and religion, Our Predecessors overtly and explicitly drew the attention of the world to the consequences of the dechristianization of human society. With reference to Communism, Our Venerable Predecessor, Pius IX, of holy memory, as early as 1846 pronounced a solemn condemnation, which he confirmed in the words of the Syllabus directed against "that infamous doctrine of so-called Communism which is absolutely contrary to the natural law itself, and if once adopted would utterly destroy the rights, property and possessions of all men, and even society itself." Our words are now receiving sorry confirmation from the spectacle of the bitter fruits of subversive ideas, which We foresaw and foretold, and which are in fact multiplying fearfully in the countries already stricken, or threatening every other country of the world. Hence We wish to expose once more in a brief synthesis the principles of atheistic Communism as they are manifested chiefly in bolshevism. We wish also to indicate its method of action and to contrast with its false principles the clear doctrine of the Church, in order to inculcate anew and with greater insistence the means by which the Christian civilization, the true civitas humana, can be saved from the satanic scourge, and not merely saved, but better developed for the well-being of human society. The Communism of today, more emphatically than similar movements in the past, conceals in itself a false messianic idea. A pseudo-ideal of justice, of equality and fraternity in labor impregnates all its doctrine and activity with a deceptive mysticism, which communicates a zealous and contagious enthusiasm to the multitudes entrapped by delusive promises. This is especially true in an age like ours, when unusual misery has resulted from the unequal distribution of the goods of this world. This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were responsible for a certain economic progress. |
What a difference in media treatment between "Hitler's Pope" and
the "New World Pope"!