The French are prone to have scandals, major scandals at that. That is why
politicians passed a privacy law; so that they could carry on fornicating,
taking bribes, betraying La Belle France et cetera. But some things do come to
light. Sarkozy, the Jew who runs
the place is currently [ December 2011 ] colluding with Merkel to carry on where
Napoleon and naughty little
Adolf left
off. First
then the world. The current
[ 2008 ]
Financial Crisis is a problem for some and
an opportunity for cunning, power crazed manipulators, roughly speaking for those
who caused it in the first place. Then there was the
Rutting Chimpanzee Jew Running
Against Sarkozy who was programmed to take over where Sarkozy
left off. Getting caught
fornicating with a black whore or not as the case
may be sorted that out. But the blacks keep pouring in.
General Schwarzkopf
said that
"Going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you leave behind is a load of noisy baggage"
2022 Election Being Subverted
Follow the link. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Stormfront Shows The Truth in Paris
Jews Destroying Free Speech In France
Anne Kling, a Frenchwoman has written about the ugly realities of politics in France, in particular the huge influence of Jews. It is malign, committed to destroying la belle France. See e.g. LE CRIF, Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France, Un lobby au coeur de la République - A Lobby at the Heart of the Republic. 1% of the population have 15% of the oligarchs & disproportionate influence. They are doing the same things to England & America.
Hollande Swears Loyalty To Israel
You just might think that he owes absolute loyalty to France. You might think that anything less is Treason. But he runs France so he is above the law. Compare this performance with
Front National
The Front National is a French party which has a moderate but significant following. It is also at the receiving end of hatred coming from the Main Stream Media, Education industry, politicians generally and the Puppet Masters, the ones who pull the strings. You might feel that it was just coincidence that the next French election was going to be between the Jew, Sarkozy and the Jew cum rutting chimpanzee, Strauss-Kahn. It was going to be a win for the Jews no matter what, something gamblers call a stacked deck. That is how they like it.Now le Front is out there in the running with Marine le Pen as their new face. Her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen was a sound sort of chap who served in the Légion étrangère. The Wiki is keen to point out that he was not at Dien Bien Phu but does not compare his service with that of draft dodging scum like Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron - where do you stop with a list like this?
Le Front is hated by other politicians, the Main Stream Media, communist subversives etcetera because it is patriotic. The opposition call it Racist which is a Marxist construct heavily used as a political tool to make Europeans ashamed of their heritage; to forsake their racial interests, to want to be overwhelmed by a flood of Third World immigrants.
Rutting ChimpanzeeJew Running Against Sarkozy
Dominique Strauss-Kahn is not a woman as you might think from the name. Kahn is NOT a Frenchman as the main stream media claim. Kahn is a Jew on the make. He ran the International Monetary Fund. Now that he is on the skids the IMF is being run by another Jew. Well, what a surprise - that is if you read the Main Stream Media without looking for the truth on the Internet. And would you believe that Kahn has a track record of this kind of thing?
The French election was supposed to have a Jew running against another of them leading to a guaranteed win for the Jews. It is what they call as stacked deck. That is how they like it.
You can see what he likes. He ain't fussy about the colour either.
Dreyfus Affair ex Wiki
The Dreyfus affair (French: l'affaire Dreyfus) was a political scandal that divided France in the 1890s and the early 1900s. It involved the conviction for treason in November 1894 of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a young French artillery officer of Alsatian Jewish descent. Sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly having communicated French military secrets to the German Embassy in Paris, Dreyfus was sent to the penal colony at Devil's Island in French Guiana and placed in solitary confinement, where he was to spend almost 5 years under the most inhumane conditions......Eventually, all the accusations against Alfred Dreyfus were demonstrated to be baseless. In 1906 Dreyfus was exonerated and reinstated as a major in the French Army. He served during the whole of World War I, ending his service with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.
Dreyfus was stitched up because he was a Jew. One journalist who covered the matter was Theodor Herzl, another Jew who was assigned to report on the trial and its aftermath. Soon afterward, Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State, 1896) and founded the World Zionist Organization. The consequences were the founding of Israel and unmitigated evil. Had Herzl been honest he would have taken the point that Jews might well be hated with reason. Cleaning up their act was not an option that they favoured. Being too lazy, too greedy put that out of the running.
French Rioting Special
The perpetrators were, naturally enough Barbarians.
Racism in France
The colour of the criminals? Black of course.
Chief Rabbi Of France Is A Crook [ 12 April 2013 ]
France's Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim acknowledged that he plagiarized several parts of his latest book. Bernheim said Tuesday in a statement that parts of the 2011 book "Forty Jewish Meditations" were taken from other sources. Bernheim said he used a ghostwriter for the book.“I have been fooled,” he wrote. “However, I am responsible. I apologize to the authors whose texts have been copied, to the people who have read these 'meditations' and to my publisher who was not informed of the existence of an outsider.”....... Bernheim asked for the book to be removed from bookstores and from his bibliography.
The affair started in early March when the Strass de la Philosophie blog revealed that a passage on hasidic exegesis from Bernheim’s work was almost identical to an interview of the philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard that appears in the 1996 book "Questioning Judaism" by Elisabeth Weber...... In addition, Jean-Noel Darde, a senior lecturer at Paris 8 University, suggested on his website that Bernheim also might have plagiarized books by other authors such as Elie Wiesel, Jean-Marie Domenach and Charles Dobzynski.
A Jew lies, a Jew cheats. It is SOP [ standard operating procedure ]. He looks like a cunning rogue.
Bernheim is different from Ovadia Yosef the Chief Rabbi of Israel, a senile old fool. See the next one.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
"22 Oct 2010 ... http://ZIOMANIA.COM Rabbi Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews By JONAH MANDEL 10/18/2010 The Jerusalem Post The sole purpose of ..."
Why La Quenelle Is Not Kosher
Dieudonné is taking a rise out of God's Chosen People. They turned nasty. Free Speech? Forget it when Jews don't want it.
French Being Attacked By Third World Aliens In France [ 16 April 2014 ]
Violent crime can happen anywhere and to anyone and for many reasons, but in parts of France, it has become especially dangerous to be white. See the video, know the truth.
French President Swears Undying Loyalty To Israel [ 7 December 2014 ]
He also claims that he believes the Holocaust® Story. This has consequences. See the next one. You might even wonder if the Jews put him in power for a reason.
France To Pay $60 Million To Holocaust® Racketeers [ 7 December 2014 ]
France has agreed to pay $60 million in compensation to hundreds of American survivors of the Holocaust who were deported to Nazi death camps using the country's trains.The money will also be available to thousands of descendants of those who were transported on freight cars belonging to the French state rail company SNCF. It follows a long legal battle after the US state of Maryland barred SNCF from bidding for contracts on a $3 billion transport project there.
There are around 250 survivors in the US who will be eligible for the reparations. They could receive up to $100,000 each, and spouses or heirs of survivors who have since died could get several tens of thousands of dollars..........
France has previously paid more than $6 billion in reparations but only to French citizens.
SNCF will contribute $4 million over the next five years towards Holocaust memorials and museums in the US, France and Israel.
This article exposes real power and extortion. Keeping the French snouts out of a $3 billion trough was the trick. Jews run America and the Holocaust® Racket. They have screwed the Germans out of $63.2 Billion and rising. Does it go to 'survivors'? Let not be naive. The World Jewish Congress steals it from Jews as well as honest folk.
Free Speech Is Legal In France - Unless Jews Object [ 28 January 2014 ]
Dieudonné is a comedian operating in France, the one who brought us la Quenelle, a mocking gesture, which means something - or nothing but infuriates Jews. So the Puppet Masters gave their orders: stop him. The puppets of the Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ] in France rushed to obey. Do they care about Free Speech, the law, justice? Not a chance. The bribes come first, or is it the blackmail? Just why did they tell us that François Hollande is screwing various different women at this time? Proof of power?Zionist crazies have power, which is why Hollande told the Jews about his absolute commitment to Israel. Does this qualify as Treason? It should but real power is the power to abuse power. See him betray France at Of course he is not the only one.
Our little comedian looks quite jovial but then he put one over on God's Chosen People.
Islamics In France Went To War In Syria Then Incite Murder [ 8 February 2015 ]
A Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ] imports vicious aliens in order to cause trouble. It succeeds.
Vicious Attacks On White People Commonplace In France [ 23 February 2015 ]
See the video, know the truth, the reality that the Main Stream Media are actively hiding from us. See more evil at:-
Pack of Muslims hitting and groping lone white French girl.
Pack of Africans punch a white girl in the face as she walks past and laugh into the camera.
Pack of Africans wait and push a white jogger over.
Blacks at school punching white French boy
France needs the Armed Citizen. So does England. That is why the media hate him.
Français De Souche [ 2 April 2015 ]
Français de souche = real French as distinct from Français de papier, alien with a bit of paper - allegedly French.
Nous sommes tes ancêstres crétin = We are your ancestors, cretin - they lie.
Les étranger dehors = You are strangers from without.
The French feel they can get along very nicely without North African Barbarians or other parasites.
PS The source is in urine extraction mode.
Calais Blacks Rape English Sympathiser [ 11 August 2015 ]
The woman was reporting on illegal immigration from France to Britain and police believe the attack was carried by some of the men she intended to write about in the northern France port. Detectives described the attack as being of a "particularly brutal nature". Some 100 would-be immigrants to Britain were rounded up by a force of French riot police and are being questioned as potential witnesses.The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was described as "a London student who had travelled to France to highlight problems surrounding clandestine immigration." A local police spokesman added: "She appeared to be working alone, which was clearly a very dangerous thing to do........
In 2005 a gang of would-be immigrants was implicated in the rape of a resident of Oye-Plage, near Calais.
Another leftie gets bludgeoned by reality. Now she knows that Rape is fun - for the perpetrators. Perhaps she has found out that Third World invaders have turned Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.
Jews Control France [ 3 October 2015 ]
France has its Israel Lobby, just like America, just like England. We all the victims of Zionist Occupation Governments [ ZOGs ]
Jewish influence is typically remarked upon by bragging activist Jews, by senior politicians near death, by uncritical commentators, or by critical commentators who, being swiftly punished, usually learn to keep quiet. The penalty for criticism, universal ostracism, is such that Blanrue speaks of “the-lobby-that-doesn’t-exist”: the lobby that everyone knows about and everyone knows must never be spoken about (lest they find themselves in the dock with Alain Soral and Dieudonné M’bala M’bala).
Why was it that Cameron sent the Royal Air Force to murder Arabs in Syria? Could it be for Jews who want Oil and power in the Middle East?
French Interior Minister Achieves 250 Dead - Murdered By Enemy Aliens Imported With Malice Aforethought [ 17 July 2016 ]
The French Establishment imports hostile Third World aliens by the million; the Ethnic Fouling Of France. It is policy, it is Treason. It is happening in America, Canada, England, Holland, Ireland & the rest of Western Civilization but not Israel. It is happening because politicians are controlled by the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies who hate us. Marine le Pen says he should go so the Daily Mail alleges that she is Far Right extremist. It lies.
French Prime Minister Hated For Pandering To Third World Mass Murderers [ 19 July 2016 ]
France's Socialist prime minister Manuel Valls was booed by a huge crowd in Nice on Monday before and after a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the deadly Bastille Day attack........But there were shouts of "Murderers!" and "Resign!" as Mr Valls and two cabinet colleagues left the seafront where thousands had gathered to remember the 84 people killed on July 14 by truck driver Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel..........
"Manuel Valls was already unpopular because of the labour laws which are really against workers.
The Telegraph is going easy on Valls but then it is called The Quislinggraph for a reason. Valls is the comedian that told the huddled masses that Terrorism Is Policy - Learn To Live With It - Or Die If That Is What It Takes. Valls is importing Third World criminals, just like Sarkozy, Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Merkel, Obama et cetera but not, of course Netanyahu; he is a Jew who is not letting blacks overrun Israel.
France Loses 750 Million From Tourist Industry After Allowing Islamic Terrorist Infiltration [ 26 August 2016 ]
Why go to a France overrun by vicious Third World savages? Why go through Calais, which is also infested with them? Not me. Our own wonderful government is bribing Illegal Immigrants so they are helping destroy England too.
English Girl Injured By Would Be Islamic Rapists In France [ 26 August 2016 ]
Prisoners were taken so justice might be done.
Hard Left Politician Running For President In France [30 January 2017 ]
Marine le Pen of the Front National will see him off without raising a sweat. Some of his bright ideas sound good. The 32 hour week is a distinct improvement on 35. Legal cannabis. Paying people whether they work or not. Who gets to pay? Not me so no worries.
French Establishment Candidate Running Against Marine Le Pen Caught Thieving [ 5 February 2017 ]
France: Establishment’s anti-FN Champion Collapses into Scandal
Francois Fillon, the French establishment’s “secret weapon” they planned to use against the Front National’s Marine le Pen in the upcoming French presidential election, has seen his polling figures crash in the wake of a financial scandal involving the alleged misuse of hundreds of thousands of public funds...............It has been widely predicted that Le Pen would win the first round, with Fillon coming second. Then, in the follow-up round, Fillon would—as is usually the case—unite conservatives, liberals, leftists, communists, and greens into an “anti-FN” coalition, and win.
All was apparently going according to plan until a French newspaper, Le Canard, revealed that Fillon’s British-born wife Penelope was paid €500,000 ($539,114) out of parliamentary funds for working as an “assistant”—except that she had several times been on the record saying she did not work and stayed away from her husband’s political career.......
Penelope Fillon’s salary was very high for a “parliamentary assistant,” reaching €7,900 ($8,514) a month—three or four times the going rate. The French prosecutor’s office is also investigating another case involving Penelope Fillon, in which she was paid an additional €5,000 a month between May 2012 and December 2013 by a literary review owned by a billionaire businessman friend of Fillon.........
Almost instantly, Fillon—who had been campaigning on a platform of “honesty and openness”—saw his approval ratings collapse. An Oxoda poll conducted after the first reports emerged said that Fillon has lost 16 points since the week before.
Part of the collapse is due to the fact that Fillon’s election program had been the cutting of 500,000 public service jobs—a slap in the face for those workers when it was revealed he had used public money to pay his own wife for a made-up public service job.
Another ghastly Establishment crook comes unstuck. The Main Stream Media tip toed round this one. His face fits.
French Politician Alleges That He Isn't Bent [ 8 February 2017 ]
They set this fellow, Macron up to run against Marine le Pen maybe two days ago. That is how long it took to find the dirt. This shows that they can't find anything against Marine even though she is allegedly a Far Right extremist.
French President Charged With Fraud [ 8 February 2017 ]
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is to stand criminal trial for running a corrupt election campaign, it was announced today. The 62-year-old faces jail if he is found guilty of a range of crimes including fraud, false accounting and breach of trust................Bygmalion was the PR firm which handled the notoriously self-promoting Sarkozy's appearances during his failed 2012 re-election campaign. It is said to have used a vast system of false accounting to conceal an alleged explosion of illegal funding for his campaign. It exceeded the legal limit for funds of £18.5 million, with Sarkozy's team spending the equivalent of at least £33 million........
Sarkozy is also under investigation in a range of other scandals, including claims that he received £42 million from the late Colonel Gaddafi.
The French might be more honest than our lot. Their politicians might not be above the law unlike Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, Janner etc. To be fair about the Zionist crazies running Israel they put their prime minister in prison; Olmert is a thief. They also put the president away, Katsav is doing six years for rape.
French Presidential Candidate Charged With Thieving [ 1 March 2017 ]
Under-fire French presidential candidate Francois Fillon has said he will remain in the race, describing fraud allegations against him as a 'political assassination'. The former prime minister had been widely tipped to stand down, and told reporters that his lawyers had received a summons from judges this morning.He confirmed he would be charged with a series of corruption offences on March 15, five weeks before France goes to the polls to chose its next head of state. Fillon is accused of paying his wife hundreds of thousands of pounds while pretending she was his ‘parliamentary assistant’.
Putting bungs through the books is an easy way to come unstuck. It won't do our Marine le Pen any harm.
French Twerp Goes Shooting At School [ 16 March 2017 ]
He was after the headmaster but didn't manage to kill anyone. The local police turned up with their guns - after the event and badly armed at that. It makes a change from Islamic hooligans.
French Politician Is A Thief. Quelle Horreur [ 22 March 2017 ]
French Interior Minister Bruno Le Roux resigned on Tuesday over payments of public funds to his daughters, denying he had done anything wrong but saying he did not want the scandal to affect the government’s work.The employment of family members by politicians has become a hot-button issue in France after conservative presidential election candidate Francois Fillon became embroiled in a similar scandal over the employment of his wife and two of his children as parliamentary assistants...........
“Those work contracts ... correspond to work that was effectively carried out,” said Le Roux, in a bid to distance himself from Fillon, who is accused of having paid his wife hundreds of thousands of euros for work she did not do........
The Quotidien TV show said Le Roux had paid a combined total of 55,000 euros ($59,455.00) between 2009 and 2016 to his two daughters as parliamentary assistants during summer vacations, starting from when they were 15 and 16............
At issue is the extent to which work was actually done for the money, which in Fillon’s case was in the region of 800,000 euros.
They would prefer to harass Marine le Pen. Heigh ho.
Perceptive Comment On Marine Le Pen Versus Macron [ 27 April 2017 ]
This was after the first round of votes. Mr Baggins called it right.
PayPal Pulls Plug On French Nationalists [ 16 June 2017 ]
Internet financial giant PayPal has closed the account of the French group Generation Identitaire (Generation Identity) after that organization started raising funds to charter a boat to block far left invader “rescue expeditions” in the Mediterranean.Generation Identitaire is the youth branch of the nativist Bloc Identitaire movement, and describes its mission as “defending the identity of France and Europe.”Their original plan was to “charter a boat and sail in to the Mediterranean to thwart NGO ships” that regularly go and fetch Third World invaders—after arranging pick up points with smugglers—off the Libyan coast and ferry them to Italy or to European Union naval ships in the area. Generation Identitaire said it would help any of the invaders they came across who were in distress before returning them to the African coastline. The operation named “Defend Europe” that was backed by other identitarian groups around Europe had raised around €65,000 in contributions, €15,000 more than its initial target. PayPal......... continues to allow pro-invasion crypto-communist organizations such as the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) receive cash from sympathizers via PayPal.
PayPal is being political, an opponent of Free Speech & Nationalism. It will collect money for Enemies of Civilization like MOAS
Macron Nationalises Shipyards To Block Italian Takeover [ 28 July 2017 ]
French President Emmanuel Macron has temporarily [ sic ] nationalised France’s biggest shipyards to prevent an Italian takeover, ripping up a prior agreement in a protectionist move that has infuriated Rome and startled EU capitals.The government blocked the sale of STX France to the Italian group Fincantieri in order to “defend the strategic interests of France”, using a ‘pre-emption’ right to buy all shares............
It is the first big industrial decision since Mr Macron took office in May and raises questions about his free market principles and pro-European rhetoric. During the election campaign he struck up a very different tone. “Protectionism is warfare, it’s a lie,” he said.
Macron is a Nationalist of sorts, even, just possibly, a Patriot, albeit he never served. He is definitely a cynical liar. French interests come first; European Union comes down the line except as a political tool. That is why the French are being nasty about Brexit.
Islamic Attacks In France Since 2012 [ 2 October 2017 ]
TIMELINE OF TERROR: ATTACKS IN FRANCE SINCE 2012Macron Pretends He Will Get Rid Of Third World Alien Parasites [ 22 February 2018 ]
He wants votes. So does Marine le Pen. Go Marine, go.
French Chivalry In The Face Of Islamic Savagery [ 27 March 2018 ]
A lieutenant colonel of the French police swapped places with a hostage of vicious Islamic crazies. He was duly murdered but their wonderful government carries on importing idle parasites from North Africa. It is population replacement, Genocide, the Ethnic Fouling Of France. Mark Steyn explains so very well but does not make the point that this invasion is controlled by Jews.
PS Cameron alleges that Islam Is A Religion of Peace. He lies.
African Rioters Destroy 500 Cars In French Town [ 16 July 2018 ]
Blacks or Barbarians? Pass but trouble either way. That is why they were imported.
Notre Dame Workers Ignored Smoking Ban [ 25 April 2019 ]
The contractor renovating Notre Dame has admitted that scaffolders flouted a smoking ban during works but denied it caused the devastating blaze. Scaffolding company Le Bras Freres had a strict smoking ban, but the height of the steeple and the time it took to come down to ground level meant some ignored it.........The [ lift ] motors 'posed no problem', Eskenazi said, adding: 'In any case, they are far away from the steeple and it has been established that the fire started inside the building.'
This is a Red Herring; starting a fire is not that easy. We are all ignoring the hatred of millions of Islamics. After all importing millions more is mainstream Public Policy of the political class as well as Genocide and Treason. Comment comes from Quadrant, a worthy Australian magazine explaining the Desecration of French Christian Symbols and Heritage. Are they wrong?
This thick twerp is part of Islam In Europe, able to destroy but that is about all.
France Slowly Sinking into Chaos [ 9 August 2019 ]
President Macron never says he is sorry for those who have lost an eye or a hand... from extreme police brutality. Instead, he asked the French parliament to pass a law that almost completely abolishes the right to protest and the presumption of innocence, and that allows the arrest of anyone, anywhere, even without cause. The law was passed.In June, the French parliament passed another law, severely punishing anyone who says or writes something that might contain "hate speech". The law is so vague that an American legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, felt compelled to react. "France", he wrote, "has now become one of the biggest international threats to freedom of speech".
The main concern of Macron and the French government seems not to be the risk of riots, the public's discontent, the disappearance of Christianity, the disastrous economic situation, or Islamization and its consequences. Instead, it is climate change.
Is France being destroyed by Ethnic Fouling In France, leading on to Genocide? Believe it. Do the Mainstream Media tell us about it? No! Is Macron a traitor, an enemy of Western Civilization? He is just as much an Enemy Of The People as Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Heath, Merkel, Obama, Strauss-Kahn, May and the rest of the Establishment. It is Public Policy, it is Trahison des Clercs.
Islamics Hold 150 No-Go Areas In France [ 23 January 2020 ]
Breitbart The confidential DGSI report maps out the 150 different neighbourhoods which consist of the notorious Seine-Saint-Denis no-go suburbs of Paris, the suburbs of Lyon and Marseille, all of which have had longstanding issues with radical Islam, newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche reports.According to the paper, the report also lists the commune of Maubeuge along the Belgian border in the north of France, highlighting the fact that the Union of French Muslim Democrats (UDMF), a Muslim political party, reached as high as 40 per cent in polls and noted, “the situation is alarming.” New report advising French President Emmanuel Macron on his proposal to reform Islam in France says radical Islamic Salafism has gained a monopoly on French Islamic intellectual thought
Last month, the UDFM announced it would be fielding lists of candidates for the upcoming municipal elections, set to be held in March. The party said they would be putting up candidates in Mantes-la-Jolie, Les Mureaux and Guyancourt, and won 16.74 per cent of the vote in the district of Val-Fourre in Mantes-la-Jolie in last year’s European Parliament elections. Areas such as Haute-Savoie or Ain, Annemasse, Bourg-en-Bresse, Oyonnax or Bourgoin-Jallieu have also come under the influence of radical Islamists. The French government has shut down mosques, schools, and associations linked to the spread of Islamic extremist ideology in 15 Muslim neighborhoods.
Macron knows this. The French government know it. Do they care? NO! They want it, they got it. Ethnic Fouling In France is government policy, Public Policy. Politicians are being manipulated by Jews, by Zionist crazies, by Enemies Within.
France 'threatened to close border with Britain unless UK brought in coronavirus shutdown measures' [ 22 March 2020 ]
They are an arrogant, ungrateful lot of swine. We dug them out from under in two world wars then they make themselves a pain in the rectum. But there are answers. Stop buying champers; it's only overpriced lemonade with alcohol. Better perhaps, flood the tunnel. We can go via Holland or stay at home.
French Steal Medical Supplies Bound For England [ 22 March 2020 ]
Will Boris arrange for a precision airstrike on Macron? It would make sense. He was only put in power by corrupt politicians of the alleged "right" and alleged "left" who ganged up to keep Marine le Pen out of power, to pervert Democracy.
French Prime Minister Gets Five Years For Thieving [ 30 June 2020 ]
France's former Prime Minister François Fillon and his British wife Penelope have both been handed prison sentences after being found guilty of fraud. Judges sitting at the Paris Correctional Court on Monday ruled that the couple had created fake jobs that paid Mrs Fillon almost £1million in public funds. Mr Fillon, 65, was given a five-year sentence, with three years suspended, while his 64-year-old wife received a three-year suspended sentence. The couple were also ordered to repay the £1million and were additionally fined £328,000 each.Lawyers for Mr Fillon, who saw his presidential bid ended by the scandal, have said the couple will appeal, calling the trial a 'scandal'.
The Israeli prime minister, also a thief hasn't been convicted yet.
French Writer Hervé Ryssen Jailed for Criticizing Jews [ 8 October 2020 ]
The French identitarian writer and critic of Jewish power Hervé Ryssen was jailed on 18 September after having been found guilty of hate speech on three occasions. He has exhausted his right to appeal. He faces 17 months in jail and potentially more as he has other trials awaiting him.Ryssen was found guilty of “insult, provocation, and public defamation due to origin, ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion.” In 2016, he was sentenced to 5 months in jail for passages in his books Understanding Judaism, Understanding Anti-Semitism. In 2017, he was sentenced to 6 months in jail for “anti-Semitic messages” on Twitter and Facebook...........
All this comes even as the French political-media class has again celebrated Charlie Hebdo's right to “blaspheme,” at least where the Christian and Muslim religions are concerned. Je Suis Charlie for thee, but not for me............. Many prominent dissident personalities have denounced Ryssen’s imprisonment, including Jean-Marie Le Pen, Bruno Gollnisch, Alain Soral, Dieudonné M’Bala M’bala, Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Henry de Lesquen, Laurent Guyénot, and many others.
French politicians hate Free Speech. They are Fascists being a pain in the rectum over Brexit.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Attributed to George Orwell.
French Army Warns Macron About Pandering To Islamic Infiltrators [ 15 May 2021 ]
It appears the active-duty military is very much inclined to back up the retired generals who warned the French globalists about the civil war their pro-immigration, pro-Muslim policies are creating:A group of serving French soldiers have published a new open letter warning Emmanuel Macron that the 'survival' of France is at stake after the President made 'concessions' to Islamism.
The letter published in the right-wing magazine Valeurs Actuelles late on Sunday echoes the tone of a similar letter printed in the same magazine last month which also warned a civil war was brewing and called for military action against 'Islamists'. French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, a close ally of Macron, slammed the letter as a 'crude maneouvre' and accused its anonymous signatories of lacking 'courage'.
The previous letter, signed by 1,000 people including serving officers and some 20 semi-retired generals, warned of the 'disintegration' of France because of radical Islamic 'hordes' living in the suburbs.
The explosive letter sparked a furore in France, with Prime Minister Jean Castex called the letter an unacceptable interference while France's top general vowed that those behind it would be punished for the 'absolutely revolting' letter. It is not clear how many people are behind the current letter or what their ranks are - and their anonymity is likely to due to the backlash faced by the authors of the previous letter, with 18 officers who signed the letter facing disciplinary action.
In contrast to the previous letter, it is also open to be signed by the public, with Valeurs Actuelles saying more than 93,000 had done so by Monday morning.............
People tend to forget that the French military has been very active throughout Africa for decades. They're small, but professional, and they're not a joke. And they are very, very unhappy about the invasion of Paris by the African and Arab migrations. I've never been to South Africa, but the most apartheid-looking thing I've ever seen was in Paris, where a pair of French gendarmes carrying machine guns watched over dozens of Africans sprawling on the grass in Jardin Nelson Mandela. If you didn't know better, you'd have thought they were prison guards.
When - not if - the generals begin to act, they will be greeted with rapturous support. Particularly by the young men, who hate the situation far more than Generation Xers can understand. All the We Are the World rhetoric as well as the concept of intrinsic white noblesse oblige are completely foreign Boomerspeak to them.
Noblesse oblige is pretty much explained as Altruism but it has gone bad; it's Pathological Altruism being marketed by a corrupt Education Industry and media. The BBC is also guilty as Hell. It got away with selling Homosexuality. Now it is protecting Paedophile Perverts and publishing Paedophile Propaganda with active collusion by The Guardian. If they get away with that it will be on to Incest and Bestiality.
French Promise To Turn Nasty After Defence Deal Cuts Them Out [ 19 September 2021 ]
Britain has been warned it will not escape being targeted by France after Emmanuel Macron recalled ambassadors to the US and Australia but not the UK. The French President is furious at the submarine pact between the three countries, which caught France off guard and resulted in the cancelation of multi-billion pound contracts for Australia to build French diesel submarines. French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian last night announced the country was recalling the ambassador to the US Philippe Etienne, citing the 'exceptional seriousness of the announcements'. France also recalled its ambassador to Australia but has not yet made any move to remove its ambassador to the UK Catherine Colonna.French officials are thought to view the US as prime movers in the deal and Boris Johnson insisted the UK's relationship with France is 'rock solid' despite the row. But a French diplomat slammed Britain for acting 'opportunistically' and former British ambassador to France Lord Peter Ricketts said he expects further measures against all three countries.
The French are bad losers, even one might say Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys. Is it time to shut the Channel Tunnel?
French Arrogance Goes Wrong [ 9 October 2021 ]
SYDNEY, Sept 21 (Reuters) - France should not have been surprised that Australia cancelled a submarine contract, as major concerns about delays, cost overruns and suitability had been aired officially and publicly for years, Australian politicians said.Paris has recalled its ambassadors from Canberra and Washington, saying it was blindsided by Canberra's decision to build nuclear-powered submarines with the United States and Britain rather than stick with its contract for French diesel submarines. read more.............
Australian parliamentary hearings and reports on the project, first priced at $40 billion and more recently at $60 billion, even before construction had begun, also showed problems emerging. In June the defence secretary told parliament "contingency planning" for the programme was under way....................
The deal was first announced in 2016. A pre-design review was delayed in 2018 because the "work provided to Defence by Naval Group did not meet Defence's requirements", the Australian audit said, citing lack of design detail, operational requirements and 63 studies not completed.
The French price was only ever going to keep going up. They haven't bothered to lay the keels or put a single rivet in. Now they are sulking. The Chinese are annoyed because the nuclear option makes Australia safer from them.
France CANCELS meeting with Priti Patel [ 26 November 2021 ]
France today called off talks with Britain over the deaths of 27 asylum seekers in a dinghy as Paris threw its toys out of the pram after Boris Johnson wrote to Emmanuel Macron with a five-point plan to prevent another tragedy in the Channel.French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has cancelled a Sunday meeting with his UK counterpart Priti Patel following criticism by Mr Johnson on its handling of the crisis and the lax patrolling of beaches after gendarmes were seen doing nothing as migrants launched their boats.
The move - branded 'le grand snub' - has led to damning criticism in the UK with Macron and his ministers accused of 'forgetting 27 people died two days ago'.
A spokesman for Mr Darmanin, who yesterday accused Britain of 'bad immigration management' and enticing migrants with benefits and slack labour rules, said: ‘We consider Boris Johnson’s public letter unacceptable and in opposition with discussions between counterparts. As a consequence, Priti Patel is not invited anymore to the meeting on Sunday.’ The summit with other European interior ministers will go ahead without the Home Secretary, whose aides had already travelled to Paris by Eurostar last night.
The decision sparked fury from British MPs. Tory backbencher Jacob Young tweeted: 'Ridiculous behaviour from the French government seeming to forget that two days ago 27 people died crossing the Channel. Stop the boats - as simple as that'.
Johnson's pretence that crossing the channel is dangerous is blatant nonsense. He chooses to run England as holiday camp for vicious Third World parasites then blames anyone, everyone else. Does he want cheap labour for Capitalist Swine? Is he betraying us like he betrays his womenfolk & their bastards?
A Pro-White President For France???????
Eric Zemmour will soon be a candidate for the April 2022 French presidential election. He isn’t an official candidate yet but there is no doubt that he will eventually declare. He is one of the most famous journalists in France, and is well known in Switzerland, Belgium, and other French-speaking countries. He has portrayed himself as a truth-teller in a news media dominated by timid, left-leaning journalists.Mr. Zemmour wrote his first book on politics in 1986, and became a TV commentator in 1995. For 27 years, and despite several changes of TV programs (he has been fired over and over for his political views), he has been constantly in the mainstream media.
His positions are almost all controversial:
- He criticizes Islam, the Great Replacement, the colonization of France by foreigners, and has referred to non-white “scum.”
- He recognizes the existence of races (this is unusual in France).
- He speaks of French politicians of the last 40 years as “traitors.”
- He believes that Marshal Pétain (head of the Vichy regime under Nazi Germany) saved French Jews in exchange for handing over foreign Jews.
- He says there is a competition between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews over who has been most persecuted and therefore worthier.
- He is the only European politician who has called the current pope “anti-white.” [ Spot on there - Editor ]
- He argues that racial profiling is normal, and that if blacks are stopped twice as often as whites by the police, it is because they are twice likely to be criminals.
It has been a very long time since so much truth has been spoken in France. In fewer than 150 days, France could have an explicitly pro-white president, far different from Donald Trump. In a very large field of a dozen candidates, he has polled as high as second place, but has lately dropped back to third or perhaps fourth.
Who is Zemmour?
Eric Zemmour was born 64 years ago, in Montreuil just outside Paris, now a lawless area and an Afro-Islamic enclave. You can spend 20 minutes there in the middle of the day without seeing a single white person. Mr. Zemmour has therefore seen the great non-European replacement close up, from its beginnings in 1970.His parents were Berber Jews from Algeria, who came to France during the Algerian War. He is grateful that because of French colonization, he was saved from having to spend his life in Algeria. Most people would not consider him white, but he once said that his mother had blue eyes and very fair skin. He has light-colored eyes and had curly hair before he went bald, and he has the typical look of someone from the mountains of Algeria. He defines himself above all as a Frenchman by spirit, or a Frenchman “of the branch,” a play on the words since the native French call themselves “French from the roots.”
Religiously, Mr. Zemmour is agnostic, a Jew who does not practice. He admits that he is not very sure what his religious beliefs are. His distant ancestors probably converted to Judaism, so he is therefore not necessarily a Jew in the ethnic sense.
Zemmour against the world
In his early career as a young political journalist, Eric Zemmour saw the submission to the Left of French right-wing politicians, even among those who became his friends and mentors. He, himself, refuses to submit to cultural and ideological dictatorship. He sometimes compares himself to Donald Trump, in that they are both dissident figures hated by the media. Nevertheless, he criticizes Mr. Trump for not reining in the power of big-tech social media companies, and for failing to stop their march towards global censorship. Comparing himself to Mr. Trump underscores his desire to win the presidency as an outsider and by challenging mainstream ideas.............
This article comes from American Renaissance, known usually as AmRen, which is run by Jared Taylor. Mr Taylor is Controlled Opposition being used by the Puppet Masters. He is determined to say nothing about Jews, especially the Zionist crazies, the thugs running Palestine like a Nazi reenactment.That is why this article pretends that he might be honest, in spite of the fact that Zemmour is a Jew. Taylor & his henchman are clearly being used by THEM to deceive US, to convince voters to vote FOR a Jew, AGAINST France. Even the Wikipedia makes him look like an ugly, scruffy, cunning little chancer on the make. Zemmour is being used to queer Marine le Pen's pitch.
& omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or
imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on Sunday, 13 November 2022 19:00:47