The BBC's masters and many of its deluded politically correct
studies' lobotomized staff are gloating over PW Botha's death. Its
clones in Australia and the US (SBS, ABS, PBS) are doing the same.
They see it as an opportunity to regurgitate their version of the dismantling of
Crime and
Blacks for an American perspective. Or wonder why 97% of shooting arrests
are black or brown. Incredible? Untrue? See
Blacks And Statistical Fraud. We
are being lied to big time.
What is however the South African reality?
The murder rate is now 8-10 times higher under the current South
African ANC regime than it was under the Apartheid regime. Both Blacks
and Whites are nearly 8 times more likely to be murdered.
Statistics on crime and HIV/AIDS
are routinely grossly under reported.
Torture murders of White farmers continues.
F.W. deKlerk's wife was murdered by a black burglar.
The UCA Report on Murder in South Africa reveals that according to
the official statistics, in the 44 years from 1950 to 1993, there was
an average of 7036 murders per year. This covered the turbulent strife
of the apartheid years of warfare, conflict, terrorism, riots and
"repression". "
(IE when Whites were accused of 'inciting' violence and just before
handover the rate was far less than it is now!)
"However, in the first eight years (of peace) of the new democratic
dispensation, under the ANC, an average of 24 206 murders were
committed each year - officially!. However, if the Interpol statistics
are accepted, then the murder rate in South Africa during the ANC
years has averaged 47 882 per year."
So in ten years we have 30,000 Whites out of an estimated total of
240,000 (470,000 Interpol)
New Nation News
Feeds us truth, a non-stop stream of crime committed by blacks. It uses Main Stream Media sources so it must be telling the truth, mustn't it? Socialists hate it because it is honest.
Black Murderers, Black Rapists Imported By Her Majesty's Government
This is a tiny fraction of the criminals inflicted on us by Socialists, by Marxists, by the well meaning i.e. their Lenin's Useful Idiots and by Pathological Altruism.
Four Out Of Ten Criminals Are Blacks Or Ethnics [ 9 December 2012 ]
Proportion of youth offenders in custody from black and minority ethnic communities also rose slightly to 42 per centOne in five males (21 per cent) in young offender institutions identified themselves as Muslim in 2011/12, compared with 13 per cent in 2009/10 and 16 per cent in 2010/11, the annual review of children and young people in custody showed......
A quarter (25 per cent) of young men said they had been victimised by another young person [ i.e. vicious black criminal - Editor ] at their establishment and 23 per cent said [ stated/alleged/claimed/asserted ] they had been victimised by a member of staff.
Children in custody are amongst those with the very greatest needs and their safety and welfare is our highest priority.'
These children are up to eighteen or nineteen years old. They are perfectly capable of rape, murder, arson, GBH, burglary, robbery etcetera. That is why they are in prison. They are perpetrators not victims. Their welfare is not my highest priority. Protecting honest folk from them takes precedence. YJB chairhuman Frances Done is, at best a well meaning fool. One good answer to blacks and others is deportation. Hanging would be cheaper, quicker and more effective even if they are English.
Blacks Imported Into Holland Are Stupid And Vicious
Until the 1970s there was no significant Negro presence in Holland. In the 1970s the first wave came from Surinam, in the 1980s the second wave from the Antilles and in the 1990s the third wave from Somalia. Since elites in the media and academic world never tire of saying that mass immigration is beneficial to the receiving country, it is good to put this thesis to the test using publicly available government sources and applying it to Negro migration. As the government uses regions of origin instead of ethnicity, we leave Surinamese out, because this group is composed of Whites, Blacks and Hindus. It is more interesting to use Antilleans and Somalis, because they are ethnically pure groups and they are both Negroid. These groups are particularly interesting because the Antilleans are descendants of African slaves under the White colonial regime. It will come as no surprise that it is common in the media and among intellectuals to claim that the reason for the backwardness of the Antilleans is that they were enslaved by Whites. On the other hand, this argument fails to apply to the Somalis because they were not brought as slaves from Africa.........The main problems are broken families, school dropout, unemployment, and criminality. Half of the Antilleans grow up with one parent (usually the mother) according to the Yearly Report on Integration of 2009 (p. 14). The school drop-out rate among Antilleans is almost half (p. 9). The crime rate is 6 times higher among Antilleans than among the native Dutch (page 10). One of the consequences is that in 2008 there were 14 times more Antilleans in jail than native Dutch if the figures are corrected to reflect their ratio of the population. The overrepresentation of the Antilleans in jail compared to their crime rate is mainly the result of the brutal violence that is a hallmark of Antillean criminals.
Somalis don’t fare any better than their Black brethren from the Caribbean......... The heavy reliance of broken families on social welfare is illustrated by the fact that 46% of Somali women rely on welfare. Somalis are also not entrepreneurs, unlike the overseas Chinese, 13.4% of whom are entrepreneurs. The Somali rate of entrepreneurship (0.8%) is 9 times lower than that of native Dutch. According to the 2011 report Somalis in Holland, more than half of the Somalis (58%) have no education beyond primary level, which in effect means no education at all (p. 25).........
The daily newspaper Sp!ts of 14 January 2011 reported an investigation of the Dutch psychiatrist David Vinkers, a member of the Dutch Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, who investigated no less than 249 cases of Antillean criminality and requested an IQ test for all criminals. The outcome was that more than half had an IQ of less than 85, indicating that their average IQ is below that of American Blacks and implying that a substantial percentage are in the retarded range for Whites (i.e., IQ < 70).........
The irony is that although Somalis were not enslaved in contemporary history, they have a lower average IQ than the enslaved Antilleans—thereby demolishing the slavery-causes-low-IQ argument........... They are neither willing nor able to make a contribution for the common welfare of Western countries. This should be a warning for advocates of Sub-Saharan (and Caribbean) immigration in America and Europe.
The advocates of immigration do not need warning. Destruction is their objective.
Rape of a nation
QUOTE The violent culture in South Africa has bred another abomination - babies are being raped, infected with HIV/AIDS and then dumped in trash cans and garbage dumps. These latest victims cannot say ‘no’ - they are too young to speak or walk. Police statistics state that 58 babies are raped daily; this number could effectively be doubled as Interpol warns that upward of 50% of serious crime goes unreported.
It gets worse as you read on. South Africa is dangerous.
Getting Away with Murder
A shocking new report by United Christian Action presents evidence that South Africa’s murder statistics are even worse than official statistics have so far admitted. For every 1000 crimes committed in South Africa, only 430 criminals are arrested. Of these, only 77 are convicted and barely 8 of these are sentenced to two or more years of imprisonment.With the massive increase in organized crime, and violent crime in South Africa, it is all the more incomprehensible that the government should be turning their attention towards disarming the potential victims through more rigid firearms control laws, rather than re-instating the death penalty as a deterrent for violent crime.
The disarming is easy to understand. Criminals vote ANC. Victims do not.
Mother Africa Theory Looks Dodgy
Chicago - A new analysis of the dental fossils of human ancestors suggests that Asian populations played a larger role than Africans in colonizing Europe millions of years ago. The findings challenge the prevailing "Out of Africa" theory, which holds that anatomically modern man first arose from one point in Africa and fanned out to conquer the globe, and bolsters the notion that Homo sapiens evolved from different populations in different parts of the globe......
Why aren't Africans the brightest? It could be to do with lying under banana trees waiting for the fruit to drop.
Crime Rate Of Negros
This is the last know honest article in the main stream media on the subject. It was published in 1958.The crime and murder rate shows no signs of abating, the government is showing signs of following the abysmally murderous Zimbabwe policy on White farms and the Governments continues to help spread HIV/AIDS by not telling culturally promiscuous polygamous Blacks that fornication is spreading AIDS. (Tuvo Mbeke the author of the idiotic idea the HIV aids is caused by poor nutrition is lionized by the lunar 'anti-racist' ethnic
In the UK African origin people have 8-10 times the crime rate of
Here are some figures: A Representation of ethnic groups at different stages of the criminal justice process
Ethnicity % White Black Asian Other Not known Total aged 10+
94.5 1.8 2.7 1.1 0.0 100.0
Stops and searches(1) 85.2 8.2 4.4 0.9 1.3 100.0
Arrests(2) 87.0 7.3 4.0 0.8 0.9 100.0
Cautions(2) 87.2 5.7 4.1 1.0 2.0 100.0
Prison receptions 86.0 8.5 2.5 2.9 0.0 100.0
Prison population 81.2 12.3 3.0 3.4 0.1 100.0
(1) Stops and searches recorded by the police under section Police and Criminal Evidence Act and other legislation.
(2) Notifiable offences.
These Home Office numbers tell us that blacks are in prison 683% pro rata
What about HIV and AIDS?
In the US The prevalence of AIDS among African Americans is nine times
higher than that of whites, and the prevalence of AIDS in Latino
populations is four times higher than that of whites."
Actually its more like 13 times.
US Black males have 15 time the white HIV/AIDS rate.
- In The USA a black male has 16 times the HIV rate as a white
male. (A US government study is referenced here)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the UK Afro-Caribbean
- community 20 times higher. Thursday, 24 July, 2003
In the USA blacks, after 40 years of affirmative action, have 8-12 times the crime rate of Whites. This is particularly so with murder. You can't hide a body easily so the stats aren't fudged. In case you are wondering what the origins are then it is the US Dept of Justice. More accurate and politically correct figures can't be found apart from the FBI's victims of crime survey which interviews victims and perfectly confirms the Dept of Justice's figures.
Here are some figures:
If you want the up to date figures from the DoJ here they are: US Department of Justice Note the deliberate trick that defines "Hispanics" as White. Most Hispanics are Mexican in origin and are 82% Mestizo Indian. The three categories are "white, black and other"
By incorporating Hispanics, who have a crime rate of 3-4 times the White rate into the White category the White crime rate is almost doubled and the black crime rate looks only 4 times instead of 8 times the white rate.
Three Black Thugs Convicted Of GBH, Evening Standard Tells The Truth, The Rest Like Hiding It [ 26 March 2012 ]
Shocking footage of the shooting was released by police hours after three gang members were found guilty. The bullet which hit her was intended for a suspected drug dealer. Nathaniel Grant, the evil thug who pulled the trigger, had been cleared of an identical shooting three years earlier, it can be revealed for the first time today. Thusha's heart stopped twice before she was brought back to life by doctors but she remains paralysed for life.The gunmen also shot a shopper in the face and he too had a remarkable escape and has recovered despite the bullet still being lodged in his neck. Grant, 21 - a member of the GAS or OC gang in Brixton, had opened fire into the shop in Stockwell in March last year. Two years ago he was cleared on the judge's direction of the murder of Ryan Bravo who was also hit by indiscriminate drive-by shooting into a Costcutter shop in Walworth........ The intended victim of that shooting in August 2008 was a member of the Peckham Young Guns who had run into the shop.... Grant, of Camberwell, Kazeem Kolawole, 19 of Kennington, and Anthony McCalla, 19 of Streatham, were all found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Thusha and to Mr Selvakumar, and the attempted murder of Mr Bryan.......
GAS gang members also stabbed to death Zac Olumegbon, 15, outside school gates in West Norwood in July 2010. Another member Ashley Bucknor was jailed for a minimum of 32 years for the Ryan Bravo shooting which he carried out shortly after being released from prison for stabbing a 40-year-old man.
Jamaica knows how to deal with the likes of these swine. Hanging stops repeat offences. It works every time. They were imported by Her Majesty's Government, traitors all apart from a few fools. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition is 100% treasonous.
Kazeem Kolawole Nathaniel Grant - hit man Anthony McCalla
Nathaniel Grant - hit man
Anthony McCalla
Black Made Judge By Anti-English Racists, Black Arrested For Lying To Police [27 February 2013 ]
A judge has been arrested over claims that she lied about her involvement in leaking information on Chris Huhne to the Press, it was revealed yesterday. Constance Briscoe, 55, was questioned over allegations that she lied to police during the investigation into whether former Cabinet minister Huhne asked his then wife Vicky Pryce to take his speeding points.Miss Briscoe, a neighbour and friend of Pryce, told police she had not been in contact with newspapers about the story. But emails revealed the barrister and part-time crown court judge was in contact with a freelance journalist, Andrew Alderson, who was working for the Mail on Sunday........
Andrew Edis QC, prosecuting, said Pryce and Miss Briscoe ‘cooked up a plan’ to leak the speeding points story to the Press in 2010 in revenge after Huhne left Pryce for his PR adviser Carina Trimingham........
Miss Briscoe was a neighbour of the couple in Clapham, south-west London, and became a close friend of Pryce after the acrimonious break-up, as she had also been abandoned by her partner. She acted as Pryce’s intermediary with the Mail on Sunday and arranged a meeting between Pryce and a news editor in her legal chambers.
Pryce wanted vengeance. Briscoe presumably told Pryce how to lie and how to get away with it. This sounds a whole lot like a Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Of course if the papers say this Briscoe will use it as an excuse; claiming that any jury would be prejudiced. If they keep quiet the perpetrators get away with it. The Director of Public Prosecutions has the option of prosecuting or not so he can pervert the course of justice when he fancies. Recall that they put poor little Emma West in a lunatic asylum with a trial or anything resembling justice while a Policewoman Killed Then Walked Away Laughing Up Her Sleeve. If the DPP does not bother prosecuting a blatant case of Death by Dangerous Driving it is one law for the funny hand shake mob, his peculiar friends, whatever and honest folk.
She was never going to make it in beauty competitions.
American Government Smuggling Illegal Immigrants Into America [ 22 December 2013 ]
Customs & the Department of Homeland Security are actively importing children illegally at taxpayers' expense. It is crime. So is the refusal to prosecute known illegals living there. They have the implicit approval of Obama's administration. Haven't they got enough criminals already? Yes, but blacks vote Obama.
Eyewitness to America Betraying Mandela’s South Africa: The Gore – Mbeki Commission [ 22 December 2013 ]
The headline is verbatim. The complaint is standard Marxism, using the attack techniques worked out by Antonio Gramsci. The complainant, one Marsha Coleman-Adebayo has not worked out that the Jews such as Joe Slovo running the South African Communist Party used Nelson Mandela to put blacks into the government while Jews like the Oppenheimer family kept control of De Beers, gold, diamonds, things that matter.
Four Blacks Captured After Mall Murder [ 22 December 2013 ]
See the faces, know the guilt. Did the police act because it was a Jew they murdered? Quite possibly. It turns out that these comedians are career criminals. One was just days out of prison before this operation.
Blacks In Prison For Rape, Assault, Kidnapping Et Cetera [ 22 December 2013 ]
Look at the faces; know the guilt.
Horry County Most Wanted [ 22 December 2013 ]
Would you want to meet him on a dark night? Not without a pistol. This Most Wanted isn't an all black line up, not quite.
Third World Thug Tried To Burn Girlfriend To Death [ 22 December 2013 ]
Notice how our wonderful Main Stream Media often use smaller pictures when they report black crime; that is assuming they do not conceal the truth totally. Business as usual. Propaganda as usual. Corruption as usual.
Black Murdered Man [ 24 February 2014 ]
See the face, see the hate.
Black Murderer Gets Soft Sentence From Soft Judge [ 25 February 2014 ]
Killer Victim
This thug should hang. So should the Traitors who imported him and his.
Black Drug Dealers With Guns Linked To Triple Murder
One has been deported four times already.
Black Thief Took Fools For £300 Thousand
Black Paedophile Molested 8 Year Old Girl [ 10 March 2014 ]
He's done it before.
Black Paedophile Charged With Molesting 9 Year Old [ 10 March 2014 ]
See the face, know the crime.
Black Paedophile Charged With Raping 11 Year Met On Facebook [ 10 March 2014 ]
He has done it all before.
Black Paedophile Raped 11 Year Old, Impregnated Her & Murdered Her Baby [ 10 March 2014 ]
Black Paedophile Gets 60 Years For Molesting 12 Year Old
Black Triple Rapist Captured In Tulsa [ 10 March 2014 ]
Black Rapist Is A Policeman [ 10 March 2014 ]
How did he get to be a policeman? Well it was in Detroit.
Mother Of Baby Killer Gets Ten Years [ 12 March 2014 ]
Murderer Perjurer Sister
The woman [ that's the one in the middle ] looks worse than the son.Black Man Murdered White Slut [ 12 March 2014 ]
The whore told him that she had AIDS, a mistake she will not make again.
Three Blacks Arrested After Murdering A 'Friend' [ 23 March 2014 ]
Black Murdered Wife & Kidnapped Child [ 23 March 2014 ]
Another Islamic twerp. They were imported into America by Jews.
Black Get Life Without Parole For Murdering A White Man [ 9 April 2014 ]
Actually he got life without twice for two kills.
Black Thief Steals £2.5 Million Then Scarpers [ 13 April 2014 ]
The Mail says he is a criminal mastermind but not whether he is a Cannibal.
Black On Trial For Murder Laughed His Way Into Court [ 13 April 2014 ]
Black Raped 93 Year Old Woman [ 13 April 2014 ]
He pleaded guilty minutes before trial so that he gets 50 years maximum.
Stupid? Vicious. Worthless. A prime case for the gallows, cheaper quicker, effective. Flogging would be useful. It discourages others.
Black Judge Convicted Of Perverting The Course Of Justice In A Retrial [ 2 May 2014 ]
The Guardian is going easy on Briscoe because she is black, because her face fits, because it is
Racist; it is anti-English Racism but Racism none the less. Recall that Chris Huhne got very soft treatment because he is in crowd. Ditto for his old woman, another Third World interloper. Compare this with the treatment handed out to the patriotic Englishmen alleged to have killed Stephen Lawrence. Blair changed the law so that he could bring a Malicious Prosecution against them. She one of the first black judges in England and the first to be convicted of major crime. It is rather like Uddin; the first Pakistani woman in the Lords & the first to be caught thieving. Uddin was allowed to get away with it because she is a Pakistani.
Apologist For Black Crime Murdered By Blacks [ 4 December 2014 ]
This mantra of the Critical Race Theory and the Southern Poverty Law Center applied to all white people because, even if they were not personally cracking the whips, or breaking the skulls, white people benefitted from a racist system that did all that — and a lot more.
White race traitor believes his own rhetoric. Race traitor comes unstuck. Hoist by his own petard. All broke up? Me neither. Was the Main Stream Media all over this one? Not a chance. It was written up by Colin Flaherty, is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it.
PS The Southern Poverty Law Center is run seriously unpleasant Jews on the make.
Black Babysitter Throws Child On Floor [ 4 December 2014 ]
Black then beats it & stamps on it. Use a black baby sitter? Not me, not ever. The only saving grace of the matter is that the victim is black too. All over the Main Stream Media? Not a chance.
Blacks Thrive On Mortgage Meltdown In America [ 31 January 2015 ]
They moved from Ghana to America, took out mortgages on two houses, haven't paid a thing for six years so now they are victims owing $1 million. The taxpayers will take the hit. Who cares?
Black Tries To Murder Unarmed White Man - No Riots - No Media Outrage [ 4 December 2014 ]
Black shoots American in the back. The police have charged the black with a hate crime. That is why the media are looking the other way.
PS The colour issue has been independently confirmed by The White Voice.
Black Attacks In Minnesota Covered Up By Main Stream Media [ 2 February 2015 ]
For months the media in St. Paul, Minnesota has pretty much ignored the roving gangs of blacks randomly attacking white people in the downtown area of the city, but this month they are finally reporting the story. All of these random attacks have been by black youths against white people..... Notice that the first person that ABC 5 interviews is a black guy saying that he is worried about being downtown and getting attacked. But it isn’t young black men getting attacked it is young black men doing the attacking.Even in reporting the story months late the media lies about it.
The Main Stream Media are propaganda machines run by liars with an agenda. Inciting Black Hate is part of it. So is pushing Western Guilt.
Black Arrested For Murdering White Mother [ 2 February 2015 ]
An arrest has been made in a Callahan County murder case, when a woman was shot at a home with children inside. Three others have warrants out for their arrests in connection to the incident. 20-year-old Shaliko McGee was arrested on Wednesday in connection to the murder.
Another black, another crime.
Cameron imports them by the million.
Blacks Criminals Involved In St Louis Murder [ 2 February 2015 ]
Small time criminals graduate to big time then come unstuck.
Black Thug Attacks White Lad [ 2 February 2015 ]
Black Charged With Rape [ 2 February 2015 ]
Would you trust him an inch?
Blacks Charged With Rape And Robbery [ 2 February 2015 ]
Black Robber Gets Three Life Sentences [ 2 February 2015 ]
Black Robs 93 Year Old Man, Taking £5 [ 16 February 2015 ]
The black is still out there. Her Majesty's Government doesn't care. They imported him and his to use as enemies of England. Another case where the Armed Citizen could have paid off.
Three Blacks Jailed For Kidnapping Pakistanis [ 24 July 2015 ]
Three Sheffield men have been jailed for a total of 24 years for their part in a £100,000 blackmail plot.
Gamal Foster, aged 30 of Ironside Road, Gleadless Valley, Sheffield, was jailed for 12 years after being convicted of false imprisonment, blackmail, possession of a firearm when prohibited and possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin.Ahmed Ismail, 22, of Exeter Drive, Broomhall, and Mubarrack Hassan, 24, of Glossop Road, Broomhill, were both jailed for six years for blackmail and false imprisonment.
Black Murdered Two White Journalists On Live Television [ 27 August 2015 ]
Two television news employees who were shot to death on air during a live broadcast Wednesday are being remembered by their colleagues as "special people" who could "brighten up a room."Jeffrey A. Marks, general manager of CBS Roanoke affiliate WDBJ-TV, identified the two killed as Alison Parker, 24, an on-air reporter for the station, and Adam Ward, 27, one of the station's cameramen.
Black murders White People. Black blames White People. The Main Stream Media incite Black Hate. Now it bites back. But ask Who Controls Television? Then look at the evidence - it's Jews.
Victims Black full of hate
Black Racist Murder Was Very Sensitive [ 28 August 2015 ]
The inoffensive everyday phrases used by reporter Alison Parker that earned her a death sentence because Flanagan deemed them 'racist'
Parker used phrases like 'swinging' and 'field' while she interned at WDBJ Colleagues said they were commonplace, but Flanagan thought otherwise Staff said his assumptions were 'crazy' and he was a 'nightmare' coworker When someone brought a watermelon to work, he thought that was racist He believed the fruit was placed in a 'strategic location' to harass him
Flanagan was what is politely called a diversity hire. In other words he was given a job because he was black. If he had been upset about Racism and somewhat intelligent he would have known what the Nation of Islam tells us; that the Slave trade was run by Jews, just like those who run television stations. You doubt? See The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews to be enlightened, or try Blacks And Jews then go to Who Controls Television?
PS Bryce Williams Has A History of Racial Allegations & Sued TV For Calling Him A Monkey
PPS He made a mess of shooting himself; another indicator of incompetence.
Armed Blacks Fight On Civil Airliner [ 28 August 2015 ]
Razors and tear gas are illegal but security in Jamaica is nonchalant/sloppy/idle/incompetent/whatever. The Telegraph does not show us pictures of the perpetrators because it is a Racist rag; instead it shows a photo of a white woman with tear gas(?) instead. The Telegraph is a Propaganda machine just like The Guardian but with a different audience. The Free Republic is also different; because it tells the truth.
Black Racist Murderer Was A Homosexual Sacked For Very Good Cause [ 29 August 2015 ]
Did the Main Stream Media tell you the truth? Thought not. Did they even tell us that he was black? Yes, just barely. That is why he will disappear down the Memory Hole.
Black Thug Wants Out Of Prison After Six Years [ 29 August 2015 ]
The thug who disfigured Katie Piper in an acid attack has applied for parole. Stefan Sylvestre, 27, aims to convince officials he poses no risk to the public after six years in jail. Katie, 31, spoke last year of her horror at the prospect of him being released.And a justice campaigner said tonight: “Six years is too lenient.”
Katie was given a life sentence when she suffered horrific scars in an acid attack, but the monster who did it could be back on the streets in weeks after just six years behind bars. Sylvestre’s legal team are believed to have applied for a parole hearing and aim to convince the board he is no longer a danger to the public.
See if you can guess who is paying his 'legal team'. Hint: You see him in the mirror when you shave.
Perpetrator Victim after 40 operations
Blacks Tried To murder Their Parents [ 8 September 2015 ]
See the faces, know the guilt.
Teenager Jailed For Life For London Stabbing Of 15-Year-Old Cyclist [ 20 September 2015 ]
Alleges Racist Propaganda Machine
The Guardian's headline is verbatim. The Guardian is run by Racists in the business of perverting the truth. The perpetrator was a black imported by Her Majesty's Government, by way of Ethnic Fouling.
The murderer is a thief as well.
PS Two more blacks were involved. They will be sentenced later.
80 Year Old pensioner Beaten By Thieves & Left For Dead In South Yorkshire [ 12 October 2015 ]
They stole £30K, his life savings as well. it wasn't just robbery; it was sadism. Were they Pakistanis? The South Yorkshire Police aren't saying but they are the lot who let 1,400 English girls be Raped by Pakistani Perverts. That was in Rotherham alone.
PS He served with the Northumberland Fusiliers, defending England while Her Majesty's Government betrayed it to Third World criminals.
Black Shoots Policeman & Fails To Kill [ 17 October 2015 ]
The Main Stream Media are keen on hiding Tyrone's mugshot but then he is black and they are hiding the truth.
English Lawyer Hacked To Death By Blacks In Tobago [ 22 October 2015 ]
They murdered his wife too. It is a pity that they did not a kill a couple of bishops instead.
Four Witches Stripped Naked And Tortured In Papua New Guinea [ 23 October 2015 ]
Women accused of witchcraft are filmed being stripped, tied up and burned by mob before one of them dies as they deny 'invisibly taking out a man's heart' in Papua New Guinea Video shows at least four women being threatened by gang with machetes The women were accused of sorcery after a young man fell ill in the village Gang claims they 'invisibly' took out man's heart and then put it back later............The footage was reportedly taken in a village in Papua New Guinea, a country where violence and murders linked to sorcery are rife.
The fact that they put his heart back shows that torturing them worked. Of course if they decide to be refugees Cameron will bribe them using our money & allow them to act like savages.
Black Fires On Police In London - Black Misses Every Time [ 29 October 2015 ]
Three police officers escaped injury when a submachine gun was fired as they carried out inquiries. At least 14 shots were discharged from the semi-automatic weapon, damaging an unmarked police vehicle......... in Willesden, north-west London.......Scotland Yard described a suspect as a black male in his late teens or early 20s, of slim build and wearing dark clothing.
Another black, another criminal. Was it joie de vivre, drunken shooting, an accidental discharge or just plain bad shooting? Pass. Why do Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Obama et al import them? Because they cause trouble, because Ethnic Fouling is policy. Ditto for the resultant Genocide in England & the rest off Western Civilization. It is Treason but The Establishment runs the law so they are above the law. Equality Before The Law only applies when they want it to. That is why 'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham was not prosecuted.
Black Paedophile Attacked 11 Year Old Girl on A London Bus [ 30 October 2015 ]
The Metropolitan Police have released an image of the suspect, who is described as black, with short dark hair.
Another black, another criminal.
Three Third World Terrorists Captured [ 2 June 2016 ]
Labour politician does not say they are a problem because they are Islamic criminals & she is Racist
Third World Paedophile Pervert Gets Off With Fifteen Months [ 2 June 2016 ]
He did it to an eleven year old girl. A Labour politician does not say he is a problem because he is Third World criminal & she is Racist.
Black Captured By Police - Black Goes To Prison [ 2 June 2016 ]
Labour politician does not say he is a problem because he is black & she is Racist
Black Attack In London [ 26 July 2016 ]
A police officer has spoken of the terrifying moment a man tried to stab her in the chest in Acton , after he was jailed for his crimes. Hussam Elhandi thrust a knife towards the chest of the female police officer as she approached him near to Acton Town Tube station, where he had been targeting commuters.Elmandi and Laurrent Sango had robbed or attempted to rob several members of the public at knifepoint near Acton Town Tube station during rush hour that morning, police said............
But Elhandi escaped and remained at large for another three days before being arrested at the Hammersmith and City line Tube station in Shepherd's Bush , where he was found with a firearm, a hunting knife and around £500 in cash.
Both men were sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court on Friday (July 22), where Elhandi was given 10 years imprisonment and Sango was jailed for six years..
More blacks, more crime, more Treason by the importers, to wit Her Majesty's Government.
Black Murdered By Another At A Party In Surrey [ 26 July 2016 ]
A terrified eyewitness has spoken of the horrifying moment a man was shot dead at a Surrey 'sex party' organised by a Jamaican dancehall star and his girlfriend.Two suspects have been arrested following the murder of a 34-year-old shot in the chest after violence erupted at the raucous party, attended by some 450 people.
Surrey Police say a man has been held on suspicion of murder and another on suspicion of assisting an offender but detectives have not found the handgun used at the £1million bungalow in Headley, Surrey.
The party was organised by reggae dancehall artist Braintear Spookie and his girlfriend Summerlyn Farquharson, who goes by the monikers Krissy Braintear and 'The Female Boss' on social media. She is understood to be his manager..........
'Some people think it was people from Brixton who did it. It was all very heated. He [the victim] was not 'innocent', he was well known to police and he's got a long list of enemies.’
Blacks behave like blacks and we have to pretend they weren't any different from us. The BBC is keen on accusing us of Racism but they give Blacks a pass because they, the Beeb are anti-English racists.
PS Be aware that Racism is a Marxist construct.
Blacks Attacked In London [ 26 July 2016 ]
One got 15 years, t'other got eleven for robbery et cetera.
National Guard Called Out After Blacks Riot In Wisconsin [ 15 August 2016 ]
MILWAUKEE -- Governor Scott Walker activated the Wisconsin National Guard in the wake of a fatal officer-involved shooting in Milwaukee on Saturday, August 13th, and violence that followed.“Specifically, what this means initially is that 125 members of a Rapid Response Team -- there’s a component of that rapid response that’s 125 members that are of the 32nd Military Police Company.................
Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn said Sunday that officer is African-American, and there are concerns for his safety. He has not been identified at this point.
We know that “Black Lives Matter” unless the perpetrator is black or police. This one was police. Various Propagandists are using this kind of incident to Black Hate.
Black Raped Englishwoman In London [ 4 September 2016 ]
Another Rape, another Black albeit The Telegraph is keen on suppressing the truth. Importing Third World criminals & parasites is Her Majesty's Government's policy; it is also Ethnic Fouling, Genocide & Treason. Inciting Black Hate is Main Stream Media policy and crime under Part III of the Public Order Act 1986.
Vicious Black Paedophiles Get 32 Years After Perverted Abuse Of English Girls [ 1 November 2016 ]
Three members of a Somali sex gang who trafficked, raped and subjected British schoolgirls to 'violent and horrible' abuse have been jailed for 32 years. Girls as young as 14 were plied with drugs and alcohol before being 'pestered again and again' for sex by the men who operated in inner city Bristol. Bristol Crown Court heard the rapes became 'routine' and the men regarded some of the victims, who cannot be named for legal reasons, as 'cheap and easy'.Seven Somali men went on trial at the beginning of September accused of 46 charges in connection with the sex ring.
Three of the men - Sakariya Sheikh, 23, Mohammed Dahir, 24, and Abdirashid Abdulahi, 23 – have now been convicted of 14 charges, including trafficking, sexual assault and rape.
Sheikh was jailed for 16 years after being found guilty of three sexual assaults, two counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation, rape and supplying a class B drug. Both Dahir and Abdulahi were convicted of two counts of rape each and jailed for eight years............
A series case review published in March found that the gang was able to continue the systematic abuse due to failings by social services, police and doctors.
The politicians let them in. The police let them get on with it. The social workers got paid but what did they do?
Black Shoots Two White Policemen - Blacks Don't Riot - Blacks Laugh Instead [ 19 December 2016 ]
To be fair he failed to murder them but he was, naturally guilty as Hell & that was before he opened fire.
Black Pervert Imported By Her Majesty's Government Attacks In Lewisham [ 29 January 2017 ]
Monty's Driver Murdered & Robbed By A Black In Camberwell [ 28 January 2017 ]
Cheryl Weatherly, manager for Norfolk House care home where Mr Bacon was taken after the attack, said: 'Mr Bacon talked to staff about the assault on himself and displayed a bitter outlook on his assailant and where he had come from [ The West Indies perhaps? - Editor ].
This sad little story was run by several Main Stream Media operations but they all kept quiet about the perpetrator's colour. Marketing Race hatred is policy and crime when the perpetrators are English or white. Blacks get a pass. He fought to save England; politicians like Blair & Cameron are betraying it.
Blacks Still Attacking The French In Paris [ 19 February 2017 ]
Paris rioters are tear gassed while protesting against the 'rape of a black man with a police truncheon' as demonstrations continue two weeks after the attack........Thousands took to the streets in the French capital in support of a 22-year-old black man who was allegedly raped by a police officer with a truncheon.
Two officers were injured and 13 people were arrested following clashes between police and bottle-throwing demonstrators at the rally on Saturday.
Two weeks later blacks are still rioting but the [ chosen ] pictures show moreWhite Men. They will be Socialist thugs, Rent A Mob & Rebels Without A Cause, what the Wikipedia describes as QUOTE emotionally confused suburban, middle-class teenagers UNQUOTE. The alleged victim is just an excuse; the alleged attack an impossibility.
Black Racists Attack Illegal Immigrants In South Africa [ 25 February 2017 ]
Isn't Racism awful? No, not when the Main Stream Media can't blame Englishmen or other White Men. The media are Propaganda machines. NB Apparently this isn't really racism; being Xenophobia, something quite different even respectable.
Vicious Black Murderer Imported By Her Majesty's Government [ 27 February 2017 ]
Demspey [ sic ] Hawkins, 57, killed beau Susan Jacobson on Staten Island, New York, in May 1976. London-born Hawkins, then 16, lured the teen to an underground bunker and strangled her with his shirt sleeve, before stuffing her lifeless body in an oil drum.Two years later, he was caught and sentenced to 22 years in prison. But It would be 20 years until he finally confessed to killing his victim. After he was turned down for parole 10 times by US prison chiefs, he was finally granted his freedom on the ruling that he was shipped back to England.
Now he is back in the country of his birth after campaigning by Cambridge University criminology expert Dr Ruth Armstrong [ of ] Prisoners Abroad, a human rights charity, and support by the British Consulate.
Ruth Armstrong looks nice, looks well meaning and is dangerously naive. She has never had anything to with criminals, except when they were trying to get out of prison. The fact that this thug was able to pretend that he is British is an accident of birth. His father was USAF on a posting. The Mail's readers are not amused by this abuse. They understand the value of hanging.
Drunk Driver Rams People In London [ 27 February 2017 ]
The Mail isn't admitting that the perpetrator is black, not quite.
American Football Team Achieves 52 Rapes [ 4 April 2017 ]
What colour were they? Do you really need to ask? To be fair though, why weren't attacks reported at the time?
Fat Black Used A Prepaid Phone To 'Make Racist' Calls To Himself [ 4 July 2017 ]
St. Petersburg's former City Attorney Brian Telfair said on February 16, 2016 the first threat came in the form of an email the previous Saturday. "It basically said Petersburg was a city full of N words," Telfair told Hipolit that day.He said the second threat was made on February 16, 2016 over the phone.
"It was a physical threat of physical harm to certain individuals, council members, city staff, members of the administration," Telfair told Hipolit that day.
So a black lawyer committed Perjury in order to incite Black Hate & White Guilt. He knows the difference between right and wrong. When he gets to court it will turn out that he wasn't breastfed or whatever.
Blacks Murdered Pakistani Drug Dealer [ 4 July 2017 ]
Blacks are an imported problem. Her Majesty's Government did it to us with the active assistance of Her Majesty's Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition & the Main Stream Media.
Policeman Abused After Telling The Truth About Black Rapists [ 18 March 2021 ]
A budding police crime commissioner has been slammed for making 'racist and sexist' remarks after claiming 'most rapes are carried out by migrants' and 'women used to be flattered by wolf-whistling'. David Moreland, who is an ex-Metropolitan Police officer and former UKIP MP candidate, is currently running as an independent to be Norfolk's next PCC.He was asked what action he would like to see across the UK to help protect women following the murder of 33-year-old Sarah Everard in London.
But Mr Moreland went on to blame migrants for the 'majority' of attacks on women before claiming that wolf-whistling used to be a 'compliment'. 'The vast majority of these sexual attacks on women across the country are carried out by migrants, many of them are illegal - African or ethnic minority people,' Mr Moreland said, as he explained his views during a virtual discussion with the Eastern Daily Press...........
Mr Moreland claimed that it was an 'absolute fact' and that the information was widely available on social media or via the police. But statistics published in 2017 by the Ministry of Justice suggest that the majority of defendants for rape and sexual assault were white.
Figures from that year showed that there were 11,311 total defendants - 6,872 were white. There were 2,405 defendants recorded as 'not stated' and the next largest categories of defendants were 842 black, 835 Asian and 173 'mixed'.
A government report at sexual-offending-overview-jan-2013 chooses to claim that 80.9% of sex offenders were white. I choose to claim that Her Majesty's Government are corrupt liars, who chose to allow Pakistani Perverts to Rape and defile 1,400 English girls in Rotherham alone; that there were thousands more. NB The Mail is blocking comments. They don't like Free Speech.
PS See the next one.
Ugly Black Rapist Gets Ten Years [ 18 March 2021 ]
Is he a Racist or just acting naturally?
The killings of six whites by a Black Lives Matter supporter who drove his car into a Waukesha, WI Christmas parade made national news in November—briefly. (The New York Times relegated it to page A22.) But many more whites than that are killed by blacks in each and every month without any national media attention at all. Below, what I could find by scouring local sources.
There are more than Mr Gividen found; the Mainstream Media are in the business of hiding the truth. See the mug shots and wonder why they weren't all in prison. NB Chicago has achieved 757 murders in the last twelve month; only 608 were black but BLM doesn't care because the perpetrators are virtually all black too.
OJ Simpson Gets Soft Treatment After Beating Double Murder Rap [ 16 December 2021 ]
O.J. Simpson, the defendant in one of America’s most-publicized murder trials, has scored a legal victory after being granted early release from parole following an armed robbery conviction in 2008.“Mr. Simpson has been on parole since October 1, 2017, and his parole term would otherwise expire on February 9, 2022,” Nevada State Police spokeswoman Kim Yoko Smith said in a statement. She added that the decision to grant early discharge was ratified on December 6.
The 2008 conviction was related to a confrontation he had a year prior in a Las Vegas hotel room. A sports memorabilia dealer accused Simpson and a group of other people of breaking into his room and robbing him at gunpoint. Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison and served nine of them, at which point he was granted parole.
In 1995, the former football star and media personality was famously found not guilty of the murders of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. The story was one of the biggest on national television at the time, starting with the live broadcast of the police pursuit of Simpson’s car, after two stabbed bodies were found at the woman’s apartment.
If your face fits, it fits no matter what. Recall that Bloody Bill Clinton got away with multiple murders & rapes. The current president, Biden is well known to be a multimegabuck thief. Are they all bent?
Black Thug Gets Life After Raping Six Women [ 18 December 2021 ]
A sex predator who attacked six women days after he was released from a prison sentence for similar offences has been jailed for life.Joshua Victorin, 24, was supposed to be under supervision when he embarked on a 12-day spree of terror during the festive season last year. He attacked four women in a single day, Inner London crown court heard. Victorin's previous victims included a prison officer as well as a drug and alcohol worker.
He was released in early December and attacked his next victim on December 23, 2020 when she got off a bus in Peckham.
At an earlier hearing, prosecutor Claire Harden-Frost said: 'These offences can be seen as part of a campaign to rape and sexually assault women walking alone in the streets of London...........
Victorin has seven previous convictions for 14 offences dating back to 2014. He was jailed for 17 months in February 2019 for unlawful wounding and possession of an offensive weapon. Victorin was jailed for a year after sexually assaulted two prison guards while serving his sentence, as well as a separate sexual assault on a female police officer in March last year. He was released halfway through his sentence in August, but recalled to prison after being charged with possession of cannabis and outraging public decency - by having consensual sex in a park in front of people, including children - and was then freed under licence in December.
You might wonder why he was let out after the last one. More to the point, why were he and his imported? Of course Capitalist Swine want cheap labour while the Labour Party need Third World parasites to elect them, now that they are betraying the honest Working Classes. Pakistanis are better for them because they will conspire to Rig Votes.
Black NHS Doctor Suspended So He Tried Using A Forged CV [ 15 February 2022 ]
An NHS doctor's 27 year career in medicine was in ruins today after he was struck off for faking his CV so he could get a new job in finance after being suspended from practising.Dr Hakeem Lateef, 54, was quizzed by police after he tried to get a job in regulatory compliance and anti-money laundering just six weeks after he was suspended from medicine for lying about his involvement in a head on car crash.
During an elaborate scam, Lateef paid a bank worker £400 to attend a one day Co-op banking course on due diligence work then gave him a further £100 to 'edit' his CV and include referees.
Later the doctor - who has worked in orthopaedics and trauma, ENT, general surgery and urology at hospitals across the UK - posted his new CV to a recruitment agency falsely claiming he had worked as a compliance analyst for a string of financial organisations including the National Bank of Egypt and the Nationwide banks.............
A tribunal found he understated the injuries of a woman involved in the crash, lied on a means form when he was sentenced and told the GMC that he had his licence revoked for speeding and as a result he was suspended for six months with the tribunal noting it was an 'isolated incident'.
The following month, the doctor......... emailed a copy of his CV and asked Mr A to 'write' or 'edit' it, adding: 'Thank you for wonderful lectures of yesterday. I understand someone can help us with referees. Please assist me in this area'. He also paid him a further £100 for his services.
West Indians will tell you that Africans are liars. Corruption in Nigeria is gross. The police went easy on him.
Black Thieves In New York Stole $4.3 Million In Covid-19 Fraud [ 20 February 2022 ]
A Brooklyn street gang has been charged with pocketing more than $4.3 million in pandemic relief benefits, using stolen identities to file 1,000 fraudulent unemployment claims, prosecutors said.Eleven members of the Woo Gang were accused of filing more than $20 million in false benefit applications, about a fifth of which were approved, and having the payments sent to addresses they controlled.
Prosecutors said the gang was ultimately caught, in part, because members posted numerous pictures and videos of themselves online, flashing gang signs and piles of cash, often while standing in front of luxury cars, including Lamborghini and Mercedes Benz vehicles............
Prosecutors say that between March 2020 and October 2021, the men got hold of the names, birth dates and Social Security numbers of 800 people, and used them to submit nearly 1,000 claims to New York State’s Department of Labor for unemployment benefits related to pandemic assistance programs.
It was just too easy.
Black Murdered A Stunt Man In Brixton [ 16 March 2022 ]
Brandon McNeil claimed that he is guilty. Is he black? The Mail knows but it is hiding the truth; another corrupt Propaganda machine. There are no mug shots out there but in Brixton go with the percentages. Or you can get a reality check from New Nation News. NB There have been 74 blacks murdered in Chicago this year out a total 102; largely drug war deaths. Still not convinced? Try the next one.
Black Troublemaker Head Shot - The Blacks Accused Walk Free [ 2 March 2022 ]
The mother and sister of Sasha Johnson who was shot in the head last summer have released a harrowing image of the equal rights activist in her hospital bed.Ms Johnson, who has two young sons, was hit by a bullet and left with catastrophic and permanent injuries when four masked men stormed into a party in Peckham, south-east London, in May 2021. Having initially been described as 'critical', Ms Johnson's condition was last week said to be serious but stable as she continued to receive treatment in hospital.
Her mother Ellet Dalling and sister Shakira Williams spoke outside New Scotland Yard today after the criminal case against four men accused of the shooting collapsed.........
Ms Johnson, 28, is a founding member of the Taking The Initiative Party and had been a prominent figure in the Black Lives Matter movement [ the well known criminal organisation - Editor ] last summer, but there was no suggestion that the shooting was targeted.
Presumably the perpetrators have passed that way before. At all events they didn't leave enough evidence to convict. The weapon, a shotgun presumably is still out there unless they dumped it. The Mail is censoring comments because she is black & keeping quiet about the colour of the 'suspects'
Black Gets Eight Months For Faking Her Death To Avoid Conviction [ 3 March 2022 ]
Zoe Bernard, 38, was already banned from the roads when she was arrested for driving carelessly and failing to stop in Kilburn, north London, in November 2020, Southwark Crown Court heard.Posing as her sister Shanice in calls to police between December 15, 2020 and January 27 last year, she said ‘Zoe’ was ‘ill’ then ‘dead’, before applying for a death certificate to try to bolster her lie.
Judge Martin Beddoe jailed Bernard, from Kensington, west London, for eight months, of which she will serve half after she previously pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.
There was driving without a licence, without insurance as well as Perverting The Course Of Justice.
Black In The British Army Whines About The Cold [ 3 March 2022 ]
A former soldier is suing the Ministry of Defence claiming his career was ended after he sustained a 'non-impact cold injury' and was told to 'man the f**** up' after complaining about the temperature during a combat training exercise.Benard Iyegudu says he was left permanently disabled after being made to lie on wet and cold ground during a 'command leadership course' at Longmoor, in Hampshire, in November 2018. But he claims that when he complained about feeling severe cold after his 'non-waterproof' combat smock 'wetted out', he was simply told to 'man the f*** up' by a corporal helping to run the course.
Hours after he complained a second time, Mr Iyegudu, who served with the Royal Logistical Corps, was given medical treatment after insisting he could not continue with the training course...........
He is suing the Ministry of Defence for more than £1.5m in compensation, but the MoD is contesting his claim, denying negligence and questioning the size of the payout he could be due.
Another idle black chancer tries it on. You might wonder how lawyers managed to get this case to the High Court. It keeps them firmly off the dole queue. That is the point.
Black Thug Uses His Car To Ram People In Brighton But Gets Off With Three Years [ 4 March 2022 ]
A thug named Alpacino has been jailed for three years after driving his car at a group of people after a fight at a restaurant.CCTV footage from Brighton seafront shows terrified pedestrians fleeing as Alpacino Veii drives erratically towards them. The 25-year-old's car mounts the pavement and smashes into decking furniture, hitting one man and narrowly avoiding several members of the public.
Veii, of Caterham, Surrey, apparently named after the Scarface and Godfather actor, was one of four men involved in a brawl at the restaurant.
He wasn't charged with attempted murder, only GBH. The judge went easy on him too. The Mail is censoring comments because he is black.
And Boris Johnson carries on importing Third World parasites with Malice Aforethought and the active assistance of Priti Patel.
Ugly Black Tortured Two Year Old To Death [ 5 March 2022 ]
A violent thug faces the prospect of life behind bars for murdering his ex-girlfriend's two-year-old son after his period of sustained abuse was captured on secret mobile phone recordings.Kemar Brown, 28, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of the murder of two-year-old Kyrell Matthews after subjecting him to months of beatings and taunting at a one-bedroom flat in Thornton Heath, south London. The Metropolitan Police's Detective Chief Inspector Kate Kieran said Brown would abuse the child 'almost for fun' and treated little Kyrell 'like a punchbag in the gym'.
The toddler's mother Phylesia Shirley, 24, - who previously worked in child services at Croydon Council - was acquitted of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.
The court had previously heard snippets from the chilling moment Shirley phones 111 for advice rather than 999 as she nonchalantly tells the operator her son's body is 'going floppy' and his eyes are 'rolling back'..................... Brown even travelled to Northampton with four other men to raid a cannabis farm while under police investigation for murder.
It can now be reported that Brown had convictions for robbery, battery, having a knife, drugs and resisting an officer, as well as being subject to a non-molestation order relating to a former partner.
Are they both stupid and vicious? It seems entirely likely.
Black Charged With Attempted Murder After Drive By Shooting In Liverpool [ 6 March 2022 ]
A teenager has been charged with attempted murder after a 15-year-old schoolgirl was shot in broad daylight at a bus stop in Liverpool.The girl, who was in her school uniform, was shot in the upper body on Upper Warwick Street, Toxteth, on Tuesday evening while waiting for a bus to go home.
Rio Jones, 18, of Jermyn Street, Toxteth, has been charged with two counts of attempted murder, possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of a controlled drug.
Jones remains in police custody and will appear at Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens adult remand court today. Emergency services were called and the girl, who sustained serious injuries after being hit in the upper body, was taken to hospital where she remains in stable condition. A man in his 20s was also treated in hospital for a gunshot wound to his hand, with police saying they were carrying out enquiries to see if the two injuries were linked.
Residents have told how they heard up to three loud 'bangs' when the girl was shot, with detectives saying it was an 'absolute miracle' she wasn't killed.
Import Blacks, import Crime. That is Government Policy throughout Western Civilization. What is the political response to complaints? Get Used To It Suckers.
Vicious Black Thug Committed GBH Again [ 10 March 2022 ]
An Asos male model who cut off a woman's hair and made her eat it from a dog bowl has been locked up again for assaulting another former girlfriend.Karl Soames, 26, fractured his partner's eye socket at his Notting Hill home during a domestic argument on August 25 2019. Soames, of Notting Hill, admitted grievous bodily harm at Isleworth Crown Court.
He was sentenced to eight months behind bars by Judge Simon Davis on Wednesday - but could be released within weeks after serving three and a half months on remand in HMP Wandsworth.
The August 2019 attack came just three months after he had cut the hair of his previous lover while subjecting her to a terrifying ordeal inside his central London home - during which he whipped her with a coat hanger, beat her head with a metal pole and made her clean up dog faeces.
Soames also threatened to have her raped and murdered if she tried to escape, before calling up a relative to brag about the torment he had inflicted.
There is a sincere nastiness about this oaf. He got off lightly. PS The Mail hates honest men's views.
Black Tries £10 Million Blackmail - Allegedly [ 10 March 2022 ]
West Indians will tell you that Africans are better liars. This one is ugly as well as stupid.
26 BLACK-ON-WHITE KILLINGS, Including Children 10, 9, And 5-Years Old And One Unborn Child February 2022—Another Month In The Death Of White America [ 9 March 2022 ]
February was Black History Month. Many blacks celebrated by murdering whites. This included white men, white women, white children, and one unborn child.Three of them were under 10 years old, one died in his mother’s womb when both parents were murdered, and finally there’s the case of poor little Cash Gernon, who was murdered last year, but whose killer has just been found “not fit to stand trial” because of insanity.
Overall, FBI data suggests blacks are over 13 times more likely to kill whites than vice versa.
Jews use the Black Lives Matter mob to incite Anti-White Racism to incite hatred. Jews also imported Blacks into America as Slaves. But it is different for the Jews runningIsrael. They know that Blacks cause problems & Jews are Racist, especially when they are Zionist crazies too. So they put blacks in Concentration Camps. It reduces crime. Jews incite Illegal Immigrants in America and England because they are destroyers full of hate. It is part of the Long March Through The Institutions and brilliantly successful.
PS The score for February in Chicago is 41 in total. 32 of them, a convincing majority were black. Most of them were own goals; blacks fighting in their Drug Wars. Two losers were white; one had a Hispanic name, misclassified? Seven of the them were Hispanic.
Black Racist Incites Hatred Of White Man And Complains About A Soft Sentence [ 14 March 2022 ]
Hate crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett was sentenced on March 10 in Cook County, Illinois. The actor and musician [ sic ] had been found guilty of five counts of felony disorderly conduct for staging a hate crime hoax and lying to police. Details of the trial are here.The sentencing hearing lasted more than five hours, which would be long even for a very serious crime. Mr. Smollett’s all-black defense team spent most of the time introducing pleas for leniency. Family members, organizations, and his showbiz friends tried to convince veteran white Judge James Linn to go easy...................
A representative from Black Lives Matter wrote about Mr. Smollett’s charitable contributions, mentioning that he gave more than half a million dollars to “black organizations,” such as the Black AIDS Institute, the Trayvon Martin Foundation, Know Your Rights camp, and LGBT organizations............
Judge Linn sentenced Jussie Smollett to 30 months probation, “and you will spend the first 150 days of your sentence in the Cook County jail, and that will start today. Right here, right now.” The judge also ordered Mr. Smollett to pay $120,106 in restitution to the city of Chicago and a $25,000 fine; both figures were the maximum possible. After he is out of jail but still on probation, Mr. Smollett will be able to travel wherever he wants; he will not be required to live in Illinois and will be allowed to report to his probation officer by phone. The judge decided this because he knew Mr. Smollett may need to go to New York or Los Angeles for work.
Smollett seems to believe that he should get away with crime because he is black. He is a self-righteous fool who go off lightly. But he is right about the Epstein Murder.
Black Dirt Biking Thugs Attack An Old Man And Son In New York [ 18 March 2022 ]
Terrifying security footage released by New York City Police Department Wednesday shows the moment a gang of dirt bikers beat down a 64-year-old motorist and his son in West Harlem. Police say the attack occurred after the man accidentally hit one of the bikers at a Harlem intersection after the group had run a red light.The clip, captured at the corner of West 127th Street near St. Nicholas Terrace Tuesday, shows the crew of at least three bikers and one ATV rider - all on non-street-legal vehicles - ripping the driver from a parked car before throwing him to the street.
The men proceed to kick and pummel the man, whose identity is currently being withheld by police, as well as his also unidentified adult son, 36, who was in the car's passenger seat, police said. The assault comes as crime in the Big Apple continues to skyrocket - with recent NYPD statistics showing a 45 percent increase citywide compared to this time last year.
Robberies are also up 43.5 percent and assault up by 17.2 percent..........
According to the department, the suspects swiped a cellphone, credit and debit cards, driver’s licenses and about $150 before fleeing, sources said. They are still at large.
The suspects, whose bikes did not have license plates and were not street legal, launched their attack after the driver allegedly struck one of their crew after the band ran a red light at Frederick Douglass Boulevard and West 127th just before the assault, The New York Post reported.
Yes, it was in Harlem so they were black thieves. The Mail is censoring comments because they are black but at least they ran the story. The Guardian [ of Lies ] pretends it never happened. The New York Post is prone to tell the truth, which is good for its credibility.
Black Rapist Tries It On In Miami Walmart [ 24 March 2022 ]
He was out on bail at the time. He is now out AGAIN on $50,000 bail. Are judges mad or corrupt? Both probably. He was captured by a white man. A black helped.
Black Spring Breakers Go Armed [ 30 March 2022 ]
Guns, violence and a chaotic beach exodus after police released drug-sniffing dogs - not an episode of Miami Vice, just another weekend of Spring Break in Florida.Police in Panama City Beach, a popular party destination for college students, confiscated 75 illegal guns - enough to supply a 'small army' - and arrested more than 160 'pathetic cowards' over the weekend, officials announced during a press conference Monday.
In a new video, police officers could also be seen unleashing at least one drug hound on the town's beach on the same day as the gun bust, prompting dozens of revelers to run and disperse themselves along the white sands.
'These guns were taken over a period of two days,' Beach Police Chief J.R. Talamantez said, the Panama City News Herald reported. 'It could arm a small army. Semiautomatic weapons, long rifles - these are weapons brought to a resort destination. These are weapons brought to a beach.'............
The chaos comes a day after Miami Beach was forced to impose a 6 p.m. curfew on weekends to shoo away the roaming packs of Spring Breakers wreaking havoc on the South Florida city.
Only 4 comments made it past the Mail's but see the pictures to realise it's all about Blacks and crime. Going there with a pistol for self-protection is one thing but shotguns & rifles prove murderous intent. If you doubt the ugly reality of black criminality look at:-
Beat Up a White Kid Day
The Knockout Game
Devil's Night
Black Bike Weekend Achieves Three Dead And Five Wounded at Myrtle Beach.
Police Take 250 Prisoners At Miami Black Beach Week
Black Thug Attacks Black At Oscars [ 31 March 2022 ]
He proved that you can take the black out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the black - not even if he is respectably dressed. Of course if he had been a white man there would have been outrage all over the Mainstream Media. That's different; we are civilized. He is a Savage.
Black Thug Tries To Murder Police In Milwaukee [12 April 2022 ]
A Milwaukee man was filmed firing up a police precinct two days after his friend died there while in custody after taking drugs during a traffic stop.Milwaukee police released the footage on Friday, which shows Darreon Parker-Bell 23, shoot-up the District 5 station's lobby on February 25. He did so two days after his friend Keishon D. Thomas, 20, died there while in custody. Thomas is said to have stopped breathing while alone in his cell, after ingesting an unidentified white substance during a traffic stop that got him arrested.
Parker-Bell had reportedly reached a 'breaking point' following his friend's death, his girlfriend later told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Thomas died on February 23 in a holding cell at the same police station after spending roughly 16 hours in custody following a traffic stop where it's believed he ingested narcotics.
Police say Thomas refused to go to the hospital, so he was placed in a holding cell by himself where he was later found unresponsive.
Another black, another hate filled would be murderer. His mate killed himself by swallowing his narcotics to destroy the evidence & beat the drugs rap, just the same as George Floyd.
Black Thug Shoots Ten In New York Subway [13 April 2022 ]
The gunman in Tuesday morning's subway shooting would have shot more people but the extended magazine in his weapon jammed when the train he was on arrived at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn. The shooter has not yet been identified and he remains at large, some six hours after opening fire on a busy northbound N train as it approached 36th Street in Sunset Park. The FBI has now joined the hunt for him and armed police units are patrolling Brooklyn for any clue of his whereabouts............Witnesses have described how he calmly put on a gas mask on the slow-moving train this morning at 8.24am then tossed a smoke grenade down the carriage, causing havoc among commuters, before opening fire............. can confirm that a .380 handgun was found inside the station, along with three extended magazines; one was empty, one was full and a third was jammed in the gun............
It comes amid a frightening spike in crime across the city, particularly on the subway where crimes are up by more than 60 percent from this time last year.
Why did he do it? Because he is malicious, full of hate & Brainwashed. Being stupid means being an easy target for life long Propaganda. Television uses Sesame Street to begin the process. See e.g. Sesame Street Propaganda Level Stepped Up By Including Homosexuals. Our comedian didn't learn to shoot otherwise he would have gotten more kills. Knowing how to deal with stoppages makes sense. Using a gas mask doesn't help. Tim Sullivan outlawed the Armed Citizen to make life easier for New York criminals.
Black Criminal Resists Arrest, Black Steals Taser, Black Dies, Media Incite Black Violence [15 April 2022 ]
Michigan police have released footage of a black man being shot in the back of the head by a white cop during a struggle over the officer's Taser following a traffic stop, prompting calls for justice as the family's high-profile attorney claimed 'unnecessary, excessive used of force was used.'Amid public outcry for transparency, police released the footage on Wednesday showing Patrick Lyoya, 26, facedown on the ground as he is fatally shot by the officer in Grand Rapids on April 4.
The newly released footage also shows the moments leading up to the shooting, including the traffic stop over suspicions involving Lyoya's license plate, which led to a brief foot chase and struggle over the cop's Taser.
It is not clear from any of the videos if or when Lyoya tried to grab the cop's Taser, but the cop is heard yelling at him to let go of the device, which was deployed twice, but didn't strike anyone, officials said.
Lyoya's family have retained prominent civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who has been dubbed 'Black America's Attorney General'. He also represented the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Ahmaud Aubrey and Trayvon Martin. He is calling for the officer to be fired and prosecuted.
'The video clearly shows that this was an unnecessary, excessive, and fatal use of force against an unarmed black man who was confused by the encounter and terrified for his life,' Crump said in a release.
'It should be noted that Patrick never used violence against this officer even though the officer used violence against him in several instances for what was a misdemeanor traffic stop,' he added. [ He lies but that is a detail - Editor ]
Grand Rapids police officials have placed the officer, a seven-year veteran who has not been named publicly, on administrative leave and have asked the Michigan State Police to investigate the shooting.
Prosecutors in Kent County told CNN on Wednesday that they will make a decision on possible criminal charges once the Michigan State Police investigation is complete.
The Mainstream Media eagerly tell us when a white man kills a black, regardless of the circumstances. It does not work vice versa. The media are corrupt Propaganda machines inciting Racial Hatred of white people in order to Subvert America & Western Civilization. NB There have been 150 homicides in Chicago this year. 109 were blacks, largely killed by their own in turf wars or drug wars. The MSM ignore them because they do not fit the agenda.
PS Hints to Blacks:- If they say stop, do it. Do not resist arrest; you can always complain after. Of course if you are guilty this might be a waste of time but you won't get shot.
Black Thug Drove Over A Woman But Failed To Kill Her [16 April 2022 ]
This is the horrifying moment a driver repeatedly ran over a woman in a vicious road-rage attack. Vincent Jean, 56, rammed the 23-year-old victim with his Mitsubishi SUV several times during his rampage in Elizabeth, New Jersey, on Tuesday.Witnesses screamed as they watched on in dread as he backed up then revved forward over the pedestrian. The woman, who has not been named, miraculously survived and is being treated in hospital in a critical condition............
The attack reportedly started when the pair locked horns over a minor traffic incident further up the road. The driver was said to have tried to flee but the woman pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of his vehicle and following him up the street. County Prosecutor William Daniel said: 'At that point, the suspect drove his car directly at the victim and she began to run onto the lawn to avoid being struck.
'The suspect drove onto the lawn and struck the victim, then drove over her before backing up and deliberately running her over a second time.'
Another entitled black. He will need a very good lawyer to lie his way out of this one. You can take the black out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the black.
PS There are more and better details at Revealed: Road rage driver, 56, who mowed down woman, 23, and ran over her THREE TIMES is obsessed with Grand Theft Auto video games - as horrified witnesses reveal hero bus driver tried to block thug from fleeing.
Man On Motor Scooter Knocks A Woman Down Then Tries To Rape Her In New York [16 April 2022 ]
This is the shocking moment a man riding a motorized scooter knocks down a woman walking along a Brooklyn street with a bag in hand.As the battered woman struggles to stand up, the man on the scooter returns. Within seconds, the suspect viciously grabs the 59-year-old woman dragging her and slapping her repeatedly in the face and torso. As she tries to fight back, the man rips the victims pants and underwear off and sexually abuses her, according to the NYPD.
While the ferocious attack was unfolding, a few vehicles drove by, but it appeared that no one intervened.
He knocked her over deliberately. Is it safe to walk the street late at night?
PS Was he black? Yes, of course he was. See Scooter rider who knocked down woman and then sexually assaulted her is shown fleeing into a building elevator after the sickening attack
Black Shoots Ten & Kills None In South Carolina [ 18 April 2022 ]
Ten people were shot and two others injured in a shooting at a shopping mall in South Carolina's capital, which authorities say was not a random attack.Three people who had firearms were initially detained in connection with the Saturday afternoon shooting at Columbiana Centre, said Columbia Police Chief W.H. 'Skip' Holbrook.
Jewayne M. Price, 22, has been charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol, but additional charges are forthcoming, authorities said.
Two additional males, who were not named, were also detained for questioning and were released from police custody after it was determined that they were not involved in the shooting. Authorities have seized one firearm related to the incident. Preliminary examination of ballistic evidence collected from the scene indicates that at least two different firearms were used by two suspects.
Was he black? The Mail isn't saying so he isn't white. He can't shoot straight either; so he is probably black and with a name like Jewayne it approaches certainty.
UPDATE: The Mail admits he is black - - he looks surly and stupid.
Black Schoolboy Murdered In Brixton [ 3 May 2022 ]
The heartbroken mother of a schoolboy who was stabbed to death in South London has revealed that the teenager had interviewed for his 'dream' college course just hours before he was killed. Rommel McKoy, 16, was attacked in Hicken Road, Brixton five minutes from home at around 7.30pm on Monday, April 4. He was taken to hospital, but tragically died of his wounds 16 days later.Two youths, aged 16 and 17, arrested in connection with the stabbing have been released on bail until mid-May.
His devastated mother Karen has now revealed that Rommel had interviewed for a science and engineering course at Merton College just hours before he was fatally wounded. 'He was so happy, he was going to study his dream course of science and engineering,' she said.
Another black rocket scientist in the making? Perhaps not. He looked gormless.
Vicious Alien Murdered Policewoman [ 17 May 2022 ]
A 'highly-sexualised' loner who bludgeoned police community support officer Julia James to death while she walked her dog has been convicted of murder today. A jury of eight women and four men took just 73 minutes to decide Callum Wheeler, also described as ‘angry, violent and strange’, had ambushed the 53-year-old mother-of-two in Ackholt Wood near her home in Snowdown, Kent, at around 2.30pm on April 27 last year.Wheeler, 22, who is being held at Broadmoor high security psychiatric hospital in Berkshire, did not react when the guilty verdict was delivered.
He refused to stand for the verdict and was physically held up by three members of court security staff in the dock. He stared downwards throughout and made no expression when the jury found him guilty of murder. He did not walk into the dock on Monday morning or after lunch, but was instead carried in.
Only ten [ 10 ] comments made it past the Mail's censor so there was no mention of the fact that he is an enemy alien infiltrated by Her Majesty's Government. Life in Broadmoor can really be life. Of course clever liars can out think psychiatrists; so can ordinary ones. The Rosenhan Experiment proved that precise point. There are other illustrative Hoaxes.
Black MP Claims She Is Not Guilty [ 20 May 2022 ]
Former Labour MP Claudia Webbe has launched an appeal against her harassment conviction after a district judge previously found her guilty of bombarding a love with 17 phone calls, despite police telling her to stop.Webbe, 57, allegedly called Michelle Merritt a ‘slag’, threatened to throw acid at her and said she would post naked photos of her to her family.
The now-independent MP for Leicester East was convicted of harassment at Westminster Magistrates’ Court last November and sentenced to 10 weeks jail, suspended for two years with 200 hours unpaid work. She was also ordered to pay £1,000 to Ms Merritt, 59, in compensation after District Judge Paul Goldspring said she ‘intended to cause real alarm and distress to her’.
Webbe is said to have waged the campaign of harassment after becoming suspicious of Ms Merritt’s relationship with her partner, Lester Thomas, a Chelsea FC scout.
She is a Labour Party fronthuman. The rest follows.
Black Murderers Get Life [ 23 May 2022 ]
Three men and a teenager convicted of murdering a 'gentle and peaceful' student at a New Year's Eve party by viciously beating him unconscious and then throwing his body over a balcony have been jailed for life today.A court heard William 'Billy' Henham's attackers also callously stripped him naked and doused him in bleach in a bid to 'cover their tracks' by destroying any forensic evidence.
Just a few hours before his brutal death, the 24-year-old had been seen 'singing, dancing and smiling' in a Brighton nightclub.
However, by dawn on January 1, 2020 he had been subjected to the 'sustained and significant' fatal assault involving punches, kicks, stamps, and even blows from a broken stair spindle, leaving him with 67 separate injuries.
See the faces, know the guilt but it took three months in court to get a result. It is how lawyers get rich. They, the killers did it for laughs and boasted about it. None of them talked to the police; they have been there before. One of them is English or anyway British. The other three are vicious aliens imported by Her Majesty's Government with Malice Aforethought.
PS The Mail is censoring comments because they are black.
Black Footballers Deny Raping Six Women [ 24 May 2022 ]
Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy today pleaded not guilty to nine charges of sexual offences against six women.The 27-year-old Premier League star, who lives in the Cheshire village of Prestbury, denies seven counts of rape, one count of sexual assault and one count of attempted rape.
Today, he stood in the dock at Chester Crown Court and repeated 'not guilty' as the charges were put to him to enter pleas for the first time.
Mendy's alleged offences include seven counts of rape relating to four women, one of sexual assault and one of attempted rape. He will stand trial from July 25 along with his co-defendant Louis Saha Matturie, 40, who faces similar allegations and was also present at the court today.
Mendy' minder looks nastier than him.
Black Drug Dealer Murdered Three Year Old Baby Then Laughed [ 25 May 2022 ]
A drug dealer jailed for life for the 'brutal' murder of three-year-old Kemarni Watston Darby smiled at police when they arrived at the scene shortly after the boy was beaten to death inside a filthy flat of horrors.Nathaniel Pope, 32, was found guilty of murder in April, following a five-month trial which heard that Kemarni had 34 separate areas of external injuries. Today, he was jailed for life at Birmingham Crown Court with a minimum of 24 years.
His girlfriend and Kemarni's mother, 31-year-old Alicia Watson, was cleared of murder but was today jailed for 11 years for child cruelty and causing or allowing the death of her three-year-old son.
Now, it has been revealed that Pope smiled with officers and claimed not to be Watson's partner when police arrived at the scene following Kemarni's killing.
Bring back hanging and flogging for the likes of him and the politicians that imported them. Notice that it took five months of lies and prevarication to get a result. But it kept lawyers off the dole, where they belong. Stopping legal aid would stop them.
Black Thug Kicked A Cat Then Laughed [ 25 May 2022 ]
Premier League footballer Kurt Zouma has admitted kicking and slapping his pet cat in a viral video which sparked a series of similar animal cruelty attacks, the court heard.The shocking incident came to light after a woman who had been due to go on a date with Kurt's brother Yoan saw the footage on his Snapchat, prompting her to raise the alarm and cancel her date. The woman, who was not named, told Yoan Zouma she 'did not want to associate' with anyone who found his brother's actions funny.
The West Ham United defender pleaded guilty to two counts under the Animal Welfare Act when he appeared at Thames Magistrates' Court in east London on Tuesday morning.
Zouma, 27, was forced to apologise after harrowing footage was filmed and shared by his younger brother Yoan, 24, who also admitted one offence during the hearing.
Bring back hanging.
Career Criminals Murdered Another Crook [ 27 May 2022 ]
A gang of machete-wielding thugs have been found guilty of killing a dad-of-five - nicknamed 'Del Boy' after stripping him and savagely beating him to death. Carl Woodall, 44, suffered 141 injuries before his body was discovered in a unit on an industrial estate in Rowley Regis, West Midlands, in June last year.Mark Campbell, Simmion Goldbourne and James McGhee used a machete, a large knife and a wooden handle to hack and thrash him to death.
By the time he was found dead by his son and girlfriend on June 28 last year he had just one sock on. Jurors at Wolverhampton Crown Court heard he died from a traumatic brain injury but defensive wounds suggested he was conscious for much of the attack.
Police tracked down his killers, who are all from Nottingham, using CCTV and piecing together the links Mr Woodall had to the men. Campbell, 39, and Goldbourne, 28, were found guilty of murder while McGhee, 28, was convicted of manslaughter at Wolverhampton Crown Court.
Detectives discovered Campbell met Mr Woodhall's stepsons in prison in 2018 and made contact with one of them in June 2021.
Two blacks and a Brit did it. Drug dealers or general purpose chancers? The Mail isn't saying. Hanging is the answer to swine like these but our wonderful law makers know better.
Black Murdered An Englishman For The Fun Of It [ 29 May 2022 ]
A teenager who leapt off a Santander bike to kill a performer in a music video in front of the victim’s girlfriend has been jailed for at least 24 years.Scaffolder Shane Jerome, 23, was knifed to death outside Brixton station in south London as he sat on a motorcycle as part of the shoot on July 21, last year.......
Mr Jerome was on his Yamaha NT7 motorbike waiting at traffic lights in between a bus and a lime green Lamborghini.
Brandon McNeil, 19, rode a Santander bike in the opposite direction of the traffic before leaping off, holding a Rambo-style knife in the air, and using it to stab Mr Jerome in the chest............ McNeil admitted murder, attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon.
He made rap videos bragging about his life of crime and boasted of his skill with knives in a film made a week after the murder.
Blacks are vicious and dangerous. We should hang them & the politicians that import them with Malice Aforethought. Starting with Johnson, Blair, Brown, Cameron, Patel & Starmer would send a clear message.
Black Thug Tortured A Cat And Stayed Out Of Prison [ 2 June 2022 ]
Disgraced Premier League footballer Kurt Zouma has been ordered to carry out 180 hours of community service and banned from keeping cats for five years for kicking and slapping his Bengal pet in a disturbing home video posted on Snapchat. The £125,000-a-week defender, 27, looked shamefaced as he was told his punishment at Thames Magistrates Court in east London this morning. West Ham defender Zouma was pilloried after footage emerged of him volleying the pet across his kitchen, before throwing a pair of shoes at it and slapping its head, saying: 'I swear I'll kill it.'The Snapchat clip, from February this year, featured laughing and disgusted animal lovers and football fans and was filmed by brother Yoan.
We go easy on our imported pets from Africa. They don't know any better. Are they even human? Noble Savages perhaps? Leave out the noble. You can take the black out the jungle but you can't take jungle out of the black. But our wonderful government imports thousands more like him every year. We need hanging & flogging for the likes of Johnson & Blair. They have power without responsibility; an ideal situation for Tyrants & Psychopaths.
Black Footballer Charged With An Extra Rape [ 2 June 2022 ]
Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy has been charged with a further count of rape, it can be reported for the first time.The latest allegation, relating to a new complainant, means the 27-year-old stands accused of eight counts of rape, one count of sexual assault and one count of attempted rape, relating to seven young women. Mendy pleaded not guilty last month to all but the latest charge, which has not yet been put to him and he is yet to enter a plea to.
An order had banned media from publishing the latest charge until the order was lifted by Judge Steven Everett, Recorder of Chester, during a hearing at Chester Crown Court on Wednesday.
Blacks treat animals with contempt; women too? We have to pretend that we believe Mr Mendy is innocent until the court gives a verdict. Will the judge keep him out of prison? To be fair, his bodyguard looks even more vicious.
Black Barrister Bully Gets Off Very Lightly [ 2 June 2022 ]
An experienced barrister at a prestigious law firm once worked at by Sir Keir Starmer has been fined £1,500 after she bullied and mocked her junior opponent in court by comparing her to brat Violet Elizabeth Bott from the Just William books.Althea Brown humiliated her rival during a two day employment tribunal by calling the female barrister a liar and mimicking her submissions in 'a noticeably different and disrespectful tone of voice to her usual voice'.
A tribunal of the Bar Standards Board heard she spoke to her more junior opponent - referred to only as Ms C - in a 'very patronising manner' and even called her 'intellectually incapable'.
One assumes that Starmer knows her or her sort, a deeply unpleasant one at that. She is of course "educated", which means that she knows better but doesn't care. Her instincts are just like Idi Amin's & Mugabe's.
Black Tulsa Massacre Shooter Killed Black Affirmative Action Doctor After Botched Surgery [ 6 June 2022 ]
See, this is what happens when the government stops prescribing OxyContin – the blacks shoot up the hospital.We now know that those Jews shilling OxyContin were only trying to stop the blacks from shooting up the hospital. It was Tikkun olam, once again thwarted by the goyim!
Michael Louis, the man who allegedly shot up Saint Francis Hospital on Wednesday, deliberately targeted surgeon Preston Phillips, whom he blamed for “ongoing pain” following a surgery the doctor had performed on his back, Tulsa authorities revealed during a press conference on Thursday.
The other three victims, Dr. Stephanie Husen, receptionist Amanda Green, and patient William Love, merely “stood in the way” as Louis attempted to kill the doctor who had operated on him the previous month, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin explained.
Did they literally stand in the way? Like “I’m gonna take a bullet for my nigga”?
Probably not.
It’s much more likely that this was just a normal revenge murder, and these bystanders were only shot because black people can’t aim. That is to say: it wasn’t a “mass shooting” at all.
Another Diversity hire comes unstuck. Thus quoth Andrew Anglin. The Wikipedia chooses to allege that Mr Anglin is an American neo-Nazi, white supremacist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, and editor of the website The Daily Stormer.[1] You are at liberty to believe it or him.
Black Thief Loses £400 Thousand Fraud Attempt And Gets Away With It [ 7 June 2022 ]
A mother-of-two nurse who faked her husband's death in an 'audacious' attempt to claim a £400,000 life insurance payout before she lied to get another job while suspended has been struck off. Thulile Bhebhe, 52, told insurers Aviva that her partner Bekezela Bhebhe had suffered a pulmonary embolism while on holiday in Zimbabwe in August 2016.She maintained the claim for more than a year before investigators found Bekezela, who was also a nurse, was still alive and had worked a day shift at Charing Cross Hospital in London on the day she claimed he had died. Bhebhe was convicted of a single count of fraud by false representation at Central London Magistrates' Court in November 2018.
But just three weeks later, she lied about her criminal conviction on a McMillian Healthcare application..............
Bhebhe, originally from South Africa completed 35 shifts over two months for the trust before internal checks found she was working illegally.
The nurse was sentenced to 24 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years at Inner London Crown Court in March last year.
She stayed out of prison, They went easy on her; was it because she was black? The Mail is censoring comment, so only six got through.
Black Footballers On Trial For Triple Rape [ 16 August 2022 ]
Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy raped three women in the same night following a pool party at his mansion and a subsequent nightclub trip, a court has heard.The 28-year-old is accused of raping three women after the party at his home in Mottram St Andrew, Cheshire, and the trip to China White nightclub in Manchester on July 23-24 last year. At Chester Crown Court on Monday, prosecutor Timothy Cray QC told jurors on the night of July 23 and the early morning of July 24, Mendy raped a 22-year-old and two 19-year-old women.
His co-accused, Louis Saha Matturie, 40, is also accused of raping one of the 19-year-olds, as well as another 22-year-old woman in the same period...........................
Both defendants are on bail and the trial is expected to last up to 15 weeks.
That a trial can stretched out over more than a week is a disgrace, one that makes lawyers rich. But at least they will be parasites milking grossly over-paid blacks. Notice that the Mail is totally blocking comments because they are black.
Loud Mouthed Black Prosecutor Charged With Rape [ 18 August 2022 ]
High-profile criminal justice reform advocate Adam Foss has been indicted on charges that he raped a 25-year-old woman in a New York City hotel room while she slept, District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced on Tuesday.Foss, 42, a former Massachusetts prosecutor who gained national attention with a 2016 TED Talk about criminal justice reform, exchanged texts and calls for about a month with the woman he met at a conference before the two spent the night together at a Midtown Manhattan hotel in 2017.
The woman repeatedly declined Foss's advances, but said he raped her after she fell asleep, Manhattan prosecutors allege. She later came forward with the allegations which prompted an investigation.
The Mail is censoring comments again because he is black. His TED Talk has disappeared - see Adam Foss A Prosecutor's Vision For A Better Justice System. Was it going to be one that kept his peculiar friends out of prison? As the saying goes: You take the black out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the black. Commentators feel that it couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow. Was his talk really about prosecutors making it easy for rapists to walk away laughing? See Interview Adam Foss, Advocate for Transforming the Role of the Prosecutor. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
White People Murdered By Blacks In July [ 20 August 2022 ]
Even local media are now actively censoring the race of murderers, so details on some of these month’s Black-On-White killings are sparse. But apart from the usual toll of police officers (in ironic contrast to the massively celebrated Breonna Taylor police lynchings) and of white women in relationships with black men, home invasions seem to be a growing Thing, as we noted last month. Additionally, anyone involved in any kind of an “altercation” with blacks over even the most trivial thing seems to be taking their lives in their hands in 21st century America.
Mr Gividen brings us 41 specifically white people who are victims of blacks in America. Is it that bad? No, it is worse. If you doubt it look at New Nation News. Some of the victims look unprepossessing. And a large most of the "suspects" look vicious. They will even murder their own for the fun of it. See e.g. the next one.
Black Taxi Driver Murdered By Black Thieves [ 20 August 2022 ]
The NYPD released horrifying video of the brutal beatdown that killed a New York City taxi driver over the weekend as they made two arrests in the senseless crime.Fernando Mateo, a spokesperson for the New York City Federation of Taxi Drivers, told The Post early Thursday that two male suspects surrendered to the police at the 101st Precinct in Queens late on Wednesday night.
Austin Amos, 20, and four other passengers allegedly carried out the assault on Kutin Gyimah, 52, after they tried to rob the cabbie around 6:30 a.m. Saturday in the Rockaways, police said.
Cops said Amos was last wearing clothing that matches that of the person who landed the final blow on Gyimah, sending him flying to the pavement outside of Arverne Playground, the video released Wednesday shows.
It’s unclear whether Amos was one of the two who turned themselves in to cops.
Giymah, a married father of four from the Bronx, hit his head on the street and couldn’t be saved.
More blacks, more crime QED. They kill their own too. In fact it is more likely, caused by arguments with each other. The causes? Try drugs or women.
Black Thief Gets $187 Thousand Job After Her Fraud Conviction [ 21 August 2022 ]
A [ New York ] city principal convicted of car insurance fraud kept her employment with the Department of Education – and even got a fat raise – despite what school investigators called her “pattern of dishonesty.”The DOE gave Oneatha Swinton, the former acting principal of Port Richmond High school in Staten Island, a sweetheart deal to stay on despite the criminal rap along with findings that she improperly funneled $100,000 in school funds to a vendor, and “failed to safeguard” 600 DOE computers, printers and laptops which vanished under her watch.
Instead of terminating Swinton, 43, as recommended by the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools, the DOE gave her an unspecified place in its Office of Safety and Youth Development with a $187,000 salary plus health and pension benefits — $25,000 more than she made when arrested in 2018 for insurance fraud. Officials refused to give a title or description of her new gig.
If your face fits you get away with it no matter what. That pretty much means being black, even if you do have a foul taste in clothes.
Black Racist Drunkard Accused Of Rape Has Diplomatic Immunity [ 26 August 2022 ]
The South Sudanese diplomat accused of rape is a drunk who once attempted to instigate a racially motivated fight against a white neighbor who attempted to wake him from a drunken stupor, can reveal.That incident occurred outside of the Bronx building where he is now accused of forcing his way into a neighbor's apartment and sexually assaulting her - only to flee thanks to his diplomatic immunity status. [ sic ]. Charles Dickens Imene Oliha, 46, lives in the building near 191st Street in upper Manhattan with his wife and their four young children. A neighbor, Melvin, said Oliha and his wife regularly would sit outside the apartment building on foldable beach chairs drinking together, sometimes with their two daughters.
Melvin said: 'One time, we saw him passed out and my friend went to wake him up. The guy woke up and started wildin' out. My friend, cause he's white, gets called a racist and stuff. The guy started wanting to fight him calling him a racist and all 'a that. We had to separate them.'
He also commented about the suspect's poor personal hygiene and said that although Oliha would dress well, he had an unpleasant odour.
Most blacks don't stink, meaning that one doesn't wash much.
Woman Murdered In Tennessee - Black Criminal Arrested [ 7 September 2022 ]
See the mug shot, see his previous and ask why he didn't get hanged the first time.
Police Get One Shot Kill In London [ 7 September 2022 ]
Chris Kaba, aged in his 20s, was blasted following a high-speed police chase in Streatham, South West London, last night.
Why were they chasing him? Because he ran. Why was he running? Because he was guilty! Of course he was black so various trouble makers will work the Racism angle.
Black Blackmailers Come Unstuck [ 15 September 2022 ]
Mathias Pogba, the brother of football star Paul Pogba, is being temporarily detained and questioned by police, a source close to the investigation said on Wednesday, after the Juventus midfielder said he was the target of extortion attempts and threats.Mathias presented himself in the 'early afternoon to investigators and was placed in police custody', said one of the legal sources who asked not to be named. The formal probe follows preliminary investigations and will look into allegations of blackmail by an armed gang, kidnapping and membership of a criminal conspiracy. Three other people are also in custody, the source said. Temporary detention in France usually ends after 24 hours.
Pogba is an African, not just a black. The excuse for Blackmailing him? Pass. What is a man ashamed of these days? Not a lot.
Black Nurse Killed Six Driving At 130 MPH [ 12 September 2022 ]
The nurse facing murder charges for the fiery Los Angeles crash that killed five was going 130 mph – it was revealed on Sunday – 40 miles faster than previously thought. Nicole Linton, 37, was initially thought to be driving her Mercedes at 90 mph, but court papers obtained by the Los Angles Times on Sunday said she floored the pedal for at least five seconds before deliberately speeding into La Brea and Slauson avenues on Aug. 4.“Further analysis reveals that her speed at impact was in fact 130 mph and that she floored the gas pedal for at least the 5 seconds leading into the crash, going from 122 mph to 130 mph,” said the filing, which was released on Friday. Prosecutors laid waste to the claims that she lost consciousness by citing surveillance video and data from her Mercedes. The documents said Linton had “complete control over steering, maintaining the tilt of the steering wheel to keep her car traveling directly toward the crowded intersection.”
Another black, another murderer. Our wonderful government is importing the likes of her with Malice Aforethought; they are Traitors all.
Hate Driven Black Sues Donald Trump For $250 Million [ 24 September 2022 ]
New York Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday filed a $250 million lawsuit against former [ sic ] President Donald Trump, his kids Eric, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., and the Trump Organization — alleging “staggering” fraud in the family real estate business.The 220-page civil suit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court accuses the former president and his Trump Organization of fraudulently inflating the value of his prized assets – including his homes and golf courses – to allegedly obtain favorable loans and tax benefits. It seeks to tear away Trump’s ability to run businesses in the Empire State and to prohibit him and his company from buying up commercial real estate for several years.............
While she can’t bring criminal charges against Trump because her probe was a civil one, James said her office is referring the case to the Internal Revenue Service and to federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.
This is a blatant case of Selective Prosecution and Malicious Prosecution. She is enthusiastically ignoring the crimes of Hunter Biden & Joe Biden.
Black Drug Runner Swallowed Over 2lb Of Cocaine [ 24 September 2022 ]
A drug mule who swallowed a kilo of cocaine worth £80,000 was caught out pretending to be a Liverpool fan returning from the UEFA Champions League final when police saw him grimacing in pain.Benjamin Nwaogwugwu [ Nigerian ], 43, who was recruited by Colombian drug lords, swallowed the huge 79-package haul at a hotel in South America before flying 5,000 miles to Paris and then home to the UK under the guise of being a football fan.
But he was detained on his arrival at Manchester Airport when officers saw him grimacing in pain due to the effects of the drugs and he was taken to hospital where it took two days to pass all the packages from his bowels for analysis.
Overdoing it was the problem. He got off with four years but then he is black.
Ugly Black Charged With Four Rapes [ 26 September 2022 ]
A second man has been charged by police investigating allegations of sexual assault against Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy. Louis Saha Matturie, 40, of Eccles, Greater Manchester, has been charged with four counts of rape, Cheshire Police said. The charges relate to three complainants over the age of 16 and are alleged to have taken place between April 2021 and August 2021, police added.The charges relate to three complainants over the age of 16 and are alleged to have taken place between April 2021 and August 2021, police added. Matturie, of Eccles, appeared at Chester Magistrates' Court on Monday and was remanded in custody to appear at Chester Crown Court on Friday.
The Mail is blocking comments because they are Blacks.
Black Robber Chickens Out [ 27 September 2022 ]
A man casually carrying a shotgun and claiming to be from Chicago walked into a Florida convenience store during an attempted robbery but walked out when a clerk displayed his own weapon, authorities said. Rakim Stephen Tate, 32, made a bad decision that “became a worse decision” when he walked into a convenience store on Sept. 9 with a visible shotgun to his side, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Monday.He is charged with openly carrying a prohibited weapon and attempted robbery with a firearm.
Tate walked around the store for a few seconds before a clerk out of view from a camera in the store is heard talking to him, according to security footage. The clerk apparently noticed Tate arming himself before he entered the store and went into a back room to arm himself with his personal weapon, authorities said. “I don’t mean no harm, I’m just not from around here,” Tate is heard saying while holding his weapon. “I got a big (expletive) (expletive) gun, but I’m not from around here is what I’m saying. I’m from Chicago bro.” Tate is heard asking the employee what kind of weapon he is holding. The employee responds before Tate slowly walks out of the store.
“He then fumbles for words, resorting to meaningless babble about being from Chicago,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. “Words seem to fail you when your felony attempt is thwarted by lawful and righteous force.”
Why is the gun prohibited? Presumably because the perpetrator has previous convictions.
Black Woman Denies Killing Her Three Year Old [ 1 October 2022 ]
A mother has denied neglecting and killing her three-year-old son who was found dead at their home.Olabisi Abubakar, 41, denied both neglect and manslaughter as she appeared via video link at Cardiff Crown Court on Friday. Abubakar, from the Welsh capital, was charged with the manslaughter of her son Taiwo Abubakar who was discovered at their home on Cwmdare Street in Cathays, Cardiff on June 29, 2020.
During the hearing she pleaded not guilty to killing her three-year-old boy between June 1 and June 30. The mother also pleaded not guilty to two counts of child cruelty and neglect of a person under the age of 16.
In Nigeria she might well have been looking at a death sentence. She is making like a lunatic.
Black Arrested After City Of London Stabbings [ 11 October 2022 ]
In fact the Mail does not admit that the prisoner is black. It just blocks all comments so that people can't let the cat out of the bag. You doubt? See the next one.
Black Criminal Gets Three More Years Inside For Murder And Rape Threats [ 15 October 2022 ]
A prisoner who used an illegal mobile phone in his cell to threaten a woman with rape and death has been jailed for more than three years. Jerral Johnson-Lowe, 29, befriended the victim, a single mother, on Instagram just a few months into his jail term at Elmley Prison in Sheppey, Kent.The pair - who reportedly shared an 'emotionally invested' relationship until he became abusive and controlling - connected while Johnson-Lowe was serving a two-year sentence for violent disorder following the murder of university student Andre Bent, the cousin of S Club 7's Bradley McIntosh. The victim blocked him after he become obsessed with her, Maidstone Crown Court was told. She alleged he threatened to kill her and her young child, as well as warned he would get 'random crack heads' to rape her.
He also made death threats towards her family members and forwarded sexually explicit photos the woman had sent to him in prison - at his request - to her brother and a male Facebook friend.
Johnson-Lowe pleaded guilty to two offences of making a threat to kill, sending a malicious communication and disclosing private, sexual photographs. On Monday he was sentenced to three years, four months behind bars with a 10-year restraining order also imposed.
The criminal, once a member of a grime rap star Mostack's entourage, had 13 previous convictions including offences of battery, harassment and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. All were committed against partners.
What colour were the others? See for yourself.
PS Only one comment made it past the Mail's censor; it is nervous about what honest folk think and say. His Majesty's Government treats Free Speech as crime.
Blacks Murdered 20 White People And Three Asians In September [ 17 October 2022 ]
September saw the usual toll of white women in relationships with black men, whites who got involved in altercations with blacks, and robberies. There was also yet another gas station clerk and two Good Samaritans.But one trend that showed up strongly this month: recidivism. Defined as the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, it’s often cited by psychologists as a hallmark of psychopathy [Psychopathy and Recidivism: A Review, by James F. Hemphill et al., Legal and Criminological Psychology, June 2011]. It is also a recurring theme in black-on-white homicides: suspects commit crimes after they have been released from prison or are otherwise on judicial probation. There were no less than three cases involving recidivists in September: the tragic deaths of jogger Eliza Fletcher, Allison Parker, and radio reporter Jim Matthews. See below.
proceeds to give details. See the faces, know the evil. Be aware that the Southern Poverty Law Center tells us about The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'. It is lying but then the SPLC is run by Jews, by Zionist crazies full of hate. It is a Propaganda machine being used as part of the Long March Through The Institutions. This means inciting Blacks to Hate Us and marketing White Guilt. Naturally the SPLC is not saying much about the Gaza Massacres because the perpetrators are Jews, aka God's Chosen People.
Mr Gividen
PS The Chicago Sun-Times logs all reported homicides. The results are at Homicides in Chicago - A list of every victim. The score as I write is 539 dead of whom 415 were black. That is three out every four victim were black. A large most of these killings are intra-racial. That is blacks killing their own. Major causes are drug wars and women.
Black Racist With Swords Chops A White Man's Arms Off [ 18 October 2022 ]
ALBANY – The man accused of carrying out a sword-wielding attack that maimed 34-year-old Jon Romano in a Sheridan Avenue homeless shelter last week is expected to undergo a psychiatric evaluation that could determine his defense strategy going forward, his attorney said Thursday.Randell Mason, 42, who police charged with the savage Aug. 29 slashing on Romano and who allegedly admitted he left the victim “chopped up" because Romano was "disrespecting me," pleaded not guilty to a three-count indictment unsealed by acting Supreme Court Justice Roger McDonough.
Mason is charged with attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder and first-degree assault. The attempted first-degree murder charge carries a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison. The other two charges carry a maximum of 25 years behind bars.................
The attack, which took place at 315 Sheridan Ave. about 1:42 p.m. last Monday, Aug. 29, left Romano with critical injuries to his arms, which were severed and needed to be reattached, as well as severe injuries to his legs and head. He had to be intubated at Albany Medical Center Hospital.
The victim attracted notoriety in 2004 when at the age of 16 he fired a shotgun at students at Columbia High School in East Greenbush. A teacher was struck and injured as an assistant principal, John Sawchuk, tackled Romano and disarmed him. Romano, who served prison time for attempted murder and other charges, moved to Albany County following his release from prison in 2020.
Blacks in America have been incited to hate by Zionist crazies. It worked all too well. They should blame the Jews who imported them to America. Louis Farrakhan does just that. His book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews tells all; it gives documentary evidence. Why is it secret? Because Jews run the Mainstream Media and hide the truth. You can see Louis in action at
Black Drug Dealer Gets 16 Years [ 21 October 2022 ]
A gangster rapper has been jailed alongside two others for running a huge heroin and cocaine dealing empire.Rayal Eastwood, stage name 'Champaz', used the encrypted EncroChat network to set up large drug deals across Birmingham and London before spending the money on flash motors.
The 38-year-old portrayed himself on social media as a singer, rapper, and producer who creates 'some of the most controversial lyrics in dancehall scenery'. He even boasted of working alongside Maxim from dance music legends The Prodigy to produce his debut single in 2018.
But in reality, he was making money from running a large-scale drug dealing enterprise alongside Dakarai Thomas, 37, and 41-year-old Zadengel Raphael.
His henchmen, black too of course got 10 years and 6 years. They were Free Traders & victims of Conspiracies in Restraint of Trade.
Black Mother Starved And Tortured Her Children In Texas [ 22 October 2022 ]
Two 16-year-old twins escaped from their abusive mother and her boyfriend who handcuffed, bound and forced them to drink their own urine at their $600,000 Texas house of horrors.The breakout was caught via Ring camera footage that saw the twins, who have not been named, run from their Houston home Tuesday in an attempt to get someone to call the police.
The boy wasn't wearing a shirt and both of the siblings were barefoot, the neighbor who eventually let the pair inside told KHOU. The kids told police their mother and her boyfriend had left them in a room and forced them to eat and drink their own waste, refusing to let them use the toilet.
The woman who found them added: 'They would only feed them a sandwich, only if they were quiet the whole day, if they made any type of noise they wouldn't be fed. How a mother could do this to her kids and... I feel like my tears are out of frustration anger and sadness.
'They were so skinny and so frail. They just looked like they had been through a lot. They told me that their mom kept them locked in the laundry room, naked, zip tied from the ankles and handcuffed from the wrist.'
Louisiana State Police tracked down their mother, 40-year-old Zaikiya Duncan, and her boyfriend, 27-year-old Jova Terrell, at a traffic stop in Baton Rouge at 1:45 p.m. Both are charged with two counts of felony injury to a child and will be brought back to Houston, which a spokesman for local police told was expected to be 'later today.'
Both Duncan and Terrell have been jailed, pending extradition. Duncan is scheduled for an extradition hearing Thursday, according to ABC13.
The twins have been hospitalized and are in the custody of Child Protective Services, Jeff McShan said.
At least five other siblings - 7-year-old Nicholas Menina, 10-year-old Zayden Menina, 12-year-old Jovion Menina, 12-year-old Javier Menina, and 14-year-old Jarod Menina - were rescued by police, one of whom was still with Duncan and Terrell, while the other four had been left with relatives throughout Louisiana.
We are told that Blacks are our intellectual and moral equals by the Lunatic Fringe; they make a point of living somewhere else.
Black Thief Attempts £3 Million Fraud And Fails [ 22 October 2022 ]
An ex-soldier has had his record £3m trench foot compensation claim against the MoD thrown out after a judge today found he was lying about the severity of his injuries.Brian Muyepa, 34, has been left facing £180,000 in lawyers' bills after falsely claiming severe 'non-freezing cold injuries' - more commonly known as trench foot - left him walking 'like a penguin.' He had insisted that his injury left him so disabled that he was reduced to shuffling about and relying on a walking stick or his wife to help him get around.
But footage posted on Facebook, which showing him dancing to loud music at a barbecue and seemingly walking 'normally' at a friend's wedding party in Nottingham, raised doubts about the credibility of his claim. Now Mr Justice Cotter, at London's High Court, has thrown out his claim and handed him a £180,000 legal costs bill after finding him guilty of 'fundamental dishonesty' for 'hugely exaggerating' his injuries.
Was he any use as a soldier? NB The Mail is censoring comments because he is a black thief but the readers really have taken the point.
Black Thug Raped A Woman While Out On Bail In California [ 23 October 2022 ]
A California woman was left unrecognizable after she was horrifically attacked and raped by a homeless man while walking her dogs.Marissa Young, 44, of Torrance, was brutally assaulted on July 31 by Darrel Waters, 46, police say.
Waters was freed on knife charges just days beforehand. Young was on a walk near a field when she was 'tackled from behind' and raped by the homeless man - who also knocked out eight of her teeth during the ordeal.
'I heard nothing,' she told KTLA. 'I didn’t have headphones in, I wasn’t looking at my phone, I was just walking straight forward to my destination.'
He brutally attacked her, pushing her to the ground and punching her 'at least' 20 times, shattering her nose in four spots, breaking her cheekbone, knocking out eight teeth, while carrying out the horrific sexual assault.
The local district attorney has a policy of allowing vicious criminals out so that they can carry on killing etc. It is Subversion, part of the Culture Wars being waged against Western Civilization by Jews like George Soros.
Black Tenant Murdered Her Landlady - Allegedly [ 28 October 2022 ]
The family of the Chicago landlord found dismembered in a freezer earlier this month said their loved one had called police “many times” on the tenant accused of her murder.The remains of Frances Walker, 69, were found in a freezer in her North Side home after a resident of the building reported her missing on Oct. 10.
Another tenant, Sandra Kolalou, 36, has been charged with her murder. Walker’s relatives told local station ABC7 that the longtime landlord had called cops on Kolalou “many times.” Records show that law enforcement responded to the home five times in October alone.
“They have rights as a tenant, but if you fear for your safety or have issues, the landlord should have rights not only as a landlord but as cohabiter of the domain,” niece Cory Walker said.
“I feel like their hands were tied or maybe there was something that could have been done differently. It’s changed the trajectory of our lives. It’s leaving such a hole.”
This was in Chicago, one of America's more vibrant cities. Its inmates have achieved 571 murders this year of whom 429 were black. See for more and better details.
Vicious Black Thug Maims Pakistani For Life [ 29 October 2022 ]
Eighteen seconds. That is all it took for James Porritt's world to be irrevocably changed in a way that he still struggles to comprehend.That is the timeframe in which the 42-year-old business consultant was savagely attacked in the packed carriage of a London Underground train by a man wielding a machete who had picked him entirely at random.
'This is not a terror attack,' the assailant told terrified onlookers. 'I want only him.' What followed next was an onslaught of extraordinary savagery: as James tried to flee for his life, the attacker — 35-year-old Ricky Morgan — hunted him down, slashing at his head, hands, elbow and legs. That James survived at all is little short of a miracle: the few seconds of security footage from the incident released to the public show scenes akin to a horror film.
'When I saw the footage, all I could think was how the hell I walked away from it,' says James today. 'I know I'm lucky to be alive.'
They seem to have left out the interesting bits. It is clear that Mr Morgan cleared himself the space to sit down. To be fair the attacker and the loser are both Third World free loaders imported by HMG, parasites useful mainly for Vote Rigging.
The Labour Party loves them for it. They want millions more votes. NB The Mail is censoring comments because they are aliens.
Blacks DOA After London Firefight [ 1 November 2022 ]
Two men have been killed in a drive-by shooting, as police officers launch a hunt after 'at least 12 shots' were fired between 'pair on a moped and people in a car' in Lambeth, southLondon, on Sunday evening.
Metropolitan Police were called at around 7.50pm to reports of gun fire on Railton Road. Officers, including firearms officers, are in attendance at the scene along with the London Ambulance Service and London's Air Ambulance.
Two men were found injured at the location, but despite the efforts of emergency services, both were pronounced dead at the scene. A car was crashed within the crime scene, after 12 shots were heard by others, a resident has said.
The Mail doesn't admit that the perpetrators were black but that is what the percentages say about Brixton. Import blacks, import crime. It works every time. It's Government Policy to boot. Their attitude to us? Get Used To It Suckers.
Ugly Black Thug Attacks Police In Nottingham [ 3 November 2022 ]
This is the shocking moment a bare-chested thug was caught on police bodycam footage going berserk and attacking five officers.Police were called to a hotel in Nottingham city centre at around 1am on Saturday after a woman was assaulted. They were confronted by a muscle-bound Daniel Johnson, 39, who became aggressive when police attempted to arrest him.
Officers were punched, kicked and thrown to the ground when Johnson launched a frenzied attack in the hotel corridor. No one was injured in the attack and Johnson was finally handcuffed.
Johnson, of Camden, London, admitted five assaults by beating of an emergency worker, a racially aggravated common assault by beating, an assault by beating on a hotel employee and criminal damage. On Monday he was jailed for 12 months at Nottingham Magistrates' Court.
More blacks, more crime. QED That is what Her Majesty's Government did to us. His Majesty's Government is just as bad, just as corrupt.
Black Gunman Captured After High Speed Chase On M25 [ 3 November 2022 ]
A gunman who hit 130 miles per hour as he dodged in and out of traffic during a motorway police chase has been jailed.Rooney Whyte, 42, led police for 35 miles along the M26 and M25 from Kent to Surrey before dumping the car and fleeing into a wooded field where he was arrested on January 25.
Video footage filmed by a police helicopter showed Whyte weaving across lanes in an Audi Q5 and driving on the hard shoulder after passing Clacket Lane Services on the M25. He was tracked by the helicopter leaving the motorway at Junction 11 where he began overtaking vehicles into oncoming traffic..............
But officers were able to arrest him after seeing that he had thrown a handgun into some brambles.
They do make life more interesting.
Black Thug Gives Wife A Good Kicking, Gets Out Then Murders Her [ 3 November 2022 ]
A mom of three was executed in front of her kids less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was sprung from jail on no bail over a caught-on-camera beat down she’d posted to her Facebook page in a desperate plea for help.The shocking case — in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s western New York hometown — has sparked fresh outrage to New York’s no-cash-bail laws and to the governor and fellow Democrats for refusing to repeal them.
Adam Bennefield, 45, who has a prior conviction for kidnapping another ex at gunpoint, is now charged with shooting dead his 30-year-old wife, Keaira Bennefield. The victim was taking her young children — ages 6 months to 9 years — to school on the morning of Oct. 5, when he ambushed her on a road and gunned her down, authorities said.
Bennefield was free to carry out the alleged murder after being released from custody a day earlier despite the horrific attack on his wife inside her home.
The estranged hubby was hit with misdemeanor charges and served an order of protection, which cops said he promptly violated to carry out the brutal killing of his wife.
Was the wife a great loss? Maybe. The case shows the need for hanging and sensible bail laws. The Jew, Soros is buying D.A.s who want criminals out. America was saddled with blacks by slave trading Jews. Now His Majesty's Government is doing the same to us with Malice Aforethought.
Black Footballer Fined £1 Million For Giving His Girl Friend A Good Kicking [ 4 November 2022 ]
A German court has upheld former Manchester City footballer Jerome Boateng's assault conviction for attacking his ex-girlfriend in 2018, and ordered the footballer to pay a fine of £1million.Boateng, 34, was found guilty last year of biting and punching his ex-fiancée Sherin Senler during a Caribbean holiday four years ago. Ms Senler, who is the mother of Boateng's twin daughters Soley and Lamia, told the court during the trial that the footballer bit her and spat blood in her face and punched her in the kidney so hard she could not breathe.
Boateng, who wore a navy suit during his court appearance on Wednesday, has always denied the allegations and sought an acquittal on appeal of his fine and conviction of causing dangerous bodily harm to Ms Senler and insulting her.
The district court in Munich on Wednesday confirmed Boateng was guilty, but reduced the original fine - calculated according to the accused's net income - from 1.8 million euros (£1.5million) to 1.2 million euros (£1million).
Boateng is sincerely nasty. German justice is better than the version inflicted on us. Naturally the Mail is censoring comments because he is black and they are racists - Anti-White Racists.
Black Murdered In London - Three Aliens Charged [ 5 November 2022 ]
Three men have been charged with murdering a man outside a south London restaurant last weekend.Adrian Keise, 32, was found mortally wounded near a block of flats on Frazier Street, Lambeth at 2.30am on Saturday, October 29. He had been stabbed outside Cubana Restaurant in Lower Marsh Street...........
Paul Yusuff, 20, and Matthew Yusuff, 22, of Southwark as well as 23-year-old Moussa Traore of Wandsworth were today charged with Mr Keise's murder. They are due to appear at Wimbledon Magistrates' Court. According to the Metropolitan Police, Paul Yusuff was also charged on suspicion of possessing a knife in a public place.
The Mail is blocking all comments because alien parasites are involved.
Black Thief Laundered Millions
A Nigerian influencer who flaunted his lavish lifestyle online has been jailed for 11 years after laundering millions of stolen dollars by hacking into emails and convincing vulnerable people to wire money. Ramon Abbas, 40, who called himself Ray Hushpuppi online and regularly posed in front of supercars, private jets and in designer clothing, was branded 'one of the most prolific money launderers in the world' by the FBI. He has been ordered by a federal judge to pay $1.7million in restitution to two fraud victims, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Money Laundering is an invented crime, not the real thing. Governments use it to control finances and steal billions. But they leave gaps for their little friends. Will our comedian be stupid enough to pay or has he spent it all?
Black On The Run After Blondes Murdered [ 16 November 2022 ]
Four University of Idaho students found dead of suspected homicides in off-campus housing were named by officials Monday.TThe Moscow Police Department identified the four college kids as Ethan Chapin, 20, Madison Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Kaylee Goncalves, 21. The four appeared to be friends based off social media accounts. Chapin and Kernodle appeared to be in a relationship, with one Instagram caption from Kernodle reading, “Life is so much better with you in it, love you!” to celebrate Chapin’s birthday.
Mogen and Goncalves were from Coeur d’Alene and Rathdrum, Idaho, respectively, police said. Chapin was from Washington state. Kernodle was from Arizona, according to police, though school officials said she was from Post Falls in Idaho. Goncalves’ family remembered her as “our defender and protector,” according to KREM2.
“She is tough and fair. The ultimate middle child,” her sister Alivea told the television station on behalf of the family. “She did absolutely everything she set her mind to. She didn’t hold back on love, fights or life. Kaylee was the ultimate go getter and constantly wanted an adventure.”
The causes of death connected to the homicide probe were not yet released as details surrounding the case remain sparse.
Ugly Black Murders Three In Virginia [ 16 November 2022 ]
The University of Virginia student accused of killing three players on the college’s football team and injuring two others had been acting strangely before opening fire on a bus, which had just returned to campus from a school trip on Sunday night.Witness Ryan Lynch told Philadelphia TV station KYW alleged gunman Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. “got up and pushed” one of the victims, Lavel Davis Jr. “After he pushed him, he was like ‘You guys are always messing with me.’ He said something like that but it was really bizarre because they didn’t talk to him the whole trip,” he added.
Gordon McKernan, a family friend of Mike Hollins — who is in critical condition on a ventilator after being shot — told Sports Illustrated Jones had mentioned a video game before the rampage. “He was asking one of the football players about a video game,” McKernan said.
“The guy answered, and at that moment, he pulled a gun and started shooting. The belief from those on board was that he was targeting football players.”
Those poor black Slaves were imported by Jews. You doubt it? Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam explains all - see The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
More blacks, more crime. His Majesty's Government imports them with Malice Aforethought. It is Ethnic Fouling caused by Zionist crazies.
Black Driver Killed Then Laughed [ 25 November 2022 ]
A driver who killed one woman and seriously injured two others after colliding with a taxi has pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. Steven Boochoon, 25, had been travelling along Hornsey Rise in North London on August 13, when he collided with a taxi which killed Franca Grossi.The 52-year-old woman, who had been employed as a receptionist at the Toni&Guy academy, was rushed to hospital following the collision at 12:10am, but sadly died of her injuries the following day. Two other passengers, the taxi driver and Franca’s best friend, were also taken to hospital but survived their injuries.
Appearing today via video-link from HMP Pentonville, Boochoon pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving, causing death by dangerous driving whilst disqualified, causing death by dangerous driving whilst uninsured and using a motor vehicle with no third party insurance.
My London skates over the fact that he was drunk at the time; the Mail does not. They both conceal the fact that he is a black imported by a government of Traitors, another ZOG [ Zionist Occupation Government ].
PS If YOU want to get into Parliament, to get your snout in the trough,
with the expenses etc. become a Friend Of Israel. It is a proof of intent. Another approach was go to those parties organised by Epstein & Maxwell. It makes you open to Blackmail, to extortion, their kind of people.
Black Murderer Convicted Thirty Years Late [ 27 November 2022 ]
A career criminal has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 32 years for killing a World War Two veteran and his sister nearly 30 years ago.Danville Neil, 65, will die behind bars after he killed the elderly brother and sister in a bungled burglary in August 1993. Neil 'dodged justice for nearly 30 years' after attacking Second World War veteran William Bryan, 71, and widow Anne Castle, 74, during a break-in at their east London home. Mrs Castle suffered a heart attack and Mr Bryan went into cardiac arrest after being beaten and smothered as their flat was ransacked in the search for valuables................
The murders went unsolved for nearly 30 years until Neil's DNA was found on the knot of black binoculars strap used to tie Mr Bryan's hands...........
The court heard that Neil was a career criminal with a string of convictions for some 15 burglaries between 1973 and 1998.
Another success for imported cheap labour? NO! Will His Majesty's Government apologise for their evil? Not a chance. Ethnic Fouling is Government Policy & Treason to boot.
Black Thief's Megabuck Stories Coming Unstuck [ 2 December 2022 ]
A former Premier League star boasted of making 'colossal sums' of money to another retired footballer who invested in his alleged £15 million scam, a court has heard.Ex-Charlton Athletic defender Richard Rufus, 47, allegedly claimed he was a successful foreign exchange trader to dupe friends, family members and associates. Southwark Crown Court has heard he promised returns of 60% a year but lost money 'hand over fist', using other investors' money to pay any returns in a pyramid scheme.
Former Chelsea defender Paul Elliott, 58, told jurors on Thursday he was on the board of Charlton's charitable trust when Rufus was invited to become an ambassador after he was forced into retirement in 2004 with a knee injury.
Out-thinking the market needs real brains, not the sort he has.
Black Refugee Murdered German Girl & Wounded Another [ 7 December 2022 ]
A teenager has been stabbed to death and her best friend left injured by a knifeman who ran at them from an asylum shelter during their walk to school in Germany.Emergency services raced to the town of Illerkirchberg on Monday where they found the two schoolgirls - aged 14 and 13 - seriously injured.
Police in the south-western city of Ulm - near Stuttgart and Munich - said paramedics resuscitated the older girl , named as Ece S., before she was taken to hospital after the attack, which happened at about 7.30am. The younger girl, named as Nerea M., remains in hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries, they added. Both victims had German citizenship.
A 27-year-old man was arrested inside a refugee shelter near the scene of the attack. The man, who was found with injuries and a knife, is of Eritrean origin, police said. Bild reported that he had fled the country and lived in the shelter. 'He has a residence permit and is entitled to stay here in Germany,' Ulm's police chief Bernhard Weber told the German publication. He was accommodated in the community center as part of the subsequent accommodation.'
Two other men were also detained.
The girls were walking through Illerkirchberg, home to around 4,700 people, to catch their bus to their secondary school in Ulm - around five miles to the north.
Third World parasites claim that they are victims then turn out to be vicious criminals. Notice the pictures showing them arriving; they are 90% men of fighting age. It seems that female relatives aren't victims. They stay behind. The German government has a Responsibility To Protect its people from thugs like this. It doesn't.
Black Murdered Black - Black Gets 26 Years [ 17 December 2022 ]
A teenage killer who stabbed a schoolboy to death in revenge after the victim mocked his gang in a drill rap was jailed for at least 26 years today.Carlton Tanueh, 19, chased promising lightweight boxer Tyler Hurley, 16, on to a bus in Dagenham, east London, to murder him in front of screaming children.
Tyler had uploaded a drill track to YouTube of him celebrating the stabbing of member of a the 'Dag 109' gang.
Tyler was stabbed to death with one of two Zombie knives Tanueh was carrying.
Tanueh denied murder, claiming he was on his way to buy a bagel and was carrying the knives in case he was attacked. But he was convicted by a jury at Southwark crown court who deliberated for only one hour.............
Judge Deborah Taylor sentenced Tanueh to life detention and ordered he serve at least 26 years before he can be considered for parole.
His Majesty's Government is importing Savages like this as a matter of Policy. Cheap labour for Capitalist Swine or Vote Rigging for Labour Party politicians? Vote for them? It only legitimizes them. The Mail is censoring comments, blocking Free Speech because the perpetrator is black.
Tupac Shakur's Father Gets Out After 40 Years - He Worked With The Weather Underground [ 19 December 2022 ]
The infamous stepdad of slain rapper Tupac Shakur has been released from prison after serving nearly 40 years in the 1981 Brinks armored-truck heist that left two Nyack cops and a security guard dead.Mutulu Shakur, a 72-year-old former Black Liberation Army member who is terminally ill, was granted release by the US Parole Commission while serving a 60-year sentence, reported. “The decision to grant parole is based on federal law guidelines for ‘old law’ prisoners, finding that Dr. Shakur poses no threat to the community,” reads a statement on, a website maintained by his supporters.
The statement claimed parole officials also took into account Shakur’s “exemplary conduct in prison, his medical condition and how much time he has served.” His pending release was revealed in court documents published last month.................
The immensely influential rap artist Tupac was killed in a 1996 drive-by shooting in Las Vegas.
Mutulu Skakur belonged to the radical group “The Family,” which was made up of members of the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground, and he helped pull off a dozen robberies between 1976 and 1981 before the deadly Brinks attack in Rockland County, lohud said.
During the Oct. 20, 1981, robbery, the violent crew shot and killed Brinks security guard Peter Paige and wounded his partner, Joseph Trombino, while stealing $1.6 million from the armored truck at the now-defunct Nanuet Mall. When the killers reached a roadblock on the New York State Thruway, they opened fire on cops, murdering Nyack Police Sgt. Edward O’Grady and Officer Waverly “Chipper” Brown. Trombino was later killed at the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack.
Mutulo Shakur, who was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List for years, fled the scene and remained a fugitive until federal agents tracked him down in California on Feb. 12, 1986.
Others involved in the Brinks robbery included Kathy Boudin, who served 22 years before being paroled in 2003. She died of cancer in May, lohud said.
They were deeply, sincerely vicious and nasty. The NY Post, splendid document as it is does not mention that the Weather Underground was driven by Jews full of hate.
Fun Fact: Only one of the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives on this day is a White Man; the rest are Third World parasites of one sort or another.
Black 10 Year Old Murdered His Mother Because He Wanted A Toy [ 29 December 2022 ]
A 10-year-old boy who is charged with fatally shooting his mother for refusing to buy him a VR headset seems more preoccupied with his gadgets than the murder as he faces trial, family members say.The Milwaukee boy is charged as an adult with first-degree reckless homicide in the November 21 killing of Quiana Mann, 44, who was shot in the face in their home.
The boy's aunt Rhonda Reid told WTMJ-TV on Tuesday that when she talks to him in custody, he claims not to remember the shooting and quickly shifts the conversation to his favorite topic. 'When he calls, he's just like, 'make sure all my tablets and laptop and everything of mine is properly packaged,'' Reid said.
Meanwhile, the boy's grandmother Lueritha Mann said she can't bring herself to speak to him, telling the outlet: 'I hope I do one day, but right now no. He took something very precious from me.'
America is what it is. Being infested by blacks makes matters worse; it get the crime rate up. Ditto for Jews but they damage civilization differently; they are paranoid, cunning driven by hate. One example is Sam Bankrupt-Fraud. NB his parents, Jews both are professors of law but he will claim ignorance of law and ethics.
Blacks Murdered 24 Plus White People In November [ 30 December 2022 ]
Apart from the usual toll of white women dying at the hands of their black significant others this month, we count two road-rage cases, one Drug Deal Gone Wrong and one possible home invasion. Plus one killing at a gas station—gas stations continue to be dangerous places in Black-Run America.It’s notable that Kevin Sobnosky, Anthony Vitelli, and Britney Bohannon seem to have been killed by blacks who weren’t even shooting at them, but just generally shooting..................
Arrested was Antonio Donde Tyson.
According to, ”In 1993, Tyson was sentenced to 40 years for Forcible Rape, 40 years for Armed Robbery, and 30 years for Aggravated Burglary, all to run concurrently” [Arrest made in Covington double killing; pastor and associate still listed as missing, by Kenny Kuhn,, November 28, 2022]. He served 30 years before being released [Man accused in Covington burned bodies case has violent criminal history, by Aubry Killion,, November 30, 2022].
See the mug shots of the "suspects" and know the guilt.November was different in Chicago; there the blacks concentrate on murdering each other. See the Sun-Times for the evidence. This November they achieved 56 known dead with 40 black and 10 white. They have 685 kills this year, down from 794 in 2021. Chicago has as many per annum as England.
Blacks Charged With Murdering An Englishman [ 3 January 2023 ]
Two men charged with the Boxing Day murder of footballer Cody Fisher have been remanded in custody after appearing at Birmingham Crown Court today.Suspects Kami Carpenter, 21, and Remy Gordon, 22, spoke only to confirm their personal details and enter not guilty pleas to a linked charge of affray.
The pair were not asked to enter a plea to a charge of murdering Cody Fisher - who was stabbed to death at the Crane nightclub in Digbeth. Following a four-minute hearing before two magistrates, Carpenter and Gordon were ordered to reappear before a judge at Birmingham Crown Court on Wednesday - a further hearing was set for January 30.
The case and several others was listed at Birmingham Crown Court because the nearby magistrates' court was closed.
The people, politicians and others who import vicious blacks like these are not charged with Genocide or anything else. They are above the law. The Mail is censoring all comments and Free Speech be damned. TPTB, they that control Her Majesty's Government made "Racism" into a crime using Part III of the Public Order Act 1986 in order to suppress honest comment as they push Ethnic Fouling In England.
Black Charged With Murdering A Black Woman [ 3 January 2023 ]
A 54-year-old man has been charged with the murder of a missing woman from south-east London.Maureen Gitau, 24, was reported missing by her family on Saturday December 10, having last been seen five days earlier on Monday December 5 as she left her home in Evelyn Street in Deptford, Lewisham. Her body has not been found.
Metropolitan Police said 54-year-old Mark Moodie of Nightingale Place has been charged with her murder. He will appear in custody at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
The Mail gives us a name but no mugshot but then they are evasive about black crime. It is why they are blocking comments. The Guardian will pretend it never happened because they are Racists but Anti-White Racists.
Black Murdered Two Days After Getting To Jamaica [ 5 January 2023 ]
The heartbroken mother of a British man shot dead in Jamaica told today how her son had travelled to the Caribbean island for the first time to meet family.Lesley Wright said her youngest son Sean Patterson, 33, had only been in the country for two days when he was murdered.
He lived with his fiancée in Hounslow and the couple were planning on marrying later this year. Speaking to MailOnline at her home in Shepherds Bush, West London, Mrs Wright, 63, said: 'I've lost my baby. No mother should have to bury her child...........
'Sean has family in Jamaica through his father. They are very well-to-do over there and he'd hoped to meet them. He never got the chance.'
The Mail claims that he was British then censors comments because he is black.
Mummy's darling isn't just stupid looking; he is a career criminal, which is likely why he got sorted out say Police In Jamaica
Police investigating the shooting death of a Briton [ sic ] in Jamaica on Monday say that his murder was a contract killing. Sean Patterson, 33, a personal trainer from West London, was visiting the Caribbean island on a short stay when he was chased by a gunman and shot several times...........The commissioner went on to say that the Londoner was well known to British police: 'From credible information received Sean Patterson was well known to the UK authorities and has an extensive criminal record for a number of criminal offences which includes narcotics violence and firearms.'
He and his were imported from the West Indies by Her Majesty's Government as a matter of Government Policy that was misguided at best but mainly treason in action.
Black Murdered By Four Other Blacks [ 11 January 2023 ]
A gang of killers hacked a rival to death with blades and celebrated the ‘ride out’ murder in a drill video, a court heard. Bubacar Jabbie Dukureh, 17, was attacked by five youths outside his home in Walthamstow, east London, on October 23, 2020. The victim was known as 'Buba' to his family and friends and was 17 at the time of his death.Samuel Bartley, Jamal Dakissaga-Benitez, Alfie Ferguson, all 19, and Kaiyan Decordova, 20, were convicted of murdering him earlier this year and handed life sentences.
A fifth gang member, now 17 but just 15 at the time, denied murder but was convicted by an Old Bailey jury today after 25 hours of deliberation.
One killer, Alfie Ferguson is English. The rest are at least second generation immigrants. The Mail is doing its usual trick, censoring comments because the perpetrators are Third World aliens.
Black Guardsman Convicted Of Selling Ammunition To A Police Spy [ 13 January 2023 ]
A former Coldstream Guard is facing a jail term for selling army ammunition to an underworld armourer.Rajon Graham, 34, was responsible for the ceremonial kit used by the elite regiment which protects the monarchy and parades with swords and bearskins at Wellington Barracks, near Buckingham Palace.
He sold 300 9mm bullets wrapped in Bacofoil bags for £5,800 and called them 'sweets,' Southwark Crown Court heard. Graham admitted four counts of selling or transferring ammunition. He was arrested along with Kirtland Gill, 42, who was the first black Regimental Sergeant Major in the elite unit.
Gill, a Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant in fact, beat the rap. His little mate should be going down. King Charles wanted blacks in the Guards. He got them. Then things happened. Exrivofrigido, posting with the Army Rumour Service says that RQMS Gill is all right. The Mail is censoring comments because he is black.
Black Thug Gets Life For GBH And Attempted Murder In Toxteth [ 13 January 2023 ]
A disturbing video shows the moments before a violent gunman shot an innocent teenage bystander in pursuit of a rival.Rio Jones, 19, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 16 and a half years on Tuesday at Liverpool Crown Court. He was found guilty of attempted murder after shooting the target, Shakur Watson, in March 2022, and guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent on the innocent 15-year-old bystander at a trial in October.
The innocent teenager's family said in a statement at the hearing that the schoolgirl had lost her independence following the shooting and that there wasn't an aspect of her life that hadn't been affected.
She was neck shot; this can be fatal. Her injuries were serious. Jones never learned how to use a pistol.Black Anti-Violence Worker Found Naked With A Gun, Drugs And $50K In Cash [ 14 January 2023 ]A pretty comprehensive fail. He has lotsa previous but the Judge gave him bail for $500. She is part of the problem.
Blacks Murdered 37 White People In December 2022 [ 16 January 2023 ]
Self-defense experts refer to parking lots as “transitional spaces,” which require special vigilance—you are going from a safe space in your apartment or work to a safe car, but in between you’re a potential target.Apartment parking lots seem to be dangerous no-go zones these days. In this month’s Death Of White America,
- 18-year-old Logan Lawson was fatally shot in an apartment parking lot.
- Ashley Nicole Chambers, 29, was fatally shot in the Meadow Run Apartments parking lot in Anderson, South Carolina.
- Ian Hagerty was fatally shot while attending a candlelight vigil for a young black man who had been shot while committing a home invasion.
Furthermore, Mark Pappacoda was killed in a New Haven liquor store parking lot, and a chivalrous Marine named Robert Sundin was killed trying to protect a white woman from a robber in the parking lot of a Vallejo restaurant.
Gas stations are also notorious as potentially dangerous transitional spaces—three deaths happened in gas stations this month. But the number of cases of domestic violence show, once again, that one of the most dangerous places for a white woman married to a black man may be her own living room.
You see some of the mug shots and just know they are guilty; that's before hearing the evidence. Also in December blacks lost 35 dead out of the 54 homicides in Chicago. They were very largely own goals, due to quarrels over drugs and women. Thinning out their own is not all loss. NB There are more victims and perpetrators at New Nation News.
Daughter Of Aristocracy Goes Missing With Black 'Lover' And Bastard [ 16 January 2023 ]
The aristocrat daughter of a former page to the Queen was a 'very talented' actress who 'could have gone very far', before becoming estranged from her wealthy family, a former classmate has said.Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, along with their newborn baby have been missing for ten days after they were seen abandoning their burning broken down car on foot, leaving the M61 near Bolton on January 5. Both the Met and Essex Police forces have joined Greater Manchester Police on their efforts after the couple were spotted in Harwich Port, Essex and later at East Ham Tube station in Newham, East London.
Officers are becoming increasingly concerned about the welfare of both the mother and baby, who have not been seen by medical staff since the birth.
But they are not concerned about the black. She hasn't been found dead in a ditch, not yet. He has not been charged with anything; not this time but see the face and know the verdict. The Mail is censoring comments because the presumptive murderer is black.
Black Full Of Drugs Died After Being Tasered In Los Angeles [ 20 January 2023 ]
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors' cousin was Tasered six times in seconds as other officers tried to pin and handcuff him on a CaliforniaOfficers from the Los Angeles
Police Departments discharged the taser multiple times on Keenan Darnell Anderson, 31, after he began acting erratically when he attempted to flee from police and resist arrest after a 'felony hit-and-run,' car crash on January 3.He was transported to a hospital where he suffered from a medical episode and died four-and-a-half hours later. His cause of death has not be established and a preliminary toxicology report found cocaine metabolite and cannabinoids in his system.
Now the LAPD's actions are the subject of an internal investigation as LAPD Chief Michel Moore said data from the Taser weapon showed there were six separate activations over 42 seconds.
The chief said that the first two activations of the Taser, which was fired from afar, 'weren’t effective' on Anderson and that the stun gun was then directly applied to the man’s skin four times over a period of 33 seconds, The Los Angeles Times reported.
Black crazy resists arrest. Black crazy comes unstuck. He could have just gone quietly then he wouldn't have got shot. NB this one is nothing to do with the MetBlack Stole $12 Million From A Black [ 29 January 2023 ]
Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt told reporters Friday that he is baffled over how $12.7 million of his money has gone missing from a local private investment firm that authorities are investigating as part of a massive fraud that began more than a decade ago. Bolt also said he has fired his business manager, adding that it was not an amicable split.When asked if he was 'broke,' the retired star athlete laughed. 'I'm not broke, but it´s definitely put a damper on me,' he said. 'It was for my future. Everybody knows I have three kids. I´m still looking out for my parents, and I still want to live very well.'
So he didn't put all of his eggs in one basket; that's something. Did he earn this money? Not really; he just had a face that fitted.Black Prosecutor Is Charged With Fraud [ 30 January 2023 ]
Former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s entire legal team has asked a federal judge to withdraw from representing the city’s top prosecutor. Attorney A. Scott Bolden, previously part of Mosby’s legal team, said that he is withdrawing from the case because of a contempt of court charge leveled against him during his work on the former prosecutor’s case, according to FOX 45.
The Wiki tells us that Mosby has been charged with fraud.
On January 13, 2022, Mosby was indicted by a federal grand jury on a perjury charge alleging she falsely claimed COVID-19-related financial hardship in requesting one-time withdrawals of $40,000 and $50,000 of her deferred compensation funds under the CARES Act, which describes specific criteria for qualifying withdrawals, such as a reduction of income due to a COVID-related layoff or due to quarantining, whereas she reportedly had continued to draw her full salary throughout the period, and her salary had actually increased.[67] She additionally was accused of making false statements in mortgage applications for her Florida home and condo by failing to disclose her federal tax liabilities.[67] There are four counts in the indictment.
Now her lawyers have pulled out. Has she been cheating? Pass. They are all supposed to be real grown ups and moderately intelligent. More diversity hires making a mess of things.Black Sued For £3 Million After He Got Wet Feet [ 31January 2023 ]
An ex-soldier has had his record £3m trench foot compensation claim against the MoD thrown out after a judge today found he was lying about the severity of his injuries.Brian Muyepa, 34, has been left facing £180,000 in lawyers' bills after falsely claiming severe 'non-freezing cold injuries' - more commonly known as trench foot - left him walking 'like a penguin.' He had insisted that his injury left him so disabled that he was reduced to shuffling about and relying on a walking stick or his wife to help him get around. But footage posted on Facebook, which showing him dancing to loud music at a barbecue and seemingly walking 'normally' at a friend's wedding party in Nottingham, raised doubts about the credibility of his claim.
Now Mr Justice Cotter, at London's High Court, has thrown out his claim and handed him a £180,000 legal costs bill after finding him guilty of 'fundamental dishonesty' for 'hugely exaggerating' his injuries.
So Judges do get it right from time to time. This one might even have served and known what the score is. This case took 12 days to sort. There is something badly wrong with a system that lets lawyers drag things out like that. Muyepa is a liar from Malawi. The case is written up at Muyepa v Ministry of Defence [2022]
Black Rapist Claimed That The Evidence Was Witchcraft [ 6 February 2023 ]
A man who claimed evidence that linked him to the rape of a teenage girl was witchcraft has been jailed.Demba Embalo [ ex Congo? - Editor ], 21, attacked the teenager at his Peterborough home in 2019. Despite the girl repeatedly telling him no, Embalo raped her in his bedroom. Later that year, the girl revealed what had happened and Embalo was arrested on November 5.
His DNA was taken and linked him beyond doubt to the crime, according to Cambridgeshire Constabulary. However, Embalo pleaded not guilty and claimed the evidence which linked him to the offence was witchcraft. During his trial at Huntingdon Law Courts, Embalo changed his plea to guilty on October 18 2021. On January 27, he as sentenced at the same court.
Embalo was handed a prison sentence of three years and eight months, plus a ten-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SOPO).
He got off lightly but then he was imported due to Government Policy & with Malice Aforethought by a government of traitors. The Mail is censoring comments again. You might feel that it is colluding in the flood of Illegal Immigrants, that are part of the Great Replacement, which is to say Genocide, a crime against International Law.
Black Murdered In London [ 5 February 2023 ]
Police have released a photograph of an aspiring rapper who was shot dead as he arrived home in west London on January 26.Fernando Johnson, 23, was hit once has he stepped out of his BMW X-series on Rosebank Way, Acton at 2.15am. Witnesses said he was 'set upon by two men'. Mr Johnson, who was known by his stage name, Fdot, was described by family as 'such a lovely man' who was 'going to be a big name'. A post-mortem examination found that Mr Johnson died of a gunshot wound.
The Met Police arrested one man in his 20s on suspicion of Mr Johnson's murder on January 28. He was later released on bail.
Who needs friends like his. Notice that it was a one shot kill. Someone out there knows how to aim a weapon. But he is likely to be black just the same.
Blacks Are Murdering More In America - 18 Percent Higher [ 7 February 2023 ]
Murder is increasingly becoming a black thing in the United States. From the Patterns in Humanity Substack:Quantifying Racial Disparities in Homicide Perpetration
Inquisitive Bird
Oct 16, 2022
The FBI keeps track of homicide statistics, including the race of victims and offenders. However, a substantial number of homicides have unknown offenders. Herein I develop a method that combines CDC victimization data and FBI perpetrator data to produce more reliable homicide perpetration statistics. The analysis provides clues about the distribution of the unknown perpetrators..........The black line is @Scientific_Bird’s estimate, using both FBI (blue line) and CDC data (red line), of the black share of all homicide offenders. The black share has gotten considerably worse from the early 1980s, when the black share of murder offenders was in the upper 40s, to the “racial reckoning” year of 2020, when it reached almost 65%.
After the relative peace of the Cosby Era (Reagan’s first term) came crack. After the crack wars were over, the black share settled down to the lower 50s. During the Great Recession, Hispanic homicidality declined (for reasons little explored), driving up the black share. Then came the Ferguson Effect and finally the spectacular Floyd Effect in 2020.
Mr Sailer does not mention the Mainstream Media efforts to incite Black Hatred; very effective they are too. NB Chicago achieved 692 murders last year - see 526 losers were black, very largely own goals. Arguments about drugs and women are the main causes.
Blacks Murdered 35 White People In January [ 12 February 2023 ]
January saw the usual relentless toll of white women murdered by black Significant Others, plus armed robberies, drug deals and a few utterly random killings. We count three deaths through home invasions and 3 to 5 killers with African immigrant names (Regime Media repression of immigrant crime is even more intense that of race.) We found just four white-on-black homicides, none of them murders [ therefor self-defence - Editor ].
Chicago has had 54 murders this year. Only 33 are black, largely own goals. The causes? Try drug wars and women.
Blacks Are Organjackers - Allegedly [ 22 February 2023 ]
A Nigerian trader allegedly trafficked into the UK for organ harvesting by a wealthy politician pleaded with police officers to save his life, a court heard today. The 21-year-old, of Lagos, is alleged to have been the victim of a plot to harvest his kidney and had been sleeping rough for three nights before turning up at Staines Police Station begging for help............Jurors were also shown a photograph of the man smiling and sharing a meal with the alleged prospective recipient, Sonia Ekweremadu, the 25-year-old daughter of senior Nigerian politician Ike Ekweremadu. Mr. Ekweremadu, 60, his wife Beatrice, 56, daughter Sonia and medical 'middleman' Obinna Obeta, 50, stand accused of conspiring to arrange or facilitate the travel of the young man to Britain with a view to his exploitation.
Nigeria is at least as corrupt as the Ukraine.
Black Murdered Another Black After Labour Politicians Blocked His Deportation [ 27 February 2023 ]
A Jamaican criminal who avoided deportation following legal challenges backed by Labour MPs and a host of celebrities went on to commit murder, the Daily Mail can reveal. Ernesto Elliott was due to be aboard a Home Office charter flight in December 2020, but dodged efforts to remove him thanks to last-minute human rights appeals.But in June 2021 – six months after he was supposed to have been removed from Britain – Elliott murdered a 35-year-old man in a horrific knife fight. Elliott was last month jailed for at least 26 years for murder, it can be disclosed today.......... It was a crime that would never have taken place if Elliott, now 45, had been sent back to his birth country.
Last night Priti Patel, who oversaw the attempt to remove Elliott when she was in charge of the Home Office, said the case showed why it was crucial to defy ‘do-gooders’ who try to block deportations.
Elliott was due to be on the chartered Boeing 757 on December 2, 2020, after being convicted of knife crime, police sources said. But he and 22 other serious criminals submitted last-minute appeals – including human rights claims – which led to them avoiding deportation to Jamaica.
The 23 criminals had been sentenced to a combined 156 years in jail. Their appeals came just days after 60 celebrities, authors and other public figures signed an open letter opposing the flight.
They included supermodel Naomi Campbell, Line of Duty star Thandiwe Newton, James Bond actress Naomie Harris and historian David Olusoga. A host of Labour MPs also added their signatures. Keeping him in jail will cost the taxpayer more than £1.3 million at current rates.
Various do gooders mean well; at all events that is what they say. But they are guilty of Pathological Altruism. Be aware that in Jamaica where they understand their own they hang murderers; it works every time. They are not sentimental fools. Elliot is vicious and stupid. Albeit killing the other one made England a better place.
Arrogant Black Thug Gets 21 Years For Murder [ 1 April 2023 ]
We need the gallows. See the face, know the guilt then ask about the Traitors who imported him.
'Lord' Patten's Son In Law Charged With Shotgun Misuse
The son-in-law of Lord Patten of Barnes is facing a trial in two months' time over claims he was involved in a shooting.Former florist Elton Charles, 50 – who is married to Laura, 48, the daughter of Hong Kong's last governor – and three other men are charged in connection with the discharge of a firearm.................
All four deny conspiracy to possess a shotgun firearm with 'intent to endanger life' as well as conspiracy to 'possess a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence'.
You might wonder why she married the black. She looks far too nice. Will the Mail tell us what these twerps were up to?
Black Lance Sergeant Gets Three Years For Selling Ammunition To The Police [ 8 April 2023 ]
A former Coldstream Guard who sold army ammunition to an undercover detective posing as an arms dealer has been jailed for three years.Rajon Graham, 34, a lance sergeant in the 1st Battalion of the Coldstream Guards, sold 300 9mm bullets for £5,800 to an undercover officer posing as a major arms dealer, Southwark Crown Court heard today.
His mate, Kirtland Gill also black beat the rap.
Gobby Black Chancer Comes Unstuck [ 12 April 2023 ]
Shocking video footage has revealed the moment a Target security guard punched a woman in the face after she demanded her $1,000 grocery bill be paid by the store in 'reparations'.Security staff member Zach Cotter, 28, was caught on camera hitting Karen Ivery, 37, at Target in Blue Ash, Hamilton County, Ohio, in October last year after she grew 'aggressive' with a manager...........
Mr Cotter claims he was acting in self defense, and told officers after the incident that she 'charged' at him. She was later arrested for Menacing and Disorderly Conduct.
A police report seen by said: 'Ivery was very argumentative and confrontational about the whole incident. She was confrontational with officers on scene and didn't want to explain her actions that evening.'
Another black, another fool trying it on. She swallowed the Propaganda lies told by the Mainstream Media. She was stupid enough to think the shop people were also ignorant fools. The Mail is censoring comments because she is a black.
Black Criminology Professor At Florida State University Goes Into Hiding After Data Fraud [ 15 April 2023 ]
A criminology professor at Florida State University suddenly left his $190,000-a-year position after being accused of fudging data to make racism seem more common.Eric Stewart has had six of his studies - one of which dates as far back as 2006 - retracted amid allegations that he fabricated data by altering sample sizes.............
Since last month, the professor has been absent, perhaps marking the end of his 16-year career at the school and a years-long investigation into his academic malpractice, the Florida Standard reported.
In 2011 Stewart co-authored a study that claimed to demonstrate that as black and Hispanic populations grew, the public increasingly demanded longer sentences for black and Hispanic criminals. Stewart had a $190,000-a-year position at FSU but disappeared unexpectedly last month after working there for 16 years, it was reported.............
Stewart was eventually called out by a peer, Justin Pickett, another criminologist at the University of Albany with whom he had co-authored that paper. Pickett notes that the original, untampered data, showed that there was no relationship between the growth of minority groups and the severity of criminal sentences handed to them.
So another black Racist gets exposed. The Mail is not very specific about the issue and it is censoring comments because the perpetrator is a Third World parasite. The Guardian is different; it hides the truth because it is also run by racists, Anti-White Racists. NB The black was exposed by one of his own.
Blacks Murdered Four At Sweet 16 Birthday Party In Alabama [ 26 April 2023 ]
At least 89 shots were fired during the shooting at an Alabama Sweet Sixteen party that left four people dead and dozens more wounded, an investigator revealed Tuesday.Special agent Jess Thornton recounted the horrifying scene during a court hearing to determine if the three adults charged in the brazen April 15 carnage should be held in jail without bail.
Thornton testified 89 bullet casings were found at the birthday party – crammed with 50 to 60 people – that took place at a dance studio just off the town square in Dadeville earlier this month........
Thornton said at least seven guns have been tied to the shooting, WBMA reported.............
The three adults charged in the killings are Wilson LaMar Hill Jr., 20, of Auburn; Johnny Letron Brown, 20, of Tuskegee; and Willie George Brown Jr., 19, also of Auburn.
Yes, of course they were all black. At least seven were armed.
Ugly Black Thugs Murdered An Englishman [ 5 May 2023 ]
A pair of drunken thugs who murdered a Good Samaritan who tried to stop them attacking a teenage girl have been jailed for life.Reece Radford, 26, was kicked and stabbed to death after he came to the aid of a 17-year-old girl who was been attacked by Dereck Owusu at a bus stop in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
Owusu, 40, and his friend Louis James, 47, who was carrying a knife, the attacked Reece, who had a seven-month-old daughter, kicking him a number of times before James fatally stabbed him through the chest..................
'Reece Radford was unarmed and his actions never suggested he was about to produce a weapon.'
See the faces to know the evil and the stupidity. They had what it took to be slaves, picking cotton or whatever. They would have needed a good overseer with a whip.But they were parasites imported by Her Majesty's Government with Malice Aforethought. Will His Majesty's Government have the decency to export them to the Hellholes they helped create? NO! Hanging would make a lot of sense; it's quicker, cheaper and 100% effective.
Blacks Argue, One Is Murdered In New York [ 8 May 2023 ]
A Brooklyn grandma was allegedly killed Sunday by her berserk boyfriend, who then warned her terrified daughter, “I just shot your mother, and now I’m going to shoot everyone in the house,’’ cops and locals said.The man is suspected of repeatedly shooting his 49-year-old girlfriend and then engaging in a tense two-hour standoff with SWAT teams — before being nabbed hiding in a crawl space under the Brownsville home’s garden, police and witnesses said.........
She was from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, while her boyfriend was from Jamaica, said Linford McKinzie, 62, who lives across the street.
Why does Biden import even more blacks? You might have thought America has too many already. Causing problems, e.g. Ethnic Fouling In America is Government Policy. Their attitude? Get Used To It Suckers, you are screwed.
Ugly Black Drug Dealer Pardoned By Obama Failed To Murder Three People [ 22 May 2023 ]
A former [ sic ] crack cocaine dealer — whose sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama — is back behind bars for allegedly shooting a car passenger on an Illinois highway, police said.Alton Mills, 54, who was granted clemency eight years ago, was booked on three attempted murder charges over the shooting that left the victim critically injured, the Illinois State Police announced.
Mills, while inside a car, is accused of firing “multiple shots” at another vehicle on an Interstate 57 ramp Sunday in Posen, a village roughly 30 miles south of Chicago..............
The then-25-year-old Mills had two previous convictions of possession of fewer than five grams of crack cocaine, prompting prosecutors to file a sentence enhancement to lock him in prison without the possibility of parole, according to a previous news release from the Pritzker School of Law at Northwestern University.
Another black who can't shoot straight.
Black Rapist Gets 12 Years [ 22 May 2023 ]
The crooks that imported him are laughing up their sleeves as they walk free.
Black Thief Gets Seven Years For Stealing £4 Million [ 24 May 2023 ]
A serial fraudster who scammed more than 40 victims to fund his luxury lifestyle and Lamborghini Aventador has been jailed. Jonathan Allard, 39, played a key role in the £4 million investment scam before he was arrested at a London airport in November 2016 following an investigation.Detectives from the Met’s Specialist Economic Crime Team searched his West London home and seized items including 13 luxury watches and jewellery worth in the region of £340,000. They also discovered instructions to investment sales staff and draft correspondence to be sent out to victims of the scam.
The investigation began in 2016 with officers conducting enquiries in Hong Kong and Dubai, with numerous victims contacted along with hours of work analysing bank accounts and following the money trail.
£7 million after doing 4 years sounds like a good pay off IF he manages to keep
Black Crook Did Driving Theory Test For Others [ 27 May 2023 ]
He got off with 24 weeks. His customers were black too but they seem to be getting away with it.
Black On Trial For Murder Of 14 Year Old Girl [ 8 March 2024 ]
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Testimony Wednesday was all about DNA evidence in the cold case murder trial of Timothy Williams, who is accused of killing a 14-year-old girl on Thanksgiving in 1984............On Thanksgiving night in 1984, Wendy Jerome went to deliver a birthday card to a friend, but she never made it back to her Denver Street home. Her body was found that night outside school 33 on Webster Avenue. Police say Jerome had been brutally and violently assaulted, with her throat slashed and her teeth knocked out.
Williams had been questioned at the time of the murder, but he was not charged in the 1980s, or the 1990s, or the 2000s, or even the 2010s, due to a lack of evidence.
The jury Wednesday heard how the forensic technology available at the Monroe County crime lab changed over the years. And as it did, DNA samples for cold cases like this one were occasionally retested. The jury heard in great detail how they look at hairs, blood and semen stains to collect data, and then how they vet that data.......
The final witness for the prosecution will testify Thursday morning. After that, the defense has a chance to call their witnesses. Prosecutors say they’re hoping for closing arguments to begin Thursday.
The Legacy Media are keen on ignoring this one because the perpetrator is yet another black - see Uncensored Testimony in cold case murder trial Wednesday focuses on DNA evidence.
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Updated on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 10:26:13